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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 55 KB, 640x459, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9120311 No.9120311[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you can't talk to anyone you know about your feelings because you're a cold introverted cynic
>tfw you hide behind clothes, fake confidence, and caffeine because you don't feel like talking about your feelings
>tfw you would take coffee over food 9/10 times

>> No.9120320

Open up. You don't have to hold in your feelings forever. http://markmanson.net/power-in-vulnerability

And make sure you're eating a proper diet. You're harming your future self. See a dietician if you are unsure.

>> No.9120358

Do you have a job? This is more important than it seems.

>> No.9120368

Money isn't an issue

>> No.9120373

I don't believe you need a job to have a fulfilling life (although it is one way); any sort of productive work will do. There are jobs that will drain the life out of you, and there are hobbies that contribute more to your happiness than any job.

>> No.9120387
File: 22 KB, 310x336, Press X to Jason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shave dick for the first time ever
>Feels nice and smooth, looks bigger but itches like the dickens
>Realise you've let the genie out of the bottle and you're gonna have to keep this up for the rest of your life

>> No.9120390

>tfw dead end major
>tfw no money
>tfw no job
>tfw virgin
>tfw no gf
>tfw your onetis is way out of your league
>tfw not even sick fits and cops and take away these feels

What is the most /fa/ way to commit suicide?

>> No.9120410

It's not the money, or even the purpose.

OP needs a way to connect himself to other human beings, and being in close proximity with strangers and helping them to accomplish any sort of task teaches you to do just that.

I was the same as OP (minus the whole "money is no issue" thing), and I went out and got myself a job as a part time mechanic in a shitty little backwater town. I got weird looks from the rest of the guys at first, but I just kept my mouth shut and did my work, offering my help wherever I could. They quickly warmed up, and I still go out for beers with them about twice a month. My former boss is even going to help me build a motorcycle, as soon as I scrape up the money for decent parts.

That job probably saved my life.

>> No.9120413

>tfw hype beasts are 'getting into rick owens'
>tfw people on kanye to the pretend to know anything about fashion

>> No.9120415

Yeah I feel you bro. The inability to share my feelings with others is probably the reason why I don't and never will have a gf. I always distance myself from others, I just can't help it.

>> No.9120417
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I shaved all my chest/stomach hair for some reason

>> No.9120443
File: 29 KB, 337x372, 1396450517317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw u realise when u next pay ur rent that youll be in ur overdraft for the last 3 weeks of term so u wont have any money for the end of season sales

godammit i should have got a job idk why i thought i could make it in london on student finance alone

>> No.9120447

Don't do it. There are hotlines and online chats where you can get assistance.

That makes sense.

Why do you distance yourself from others?

Forget the end of season sales. There'll be plenty more in the years to come.

>> No.9120458
File: 162 KB, 449x340, 1416267762324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had feelings for a girl, was a pussy and never made them clear, and nothing ever happened. Then that girl's best friend came onto me, we dated for around half a year, and now she hates me. By extension, she then told her best friend, the original girl I liked, a bunch of shit about me.

I talked to the original girl today after no contact for ages, and am just filled with regret for what could have been.

>> No.9120507
File: 999 KB, 250x251, 1364544041408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hide behind [...] caffeine

>> No.9120532


What major?

>> No.9120547

>Wear skinny jeans
>Girls don't talk to me

You lied to me, /fa/

>> No.9120616

americans make me laugh

>> No.9120621


I was joking, so mission accomplished, I suppose.

>> No.9120625


>> No.9120642


>> No.9120658

Wow this is probably the best board

>> No.9120662

When I was like twelve and i first grew pubes I shaved a couple times. I haven't since but I think it's thicker for that reason now

>> No.9120673

>tfw catch a girl 'mirin
>tfw too awkward to do anything about it

Just another day

>> No.9120686

when I look back over the past 5 or 6 years, the happiest times were when I had a job. I also had a girl through both of those jobs, so maybe it was the girl that brought the happiness. God knows the girl isn't bringing me happiness any more

>> No.9120695

>tfw the qt you were too much of a pussy to try anything with is ditching you for someone with actual balls

>> No.9120700

amphetamines are more efficient

>> No.9120703

Being "paralyzed" like that is irrational. Make eye contact, be friendly, and say hi. Worse case scenario: you never see her again.

Take it as a lesson to start improving yourself.

>> No.9120714

Holy shit, are you me?

>> No.9120717

>tfw you couldn't tell her your real feelings for the same reasons as OP

>tfw she has no problem with fucking as many people as possible including girls and bisexual guys but seems to draw the line at you just because you are a fucking pussy and were too afraid of losing her when in turn being afraid made you lose her just as fast

at least i spend a lot on clothes r-right ?

>> No.9120721

What's the most effay coffee?

>> No.9120725
File: 116 KB, 1170x923, 1386661423210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw starve yourself to get skinny
>tfw no gf in years, given up on women entirely
>tfw drug addict, trying to stop atm and feels like shit
>tfw no friends
>tfw no money
>tfw spend every day working 2 jobs wishing I could die peacefully

>> No.9120729

>>tfw dead end major
Lol. Music major.
I play music and perform, and knew better than to fucking major in that any art. If you're good at art, you don't need to go to college for it,
>>tfw no money
Got money.
>>tfw no job
Held down and solid job for a year now, and just got a raise. Working 50-70hrs a week.
>>tfw virgin
Got laid last 3x last night.
>>tfw no gf
Just made this hot ass 28 year old honey, 8 years older than me, my girl last night after our 2nd date.
Played and sang for her. She's a freak too.
>>tfw your onetis is way out of your leaguez
>>tfw not even sick fits and cops and take away these feels
Get over yourself.

And rightfully so. I love the looks on a guy's face when he's in the friendzone, and I come around flirting with the girl he likes. Y'all get so pissy and passive aggressive.

>> No.9120736

How did you not know that that major would suck?

>> No.9120744

>played and sang for her
normies are so wierd

>> No.9120745

She might be the problem here dude she sounds fucking toxic

>> No.9120748

>girls complain that your sixpack is not that defined
>my sixpack is actually slightly visible but im currently bulking
>most girls dont even do any sports and don't know how difficult it is to build solid muscle

"oh so you don't have a sixpack like [put in every body builder]???" - fat girl

>> No.9120753

Ur sick dude

>> No.9120774

girls know body builders?

>> No.9120778
File: 132 KB, 680x510, 1406856373401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are right. i still hope you get my point. grills usually talk about some celebs. it's still feely

>> No.9120780

I know but anything else would've just sucked more tbh

>> No.9120789

>this is what happens when you listen to /fa/

Kinda cute really.

>> No.9120799

Girls are automatically more attracted to you, when you're a fluent musician. I always thought they were lying in the past. But it's really true.

No need to be so passive aggressive, buttercup.

>> No.9120804
File: 73 KB, 387x429, 1366898176938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw jumping back on my bodyweight training routine today
>adding new things
>focusing more on mobility this time around
>gonna become a master of my own body, even if it takes longer than just going to a gym

I don't know, I'm fascinated by things people do with their own body. I'll still probably do weight training for a few things like legs, but I think it's a cool thing to aspire. Focus more on mobility.

I dunno guys, we are all gonna make it. Chin up. Just think of that girl that broke your heart or that job you didn't get and let it inspire you.

>> No.9120811

So what? Don't give a fuck about it.
Keep training, and just cut when the weather warms up, and be bigger and more cut

>> No.9120815
File: 489 KB, 500x278, 1381275163778.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw thanksgiving dinner is going to be D O P E

>> No.9120825

Bodyweight fitness is great! I can hold a proper handstand for a couple of seconds now.

What routine are you following?

>> No.9120836


>> No.9120851 [DELETED] 

Because not one, or two but THREE people from my school are succeeding at it.

One's becoming a fairly good film scorer, the other is an emerging jazz singer with a recorded album. Third one has a bunch of contacts all around.

>> No.9120871

dumb frog poster

>> No.9120886

>girl invites me to crash at her place for the night
>she tells me i could sleep on the futon in the living room or it might be more comfortable if i just sleep with her in her bed
>well your bed it is m'lady
>tfw lay all night right next to her face to face without doing a single thing besides touching our legs together

what the fuck why does a girl who has a boyfriend have to torture me like this

>> No.9120888

sounds cute dude

>> No.9120896

At the time the outlook was good. Formed a band, had a stint with a manager and got into big venues in months. We dropped him because of conflicts of interest. I knew a couple of people in the game as well.

Currently not one, or two but three friends from my small school have promising futures. One's becoming a fairly good film scorer, another one is an emerging jazz singer with a recorded album. Third one has contacts all around.

And here I am whining in a taiwanese image board about korean cartoons. I didn't even want to hit it big, just compose incidental music for TV, films, ads and the like.

>> No.9120903

i have self esteem problems chain smoke and spend all my money on all black four figure designer garments


>> No.9120904

>>tfw lay all night right next to her face to face without doing a single thing besides touching our legs together
You're a retard. She invited you to sleep in her bed. That means she wanted to the dick.
If she had a boyfriend she was serious about, you wouldn't have been invited over to her place at all.
Jesus, how autistic are you?

>> No.9120919

well we're old friends and i think she sees me as a big brother since i'm 5 years older than her

>> No.9120927

If she saw you as an older brother, then you would not have been sleeping in her bed.
Go fuck that chick. Age doesn't matter. 16 is legal.

>> No.9120930
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>tfw no shadow to sink into

>> No.9120931

Right now? I'm doing a modified startbodyweight routine with a little more emphasis on the standard knuckle pushup because it seems well rounded enough and the progressions are pretty straight-forward. Gives me a better chance to work on mobility more first, since I am as flexible as a piece of balsa wood in some areas.

Although I do appreciate suggestions. My goals right now are touch my toes, and do a handstand for a solid couple of seconds. Gonna have to go through a lot of wrist exercises first though.

>> No.9120949
File: 50 KB, 406x382, that feel effay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when all dressed up and nowhere to go

>> No.9120960

siblings sleep together innocently all the time

>> No.9120969

if that's genuinely what you thought about the situation, why did you post here then? clearly you feel you screwed up. stop trying to defend yourself and learn from your mistakes.

>> No.9120981
File: 46 KB, 306x389, 1403664587818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wall of self-congratulatory bullshit
>Get over yourself

can I hang out with u after school??

>> No.9120994

That's a good one. I followed the /r/bodyweightfitness recommended routine for a while, but I kind of got lazy. Startbodyweight looks good, might start doing it tomorrow

>> No.9121000

>be university student with rich parents paying for everything
>tfw depressed to the point where you cannot feel pleasure
>tfw food doesn't have a taste
>tfw dead inside
>tfw binge drinking, abusing drugs, and smoking to try to feel something
>tfw you would blow your brains out but you don't want to wreck your parents

i skip class more than i attend, barely even get out of bed, and spend my time selling/taking drugs and buying designer clothes on the internet

i survive off of coffee, cigarettes, recreational drugs, and hard liquor which i suppose is effay

>> No.9121002
File: 1.25 MB, 1181x894, penisbrain seinfeld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well she's well over 16 that's for sure, and i will get another opportunity to sleep in her bed i know. i tried to make some flirty moves and initiate touching, but it didn't really go that far, but she did lay quite close to me all night. my penis and my brain were

>> No.9121004
File: 5 KB, 152x225, all seeing eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont know any other faggots because social cripple
>rejected world top 100 college for one thats not even in the rankings because i thought it would have a better social life and bring me out of my shell (wrong)
>only friend dropped out
>have missed pretty much every lecture
>probably getting kicked out
>cant wake up anymore without immense effort

>> No.9121010

>got some really good cops thrifting a few months ago
>haven't got anything recently despite putting a lot of effort in
>need to buy some more basics but don't want to cop new knowing that I might be able to thrift them
>have money almost have to force myself to buy them

this is a confusing feel

>> No.9121014

ask them to pay for therapy. they will. try dbt

>> No.9121015

its not

>> No.9121026

>Was at fashion show taking pictures backstage and a model asked my name for her friend (3ish months ago)
>trying to go to Sweden for study abroad for last year of uni (stating process now)
>Ask school to give my info to any Swedish students at my uni now
>Get email from girl
>Look up name
>Same girl who asked her friend for my name from fashion show
>meeting next week for coffee
>tfw already have gf

Maybe she just wanted to know my name because she had seen me around campus and she isn't interested in me. That would make things better.

>> No.9121028

if you join a dbt group you'll be with the most BEAUTIFUL crazy borderline bitches. i was in the psych ward last year and it seemed like every borderline girl wanted to have their brains fucked out

>> No.9121038

nice ungrateful brat trips

>> No.9121039

I can't let them know I need therapy. They'd certainly think less of me. I'm thinking about seeing a psychiatrist on my own though, my insurance would cover it.

>> No.9121069

yes, yes be grateful for your depression

>> No.9121076

It's pretty good, since the progressions are all pretty clear. I'd recommend it, or at least taking some of the progressions from it.

>> No.9121079

A healthy social life comes from you, not the people you surround yourself with.

Start talking to people. And go to class.

>> No.9121082


wow dude you really needed to put that guy down like that huh

grats, you triple a grade boastful cunt

>> No.9121084
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>> No.9121085

Just land yourself in a hospital, then they'll know you need therapy!

this is true, everyone in group is pretty.

>> No.9121092

What are you going to do, starting from right now?

>> No.9121110

tell you how retarded you are and eventually kill myself in a few monthsa

>> No.9121116
File: 1.42 MB, 1555x1555, 1409746178018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never leave house
>jack off
>do drugs
>buy expensive designer clothing with yards of extra fabric because i'm a hungry skele
where my slash effay slash bros at

>> No.9121121

sounds awesome

>> No.9121126

Sometimes I feel like I don't belong here because most anons here are successful 6'+ blonde whatevers going to prestigious unis coming from well off families who party every weekend with their huge circle of friends and get laid 4 times a week.

And here I am, just a guy.

>> No.9121132

Haha, are you a sociopath?

>> No.9121137


>> No.9121142

Are you me?

No, he's me.

>> No.9121148


I mean that's an exaggeration, but it seems most people on /fa/ are just super outgoing and shit.

I just feel disconnected is all.

>> No.9121164

try normcore

>> No.9121215

Why do you think I'm retarded? You don't even know me. Seek help if you feel you are at risk of suicide.

>> No.9121218

They're posting anonymously. Do you really think most of the things they say are true?

>> No.9121266
File: 46 KB, 462x440, 1333492344885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you had a bisexual experience recently
>tfw you lean straight but for some reason 9/10 qt dudes that speak 7 languages are into you and yet you can't muster the confidence to ask out a 6/10 girl in Uggs
>tfw not even a social autist but something is obviously fucked with you because you're so afraid of rejection your only relationships have come from the two girls that broke societal norms and asked you out you fucking coward
>tfw you thought you were living the dream dating a qt costume designer that would repair your clothes and help you construct outfits but then she turned out to be an insecure lunatic that broke up with you for buying another long-time friend who is also a girl a Christmas present
>tfw you don't know what this last batch of pills is doing to your psyche and you're experiencing irrational mood swings for the first time in years
>tfw the only person who's made you feel truly attractive is a dude but you grew up in the Bible Belt and you can't come to terms with it

Why even live

>> No.9121268

>>be university student with rich parents paying for everything
Waahhh. Boo hoo.
Try losing literally most everything you owned in middle class life getting fucked over and cheated on by your HS sweetheart, moving to the bumfuck trailer trash south with no money, then having your father die, getting hooked on meth and benzos, and getting off them, all while still having to work a dead end job full time to pay bills, while going to school time.
Shut the fuck up you whiny bitch. People would kill to be put into your sheltered position.

>> No.9121276

>HS sweetheart

T_T sorry normie are u gonna be ok?!?!
maybe try ODing cuntface

>> No.9121289

I sense a fit battle coming up in the near future

>> No.9121293

you care too much about what others think

which isn't something that you can easily target and fix, but just know that the problems you feel are internalized within yourself

just start trying to do whatever makes you happy, and don't let outside negative criticism get you down

>> No.9121303

yaass gaga

>> No.9121304

fuck off gay cunt >>>/r/teenmfa is this way

accept yourself for who you are dude
in the end it's your happiness that matters, not some bible belt preacher's
we only live for so long, so live without regrets right?

>> No.9121310
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God I love this contrast.

One guy with money who lusts for love
Another who had love but lusts for money
Each think the other's got it better


>> No.9121312

go to hell i want a fit battle

>> No.9121320

each of you post your best fit

lets see what you're made of, fuccbois

>> No.9121321

i dont have any good fits i just come here to laugh at what handicapped kids are wearing these days

>> No.9121326

So you're admitting you've lost the argument?

>> No.9121327

That's the point I'm trying to make kinda. I'm in a better position than 99.99% of the rest of the world which makes it hard to figure out why I spend all of my time wanting to kill myself or intentionally overdose

>> No.9121333

I clicked and it said nothing found, just like when I tried to search for ur fit bc I thought u werent a chicken and might actually post one but u didnt.

p.s. fucking ur mom later

>> No.9121338


I'll try.


It's not that I care what preacher's think about me, it's that most of my close confidants care about what preacher's think about me. Also might have some internalized shit. Hard to tell because I'm comfortable around dudes that like dudes but thinking about me liking dudes doesn't sit well.

>> No.9121339

these trips were made for checkin' and thats just what i'll do, one of these days these trips r gonna walk all over u :^)

>> No.9121344

the argument that hes a faggot normie who should snort meth until his worthless brain dissolves? i dont see how the quality of my fits counts in this argument

>> No.9121348

I have found that everyone at one point wants to legitimately kill themselves. Doesn't matter their socioeconomic position. Like now, I want to do just that.

>> No.9121353

damn killin em

>> No.9121354

Coffee is lame, cigs take my breath away.

>> No.9121357

>>Wall of self-congratulatory bullshit
Not at all. Just pointing out that I made my own happiness.

No, I did not. But sometimes when I lurk on 4chan, the amount of 'woe is me' shit irks me enough to post.

Where'd you get any vibes of me being a sociopath?
I may honestly be a bit of a narcissist or overly cocky, but that's as far as any disorders I have go.

>> No.9121361
File: 63 KB, 1191x780, valentinoman4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw getting comfortable with the fact that i have no friends or social life
>tfw it's getting kind of zen
>tfw you might consciously try to be as much of an asshole as possible to everyone because the pleasure it gives is better than no pleasure at all

>> No.9121363

Would make an interesting movie.

The problem is inside. Seek professional help. Everything will be alright.

What matters most in the world is your own happiness. It's why we live. Don't sacrifice your own happiness for someone else's. You just gotta learn to come to terms with your sexuality.


>> No.9121367

>we live for happiness
then why doesnt everyone just iv meth?

>> No.9121370
File: 59 KB, 500x363, i don't ever wanna feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll get better brah

>tfw you're handsome and you have girls lusting after you but you're completely uninterested in them because you're still hung up on a girl you knew in high school
>tfw she had a crush on you back in high school and you ignored her to chase some hot sloot
>tfw she moved up north and you'll probably never see her again

>> No.9121372

youre a shit human being

not even going to read your snarky response

>> No.9121374

>always a gigantic asshole for no reason
>constantly prank, argue, and debate for no reason
>strongly judge others
>doesn't even make me happy

I assume that its just all part of a wall that I've put up to hide my insecurities. Oddly enough I don't even feel insecure, so maybe its just become normal behavior for me? Doesn't really matter anyways : /

>> No.9121379

This. .. so this

>> No.9121387

is there a fit battle in here yet

>> No.9121394
File: 17 KB, 320x231, 1406062294300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw you're handsome and you have girls lusting after you but you're completely uninterested in them because you're still hung up on a girl you knew in high school
>>tfw she had a crush on you back in high school
>>probably never see her again

I can relate to these feels. I live in regret everyday

>> No.9121398


I have to look at the girl I'm hung up on every day. You're fortunate, friend.

>> No.9121409

>tfw start hanging out with rich dad and his gf
>tfw she mocks my poor etiquette but I prove her wrong at a very important dinner
>tfw I meet very rich people and pretend to be another rich young man while the outfit I am wearing was bought with the money my mom earned from scrubbing floors
>tfw I get to drink expensive wine and eat exotic food one weekend only to spend the next weeks eating ramen noodles out of plastic cups

>tfw can't wait to graduate so mom can finally live peacefully in a small cottage in France baking cookies for the local children.

>> No.9121414
File: 10 KB, 400x300, 1414052650163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're the only guy in your circle that dresses decently
>tfw growing more distant from them as the days go by, as the differences grow in interest and maturity(they play vidya all day and make dick jokes)
>tfw I need to switch majors already, at least its early on
>tfw no gf

>> No.9121416

It's short term happiness, like riding a roller coaster or winning a game.

The best kind of happiness is long-term, where you feel you're in the right place, and you're doing what you want to be doing.

Not saying that there aren't people who IV meth. Drug abuse is a thing.

>> No.9121423

>poor etiquette

lol fuck off you ain't effay

>> No.9121427

I think you may have autism if you think our soul purpose in life is to b happy.

>> No.9121429

Say somethin buddy

>> No.9121434

>youre a shit human being
You really must be insecure and angsty. You're probably like this guy too >>9120695 getting all butthurt at men who work for, and get what they want.

>> No.9121446

>Lost Job, went jobless for 3-4 months
>Got new job, stuck in ultra saving mode
>Cant Cop sick Fits
>Haven't bought clothes since summer

>> No.9121451


God I fucking hate richfags.

>> No.9121457
File: 38 KB, 430x290, 1415680460513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>quit job recently because fuck that noise
>going to live off $1k savings until I find a new job
>will probably be a couple of months till I find a new job

lel, tough times ahead.

>> No.9121458

What do you think we live for then?

We certainly may not always seek happiness /effectively/, but it is ultimately the underlying motivator in healthy human behavior.

>> No.9121484
File: 20 KB, 499x359, Dolph-Lundgren1-e1359992453919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw circumcised and sex is so terrible with a condom on that you can't cum

>> No.9121503


I don't know what else there is to say. I'm a very sociably competent person except when it comes to girls and my fear of rejection. I haven't felt this kind of attraction to anyone in years, but she's so different. Devout Christian due to her upbringing. Don't know how to feel about that part. No real interest in relationships at this time. Absolutely stunning though, inside and out. Honestly one of the few people on this planet I feel truly happy around. Only big interest we share is our musical tastes but I like to believe that's enough.

>> No.9121520
File: 475 KB, 499x374, 1395981702069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw having to choose between smart yet boring friends and incompetent yet fun friends

>> No.9121522

>tfw insist with girl that sex is so much better w/o a condom
>tfw break up with her and she tells me she's pregnant

wat do /fa/

>> No.9121530
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>has friends
>has friends he can pick between like different brands of toilet paper at the supermarket

>> No.9121534

Why do you feel that you "have to" choose?

>> No.9121537
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>> No.9121544

noice moime

>> No.9121545

Same boat

Picked hanging out with fun dumb art school friends (they know more qts), great ego boost and I end up feeling like a greek god.

>> No.9121547

I can't share all of my interests with one group of people

>> No.9121548

>tfw you might consciously try to be as much of an asshole as possible to everyone because the pleasure it gives is better than no pleasure at all

l m a o

put that edge away poindexter

the world has enough assholes

focus on keeping it real instead

>> No.9121553

>tfw no friends at all
>tfw the only thing that keeps me going is the occasional mirrin of the girls
>tfw only start dressing nice so a grill will regret breaking up w me

>> No.9121559
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>> No.9121563

>tfw chubby body but skinny enough to wear good fits
>good tier face genetics, 10/10 eyebrows, 8/10 jawline, high cheek bones, full lips, dimples etc
>tfw i know i'll be at god tier if i lost a few kilos
>have no motivation
>convince myself im better off as a slight chub

>> No.9121569


I know a feel very similar to this one.

>> No.9121577

bruh you actively don't even need to do anything to fix this

just monitor how many calories you consume a day, and keep it under 2000 and you'll slim down without having to go all out on exercise

stop drinking soda as a start, and then go from there

>> No.9121581
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>tfw a dumb frog poster as anon
>tfw the only thing anymore that gives me pleasure is tripping here and giving people advice

>> No.9121582

You masturbate too much, im circumcised and shits all good down there

>> No.9121588

cut out out pasta from my daily meals
muh half italian feels

>> No.9121600

If you still actively choose to overeat you're choosing to be overweight.

IE you shouldn't complain about being overweight then do nothing about it

>> No.9121602

half italian? yumyum

>> No.9121607

>tfw always catch girls mirrin
>tfw make that eye contact with her expressionless face
>tfw stare and look away wide eyed because youre too autist to know what to do when making eye contact w grill

>> No.9121623

You don't spend all of your time with one group of people either.

You can work it out. Make time for it. You're an adult.

>> No.9121628

>Be a perfect 10, 22, tall dark and handsome, mad /fa/ , creative, got my whole life ahead of me
>I've made girls gasp in the street, no shit. Once I walked past a girl, bumped into her, said sorry, and she said she just came.
>Starting a degree in fashion design
>But have the ugliest genitals known to man
>Seriously I got mauled by a dog, lost one, and the other remaining one is covered in hundreds of tiny cysts due to a genetic defect
>Tfw cannot love myself for who I am, still a virgin, too scared to go to a bed with a woman, constantly of two minds as to just who I am and where I'm going
>Spend my social life brooding in the background, wondering why the fuck I'm even here, why I got dealt a raw hand...and spend the rest of my time listening to blues, making clothes, and writing bad poetry.

I feel like Lord Byron minus the warranted self importance.

>> No.9121630

smile and introduce yourself

"hi, how are you"

"hi, i think you're cute"

"hi, nice shoes"


it's so easy dude

>> No.9121635


the first half is all a lie

>> No.9121638

Sorry man, but you're obviously an autist.

>> No.9121646



this would make a fantastic movie script

working title: Dogged Dick Days

>> No.9121662
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>she has a boyfriend

>> No.9121664

Says who, you? Some other freak from halfway around the globe? Nah mate, I'm just being real, and I don't lie. Not to randoms online, and not to myself.

No I should apologize to you for giving you the deluded belief that that was a constructive reply to how I feel. Get fukd m8

>> No.9121666


>> No.9121671
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>"h-hi how are think you're cute shoes?"

>> No.9121675

im in a similar situation wish you luck m8

>> No.9121676

Trust me man I am aware. My life thusfar reads like a script from a Mike Leigh movie...just waiting to get to the bit where the protag (me) just stops giving a fuck and throws all his pretensions aside and kills it. When I get into uni I'll have a legit outlet and wont have so much time to reflect and brood I hope

>> No.9121683


Do your balls work, dude? Also is your shaft mauled at all?

>> No.9121686

wowee, ur so cool and effay.
>tfw you can't be as cool as this guy

>> No.9121687

Laugh all you want man but atleast my life is interesting, I have hurdles and complexes I have to deal with, and I'm getting through them...it's an adventure...not always fun but not always bad and certainly not shallow...whereas you just have this board filled with nothing much at all really. Now I'm laughing :')

>> No.9121700

It sure does man, and my dick is fine. I know I could show a girl an amazing time too, but it's weird...I feel like I need a girl to forgive me for what I am before I can be aroused enough to open up to her. When that time comes though, an I hope it will be alot less dramatic than what I'm making it out to be...I'll be so over the moon I know it'll make for a magic night.

>> No.9121702

Nah, I've cum after fucking raw dog until I edge, pulling out then putting the condom on and finishing. It is unbelievably better without a condom. I fucked a girl I've been seeing last night for like an hour and I'm in shape, fucking her very hard. Nothing. I'm going to try the ultra thin condoms, I was using trojan ribbed. I miss my ex that let me edge raw dog then finish with one on.

>> No.9121708

Post a pic with timestamp or you're tellin porkies m80.

>> No.9121710

Dude, country >>>>>>> blues.


>> No.9121721
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>Has a boyfriend
>Constantly flirting with you anyway

>> No.9121724

You are so dumb to assume this is all I have when I'm probably a more successful artist than you, and dress better too.

You're on /fa/, not /r9k/, you mutilated freak, that will never know love(and if you do it will be compromised as soon as you hit the sack) :^)

>> No.9121729

>went to the strip club last night
>spent 400 dollars on private dances
>came home
>went on backpage
>ordered an escort
>paid her for 2 hours
>got my penis sucked all night

Kind of Ashamed but I just moved to a state where i don't know anyone and I get lonely

>> No.9121733

Sorry man maybe not now but I promise; to you and all of 'yall...when I'm in uni and back in the motions, doing what I want to do and not giving a fuck what anyone thinks.. I will come back here and post a pic of my face and balls for all to see and enjoy.

Sick song, love Waylon Jennings...him and Hank Williams Snr. are my two favorites. But the BLUES man, the BLUES. It's so raw and real...which is to be expected of a genre created by prisoners working on the chain gangs, going nowhere. It's the ultimate feel music.


>> No.9121744

Heheheh yes I am and you obviously feel like you need to prove something. That post was so poisonous, so intent on destroying me, that it had the total opposite effect, and now I KNOW I'm better than you, because I'm not a total cunt :) So cheers!

>> No.9121747

Any stories?

>> No.9121754

degenerate scum

>> No.9121757


>We certainly may not always seek happiness /effectively/, but it is ultimately the underlying motivator in healthy human behavior.

I wanted to kill myself six months ago. Still depressed on/off. Happiness is definitely not the reason I choose to live. I think I would just do drugs or drink recklessly if that were the case. Everyone lives for different reasons that ultimately don't boil down to happiness.

>> No.9121761

>people that move to suburbs after high school
>weirdly adopt random team they're semi-close to
>refer to the team is "we" despite needing more of a tank a gas to be within city limits of the team they adopted

>post dumbfuck LA love song from radio.....didn't you move to the 'burbs?

>> No.9121764

>building your happiness around other people
>those other people are women

This is why I am of the firm belief that every boy in the world needs to grow up with a strong father figure to teach him how to hunt. Everybody wonders why all the men before the 60's were so fucking manly. Father figures.

Seriously, go hunt. Some won't like it, but the ones that do...it'll change your life.

>> No.9121772 [DELETED] 
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Relax faggot, I travel a lot for work don't hve time to meet chicks so I bang high end escorts

>> No.9121775

More assumptions, more deflecting.
Just saying something doesn't bother you doesn't mean it doesn't, because it obviously does considering you have to post it, and then reply even though you supposedly don't care.
So yeah, good on you m8, clearly the bigger man right? Haha faggot. Good to know you'll cry yourself to sleep over your disgusting balls.

>> No.9121780

lol was that you in the post you deleted?

you don't look like a lonely guy dude

>> No.9121783

>tfw addicted to cigarettes

>> No.9121786
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Relax faggot i travel a lot for work so I don't have time to meet chicks, so I bang high end escorts

>> No.9121788

aren't you afraid of std's and shit like that

>> No.9121793

>two hours
>all night
do you live in Antarctica?

>> No.9121795


Yeah it was me had to crop my face, I am lonely I am a auditor so I go state to state city to city, I never hve time to make real friends or gf's so sometimes I pay for a beautiful escort

>> No.9121797

those women are professionals

you think it's professional to have an STD and provide services?

godamn you fucking moron, they're good at what they do which is why you pay them

and not with food like the average bitch you pick up on the street you call it a "date"

>> No.9121802

would you recommend auditing as a career choice? my dad says it's great but i think he's full of crap because he isn't an auditor

>> No.9121803


someone's a little sheltered

>> No.9121807
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Yeah, I wear protection, check the girls mouth and what not, I am very picky on who I pay for

This is the girl last night

>> No.9121812

>paid to look fuckable
>skips legs day

>> No.9121815

and how much did that cost


>> No.9121818

looks like a nig. Are you trying to catch aids?

>> No.9121819
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It has it's perks, I don't regret it...I am young I seen almost all 50 states. I make over 6 figures, I meet new people everyday and see new things. I would take it to experience it, but later on I would like to settle in one state and start a family

>> No.9121822

A little too Jersey Shore for me, but whatever floats your boat

So, seeing as you're an expert, what's the etiquette for these types of encounters? Broke up with my girlfriend of nearly three years a couple weeks ago and I think getting an easy lay would get my head set back on straight.

>> No.9121833


Her for 2 hours costed me 400$

IMO worth it, they are working for their money so she got freaky as hell

>> No.9121837

honestly sounds like the thing i want to do

not having to worry about money, being able to afford the finer things in life

is the workload crazy hard as they say?

>> No.9121843

Dude I don't need to assume anything, your doing all the work for me. Deflecting what? Your insults? Yep, people do that when others try to insult them.

You are clearly 15.

>> No.9121852


It all depends what women you choose, some are straight up hookers who fuck anyone.

I go for the Marilyn Monroe type of escort who know her worth and is used to servicing professionals(sorry don't want to sound like a douche). I just wear a suit, set the mood at m place, candles, scents, bed made, jacuzzi filled, wine on the table, I make her feel like I'm here for my job and I'm looking for some romantic action

>> No.9121853

rethink your life if the only thing you're pursuing is money

>> No.9121858

ty for the feedback

what should one pursue in life?

>> No.9121867

>this is what a butthurt mutilated faggot sounds like

>> No.9121875


Then it's for you, it depends but for the most part once you done one you've done it all, just have to have an eye for detail. A lot of people will kiss ass so you will give them a good grade

>> No.9121880


Don't listen, money rules all. You know what kind of people say money isn't everything? People who wish they could make more money.

>> No.9121901

Not him, but I'd say happiness is the goal for life. For some people, money is happiness. Just one rule: don't be a dick when you're trying to get at that happiness.

>> No.9121904

Also, should I go to Vegas or LA? Which is better for it? I'm assuming Vegas.

>> No.9121910
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Yes goyim, chase that green!

>> No.9121923


I have no experience with escorts in Vegas, but my finest escort was in l.a she was a blonde 24yr old, i actually still talk to her regularly and flown her out by me once. L.A had the best escorts to choose from, just cause the amount of corporate money flowing through that place. For the best time ask if she has another escort friend to do a 3 some, usually they do, that's the best time
I ever had

>> No.9121942

Awesome. Thanks a bunch, man.

>> No.9121972

That's a good rule to follow.

Would you say it's important to go to a well-known school or be exceptionally good with numbers/math? Or is it the kind of job where anybody can make it given some connections and luck?

>> No.9121975

wait for the norse project sale in december-january

>> No.9121992

>tfw stress eat
>tfw gaining weight
>tfw more stressed
>start smoking
>slowly fucking up my life
>four essays due by next week

It all hurts so much /fa/

>> No.9122004

get your life in order dude

stop procrastinating

i'm in the same boat

i spend too much time on /fa/ and now i'm staying up this morning to finish the hit i haven't done

if i were you, i'd talk to your professors to see if you can negotiate a later deadline

if not possible, i'd just try to do those essays as fast as possible, 1 per day, fill em up with bullcrap

at least you'll get some marks

and try to avoid that in the future

cut back on smoking, do that vaping shit if it helps (i have no idea)

meditation sounds gay but it actually helps with stress

what you do is you find a comfy place to sit, close your eyes, and count 1 for each breath without thinking any thoughts

goal is to get to 10 without thinking about anything except the numbers you're counting

>> No.9122019

ayyyyy. I know this girl

>> No.9122028


I suck at math, mostly connections, try getting into pricewaterhousecoopers

But I do have a Bachelor of Science in business administration...that's where I met my connection, Carroll university

>> No.9122038

I feel similar, i feel like it is because of narcissism.

But judging people is so right sometimes. Always debating myself about it.

>> No.9122041
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>qt asks me if my CPs are "keds or converse"
>uh... they're margiela
>"wow, sounds fancy anon!"
>sprint away as fast as my legs can carry me

>> No.9122044

Work on them essays nigga, you know you gotta get your scho

You have a brain tumor. You are going to die in six months. There is nothing you can do but slowly wait for the end, listening to the corrupted blood pumped through your temples. You are staring at walls, at windows, at your desk more and more. Conversations are buzzing fig wasps that have to crawl into your ear and burst your eardrum before you realize they are there. Your life is a dream. Your hands are that of a ghost's. Your face in the mirror is a hideously elongated caricature of the one your mother loved, the one you see in pictures, the one you know yourself as. The end is nearer and nearer, and you cannot feel it coming. So what if there are headaches, even massive clusters of neutron stars in your prefrontal cortex--they're just natural, right? This is this just a prank. There is someone manipulating your life. There is a great deceiver threading your fingers and lips with fishing line and carving you a new face from mulched pine and scrub brush above the box of your life, his great hands hidden.
No. You let it come to this. That swelling mass of evil cells is a manifestation of yourself, the cold, ambitionless husk, in whose rusted throat the words "I AM" echo hollowly and without conviction.
This is your future. This is you. Understand.

ol is important. Just, like, try giving a shit. And quit smoking, that's not healthy

>> No.9122050
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this post scares me

>> No.9122051
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>> No.9122055
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>> No.9122063

Are u me?

>> No.9122068

>tfw my life seems to be on the right track, yet I can't stop worrying about failure.
>tfw relatively attractive guy but no gf.
>tfw had a beautiful one but she left me.
>tfw socially active with lots of friends but can't seem to get really close to anyone since the breakup.
>tfw I thought doing what I love might make me feel whole but I don't feel much but empty these days.
>tfw used to be a happy go lucky guy but then I went to college and my life is nothing but anxiety.
>starting to feel better but nowhere near over the hump yet.

>> No.9122072

redirecting myself

>> No.9122074

first line and last line are good advice

no idea what the fuck is in the middle though

>> No.9122075

we're all gonna make it pal

i see, thanks for all the insight man

>> No.9122079

Dude what

>> No.9122088
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your CPs are margielas?

>> No.9122089

>tfw live i tropical area
>tfw you struggle with being /fa/ when all you can wear is shorts and a t shirt.

>> No.9122097

>feel like an ugly, fat piece of shit everytime a girl i find qt doesnt check me out since im a self conscious bag of insecurities

>> No.9122113

I can't believe I'm doing this, but fuck it.

I'm dating this girl. She's a 9.5/10 in my book, and is really, really sweet. However, that's where the connections stop.

I used to love her. I swear I did. But now...we're in a long distance relationship. She's far too socially awkward/conservative to cheat on me, but whenever we come home, I expect passion. Or, fuck, maybe not even passion. Any level of affection. We have had sex twice in seven months despite us both being home for the summer. I'm on my last fucking leg, and I've told her how I feel, and she has the nerve to tell me to wait more. I mean, the fuck am I supposed to do?

And the worst part, ohhh, the worst part...she'll fucking call me up while we're apart and tell me how fucking horny she's getting getting. It happens every other week. She'll call me up and describe to me in scathing detail how she masturbated to, like, fucking Grey's Anatomy or Vampire Diaries or some shit. I'm losing my fucking mind.

I know when people are manipulating me, and I'm certainly emotionally detached enough from this girl to observe rationally, but I honestly can't bring myself to break up with her. I ask myself why, and the best answer I can give is twofold: I really like her father, and all I want is to fuck for a week whenever we meet up.

She's promised to turn it around this winter break when we meet up again, and I know that if she doesn't manage it, it's fucking over.

That being said, should I even wait that long?

>> No.9122123

Do you love her?

Maybe it's hard for her to feel emotionally close to you and just switch back all of a sudden. Long distance relationships are hard. Try scheduling doing things a few times a week while you're apart and talk a lot about both of your expectations (in the context of "what you're looking forward to" not "what you'd better do, bitch, if you don't want me to leave you") and build anticipation for seeing each other. Don't just text or iMessage each other, but try to take time to write, when you can. Monologues are a good opportunity to find out how she feels. Find out if there's more you could be giving her, besides time. If there's something you could do to make her feel closer. She sounds like she really cares about you, just give her a chance. Tell her what your worries are, but don't dwell on consequences either, at least not yet. If you break up with her, explain why and what it has to do with you. The whole caveat of a long distance relationship is that you have to see a future with the person at the end of the period you'll be a part. If you can't see a future with her, be honest about that.

>> No.9122128

you still wouldn't be /fa/ in the coldest siberian winters

it's because you ave no taste

>> No.9122132

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.9122135

>tfw be young faggot
>tfw making more than everyone I know
>tfw 8/10, 6'4, dark, athletic, handsome
>tfw used to be 300+lbs, 180 now still insecure as fuck
>tfw stress eat, can't lose those extra 20 lbs
>tfw spiraling into depression, 2+ year gf left
>tfw want to die more and more every day

>> No.9122136

I've tried initiating these types of things in an effort to rekindle lost feelings on both our parts. She just doesn't take to them. She makes a big talk about how we both need to do them and how I don't put enough effort into my own ideas about this kind of thing, and then turns around and doesn't reciprocate.

As for your first question, that's what I was trying to convey in my first post. I don't think I do love her anymore. But it's been a full three years, and I feel like I have to give her the benefit of the doubt.

And thanks for the advice on the actual end part. I was thinking pretty much the same thing.

>> No.9122143


everyone ITT: boast about you're so successful and attractive but held down by depression and insecurities like some fashionable caricature of the modern everyman

you're all vain faggots, get real.

>> No.9122150

what the fuck did you expect on an /fa/ feels thread you stupid faggot

>> No.9122155

Musical taste is really a superficial thing, but if you guys really connect, she might be willing to bend the rules.

Ultimately, the heart wants what it wants.

>> No.9122200

that's not how hair works. its thicker cuz you matured

>> No.9122213

i know that feel
going out with fun friends is great, but tiring sometimes

so you can split time between both groups

i've gotten kicked out of several bars/clubs because of my fun friends, so i can't hang out with them all the time

>> No.9122551

high five bro!

>> No.9122759
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i just want a job

>> No.9122824
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>tfw always feeling like an extra in other people's lives
>tfw bummed about being left out by flatmates even if they do it unintentionally
>tfw qt doesnt want to hang out any more
>tfw no gf

>> No.9122841

What gives off sociopath vibes? I dunno man, maybe total lack of empathy and stepping on other people to give yourself a pat on the back.

U shud b self aware m8

>> No.9122857

That has nothing to do with being degenerate.

Only gay faggots and etc are degenerates.

>> No.9122863

What is so great about hunting? It's fun I guess. And everyone should know what it's like to kill something.

>> No.9122866
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>I'll never date sandra schmidt

>> No.9122880


>> No.9122895

>see a qt grill
>feel alone and think about "her"

>> No.9122900
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Where the fuck do you find a gf? It just seems impossible, im not talking about hook ups that lead to nowhere. Im 22 and it just feels like this unobtainable thing, im not sure I even want one considering the amount of effort but I mean on a location basis, not in a club or pub, there's no qts in my class

>> No.9122902

>tfw becoming a lot more emotionally affected by everything
well despite making me hate myself and where i am in life, it's provided me with extra incentive and drive to do better i think, also i'm less self-absorbed now and recognize the suffering of others more clearly and almost feel it. i feel like i view the world with more clarity these days, and whilst that might mean i'm unhappier i think i'm a better person. i feel like before i was just deluded.

>> No.9122905

also little things that used to bug me now fill me with deep anger and sadness. like i'll see some dumb crap on facebook and i just wont be able to cope with it.

>> No.9122910
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>opened up to people recently
>as a result, broke the illusion of being a smart/interesting introvert and instead revealed myself a weirdo who fucks around a lot
>clinging to girls who show the least bit of interest in me
>been sort of an asshole to my friends
>thought that I was coming up in life, getting new friends etc.
>but really I'm still nobody and I should retreat back to solace before I've made an even bigger fool of myself

>> No.9122915

>get up shower, get dressed, have a coffee
>go to leave house to do some christmas shopping
>can't. stuck by the door for like 10 minutes
>change back into shitty lounging clothes and spend all day in bed listening to codeine and wanting to cry

>> No.9122935

wow the first part is literally me

>> No.9122941
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so why do you guys care so much about your look if the majority of you are just a bunch of NEET like the rest of us

>> No.9122943

hi me how r u

>> No.9122948

>>four essays due by next week
I like how this single line explains it all

>> No.9122949
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u dun goofd

>> No.9122974

>other people have it worse than you so suck it up you don't deserve to be depressed

>> No.9122985

ermm this just makes you feel worse tho, because u feel guilty about being depressed. the mind is difficult to tame.

>> No.9122987

Paying whores for sexual favors has been a degenerate hobby for thousands of years. It's not a new idea.

>> No.9122988

abort mission

>> No.9122989

ITT we take great care not to hurt our over-sensitive egos with harsh realities.

>> No.9122990

Pumpkin Spice Latte

>> No.9123002


Learn to pull out better.

>> No.9123015
File: 45 KB, 609x349, I didn't ask for your favorite drink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to anything at all, read "Models" by Mark Manson. I swear this book changed my life, not kidding.

Here's a link to the book if you don't want to buy it: http://home.polarfox.name/share/books/Mark%20Manson%20-%20Models.pdf

Chapter 8 (page 137) answers your question completely; it explains how you place yourself to meet like-minded people. Take a quick read through it and let me know what you think.

>> No.9123018
File: 60 KB, 448x720, lolita-vladimir-nabokov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't have sex since june
>spent the whole summer flirting with a gorgeous teenage girl
>just before having sex she dumps me
>all my friends are shut-in insecure fags
>I don't go to uni anymore
>my town is too small for meeting people in social situations or whatsoever
>hate online dates and tinder shit
>can't pick up girls on the streets

I feel so lonely

>> No.9123019

Because they think they can hide their insecurities behind a facade of black and white fabric.

>> No.9123020

no that was my point
it's a stupid argument against having depression
you can't ever really rationalize being depressed
if we all worried about people who have it worse, we'd be insane

>> No.9123025

>tfw clothes can't make you any less ugly

>> No.9123026

Can you move, or at least travel, to another city?

>> No.9123035

not atm , I have to work at my thesis and caring for some family issues. or else I'd leave immediately

>> No.9123064

Think about it on the bright side though, you will be able to move some time in the future :)

You don't need girls to be happy. Happiness comes from within, despite how cheesy it sounds.

>> No.9123070

Stop being such a needy faggot. I went from january to now without sex or even trying to get a girl. The girl came to me, they always do. Focus on improving yourself.

>> No.9123072
File: 151 KB, 1686x806, the-breakfast-club-netflix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw miserable teenage years
>no social skills, act like an autist
>get my first kiss at fucking 20 years old and first gf a little after that (different girls)
>still a complete autist so mess that relationship up bad (didnt even had sex because im retarded)
>constantly depressed because I think nobody likes me
>working soul crushing IT job that pays good money and people would kill for but I hate it
>this goes on for about up until my mid twenties

>then something in me breaks
>quit my job, no money to pay rent so end up couch surfing for a while
>throw out most of the things I own, especially clothes
>a huge middle finger to most of the people in my life, keep contact with only a few people
>feel liberated as fuck
>get working on my own projects, turns out im great at art stuff
>change my appearance completely
>25 now and have my own place, have fucked multiple girls but no relationship because I cant relate to anyone
>things are going great
>come to /fa/ almost every day to see what the newest trend the plebs have latched on to so I can avoid it
>life is great