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9157094 No.9157094 [Reply] [Original]

Harry Styles general
Post photos of Harry's fits

>> No.9157098


>> No.9157105
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W/ Cara and literally nobody

>> No.9157110

harry is manlet

>> No.9157112

some of his fits are pretty good but he needs to sort his shit haircut

>> No.9157118


>> No.9157123

>tfw same exact hairline

>> No.9157153

Harry DOES styles :)

>> No.9157160
File: 9 KB, 203x333, nr1paidsprmodel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9157181

A true model :^)

>> No.9157308

wheres cara?!?!

>> No.9157533

On the right

>> No.9157537

thats not cara

>> No.9158380

it's a shame he'll be bald in a year or so

>> No.9158382

why does he have such a big head damn

>> No.9158402

>a year
No fucking chance m8 it will probably be 10 years before he goes bald

>> No.9158527

i don't mean legit bald, but in a year or so his hair will start looking like shit

>> No.9158714

I think that's why he started growing it so long

>> No.9158733
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Oh god

>> No.9158737
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>> No.9158782

do threads like this happen regularly on /fa/? if so, i might need to stop by more often...

>> No.9158826

As long as I'm here they will. Harry is my qt3.14 husbando

>> No.9158851

There's actual generals over this person?

His fit looks like he is one of the joker's henchmen.

>> No.9158884
File: 147 KB, 634x860, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admit it looks very goofy.
Generally his fits are better

>> No.9159513

He's rich, he'll just get a hair transplant

>> No.9159516

They are called threads anon

>> No.9159643

>british genetics

>> No.9159861

2013 was much better

>> No.9159874
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>> No.9161089

you know it's bad when you can tell he has a stylist

>> No.9161111

No shit he has a stylist
Most famous and rich people have

>> No.9161274

>tfw you can't grow your hair out because people think your just trying to copy harry.

>> No.9161920

>tfw ended bangs before he did
>tfw start growing for manbun before him
that nigga is copyin me
>tfw look so much like him gf"s friends call me Harry

>> No.9161960

those ugly tats tho

>> No.9162022
File: 57 KB, 625x468, feels_good_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my brother is basically a taller, blonde, blue eyed, more talented version of harry who is naturally well dressed
>muh parents are making him finish his BS at Uni before he can tour and make a run at getting to the show though

>> No.9162028

I hate 1d but his tattoos are dope tbh

>> No.9162129

he is only 20, if he had this hairline at lets say 25 then yes. but if your hair starts receding so fast you will be bald in 5 years max. but obviously he will get transplant.

>> No.9163592

Success doesn't work like that

>> No.9164072

When did 5'11" become manlet?

>inb4 some 6'8" genetic freak claims anyone under 6'3" is short

>> No.9166170

since 4chan trolls