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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.34 MB, 380x380, GIF-OUTLIER-AirSpaceMesh[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9090041 No.9090041 [Reply] [Original]

old one died (>>9065624)

>> No.9090058
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>> No.9090064
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>> No.9091453
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anyone know a smock / overhead jacket like this

>> No.9091474

black anorak with kangaroo pocket is what u want. i saw similar from ralph lauren black label before, but pricey

>> No.9091982

ID on sandals?

>> No.9092080
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>> No.9092238
File: 94 KB, 1000x1500, Rains Anorak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anorak is what you're looking for. I found one that looks similar to the one in the picture.

>> No.9092277


MKI for lightweight
Isaora if you want insulation

>> No.9092751

don't like any rains gear tbh. the way light reflects off their material is really off putting

I'm aware of the mki one but think they sold out I'll keep an eye out.

>> No.9093076

I'm quite pissed off by this techwear shit. I went through a few jackets this autumn and it's all shit. I'm just returning arcteryx veilance field jacket as it fails to deliver. Why it must be so hard to buy a jacket that provides good protection from elements without it looking totally idiotic?

>> No.9093163
File: 246 KB, 620x983, anjem choudary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic bait /b/ro

>> No.9093201
File: 674 KB, 2304x1296, 20141117_200335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wot m8? the hood and the noise made when u wear it kills this jacket hard

>> No.9093440

Does Uniqlo's new line of Heattech count as techwear?


>> No.9093841
File: 92 KB, 597x799, 8c74bdf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c cargo pants similar to ndg paratroopers? Just want an extremely tapered fit that isnt dropcrotch, maybe even waterproof/resistant. Been looking at 2032 custom cargos from Maharashi but they're sold out and cant find any fit pics of them.

>> No.9095173
File: 181 KB, 1090x1500, session.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9095177


>> No.9095184

dead bird has always been the laughing stock of /out/ and its no surprise that veilance line also eats dick. never seen anything to justify their price

>> No.9095203


>> No.9095209

700$ for isaora? you can buy real brands for full retail at that price, fuck youre retarded

>> No.9095236

you haven't even handled any before you retard. if he likes the look of it, he isn't getting that exact design anywhere else. how are you this dumb?

>> No.9095250

roden gray stocks it

complete trash

if u want something with actual quality spend the same on veilance or canada goose

if u want their "style" u can find the same shit at zara

>> No.9095293

>"real quality"

>> No.9095313

I don't see anything similar and anything even near the style is like 2k

>> No.9095320

he just reads something online and takes it as gospel. look at his wardrobe, the dude is a total fuccboi trend hopper
if you like that style and its in your budget I say go for it
I think the design looks pretty good, imo

>> No.9095326

is the veilence line generally better than the main arcteryx line?

>> No.9095356


Depends on what you're looking for. Most mainline Arc is for people that actually do things while Veilance is more like performance everyday gear.

>> No.9095374

depends what you mean by better. in terms of utility and ruggedness, then no way. in terms of being able to wear most of it everyday in casual fits, then yes

>> No.9095411

aight thanks, was just in the market for something new and didnt want to drop 700 on something that was super terrible and wasn't obvious to me

>> No.9095521

Stop. Just stop with the fucking forced techwear meme. The fact that this thing has been going on for such a long time shows how much cock /fa/ really sucks. Is that effay? Are my hideous workers clothes fucking effay? NO! Same thing.

Now let me tell you that you people are on the road of getting doomed. DOOMED! And when I say doomed,I MEAN IT! I'd rather spend time on a fucking /b/ loli horse cock fucking thread or some /mu/ garbage. I know none of you actually like this HIDEOUS excuse for fucking serious clothing. Everyone knows it. You only like it because you're so insecure about yourselves and actually fucking care what /fa/ tells you. You might see people on the street wearing techwear, and to that I just say : "they fucking fell for it",because they are obviously browsing this HIDEOUS general, and that only shows one how huge /fa/,and in particular techwear generals have become. And to that, I just say : "Fuck off,hideous bastards!".

Kill yourselves if you can't let go of it, sincerely, me.

>> No.9095828

I didn't ask for your favorite drink

>> No.9095833

isaora have a great returns policy being an online only brand now so if you get it and don't feel it's up to snuff then just send it back man

>> No.9096134

>tfw doesn't fit

>> No.9096655

It gets brought up in pretty much every thread but then there is still so little answers:
Techwear shoes
Meme sneakers can go fuck themselves, they are not tech.
Most of these threads focus a lot on jackets basically, but what kind of shoes to go with general tech look?

>> No.9096733

doesn't know shit

>> No.9096769
File: 506 KB, 1020x1210, 14397a0ae6bd16504a15692be552d3f1_h1211w1020_passthru[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have these in the post

>> No.9097017

Anything else but sneakers?

>> No.9097230
File: 137 KB, 2000x1800, W9TY_015_BLAK_DawnPatrolShell_Mns_Front_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know any good leather jackets that are more like shells in design? Climbing cut, napoleon pockets, hoods, etc.

Pic related is the Black Diamond Dawn Patrol. That in like a thin-but-strong kangaroo leather would be perfect.


What are you looking for, exactly?

>> No.9097251

>What are you looking for, exactly?
General techwear shoe inspo I guess
Sneakers just aren't my idea of techwear at all

>> No.9097252

A lot of sneaker companies have been doing collabs with a focus on water resistance like the new ZX Flux's, Adidas has quite a few actually.

Otherwise if you're oging for the more militant techwear your average surplus boots will do the trick,

>> No.9097295

Does anyone know how that Acronym "gravity pocket" works? All I can surmise is that you pull a polymer ring and somehow the bottom of the pocket pulls out and drops your phone into your hand.

>> No.9097309

there's a rubberized snap enclosure on the pocket that you push open with your thumb and then w/e you have in there slides out

>> No.9097314

I actually purchased one similar at a thrift store, has napoleon pockets, a few cargo pockets, and a fitted hood. It's from D.A.N.Y (direct action new york) if that helps, no idea how old it is. It also had a smellproof drug pocket sewn into the jacket, so it used to belong to a drug dealer! I found a tab of acid in there when I bought it.

>> No.9097322

Gotcha. Maybe the inside is a microfiber or something to keep it from catching then? I'm adding one to my jacket so I can keep a switchblade in there.

>> No.9097373

>the brand is called Direct Action New York
>it has a proper stash pocket

... I need this.

How's the leather quality?

What is your idea of techwear?

>> No.9097476

considering getting plastic surgery to look more techwear by which i mean east asian.

>> No.9097488

>What is your idea of techwear?
Functional clothing that protects me and keeps me comfortable in any situation. There is more in to it as well, but fashion sneakers made in sweatshops by kids and sold by multibillion companies just somehow really goes against what I consider techwear.

>> No.9097528

well you're wrong because errolson often wears running shoes in acronym photos

also, being anti-market is not techwear.

techwear = capitalist urban futurism

>> No.9097561

Still, not my idea nor something I want.
And acronym defies what techwear is?
I guess the thought of having cheap sneakers for techwear doesn't sit with me because I look for something that will last, and protect, sneaker does neither.
And it's not like "capitalist urban futurism" is a single defined thing as far as fashion goes, you could be anti-market while being just that. "Techanarchist" shoe if I have to approach this form the chinese cyberpunk cosplay angle.

>> No.9097870

6/10, made me respond with statement:

Ugly is subjective, applying functionality and principled design to clothing is not. It's not a trend or meme.

>> No.9097903
File: 27 KB, 620x620, Nike-Special-Field-Mens-Boot-329798_002_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9098061

make sure you get breathable, water resistant plastic bro

>> No.9098215

Should I cop the neoprene sweats from Isaora? I need some warm and water resistant pants for my first michigan winter.

>> No.9098354
File: 586 KB, 833x2253, DSC01772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pair. This is a picture of them.

>> No.9098370

>And acronym defies what techwear is?

yes, more than you ever have or will.

>> No.9098414

They1345 look better in real life. My camera isn't too good.

>> No.9098470

prepare to wear at least 3 layers

i live in michigan too and usually in the worst of winter i go out in a pair of insulated jeans plus 2 pairs of long underwear.

dont expect designer "techwear" to really keep you all that warm>>9098061

>> No.9098498


>> No.9098603

this looks terrible

>> No.9098831

Leather qualitys really good.
found one on ebay, size small.

>> No.9099516


what shoes are those?

>> No.9099564

adidas zx flux weave gore tex

>> No.9100936
File: 70 KB, 500x280, BRNoodle2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

techwear appropriate foods would be what?

>> No.9100973

Water proof breathable sushi made from genetically altered cyborg tunas grown in ponds that are on top of skyscrapers in Tokyo

>> No.9101002


I dunno.

I guess anything small, and compact, and won't weigh a ton in your stomach. If you're looking for breakfast ideas, anything that can be done fast. You gotta think of "what's on the run". I know there are "food-hacks" for like making frozen-pre-made breakfast burritos that all you have to do is throw in the microwave. So like maybe one of those is a solid choice. The idea is that you can't always be ready to go at every second, so take some time, and minimalize your life. And those pre-made burritos are the perfect idea of "okay, I'm getting protein, vegetables, carbs" that are all easily done in one simple package. Other ideas include muffins, and just fruit. Maybe pre-made smoothies? Do they make those?

Like a techwear lunch could easily be a basic sandwich, an apple, and maybe a juicebox, or bottle of Gatorade. I'm guessing if you're outside you're going to want the Gatorade because it'll keep you hydrated. I wouldn't exactly say anything hiking related would be tech related, because trail-mix can get heavy, and it sits like a weight in my stomach.

Dinners would be a lot harder to match to the idealism of techwear. Again, nothing that'll slow you down, so big meals are out of the question. Essential needs are in. Fast food isn't always the best choice, but sometimes you gotta go. I guess the best question you gotta ask yourself is "If I ordered something at a 'diner', what would come the quickest, and be the easiest to eat". Again, sandwiches are easy to handle. Anything that's a "one-pot" dish would be best maybe. A bit of rice or some light noodles like bow-tie or egg, and a sauce. Butter chicken? Maybe with some steamed broccoli?

I guess the main thing to keep in mind is "What can I eat quickly, and won't weigh me down?"

>> No.9101024

Either they're too tapered below the knee or you're leaning forward too much.
Different pic please.

>> No.9101032
File: 190 KB, 522x651, aaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's just how they're tapered + they might be hanging a little lower on his picture

>> No.9101067

And I was really looking forward to getting myself a pair. Getting closer and closer to just saying fuck it and buying Acronym pants.


>> No.9101074

Same, all I want is a decent silhouette but with cargos the silhouettes are always exagerrated

>> No.9101081
File: 67 KB, 700x1255, fff_1_92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These probably aren't particularly techy as far as waterproofness goes but I like the silhouette.
Guess you could always coat them yourself.

>> No.9101084

Does ILU purposely choose short models or is their length ridiculously long

>> No.9101093

>Model is 188cm tall (6"15 feet), with a 32" waist and wears size medium
According to the site the pants are 32x32, I don't think they look that long, it's just that he has tied them on his ankles so they bag like that.

>> No.9101101

I'll probably shell out for some Mission Workshop or Outlier pants before though, need something that'll keep my legs dry when commuting, and the classic style should make them pretty versatile.
Anyone here own some of these pants? MW has a jeans and chino model, I'm still looking through Outlier's offering to find my favorite.

>> No.9101129

Outlier pants are generally held with high regard

Anybody have suggestions for inspo? Aside from Blade Runner of course

>> No.9101591
File: 20 KB, 500x500, B35535_01_standard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if these have been posted in a thread yet

>> No.9101668

Yeah, looked through their stuff and settled on some Slim Dungarees whenever they restock.

>> No.9101673

they make you look like fcuking pony legs.

>> No.9102112
File: 84 KB, 968x968, 175116[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have experience with nike acg (all conditions gear) line?

thinking of getting this thoughts

>> No.9103169 [DELETED] 

wtf is that a new colourway? I've only seen the all grey and all orange ones, might cop these but i'm scared a better colourway will be released

>> No.9103193

Whats the diff in quality between this and the weave?

>> No.9103264

>anons don't know the difference between "defy" and "define"

>> No.9103645


bump anything other than the ndg ones similar to this?

>> No.9103653

it was a typo you autist

>> No.9104831

Why are you so mad, anon? Have you missed your daily recommended intake of Magnesium?

>> No.9104852
File: 65 KB, 1000x1000, supernaut breh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol at all this shite

>> No.9104863
File: 50 KB, 696x696, Don't worry breh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ni hao

>> No.9104872
File: 20 KB, 696x450, Muh techwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh fortunez

>> No.9104884

looks shitty. i dont get casual styles with techwear. seems dumb. i like more activewear tech styles for physical activities

>> No.9105030

Any suggestions for a good winter coat that'll keep me dry and warm? Not generally a huge fan of arc'teryx but I'm liking the Anode.

>> No.9105055

cheap white windbreaker where

>> No.9105846

This thread is weak as fuck.
Is it because there really isn't much supply out there, or is it because /fa/ simply doesn't like techwear?

>> No.9105871

I would say that the combination of bandwagoning on the Acronym aesthetic, lack of knowledge, and half-baked philosophizing caused anybody with an actual interest in discussion to go elsewhere.

>> No.9105876

I agree
There is never any new inspo or pieces posted either, it's more or less the same stuff thread after thread.