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9180636 No.9180636[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What drugs do you do, /fa/?

>> No.9180644

You don't do any do you OP?
Tapping away at your computer asking what drugs /fa/ does, damn man.
Must be fun to fantasize about how cool you could be.

>> No.9180661

OP here, just weed and addy, occasionally ecstasy when it's available and opportune. I ask out of genuine curiosity, because coke is part of fashion culture, it seems.

>> No.9180711

Any drug I feel has the opportunity to teach me something. So far DMT (1), Salvia 60x (2), weed (800+), MDMA (2).

>> No.9180716

>Psilocybin mushrooms
>Psilocybin extract
>Morphine (when I broke my shin bone)
Only one I regret is Heroine

>> No.9180721

mdma, psilocybin, weed, hasj

>> No.9180722

klonopin and weed

>> No.9180771

Life, I get high off of life. Get help you junkies.

>> No.9180779

Sorry, I love my parents.

>> No.9180780

These guys are models? Kek. Guess all you need is being tall and thin. Face is secondary.

>> No.9180782
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>> No.9180786

What's pcp and salvia like?

>> No.9180789

>has never done any drugs
>judges people for having experiences he never will
Typical closed minded fool. I bet you drink alcohol though.

>> No.9180790


>> No.9180801


>> No.9180804

my nigga

>> No.9180805

someone shop thispost with the neckbeard guy please

>> No.9180807

I've done plenty, and stopped a few years ago because all they do is blur your perception on reality and turn you into a social slug.

We all go through those phases, you must be 18.

>> No.9180811

Don't. Tried pills and coke and didn't really like it. I kinda went on a bad trip and started think about my future and why I'm on this planet and shit. Also the comedown isn't worth it imo. I'd rather get shitfaced.

>> No.9180816

heroin twice a day

it has done wonders for my life

>> No.9180818

cool X on your hand man

>> No.9180844

What did the heroine feel like?

>> No.9180849

I want to try this so bad

>> No.9180850

I don't do drugs.

In the past I have occasionally done weed, ecstasy and coke. out of them 3 I will probably end up doing coke again because of my social circles and the temptation when drunk and at a party...

>> No.9180860

its not hard to get
just grab that cvs brand robotussen its like $6

>> No.9180861

look at that gorgeous bone structure

>> No.9180873


i smoke a lot of weed, not effay by any means, but is just so fucking delicious

>> No.9180875

Who needs life? In high on drugs

>> No.9180876

iv heroin almost exclusively for ~3 years until i got clean but before that basically everything? except i guess a lot of research chems which were just starting to get big when i got clean

>> No.9180878

Niggas drink but think there cool not doing drugs.

Don't drink, do drugs, honestly if you just smoke the whole party most cases your gonna be having fun and be Gucci.

>> No.9180879

PCP isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Your mood, how you act around others, and your thoughts about your self all affect your trip during PCP. If you're a sad and miserable person who's only doing it to look cool, you're going to have a bad time and there's a very high chance you could injure yourself or others around you.
But that's besides the point, I shot it up and my trip was amazing. My POV was as if my eyes had been moved 3 feet above my head and I was seeing everything in third person, the room started to crumble away and it felt like I was playing myself in some Grand Theft Auto type-game. However nearing the end of the trip things started repeating; like when I walked into the kitchen, got myself a glass of cranberry juice, and walked out. A minute later I did the same thing, and then I did it again. My friend told me that I had only gone to the kitchen once and that I didnt even pour myself the juice.
Pro tip: If you're a pussy and you're afraid that you'll become an incomprehensible rage machine while on it, just dip a joint in PCP and smoke it. This won't make the trip as intense as shooting it up and the marijuana will relax you.

Salvia is an annual kind of drug, you'll only want to use it once every year or every six months because it warps your perception if you do too much too often. I saw lines of coding and such when I did it. Obscene amounts of fractals follow.
Liquid relaxation when you take it, but it feels like a knife is inside your chest when you're strung out and not using (I went cold turkey, worst experience of my life).

>> No.9180891

w2c codeine

>> No.9180894


>> No.9180899

what does it feel like?

>> No.9180902

guy on the right is dog ugly, dude
if he posted on /fa/ you'd be bagging on him

>> No.9180904

>blur your perception
>turn you into a social slug

never tried uppers, I suppose?

>> No.9180925

blinded by fame

>> No.9180927

its p much just chill and euphoric
its not a party drug or anything but if youre sitting home alone on a monday night with nothing to do then its perfect imo
its not too intense either and it lasts for like 4-6 hours

>> No.9180930

Cocaine. I'd have sold my car for it by now if I didn't have more self control.

I'd do more Xanax if I could ever find it.

Fuck psychadelics. Fuck em.

>> No.9180946



>> No.9180961

I've been doing coke a lot lately because college parties. Don't really like it though. I LOVE opiates though. But they're really rare to find for me

>> No.9180979

tried coke for the first time last night, wont do it again seems like just a shitty version of MD that lasts fuck all time.

done acid weed and md thats all

>> No.9181004

MD? Like MDMA?

>> No.9181020

>My POV was as if my eyes had been moved 3 feet above my head
It's called derealization Its a from of psychosis.

>> No.9181027


Man, that weed lesson seems to be pretty hard.

>> No.9181030
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>fuck psychedelics

babby cant handle the weight and bredt of his own consciousness? :0

>> No.9181033

Can you buy those Argentine xanax, or any xanax, off the net? Can only get 500 mcg in the uk.

Oh and I like benzos.

>> No.9181053

>LSD (only once but it was the best trip ever)

>> No.9181054

Pretty much just weed and adderall. All I can do is hope that one day I fall into the same crowd as rich beautiful people that will share their drugs with me.

>> No.9181063

>tfw on a mild opioid called kratom everyday to fix my social anxiety and depression

well, at least its not heroine right

>> No.9181079

I did shrooms the first time a little over a year ago.
It was a spiritual experience. I felt that my consciousness moved beyond my body. I realized that, collectively, the world is always quiet.

I did shrooms again at a party about a month ago and I completely embarrassed myself. Strangers were being bros and trying to calm me down because I was having a bad fucking trip. Someone said the word cops and shit, that was it.

Some people just don't like it, man. Sounds like you're the one who needs to deal with it.

>> No.9181088

You should try tramadol, it's an opioid/ SSRI.

>> No.9181089

weed fixed my social anxiety and depression, try that instead.

>> No.9181099

that only works in the beginning. after a while it just strengthens your depression.

>> No.9181141

nah weed and tramadol are worse than kratom imo

>> No.9181146

krokodil my favorite

>> No.9181154

>is catapulted into a bad trip by the word 'cops'

bruh you're just not cut out for them

>> No.9181164

how is kratom? i thought about trying it for everyday use

>> No.9181187

You're really cringy

>> No.9181188

alot of weed here, and i do salvia once, it was awesome

>> No.9181191

Did coke last night, had a blast and now feel like shit today. I don't get out often so its fun to rage. Staying in most of the time makes going out that much more special.

>> No.9181202

Cannabis (daily for insomnia)
MDMA (probably about 30 times now, used to enjoy it when i was younger, went on a bender with my then girlfriend when we got together)
Cocaine (only once, i was 17, was shit coke)
dimethocaine (3-4 times)
Amphetamine (hard to say how many times, only ever taken in ecstasy pills, not in isolation)
Diazepam (Vaium) (once)
Etizolam (went on a week-long bender when i broke up with my girlfriend, rough time, can't remember shit.)
2c-i (First ever psychedelic, 3-4 times)
2c-b (second psychedelic, once)
25-iNBOMe (3 times)
BK-2c-b (3 times)
Psilocybin mushrooms (3 times)
LSZ (once, with AL-LAD and lot's of benzo's)
And the holy grail...
LSD (My go to substance, taken around 20 times, use it for therapeutic purposes for my mental health problems most of the time, rather than recreation, but obviously I love it)

Really wanna try DMT next, have tried Changa, was great but not the breakthrough experience

>> No.9181209

>use LSD for therapeutic purposes for my mental health problems most of the time

and that seems to work out great for you

>> No.9181217

Short term fix, I acknowledge, but it motivates me to change negative aspects of my life

not to sound edgy but unless you've tried it you wouldn't understand

>> No.9181228

Also most of those were one summer when I was a bit younger, it's not something I do more than once or twice a year

>> No.9181230

>not to sound edgy
>but unless you've tried it
>you wouldn't understand

>> No.9181235

I don't do drugs

>> No.9181239

I'm not going to bother debating it with you as you've clearly already made your mind up about it despite having no experience or knowledge of the subject whatsoever, other than, probably, anecdotal evidence from unreliable sources

>> No.9181241


>> No.9181243

>it motivates me to change the negative aspects of your life
That is the negative aspect of your life, if taking drugs is a way to motivate you to stop taking drugs then there's definitely a problem there

>> No.9181246

Dude unless you've done psychedelics you have absolutely no idea. They kill your ego and allow an objective prospective inward at yourself.

>> No.9181254


It's not like painkillers or something. The ignorance is baffling.

>> No.9181256
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Used to do weed a lot and shrooms on occasion. Weed made me lazy but was always fun, I never did enough shrooms to hardcore trip but they were always really fun. I also tried datura once but I didn't do enough to trip because most of the erowid stories I'd read involved people freaking out and doing something stupid.

I tried dxm a while back and hit 1st plat. Super fun drug, definitely requires music though because you want to dance when you're on it. I closed my eyes and saw fractals for the first time and that was cool. Best part is no laziness or hangover like with weed. Probably not a drug to do more than once a month or so, I heard tolerance shoots up after doing it, and like >>9180927 said, it's more of a rainy day drug than anything.

I would definitely like to do DMT at some point, I've been offered it before but I wasn't in the position to do it at the time. Weed is an awful drug for me though, made me incredibly lazy and more unmotivated than usual. Plus I can't remember shit from the time period around when I smoked.

>> No.9181263


Not really a fan of stimulants anymore, love psychedlics though. Combined acid, shrooms and mdma once at a festival, was pretty cash.

>> No.9181264

I smoke the occasional bit o'weed when I go out with friends and I smoke a lot of it when I go back to my home town and see my old school friends.

I'd say mdma is the only other drug i use kind of often, but still I do it rarely.

Cocaine, ketamine and amphetamine are all shit, acid is pretty fun but i'm afraid it'll fuck up my brain so I avoid it now.

>> No.9181269

>guy on the right is dog ugly
You on PCP?

>> No.9181272

I promised my grandma that I would never do drugs.

>> No.9181282

i CAN handle it, thats why i made fun of you.

>> No.9181286

Exclusively free drugs

>> No.9181294

I wasn't referring to drugs particularly, though it did motivate me to quit smoking.

It's more to do with mindset, it allows you to make more objective observations regarding your personality, and behaviour as it detaches you from a lot of the emotional reactions you get when contemplating personal issues. As such it lets you consider your issues without the emotional part of you rushing to defend your behaviour.

It's not really about motivation, that was a poor choice of word, more about becoming self-aware of my problems, and thus being able to consider courses of action to take to deal with those problems.

I've had phases in my life where i've taken acid more than I ought, and I will agree that if used excessively often it can cause you to spiral into confusion and doubt (although possibly not for everyone, I can't speak for people who aren't mentally ill). Infrequent therapeutic use though on special occasions in the right setting with the right company is a wonderful experience that stays with you for a long time afterwards.

pretty much it.

>> No.9181295


>> No.9181310
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>> No.9181315

I second this, I kind of cringe when people talk down on LSD because there are no addictive properties to it and the user only gets out of it whatever he puts into it.

Its really a great experiance I wish I could keep doing it

>> No.9181319

>Soul Bombing on MDMA.
That's pretty hardcore man, did you not find that the head in the clouds nature of MDMA ruined the psychedelic mindset of the psilocin and acid?

never have enjoyed MDMA with my trips, but I've heard other people say they loved it

>> No.9181325

What's your reason for not being able to?
just no longer feels appropriate (I imagine i'll stop taking it at some point haha), or is something stopping you?

>> No.9181339

Spice (Never Again)
Mushrooms (Best experience ever)

Going to trip on Shrooms again sometime this month for a nice spiritual reflection to end off the year and give myself some internal closure

Definitely want to try LSD next year when the weather is better around Spring / Summer

Somewhat related does anyone else get really annoyed by “friends” who are fucking stupid with recreational drug use? One of my friends thinks Psychedelics is like weed and he’s so desperate to try them because he thinks they’re a magical substance that will suddenly bring enlightenment out of nowhere when he lacks any form of self awareness or maturity for those ideas to be present deep inside his subconscious to be unearthed by the trip. It's like he wants to try them just so he can say he's tried them

It’s fucking pathetic, honestly… Drugs can be incredible and teach you alot of things, but it’s not for everyone. Definitely understand why there’s so much negative stigma associated with drug use, I mean yeah there is a shitton of bullshit propaganda against it but the amount of fucking retards who aren’t responsible with them only reinforces the stereotype

>> No.9181343
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what the fuck does xanax actually do?

why is it so popular among models?

>> No.9181345

Oh, and obviously
>Yellow Bentines
>Clarky Cat

>> No.9181348

Tired and happy

>> No.9181356

Psychedelics are useful tools if you respect them, and they won't give you anything unless you understand the experience and don't just expect to get enlightenment when you're fucked up at a rave on LSD and MDMA

>> No.9181371

Haven't tried Xanax, but it's a benzodiazepine and i've tried other, very similar bennies

Basically it's an anxiolytic, so it reduces stress and anxiety, hence making you feel euphoric (though that's only really for people who are stressed or anxious anyway, or depressed) and massively lowering your inhibitions.

Most people don't take it on it's own recreationally but it can add more mellow to a cannabis high, kill a bad trip, or help you sleep if you're overstimulated / can't sleep due to depression

>> No.9181372

you're inside a soap bubble that contains a comfy chair made of bubble and you think about bubble bubble bubble

>> No.9181384

Im enlisted in the Navy so I cant have fun anymore haha

LSD really did make my senior year of high school a lot better though, I think I only dropped like 4 times but I feel a lot more comfortable with myself

>> No.9181396

Acid and shrooms. I used to be an overweight social recluse before I tried them. Took shrooms and my personality changed completely. Social anxiety dissappeared. Got laid for the first time about 1 month after I took them. Became interested in fashion because of it. And now people actually enjoy talking to me. Then I took acid. Looked in the mirror while on it and basically said fuck you. Started working out everyday ever since. I weighed 240 in high school. I'm down to 165 now. Why are these illegal again?

>> No.9181401

Post pics

>> No.9181414

Ah that's a shame, I'm sure you'll be able to again some day, if you want to that is.
Out of curiosity, what sort of fashion are you into?
Idk if you've done enough psychedelics for it to effect your tastes and such?
I find it quite interesting seeing what tastes people who've tried psychedelics have

>> No.9181420

>Why are these illegal again?
The "man" doesn't want you to expand your mind.

>> No.9181432

Maybe it's because you took them at a fucking party. Why the hell would you do that? Dealing with sober people while on shrooms is bad enough. Drunk people will just completely destroy any good trip you're having.

>> No.9181434

whats wrong with ketamine? i love that shit

>> No.9181446

Oh come on, this isn't why they're illegal.
>inb4 all the stupid shit hippies say to explain your point
I've already heard it all i've done acid a lot, went to Boom Festival in Portugal, and completely agree with the arguments for the positive effects of LSD
However, to say that Acid is illegal because the government actually understands psychedelia, and is scared of it is absolutely ridiculous. Almost every drug is illegal because governments are full of reactionary idiots who view drug users as degenerates, not because acid's going to make everyone break through the veil that is politics.You really think anyone in major government is scared psychedelics are not only beneficial to you, but a threat to their governance?

>> No.9181450

Completely agree.

>> No.9181456

>a subjective experience

Do you even know what the words mean?