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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.48 MB, 2988x3820, 20141202_181528head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9162699 No.9162699[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Trying to figure out an outfit for my date! Rate each one 1-10?

>> No.9162702
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>> No.9162706
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>> No.9162707

Just go naked

>> No.9162708


>> No.9162712
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Also should I go in the hot tub if this is my only suit?

>> No.9162714


>> No.9162721

Is it to late to cancel?
I'm really sorry but all of these are so bad. And the swimsuit does not compliment you at all.

>> No.9162722

if this is what "real women" look like imma stay celibate

>> No.9162725


>> No.9162726

this is a joke i hope? gr8 b8 xD m8

>> No.9162728

Shoes are bad
Top reveals your fat

Shoes are bad
Top reveals your fat even more

Shoes are bad
Top shows hamplanet status
Throw those shorts out
Don't wear leggings

Please put more clothes on

Go work out first and then worry about your clothes. Clothes can't make you attractive if you have a shitty body

>> No.9162730

dis bitch need 2 lose sum weight

>> No.9162732


>has a long back
>still has cellulite


>> No.9162735

Does your first name start with a J?

>> No.9162741


>> No.9162747

all of these are repulsive to be honest, but imo I think you should get the red shirt in
and pair it up with the jeans in your original pic. At least then you'll look average/decent

Can we see the front of the swimsuit?

>> No.9162767

Don't have a front of the suit, but it's pretty plain.

>> No.9162822


>> No.9162824

ya'll don't need to be so mean though...poor girl was just asking what to wear. Also, I'll tell you why your other fits are terrible without insulting you:
The shirt is too baggy for a spaghetti strap; obscures your tits more than catholic nun attire. Makes you look 'gooey' like flubber.
Those shorts/leggings combo is making me angry. I've seen it work with jean shorts, but that particular short is disgusting. I would 360 and walk the other direction if I saw a girl wear this. Top is decent on you though.
I can't give you a good judgement on the bathing suit without seeing more. But it's just 'meh' from what I can see. Don't be ashamed of your body, although cliche, just work with what you have and be confident.

>> No.9162843

Wear the dress the guy just wants to see you naked anyway. Little fat showing is cool. Why hide who you are.

>> No.9162854

sit on my face

>> No.9163171

Try wanking to this.
Protip: you cant

>> No.9163174

OP, serious question: do you have time to go shopping for a new outfit?

Of those posted so far, wear the dress.

>> No.9163180

pls be in NY

>> No.9163190

I think you should try to wear something that covers your shoulders.

A shirt/blouse with the jeans in the first picture and a pair of flat shoes would look nice :)

>> No.9163194

OP, here's my take (as a straight, mid-20's guy):

Your outfits emphasize the wrong parts of your body. The dress and the spaghetti strap top both emphasize the bust and your neckline, but your bust is smaller and your upper arms and neck carry a little too much weight to balance these out against your midsection.

You're on the right track with those black leggings - those make your legs look amazing. The denim shorts are a little... well, they're terrible. Especially with jet black leggings. Don't wear this. Instead, maybe a short skirt with the leggings would be nice. Not sure how to work tops into that look, though.

Do you have one of those mega push-up bras from Victoria's Secret that makes your boobs look like another cup size as big or something? One of those would help square-out your midsection and help you pull those outfits off in a pinch.

Also, don't wear converse out on a date (unless you're in high school or something)

>> No.9163199

>wearing jeans/pants/leggings
Why do women do this?
If I wanted to date someone who dressed like a man, I'd date a man. Wear a skirt or a dress for god's sake.

This is much better, but I would suggest taking Rick's advice and working out in future. You'll pull it off a lot better.

>> No.9163205

this post had it right. pink top with jeans is probably the best you can do with what youve showed so far

>> No.9163206

>Girls should wear only dresses
Is this some macabre subgroup of fedoracore belief?

>> No.9163221

That isn't what's being said you alarmist faggot

If you want to invent oppression go somewhere else, no one gives a shit about your delusional fantasies here.

>> No.9163225

trasgy redneck mum/10
pls no/10
cellulitis/10 please never show that pic to anybody
just wear a big ass coat and straight trousrs and you wont look as horrible

>> No.9163226

Women in jeans are an abomination. That's just a fact. There are times when it's practical (I'd hardly expect them to wear a dress while hiking or doing manual labour) but it's never going to look good. And dressing for a date is all about looking good.

>> No.9163229

pigfuck you forgot to put ur trip on

>> No.9163231
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How do I become gay?

>> No.9163235

>>wearing jeans/pants/leggings
>Why do women do this?

What exactli is being said then?

>> No.9163242

What about pants?

>> No.9163267

He's right. It isn't oppression to force women to only wear skirts or dresses. Women are by biological nature submissive and even in spite of whatever they may say to you secretly wish to be dominated and controlled at every level.

It is a historical fact that women always have and should wear skirts and dresses, while men wear pants. Pants are essentially masculine, and open-bottom garments essentially feminine. It's an evolutionary outcome.

>> No.9163285

do not go out wearing either of these anon, they're pure shit. and really? leggings with shorts? that horrid trend died out years ago. find the nicest dress in your closet and wear some matching heels if you're time is running low. if you do have some time, listen to this anon >>9162721 and go buy a better dress. this is a date anon and you're not a middle school girl, pick out something mature that suits your age and the situation.

this bathing suit is quite terrible as well and does not flatter you in any way. better to cancel the hot tub part of the date.

>> No.9163299

Girls look cuter in dresses. I love when my gf wears cute dresses. It makes her look adorable. Jeans look like shit on girls compared to dresses and skirts. Like, you can wear it, but please don't when we're on a date. But I actually like my gender role and lift weights and own guns and go in the mosh pit at shows. It's funny that being normal is weird here because everyone is such a tryhard who can't be masculine with a skinnyfat body and no charisma or confidence.

>> No.9163306
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>It's funny that being normal is weird here because everyone is such a tryhard who can't be masculine with a skinnyfat body and no charisma or confidence

post a fit

>> No.9163311

You don't know me, ive wanked to worse

>> No.9163320
File: 527 KB, 541x1782, 1408074236211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an old one. Went swimming that day.

>> No.9163326

you clearly shop at walmart for everything

how did someone like you even land a date?

>> No.9163329

Oh, yes - you

I've seen you before here talking about how it's so great hanging out with plebs lol (exaggeration)

Oh, and the other fit you posted and this one are both awful

>> No.9163331

could it be that she has a lovely personality?

>> No.9163334


>> No.9163339

That's funny, I don't remember anything about you despite the name.

>> No.9163341

oh anon, you do know that bragging about yourself on a Filipino rotoscope forum will only prove to us how pathetic you actually are. what have you got to prove? and even if you do it's not like anyone actually cares.

>> No.9163344

Probably some desperate virgin beta from /r9k/

>> No.9163349

Even god gets bored. Why do you think he made mosquitoes?

>> No.9163350

You were talking about how you finally bagged a, "normal" girl and that, "crazy girls just weren't worth it"

If you weren't an autist and took pictures exactly the same way, and in the same pose - I wouldn't have remembered myself

>> No.9163361

i guess some guys will fuck anything

this butch looks bitch
this bitch looks butch

looks like she has hella cats, dresses like a late 20's lesbian who gave up sometime in 2012

>> No.9163365

I was being for real though. Take the advice and avoid the edgy chicks.

>> No.9163368

5' 9" and you dress like shit, what a waste

>> No.9163375

>i guess some guys will fuck anything
Yeah, that about covers it

Sorry for lost alias - shitposting on another board. Also, don't tell me what to do. Ever.


>> No.9163400

OP youre wasting your height

go fucking work out or something

>> No.9163403
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>> No.9163413

God that everything pls no
Strictly speaking your body isn't that bad. I'm sure we could make something work for you.
But the clothes you put on should flatter your appearance.
What you've shown us does the opposite.
So whatever you're doing, do the exact opposite of what you'd normally do.

>> No.9163421

1, and the worst of the three

lose weight and get some style

>> No.9163438

Not really. She just needs some better clothing.

>> No.9163449

She has godawful proportions

>> No.9163455

Your BF% isn't a part of who you are.

>> No.9163615

all you have to do is dress for your body shape. would not recommend any of these outfits

>> No.9163628

So you would do a twirl and come back?

>> No.9163636
File: 68 KB, 499x525, 1344181669448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw op can get a date and you cant


>> No.9164459

7/10 nice ass

>> No.9164462






>> No.9164463

wud no fuk/10 to all your pics.

>> No.9164474

U don't try hard enough anyone can get a date bruh

>> No.9164483


>> No.9164499


>> No.9165643

Thanks OP very depressing thread, wonder if you are just a dude or something, hope you got ur laf tho.

>> No.9165778
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>> No.9166158
File: 214 KB, 770x1383, normalfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going on a date too. How you plebs like my fit?

>> No.9166169
File: 84 KB, 300x300, 1417642492350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys don't tell this midget that the lord of the rings called and they're missing a hobbit I wouldn't be able to take it.... seriously don't