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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 108 KB, 620x413, rix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9025714 No.9025714 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>haven't browsed /fa/ in a long time
>last night I have a dream
>I have a dream of searching my house for my geobaskets
>I eventually pull the shoes from under my patio in perfect condition, as if they just left the factory
>I find solace and comfort in the slightly yellowing sole
>Wake up, realize I don't actually own a pair of geos
>depressed because it seems these shoes are somehow missing from my life that would otherwise be whole and complete with them on my feet
>never had this feel about clothing even after spending a bizarre amount of money on it thus far

These are most definitely the greatest shoes of all time and deserve every once of praise they get. Should have bought the geos while I was in the soho store...

>> No.9025720

Buy em asap it's a signe mane

>> No.9025860

I dont use my geos anymore but there's no way I can sell them because of how much I love them. I feel like they are alive or something, like a pet. I've also had a geo dream btw. They were made of styrofoam and my dog had eaten them the day after I bought them

>> No.9025874

just steal them off ebay lol

>> No.9025888

In before OP gets hate from people who don't get feelings.

>> No.9025892


go on

>> No.9025917

order them, any kind you want, don't shirk here
file a complaint that the box they sent was empty, or say that they weren't in the condition as described and send the seller back a box of tissues (they'll need this to wipe the tears from their losses)
ebay (paypal) sides with the buyer 99% of the time even in the most expensive and ridiculous cases
I try to spread this knowledge around as much as possible to bring down the system (I am a seller who has experienced this)

>> No.9025921
File: 79 KB, 600x450, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1413346398275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see OP's post
>reminded that my geos are packed away because people came in to fix my ceiling
>realize I haven't worn them in over a month easily
>am very sick and have nowhere to go so I wont be wearing them today
>unpack them anyway and put them on the table while I eat breakfast
>start feeling noticeably better

Thank you OP and thank you rick

>> No.9025928


It's so fucking evil but I'm so going to fucking do it

>> No.9025929

and this is why i never use ebay

>> No.9025934

Sort your filename/s out.

>> No.9025945

Post results m8

>> No.9025949

so ebay/paypal makes u pay the money back or what?

>> No.9025950

Because of this policy it's honestly really useful/safe for the buyer as long as you don't buy from a glaringly suspicious seller but at the same time it makes being a seller hell. They also hold on to your money for 21 fucking days and have the ability to snatch it up at anytime for the dumbest of reasons.
lel gl

>> No.9025954

The buyer is reimbursed his money while the seller just takes a loss. Just google it there's plenty of details on the web don't think people have stayed quiet about their bullshit

>> No.9025964

I really don't like to throw the word autism around loosely because I work with kids with autism but if you were actually piqued by that filename you may be genuinely autistic

>As with people elsewhere on the autism spectrum, people with high-functioning autism generally prefer routine and order, and this usually begins in early childhood. They may, for example, write an alphabetized index of their comic book collection

>> No.9025969


why are you getting so asshurt over someone jokingly poking fun at your filename? christ, if anyone's got autism it's you mr. i cant take a joke

>> No.9025972

Won't the tracking on the post, or the weight of the parcel prove that there was something in there?

>tfw wouldn't even be able to do it because never have that amount of money in my bank

Trying way too hard mate.

>> No.9025976


say they sent you a dif. pair of shoes and just send em back some shitty old converse or something kek, that would be even better

>> No.9025979

u can do it with almost anything, pay through paypal for a pizza, or anything from a big company, make sure they dont use tracking, say it never arrived, they wont bother chasing it up, u get the item and u get it free

>> No.9025983

I have these kinds of dreams but with qts

>> No.9025994

you dream about pulling qts from under your patio?
you sick bastard

>> No.9025995


not exactly

>> No.9025999

this is a good idea
You could also claim they sent YOU a box of bricks. There's many sneaky Jewish ways you could pull this off, just gotta use your head.

>> No.9026003


don't say bricks, obviously. shipping charges wouldn't add up since it's based on weight lol

>> No.9026010
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Degenerate poorfags.

>> No.9026013

enjoy being a workslave and feeling proud because you bought something with money that holds no value :^)

>> No.9026016
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moralfaggot plebeian

>> No.9026020

Same type of thing works with amazon.
I've stolen over £2k worth of stuff this way

>> No.9026021
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Nice triple.
What about them leaving shit feedback on your ebay? I don't even have that kind of money to put in my bank so Idk why I'm asking, always cheaper shoes I guess.

>> No.9026028


you can just disconnect your paypal from your ebay, then make another ebay account lol

>> No.9026029 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 920x1632, alarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ring ring ring
jew alarm
something wrong rabbi shekelstein?
the goys acting up again?
pay me some gold and ill throw my axes at him

>> No.9026033

sellers can't even give buyers a bad rating lel that's how fucked up PP/eBay is

>> No.9026035


>i desperately want attention on the internet

>> No.9026037

bitch pls my cause is righteous
the real culprit is eBay/PP who put sellers through this nonsense
in the end they do this shit because it's profitable to them, they get interest off of holding millions of peoples moneys daily
if they have a chance to hold thousands more so that some fucker can steal free shit, they still make the money they want
however if more and more people pull this shit, eventually they'll have to fix their garbage policies

>> No.9026039

w2c that top

>> No.9026043

I take issue with the cowardice of the scheme, not really a moral issue, it's just such a pussy way to get what you want.

>> No.9026046

not him, but if I was ebay/paypal and I saw that somebody at this address or this paypal account keeps on saying his shit didn't turn up, wouldn't they realize that he's fucking people?

>> No.9026053

people make new paypal/ebay accounts every time to do it, that's why a lot of sellers won't deal with anybody who has less than a certain number of purchases

>> No.9026055

They turn a blind eye, but it's probably smart to make new accounts, get your rating up, actually buy things every few times before you try and steal something, etc..

>> No.9026068

yep, that shit with filing complaints and lying actually works, that's why many estores refuse to send to russia, because those motherfuckers do that all the time

>> No.9026101

Stirner was human garbage
I feel profoundly sorry for anyone who actually shapes their ethics on his philosophy.

>> No.9026130
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>> No.9026154

Should I start filming myself packing my sold items and mailing them off now?

>> No.9026158

i heard a story about a guy who bought cps off ebay, he got one kent wang shoe and a rock in a box

>> No.9026162

you should start selling on amazon or preferably your own website
or fucking craigslist

>> No.9026166

sell via grailed
dont deal with pieces of shit

>> No.9026167

This works with clothes too right? I don't see why not, I might try this.

>if you haven't received your item we'll refund you in full (including postage costs), using PayPal

>> No.9026168

yeah, i think that's the safest thing to do
it needs to include
the items themselve
the mailing address (pref on the package)
you packing the item
paying for the service and handing the item over
and then the receipt
in one take

well, i imagine that's all that is needed
also the risk that whichever paypal clerk is monitoring just will insta deny appeal.

>> No.9026177

post results

>> No.9026182

i could never wear stolen geobaskets, all I would feel would be rick's disappointment ):

>> No.9026204

>buy fakes from japan (wear them a bit if you're buying used geos)
>order reals from ebay
>when they arrive file a complain saying that you were given fake shoes and send it to the seller
>congratulations! you just bought rick at the price of fakes!!

>> No.9026207
File: 315 KB, 1387x908, ss+(2014-11-01+at+09.28.52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had that feel op

>> No.9026215

I'm just worried that PP/eBay would look into what you've ordered recently or something like that, or track what the delivery service has sent you.

Can they do that?

>> No.9026219

no shit they do moron. are you fucked in the head or something

>> No.9026220

get your friend to order the fakes for you

pay him in cash

>> No.9026232


dude they really don't give a shit

>> No.9026236
File: 1008 KB, 778x1300, Sabine_Ghanem-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To avoid these faggots trying to steal Ricks on eBay.

1) Record/Take pictures of all packaging details.
2) Ship with tracking #
3) Save all receipts for shipping.

If you do all these steps, you will not be scammed by these low lives degenerates

>> No.9026239

kill your dog and use the leather to make a pair of shoes

>> No.9026242

>tfw skinny, heroin chic lifestyle
>love the style i dress in
>still want geos despite know they'd look shit on me

>> No.9026249

nigger thinks he can beat the SNAD lel

>> No.9026265

lol wonder whether you'll be smiling in 30 years

>> No.9026295

wait I really want to do this, can someone explain a step by step process

>> No.9026308

Really? You buy the fakes of the real product you want, when his arrive you say to eBay support or w/e that he gave you fake shoes and you get the money for the real ones back.

>> No.9026742

They aren't that great

>> No.9027699

if you scam another person out of hundreds of dollars for some sneakers you are a piece of shit.

How are you old enough to use a computer but cannot comprehend basic ethical practice?

>> No.9027726

if you spend a hundred dollars for some sneakers you are a piece of sh it.

How are you old enough to use a computer but cannot comprehend that ethics differ from person to person?

>> No.9027748

Conning the average person out of £500 or so is disgusting, but who gives a fuck about doing it to some kike ceo at Universal?

>> No.9027758

ebin nihilist philosophy undergraduate :^)

>> No.9027783

ebin meme spouting 12 year old :^)

>> No.9027790

What would you say is more likely to work out, saying there's nothing in the box at all or saying it was a different pair of shoes?

The former seems like something everybody would say to get their money back, but if the former is good I might try it with clothes.

>> No.9027833

i've scammed : 3 pairs of ance ace cashes (all in sizes that dont fit me) 2 acne marble tees, 4 pairs of sneakers, 2 designer caps, and a 2009 mac.

i dont even wear them, i do it for the thrill....

>> No.9027848


>> No.9027856
File: 1.03 MB, 2560x1920, 2014-07-24 15.50.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i dont take pics incase i get arrested. my friend got arrested for doing this, and it counts as fraud and you don't declare it on tax.

though, i did it w/ a plush sex toy once, haven't used it.
selling for 20 euros btw

>> No.9027866

lmaaaaaao that's hilarious cuz, and what method did you use?

>> No.9027907
File: 31 KB, 494x63, vodbkgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that you are retarded

>> No.9027917

Link tutorial on how to do this

>> No.9027945

do you imbeciles seriouslly expect the seller to just let it go if you scam them, if somene fucked me out of that kind of cash you can bet your sweet ass im coming after them.

>> No.9027968


You sound like you have autism and rick stopped being cool when a mainstream pleb rapper namedropped him.

>> No.9027971

what you gon do tough boy?

>> No.9027976

Lmao netslave NEET friendless virgin detected

>> No.9027979

are you seriouslly retarded?
if i sent something to you i automatically have your adress

>> No.9027997
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>> No.9028037

I live in a island, do you really want to spend more money and time just for a pair of sneakers? What are post offices?

>> No.9028048

you are just a man(let) who knows how to feel

>> No.9028050

implying im shipping anything worth over 5 bucks to some random island

>> No.9028054

which island?

>> No.9028059

Puerto Rico

>> No.9028068
File: 12 KB, 191x78, Capture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag reporting in.
What do when they have this much positive feedback? I think they'd call bullshit, some of them have the eBay Premium Service badge too.

I'm copping some docs and might just send them back a pair of £5 shoes from shoezone lol.

>> No.9028106
File: 33 KB, 251x229, 1357908875417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And what then? Break in and shit on my carpet? You would get fucked for scam and assault, and get judged by court in a foreign country if you would try to wiggle those bitch twig arms around trying to hit me ;^)

>feels good

>> No.9028112

this is exactlly why i always check the adress on streetwiev, i would never send anything of value to your poverty struck ass anyway. have a nice day

>> No.9028182
File: 1.94 MB, 310x325, 1413820731963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man you poorfags are disgusting, you're the reason people with actual defective goods get laughed off as crooks At least the damaged compressed air I ordered from amazon got replaced

>> No.9028690

+1 to underline this. Proven to be rather fool proof, and quite a few scam attempts and cases the last year. From the point of a seller and a buyer.

Bit grim but she could have very easily won this if she knew a bit more about the workings of paypal claims. A tough situation, granted but she should have stayed calm, done her research, taken more precautions shipping a fucking 9k item instead of going off like an estrogen fueled bomb.

>> No.9028703

>needing to steal docs

holy shit you are truly a poorfag

>> No.9028771

So what's the consensus people? We good to scam or what?

>> No.9028779

dont, if the seller is not a complete dumbass you will have to pay for the items

>> No.9028792

Thanks, man. Pretty unsettling that people are this lowly.

>> No.9028815

Dunno man, might be getting baited but people ITT make it seem like a piece of cake.

>> No.9028849

Regarding new sellers, without a return policy. It can be easy.

I purchased a faulty item once. Didn't notice it until after a few weeks. Requested a partial refund under filing a 'return'. She downright turned down my request. Basically stating it's your problem now. Unknowingly digging her own grave in the process. Called Ebay which came down to, you'll get all your money back. 'Does this require some action from my part' Nope. And indeed i did, they credited me back the full purchase amount including shipping, i could keep the item (which wasn't cheap in the first place) and didn't even get a chance to supply the pictures to go with my return request showing the faulty item.

Serves her right though. Overcharged nearly double on shipping, item wasn't as described and hidden damage, jammed into a fucking shoe box. Fuck that bitch.

captcha: forgiveth tdeetsu

I forgiveth not.

>> No.9028938

gr8 captcha m8
I am eyeing a couple items in the hunneds price mark that have a no return policy thing, seller not certified, like 60ish rating. Might go for it.

>> No.9028952

She was an idiot, the others might not be. There's a fair chance you are going to fuck yourself over. Also it's very immoral and illegal yadayadayada.

>> No.9028960


>> No.9028968
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Island dunks my friend.

>> No.9028994

If it doesn't work might aswell just pay the amount. It's an item I want, in the end.

>> No.9029001

the thing is it's a win-win because even if you lose the case you still get the item
you should only do this if the cash is just lying around, not if it's your rent money