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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 209 KB, 435x750, 1413444260765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9070454 No.9070454[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The whole giant ass trend needs to end.

>> No.9070470


>> No.9070479

Nigger detected

>> No.9070484
File: 439 KB, 600x836, 87288[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9070492

Female here. I get it, they're sexy. But most of them are fake, and men fail to realize that, and it sets a standard that's unachievable for most.

Yes, you can work out your ass, but it will take a long time and still never be that big for a lot of people (genetics play a role too).

>> No.9070495

When did stupid men and women start to worship large asses as opposed to small petite asses?

I thought I was being trolled when people said they like big asses. Kind of like hearing people like fat stomachs

>> No.9070496

hows puberty going

>> No.9070499
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>Female here

>> No.9070500

see the resemblance? no man can achieve a body like chris hemsworth, without taking steroids. how do your double standards taste

>> No.9070505

Not really.

>> No.9070506


Who are these people?

>> No.9070508

It's been a thing for hundreds of years m8.

>> No.9070510

it's part of black culture.

>> No.9070512

Only Americans like fat ass because Americans are all coal burning nigger worshipers

>> No.9070514

I'd imagine they feel good during sex, fun to play with, etc.

Mines not huge but it feels good when it's grabbed and kneaded and jiggles when I'm being fucked.

I want a big one because my SO is into them. He saves all these pics on his computer of huge (often fake) asses and it makes me feel insecure :(

Kim K started the "trend". It'll die down. It was huge tits before this.

>> No.9070520

>my SO
wtf is that?

>> No.9070521

I don't want a man with a body like him. I like thin bodies.

Don't take ur anger out on me

>> No.9070524

please leave

>> No.9070525

its hip/waist actually not booty u neanderthal ass mother fucker

anyway theres nice asses then theres kardashian plastic and chicken hormone starbuck asses

>> No.9070528

Significant other

Aka bf

>> No.9070530

damn cultural marxism strikes yet again

>> No.9070531

Nah, the thing is tho, big breasts are cool, and so are regular ones and small ones.

Big asses are cool and regular ones are okay, but small ones are terrible.

>> No.9070541

You gay, son?

>> No.9070542

that's just your opinion.

>> No.9070544

Americans are so fucking stupid that they can be brainwashed into liking big asses from reality television. The black guys and hispanic guys probably already liked big asses because a lot of black and hispanic women have big asses, but white people got fucking brainwashed by the media

How easily people can have their opinions changed

>> No.9070548


>> No.9070549
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>> No.9070557

brasil not kimk mmkay?

>> No.9070564

It doesn't set a standard at all.

>> No.9070572

It does though. Sooo many girls I know all want huge asses because it's currently what many men want and what people think looks good now.

Not a universal standard, but still a standard.

>> No.9070578
File: 72 KB, 368x600, 1358180697001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no man can achieve a body like chris hemsworth without taking steroids
>it's impossible to be 6'3 and 190 pounds with double digit bf% while natty

I'd like to take the time to inform you that you are a fucking faggot

Eugene Sandow weighed 200+ at 5'9 natty and had single digit bf% year round

Ronnie Coleman, who wasn't natty, has 100+ pounds of lean mass on this faggot and half the bf% despite being 4 inches shorter and in his 50s

It's not genetics or gear, you just don't lift and don't even know what big is

pic related

>> No.9070581

dont oppress me u piece of shit

>> No.9070585

on the contrary kardashians are middle eastern descent right
u know arabs have phat asses under those niqabs too bruh

suburban white soccer moms be all monkey see monkey do

>> No.9070617

Funny thing is, nigger feminists think it's 'cultural appropriation' that white men dare to like females with large behinds.

>> No.9070651

pic must be shop cant be real


>> No.9070654

can confirm about the sex thing, one of the best moments in my life is still my first time doggy style. Don't let anyone try and convince you it's overrated, it feels great

>> No.9070658

can you talk like a human?

>> No.9070660
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>> No.9070662

Aaaaaaand there's the difference. Manlets do not count, my /fit/ friend. Chris Hemsworth is 6'3". Gimme some natural cunts at his height that haven't basically dedicated their entire lives day and night to getting that body, and I'll applaud you.

>referencing THE sticky
>meaning the /fit/ sticky
>posting on /fa/


>> No.9070664
File: 1.14 MB, 500x208, Nicki-Minaj-Anaconda-Butt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9070666

god damn she is ugly.

>> No.9070665

>no man can achieve a body like chris hemsworth, without taking steroids

>> No.9070670
File: 78 KB, 435x600, jlo-booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9070681


Honestly, they harp more on the white women. Black feminists love white men. Double standards everywhere.

>> No.9070683
File: 832 KB, 500x281, bey-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9070689
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>> No.9070690
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>> No.9070693
File: 996 KB, 500x516, nn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9070696
File: 154 KB, 500x400, chris_hemsworth_shirtless_skinny_to_muscles_thor_embed_1970i2s-1970i33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand that ronnie being a manlet supports his argument. He's like 215lbs in Thor and had a personal trainer and dietitian. Looking at his delts he probably roided, but it's not at all hard to look like him on the left.

As for the dumb bitch who thinks that women with asses have implants, lol. It's mostly genetics for fat distribution though. The op girl clearly has no hammys or quads so that shit is all fat held up by denim. If she took those pants off that ass would probably be nasty.

>> No.9070699
File: 1.21 MB, 750x820, big-ass-in-yoga-pants.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9070701
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I never thought you /fa/ggots were capable of high test

>> No.9070722
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>> No.9070728

paid asstresses

>> No.9070735
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>> No.9070756
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wiser words never spaken

>> No.9070771

If everyone agrees (except faggots and women, who both don't count) then it becomes a law/fact.

>> No.9070779

He definitely didn't roid. End of winter I look like that. Start of winter (after outdoor shit and too much cardio) I lose about half my delts/pecs/

>> No.9070832

what ridiculous asses ITT. they look way out of proportion, similar to when a guy just has a huge chest and arms but shit tier everything else.

>> No.9070838
File: 375 KB, 700x900, Kim_cover_web_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it never ends

pic related

>> No.9070857

Skinny pancake butts are gross. Everyone knows that.

>> No.9070864

This is truth. Its a hips to waist ratio thing. Check out the golden ratio. Hugely massive fake asses are gross. Like big fake tits.

>> No.9070867
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>> No.9070892

ayy who is that

>> No.9071011




he has roiders traps man, and also, he is an actor why spend ages on a bod, when you can roid, and get the body required for the part?
you think avengers gave him 6 years notice to get that big?

>> No.9071022

>it's harder to weigh more at 6'3 than 5'9


>Natural cunts at his height

literally any competing strongman outclasses him by a mile

there's bound to be a handful of nattys in there

>> No.9071031

This is news to you? Have you ever stepped your foot in a gym?

>> No.9071034

>and had a personal trainer and dietitian
>implying it matters
Cooking is piss easy and if you can't train without needing somebody shouting at you, you don't deserve muscles.

>> No.9071036

>literally any competing strongman outclasses him by a mile
>mentioning strongmen
Are you fucking retarded or just ignorant of the fact that strongmen take fuck tons of steroids?

>> No.9071039
File: 20 KB, 227x300, traps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200 pounds

you don't lift

it would take someone who was literally straight out of Auschwitz 2 years to get that body natty, as a top range estimate

assuming he actually lifted and didn't weigh 130 pounds prior to being casted, it'd only take a few months to get ready, since pretty much all of the gains he made in the transition from the picture on the left to the picture on the right are in water weight, muscular glycogen, and fat

I'd say he only gained maybe 5-10 pounds of actual muscle, which is not hard to do in a fraction of a year on a caloric surplus

>those traps

he does not have traps

he anatomically does not have traps

pic related, what he does not have

>> No.9071041

clearly that body comes from hard work and dedicatoin. something you homos dont have. always eaiser to throw the roid card when somone is mirin.

>> No.9071042

lol at you guys thinking he didn't take roids

>> No.9071047

are there people saying hemsworth doesnt roid? HAHAHAHAH
heres a tip u dumb fucks
every actor does
a lot of them are also on HGH
they have the best money can buy, they get 6 months to prepare for a role, u think its all hard work and diet? hahahaha omfg

every single one
models even, yes skinny ones too, roid if necessary, its not about mass by lean muscle to bf%

fuck u people are naive simpletons

>> No.9071051


>what are physical limitations
>what is being an actor
>what is hollywood

i'm sure that an actor that needed to get a certain size for a role, where he plays a huge guy, said to the producers 'yeah hold off on production for 2~ years. I need to get big naturally, you feel me'
everyone in hollywood roids, not because they're cheaters, just because you have to get a certain size in a certain time jfc

>> No.9071057

this is me.


I know u want to believe he doesn't take stoids so you can have pictures of arnold and be like 'some day, maybe 3 years down the track, with my vegan pea protein, and steamed chicken, i'll be that big'
but no, all actors roid, it could be achievable, but an actor has to roid so they can get hired and actually be the size demanded.
whats next, you think the rock is just on a really good workout plan and diet and his soman genetics are why he is so big? smh

>> No.9071059

I think that is close minded, but /fa is so far gone from compassion.

>> No.9071064

Firm, shapely asses, even if small>the back half of a hippo

>> No.9071066
File: 104 KB, 797x629, 1415518527331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a physique that's achievable natty is impossible to achieve while natty

he's not particularly lean, he's not particularly big, he doesn't have big traps, doesn't have big delts, doesn't have visible muscle head separation, does lift, and did bulk

whats your fucking deal, what is out of the ordinary here

I've seen highschoolers bigger than him

>> No.9071070


jeff sied doesn't count as a highschooler lol

>> No.9071081
File: 108 KB, 970x1295, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do niggers count, cause this one was creeping up on 300 pounds at 6'4"

>> No.9071088

ITT virgins who have never beem within 5 feet of a big juicy ass.

>> No.9071092

tastes differ you monkey

>> No.9071110


>sitting down

guy looks dyel af