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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 86 KB, 426x640, 1410362033447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9106354 No.9106354 [Reply] [Original]

As some of you know, Asian hair is pretty different from white hair. It's thicker, coarser, and straighter, which makes medium lengths incredibly hard to deal with since it never sits.

Let's get some inspo going

>> No.9106359

God. That faggot is arrogant as fuck

>> No.9106362

As a white girl I would never date an Asian guy. I just find them unattractive and I can do much better than that.

>> No.9106373

No one was asking faggot

>> No.9106378


hair insp plls don't derail

>> No.9106408

Considering their small dicks

>> No.9106546
File: 78 KB, 720x480, Photo on 11-18-14 at 11.13 PM #8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that struggle. I've been growing my hair out because I didn't know how to style my hair nicely when it was shorter.

>> No.9106678
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Always dug this guy's hair.

>> No.9106713

>tfw scandinavian hair
Basically its thin and sparse. I'm not even god tier blonde.

>> No.9106780
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0/10 b8, m8

>> No.9106789
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>> No.9106818

who gives a shit about what you think basic bitch

>> No.9106877

Why do Asians have such small dicks and beta personalitys?

Is there a link?

>> No.9106930

>tfw dads side of the family has godlike wavy asian hair
>tfw got my mums average straight black hair

Whats the point

>> No.9107041

is your name nico?

>> No.9107048

hahaha stay lonely

>> No.9107052

Nice stereotype there bro. Were you bullied by an Asian as a child?

>> No.9107057

become white

>> No.9107064

don't be so insecure anon

>> No.9107157

Anyone know what specific puffy jacket this is?

Looks like Bape but what season?

>> No.9107198

I'm fairly sure it's the Bape x Goretex collab A/W 2010

>> No.9107201

nvm no it's not, completely different lol

>> No.9108184


>> No.9108239
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>> No.9108242
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>> No.9108244

These threads always bring out insecure asian guys

>> No.9108249
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>> No.9108256
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>> No.9108383
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>> No.9108393

post dick

>> No.9108413

No one asked what your favourite drink was

>> No.9108472

What kind of product would you use for a style like this?

>> No.9108478

if u did no poo you could do it with no product

source: i do no poo and my hair is basically >>9108239

>> No.9108546

these are all gooks wtf
gooks aren't asian, they're just gooks

>> No.9108584
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Alright I got some gookspo

>> No.9108587
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>> No.9108593
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I love this one.

>> No.9108599
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>> No.9108601
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>> No.9108605
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>> No.9108651
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>> No.9108685

how many fucking times have I seen this picture

>> No.9108698

>tfw not south korean

>> No.9108787


>> No.9108917

>tfw chinese but everybody thinks i'm korean
feels good man, neither of my parents even look good, nor do any of my relatives, so blessed.

>> No.9108925
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1408607625111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm chinese too.
I've gotten

i want to kill myself.

>> No.9108930

why is he so perfect /fa/?

>> No.9108931

...that's something to feel good about?

>> No.9108936

That sucks. I just wish my chin was stronger, it's a little but under neutral.

Most would agree that koreans are the best looking asians. Well, atleast for males.

>> No.9108946

Shit, have some self-respect...

>> No.9108949

What are you going on about?

>> No.9108963

All asian men are shit tier save an insanely small percentage. Half asians can sometimes be acceptable but many just come out looking goofy.

That's probably why there are so many asians on this board. You can't do shit about your shit tier race aesthetics so you have to focus on clothing to make up for it.

>> No.9108966

>implying it's not the same for white people
The majority of whites are absolutely disgusting.

>> No.9108980

Not in the same proportions. A lot of white people are gross, but whites are the standard of beauty in almost every country. Even an average to below average white is more attractive than an above average asian.

>> No.9108994

they only think koreans are attractive because of all the kpop stuff coming out

>> No.9108997

That's probably because the standard of beauty is based around Caucasian facial features.

>> No.9109012

>tfw Japanese Irish
>White, but with straight black hair

I want to grow out my hair but my job keeps me from growing out the sides. I don't know what to do with the mop on top of my head

>> No.9109013

Whites are the standard of beauty in white dominated places, in asia (although they do find some "white" features attractive) beautiful asians are the standard of beauty. Also, the asians in america are absolutely disgusting, so that's what you're seeing. You'd be surprised at how absolutely massive the difference is between asian americans and "pure" asians. Of-course none of our opinions matter because in the end, it's all subjective; I think asians are attractive, and you think whites are.

Exactly, so they do think that they are the most attractive. As someone who's spent time in "the big 3", I'd say that attractive koreans are the most attractive.

>> No.9109014

I'm white, but is there a way to make my hair look more Asian? It's already pretty dark so colour isn't really an issue.

>> No.9109021

I was about to post my haircut since I have this kind of hair but I remembered it was an inspo thread, not a hair thread

>> No.9109022


>> No.9109031

How straight is your hair? If you can rock a fringe, get an undercut. I regret having long sides, cleaner almost always looks infinitely better.

What do you mean more asian? Probably not, because asians have triple crowns (which most whites do not). it's actually pretty shitty.

>> No.9109162

>tfw filipino
>wasn't born with flat nose or dark skin

thank you based spanish-chinese ancestry

>> No.9109186


>> No.9109283

yeah i saw you at los globos haha

>> No.9109291


like clockwerk

and people still fall for it lmao

>> No.9109314

Cute as fuck. Not a girl btw :3

>> No.9109317

Wow I always thought Asian hair was identical to white hair for some reason.

>> No.9109379

>tfw flat nose and deviated septum

what a joke of a nose

>> No.9109393

Asian grill here

Why is this a good thing? Regular koreans are usually really ugly tbh the good looking people make up like 1%

>> No.9109395


that's a higher percentage of good looking people than other asian populaces

>> No.9109407

Thank the Spanish ancestry, plenty of Chinese have dark skin and flat noses.

>> No.9109416

If you've ever touched both Asian and white hair you'd immediately feel the difference.

No way, natural Koreans are pretty damn ugly. People only think they're attractive now because they are fed images of very embellished K-pop stars.

Technically speaking the Chinese are probably the most attractive as they have enough variation as to have a sizeable amount of attractive people.

It is true though that most Asians just aren't that attractive as compared to average whites but I think it's an issue of class and white features being considered more attractive than the usual strong Asian ones.

>> No.9109422


As an asian myelf, who's around plenty of Koreans, Chinese, Japanese and SE asians, I'd have to say Koreans tend to more commonly possess the features analogous to normative standards of attractiveness.

Chinese/Taiwanese/Hong Kongers come second, Japanese place third.

>> No.9109429


>> No.9109494

r u in sydney because i saw a girl in all white + geos @ town hall

>> No.9109498
File: 58 KB, 400x388, 1411907777768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


muh sydneyfag
>all dem azn qts at town hall on saturday nights


>> No.9109507

idk cuz my standards for asians are too high since i've been around too many my whole life (ayy lmao go the doggies)

>tfw I will never find a scandinavian girl to settle down with

>> No.9109509

>thick hair
They are tied with whites for the thinnest of the races.

>> No.9109515


it's not like i'm that easy, but i genuinely think most of the asian girls i see around townhall (especially around k-town) are pretty fucking hot

shame that most of them are fobs tho

>> No.9109537

Only a VERY small percentage of pinoys actually have Spanish ancestry.

>> No.9109625
File: 209 KB, 900x1350, tumblr_mkookfV1GW1s5g74po1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians either have thick coarse pube like hair or thin straight flat geisha hair.

>> No.9109642
File: 133 KB, 869x366, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After giving myself hy's and letting them grow out over and over again for the past 6 years I need a change but I dunno what, like OP said it never sits, so right now it keeps getting in my eyes which means having to put a bit of product in and sweeping it back every time i move my head.

This is at around 8 months with infrequent maintenance on the sides+back

>> No.9109665

side pics are without product but they pretty much look like that after 5 hours with product

>> No.9109690

I like it, especially how it sits in the right picture. Product with our hair is a given man, unless you're DEEP into no-poo

>> No.9109701

thanks, actually I haven't used shampoo since I was 12 but I wash my hair twice a day so I guess it evens out

I'm just a little annoyed by one side looking a lot shorter than the other because no hair is going over it, maybe I should just grow out the hair which is parted on the side?

>> No.9109705

just wondering, how has no poo worked out for you? i have always thought that asian hair wouldnt react well to it because it is generlly coarser, straighter and thinner than that of other races.i feel like climate would play a big part in this as well.

>> No.9109707

mirin facial/skin aesthetics man

>> No.9109725

not the person you're replying to, but I tried it and cleanliness becomes a bit of a problem. I play varsity sports and the griminess gets bad after 3 days, especially because thick and coarse hair also means it's pretty absorbent for oils and sweat. Don't get me wrong, it looks amazing because of the natural texture and hold you get, it's just that style is an option but clean isn't

>> No.9109735 [DELETED] 

It's worked out fine, in fact I remember being amazed that it stopped the whole permanently straight/coarse/thin characteristics, but only after they've reached a certain length so that the hair starts to weigh itself down (guess you can use the pics of me to see what I mean). It even stopped my dandruff because shampoo's, even the anti dandruff ones, were drying out my hair immensely.

I'm in Australia so it's generally pretty warm here and I didn't notice anything too drastic but I'm pretty sure I had short hair so it wasn't noticeable at the time. .

>> No.9109742

It's worked out fine, in fact I remember being amazed that it stopped the whole permanently straight/coarse/thin characteristics, but only after they've reached a certain length so that the hair starts to weigh itself down (guess you can use the pics of me to see what I mean). It even stopped my dandruff because shampoo's, even the anti dandruff ones, were drying out my hair immensely.

I'm in Australia so it's generally pretty warm here and I didn't notice anything too drastic but I'm pretty sure I had short hair so it wasn't noticeable at the time and I just adapted as it grew. Like >>9109725 said it does get grimy but I do wash it twice everyday (light one in the morning, thorough in the night) to get rid of that stuff

>> No.9110397

"Whites are the standard of beauty in white dominated places" How ignorant can one motherfucker get? Literally almost all plastic surgery done is to achieve more caucasian features. Your post might be the stupidest and most ignorant thing I've seen on 4chan, you should jump off a really tall building, you will offer nothing substantial to anybody or anything.

>> No.9110434

>implying majority of pinoys haven't been raped to hell and back by spanish-japanese-americans

>> No.9111242


Why are white people like yourself so insecure? You all manage to have both a massive superiority and inferiority complex LOL

If you're so on top of the world, why do you get so scared and defensive when someone challenges that?

>> No.9111248
File: 46 KB, 547x573, 1350133870457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is awesome

>> No.9111252

didn't mention, on an asian*

>> No.9111253

I'm sick and tired of this stereotype that asian guys can't date white girls.
So what if we're not as good looking as white boys, we still deserve a chance, my family didn't bring me to America to be sexually discriminated by sluts like you.

>> No.9111639

Try Canadian girls, they're more welcoming to asian guys, especially toronto/vancouver

>> No.9111657
File: 146 KB, 1009x1200, toshiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying any of you low testosterone beta asians can pull off the beard like mighty toshiro mifune

>> No.9111663

lmao you sound like you're gonna shoot up a school

>> No.9111665

that's racist

there's nothing wrong with usa plus we have a better country than u

>> No.9111693

What's racist? That canada is a multicultural and accepting place? :/

>> No.9111698

I'm white, and I can't even pull of the beard

>> No.9111721

you're a disgrace

>> No.9111748

The only person more on top of their troll game is that guy that posts Asian Guy on White Girl porn every time the pairing is mentioned.

>> No.9111783

I'm a quarter white, a quarter Mexican, and half black, and I can't even pull off the beard.

>> No.9111800
File: 20 KB, 541x499, Lucy_lee_2005_avn_1233934028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. This. Everyone else is full of shit.

Your average Korean is actually considered quite ugly. Short, squinty eyes, and a large jutting jaw (see pic). You could wander Seoul for hours and not see a single 7+. Why do you think fashion is such a big deal? Because if you're cursed with an ugly face, at least you can say you have style.

That or plastic surgery. Which has become increasingly popular. Thank god.

>> No.9111953
File: 1.26 MB, 1265x1640, 1387592321164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, finally a thread where /fa/ understands me.

Also, anyone asian bros have experience with bleaching hair?
I used to not want to do it because i didn't wanna seem FOB-ish but I'm bored with my hair now so why not.

>> No.9111961

only do it if u look good and ur hair is long or really short

>> No.9112114

Getting a bowl undercut on Monday, pray for me my azn brethren

>> No.9112154

post pic of before and after

>> No.9112258

sorry for your loss in advance

>> No.9112286

My guess would not be from any objective standard of beauty because there's a level of bullshit in that line of though. Not that, but more of the white world was the first to experience massive globalism and consumerism and so the white standard of beauty has been aggressively pushed.

And that fag is probably just some guy who desperately wants to believe he looks good so he believed the first "all animes look like white people" argument some other sperg shot at him.

>> No.9112300


Eastern Asian here,

I can pull it off.

It'll take roughly 2-3 months with a shitty looking transition period, but it works. I'll also have to enjoy the scorn from other Asians because there's kind of an unwritten rule in my area for Asian guys to stay clean shaven and bitch-like.

It's kind of weird because I'm Korean/Chinese and not designed to have a thick beard.

>> No.9112641

*tips fedora*

>> No.9112647

Sure if this three is still up by then

>> No.9112669


Bruh, for the first week of growing it out we look like French assholes

After the chin grows it, you start looking Japanese, maybe two weeks

Going on three weeks and this is literally as far as I've ever gotten in my life. Gonna keep on growing to see where it gets me

>> No.9112682
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Just dress/act like Chow Yun Fat in A Better Tomorrow. I thought thats what all Asians did anyway.

>> No.9112684

Tim Hecker? Or was it another show?

(⌯꒪͒ ૢ౪ ૢ꒪͒)

>> No.9112685
File: 124 KB, 611x609, pinkchink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting /fa/ to have an azn bf these days

>> No.9112692


Lorde made it a bit more well known but a lot of people have thought that having an Asian bf is more trendy these days. It will spread even more soon

>> No.9112695

define rascism

>> No.9112705

you seem to posses the insecurity of a school shooter.

>> No.9112735

lmao this is so true

>> No.9112745

Small dicks and flat faces will never be /fa/, try harder manlet gook

>> No.9112750

>Lorde made it a bit more well known
And everyone laughed at her like tyler

>> No.9112752

thats fine. Azn guys are usually cool and responsible. My mother works at a daycare for rich families and there are a bunch of white girl/azn guy couples and they are all super nice.

40% of the families are white couples 40% are white/asian either or, and about 20% are asian.

everyone get along so well and they all donate a shit ton to the daycares special events and charity events because everyone is a doctor/lawyer/engineer/writer

>> No.9112758

quit projecting lol

>> No.9112759


>white girl/azn fag
Woah do girls engage now in sexual tourism nowadays just as the 70's 80's scandinavian and german women who went to cuba and shit to fuck a bunch of monkeys?

>> No.9112771

Surely that must be why they choose asian men over you.

>> No.9112774

By everyone you mean fans of one direction and beiber

>> No.9112779

>40% are white/asian either
Where do you live? Is it CA?

AM/WF couples are usually more educated and nicer as people it seems and less shallow

>> No.9112793

its not sexual tourism because they get married you butthurt faggot.

learn to be happy for people and maybe your life will turn around enough that you can stop being miserable.

You have a chance every day to make your life better and bring more love into the world.

i love you anon, don't live an unhappy life.

Its Canada yea, if that's what you meant.

yea, Am/Wf almost always meet in university so right off the bat they usually do really well financially.

that being said anyone at this day care is doing well, and they were all uni educated i think, most of them have engi degrees or masters or phd's

>> No.9112799

all about the money

>> No.9112838

Nobody on 4chin is a normal person. Opinions therefore aren't the norm nor do they matter. Have a nice day crackers and chinks.

>> No.9112877

>tfw Korean but have thick curly hair that almost turns into an afro

what do I do

>> No.9112878

can confirm. I have an asain dad, white mom, met at uni, dad is a nuclear engineer, mom has a masters in mathematics.

>> No.9112890

I meant California because I have heard there are a lot of Asians there and so there are a lot of AMWF couples there

I have also heard Canada is more open to AMWF relationships as well. In Australia you see some of them but not as many as I would like, still, hipsters and other younger people are paving the way in that regard

There are charts that show AMWF couples earn the most of any couple in the USA. This is followed by AMAF couples. Also AMWF couples are second in terms of number of people having a college education, the first being, surprise, AMAF couples

>> No.9112894

>care about race of the girl
sad beta thread

>> No.9112910

pic pls

>> No.9112925

short hair

>> No.9112953

what's the cutoff for 'long' hair

>> No.9112966

Asian men + Asian women = most educated
Asian men + White women = earn most



>> No.9112971

Pomade with a certain type of haircut

>> No.9112973

Is /fa/ really THAT full of social justice warriors?

Just face it. Race mixing causes the end of diversity and turns everything into a brown homogenity. Now, asians are part of the eurasian racial cluster and are very similar to white people so the only thing that's affected here is aestethics. And those will take a beating. Half asian men are fucking ugly as fuck.

>> No.9112979

Damn nigga, you attractive.

>> No.9112985
File: 148 KB, 641x769, seated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My professor has nice hair.

>> No.9112990

see this>>9112838

nice b8 tho, 6/10

>> No.9112992
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, DBRbdEp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I needed this thread

Asian here, I just got my long hair cut, and I'm planning on doing the slick back, akin to Jimmy darmody, Brad Pitt in fury, or jake gyllenhalls character in the movie prisoners

What's the best product to use, and best method? I heard damp hair with wax is the best, but when I do it my hair always slumps to one side

It just won't stay down help bros

>> No.9112993

you don't have to be a sjw to know that human beings are complex and will like what they like. it doesn't take much to be a decent human being, something that you seem to have trouble doing for whatever reason.

>> No.9113010

Do you smell that? That is the smell of your self obsession.

Human beings will like what is being promoted. In some polynesian societies, fat people are the ideal. In ancient Rome, everyone was bisexual. In some native societies, tall necks and heads are attractive. In some negrito societies, grown men fucking young boys is standard.

Women especially are drawn to what they percieve other women like. There's no complexity or special snowflake bullshit going on here.

Just because I would like human beings to stay diverse and unique, with a multitude of shapes, colors and sizes, doesn't mean I'm a lesser person than an idiot that thinks jumping on the current media trend gives him the right to preach holier-than-thou bullshit.

>> No.9113014

>asian male hair inspo
>there's a bald guy in there
>my fucking sides

>> No.9113027

Below jaw

>> No.9113029
File: 396 KB, 500x616, tumblr_mk8owlH48e1qki2c1o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooooh burn

>> No.9113030

oh wow, you actually were serious. and here i thought you were just some run of the mill troll. but guess what, it doesn't matter what you say, because in the end, there's some asian guy out there getting it on with a white girl, and there's nothing you can do about it.

it really should be non of your concern who dates who, and the fact that you see race mixing as some sort of threat is laughable, pathetic, and xenophobic.

so yeah, stay mad.

>> No.9113042

So, your argument against that I claimed people on /fa/ were promoting something that was wrong, is that that thing that is wrong is happening? What are you retarded?

And I don't really mind some race mixing, I just mind it becoming the norm, or more fashionable than not obliterating thousands of years of divergent evolution. Especially since we all know white people are pretty much superior in terms of everything (so yeah, stay mad xD), which is why all y'all keep talking about white women like they're paradise and the ultimate goal and shit.

>laughable, pathetic and xenophobic
I didn't know neckbeards were so politically correct these days...

>> No.9113046

>Mixedrace children suffer from more health problems:

>Migrations causing useful genes to disappear

>Biracial Asian Americans are twice as likely as monoracial Asian Americans to be diagnosed with a psychological disorder.

>A third cousin is the optimal mate (balances inbreeding depression with outbreeding depression):

>Mixed race people suffer from catastrophic shortage of organ donors, leaving many to die of treatable illness:

>> No.9113050
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>> No.9113056
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>> No.9113057

Anyway this thread aint gun get more derailed, this is /fa/ not /pol/. Baiiii

>> No.9113063

Go to a salon and get some product recommendations there. They'll know how to help you specifically for your hair type

Most will have travel size products that are cheaper than the full. Once you have an idea of which product(s) you like, go on Amazon and buy it for cheaper

>> No.9113064

>that last pic

>> No.9113084

you're still going on with this? dude i think you're in the wrong board, shouldn't you be shitposting in /pol/ instead of derailing threads in /fa/?

>> No.9113092

Thread was already dead and derailed and I said I was leaving. Also is that your best comeback?

>> No.9113107

you know what? you're right, i don't need to even say anything anymore as this thread is obviously dead. what's the point of arguing to someone who's willing to ignore reality by holding onto archaic beliefs.

like jesus, we can never have a an asian inspo or black inspo thread thanks to outspoken /pol/fags such as yourself who always derail threads like this. you guys always have to bring race into situations where people are just looking for advice with others who share the same ethnicity as them.

>> No.9113126

What are you fucking talking about you retard?

"archaic beliefs"
If anything, recent science contradicts your strange psychosynthetic/psychologically humanist world view. That is, any science that isn't actively censored by what is comme il faut, by people like you.

One troll was expressing an opinion about not wanting to fuck asians, and all of a sudden every single social justice warrior on the board started flaming about how asian men were entitled to fuck the superior white women or some shit. YOU are the people bringing up race, being butthurt due to lack of race mixing etc. Not the /pol/ fags. If you just started a thread on asian /fa/, disregarded the first troll, and discussed hair nothing would have happened. However, your butthurt regarding white women not wanting to throw away their genetic heritage because it's politically correct did derail the thread. Again, I must stress that asians are also part of the eurasian racial cluster so apart from aesthetically, considering asians and whites as different races in the first place is rather silly. That said, the fact that you get butthurt when a white person says they dont want kids with black people is what causes derails. Not that one troll posts that fact in the first place.

>> No.9113145

And before you say anything I don't hate any race or anything, I just don't think massive race mixing is a good thing. And also, I'm a fucking Japanese peupre myself (living in Norway), and I find you fuckers racism towards white people (believing that they are some kind of superiors, a prize to be won) and towards asians (believing they are some kind of inferiors supposed to worship the whaitu pussy) to be retarded, especially since whites and asians are basically the same race. Also, japanese people are the only asians that can have hot men AND women. And we're not feminine either that's from our diet consisting only of xeno-estrogen filled soy products (which I never ate). Deal with it. I'm out. This aint /fa/ nowhere and I don't like it. Baii.

>> No.9113287
File: 180 KB, 700x1071, 1413726553481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of jealous of how easily Asians can pull off nxtlvl haircuts and have nobody bat an eye at it. I wonder if it has to do with facial structure or something, Still like being white though. don't see many asians with long hair.

>tfw my hair is in the awkward mid length

>> No.9113293

These guys have the best hair, what the fuck,.

>> No.9113615

Stop hiding your trip, trunks

>> No.9114457

where can a brother snag those boots?

>> No.9114535


Hey, I'm Asian and growing out my hair.

Did you do anything to your hair while growing it out? Like trims or shaves or anything, or did you just let it grow?

>> No.9114539

clark's desert boots in beeswax

>> No.9114548

no wonder these autists have so much trouble finding girlfriends. every time i read a feels post in the frog threads, i remind myself that they're the same people who post racist misogynistic shit like this.

>> No.9114786

I envy you.

>tfw half-Korean and I look like a viet
>existence is suffering

>> No.9114809

asians are inferior didnt you read >>9113145's highly intellecutal post???

fuck off

>> No.9114813

viets look dope though

>> No.9114837
File: 25 KB, 300x450, 300px-LosiraProfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw asian
>tfw no chin
>tfw shitty coarse,stiff hair that stands up
>tfw thick eyebrows
>tfw buzzcut because I don't know what to do with hair to make it look okay
>tfw it emphasizes my thick eyebrows and ugly face

what can

>> No.9114844

yes i know thanks
your fault you're fat

>> No.9114854

>tfw forever a subhuman dog-eating korean
>tfw will never be vietnamese

>> No.9114880

Viets are cool, but it sucks dealing with Koreans who are racist (there's a lot of them). My family's nice for the most part, but other Koreans can be dicks.

Hopefully it's not gonna be as big of a problem by the time the Olympics roll around or I'm gonna have a shitty time.

>> No.9114882

W2c that jacket?
Looking for stuff in that same camo pattern.

>> No.9114886

vietnamese people eat dog meat too
source: lived there for 10 years

>> No.9114905

I got it, Bape.

>> No.9114910

australian military surplus

it's called the "ma1 flight jacket" with a digital flecktarn pattern

>> No.9115061

See this>>9114548

>> No.9115066

You do realize that half the anons here are shit posting right? If a threads got to do with race itll attract a multitude of trolls and shitpost bc they know theres more potential for butthurt.

Christ did I really need to spell that out for you?

>> No.9115075

Only a few degenerate fucks that live mostly in the north eat dogs. Southern Vietnamese master race don't tolerate that shit.

>> No.9115078
File: 87 KB, 684x576, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have thick, stiff hair
>not asian so I can't pull off any of these hair styles
>forever have shit hair

>> No.9115082

No poo and good conditioner. Wear hat until your hair get super long.

>> No.9115086

Nah, I had long hair before and I looked horrible mainly because I was a fat bastard back then

>> No.9115100

>tfw half korean half white but look mexican

>> No.9115106
File: 125 KB, 484x639, 1321959234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cowlick on my right side

Kill me.

>> No.9115117

OP here. This thread is a fucking train wreck. Don't get baited so easily god damn

>> No.9115145


You ate the bait, guy.

>> No.9115191


>tfw half flip half white, everyone thinks I'm puerto rican

>> No.9115209

Let your hair get a bit oily to make it easier to shape. Don't shampoo daily or you'll look like Jackie Chan in his earlier movies.

The way you dry you dry the hair is usually the way it'll stay. So invest in a blow dryer or hat like I did.

>> No.9115215

Oh. I forgot to answer the question haha.
I personally just let mine grow. I'm not going to lie, it looked awful sometimes, but I'm actually pretty ecstatic on how it turned out.

>> No.9115266

>be at cvs
>tons of products in basket
>reaching for a blow dryer
>girl walks past
her face when
must have thought, "a-am i even a girl"

>> No.9115308
File: 1.27 MB, 1426x1908, 20141004_191350-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iuno just thought id share, im half asian.
dont mind that light exposure.

>> No.9115328
File: 13 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my obinion korean guys are the best looking of the yellow men

>> No.9115360

nigga look like a mexican

>> No.9115361
File: 356 KB, 3264x2448, har.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean Guy here, I actually permed my hair (I know its gay) But I really like styling permed hair.

>> No.9115365

It is possible to hide it right? Guessing a fringe/buzz is my only option.

Not an Asian or anything but I pull off a buzz from what everyone's said before.

>> No.9115367
File: 366 KB, 3264x2448, har2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different angle

>> No.9115376

well i guess thats just what being mix'd gets you. a whole lot of opinions.

>> No.9115401

that looks really good dude

>> No.9115414

looks cool

>> No.9115434

Thanks i thought so too. But ive been getting a lot of flak from my friends for perming my hair haha.

>> No.9115468

These thin fingers, want.

>> No.9115474

Huh. Whats the perks of having thin fingers

>> No.9115573

That's fucking nothing.


Nobody can ever figure out what I am. People guesses range from Korean to Mexican to having some white in me. Weird thing is that I have a roman nose which nobody in my family has.

>> No.9115575

so, are you chinese or japanese?

>> No.9115693
File: 1.53 MB, 1340x2047, Collage 2014-11-23 01_16_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh current hair
(3 weeks since last hairchop)

>> No.9115695

Did you get this faded in at all? Looks good to me.
How long on top too?

>> No.9115714

Its an undercut with a slight fade on the sides in case I want to style it up. When I got it cut I had it just above my eyebrows

>> No.9115817 [DELETED] 

I was just wondering, is a perm bad for your hair?

>> No.9115829

I was just wondering, are perms bad for your hair? I mean you put weird, foreign chemicals in your hair just to make it hold for a couple of months or something? seems iffy to me.

>> No.9115851

looks cool but those glasses suck

>> No.9115922

I'm growing this style as well but the sides always bother me. Basically the upper sides keep sticking out making my head look like an inverted triangle. Since I cut my own hair, I often end up just buzz it all the way up making a semi mohawk which sucks.

>> No.9116031

I know that feel bro. My head slopes up too so if I buzz too far up I look like an egg.

>> No.9116214

Very very nice. Your friends just be jelly. Mind taking a picture from the side and back? I'd like to use this as inspo.

Looks great bro.

>> No.9116226


Does a beanie work?

I feel so nasty if I don't shampoo daily tho...

>> No.9116793
File: 93 KB, 645x773, breath of feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This feel. Feels gud to be comparatively attractive to the people around me.

>> No.9116920
File: 147 KB, 594x1136, 1410981521511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more asian inspo

>> No.9116924
File: 219 KB, 853x1280, 1411984802379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9116929
File: 16 KB, 326x364, jdc01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9116941
File: 68 KB, 817x960, 1408949822358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9116963

Are you completely Filipino?

I'm half white and half FlipFlopapino but most people can never tell what I am. It doesn't help that I'm 6'4".

Other Filipinos are the only people who can tell. It's pretty cool actually. It's like they have this 6th sense. Something I didn't seem to inherit from my mom. One of the many things actually.

>> No.9117046


that shirts fucking cute

>> No.9117090
File: 82 KB, 500x750, Hideo Muraoka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a white girl, I would only ever date an Asian Guy. I just find them (physically) and (mentally) attractive, and (white men) can't do much better.

>> No.9117117

am asian guy, I think ur post is really stupid and gay, no offense, consider deleting it

>> No.9117121

uh dude I lived a block away from a dog meat restaurant downtown in HCMC for a few years

stop dreaming

>> No.9117137
File: 1.73 MB, 245x245, tumblr_nffcv1Hw5b1ri7h5jo5_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my family lives in 'saigon' and theres a street literally just dog meat sales

i was gonna say viets aren't as different as koreans but w/e its not my place to care that much

>> No.9117167

what the flying fuck

korean chink shits eating doggies?!

>> No.9117168

how do you get hair to look like this?

>> No.9117413

pigs are smarter than dogs, the only thing wrong with eating dogs is because you're a bitch faggot who listens to society telling you it's wrong.

source: i used to kill neighbor dogs

you've all been socially conditioned, lmao smh

>> No.9117423

>source: i used to kill neighbor dogs

>> No.9117425

original african blacks can't grow beards
only american blacks because their ancestors were raped by the white man

>> No.9117446

>killing animals but not humans

wasting good talent

>> No.9117527

>tfw korean and my hair is naturally exactly like this
>tfw I once permed it straight

thanks for making me feel better

>> No.9117534

>used to kill neighbor dogs
kill yourself, fucking cunt
world will be a better place without you

>> No.9117956 [DELETED] 

implying asian guys can do much better than whiteys. l0l. go watch moar kpop. [although kpop is cheesy and stupid]

>> No.9117965

Buy a cap and wear it after a shower while your hair is wet. The hair will dry flat and remain that way. You now have hat hair, but at least you don't have an asian fro.

>> No.9117972

why did you used to kill neighbor dogs

>> No.9117978 [DELETED] 

whats the point of being asian

>> No.9117982

apart from being good at everything idk

>> No.9118000

idk recently been seing lots of asian models that look asian like daul kim

>> No.9118015

dog tastes good mang

>> No.9118022

>tfw dont know what race i am
>still looks better than most local

thank you silk road traders for being kinky enough to fuck the ugly locals

>> No.9118026

post pic

>> No.9118050

post pic

how do u not know your race
are u a mixed orphan (no offense inteneded)

>> No.9118056

>pube like hair

how can you confuse coon with gook

>> No.9118111

fuck you look like you just came out of a pantene ad

i thought /fa/ is all about square jaw

wow stop overgeneralizing

try heat styling

also that scene in the movie where jakey harrased alex kind of turned me on

omg most asians are just like you and they managed just fine. get a pair of tweezers

try again now?

i think it works for you. also game up your eyebrows. eyebros are your wingman seriously

looks good

>> No.9118913
File: 1.03 MB, 1097x2441, Shitty Asian Hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gook here, I cut my own hair and use product

>> No.9118924

looks nice

>> No.9118997

No fade?

>> No.9119012


stop being so poor and go to a barber

>> No.9119018

stop shitposting. They dress better than you do anyway.

>> No.9119023

nice phone btw

how do you like it?

and why is the oneplus logo next to the camera in the first pic, but not in the 2nd or 3rd pics? spooky

>> No.9120023

nope, yung leans

>> No.9120038

as a white girl my asian boyfriend dresses far better than any white male I've ever dated, takes care of his hair, and in general likes to look nice

gtfo with your shit taste go get you a white man with a wife beater and some ripped skinny jeans

>> No.9120130

what do you guys do to keep the frizz away?

>> No.9120210
File: 360 KB, 678x1280, conditioner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSA: if you have shitty coarse azn hair then USE THIS SHIT. I've tried numerous conditioners and none works but this. It keeps my hair fluffy, soft and hydrated up to 3 days. No more stripping precious oil from your hair. Just do no poo and use conditioner when you feel like it's going dry again. This shit is amazing go find it. I will be stocking up on this until forever.

>> No.9120221

lmao 0/10 bait
koreans hate all other asians
esp darker ones
viets are sewer trash

>> No.9120238

will try, thanks mate
currently using a pantene spray-on which isn't very effective

>> No.9120245
File: 849 KB, 2048x1365, 12607022724_fa2d7836da_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure keep telling yourself that, shitskin. I prefer real women without plastic surgery.

>> No.9120252

this. be wary of korean girls

>> No.9120305

that canadians are somehow nicer than americans

if that's not discrimination i don't know what is

america is oppressed enough with constant terrorist threats and having to manage the world

>> No.9120310

stop being delusional dude

i'm asian but i can tell ur an asian guy posting that

your insecurity is bleeding into ur posts

>> No.9120553

You look like a male bersion of kiko mizuhara

>> No.9120576

Where to cop pants?

>> No.9121714

ay its amanda

>> No.9121728

is that you ben

>> No.9122124

would bang

>> No.9122246

it's a fucking lie anon

I see so many white/asian couples in California.

>> No.9122341

>tfw half belgian half flip
>tfw used to get bullied, got called chink gook and people pulling back their eyes imitating asians
Being asian sucks but being biracial sucks even more

>too white for asians
>too asian for whites
>cant speak tagalog so can't hang with flipbros
>only hang out with a couple of white washed black guys and a mexican

>> No.9122349


westernised asian here

it's basically the same thing for us. my own race hates me.

>> No.9122350

have good genes

>> No.9122360

Biracial asians must be the worst race in the world imo.

>our fathers are weird white men that can't get white chicks so they go after asians
>the stereotype of tiny dick even tho this shit is getting old, I'm larger than average I think, my dick is 12 inch

but we're a rare "hybrid" so we're special right?

>> No.9122365
File: 57 KB, 640x480, 1300635061062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost completely offtopic, but do asian men like black women?
the men in this thread are pretty hot, but I very rarely see any this attractive irl

>> No.9122373

I like mulattos but not full black women, altho there are a few exceptions

>> No.9122376

some but not a lot obviously
i usually see them with lighter skinned blacks

>> No.9122383

because the ugly ones dont post in /fa/. lol. their insecurities drown them. pathetic really.

>> No.9122500


>my dick is 12 inch

er no
try measuring again
because that's beyond world record

>> No.9122503



i post here


>> No.9122505
File: 33 KB, 400x384, 1408608304735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Asian male who likes black girls reporting in

Unfortunately there's not many black girls in Australia apart from abbos

why wasn't i born in america

>> No.9122574
File: 107 KB, 360x480, photo_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9122626

What specific jacket

>> No.9122655

>12 inch dick
Sure m8

>> No.9122674

12 cm u mean

>> No.9122810

as an asian whose fucked niggers heres why. nigger girls are tired of jamal humpin and dumpin and asian guys just want to lose their virginity.

>> No.9122850

also a cultural thing
>bring black girl home to even remotely traditional-minded parents
enjoy getting disowned

personally, i only look for asian girls, particularly chinese, since i'm chinese
it's not that i would never consider a non-asian girl (been with 1 white and 1 white/asian), but it just feels more natural
sharing the same culture, etc

>> No.9123218
File: 14 KB, 316x117, tempo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean post their pictures lel

>pic related fuckig captcha

>> No.9123232

Square jaw only because the girl is malnourished

>> No.9123467

Maybe it's time you pack up your bags and leave. Come on. What're you waiting for? Why are you still sitting on your anime sofa? Oh, whats that? Speak up chink, i really can't understand you. Don't speak directly at me, please cover your fucking squid infested mouth. Jesus fucking christ it smells like the inside of an octopuses rectum. Get your things and get out all ready. Yeah, collect your jizz stained dolls come on I'm waiting. No they're not fucking action figures, they're dolls of asian preteens for fucks sake. Why does this "anime" thing insist on oversizing everyone's eyes? Is it to make up for the slits that actual asians call "eyes"? I'm laughing over my chamomile tea as I'm watching you heave over your keyboard. Lol, it amazes me how you are accepting of the life you live right now. Your day's activities entail getting up late in the morning smelling like jizz, getting on your computer to log onto a desktop who's background is some asian cartoon character in a miniskirt with those huge eyes just looking back at you. I bet you genuinely think she's looking into your eyes. Lmao nigga she can't find them, open that shit up. Why would anyone look into your eyes lovingly if your mouth oozes of an odor that causes plagues? Instead of cleaning your life up what do you do? You watch those shitty cartoons of yours with one hand down your pants and the other filling your fat stomach with squids. Jesus fucking christ you need to reevaluate your life. Please do everyone a favor and either end your life or stop having interactions with the human race. Every time you walk into a room with actual human beings (not your anime faggotry) you know what happens? Their day is exponentially worsened by the sight of you. Please, stop ruining people's lives by breathing our oxygen. Go away and don't ever come back.

>> No.9123924

srs answer. black girls are nice and genuine to asian guys. it's weird i don't get it. asian /whitegirls 80% of the time are just complete bitches.

Plus black girls like asian guys so its easier than chasing some girl who might just be a bitch. Check the like 2nd post in this thread, white girls are bitches for no reason

>> No.9124146

it's monday!

>> No.9124149
File: 93 KB, 599x400, chad warden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup bitches

>> No.9124168


that sounds racist as fuck, but it seems like most men like light-skinned black women, so w/e
I happen to be honey colored, so it's not a big deal for me personally, but it makes me feel bad.

Is it really that hard for asian guys to lose their virginity?
you have an australian accent?
thats hot
which one are you?
I'm nice to anyone I like, but black guys often annoy me, and I want my kids to be further mixed anyway, so maybe I'm the weirdo.
>caring about parents' approval
eww. I don't want anyone who's that fucking beta anyway.

>> No.9124191

I find no appeal in black girls. I find whities more attractive than asians. Their are some God tier mixed tho if they get good genes

>> No.9124469

Men have generally the same amount of testosterone, it's just that men who grow beards are more sensitive to it, that's why you see men who can grow beards are more likely to go bald.

>> No.9124484

>wanting to dilute your genepool with white filth
keep your races to yourself

>> No.9124494
File: 345 KB, 1176x1252, me3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair.
Need a change but don't know what to do.
I'm growing it out, and it's taking forever for the sides to be long enough to be slicked down.

>> No.9124667


>> No.9124796

results pls, lets see how close you get to my haircut

got the bowlcut x undercut thing too :^)

>> No.9124928

huh, I guess thats fair.

>> No.9124933

Tfw half asian half Iranian

>sexy skin colour
>sexy hair

>shitty 5'9 height
>hairiness everywhere

>> No.9125061

you have pale skin, right??
get it laser'd off.

>> No.9125325


post your hair

>> No.9125408

>"pure" asians
>implying the asians in US and Canada aren't fresh off the boat
They're as pure as you can get.

>> No.9125659

not enough bitch.

>> No.9125981

>eww. I don't want anyone who's that fucking beta anyway.

i agree. all momas boy have something wrong in their head. most common red flag ever

>> No.9126437

great minds think alike anon

>> No.9126509

really like it nicce job
im going to use this pic when i go to my barber lol thx

>> No.9126522

Thread is dead, and this>>9112114
motherfucker STILL hasn't delivered.