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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 76 KB, 500x419, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9090444 No.9090444 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too cool for the uncool people

>tfw not cool enough for the cool people


>> No.9090450

Hey just think of it like this..
You'll always be cool enough to hang out with us :^)

>> No.9090455

I don't even know if I'm effay
usually get complimented on how I smell, but not how I look

also w2c?

>> No.9090457

thanks man :)

>> No.9090466

w2c trips

just hang out with people who you wanna hang out with nerdlord

I haven't found an effay crew yet, but I still hang out with people who play D&D and other shit. Not everyone is gonna share your interests with you, but you are allowed to have more than one friend.

>> No.9090468

W2c dubs?
Also dubs
But yea this happens /:

>> No.9090474

I suck at making friends though, my uni isn't helping either people just go in to class and then leave the social life is non existant

w2c friends

>> No.9090476

how's middle school OP?

>> No.9090482
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Just hang out with whoever you want and do what makes you happy.

you need to cop self confidence

>> No.9090494

I feel this on a huge level because I suck at making friends too.

Join clubs, it is a good place to start. It is also pretty easy to just talk with someone and then add them on FB because we live in a society where that really isn't all that awkward

>> No.9092616

tbh when i was in my final year of school i took up smoking and started chilling with the people who walked down the hill and smoked at lunch break, started making friends and hanging out with them on a more regular basis as a result

in my final year puberty began setting in and my face became a lot more slender and pretty which probably helped

>> No.9092620

Are you embarrassed to be seen with your parents?

>> No.9092625
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>tfw people say 'just go and talk to people'
>go and stand near people you want to be included with
>cant find any way to enter their conversation
>they probably think im fucking weird now

>> No.9092659

i dont understand how a fashion board can have such low self confidence. like if you guys dont think your "cool enough" for people, whats the point of copping a 1k RO bomber?

>> No.9092661
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>friends are alpha as fuck
>I can't even get a 10/10 gf

>> No.9092669


>> No.9092697


>> No.9092723

>tfw I don't know what I smell like to other people

>> No.9092749

> don't go out anymore
> don't want to go out anymore
> would rather have a scotch and watch movies and shit post
Friends constantly bugging me to go out but I don't find getting wasted on overpriced drinks and talking to annoying people in a loud club fun. I never bring girls home so what's the point. I'd rather game/watch movies and have good, cheap drinks. Maybe save my money for sick cops.

>> No.9092765

Self gratification in the form of physical possessions. Its like the people who buy anime figures or spend thousands of dollars on turn tables and records but actualky listen to their ipod more.

>> No.9092810
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>Have no problem with most people
>Can never include lonely people when I'm with my friends
>Even though I want to
>Am always included into other people's groups when I'm on my own

maybe it's because I'm black

>> No.9092818

Thats how you do it bro. If you're scared of falling, might at as well not climb. Just take the jump. Fall into it. Don't let the wind hold you back. You're gonna scarp your knees, but good think your mom and dad didn't feed you to be a pussy.

>> No.9092820

we should have more /fa/ mettups, do we have a skype or irc?

>> No.9092822

Dude you're black. You can do whatever you want. Go talk to the lonely people. Your friends won't bat an eye. Black pwople were the nicest and most sincere people at my upper middle class private school but maybe that's because they were educated, had money and were shit on all the time so they wete humble and nice af. Go do you. Be that nice black dude on the football team that befriend my fat younger brother and motivated him to care.

>> No.9092831

>Be that nice black dude on the football team that befriend my fat younger brother and motivated him to care.
This is exactly my high school story.

Are you my older brother? Lee, is that you?

>> No.9092840

You right tbh I'm the only black guy in my sixth form right now and honestly I do feel like there is some phantom urge to be nice to everyone I meet. I have no enemies and the losers love to talk to me and it does feel good. I just need to stop myself from getting caught up in the low self esteem that happens when you roll with the kind of people I roll with.

>> No.9092852

>used to have a lot of friends
>progressively lost more and more of them
>tfw can't really connect with anyone now
>tfw suspended in some strange gray area outside the boundaries of all social circles
>just kind of watch people and wonder why they do what they do
>see the actions of most people as stupid and pointless
>keep telling myself not to get on a high horse even though deep down I do feel like, in some way I can't explain, I know something that they don't, and this makes my existence superior in a way

I think I have self-induced autism or something

>> No.9092856

Thats a good thing though, you're changing the stereotype from "ghetto" to kind, sociable people. You just need to find better friends~

>> No.9092860

Coolness comes from within

>> No.9092868

"cool" is a generalization of social order, based on certain traits. each person has their own definition of cool, and each group is formed based on coinciding definitions.

eg. snapbacks are not cool, i hate obama, i masturbate 10 times a day.

you can't be cool in every group, because society isn't so simple.

that said, you probably can't get in with the cool people because they wouldn't be cool if you could. "I wouldn't be part of any club that would have me as a member" groucho marx.

>> No.9092875

Yeah that's right. Grass is greener on the other side mentality. Gotta be happy with who you are.

>> No.9092890

fuck. this is such an accurate description of my current situation..


>> No.9092895

i feel u

>> No.9093152

Are you me

>> No.9093512
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i feel this so much,

>> No.9093538
File: 84 KB, 940x529, 1408397263104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have a solid group of friends
>tfw it's like having a bunch of brothers
Friendship>literally anything else

>> No.9093548

>tfw not in any group of friends
>only friends i have all have their own circle they hang out with
>any new friendships i make either fall apart or i burn bridges for some reason

life sucks again, watching trees decompose...

>> No.9093698

>tfw group of friends
>we never do anything together anymore
>just chitchat during lectures, study, eat together
>occasionally skype

it's not all that different guys, what i've learned from this is that good friends are really rare
if you have someone you can hang with 24/7, cherish them

>> No.9095410

Your interests have changed and are probably not the same as many other people so it's hard for you to connect with them
These interest also probably make you feel a taf bit superior than them (most people you hang out with don't focus on clothes)
Find some girl or dude that has style and you're good

>> No.9095414

Seeing actions stupid or pointless is just because you haven't been socializing with people enough. If you do those things with people you can connect to you'll see that it's not really that stupid

>> No.9095682
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>tfw too cool

I live in a small town and except for a bunch of Chinese immigrants I'm basically the only person who tries to dress in an interesting way. I spend a lot of time smoking cigarettes with them and making small talk but it's hard to be in that social circle because I don't really speak the language. Besides I was dating a fuccboi Chinese girl and we didn't have a great breakup so it's sort of awkward there.
I'm into music and cultural stuff, but none of that stuff is available in my city and the people who are even vaguely interested in literature and history would rather go to church or play video games than smoke spliffs and shoot the shit.
I also enjoy doing lots of drugs, but the people who are in that crowd aren't responsible or mentally developed enough that I enjoy spending time with them either.

Lots of people have said that I'm really cool, that I'm fun to hang out with, that I look like a model and so on, but my social life basically consists of hitting the gym all week then spending the weekend dropping acid or popping pills with two close friends. I wish I had a close social circle with similar interests as me but it seems like I need to juggle several groups of friends in order to have different hobbies.

I consider myself lucky (especially considering a few years ago I was a fat-ass without any friends), but I wish I had a clique I could roll with 24/7

>> No.9095688

which city? come to toronto and we'll be best of friends

>> No.9095704

Small rural city next to Vancouver. Next time I go to Toronto I'll let you know ;)

>> No.9095734

this is such a pathetic conceited thing to say

teenage dweeb
spoiler ur as cool as u think

spoiler ur not actually cool at all

>> No.9095741

DenimDan is that you?

>> No.9096090

reminds me of me
move to da city its soooo much better here

>> No.9096093


>> No.9096097

introversion has always been /fa/

>> No.9096107
File: 92 KB, 460x578, goose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest thing you need to tell yourself is that other people will inevitably think the exact same thing about you.

As autismal as it is to link to an xkcd comic this one actually is pretty relevant:

>> No.9096163

Unfortuantely, minus the scotch part. I usually have to work super early in the morning.

Now, are you me?

>> No.9096168

Rick Owens FW15

>> No.9096171

>tfw you no longer view yourself

>> No.9096174

Haha are you Abbotsford scum?

>> No.9096178

>too much money to be a poorfag and thus relate with those people
>not enough money to be a richfag and thus relate with those people
The life of the middle class is truly the most sufferable.

>> No.9096212

yea but then you become self aware of how self aware you are and how non-self aware people are of their self awareness. eventually you come full circle and start thinking what was even the point in becoming self aware in the first place, everything would have been better off if you never started thinking in the first place.

>> No.9096267

Deep feels bro. A lot of people i know have so much baggage and makes me wonder why are they doing all of this and they got the nerve to judge for spending money on clothes. Reason why I don't spend too much time on them because my life is too boring due to lack of drama and shit.

>> No.9096975

Trust me nigga you're cool enough for the cool kids, you're just insecure as fuck. Throw yourself out there.

>> No.9097004

>tfw I'm one of the cooler guys in my town
Feels good. Too bad the town itself is pretty small.

>> No.9097032

>Too laddy to feel 100% comfortable with nerd friends
>Too nerdy to feel 100% comfortable with lad friends
>To neurotic and paranoid to drink/do drugs with wreckhead friends anymore

Mebbe I should just move down south where all my hipster uni friends went. They're mostly hipper-than-thou SJW types, but I can at least be myself with them. They pass the laddishness off as northern charm, I don't have to pretend to be racist or homophobic in the name of banter and I can have my dorky hobbies and interests without being the "weird lad".

>> No.9097035
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>tfw you become so cool you start to scare the people who thought they knew you

>> No.9097236

I feel like I'm the American version of you.

I'm in a bit of a limbo too

>> No.9097266

i knew exactly which comic you were going to post just from reading your post. i don't think i'm gonna do very well

>> No.9097272

guys, we're all shitposting about how cool we are on the fashion section of a cambodian frottage board. i don't think any of us are 'too cool for the uncool people'

>> No.9097372
File: 2.65 MB, 500x341, 1399739497162.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tcw im so outside the social dogma i literally dont even talk to a single person ever

i like to think its because im cool and mysterious or something but really i just never took the dive to try talking to anyone else in my whole life

>> No.9098530

Best way to make new friends is ask them about their favourite drink

>> No.9098579

>tfw normcore outfit today
>distressed skinny jeans
>white tee
>grey NB 574
>grey cardigan
>bitches were mirin
>"anon you look great today"
>"what do you mean? I'ts just jeans and a tee" iknow.jpg

Normcore confirmed GOAT, you look better than anyone else in a subtle yet obvious way without being an eyesore

>> No.9098697
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>tfw get a topknot/manbun
>everyone's calling it a "little pony tail"

>> No.9098754
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i just stay in my own goddamn lane

if u really are cool then the cool people will come to you

>> No.9098759
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>tfw too cool for the cool people

>> No.9098819
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I went to a party with some high school friends. I overheard the most popular guy there (guy that invited me) talking to one of his buddies. He said "Hey, isn't anon a cool guy?". Now all I can think about is weather or not he was being sarcastic.

>> No.9099432

Fuck I've felt so alone since I started over thinking like this, I'm just glad there are other people like me.

>> No.9099482

Give it the benefit of the doubt, he was probably exaggerating a bit but in general, I think most people really don't set off to be assholes IRL.

Life is too short to worry about what some dweeb at a party said about you. A while back I posted something saying that cashier said she liked my flannel, and it cheered me up. Almost right on time sieg posts like 5 seconds later saying she probably just wanted a tip. Maybe he's right, but who honestly cares? Just look at it as if it is funny either way and move on. No point in letting it eat you up inside.

>> No.9099491


Are you me?

>> No.9099503

i think you might depressed. look up the symptoms of depression and if you identify with them, you might want to get help for it {help = a psychiatrist}

>> No.9099512
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You're only as cool as you make yourself out to be.

>> No.9099549

>tfw chopped off all my hair, became pretty, started dressing well
>grow apart from my usual friends
>pretty sure they hate me now
>make friends with other people but it never gets very deep
>senior year, become even prettier
>start talking to one of old friends
>he laughs at all my jokes and says "I forgot how funny you were"
>hang out with him
>eventually start hanging out with older friends
>we get one of them (not me thank god) to steal angry orchard from rite aid
>all get drunk together at a chill spot, have deep talks
>"Honestly anon, I've admired your style forever. I don't know how you do it. You are seriously the best dressed person I know."
>he asks me for advice on shit like shoes, outfits, hair, etc.
>"Nah man, I never even had a problem with you. I just thought since you became a model you weren't interested in talking to us anymore."
>holy shit, we played this game for a whole year?
>get drunker
>"I've heard Tyler talking about you like, once, and the things he says are never really bad. He says stuff like 'wow what is up with anon's hair it's all clipped on the sides' but I don't get what the fuck he's talking about. You were the first one to cut your hair like that a year ago, and now a bunch of people are doing it. You fucking rock it. And you're a trendsetter."
>holy shit this feels really good
>"I don't even understand how you dress so well. I spend a lot of money on clothes but I feel that I never look the way you do. I'll never look like a model walking down his runway. I can't rock it the way you rock your designer clothes."
>of all people, fucking Tyler shows up in his bright orange 2003 automatic mustang aka the estrogen-mobile
>he starts getting in my face like "What the fuck are you losers doing here? Oh my god you brought anon? You probably only invited him because he can drive and you can't. Anon you have such a shitty car it's fucking terrible."
>I had the drunk confidence, plus the confidence of my friends being around

>> No.9099556

cool story bro
time to publish a kindle book?

>> No.9099586

>Implying /lit/ wasn't discussing how greentext is the future of storytelling

>> No.9099591

>Cut off Tyler mid-sentence
>"I don't take opinions from the living definition of little man syndrome. Now get the fuck outta here."
>He tries to hit me, I yell at him
>he gets scared and runs into his car
>I throw a beer bottle at his shitstang, he drives away
>go back to talking with friends
>they continue complimenting me
>"You totally could have kicked Tyler's ass."
>"Bahaha have you seen me? I couldn't kick his ass if I tried."
>"You didn't even need to kick his ass, though. You didn't touch him and he still ran away scared. You just radiate dominance and confidence." et. al
>steal a stop sign being drunk hooligans
>drive friends home (I had two beers)
>get home myself

It was a great night.

>> No.9099712
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stop sign in question

I love the decorations adorning my room

>> No.9099752

Are you gay? Or you just like sucking Dick?
There was one part in your story where I thought you and your friend were going to kiss.
Did anyone else think that?

>> No.9100111

this is very homoerotic

did you fuck your friend afterwards?

did you let tyler watch?

>> No.9100236
File: 65 KB, 1379x2031, that feel wrecking ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when boring fucking friends who never want to go out or do anything

Also inb4 "just make new friends :^)" I have no clue how.

>> No.9100240

Try a friend of a friend

Do you like cars? Go to a car meet.

Do you like parties? Go to a party.


>> No.9100250
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>Get a shit new memecut, I hate it
>Girl at work says I look cute
>Spend the rest of the shift wondering is she means little brother cute or ey bb u want sum fuk cute