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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.66 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9056928 No.9056928 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/, any good winter wear ideas for a preppy campus? Pic related

>> No.9056932

well whoop dee do

>> No.9056957

suicide lmao

>> No.9056962
File: 53 KB, 428x494, LL BEAN CARBON NAVY RAGG WOOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9056965

fuck off faggot no one cares.

>> No.9056968

I dropped out of an ivy league school

Get on my level

>> No.9056982

not prep unless you meet the first conditon and then at least 2/3 of the others:
-100% white (ideally WASP) with clear skin
-legacy (more than just 1 generation)
-in an eating club
-excessively wealthy & live a preppy life style

>> No.9056993
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bragging about your college on a saudi arabian claymation forum


>> No.9056996


we all know you're just a token

>> No.9056998

thats a nice ring! aren't you wearing it upside down though or have you not graduated yet?

>> No.9057000

Not gradumated

>> No.9057001

Poor fucker has to go to college in the middle of goddamn New Jersey.

>> No.9057005

oh got ya. are you graduating this winter? if not why did you get a ring so early lol

>> No.9057013
File: 306 KB, 817x1222, ed-westwick-argyle-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9057019

who gives a fuck about an oxford comma?

>> No.9057022

>GREAT Class of 2018
>already assuming you won't fail a single year
I can't take this pressure

>> No.9057059

norse projects fw14 lookbook

>> No.9057096

>not understanding class year and graduation year are two separate entities altogether
>not realizing that your graduation year is just the year you get your sheepskin while your class year is a part of you, it is your identity, your essence

It's like you're 15, you uneducated cretin.

>> No.9057102

What are the most /fa/ school name to have on your resume?

>> No.9057237

What? How does this work?
Not him, but as an Italian, I've never understood this

>> No.9057358
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>> No.9057403


are you implying that this is Ezra Koenig or something?

>> No.9057430

You're such a waste. I'm glad your parents hate you.

>> No.9057432

Non-mainstream liberal arts schools.

>> No.9057434

Anyone else cop anything from the BB Veteran's Day sale? I picked up the cascadia colored webbed belt, mostly for when spring rolls back around.

>> No.9057491

List? I don't know anything about lib arts schools.

>> No.9057538

Must be nice to have rich parents.

>> No.9057600

>tfw parents convinced me to just go to the shitty not-even-state school my mom works at because it's less expensive
So for all of high school I just didn't do work started getting dumber because of laziness and could ONLY get into that school.
>tfw couldn't even transfer to nice school
>tfw couldn't even afford it
>tfw threw my life away thanks to my parents
>tfw no high paying IB job post graduation

>> No.9057709

do they give these out for free?

>> No.9057723

>blaming your parents for your problems

>> No.9057748
File: 50 KB, 468x263, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw couldn't afford going to the top 20 uni you were accepted to
tfw state school
tfw still wearing CPs

>> No.9057752

what's wrong with CPs

>> No.9057892

>looking for a preppy look

google Take Ivy
it's a photobook about men's fashion in ivy league colleges in the 60's
lots of pictures depicting that really nice, classy, preppy (but not fratty) ivy league dress style. tough to find a pdf of the whole thing though.

If you're actually a princeton student, then that book is very likely on a shelf in one of the libraries.

>> No.9057904

if your family didn't have money why didn't you just bust your ass and get a scholarship. You fucked up too don't just blame your dumb parents

>> No.9057914

They have it at Marquand! I'll check it out. Thanks! Would people be interested in pictures from a real copy of Take Ivy? I hear originals are quite rare.

>> No.9057915

Class year = anno in cui ti iscrivi ad un corso, fondamentalmente ti identifichi e "fai gruppo" con quelli dello stesso anno; graduation year = anno in cui ottieni il pezzo di carta, cosa che può variare.

>> No.9057924

yes! please post em

>> No.9058009

lol no
like for everything else, they bully you into belonging

>> No.9058261
File: 1.39 MB, 1744x3088, WP_20141109_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waxed jacket brah

>> No.9058270

Grazie m8.

>> No.9058283

You're confusing lifestyle with style. I'm a Brit and I can never be those things but I still like to dress preppy because I think it looks good.

Why do these threads always attract you're type. Shouldn't you be busy complaining that you cant wear boat shoes unless you own a boat and that you cant wear allstars unless you're a basketball player from the 1930's?

>> No.9058296

>>9058283This for

>> No.9058515

Hurry up with my coffee.
The richest man on Earth dropped out of an Ivy League.

>> No.9058556

And jacke Chans son is an unsuccessful retard. What's your point.

>> No.9058620

What's your point? Jackie Chan's son went to some shithole school, not an Ivy League.

>> No.9058622

Come to Oberlin
>Nowhere more /fa/ than Ohio

>> No.9058671

Greetings fellow princefag.

You should know at this point that preppy clothing is not at all the norm here.

>> No.9058675

>eating club as one of the prerequisites for prep
Confirmed for not going to Princeton

>> No.9059000

stop being a /fa/ggot and write your R2

>> No.9059278

Definition of doing it wrong.

>He thinks top tier lib arts schools aren't better than shitty state STEM schools
It's like you don't even double major in Philosophy and Economics.

>> No.9059292

>>Implying Princeton's engineering program isn't one of the best in the country

>> No.9059325
File: 1.95 MB, 450x188, 1411516847359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accepted into multiple ivy league schools
>forced to attend state school due to economic reasons

>> No.9059373

>>9058261you dont llook good colors are fucking everywhere

>> No.9059378

This. As a matter of fact, speaking of Oberlin, my aunt got her undergrad in Music and Theology there and still ended up at one of the top law schools in the country when she killed her LSATs. She works at corporate law now.

>> No.9059524

Honestly the most fulfilling thing was proving that I could accepted to the school. I couldn't care less about sticking around for some degree.

>> No.9059553

>accepted to multiple state schools
>forced to attend community college due to economic reasons

┐(´ー` )┌ everything is alright

>> No.9059575


>> No.9059580

I'm not so good at colours. What should I change?

>> No.9059591

Same degree. If someone from an ivy school isn't there because someone who doesn't need the money sent them there, then they're retarded. In a job interview if you announce that you're from said ivy school you'll be seen as pretentious, arrogant, etc. It's a waste, unless you enjoy partying with faggots and jews who buy their booze with mommy and daddy's credit card.

Even if, degrees are only a requirement to get you into the interview. Unless they're absolutely desperate and have had no other candidates, you'll never get a job based on degree/school alone.

>> No.9059601

lol someone is buttmad
are you that girl who goes to community college?

>> No.9059602

I thought this thread was going to be about clothing not a bunch of fuckwits boasting about getting into/not getting into university.

>> No.9059620

To those of you fretting about not getting into a ivy league for your education, don't worry! You made the right choice saving money for undergrad

I was in your same situation four years ago, and I chose a full ride at a third tier private school over my ivy leagues. This was a great decision - I have no debt compared to my peers that went to Ivys.

If you got accepted into Ivys you have the caliber to get the same salary although it will require more initiative. I got offered 80k salaries for my engineering BS, which was the same range as my friends in Ivy leagues. Obviously, some are making 120k or so at Google, etc. but I'm in electrical engineering and not CS.

I actually turned these offers down to get a PhD instead at an ivy league school and I don't think the kids here are that much smarter. They are just more motivated and can get connected easier, but I really don't think they are geniuses or anything special.

>> No.9059658

? Ivy financial aid is extremely high. My family is working class and Penn was by far the most affordable option. What happened?

>> No.9059686

He's lying?

Looks like you're lying too because you can't figure that out

>> No.9059704

parents make $160k/yr and I need to save my $ for grad school

Would have ended up paying ~$40k per year

>> No.9059722

>financial aid
Enjoy renting a room while you pay your student loans for something you could've had for free. Meanwhile, I'll have a house, family, nice car, and the same income.

>> No.9060324

Is the Pacific Northwest a good place for a prep to transfer too from the East? I'm sick of the East coast.

>> No.9060357

ur insecurities are showing. stay mad

>a house, family, nice car, and the same income
that sounds boring af

>> No.9060401


>going to any Ivy other than Cornell for engineering

You shitting me?

>> No.9060456

>you'll never get a job based on degree/school alone.

>maybe if I ignore it, the meritocracy will disappear

>> No.9060492
File: 10 KB, 288x288, Northwestern-law-school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to school at 55k a year undergrad
>not going to state for free to blow retards the fuck out to spend the money on graduate school

pic related, I may be 200k in debt, but I'm not 600k in the shitter, and have all the benefits of dat der $160k a year starting jobe

>> No.9060510

Go to Reed

>> No.9060590

Not school, just living and raising a family there.

>> No.9060602

Yeah, it's mostly white people and asians and the weather is dreary all the time. Constant rain is pretty /fa/

>> No.9060610

Is reed good? Not that guy but I've heard things both good and bad about it

>> No.9060628

>SUNY Ithaca

>> No.9060637

I might not go to princeton but at least I don't have to live in new jersey ayy lmao

>> No.9061052

Oxford style shirts and dress shoes.

Be ironic.

>> No.9061144

never said i did u kike

>> No.9061152

lifestyle and style are inextricably linked. otherwise you're just cosplayin m80

>> No.9061184


>What is a meritocracy
>What are the connections that Ivys and top-tier schools give you the opportunity to make
>What is rubbing shoulders with the elite of the world

m8 r u even tryin

>> No.9061234

Lol nice college letter that everyone gets you just signed up for it lmao

>> No.9061720

Congrats, brobro.

>> No.9062057

Will post prep inspo in a few hours when I get to class.

>> No.9062266

Its a great school that just has a HUGE drug problem.

But the people are interesting, the faculty are world class, and it is most definitely /fa/

Just, you know, a lot of heroin.

>> No.9062503
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Prep inspo commencing (all from last thread).

>> No.9062505
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>> No.9062509
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>> No.9062511
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JFK is the king of style as far as president's go.

>> No.9062513
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Don't really care for this look. Seems too lazy to me.

>> No.9062515
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>> No.9062522
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>> No.9062529
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>> No.9062534

>tfw Ithaca College
fuck it, I don't care. Where else do I go for Television?

>> No.9062536
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>> No.9062539
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One of my Aunts used to live in Ithaca before she divorced her husband. They said the area was just about perfect.

>> No.9062542
File: 134 KB, 857x1280, 1414661511856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't like this look either, feels too city-life if that makes any sense.

>> No.9062545
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>> No.9062549
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Skull and Bones Yale Organization for those of you who don't know what the bones are for.
>tfw not in a secret school club of all-powerful men who run the world

>> No.9062552
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What's this guy's name again? He has some kind of blog, right?

>> No.9062553
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The only McQueen that matters in fashion. Fite me irl.

>> No.9062555
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>> No.9062559
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>tfw not anglo-saxon
>tfw german-american
>tfw never able to be WASP
>tfw truly be rep

>> No.9062562
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>> No.9062566
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>> No.9062569
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Based Take Ivy.

>> No.9062572
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More Take Ivy.

>> No.9062575
File: 168 KB, 1600x948, 1414879792236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never applied to Dartmouth because I already had a free ride to state school and didn't care about education to try any harder than I had to

>> No.9062579
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LL Bean catalog.

>> No.9062583
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>> No.9062585
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Someone else should post some inspo. I feel lonely.

>> No.9062590
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>> No.9062593
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LL Bean catalog..

>> No.9062595
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>> No.9062600
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>> No.9062605
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>> No.9062607
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I wonder why this style isn't more popular on /fa/...

>> No.9062610
File: 89 KB, 680x1023, 1415126258562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blacks at prep schools
Society pls. Pls stahp.

>> No.9062615
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>> No.9062619
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>> No.9062625
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>> No.9062634
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>> No.9062638
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>> No.9062643
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Almost out of pics. Hope you guys can add to this.

>> No.9062647
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>> No.9062649
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>> No.9062661
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>> No.9062716

>of dat der $160k a year starting jobe
yeah no

do u even have a clue what the job market is out there for lawyers? there's way too many of you idiots who went to law school because they thought it meant an easy to get high paying jobs. and law schools take in all the students they can get because its a revenue maker for them
meaning there are way too many lawyers graduating out there for the number of jobs available

>> No.9062717

So now I know there are at least three /fa/ggots including myself on campus.

Do you guys w-wanna hang?

>> No.9062905

>tfw thinking of going into corporate law this morning instead of IB
IB seems so hard to break into anymore especially if your grades are anywhere below a 3.5.

>> No.9062908
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>> No.9062926

'preppy' isn't a thing in the UK, it's called 'rah' here, and its a bit different

>> No.9063806

/fa/ needs more real prep school kids.

>> No.9063905

Unless two are the same, there's 4. This guy's been through writing sem clearly

>> No.9063961
File: 184 KB, 670x447, 06-sapeur-fashionistas-670[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what if it isn't here, you can dress how you want. Anyway, prep is such a generic style of dressing that it's nowhere near being a uniform. Of course I wouldn't wear a college sweater with a big "P" on it or whatever. It's the aesthetic i'm after.

> otherwise you're just cosplayin m80
So what lifestyle does goof ninja prescribe? Is wearing a m-65 cosplaying as a vietnam vet?

I would say that Nigerian sappeurs are stylish as fuck even if they dress like colourblind European white men.

Saying someone is cosplaying if they don't live a certain lifestyle is such anti-fashion bullshit.

>> No.9064392

>Saying someone is cosplaying if they don't live a certain lifestyle is such anti-fashion bullshit.
You have much to learn about fashion. You may know about style and clothing, but you don't know fashion.

>> No.9064418


>> No.9066426

Missed that reply

>tfw never went into Firestone until the research project of wri sem