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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 24 KB, 324x490, grid-cell-29005-1417557687-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9170725 No.9170725 [Reply] [Original]


The skinny girl looks good in everything. The fat girl can't even find clothes.

>> No.9170740

>tfw 6'3" 165 lbs

>> No.9170753

>fat girls look unhappy in just about every photo
Maybe there's a correlation

>> No.9170762
File: 370 KB, 1288x1244, dont be fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9170767

i don't understand why they're complaining
if the company doesn't make clothing for your body type, then don't shop there instead of complaining about not being inclusive

>> No.9170768

fucking glorious

>> No.9170771



fuck fat people

>> No.9170775 [DELETED] 

being obese is a mental illness just like homosexuality.

>> No.9170776

death to fatties

>> No.9170779

said the whale

>> No.9170782

>giving clicks to buzzfeed

>> No.9170784

>not using adblocker

>> No.9170789

having anime posters on your walls is a mental illness, just like being obese or being a homosexual

you're triple creep koishi

>> No.9170807

aren't you a dyke?

>> No.9170826

That's the joke genius.

>> No.9170830

her body is hideously lumpy and gross so anything remotely form fitting is out

>> No.9170840 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 850x1202, muhshipgrills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only like little girls of the two-dimensional variety it's not the same.

>> No.9171227

... you might wanna lay off the chan for a bit

>> No.9171233 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 211x322, 1417127330765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even know where you are you little fuckboy?

>> No.9171238 [DELETED] 

>I only like little girls of the two-dimensional variety

why :(

>> No.9171239

the skinny girl has a genuine smile with a confident look on her face, and natural body language

the fat girl is making stupid silly low self esteem faces with odd comical postures

not saying attitude and body language will fix the rolls or the bad fit, but it would do something for her

>> No.9171304

whats "fuckboy" ?

>> No.9171334


>> No.9171346

the "skinny" girl really isn't all that skinny herself

>> No.9171350

She is though

>> No.9171351

> the fat girl is making stupid silly low self esteem faces with odd comical postures
well said
it's obvious she's hates herself and has very low level of confidence
and she's too fat, to the point where she her face (not even talkig about body, it's obvious) doesnt even look like a normal person's chubby face, but like an ogre's face

>> No.9171457
File: 13 KB, 633x758, 1395320843216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you work at Brandy Melville and you get paid to hit on skinny women

life's good :)

>> No.9171470

allison is such a qt

>> No.9171509

>company makes a claim
>unassociated third wants to see if it is true
>turns out it's not
well why would anyone wanna do that

>> No.9172323

fatty is qter in left three

high-test alpha here btw

>> No.9172341

fatty is qter in left three

high-test alpha here btw

>> No.9172366

not meant to be taken literally

>whad do u mean this one size fits all sweater doesnt fit a 450lb guy

>> No.9172374

I guess somebody has got to fuck fatties

>> No.9172378

she's a size 0, you skeleton-sucking mong

>> No.9172468

>tfw when no size 0 qt gf

>> No.9172477
File: 325 KB, 625x479, tumblr_mymppzp1ib1qc2306o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no roly-poly fat gf
>tfw high test alpha

>> No.9172496

>pink hair
dropped because I wouldn't want my penis chopped off while sleeping

>> No.9172500

candace has sort of a cute thick thing going on

>> No.9172503
File: 470 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_ndi3kj4roy1qc2306o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9172505


are fat people fully human?

i'd argue no

>> No.9172510

lol her arm is bigger than her neck

>> No.9172517
File: 507 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nfxoy5HKwn1qc2306o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tits bigger than her head too

she's delish

>> No.9172521

Those look like DDs on the front and As on the back

>> No.9172524

They're full

>> No.9172552

would cum on her tummy and then run before she told me to check my priveledge

>> No.9172560

They'll be down by her knees one day.

>> No.9172610


i'd argue that they're never full

>> No.9172638
File: 57 KB, 542x601, 1376350318774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allison will never be your gf

>> No.9172643

Would fuck and duck.

>> No.9172666

Am I the only one who's really diggin' that Lara chick? I don't know she just seems... cool.

>> No.9172702

this. i think i've fallen in love with allison

>> No.9172718

>potentially wasting your genes mating with a womenlet

>> No.9172719

Fuccboi as fucc right here

>> No.9172731
File: 55 KB, 498x768, hoover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat hoverhand

>> No.9172736

>muh titties

Pretty much every fat chicks last grasp at being attractive.

>> No.9172739

I'm 6'4", it'd even out, probably.

>> No.9172740

she looks like a pig. I have never said that about anyone before, but she looks like an actual pig.

>> No.9172746

lol I'm 6'5" and my fiance is 6'1. Fuck evening out.

>> No.9172754

Is there actually any scientific evidence for the whole /fit/ 'le alpha male is attracted to fat women'? I can understand if you're attracted to big hips and boobs while the rest of the body is still proportionate and not excessively fat but people on /fit/ seem to extend this to actually fat women. I often find them to look attractive/sexy in clothes but when women are undressed in most cases thin chicks look better

>> No.9172761

Yao Ming 2.0

>> No.9172764
File: 38 KB, 620x465, 24-elephantman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9172768

No, it's tumblr horse shit made up by fat girls and its being used ironically here.

/fit/ probably does like fat girls tho

>> No.9172776
File: 32 KB, 350x400, slow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9172780
File: 30 KB, 289x272, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg allison

>> No.9172784

would fuck

>> No.9172786

I'll fight you for her faggot.

>> No.9172790
File: 92 KB, 700x394, 14-svyle-1615405319752d53a8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel bad for fatties and fat acceptance is just evil

extrinsic motivation is helluva perk and for that i am privileged

>> No.9172794

Good. Clothing shouldn't cater to fat people. We need to motivate them to lose weight.

>> No.9172799

Lara's fucking shoulders, man

>> No.9172803


>> No.9173183

/fit/ pls go

>> No.9173189

Skinny girl looks qt in all pictures.

>> No.9173323

Why am I digging those shoulders so much?

>> No.9173496

shhhh both of you, she's converted to /k/'s /k/utie3.14 now

>> No.9174103

>one size fits most
>fits 3/5 of them

>website says fits s/m
>fits the small - medium women best

What about their claim isn't true?

>> No.9174112

>beyond omega

pick both

tis not a coincidence that they are attracted to fatties. they are literally maximum beta

>> No.9174130

the skinny one looks exactly like my ex, like I'm starting to wonder if they're somehow related

fuck that cheating bitch tho

>> No.9174179

if she lost weight this would be like madoka

>> No.9174210

bless you

>> No.9174236

dat back fat

>> No.9174258

are you me

>> No.9174263

maybe buy clothes in your size and not ones made for fit people

>> No.9174275
File: 82 KB, 667x1000, f1523a3c1513be803f9ddcd38fb57b1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have this shirt from brandy melville
fits well no complaints, a little expensive
the bottom line is, if brandy melville only wants to sell clothing size 0-4 it's their choice right?
fuck fatties, if you want it that bad just lose weight

>> No.9174372


she looks like remy lacroix

>> No.9174378

>high test alpha
>has no gf
>posts pics of trannys on fashion forum
>high test alpha

>> No.9174385

I mean, men being naturally attracted to truly curvy women (thinner waist, wide hips and bust) makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint, but I doubt that it raises your testosterone by much, unless you aren't jacking it.