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File: 161 KB, 1024x1024, 1409601414435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9172504 No.9172504 [Reply] [Original]

New tattoo general

Post inspo / new tats / russian mob wannabes

>> No.9172511
File: 145 KB, 960x1280, IMG-20141204-WA0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also /fa/

guess where i am

>> No.9172519
File: 268 KB, 926x900, IMG_20141204_225307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9172528

The one in the OP looks good, that one looks like shit. Specially because of the color and the place where you had it done

>> No.9172533

I don't think it's tattooed yet m8

>> No.9172538

Very bad spot for a tattoo imo.

>> No.9172540

Oh, thats great
That means you still have a chance, dude, dont do it. Choose another spot for it please

>> No.9172545

Imo the neck is way worse
Should have gone with similar tattoo entirely, that one isn't really that special

>> No.9172562

Never looked to much at the tattoo, I just think the spot under the knee looks weird.

>> No.9172572
File: 48 KB, 371x500, 1319496598858_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9172573

True enough, I think it would better on arm under elbow

>> No.9172582

All that mess under it ruins otherwise decent tattoo

>> No.9172589

Going to travel to Europe this January/February. Any recommendations of good tattoo artists? I don't mind paying for a quality tattoo.

>> No.9172600

tattoos are trashy and never /fa/

>> No.9172609 [DELETED] 


you made me spit my fucking water all over my keyboard

it's not done in that picture

>> No.9172614


you made me spit my water all over my keyboard, the tattoo is not done yet

>> No.9172620

aka studio in berlin is one of the best. they have great resident artists and always have insane visiting artists too

>> No.9172624

get some stars on ur knees brah and walk around Brighton Beach

>> No.9172646

ahahah omh lol thats so funnay lol hahah

hahah ha your poor keyboard lolo hahah

>> No.9173446
File: 118 KB, 640x640, asdfasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


peter aurisch

>> No.9173467

you know you're going to be 55 some day, right? (hopefully)

how would any of these look on a 55 year old?

horrible aesthetic decision

>> No.9173488
File: 1.66 MB, 2592x1936, 1417110248138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep posting mine :^)

>> No.9173509

Every damn thread you post that.
"I'm dead inside so the only time I derive pleasure is when I'm drinking with others to feel less alone"
So fucking swag!

>> No.9173683 [DELETED] 

shit, cartoonish; but harmless
shit, why would you want a picasso knockoff on your body? It's not a tribute to his style; it's nowhere CLOSE to picasso's level of talent; so why degrade it? Oh yes because you love art. No. A true art lover shows some fucking respect
Pretty shitty. The way the words are layered on the graph + the blue makes it look like a powerpoint template. The heart is ok for a meme tat.
Love the placement, like the tat concept; color and execution weak.
that tat + that placement is unique and eye-catching; hot even. I would fuck you based on this pic

>> No.9173700
File: 15 KB, 245x300, doushio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks anon, i'll upload a pic of how it came out

>> No.9173712

still love this

>> No.9173748
File: 686 KB, 1936x1548, IMG_20141205_112052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fixed a couple of technical details on the tat, and changed a few things, i'm happy on how it came out

>> No.9173754

tattoo's alright but post more dog

>> No.9173775

good to get ink put on your body so you can be asked what it means

gotta get names written on me so i remember who died
this ink? has meaning
makes you a Cooler Human

>> No.9173785
File: 75 KB, 509x579, 10403106_871809712849137_7825361712702293962_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my right arm

>> No.9173787
File: 49 KB, 412x407, crest_big.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get my family crest as a tattoo, or just the motto. I'm hesitant about getting a big ol' boar on me even though I think the design is kind of cool. Thoughts?

>> No.9173792

Shit tattoo, shit place. This guy is a tosser.

>> No.9173798


>> No.9173805

>family crest
If you are descended from nobility, don't do it. It's improper and not gentlemanly.
If you aren't descended from nobility, don't do it. Because it's not your family crest, it's just something shitty whacked together by some fucker who sells mugs and plaques to gullible heritagefags.

If you are eager to get a tattoo, choose a symbol that has a personal meaning or just be honest and choose one which you think is aesthetic.

>> No.9173808

Alright, I'd say 7/10.

>> No.9173821 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 709x540, lilb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9173830

more interested in the dog

>> No.9173838

I like the forearm a lot, not digging the rest too much
I love all black tattoos though so I back it

>> No.9173883 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 2592x1944, 2014-07-05 22.53.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's some pics

>> No.9173892 [DELETED] 
File: 875 KB, 1944x2592, 2014-08-08 16.18.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9173914 [DELETED] 
File: 1.00 MB, 2592x1944, 2014-08-07 00.22.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think that's enough

>> No.9173929 [DELETED] 

hell yeah

>> No.9173947

Why do I feel like most tattoos are people trying to pretend they like something they don't actually like and degrading it in the process

I would fuck you based on that tat/placement alone. Really, really hot

>> No.9173987 [DELETED] 

I like it. Be prepared to answer questions though. You'll get a lot of questions like "What kind of dog is it?" Oh and the tattoo is ok.

>> No.9174001

damn bro so hardore

>> No.9174019

nigga that is not a crest. It's the motto and one of the symbols from the actual MacKinnon crest, which would probably look better anyway.

>> No.9174030 [DELETED] 
File: 903 KB, 300x200, 1393107466406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9174043

Sang bleu in London

Scott Move at parliament tattoo in London

Kingdom tattoo in Kiev, don't really know if that's considered europe but yeah.

>> No.9174087
File: 420 KB, 1280x1280, 1417083164682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what style of tatto is that and the kind in this pic?

>> No.9174205

this is cool but i feel it would look better on a shoulder, maybe it needs some surrounding tats to make it seem less out of place

>> No.9174223
File: 1.09 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20141117_104245_084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9174226
File: 888 KB, 1836x3264, IMG_20141117_104332_393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9174232
File: 1.33 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20141117_104442_297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9174237
File: 1.32 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20141117_104553_714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9174241

its called woodcut

>> No.9174242
File: 1.43 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20141117_104510_545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9174246
File: 1.21 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20141117_104737_247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9174251

People say tattoos are trashy and such

But I can't see why they say that.

I was thinking about getting a lambda. (My /g/ brethren will know what I'm talking about)

But it's not too decorative and I can't think of a good place for it

>> No.9174259

Video game tattoos are incredibly lame.

>> No.9174266

Is that alf?

>> No.9174279
File: 43 KB, 421x482, 1413153412923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No not that it's PURE THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE AND SMARTNESS that you wouldn't understand

But I do like the valve stylization of lambda.

>> No.9174281

Whatever, enjoy your lame nerdy tats

>> No.9174289
File: 35 KB, 640x480, y_combinator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related pulled it off really well.

It looks pretty too don't you think?

>> No.9174293

Hahahahah fucking need

>> No.9174294

I do not. I've discussed this topic with several tattoo artists too and they all think it's lame too. But it's your body and you can do whatever you want obviously.

>> No.9174297

What topic? That specific expression?

I don't see what's so lame about it. If you want bullshit flaming skulls instead of something you respect and enjoy then go right the fuck ahead I guess

>> No.9174307

The topic of science/math/whatever tattoos that are just not aesthetically pleasing. I'm not shitting on you, man. You do you. I just think it looks dumb as shit and would think you're a weird nerd at first glance; would not talk to at bar. Not that that should matter to you, but I'm just giving you my opinion.

>> No.9174322

If I just want like a SUPER simple tattoo like a square lets say, would someone even commission that and how much would that be like 40 usd?

>> No.9174324
File: 4 KB, 302x305, 1414114936988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get this of a tattoo at least?

Best of both?

>> No.9174330

Pretty spot on, yeah.

You can do whatever you want, dude. I actually saw a chick working on a ph.D come in and ask for some obscure fish in like stage 2 of tadpole development or some shit. Anatomically correct and shit.

>> No.9174349

My suggestion was a joke anon

Wasn't it funny

It's OC

>> No.9174356
File: 367 KB, 1920x1174, The_Ride_of_the_Valkyrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to get something relating to valkyries or Nordic mythology (preferably in this style) but I feel like Nazis have kind of ruined that whole thing

Also this kind of style may just be shitty for tattoos

>> No.9174484

stupid ass book
didnt finish
still got an A on my midterm

>> No.9174505

Most tattoo artist are uneducated.

>inb4 art school

>> No.9174513

>stupid ass book
shit opinion/10

>> No.9174537

It's far more likely that you're stupid, not the book.

>Tattoo artists have invalid opinions on tattoos because they didn't go to school for tattooing, which doesn't exist.

>> No.9174547

This logic makes no fucking sense. A tattoo Artist doesn't have anymore authority on what should and should not be a tattoo unless the tattoo itself would be inhibited by the way it fits on the body. Just because a tattoo artist dislikes a certain style of tattoo doesn't mean you should value his opinion over anyone else just because he a fucking tattoo artist.

>> No.9174559

I'll value it above a random person. Obviously they aren't all-knowing authorities.

Do you think those stupid formula tattoos and chemistry symbols and shit that people get these days look good?

>> No.9174564

>Do you think those stupid formula tattoos and chemistry symbols and shit that people get these days look good?

No I do not, but I'm not going to dismiss somebody else opinion just because my interferes with theirs, especially if I do not fully understand what the tattoo means or represents.

>> No.9174569

It could mean the world to them. That doesn't make it objectively look good.

>> No.9174575

Looks are subjective

>> No.9175256


>> No.9176162

What he's saying is that tattoo artists aren't talking from expertise or what the fuck ever when saying certain tats are lame. They would just rather have color or cool looking graphics. The fact that they apply tattoos doesn't matter. (Unless, like he said, there was some bodily confliction, whatever that could be.)

>> No.9176171

fucking dope as shit you cocknugget

>> No.9176197

this is exactly why people with good tattoos don't tend to post them on the internet. Also because the tatt is for them, not just to show off.

>> No.9176412
File: 351 KB, 1536x2048, CAM00312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9176463


i think this is awesome, where'd you get this done?

>> No.9176532 [DELETED] 

Post yours fuccboii :^)
thanks mane

>> No.9176709

ur dog has adorable eyes give him a hug from me

>> No.9176741


I had been looking for a tattoo that represents what i wanted for a long time, i finally found the perfect representation in this sick tat

>> No.9176903

nice dog anon

>> No.9177376


my tattoo artist said something in the likes of dotwork and vintage, but in spanish

>> No.9178450

Thats your left arm bro

>> No.9178455

Anyone got that picture of words across a shin?

>> No.9178482

Looks very Xoil-like

>> No.9178497
File: 160 KB, 640x427, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The photo could have been reflected.

>> No.9178568

the way he did the palm makes it look like there are two thumbs.
or it's some kind of claw hand.
is no one else seeing it?

>> No.9178573
File: 57 KB, 536x400, pythagorasashit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sacred geometry is a pretty damn cool thing that looks aesthetically nice, and is simultaneously intelligent and mathy, as well as artistic, intellectual/esoteric, and will impress people as more than a formula.

Plus geographic tattoos are looking to be pretty /fa/ in the coming years, and having ones with more substance than "its some nice zigzaggy lines" is cool for when you get 29 and have to explain it to your fiance's brother who doesn't think highly of you

>> No.9178896
File: 112 KB, 640x640, 567687345.4046879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this one done yesterday, opinions? Its in black and white because i had to get it from instagram

>> No.9178916

super gay
what is that even supposed to mean? It sounds like the kind of shit you'd see on a novelty textbook marketed at preteen scene girls from the mid-2000s. What's up with the faux-chinese font?

>> No.9178932

stop chatting shit

>> No.9178935

Its from a skateboard magazine called Trasher. i guess you arent a skater but its one of the biggest logo's in the 'skateworld'

>> No.9178959


My tattoo, based on Metatron's Cube as well.

>> No.9178982
File: 28 KB, 650x433, McDonalds-tattoo2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want, I think this is great. Positioning, symmetry and size is all just right.

>> No.9179213

that's what I like

>> No.9179216

tattoos are not /fa/ they are white trash/weeabo nerd tier crap that look like shit 99.9% of the time

>> No.9179258

yea im really not into tatoos in general but this one might get me interested in gettin one

>> No.9179457

im ashamed to read the same language that this shit is written in

>> No.9179461

not even once

>> No.9179527
File: 11 KB, 236x314, 7b56ae1b7aa94e208d375dc83364291b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was considering getting this at summertime, but decided to wait a couple of months. Still not sure. I like it but I'm just not sure if the outcome will be satisfying.

>> No.9179536

a red deer would fit into fit into my sleeve brilliantly and I was so tempted to do it but it's up there with owls and diamonds and feathers type shit now

>> No.9179539

It's the stencil you fucktard

>> No.9179547

You cant get the water colour effect with tattoos. Even if you do get a talented guy who some how makes it look just like pic, when it fades it will look like a sloppy blob. Also the the water colour effect looks cool on paper, but would only ever work on perfectly even skin.

That being said the stag is cool looking, just go over its outline with a dark pen and see how that looks.

>> No.9179570


if you say so, it must be true

>> No.9179610

Fucking love the look of geometric tattoos.

>> No.9179619

I'm a chemist, thinking of getting a small ouroboros tattoo as a reference to benzene. Y/N?

>> No.9179658

I think I'll get the name of my gf tattooed on my left bicep. I think if I go trash, I should go full trash. Also if you can't regret a tattoo it's not worth it imho.

>> No.9179664

Brings to mind full metal alchemist. If I saw that I would figure you are an anime nerd. Do you have an actual example of the design you would get?

>> No.9179681

Nobody would get the reference.

>> No.9179710
File: 28 KB, 360x360, ouroboros-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't watch full metal alchemist, but I looked the logo up and it seems to be a dragon or something. I was thinking of getting a simple, unadorned snake in the 1500s woodcut style

fair point man, but I think most kids that have set foot in a first year chem class will know about kekule's benzene dream. it'll be a pretty tattoo regardless (hopefully)

>> No.9179711
File: 403 KB, 602x566, 123123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoo artist here, feel free to ask me anything. I don't usually come here and as all artists and people, I have different tastes and opinions on things.

Right now my fetish is black bold line traditional and big pieces of black/grey realism with stuff like portraits, Roman statues and religious themes, despite how cliche it is.

Pic related isn't my work, just something awesome.

Not a good spot for that design, plus it's a little too small. I can't see too clearly but it doesn't look like a good job, but if you're happy that's 100% what matters.

Not a fan of that style, but it's done well. Problem is, this wont age well, and whoever has this would need another tattoo undeneath it to complete the area otherwise the positioning is weird, unless he's going for a 3/4 sleeve.

Like this, great place for it

Watercolour is definitely an achievable tattoo. It's an actual style so that anon has no idea. Just go to someone who knows what he's doing and has previously done watercolour.

That said, deers are overplayed as fuck and unoriginal. Find another idea and if you like watercolour, go for it, it's still a good and unique style that's pleasant.

Linework seems good, but personally I don't like the font or the motto. Things like these shouldn't be on the arm.

If you want it, get it, but small tattoos with a cute meaning make me angry. If you're still unsure, then think about it.

>> No.9179740

Are tattoo artists all about big pieces of purely decorative work as opposed to small, sentimental pieces? Just curious

>> No.9179744

I think that most people would recognize it as some religious/esoteric symbol. But it isn't that 'aggressive' in the first place, so if you like it, just go with it. It's better than some 'cool/artsy pic' just done for the sake of getting a tattoo. Just don't place it on your chest/underarm/hand, don't make it too big and add other tats later. Don't treat it as THE special/meaningful tat, if you understand what I mean.

>> No.9179771

Not all, I guess, but most of us hate or dislike small stupid tattoos that plebs get as their first or only tattoo due to how much it means to them. It just seems childish and/or an obvious disinterest in the real culture and value of having tattoos, and some people just want to be able to say they have a tattoo. We all have tattoos that have meanings behind them and it's good to be able to look at them and know about it, but certain things don't deserve to be on your skin forever, because after all, tattoos are supposed to be aesthetic.

But at the same time, it's not a big deal, these kind of things allow us to make money (not in the overcharging sense, but not everyone wants "real" pieces so these are good) and are very very common. Don't let me turn you off, no tattoo artist is going to start laughing or insulting you after you've gone out the door. I don't even remember or think about the small things I've done.

This is my opinion, I'm not trying to discourage anyone. It's already happened, plebs have ruined tattoo culture and it's become a normie thing. I'd even say that not having a tattoo is becoming rare these days.

>> No.9179791

Sorry I think I went a little off-topic there.

Small tattoos are cool, it's not all supposed to be huge pieces. I personally like it more when people have a few decent sized ones like >>9179711 that are done well and are all of the same style and theme but still have a lot of skin without ink. I think too much ink is annoying and ruins your body, or if something's too big it just looks like too much. But some things need to be a decent size. For instance, people asking me for sentences in a font smaller that this text your reading make me angry because after not even a year the lines start to spread and you'll end up with a scrible and random lines, which is why a lot of tattoos don't age well.

>> No.9179899

The one thing that keeps me from getting a tattoo is that tattoos have become so meaningless and somehow even boring in general. It's not like every subject has to be justified by a story or something, but having a tattoo is just the same to me as not having a tattoo these days. It's just like some kind of permanent accessory.
And then some tattoos are just ridiculous, like a friend of mine studies geography and got a tattoo with miner symbolism. It's well done and nice looking, but it is an 'accessory' a miner/proletarian (in the good, glorified meaning) would wear and not and academic. It just boils down to some tryhard hipster picture. Hence why I come to the conclusion that tattoos only work for proletarians/trash (including soldiers, inmates and the like) and musicians.
I mean I wouldn't laugh about or be compelled by a nice tattoo and I reckon a well done one, but for me they somehow just don't work anymore.

>> No.9179991


thanks for the feedback, i'm the guy with the tat below the knee

i want you to understand my choice on the placement, i think tats on the calves or ankles are not aesthetic, the only tats i like on the legs are on the knees, or in the knee's area, above it or like the one i got myself

>> No.9180022

Not the tattoo artist, just another anon. Why do you like tattoos in that area? I personally think leg tattoos look strange on men (women can do it well) and find that tattoos are more aesthetic on the upper body for guys.

>> No.9180025

I've thought this way for quite a while now too, especially since I started working in a tattoo shop in a busy area and it really opened my eyes.

Like I said, all these tattoos nowadays are accessories. You can instantly spot someone who knows their shit and genuinely loves tattoo a mile away. Just because someone has two sleeves and full chest or whatever doesn't mean they're experts or true lovers of it. I know a lot of tattoo artists and regular people with little to no tattoos, but they seriously know their shit and are either more interested in the culture and doing tattoos then having them, or they only get really good expensive pieces done when the time is right, or like myself, they like a more minimalist approach to it (i.e not being covered for the sake of it, just having a few decent pieces all over, like I mentioned above).

I also have an issue with normalfags and degenerates going wild for tattoos, but I realised I shouldn't care about them and just care about whether I like them or not, which I do.

At the end of the day, most people I've met including artists, don't put that much thought into it, nowhere near as much as I do. I respect people who are confident about what they want and they do it with no regrets. Sometimes it's just not worth thinking about since our time here is so meaningless and we're not gods, just another grain of sand in a desert of time in a seemingly random and pointless universe.

Despite my profession and my numerous tattoos, I hope tattoo removal develops nicely in the next few decades. I would honestly like to have a chance to start over or get rid of them if I ever lose interest.

>> No.9180044
File: 86 KB, 720x960, 318038_4615404135885_14709668_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people of noble descent shouldn't have tatoos

The King of Denmark disagrees with you.

>> No.9180049


well i'm a runner and in the country where i live everyone plays only football (soccer for US), that might be the main reason

and regarding upper body tats, currently i'm thinking about moving away from running and kinda focused on lifting, so i want to wait until my torso / arms are bigger to even consider getting a tattoo there

>> No.9180084

That's cool. As I said, if it's what you wanted then great, there's no rules. Hope you enjoy it.

I have leg tattoos. I understand what you mean about them looking weird. If I could I'd maybe get rid of mine, since my first ones were on my leg and they're not good. Some days I really like them, other days I don't at all.

But overall I just think there are some people who aren't made for tattoos. Also, I generally tend to go for girls without tattoos instead of girls with tattoos. In most cases it ruins their bodies (if they have a nice body). Other times it totally helps them and makes my dick hard, or they just actually look good with tattoos.

I know I come across as a weird anti-tattoo or pesimist artist, but with the way tattoos have grown in the last decade and seeing so many bad tattoos, it's made me change my mindset.

>> No.9180112

wtf he actually has chinese dragon tattoos? what a moron

>> No.9180167 [DELETED] 

On the topic of science tattoos, I guess get that people are offended at what they don't understand. But it might be an effective way to filter out morons from conversation (not that I condone getting an equation going across your wholes are.
The phd student probably did research on that animal. She probably spent countless hours and sleepless nights getting to know it better than all but a few people in the world. I get that mindless troglodytes could never comprehend being so passionate about something seemingly obscure. And then you go get tattoos of movie characters and barbed wires and think that getting so excited about a movie [or barbed wire] you are willing to permanently alter your body for it is perfectly acceptable.

>> No.9180175

On the topic of science tattoos, I guess get that people are offended at what they don't understand. But it might be an effective way to filter out morons from conversation (not that I condone getting an equation going across your whole arm)
The phd student probably did research on that animal. She probably spent countless hours and sleepless nights getting to know it better than all but a few people in the world. I get that mindless troglodytes could never comprehend being so passionate about something seemingly obscure. And then you go get tattoos of movie characters and barbed wires and think that getting so excited about a movie [or barbed wire] you are willing to permanently alter your body for it is perfectly acceptable.

>> No.9180244

I like your attitude

>> No.9180251
File: 33 KB, 132x200, buchanan-family-crest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a crest, you are thinking of a coat of arms. Which is what I was thinking of getting...

>> No.9180267


>> No.9180276

>tfw no family crest or any type of crest that I could get as a tattoo

>> No.9180294 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 625x833, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this tattoo effay?

>> No.9180306

>fat hands

>> No.9180310

I love how mods gave me a warning for replying to replies from my own tattoo. What a bunch of fuckboys.

>> No.9180323

Everyone knows they enjoy dicks in their mouths. It is the single biggest fear and pleasure for them

>> No.9180327

these pictures aren't that bad because they're really obvious photoshops
the other ones you were posting (like the straws) were worse

>> No.9180331

resuten ples stop posting these picture! i have forced meme o phobia!

>> No.9180413
File: 79 KB, 617x467, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-hey, tattoos are effay, right guys? RIGHT??

>> No.9180422


you are a shitposting nigger, cancerous faggot

>> No.9180429
File: 377 KB, 1080x1456, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk shit post tattoos

>> No.9180519

this is actually kind of cool
only good post you've made, weird

>> No.9180857


i'm the op

>> No.9182871
File: 545 KB, 1325x571, Tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9182922

pls post dense, b&w tattoos like those from yakuza. I'm not a fan of tattoos in general, but whenever I see one of those they look awesome

>> No.9182940
File: 68 KB, 438x658, Yakuza+Tattoos+7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9183377

Fucking love it

>> No.9183409
File: 7 KB, 864x811, Idea1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about getting something like this on my forearm, but obviously not drawn up so shitty.


>> No.9183428

Not a bad design. Do you have any other tattoos?

Getting a forearm tattoo for your first is pretty ambitious. A lot of people aspire to without thinking of the consequences

>> No.9183440

I don't yet, no. I do have some more tattoos in mind.

I was thinking forearm or the back of my bicep, but i'm kind of scrawny so that might not be ideal.

>> No.9183449

Commit to it then, although the heroin chic look is pretty fa IMO, so anywhere would look good

>> No.9183450
File: 244 KB, 1000x670, pio_GD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this idea but on the back

kinda like the pioneer plaque solar system coordinates on the arm and the solar system on the spine

I need to work out and tone up doe

>> No.9183458

I think you have to be really fit or atleast reasonably fit to look good with tattoos

otherwise you look like a tryhard faggot

>> No.9183463

I feel you, man. I want to work out and get toned but laziness triumphs.

But, I have a boner for astronomy and chemistry so a lot of my ideas are based on them. I just don't have money for them yet.

>> No.9183467

Тризубец шикарен

>> No.9183663 [DELETED] 

it's a butthole

>> No.9183684

ayy im getting the same tattoo lel. no human model/pioneer outline but definitely keeping the hydrogen atoms as well as the pulsar map. was thinking of doing it on my midriff. that being said im in the middle of bulking up so I may have to put the tattoo on hold as well. at first i was disappointed that others had the same tattoo idea but my discomfort is rapidly turning into more motivation to get it myself.

>> No.9184051
File: 376 KB, 605x562, Sin título.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a similar one on my foot and im pretty happy with it

>> No.9184195

whats the name of the tattoo style in the middle? i like it

>> No.9184215

Slava Ukraine!

>> No.9184233

Damn I like this tattoo and the location

>> No.9184315

Dö sossehora

>> No.9184371

wow. Glory to Ukraine

>> No.9184384
File: 258 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-12-08-12-51-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Berber and it means free man. It symbolizes my freedom from my culture and social norms my family, and at the same time it reminds me about where I'm from.

I'm getting it this summer, where should I get it? I'm pretty /fit/ too.

>> No.9184598

how much would a tatoo like this be ?

>> No.9184627

more than you can afford

>> No.9184660

give me a number then

>> No.9184673

Several thousand. It will be worth the price though, if you go to someone good.

>> No.9184891

literally thousands

>> No.9184942

i'm berber too! from algeria, i thought i'll get this too, amazigh ftw

>> No.9184960

Is there a name for this style?

Sacred geometry is cool, but I feel like it gives off a druggy/hippy vibe.

>> No.9185258

>about kekule's benzene dream
I am a third year chemist and have never heard that. I only see one of the most common tattoos in the world.

If you're going to get one, at least have it make some old celtic knot

>> No.9185266

IT'd look better going down your spine, about 6-8 inches with the sun being slightly above your shoulders

>> No.9185363

I actually like this

>> No.9185408


>(My /g/ brethren will know what I'm talking about)

I think you mean your /lgbt/ brethren

>The lambda was selected as a symbol by the Gay Activists Alliance of New York in 1970, and declared the international symbol for gay and lesbian rights by the International Gay Rights Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1974.


>> No.9185413

Good to see that you didnt keep that lame and incorrect phrase that the original one had

>> No.9186321


"Hey, guise. I'm from le Reddit and like space."

Every sweg cunt has this 'completely original' design these days.

>> No.9186391
File: 3 KB, 337x598, 337px-Cross_of_the_Russian_Orthodox_Church_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of either getting this on the back of my neck/upper back or over my heart

im an orthodox christian btw

>> No.9186564

w2c dog?

>> No.9186688

Getting a religious tattoo is pretty stupid tbh, unless you're in your 40's and still religious. A lot can change and you'll probably end up regretting it.

The only religious tattoo I reckon is acceptable would be something with meaning other than to say "I'm Christian lolz" like the Buddhist undying knot etc.


> orthodox Christian, getting a tattoo.


>> No.9186721

yes, russian orthodox

>> No.9186781

side pieces are water color/geometry

Jamie does mine, Joey is a boss ass bitch (3+ year waitlist, indefinite until project idea accepted)

>> No.9186807

I have that on my shin with the bottom rung pointed the opposite direction. Got it from an old russian tattoo, its on a gravestone. Found out afterwards the buttom rung pointing up left instead of right means that its pointing to the unrepentant thief that was on jesus left compared to saint dimas, the repentant thief on his right. Turns out I have a totally anti christian tattoo just based on that one slight change, whole meaning is different. Im ok with this

>> No.9186890
File: 28 KB, 426x640, tumblr_leex6gqdIA1qbn3cfo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no Boris what is wrong with you people

>> No.9186911

this looks like the album cover of a 00's metalcore band

>> No.9186939

>A+, Target logo in front of clouds, horseshoe

>> No.9186994

I like it man, it all works pretty well together.

>> No.9187034
File: 105 KB, 480x640, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he did it for free

>> No.9187037


my friend drew and received what this is obviously a copy of.

it was nice that you kept the sentimental bits he has in there about his dad.

too bad you ruined it by replacing the moon with the Target logo.

>> No.9187776
File: 252 KB, 450x639, wolskullweb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9187829
File: 724 KB, 2448x3264, 1415095714154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the design elements of a tattoo that cause will age well? Assuming you take all the proper skin care precautions and dont have it somewhere stupid like your hands?

Also bumping with an /fa/ classic

>> No.9187986


You look like a try hard with that tattoo. What a mistake.

>> No.9187996

Post some Russian tattoo inspo, I think this is going to be the next big thing

>> No.9188012

isn't that your left arm?

>> No.9188014

crooked, horrible font, shit tattoo, terrible meaning.

>> No.9188029

nice, i have a tattoo from the same book. too lazy to take a picture though, but i have the gypsy woman in handcuffs

>> No.9188057

I'm french and it doesn't mean anything.
And ugly btw

>> No.9188107


stray dog, actually rescued by me

>> No.9188125

I got the playboy bunny tattooed on my ankle, how much of a fuck up am I?

>> No.9188133

>If you want it, get it, but small tattoos with a cute meaning make me angry.
why? and compared to what? what tattoos don't make you angry, people just getting something that they think looks cool rather than it having meaning?

>> No.9188155

the dude who wrote this stupid shit is fucking illiterate

>> No.9188158

im gay

>> No.9188164

>most of us hate or dislike small stupid tattoos that plebs get as their first or only tattoo due to how much it means to them. It just seems childish and/or an obvious disinterest in the real culture and value of having tattoos
>certain things don't deserve to be on your skin forever, because after all, tattoos are supposed to be aesthetic.
You sound like a massive asshole. Tattoos aren't some super special sacred rite that people need to know "real tattoo culture" to fully understand. Also- if you get mad at people for getting meaningful and not-necessarily aesthetic tattoos from you that's you're own failure as an artist for not finding the best placement, size, and style to make your clients "lamely meaningful" tattoos look good.

>> No.9188166

congratulations on coming out now you just have to collect your courage and ask the nice boy out

>> No.9188180
File: 1.92 MB, 2592x3352, DSC_0352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first one i got. still my favorite.

>> No.9188249


i love the style

did you ever shave your legs ? i'm thinking about shaving mines

i'm this guy


>> No.9188286

nope, never shaved them. only the places i got tattoos, never really grew back there though (llike you can see in the pic). got that one over 4 years ago.

>> No.9188296
File: 8 KB, 648x432, gay1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lambda is a symbol of the gay community. Lambda tattoos is how a lot of them identify each other.

Good luck with people thinking you're gay because of this shit, idiot.

>> No.9188316

Good luck with being wrong

>> No.9188329

maybe 40 years ago
hardly anyone knows that anymore and people just have rainbowflag as symbol now

>> No.9188336


You don't know the gay club scene, right?

>> No.9188338

nah im just a regular gay and only time i ever heard of that being mentioned it has been in history things or old people talking

>> No.9188339

Even if it has passed on, it still remains as a historical symbol, and could make a comeback anytime. There's always the possibility that the guy with the Lambda tattoo is a faggot.

I'd never run the risk

>> No.9188347

> hands remember

The fuck does that even mean?

>> No.9188355
File: 263 KB, 600x600, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hands remember every time you touch yourself.

>> No.9188379
File: 16 KB, 600x600, lowqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9188395

If I had a tattoo like this, I would talk to it like it were a real person.

>> No.9189932

I'm starting to rethink every decision I've ever made. Has anyone here had a tattoo removed? Share your story, please.

>> No.9189988 [DELETED] 


>> No.9189994 [DELETED] 


>> No.9190150

which one is yours pal?

>> No.9190164

I haven't posted one. I fear I will never get a Japanese wife because of my tattoos.

>> No.9190175

m8 i hate to tell you but thats probably not the reason

>> No.9190183

No, friend, I think it is. I'm pretty sure the Japanese are very prejudiced against tattoos.

>> No.9190192
File: 19 KB, 500x500, 1385089300152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9190202

It's true, though.

>> No.9190207
File: 110 KB, 394x394, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9190215

What do y'all think of Nikki Hurtado? I think he's ridiculously talented.

Pic related is one of my favorite pieces from him. Even if it's unfinished still

>> No.9190219


post a pic of your tats and we'll see if you are worthy of a jap gf

/fa/ is nearly 90% japanese teenagers, didn't you see the poll ?

>> No.9190220
File: 17 KB, 228x346, 41le8ej-fiL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that from anywhere besides the cover of the edition of brave new world i own?

>> No.9190225
File: 69 KB, 640x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.9190250


i don't like that particular style, but the man is a god

>> No.9190402

Im sure he'll do great in job interviews

>> No.9190414

Who the fuck gets a tattoo like that on their chest.
thats just awful

>> No.9190426

>having naked women on arm
>thinking you'll be respected as a functioning human in society.
might as well tattoo a dick on your face

>> No.9190429

tfw you have enough tattoos to start a noise band akin to The Gerogeri, but you don't know how to play any instruments.

>> No.9190447


>> No.9190457

>The Gerogeri

>> No.9192023

i respect him,
but yeah, probably means nothing since i got a manga tattoo..

>> No.9192666
File: 343 KB, 500x576, photo 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking heavily about getting this tattoo in a month or so, and before anyone yells at me, i've been a Neutral Milk Hotel fan way before they became a meme on /mu/

what do you guys think? y/n

>> No.9192714

If you like it, go for it. Could do an interesting black and grey thing with thin lines or pointilism. Saw them about a month back, great guys

>> No.9192761

I find the lines to be a bit busy, so I'll have it shaded instead of crosshatched to hell

>> No.9192791

It's a Camus quote, right?

>> No.9192793

it's cool, I was actually thinking of doing exactly this with the exact same lyrics, but I guess you beat me to it.

>> No.9193302

why on earth would any of you post your tattoos/tattoo designs, some lurker fuccmasters are just gonna steal your ideas and devalue them

>> No.9193336

Totally agree, thought about posting mine but i don't want any one to copy them, artists shouldn't even consider copying an exact tattoo design..

>> No.9193340

Totally agree, thought about posting mine but i don't want anyone to copy them, artists shouldn't even consider copying an exact tattoo design..

>> No.9193382

>paying money to ink a meme into your skin

>> No.9193404

Working on an occult/immortality theme for my tattoos. Already have an ankh (left upper arm), was planning on getting the Sigil of the Gateway on my left pectoral next. After will be an ouroboros (though something a bit more complex than our chemist friend earlier in the thread) and the alchemical symbol for gold, though not sure yet where I'll be placing them.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Stop while I'm ahead?

>> No.9193726

Top haha

>> No.9193736

that wrinkle in the hand looks like another thumb does that bother you

>> No.9193987

A lifetime membership in a criminal organization unless you're a pleb.

>> No.9194282
File: 73 KB, 480x445, 1417909433495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Careful with that edge.. I went to jail with a guy from the East Coast who did Prison time; he told me this story about how some edgelord hipster got a tattoo for more edges.. Little did the edge faggot know that his tattoo represented he committed a sex crime in Russian Prison Tattoo-Lore... Well I don't have go into detail about how 4 Slavs doing time for attempted murder shit pushed so hard that it put him in a wheelchair... Careful with those edges..

>> No.9194434
File: 3.21 MB, 2156x788, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on koi fish tattoos? I'm considering getting one across my upper arm and chest. Do you have to be Asian to pull it off? And can anybody give me an estimate on the price?

>> No.9194448

No, you don't have to be Asian to pull it off. A price estimate is difficult to give, because it greatly depends on who you go to. My tattoo artist in Canada would probably charge about $2000 for the complete thing. But once again, that is a very rough estimate.

>> No.9194462
File: 358 KB, 300x169, 1415901641222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>koi fish

>> No.9194617
File: 33 KB, 500x350, anchor-tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /fa/ think about bears in tattoos?
Another thing:
Are anchors too overdone?

>> No.9194818

Looking swole brah

>> No.9195006

Do you even LIKE koi fish? Personally I think they are ugly as shit. Generally I think for something like that you are looking at min $1000

>> No.9195047

Thats what the original posters said it was/believed it to be. I do find it a bit odd how in the internet age a person could get such an incorrect tattoo.

>> No.9195066
File: 47 KB, 585x720, bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burrs dabes>>9194617

i wanna dump some tattoos i like whats the post/image limit here?

>> No.9195793

yeah, anchors are typical white girl tattoos now