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/fa/ - Fashion

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9159658 No.9159658 [Reply] [Original]


Now that reddit has caught onto memechrome will it be shunned like dadcore? What's the next bandwagon /fa/ is going to jump onto?

>> No.9159661


ayyy jokes on you monochrome was always shit

>> No.9159665

pastels and earth tones have been very big for a while, i feel like people might actually try and find some more individual styles now that all black everything is slowly petering out. personally i'm buying lots of rich indigos and leafy greens.

>> No.9159670

navy, maroon, and army green will always be the best palette, besides palewabve

>> No.9159679

I've been wearing earth tones my whole life and I'm kinda sick of them, I've been moving on to black, grey and light tones mostly.

>> No.9159700
File: 26 KB, 265x308, 1414392181272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this shitstorm of a board is any better than the other shitstorm
have you seen yourselves

>> No.9159707

is that /fa/coco??

>> No.9159716

fuck all i can do is memecrhrome
what is a new 0 work style?

gtfo with pastels and browns that shit looks gay as fuck.

palewave has potential

>> No.9159722
File: 116 KB, 500x701, myb2ptgBt21t0g44ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asian comfycore is the next level

>> No.9159725

I'd like to see a normal whiteboi trying to pull this off.

>> No.9159727

This faggot knows what's up.

Start pulling out them big sweaters and oversized scarfs bitches.

>> No.9159730

Wearing what suits your body, environment and what you like is the next level.

Also topcock at mfa arguing about which Levi's fit is the skinniest, they're hopeless and this is 4 months old, they don't even post b/w mono fits.

>> No.9159731

don't change styles just because a bunch of idiots bandwagon it like god look at what hes wearing if youre going to throw all the clothes you've invested in cause of idiots with rockabilly leather jackets idk what that says about you man.... I mean its partly your fault for exclusively buying two colors making it look very accessible since there doesn't have to be a lot of room for thought

>> No.9159736

this, this works only on asiasn and blacks :(

>> No.9159738

stripes are gonna make a huge comeback I cant wait. also give me his number please

>> No.9159747

pale boys would compliment those colors really nicely though just don't be blonde since its gonna throw the entire outfit off like... hair plays such an important to that fit and hitler youths n stuff would look so bad with it. messy hair is going to be the wave of 2016 (2015 is going to be the dying off period for HY)

>> No.9159759

>what's the next contemporary fashion trend.

Once upon a time /fa/ was about drawing inspiration and building a style that suits you, and you feel comfortable in.

wtf happened?

>> No.9159765

lmao what time was that?

>> No.9159766

people want to be "fashionable" for social currency or pussy, individuality and self expression is foreign to them

>> No.9159767
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How to achieve hair? I'm growing out from a buzz at the moment, would it lead to that eventually?

>> No.9159773

I see that as an axiom of style.
This board is anything but that. The term 'fashion' actually contradicts the idea of personal style, because well, it's fashion. I mean, literally.

>> No.9159783

This board went from a individuals sharing a common interest to a bunch of hypebeasts circlejerking.

>> No.9159794



>> No.9159810
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>> No.9159839

The sad thing is that grills dig confidence, not fashion.

There is literally no difference from being an autist and a fashionable autist.

>> No.9159842

>this is what normalfags actually believe

>> No.9159857

>dressing for girls

end your life, plebs

>> No.9159858

zero reading comprehension

>> No.9159859

im 2010 we were still dickriding rick owens and goofnigga

>> No.9159880

probably this.

>> No.9159883

The word "comfy" is the worst thing to happen to this place in a while. At first it was pretty cool I started noticing these threads like 10 or so months ago and the we're good lots of mori jap brands and stuff that was pretty unique and hadn't been posted before. Now it has reached the point where spergs like you just say anything that doesn't feel like a cock going up your ass is comfy.
>wow my fit really sucks but I need to be validated by the Internet. What do i do? I know I'll call it comfy then they can't say it's shit!
Parka looks like cheap shit and you look like a freshman in high school. Stop fucking using comfy to describe shit please unless you are wrapped in some huge blanket and some sweatpants. Otherwise you are not fucking comfy you're just wearing fucking clothes.

I'm fully prepared for all the butthurt comments trying to call me on something probably autism or le saltiness but you know what? You all fucking suck and can't dress for shit so it's completely warranted.


>> No.9159900
File: 19 KB, 329x328, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be shy ugly antisocial sperg

>baggy as fuck jeans with large graphic tshirts and autistic nike shoes
>no girls

>pair of saint laurent chelseas
>black skinny jeans
>white shirts
>qts mirin
>qt dentist intern flirting with me
>underage qts mirin because "lol u dress like harry styles"


>> No.9159904

the picture you're talking about is a meme buddy. it was posted in a WAYWT yesterday or something and everyone ripped the guy apart because his fit is absolute shit. but youre right about people using the term comfy to justify having a shit fit. it happens. i just hope we can marginalize comfycore to where it's only used to describe fits that look good while being comfortable. kinda like this >>9159722

>> No.9159909

will techwear and techninjas be the next thing?

>> No.9159923

memechrome was just the natural result of idiots from 4chan looking at rick and whatnot all day but not having the money to cop it and then going on tumblr and looking at japanese guys in new balances all day but not knowing where to buy that either

it is a degenerate, bastard product of internet subculture with no genuine style of its own. it is a house build on a foundation of white noise and it was doomed to collapse

>> No.9159925

where have you been the past 6 months?

>> No.9160132

>6 months
>more like this decade
memochrome was the top mfa waywt post of 2013 iirc lel

>> No.9160240

maybe you're not familiar with mfa but guides like that are intended for people interested in the aesthetic not as a singular bandwagon to jump onto. people have been posting memechrome shit for a while, the link in OP's post was just intended to show n00bs how to pursue it.

That being said, mfa still likes americana and dadcore (see this month's top of waywt) and a little bit of streetwear. It's actually interested in way more things than /fa/ tbh

>> No.9160255

People were wearing monochrome solely because it was trendy? Yikes.

>> No.9160487

Looks like shit tho. U have better examples of ur shit? What I see, there, is bad as fck.

>> No.9160495

why do so many people on here feel superior for browsing this shitty board instead of another shitty board get your crap together
most of you are ugly and dress like shit hating on reddit doesnt make you look better

>> No.9160500

I'm not a fan of the velcro, but with some white CPs, that would be a really nice fit.

>> No.9160515

You wore it because it expressed your dark and brooding emotional state? Or because you can't into color schemes that work.

>> No.9160522

didn't monochrome die out last ;year?

>> No.9160534

>thinking monochrome means black, white and grey

Stay simple /fa/.

>> No.9160537

I agree with this anon

>> No.9160538

is this bait or are you this dumb
have all of you been here for 2 weeks or what
monochrome means 1colour could be green could be blue this is not a trend and wont die EVER
what you guys are doing is dressing like rappers from youtube videos and yes this died fucking last year

>> No.9160559

ah, yeah. i shoulda said "monochrome"

>> No.9160613

>implying all black is fading out

>> No.9160699

on this board? yeah, it definitely is.

>> No.9161152

welcome to /fa/!!!

>> No.9161677

Whatever Kanye or asap does next is what /fa/ will do next. Personally I'm still on the monorchrome bandwagon. It's just too easy.

>> No.9163055
File: 78 KB, 487x1273, 8-squall-c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come he looks like squall from final fantasy 8?

>> No.9163086

If you're lifes so connected to the Internet that you feel you have to stop dressing a certain way because a less cool forum started dressing the same you should just kill yourself or go outside

>> No.9163119

Lmao dumbfucks this fit is over a year old how is this considered "mfa is just now catching on"?

>> No.9163169

Fucking this

>> No.9163173

this is a terrible fit
but where can I cop shoes like that?

>> No.9163178


>> No.9163185

Squall is pretty meme doe

he's like one of the FF characters who dont look like shit

>> No.9163222

you can cop those shoes at aliexpress

just search for "cheap fake gook raf simons velcro hi tops"

>> No.9163245

palewave on deck
oceangrunge in the hold

lunarcore had courtside seats but aint ever play in the game knawmsayin lel

i mean pretty much any "core" or "wave" meme /fa/ comes up with will sputter and die or at best be a niche which won't actually be a trend in the mainstream, like normcore. mainstream trends are things like rider boots, sweat pants, or bomber and varsity jackets. theyre never attached to any complete look.

>> No.9163265

Monochrome is done. Besides, color is coming back big.

>> No.9163269

gr8 b8

>> No.9163321

You can cop Ann demeulemeester on aliexpress?

>> No.9163332

You can cop Ann Demeulemeester on aliexpress?

>> No.9163408

Tell me more about oceangrunge

>> No.9163502

i like to wear garments with interesting cuts and construction, uncommon and/or luxurious fabrics and textures, and at least some practicality.

the designers who make these types of garments almost always make them in black. they might also make them in whatever palette that they're playing with for whatever runway they're currently doing, but they also make them in black every season too.

i enjoy buying and wearing clothes with these qualities. unfortunately, the ones i like are often prohibitively expensive, so i must be smart and strategic about my purchases.

now, given all of this information, you'll see why i will almost always buy something in black before any other color.

i don't have the cash (nor the desire, really, though i'm sure the two would go hand in hand) to try to build a wardrobe around whatever-the-fuck the current trend color palette is. if i want clothes with property x, and i want them to go with the rest of my wardrobe, and all of the designers will make them in black in addition to whatever color is on their mind lately, then the common ground is black. and i will purchase black. it also looks good and is incredibly versatile.

tl;dr the most strategic color-palette for building a wardrobe is memechrome. other color palettes will come and go, but black will always be here.

>> No.9163607



Three months out from a shaved head, my neck hair and sideburns are long as hell. It looks dumb.

>> No.9163807

this lmao OP is a faggot

>> No.9163808

congrats, you're in 2011

>> No.9163818

>using dressing for girls meme
>trying to play too cool for that
>autistic virgin neet

>> No.9163822

lmao how new are you 2010 was all dadcore here

>> No.9163825


>> No.9163829

it's just getting big, actually...

.... in the midwest and flyover states

>> No.9163831

Not like anybody will notice or care

>> No.9163834

stay Midwestern

>> No.9163838
File: 499 KB, 480x228, tumblr_lx9jb1SPMr1qdrpdr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad

>> No.9164925

You guys are fucking gay, where neutral colors has always been normal and easy to pull off.

*jumps out window*

>> No.9164927


>> No.9165352

most pretentious thing i've read all afternoon

>> No.9165689

so you don't read your name every time you post?

>> No.9167034

underrated post