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/fa/ - Fashion

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9181363 No.9181363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you will never be a socialite

>> No.9181368

>being 4'11

>> No.9181385

Actually, I've gotten this feel too. I'll probably never have my own Wikipedia article saying that I'm a socialite.

>> No.9181402

>tfw small, receded jaw and chin

>> No.9181405

ouch iktfb. just try not to mouthbreathe and get braces

>> No.9181406

>you'll never attend parties with significant people every week
>you'll never be a mediocre looking and be a model just because of your connections
>you'll never be rich enough to wear whatever you want

>> No.9181417

Daily reminder that your face is ruined because of your environment

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY3bIMRKil8 [Embed] [Embed]

-Humans very recently have been eating a soft low volume diet, which means less use of jaw muscles and weaker jaw muscles
-Humans very recently have been weaned off breastfeeding early, so have developed improper swallowing patterns and tongue positions
-Humans very recently have had a rise in allergies, which has led to mouth-breathing and lowered tongue position
-Human bones are very malleable, force from facial muscles and the tongue alter the shape of the bones
-All of these factors combined have led to poor form and function of the face:
-- ugly, downward growth
-- a lack of horizontal growth
-- short, receding chins
-- narrow palates
-- crowded, poorly aligned teeth
-- recessed, elongated midfaces with poor cheekbones
-- less room for the tongue, leading to snoring, sleep apnoea, general breathing problems
-- etc.
The best way to try to fix these problems if you are already affected is to ensure that the teeth are together, the lips are together and the tongue is on the roof of the mouth, as well as chewing a lot of tough foods.

>> No.9181423

for u >>9181402

>> No.9181436

>tfw pill head.

>> No.9181464
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>you will never enjoy the finest that life has to offer
>why live

One day, I will join the ranks of the rich and beautiful. One day.

>> No.9181475

>One day, I will join the ranks of the rich and beautiful. One day.
only when youre old and worn out and it doesnt matter anymore

>you will never grow up living the life

>> No.9181481

step one: stop shitposting

>> No.9181494

>tfw bachelors degree in modelling
>tfw ugly as Sartre

>> No.9181500
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>he goes to college for modeling

>> No.9181507

>splotchy grey/white everywhere
>allergic to dyes

I'd rather be bald, but that razor burn. fucking hell.

>> No.9181562

>bachelors degree in modeling
Do you realize how retarded that sounds?

>> No.9181567
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This bothers me a lot. I don't want to slave away at a desk job, buy a midrange car, take out a mortgage on a house in the suburbs, grow old, and die like the countless millions before me.

But it motivates me to work harder. I'll get there one day.

You're right.

>> No.9181575


>>tfw everything comes out of my mouth the wrong way
>>tfw everyone probably thinks I'm arrogant and hates me
>>tfw no idea how to verbally express anything

>> No.9181613

I hate hand washing my clothing but it feels rewarding and I further appreciate my garmets.
A true /fa/ feel.

>> No.9181616

Read "How to Win Friends and Influence People".

>> No.9181669

>tfw i'll never fill my mouth with muddle cock

>> No.9181688

How did you escape from North Korea ?

>> No.9181760

not user?

>> No.9181763

danny devito?

>> No.9181774
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>> No.9181784
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>qt who always dresses well and looks nice that you've talked to a few times invites you over to her house to "hang out with her and a group of mostly female friends and work together on an individual project"
>feel depressed on the day you're supposed to go, don't really want to go out, and know you won't get any work done if there's a bunch of people there messing around
>don't go
>she texts me asking why you didn't show up
>stare at the screen for a few minutes and don't know what to say


>> No.9181798

"my grandma died"

>> No.9181803

just hang yourself with the fake designers you bought you autistic beta pleb

>> No.9181977

">feel depressed on the day you're supposed to go, don't really want to go out, and know you won't get any work done if there's a bunch of people there messing around"

write this

>> No.9182097

Will it give me +3 Charisma??

>> No.9182141

ayy lmao

>> No.9182149


Great book actually recommend

>> No.9182163


>> No.9182199

none of these things will affect you lol

>> No.9182211

So did you go to tropfest Genghis?

>> No.9182218

>The best way to try to fix these problems if you are already affected is to ensure that the teeth are together

your teeth shouldn't be touching when your mouth is closed/resting

>> No.9182227

>done growing

>> No.9182280

whats tropfest? i haven't been frequenting this board for a long time so idk what that is

>> No.9182282

its ok m8 its really not so bad, find a short girl

>> No.9182439
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>I just wanna stay friends

>> No.9182444

it's the world's largest short film festival

started yesterday i think in sydney

>> No.9182452
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>5.5" dink

>> No.9182469

sounds cool, its coming to NY in June so I might check it out then actually

nice trips

>> No.9182484

>tfw u will never overcome your crippling depression you've felt since primary school
>tfw u never had a fulfilling family life
>tfw u know ull kill urself, just dont know when

>> No.9182485
File: 176 KB, 680x750, le african feels man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel well, bruv.

>> No.9182500

please don't dude

it all gets better

when Im depressed I find sitting in central park for a while makes me feel better

>> No.9182504

Seek therapy/professional help if you have not already done so.


unrelated but do you/anybody happen to know any good movies/songs/books?

>> No.9182534

>tfw five pounds away from the boundary line between "normal" and "under" weight
>tfw 90 extra grams of legal amphetamines because i filled my scrip late
>don't know when i'll take them, but know i will
>don't know when i'll feel thin enough, and don't know if i ever will
>made dinner after working all day
>urge to throw out half of it

im definitely not back on the road to anorexia or anything

>> No.9182544

what are you looking for particularly? three colors series is great


>> No.9182584

stay strong

>> No.9182597

Anything interesting. Trying to culture myself a bit.

And thanks, will look into those Three Colors movies; sounds like an interesting premise.

>> No.9182620

>Trying to culture myself a bit
dont do this lol

just go on /lit/ and /tv/ and look around for stuff that interests you

but yeah check out that trilogy its really good

>> No.9182903
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>found my grail for great price
>two sizes too big
I'm seriously about to cry

>> No.9182937

This. Be honest.

>> No.9182945


Just trying to find stuff I like (or at least a better hobby than 4chan). Sorry if I worded that weirdly.

And thanks man. I was checking out /mu/ the other day and just playing random songs on there, found a few bands I like :)

>> No.9182962

buy it and take it to a tailor
easy peasy
ive done this so much with XL rick leathers that ive copped for 1/7 of retail via ebay lmao

unless its shoes then sorry bruh

>> No.9182986

>tfw suicidal thoughts every day

>tfw looking at self harm pictures like pornography without masturbating
>tfw scars make me look like a maniac

>tfw social anxiety

>tfw misophonia has turned me into a rude, irritable cunt

>talking to someone I met through a mental health organisation
>they're pretty reserved in person but incredibly kind talking online
>tfw they're going through the same shit as me and I might have to watch them slowly kill themselves despite my best efforts and loyalty

>tfw I have to walk past the park every day where I last saw a girl that's on the other side of the world now
>tfw i'm still in love with her

>> No.9183005


just get good at foreplay/head, girls don't give a fuq about the size of ur dick if you're good at that shit

>> No.9183009

stay strong man. I know it's hard. I think about doing it for hours everyday but I just take it day by day now and it has made it a lot easier

>> No.9183012

>>tfw suicidal thoughts every day
>>tfw social anxiety


embrace it

thats why i spend all my money of black four figure designer garments and cigarettes no therapy like retail therapy

rest of ur post is lame tho

>> No.9183017

dude u gotta go see a psychologist or something, they'll help with the social anxiety at the very least

>> No.9183029

I have done.
despite common belief, professionals are pretentious clinicians with no empathy and no desire to help. they're not volunteers yknow. all I got was a prozac prescription that hasn't made any difference even after 6 months use and an increased dose.
"get help" is so much easier said than done

>> No.9183056

>tfw addicted to coffee
>tfw ran out
>tfw can't even afford any cause I spent all my money on sick cops
>suffering from coffee withdrawal.


>> No.9183060

>furries got gassed today
>feel guilty about enjoying this fact

>> No.9183062

I only say this because I sought help when in a similar (but not as dire) position to you, and it really helped me work through my issues, and gave me ways to deal with stuff in the future. Maybe mental health care is different where you live (I'm from Aus).
I honestly do hope you work through your issues though.

>> No.9183068

Do you feel like that has made it worse? I have OCD and have been dealing with depression for > 8 years but I've heard so many nightmarish stories about it getting even worse once people go on meds that I've always pussied out every time I've set an appointment with a professional.

>> No.9183084

holy fuck those are some heavy feels

>> No.9183099

>I got was a prozac prescription
Because you went to a psychiatrist and not a psychologist.
You do seem to focus on the negatives a lot.
It's like a never-ending cycle of defeatism.

>> No.9183126

>shit at major Im doing

>> No.9183139

& what major might that be?

>> No.9183146

women studies

>> No.9183161

>tfw depressed since middle school
>tfw wasted nearly all of my teenage years being stressed af because of OCD and worrying constantly about school.
>tfw realized 7 months ago that I hate myself and who I'm becoming
>trying to change and find hobbies and interests and stop wasting my life
>transferred schools this year and haven't made any friends
>found out this year I'm graduating 3 semesters early
>2 semesters left
>still a virgin
>never been to a party
>insecure as fuck
>terrified of the real world and it's coming at me way faster than I'm ready for
>I'm scared

>> No.9183173
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>tfw the Chinese have ruined fashion and forced everything to be commercial
>tfw they buy $5000 mismatched fits because their fathers own a rice factory and live as peasants while feeding money to their children
>tfw Chinese are like consumerist apes - can't think or operate properly in society, seemingly drift around confused 24/7
>tfw they invade countries and cultures under the guise of immigration
>tfw the fashion industry continues to pander to these people because they have the money
>tfw high-fashion brands like Balenciaga now make generic Asian hood-rat sneakers
>tfw fashion is now about the Asian money and there is nothing you can do about it

>> No.9183178

I'm right on the verge of suicide. I just can't be bothered anymore I'm tired. Cried every tear years ago. Don't feel sad angry or anything just empty

I really wanna kill myself before christmas but it's hard

>> No.9183184

Why waste the life you have left?

>> No.9183186

Because you only die twice

>> No.9183191

You can do it man. Just nut up and talk to someone in your classes. And just crash a party, if its reasonably sized no one will give a fuck

>> No.9183229

>Just nut up
>saying this to a depressed person
top fucking kek

>> No.9183297

But u can still egalite and fraternite anon!!!

>> No.9183319

>chubby cheeks no matter how much weight I lose
>giant baby eyes
>ash blonde hair

why even be alive?

>> No.9183321

I keep giving myself deadlines to kill myself and I keep pussing out at the last minute. Fuck cutting, fuck overdosing: next year I'm buying a gun.

>> No.9183339

>But it motivates me to work harder.

right into their fucking trap

>> No.9183346

to make your ex jealous and regretful she broke up with you ;)


>> No.9183348

>aspires to a vapid idealized 'rich-guy' existence
>is currently shit-posting on /fa/

Makes sense.

>> No.9183350
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any1 want to be friends?

>> No.9183352

underrated post

>> No.9183357 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 862x582, 1417195490279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw kikes run the world
>tfw central banks, federal reserve, ADL, hollywood, IMF, MIC, corrupt government, bestiality, pornography, pedophilia are all controlled and perpeuated by zionist jews
>tfw we're currently living in the rothschilds dynasty
>tfw most of you are so stupid you'll go through your life never knowing the reality of the world
>tfw you're good goyim, useless, sedentary, weak and stupid
>tfw you're all contributing to the genocide of the white race
>tfw theres niggers on this board who think they arent subhuman

its tough

>> No.9183375


I cant relate to its fullest though, because I'm central Asian, and I would slaughter and ride whites and everyone else not of my culture and nation into degeneracy just like kikes if I had the power

It's ok though, whites would (and historically did) do the same

We still can unite against kikes however, and then have a fair brawl for world dominance ;)

>> No.9183378
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>spend hundreds of dollars on clothes
>couple 100+ dollar pants
>don't even go out
>don't have a gf
>don't even have friends

>> No.9183381
File: 1.54 MB, 1030x1252, ifOnlyInchLonger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9183383

but dont you feel better in cool clothes? I am in same situation, and it just feels better. whatever happens, I have my clothes to lie on bed and cry in :)

>> No.9183393

Not that guy but same have same shit. Yes I feel alot better about myself when wearing nice clothes :)

>> No.9183395

>realize you have no friends
>realize youre ugly and short
>realize youre not good at anything and arent that smart
>realize that you have a boring personality because your personal worth is near zero and you have experienced nothing
>never had gf
>20 years old
I just want to kill myself but I dont want my mom to experience me dying before she does and she's just 40 ;_;

>> No.9183396


>> No.9183399
File: 14 KB, 235x220, 1982142_815036225221597_8298038147745135698_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get good job
>more happy weeks
>less shitty depressed weeks
>feeling more confident
>starting to appreciate my friends more
>started wearing glasses actually look kinda handsome
>getting a few decent /fa/ cops
>going on family trip to /fa/ city for new years
>visiting some sick art galleries
>gonna do some shopping
>apc store, acne, the list could go on
>pretty sure new girl in our group is mirin me sometimes
>moving to canada in a year
>mfw maybe gonna make it

/fa/ i will never forget you

>> No.9183403
File: 38 KB, 439x646, ebd1609d-57ed-4984-b0e1-a1dda0975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or become the short girl.

>> No.9183408

what country you live in OP?

why do you have to go somewhere to shop?

why dont you just order online?

>> No.9183411
File: 3 KB, 124x121, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw almost have a gf

we met up yesterday
almost had my hand in her panties
she wanna go out this weekend
i think this is the one i want to lose my v card with
or that 10/10 japanese escort half an hour away from my house
havent decided yet

>> No.9183421

I do order stuff online sometimes and most of the stores nearby are mall-tier shit or #menswear, there's like one or two decent shops and they don't have a great range

going on holiday with fam anyway figured I'd do some shopping while I'm there since there's heaps of decent stores

>> No.9183423

>tfw high fashion stores like Yohji and shit in my city
>tfw that part of the city is stacked as fuck and they know if you have money or not just by looking at you
>tfw too poor to even browse

>> No.9183425

Get a job?

>> No.9183432

the store employees aren't even rich otherwise they wouldn't work in a fucking clothes store

i doubt even yohji himself would give a shit that poor people are browsing through his clothes in fact I imagine he'd probably welcome you in to look at them

>> No.9183436

>giving a fuck about other people

lmao u cant be serious

>> No.9183438

Im 20 and never had a job ever, Im considering suicide

nah man the social anxiety of being there kills me
I feel like Im not welcomed

>> No.9183453

> the store employees aren't even rich otherwise they wouldn't work in a fucking clothes store

baffles me why the fuck they act like hard cunts, even though I never had such experience

but yeah, just remember that they are fucking scum, working in lowest retail positions possible, they are fucking servants, like retail versions of waiters

>> No.9183455


>> No.9183473


>> No.9183492

>tfw sports has become your method of escapism
>lifting, sprinting, cycling and acrobatics are your only real pleasures in life
>the gym is your comfort zone
>you use it as an excuse not to pursue women or get a decent job

>that fucking feel when people admire you for your athletic achievements, but they don't know what is really happening with me

"Healthy" lifestyle my ass
in the end I'm just another endorphin junkie


>> No.9183496

>and die like the countless millions before me.
Death makes us all even, so don't be such a whining pussy.

When the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box.

>> No.9183501

they aren't scum they are just normal people working jesus get off 4chan

>> No.9183510

I'm pretty sure they're scum.

>> No.9183513

>almost had my hand in her panties
how do you almost put your hand in her panties?
either you didn't try to, or you did and she rejected you

there's no "almost

>> No.9183517

this so much

>> No.9183521

It's hard to be a socialite when you're a racist.

>> No.9183646

>still living with parents

>> No.9183655



>> No.9183670

because psychiatrist is not supposed to be a therapist, at least where I live it's uncommon. Go to a real therapist, psychologist I mean.
weekly sessions + meds and my life is significantly better now

>> No.9183675

this is me a year ago, beside not having any opportunity to party
Have you been to a therapist? Seriously, it helped me a lot.

>> No.9183687

I never really understood the thing about living with parents, does it have to do with culture? Is there some negative connotation affixed to living with your parents?

What if someone likes living with their parents even though they are financially capable?

What if it's the other way around? What if even though you live with my parents, but it's actually your house and they are the ones living with you?

>> No.9183688

thanks for this video anon

>> No.9183693


live with your* parents, sorry

>> No.9183702


>not a virgin
>living with gf


>> No.9183729

ye, american shit mostly

>> No.9183731

>not a virgin
>no gf, but would like to live with one

I still have one more year
and nine more inches

>> No.9183745


Do not have that feel, as despite growing up poor, I made something of myself and can afford much more than I can ever hope to spend. I probably have shit-tier taste, though.


>tfw 5'10 and 205 pounds
>want to be more effay but cannot stop lifting
>fa/fit crossover problems

>> No.9183771

How can I meet girls?

Seriously, /fa/. I just suck at this shit. I thought going to college would open my opportunities up completely, but I really haven't made any new friends. I'm going to actually move to another city since I'll be moving out next year, but I feel like I'm missing out on life as a result. I mean, I like to think I'm a pretty down-to-earth guy and easy to talk to once we know each other a bit better, but I really don't know how to meet new people, much less qt grills

>tfw 20 year old on my way to wizard status

>> No.9183777

>not a virgin, made a sexing's many times
>living on my own, girls come over sometimes to play mario kart


>> No.9183785

>you will never get the courage to finally kill yourself

>> No.9183788

>lost virginity with the bearded woman from my freakshow cast
>have my own shack, the marvelous marvin and the contortionist come over sometimes to play poker


>> No.9183824
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fuck, damn.

>> No.9183836

>She liked me too all these years

>> No.9183837

>Will never go to a underground techno club to dance and meet weird fa people

>> No.9183841


>> No.9183845


>> No.9183853

>alternate between black skinnies and slim black jeans every day
>have no desire to wear any other pants

>> No.9183864


Iook stupid as fuck because I have a big build and then my head is like really tiny

>> No.9183872

Thanks for making me feel even Whittier about my smallface

>> No.9183876

>tfw wake up in bed with an absolutely adorable girl in your arms
>tfw she pushes her head into your chest
>tfw she rubs her bare, sweaty legs against yours under the blanket

haven't had much female lovin for a while, so damn that felt good. too bad she has a boyfriend though :/

>> No.9183878


>> No.9183883


>> No.9183887

I feel this.

I would be a lot more suicidal if it wouldn't destroy my parents.

>> No.9183892

I thought this was gonna have a twist bad ending

Good on you friend.

>> No.9183898

Steroids is next

>> No.9183901

I think people just value self sufficiency.

I rent an apartment in the summer and work and then live in campus during school
Just so I can be independent, it's just blind pride.

>> No.9183907


True, I understand that, which is good too. I only raised the query because there does not, at least to me, appear to be conflict between self sufficiency and living with parents.

At the same time, living by yourself is pretty chill though.

>> No.9183914
File: 22 KB, 500x381, 1367143125247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought Outlier Slims in a 32, really good fit, but too tight in the waist
>exchange them for a 34
>don't like the fit

I want to take them to a tailor but I don't know how they'd get the same fit. I could give them the measurements of the 32s but i'm still scared they'll fuck it up
what do

>> No.9183916

social/general anxiety
nervous all the time feels so bad
finally get job after not working 3 years
16hours/week at Target stocking shelves.
so easy, still so stressed being around people.
think i'll never be able to work a real job with responsibility or it will just make me sickly nervous

>> No.9183917

Thanks bros :,)

>> No.9183926

What don't you like about the fit of the 34s that you do like about the fit of the 32s?

>> No.9183932

fat fuck

>> No.9183935

/fa/ is fun cause worrying about clothes is so low stakes, it feels good cause at the end you know it doesnt matter. i think its why sports are so carefully and deeply followed too.

>> No.9183937

didn't give her the d because we were too drunk at night and too hungover in the morning, but she is planning on visiting me in a few weeks where i will surely give her a good dicking

>> No.9183939

Dude, 32 is a borderline in here, you are a big boy.

>> No.9183944

Maybe try to shift from lifting to long distance running?

>> No.9183947

slimmer fit on the legs

i'm 6'5, cut me some slack

>> No.9183952

oh fuck, I just noticed you swapped 32 for 34, not even 30 for 32


no excuses
I'm 6'4 and wear 30 and I could be slimmer.

>> No.9183953

What part of the legs? If it's from the knee down, a tailor could probably taper it with no issue. I think it's a slightly different story if the fit is off in the thigh.

>> No.9183957
File: 211 KB, 575x383, Oren-Alexander-at-Day-Night’s-weekly-brunch-party-with-party-planner-Carli-Roth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure :)

keep it up :)


>> No.9183959

lmao okay mate don't cry

knee down yeah, i'm going to take it in to a tailor and see what he makes of it

>> No.9183967
File: 73 KB, 935x1500, 61vQfbje2DL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do it. seek help.

read pic related
really changed my life

>> No.9183968

Is that a trap?

>> No.9183971

but you're the one crying like a little bitch, posting sad pictures of cartoon characters accompanied by your wimpy indecisive whining
>oooooh i'm so afraid tailor wil fuck up
>ooooooh it fits so bad
>please lord /fa/ tell me what to do

>> No.9183984

put the kettle on and have a sit down matey, you sound a bit distressed

>> No.9183998

i'm sure this book may offer some good advice, but my question to you is how much has it really changed your life since reading it?

>> No.9184020

significantly. used to not know how to start talking to people (especially girls), was afraid of opening up to people and being in a relationship, not knowing what to do etc.

if you're going to ever read one book on social skills, that should be the one. the book explains like every single fucking thing that sociable people already seem to know. some people were talking about it in a frog thread a week or two ago I think. i'm pretty sure you can find a copy online somewhere.

but yeah, take a day or so to read it, you will see what's wrong with the way you're talking to people. cheers m9

>> No.9184021

>tfw never will be the little girl

>> No.9184028


I'm really starting to disdain them. South Koreans and Japanese are always pretty cool, but for whatever reason the Chinese just seem tryhard. Just compare their fashion tastes. Japan has given us Yohji, Kawakubo, Takahashi, Kenzo, etc. while Chinese fashion consists of just wearing the most expensive clothes possible. Plus their own country is shit so they send their spoiled kids all over the world.

>> No.9184036

give Scientology a try

>> No.9184041

is this a serious response? if yes, why do you suggest it? i've heard some bad stuff about it on the news


>> No.9184048

looks fine friend dont worry

>> No.9184052
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stupid whores

and then they blame u bc u dont want to just be friends and somehow youre the asshole

>> No.9184053

try hormones

>> No.9184069

system of various courses on how to deal with everyday life, studying, and one on one sessions to let you find yourself.
obviously that's a compacted explanation but ya know.
almost a spiritual psychotherapy imo

>> No.9184075


>> No.9184203

>mom spends 99% of her time being miserable and making me miserable
>can't move out because not enough money yet
>gf is butthurt that I have a job now
>missed out on bright orange Dior suit because I couldn't afford it but FUUUUARK IT WOULD HAVE BEEN AWESOME
At least my shoe trees arrived.

>> No.9184223

>gf is butthurt that I have a job now

Congratulations on your shitty relationship.

>> No.9184231


How did you pass the job interview if you're such a nervous wreck?

>> No.9184239


No offense, but looks like PUA shit. I don't think too highly of books that revolve around "how to talk to women".

>> No.9184270

not my fault daddy pays her way. Our relationship is pretty good outside of the fact that now she's pretending to be busy because I'm actually busy. Don't really care that much, j8.

>> No.9184379

I had braces when I was younger. Probably going to get maxillofacial surgery because it's also fucked with my nasal cavaties and teeth.

>> No.9184386

Pic related. It's me. What sucks even more is that I'm /fit/ and tall, so it looks even weirder.

>> No.9184392
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>> No.9184404 [DELETED] 

do you have any health problems because of this? I look the same and I wouldn't have a surgery because of that

I had phimosis and I thought that a surgery would make it better. That was a mistake, now I have a big scar under my glans and I don't like it. I don't cry over it because whats done is done, but I won't consider going over another surgery just for (mainly) aesthetic purposes

Natural is almost always better, in my opinion, so a gym membership would be a better investment

>> No.9184425

>tfw you will never go to space

>> No.9184427

do you have any health problems because of this? I look the same and I wouldn't have a surgery because of that

I went thoruhgt a surgery because I thought tha tit would make me look better, but that was a mistake, now I have a big scar and I don't like it. I don't cry over it because whats done is done, but I won't consider going over another surgery just for (mainly) aesthetic purposes

Natural is almost always better, in my opinion, so a gym membership would be a better investment

>> No.9184437

why'd you change the phimosis

>> No.9184438

m8, you had phimosis?

>> No.9184441

because its disgusting and I want to spare you the mental image

>> No.9184443
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Most I have is nasal congestion and difficultly chewing and keeping my lips shut. I also found out there's an increased risk for stroke and heart attack as life goes on(mom's family has history of stroke) as well as developing sleep apnea unless it's fixed.

I'd be out of commission for two months, meaning I'd just bulk up until surgery. The scarring is all in mouth if any, and what they'd do is move my bottom jaw forward.

Pic related, me right now at 6'3 200 lbs

>> No.9184458

maybe you'll better off with the surgery, try to not do anything to make the scars or "collateral damage" of the surgery worse

>> No.9184460

dont worry m8.
I'll make sure everyone knows

do you have any health problems because of this? I look the same and I wouldn't have a surgery because of that

I had phimosis and I thought that a surgery would make it better. That was a mistake, now I have a big scar under my glans and I don't like it. I don't cry over it because whats done is done, but I won't consider going over another surgery just for (mainly) aesthetic purposes

Natural is almost always better, in my opinion, so a gym membership would be a better investment

>> No.9184465

>So skinny XS shirts don't fit me properly.

It's my own fault and I'm working out/eating more to try and change the situation, but I still get bitter seeing people who start to develop their sense of fashion and stuff just fits them.

>> No.9184467

do me a favor and never come back, just forget this cesspit ever existed

>> No.9184468

I mean, my face profile is the one thing about myself I don't like, and if I can argue it correctly my parent's health insurance will cover the surgery(I'm 18).

My one gripe is that I mouthbreathed as a child. It almost makes me want to get into dentistry to make sure the same thing doesn't happen to others, but I suck with STEM shit so I'll stay away.

>> No.9184479
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Step 1. get few friends
Step 2. Get some good MDMA
Step 3. Start easy
Step 4. go out, talk to people. U gonna feel so amazing on MDMA so u get ton of new connections/friends
Step 5. b popular as fuack

>How do i know?
Story of my life ;)

>> No.9184496

nah it's not

read this short excerpt from it and see what you think http://markmanson.net/power-in-vulnerability

>> No.9184504

I'm a guy who thinks don't knock it until you try it. I recommend you do the same.

>> No.9184520
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Are you me?

>get a girls number that I've been crushing on
>happy for some days
>text her a few times but the last time she never texted back.
>call her asking if she wants to hang out
>put on my best fit
>she politely declines saying she's busy
>see her sitting with some guy at work, laughing at what he says.

My heart.

>> No.9184521


If you succeed, then there's hope for any of us! Leave and don't look back!

>> No.9184531

Move on, there is plenty of fish in the sea. She is nothing special. Stop treating her like a prize and treat yourself as one instead. Sounds cheesy, yeah, but seriously though.

>> No.9184549

>atleast 8.5 face
>beautiful green eyes
>nice tanned skin because hispanic

>5'7 1/2 because of shit Mexican genes

>> No.9184551

same age, every same feel

>> No.9184566

I'm sorry, brah...
Keep tryin'. Hurts like nails, but you learn from this shit.

>> No.9184594



Thanks guys, I know subconsciously I shouldn't be feeling depressed but that doesn't stop it from hurting.

>> No.9184614
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I wish some qt would break my heart

at least something would finally happen to me

>> No.9184616

>some qt outside of a store asks me to buy her cigarettes
>First instinct is to refuse or keep walking but I do it for her anyway
>Give her the pack and ask her how old she is
>"17. You can see my ID if you don't believe me."
>Ask her how old she thinks I am
>"I dunno like 20?"
>mfw I'm nearly 27

S-should I have gone in for the kill..?

>> No.9184636

well I was chilling with her and her friends and just putting my hands on her ass and shit while we were chillin and she was down with me and myhand on her butt
when I tried putting my hand under her jeans she was like 'anon where do you think you're going' and 'not here anon'
she wanna fuck
I'm afraid of commitment though

>> No.9184639

no murder is a crime and a sin
why would you even consider it

>> No.9184643

>tfw all things end and your life, in the long run, is an insignificant blip in all of existence and consequences only matter only as long as you let them rule you and I just want to be happy but can't

>> No.9184655

Should've kept her money and walked away. That would teach her.

>> No.9184659

so what
its not like anybody can change this
thats why u gotta live and enjoy life and stop being a wuss

>> No.9184666

Since the early 19th century when transcendentalism came into fruition individuality has been a huge part of american culture. Plus do you heathens fuck within earshot of your parents?

>> No.9184679

stop being a big grown babby and start being independent u lil babby

>> No.9184680

what a pointless analogy

you'll be dead so it doesn't matter

>> No.9184694


>> No.9184695

not a wuss. just not happy
but good talk

>> No.9184699

>tfw all things are just stream of stimuli processed by your consciousness and if you don't exist, nothing exists for you
>tfw you are the only one charge of your life and can do whatever you want
>everything matters because you are the only thing that matters in your life

>> No.9184712

this actually helps.

>> No.9184726

I know that feel.
Give yourself time, dog. Think about this shit going on in you head and trust that every time you go over some heavy thought you're learning and progressing.
I wouldn't trust the "get it out of your head/ignore it/just get laid" routine. Be patient, think long and hard if you have to, don't confuse yourself, read some stuff if you're into that... oh and spent less time on 4chan/fb. Helped me at least.
Well, these are just things that helped me through the "everything is meaningless"-wall.

>> No.9184733


>> No.9184748

On the contrary. It's way hotter violating a 18 year old model when your old and wrinkly.

The power of knowing other men your age can't have this and that you worked for it. It's better than having it handed to you and not knowing the contrast

>> No.9184819

>when Im depressed I find sitting in central park for a while makes me feel better
really? explain please

>> No.9184846

he's a privileged new yorker

>> No.9184856

not all of us are surrounded by a beautiful cultured city with endless opportunity and things to do

>> No.9184867

please tell me your first (or best) mdma experience.
as far as i know, people tend to stick to their friends while on mdma, and even though you may feel like your inhibitions are lowered, that doesn't necessarily mean that other people will feel more comfortable towards you.
what aspect is mdma supposed to change here? shyness or social ineptness? because it can't affect the latter i believe.

>> No.9184873

>find a qt in one of my classes
>start an awkward conversation with her
>ask her out eventually
>we go out
>now we're together

I feel bad for some of you

>> No.9184875
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>spent most of my best years smoking weed with lamewads
>no ambition
>aggressive bowel disease leading to removal of entire colon, now shitting into a bag for the foreseeable future

th-thanks obama

>> No.9184880

do you mean he feels like he's in the same pond as those people? but he's obviously not. looking at people who probably have better lives than me rarely makes me feel better.

>> No.9184889


>> No.9184893

You sound like 12 year old me.

Get over it and start living the mediocre life that everyone is living. If you are capable enough, rise beyond that.

>> No.9184897

shit like this only happens in movies for most of us ;_;

>> No.9184922

You just gotta take the initiative and start conversations, bro. Push your limits every now and then.

And not be ugly or really short, those also help