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/fa/ - Fashion

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9006976 No.9006976 [Reply] [Original]

is skating /fa/?
what skate clothing is /fa/?
as an 18 year old, is it to late to learn to skate, even if it's just to get around?

>> No.9006980

If you're still in high school it's fine, but once you've graduated, given that you're not a pro and get paid from it, then you need to let it go.. Pretty juvenile.
>inb4 tipping intensifies

>> No.9007009
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>> No.9007019

I do it to get around campus/town, along with rollerblading
Probably not /fa/, but from a utility standpoint it can be great to know

>> No.9007037

skating for trasnportation is definitely /fa/
failing to do heelflips in a parking lot is not

>> No.9007072


If you're in HS or college yeah, and if you're a professional I think so too, I think it's rad when >30 y/o dudes skate to work at their marketing jobs.

If you learn, learn how to do it properly. Don't fucking push mongo, learn how to ollie so that you're not stopping and picking up your board at every curb, learn to slide so you don't take out pedestrians on a hill.

Skate clothing is NOT /fa/ though. Don't wear it.
Branded tshirts, stupid DC hats, no. Vans are ok, especially because if you skate you're going to rip your shoes to shreds, so don't wear your fucking goofbaskets. But big puffy "skate shoes" are ugly AF.

>> No.9007092

ty, great advice
i'm gonna go buy a skateboard

w2c skateboard?

>> No.9007102

So is having hobbies after high school juvenile? Nah but i'm sure all your hobbies are totally cool and real mature.

>> No.9007105

anywhere but walmart or zumies

>> No.9007110

what about kmart?

>> No.9007112

your local skateshop

>> No.9007115

i'm worried i will spill autism on the floor in there

>> No.9007124

if you're planning on using it to get around, make sure you get some good bearings (not whatever shitty ones come stock with your wheels/board)

>> No.9007157

Best bang for buck are Bones Reds, been ridin them for a while

>> No.9007171

Zumiez is generally shit unless you know what you want exactly
But if you know what you want, you would never go to Zumiez
Take it how you will

>> No.9007213

If youre trying to get into skating you probably shouldn't have posted in /fa/. There's a lot, I mean a fucking lot, to know when it comes to skating even if you're just buying a board to get around. Also, 95% of skate clothing is not /fa/ due to mall rats (pls no Supreme, Diamond Supply Co etc.)

>> No.9007424
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long time skatefag here

My advice? Any skateshop will sell you alright shit. You're a beginner so having crazy impact padded plan B boards and expensive as fuck hardware n shit isn't going to help you. Just pick a deck that has a graphic you like (size 8 or minimum), some basic trucks/wheels and swiss reds bearings. Shouldn't cost you a lot so invest in some vans or really low profile skateshoes. I skate vans and sometimes converse myself.

Also you're never too old to start skating. I go to giant skateparks all the time and there are people of all ages skating all the time.

>> No.9007477

Skating is defs /fa/. I wish I skated, but I chose to longboard years ago. It's definitely a lot more practical but it just doesn't look as cool

>> No.9007505

Don't get canvas shoes for skating.
Vans eras and chukka lows are fantastic. Suede eras are my go-to.

>> No.9007628

i skate with a penny board and push mongo

>> No.9007631

>user was banned for this post

>> No.9007632

no one notices or cares unless you're into that culture

>> No.9007639

I know it's longboarding but try to watch this video without feeling anxious


>That bail @ 2:25


>> No.9007640

Unless you are one of those pennyboard fags who can't handle their shit and sends their board flying after losing control over the smallest bump.

>> No.9007642

lol high school plebes get a fucking job you queer ass broke as fuck stoner fags


>> No.9007644


get an actual skateboard, go to somewhere that's not a zumies/west49 type store if that's possible, a local skateshop is best.

Look/ask for boards that fit your riding style, I prefer light, low ply, narrow 32 etc etc etc, if you don't know that yet, maybe look into it a bit. Will help to not sound like a newfag when you get to the counter.

>> No.9007647

nah I can control it. I got hit by a car once if thats pennyboard-core

>> No.9007652

Ppl saying skating isn't fa yet they wear our shoes and clothing(sometimes)

>> No.9007655


It's never to late to learn how to skate homie! I started when i was 19 and now i'm 21 almost 22. Honestly man it's one of the greatest things ever. gives you something to do, good cardio, and fuck the nay sayers, if you wanna do something you do it. they wish they could be out here with us

>> No.9007668

and just know you're gonna fall and fail a lot of tricks. the thing is you gotta own it! and i recommend getting a skateboard from craigslist. look up good brands and get an used bored as its cheap opposed to buying a brand new one for a hundred. and if you're just using it to cruise around for transportation get a cruiser board. those are sexy boards and a lot easier, plus you can still pop ollies

>> No.9007901
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Whatever you do, just make sure you don't ride mongo.

Is there anything more disgusting than mongo footedness? It's like the retardation of skating

>> No.9007919

skating is literally the most pleb thing you can possible do

It's not even cool, useful or owing to a real pedigree like cycling. It's just a pathetic literal meme that took off because of marketting. All skaters are actively drinking the koolaid on a daily basis.

Skate parks are just hangouts for jobless losers, drug addicts and children with shit parents. All skaters look dumb 100% of the time and any effort to convince yourself otherwise is a pathetic exercise in futility.

Even professional skaters don't look cool doing it, it's such a pathetic medium that even the most skillful practice just looks like boring rubbish.

Do something useful with your life.

>> No.9007924
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stopped reading

>> No.9007937
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one thing I've learned in life is that only the most boring utter failures of people talk shit on bikes. There's genuinely not much more of a dead giveaway that you're talking to a loser.

>> No.9007943

>mfw i ride mongo
i originally started getting on a board goofy but my friend said he couldnt teach me unless i went regular
i blame him
i push normally when skating switch
i lose my balance pushing normal a lot easier than i do mongo

>> No.9007944
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Sorry bud, but you'll never have a cyclist who even comes close to being as rad as jay Adams or tony Alva was. Fuck your sport

>> No.9007962

Sounds like exactly the kind of thing someone who had no idea what tour de france actually was would say

>> No.9007983

Hahaha dude, they ride bikes. Get over yourself. People can do whatever they like but you feel the need to try and put other people down based on what seems like your own insecurities. Did skateboarders pick on you in high school? Are you angry that every car that passes you hates you when you're on you're bike blocking traffic like a moron? Skateboarding is rad, surfing is rad....both have great sub-cultures and both have always been anti-jock and activities for outcasts to do. These were people who could belong to someone larger then themselves that they loved. But you know, I'm not European...so maybe that's why I don't care about watching French men ride bikes through the alps. Compare that to someone surfing a 100 foot wave or ollieing a 25 stair. Go back to Europe

>> No.9007988

>is skating /fa/?
Yes. Only if you're good or you have a clean style
>what skate clothing is /fa/?
Anything from Bronze 56k, Palace, Fucking Awesome, 10 Deep sometimes, MNWKA
>as an 18 year old, is it to late to learn to skate, even if it's just to get around?
Look at it this way: in six months, either you can be an 18 yr old fuccboi who knows how to skate, or just a str8 fuccboi. The choice is yours.

>> No.9007991
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>> No.9008043

At various skateparks i've been a regular at i've seen such a variety of fashion. There was a whole crew at one of (probably) high school drop outs, and they all had such unique fits.

Skateboarding is so much fun, and skateboarding culture is great (where i live anyway, not USA). Literally the only thing I like in the town I currently live in is the skate scene. Every skater here is so friendly and fun. If you think skateboarding is juvenile, I feel sorry for you. One of the best things i've ever been involved with.

>> No.9008058


I don't even skate and I've always admired how fun and carefree skating culture seemed

People who think skating is juvenile and immature etc. just haven't seen the good side of the culture and have a biased opinion based on what their local skaters are like

>> No.9008081

Skatebrand clothes from sales
You are gonna take some falls and your clothes are going to get fucked so don't bother with anything expensive. Skatebrands in general make pretty good quality stuff considering their prices and plenty of brands do minimalistic stuff with little branding and you can find all sorts of styles if you bother searching.

>> No.9008082

Totally. There are so many different people who do it too. I became good friends with this guy from Honk Kong in his late 20s at this skatepark I used to go to. He worked at a stock exchange or something.

>> No.9008087
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>> No.9008097

>tfw 30 and the only one from your crew that still skates .. alone at your skatepark .. with lame teenagers
>I'll never leave you skateboarding

>> No.9008116


Despite the hate this video gets, these skaters are pretty styley

>> No.9008118

Why not skate with the teenagers though?
I constantly skate with kids and I know this 40 something guy that skates with whoever happen to be at park at the moment. It helps if you skate with someone on your level since you can push eachother but you can get new ideas from people worse than you.

>> No.9008120

I want to fuck a young, twinkish skater. Fifteen years old 'til nineteen.

Smooth, pale, with great abs, dayum.

>> No.9008265

we have this guy in our park, he must be like 40-50, hes always alone and he kinda rips

>> No.9008299

I use a pennyboard to get from the parking lot/tran station to my hospital where I work. Nothing else fits in my locker.

>> No.9008303




>> No.9008954
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pic is me
fs 360 bert slide

>> No.9008963
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also me
vans are shit

>> No.9008973

>vans are shit
They're great
The only problem is they get fucked so fast, if I had all the money I'd probably only skate Vans.

>> No.9008984

shit nigger pushing mongo, what are you doing

>> No.9008987

buy shoe goo dumbass

>> No.9008995

It only can help so much unfortunately.

>> No.9008999

all the skaters I grew up with were cool as fuck though in terms of style. Sort of idontcare-core with long dirty hair. Red flannels, holey skinny jeans, denim jackets, cut off Slayer shirts. Fuck man if I wasn't a little kid back then I would have dressed the same.

>> No.9010623

My hobbies include smoking and spending all my free time on /fa/

>> No.9010638

but i seriously feel like i'm gonna fall if i push regularly
it fucking sucks and i am so self conscious about it around other skaters
i tried this summer but my right leg feels too weak to even push fast/comfortably

>> No.9011268

Not that anon. Skate culture is shit though, what they can do on a board is pretty tight but all the pot smoking and bro talk is pretty shitty.

>> No.9011320
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It was an outlaw activity for the first 25-30 or so years. It went through a dark age where barely anyone still did it except the people who loved it, i.e peralta, mullen, hawk, duane peters. That's why it appeals to me. Now it's an accepted activity and everyone at my university seems to be holding a skateboard the wrong way and walking with it everywhere. Kills me that something I've grown up loving has turned into a mainstream street league circle jerk of money. Duane Peters, Jay Adams....Gator, all the fuck ups will always be the people I look up to and my heroes, so I don't agree about skate culture being shit. Modern aspects for sure, but as a whole it's perfect. It's the same as punk rock, will always have its ups and its downs

>> No.9011496

Nigger, YOU associate that with skating maybe, but being a piece of shit is not representative of skateboarding as a whole. Many skateboarders are straightedge and/or hate the faggots that make skaters look bad by being vandals and assholes, and I'm one of them. Skate culture nowadays is what you want to see really, from Tumblrs pov, it's this clean thing that's about the brands and looking cool it seems, from your pov, it's a thug thing, from some kids I know, it's strictly a punk thing with punk roots strictly for the outcasts and is a raw, dirty thing only the most hardcore of people can do, and for me it's just a sick sport that requires determination and perseverance. Just saying, skate culture is open to interpretation, and not one solid thing that is only that.

>> No.9011579

Can confirm

I live in the Seattle area. It rains often.

I opted for the Bones Reds Ceramic bearings. They're good in the rain.

>> No.9011623

You get used to it after a while tbh. It's not like you're trying to teach yourself to write lefthanded. Some skaters can ride switch as easily as their regular stance, I'm sure you could change your main one once you build some muscle in your weaker leg.

>> No.9011669


o i am laffin

>> No.9011672
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How often do you have to replace those? They aren't fucking cheap, and that moisture has to be murder.

Granted that they cruise like an orgasm on ecstasy when you have cruiser wheels.

Mfw riding in the middle of the street at 3am listening to Flume

>> No.9011676

Not ever.

Ceramic bearings do fine in the wet.

My board is also specially laminated to keep out water.

>> No.9011690

wear a helmet

thrift and bargain bin essentials are /fa/ skate clothing. you're gonna be ripping through all your clothing so buy disposable clothes.


vans is shit. i'd rather pay 1.5x for great tier emerica's. they last more than 2x vans

>> No.9011699

Skating can be fa if you actually learn how to skate. Don't push mongo with your longboard down the street. Go to a local skateshop and pick out a good board. Learn how to ollie so you don't eat shit over the smallest bump. There's style in skating too and definetley fashionable skaters.

>> No.9012238
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the cycling physique is the opposite of fa
enough reason to never get on a bike ever

>> No.9012347

>vans is shit. i'd rather pay 1.5x for great tier emerica's. they last more than 2x vans
That's kinda funny cause I only skate Emerica's or Vans nowadays, if I can find nice pair of Vans from sales or something I get them because I have yet to find shoes with as nice boardfeel as Vans that last as long, I had some Fallens once but those fell apart even faster than Vans.
But usually I opt for Emericas because so far I've really liked skating in them and they are more durable than Vans. The Vans Stage4s were god send, they were "wafflecup" which was just some marketing term of Vans for cupsole/vulc hybrid construction, it didn't compromise the board feel but lasted twice as long as regular Vans pair.
I think the Crockett Pros also have wafflecup soles, I've been trying to find a pair from sales.

>> No.9012641

>wear a helmet
do i have to?
none of the guys i know who skate do, but they've been doing it for years

>> No.9012661

Its not 2008
people dont wear "puffy" shoes when they skate

>> No.9012669


>> No.9012712

>riding in the rain
>have fun with fucked up bearings

>> No.9012728

You don't have to, but I have seen good skaters with a helmet. So feel free to do if you want.

>> No.9012742

Only decent post

>> No.9014402

>ceramic bearings
>getting fucked up in the rain

What's gonna happen? Is the ceramic area gonna rust? :^)

>> No.9014418

...so what makes skateboarding immature in comparison to smoking+shit posting

>> No.9014429

The shielding around them will actually.

>> No.9014438

Not if you wipe your board after each ride.

Been doing it for two years and no problems.

>> No.9014490

Just don't be a dick about skating, if there's anything worse than a kid skating and being a shit it's an adult acting the same way.
>skater keeps going in front of entryway to pharmacy parking lot
>it only has one entrance on a one-way one-lane street
>one of the cashiers goes outside to tell him to go away before they cause an accident/also tresspassing on private property

>> No.9014543

did you get bullied by one when you were younger?

>> No.9014546

>implying this is the normal cycling physique

>> No.9014608

if i want to get into skating for piss easy transport and like learn to ollie for curbs or whatever, how long would that feasibly take

>> No.9015005

talked to a store owner yesterday about it, apparently 2 months if you're consistent at it, maybe four months tops.

>> No.9016862

nope, depends on how fit you are, not being scared and determination

>> No.9017962

rip in pieces , jay

>> No.9018057

get a landyahtz dinghy, anon. I know I know.. it's a "longboard" but it's still comfortable to ollie and kickflip since it's not so big, it's just one of the best cruisers I've ever had and I recommend it to everyone

>> No.9018759

doubt it was a 360

also do a trick standing up you twat

>> No.9018771

Because enjoying something is juvenile.

>> No.9018797

>Top gear
you top bloke m8 Jeremy Clarkson for prime minister
fuck Piers Morgan XD

>> No.9018950

AY king city park

>> No.9019223

ehhhh debateable lol. Grip game is point though

>> No.9019241

Skating is super /fa/. They even make quirky indie movies about it now.

>> No.9019245

Supreme you fool

>> No.9019358

Don't listen to him. Real, Flip, Girl, Baker, Almost, Palace and fuck maybe even Enjoi too.

Supreme boards are weighted too I believe

>> No.9019425
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Ive been skating for about 10 years now.

Broke my ankle about 2 years ago and its never really felt ride so I just like to cruise around. If you live in a city its defianlty enjoyable just to cruise through parks with some decent music and smooth footpath.

if you're in it to be /fa/ that's pretty shitty and against skateboarding.

Skateboarding is about making everyday architecture become entertaining, not many other than skaters see the world this way.

Go cop some lakais if you want /fa/, watch some skate vids and get in it for the thrill

>> No.9019433

these shoes don't look that good, bit your philosophy does

>> No.9019440
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props to skating north sydney, good memories around there

>> No.9019514
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Most /fa/ shoes?

>> No.9019572

/fa/ designed skateboards? someone posted a link but i cant fine it

>> No.9020264
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whats this board shape called?
similar to the rick petrified board
is it good for cruising around on?

>> No.9020289


Shape is cruiser, but the wheel are more street/park

>> No.9020299 [DELETED] 

makes sense, that particular board was used to draw on a park

>> No.9020303
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makes sense, that particular board was used to draw on a park

>> No.9020318

Dylan Reider
Ben Nordberg
Sage Elsesser

off the top of my head, the most /fa/ skaters

>> No.9020423
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>Dylan Reider
this dude is /fa/ as fuck

>> No.9020590
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>> No.9022545

>tfw when this colorway is sold out

>> No.9022559

never too late man
I skate. who cares if it's /fa/ not everything has to be fashion to be fun. skating's cool.

>> No.9022568

Austyn Gillette, Sean Pablo and Ryan Decenzo are pretty /fa/kable
Jerry Hsu is a qt too

>> No.9022574

they're bad

>> No.9022860

nestor judkins??????

>> No.9022877

Any way that I can get used to skateboarding? Just skate alot? I borrowed my friend's board and have been using it to get around a bit, but I'm used to the lower duros and looser trucks because I generally longboard, but skateboarding seems more /fa/. I feel every bump in my shitty roads/sidewalks and it makes me hella anxious.

>> No.9022902

just keep skating until it feels like walking to you

>> No.9022907

Thought so. Is it fine to loosen the trucks a bit for turning? Or does everyone just use the tail? I feel like using the tail wouldn't work if you were going even a bit fast. Maybe I'll stick to my longboard, but damn is skateboarding cool.

>> No.9022911

alex olson most fa skater alive

>> No.9022912

skating is harder than it looks

>> No.9023036

I mean I usually have my trucks relatively tight, but that's because I'm use to them. Turning? I mean if you want to tic-tac to turn that's cool but usually you either lean back on your heels or toes for left or right turns.

naw shit is e-z. If 9 year olds can do it

>> No.9023044

That 9 year old thing is a bad example because kids learn tactile shit faster than any other age segment

>> No.9023112

Yeah, I know how to turn, but I'm used to tighter/faster turns rather than the wider/slower turns on a skateboard.

>> No.9023160
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>tfw like skateboarding but most deck graphics are dumb as hell.

I'd love to get a plain one I could just customize on my own.

>> No.9023205

My skater friend has a really cool board, one of the best I've seen ever it feels like it belongs on a wall or something. Too bad I can't find a picture of it on the internet, I think it only released here in Puerto Rico, somekind of collab between cliche and a local brand I believe.

>> No.9023212

>what are blanks
are you actually this retarded?

>> No.9023236

>Don't fucking push mongo
>mfw mongo feels completely natural to me and I've always done it

>> No.9023264

yes it is. It is a child's toy

>> No.9023268

thats not what skating is about. At least that's not what it used to be about. It was more about hanging out in the park with you bro's doing drugs

>> No.9023270

Dylan reider is a faggot

>> No.9023329

if youre just cruising it doesnt really matter
setting up for tricks is harder when you push mongo though... im currently transitioning from mongo, shits hard to overwrite

>> No.9023445

get a long board son
you cant skate faster, more mobile and bigger skids

>> No.9023487

never too late, im 18 too, and even though ive skated since i was 12, i still do it. great fun.

>> No.9023499


same here. Pushing with the left leg and controllign with the right is what it feels like i need to do.
steering with the back foot is easier. steering with the front foot and the back of the board comes up.

>> No.9023617


o k

>> No.9024696

hahahah you are the definition of a skater that isn't /fa/.

>do a trick standing up
I can't stand people like you, I wouldn't be surprised if you watch delistatus and only have tricks up step ups and over hips

>> No.9024817
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Reminder that fruiters are infinitely more /fa/ than wood-pushers.

>> No.9024872
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>Dylan has more fans than you will ever have for skateboarding
>Dylan has more fans than you will ever have for modelling
>Dylan has more fans than you will ever have for his attitude

Are you mad that you aren't pulling girls with your DC t-shirt anon? Dylan is the best thing that's happened to post 2010 skateboarding. People were getting too stuck up trying technical shit, and forgot everything about style until he came about - He basically saved skateboarding from a unaesthetic hell. He's the sole reason this thread even excists, and I can tell you 100% that skateboarding would've gone through it's 90'es phase again if he hadn't saved us. Seriosly, show him some fucking respect, kid.

>> No.9024907

Dylan's 'part' in "cherry" is the best thing to come out this year.

>> No.9024909

what are you even talking about? the only people who dont like doing tricks standing up are those who cant. put some time into it and learn some real tricks boii

>> No.9024913

>thinking it's /fa/ to have a shitty bag of tricks.

>> No.9025013

shut the fuck up

>> No.9025027

>people are this serious about pushing around a plank on wheels
get a grip man

>> No.9025062

Dylan saved me and my friends', ass by making skaters take clothing seriously, buying expencive shoes and clothing for the aesthetic and not for the logo, which meant the skateshop I work at could survive. This is our livestock, so you know, I kind of have to take it rather serious.

>> No.9025070
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it really isn't
the skateboard itself isnt juvenile - a big part of skating culture is tho

walking around with snapbacks and huge t shirts baggy pants huge shoes etc is juvenile
getting hyped over someone doing some huge variation down a huge number of stairs or whatever is juvenile
basically taking it super seriously is juvenile

it's good when you're just having fun and wanting to always improve yourself and your style. landing difficult shit and doing long lines feels good. skating street doing stupid shit like no complies and wallrides is fun because it's innovative.

this new east coast wave of skaters with supreme, fucking awesome, also polar and palace from europe do what skateboarding really should be
^^^east coast skaters having fun doing what they like and not being tools

>> No.9025084

I'm thinking about coping some leather sk8-hi to skate, do someone know if they fall apart fast?

>> No.9025095

i think it is. i grew up skating and got decent but all my skater friends either stopped skating or i distanced myself from them. i skate on the weekends still when i have nothing to do, so it's just a hobby for me; i'll just put headphones in and skate around my local park. i def don't dress fa while skating though because i assume i'll fuck up my clothes from falling and stuff, so im normally just wearing shorts, janoskis, and a tee shirt. but i'd never ever ever wear those things anywhere else. also i dont use it to get around, it's really inconvenient even when you can cruise without any struggle. buy a bike it's much easier

>> No.9025107

mob or jessup

>> No.9025141

ok that makes sense
I almost added "unless you work in skateboarding you shouldn't be taking a hobby so seriously"

>> No.9025145

That video was great. Wish I had friends to teach me how to skate and just do dumb stuff with. Been wanting to learn for years.

>> No.9025185

feel you even though i do have some friends who skate (although im closer with the ones who are not as good as me)
here in estonia you cant really do all this stupid shit because there simply isnt that many parks, spots and the street is mostly just a sidewalk, nothing interesting

>> No.9025301

don't. just get decent skate shoes to skate and casual shoes for whatever

>> No.9025621

Underrated post

>> No.9025650

I would say if you're a beginner buy a complete, a basic but decently made one like a 'tricks' complete..

Then if you get into it, buy the best because if our not doing tricks and just cruising around your not gonna fuck it up and as long as you keep it out of the rain it will last you for a long time

>> No.9025654

Don't wear a helmet, you look like a faggot.

>> No.9025719

>fs 360 bert slide
Fucking wow, maybe learn some real tricks

>> No.9025779

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVDmvcURm-U [Embed]
most od the ppl in this vid are west coast originally

>> No.9025984

yeah i wasnt really looking for a vid of "original east coast skaters", just that kind of east coast spirit.
tho the only guys here from the west coast here are olson, jesse alba and sean if im not wrong

>> No.9026004

supreme/FA gets hate?
I've only seen cherry and joyride be praised.

>> No.9026247

w2c blank deck so i can go artsy on it and give it to my friend for christmas

>> No.9026433

I'm actually from PR as well, any idea what's the name of the local brand?

>> No.9026483

Some of my favourite Japanese skateboarding vids



>> No.9026783

always support local

>> No.9026785

longboard is not /fa/

>> No.9026794

*is wearing vans*

>> No.9026799

song names?

>> No.9026827

forgot ripndip

>> No.9027151

i like jessup
mob is too grippy for me

>> No.9027504

i have a problem..
i'm most comfortable to ride goofy but when i do tricks i ride regular.
when i ride goofy i also push regular but when i ride regular it's so hard to not push mongo
how can i change??

>> No.9027545


reformate your brain

>> No.9027565
File: 122 KB, 408x393, 1406213165813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skating was cool from 2010-2013, so don't try to do it just beacuse you think it will look cool because now it's just a bunch 25 yr old spergs and 14 yr olds wearing their janoskis and fake supreme shirts riding their walmart skateboards covered in more supreme stickers.You should have started earlier.Also if it isn't cool it doesn't mean its not fun and don't even say to anyone you skate until you learn how to do an ollie.And if you wear this you are a poser cunt.

>> No.9027566

Youre a mongo pusher that tries to hide it by riding in the wrong stance, scrub
Accept the mongo or learn skating all over from the start

>> No.9028243
File: 91 KB, 475x330, 1276985710823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skateboarding is really cool and it brings out unique styles and your own personality will show through the way you skate.

But i would bet good money that anyone here who picked up a board would give up really quickly. Skating is really difficult muscle memory based shit , you learn when you are a young kid to do basic stuff.

not being 22 and falling off trying to push down the street.

If you live in a nice posh area then i guess its okay no ones going to make fun of you..

It's really intense physically when you start off. You will be sweating and your legs will be buckling from tiredness. Especially if you arent in perfect shape.

Balancing is really difficult too.

Pros make it look easy, but its not. Its the sort of shit you start off doing when you are 9, and then you can skate well when you are 20.

Fuck starting at 18+ , in 95% of cases its just not going to get you anywhere or be very fun. Mainly because of where you live, time, ego, and how stupid you will feel falling off constantly.

>> No.9028263

I dont think skating like any other sport will die anytime soon. Skating has ALWAYS been considered cool in some way , shape or form. Back we had tony hawks games, skate punk , etc... then we had nigger skating , odd future, supreme, skate fashion etc etc

Personally i think skating will be reinvented soon by some really insane videos and editing. Just really gritty and insane style, less emphasis on fashion or hurr durr beautiful edits.

I also think the clothing associated with it will change.

>> No.9029053

you make some reasonable points, but i feel like if i spend time on it every couple of days, just pushing around in the culdesac at the bottom of my street, eventually i'll be able to ride it well enough to go to the shops and shit
and maybe i could do with the exersise

>> No.9029507
File: 73 KB, 634x413, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about penny boards? I don't plan on doing tricks or anything I just want to get to work fast and have somthing small that I can fit on my backpack

>> No.9029517

Just get a normal cruiser board, penny boards are just awful.

>> No.9029598

If you're sixteen yeah

>> No.9029716

>don't ride mongo.

fallacy. kick four ways and ride mongo to repel fallacious scaters.

>> No.9029847

lol no sorry
i don't mind them at all but they're not fa

>> No.9029851

The Nickle board my brother has is amazing to ride places quick. I want to buy one myself but am kind of turned off by owning a "penny board" what are some good cruisers

>> No.9029853

all it takes is a willingness to push yourself physically and not be too afraid to fall. you are right tho that it takes time. i would advise anyone starting off to just ride your board as much as you can without trying too much maneuvers at first and really just familiarize yourself with being comfortable riding the board at a good speed.

>> No.9029902
File: 157 KB, 474x479, f81d6d4f61232052ed6821841ac3d16a[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c cheap warm up/jogger pants for lounge wear

>> No.9029907

what >>9029517 says.

I've heard they have a tendency to break easier.

>> No.9029926

how2 overcome fear of being judged for trying to take up a hobby

>> No.9029973

ebay get a blank board. cheap as fuck and not bad for the price.

>> No.9029991

Can you guys recommend a good place to get a board for a beginner? I know all the like walmart, target boards are absolute shit and I shouldn't get one of those.

>> No.9030011

socalskateshop's website is really good. they will also set your board up for you if you buy a complete and dont wanna grip it and set it up. support a core shop if u can regardless if you use socalskate or not.

>> No.9030116

source on song?

>> No.9030118

by actually going out and skate

>> No.9030130
File: 34 KB, 490x512, jan-15-kanye2__big (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9030240


learn what goes into a skateboard and pick and choose from cheap places


>spacers (if you care, but you can make do just fine without these)
>trucks (go with independents you fucking faggot

>supporting your local skateshop

unless they are small time shops, there's absolutely no reason to overpay for your shit

>> No.9030252



but seriously consider killing yourself

7/10 bait made me reply

>> No.9030289

i wish i had the balls to start skating at 21.
I wear skateboarding brands ocasionally and wear skateboard shoes since i was 12, but i can only pop an ollie.

>> No.9030333

if you can ride a board and pop an ollie you can essentially skate.. just spend some time practicing

>> No.9030389

the thing is that i'm not good at being a novice. I know people who skate but i dont have friends, so i dont have anyone to skate with.

>> No.9030410

besides vans oldskools, what are some options for skate shoes

>> No.9030626

nothing tbh theyre cheap, look good, and skate really well.

>> No.9030641

the real question is hi vs low

>> No.9030652
File: 23 KB, 275x395, 10672290_970410182984865_7515563653715666062_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously i know they are fucking shit if ive had a pair you mongoloid

it was a 360

they got a good bowl lmao

post skating
also 360 fingerflip above

>tfw i'm probably the only one on this board (board lmao) that skates

>> No.9030708

cop leather sk8hi's cause they're fucking dope

get some beaters for actual skating

>> No.9030739
File: 1.03 MB, 1300x550, talk shit post skating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vans are shit

get bigger softer wheels, like 54+mm and <95a durometer

your bushings and angle of truck have a lot to do with tight turns

>> No.9030780

rofl i bet u wear janoskis

>> No.9030828

Globe blazer

>> No.9030850

"Poser" is a really retarded concept and self absorbed, legitimacy-obsessed assholes have destroyed several grassroots movements with that single word.

>> No.9030887

comfy as fuck

>> No.9030894

just go out and skate
it will be awkward going out skating at a skatepark since you're an older dude thats not really good at all but the people there won't talk shit about you (95% sure they won't but they will kno that you're really shit at skating lel)

bottom line is to start skating and have fun because it is
I'm pretty sure the older dudes (older than you) at the park will be very polite to you
also, just ask the skating dudes you know to start skating with u

>> No.9030915

what do u guys think of nike and stuff???
for the most part its an okay brand but i hate how nike sb literally makes skating shoes into a fukin walking shoe and bball shoes for the pros
the kostons and janoskis?? really??
the hyper fuse prods?? lmao but really?
i also don't like how it sponsors street league

i really like converse(since owned by nike) because on theiryoutube vids they talk about how skateboarding as an art

>> No.9030937

Great on paper but when people get obsessed with who's poser and who's not, when people use it just to put down anyone they disagree with, shit crumbles.

Why not instead of shunning that kind of person, help them get a better idea of what shit's all about. Not exactly easy to teach critical thinking skills for them to understand on their own, but lack thereof on both sides is the real problem anyways.

>> No.9030981

poser? im the only one whos posted skating.
6/10 bait but you got me to reply

>> No.9031008
File: 3.21 MB, 4896x3264, polar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like half of you have never even stepped foot on a board for more than a day.

Dude no one cares how old you are, I see 20+ guys at the local parks all the time.

And their arent many effay skate shoes other than the new Polar X Converse and Janoskis.

also if you arent looking to do many tricks other than a ollie to get on and off of sidewalks then either get a cruiser or a regular deck with risers for the trucks and big wheels or soft filmer wheels (your local skate shop knows what filmer wheels are)

also fuck zumiez and vans ask around for where your local shop is. ALWAYS SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHOP.

>> No.9031049

>skating in converse but talking shit about vans...
sure is bandwagoner over here

>> No.9031061
File: 48 KB, 660x439, yourlocalshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a band wagoner you tard.

OP was asking about good looking brands so i recommended him a good looking shoe.

Vans are fucking trash if you want to talk about quality, ive owned several pro models and theyre trashed in a month.

>Adidas Businetz and Emerica Reynlods masterrace

>> No.9031083

idk about u but I'm skating my 2nd pair of vans ave pro models and they're probably one of my fav pairs from vans and in general

i really like and recommend the following: vans ave, adidas busenitz, adidas campus vulc(these shoes lasted me about 31/2 months which is very fukin long for me), converse chucktaylors (suede of course and these shoes are really good if u have narrow feet since the fit is very long and skinny)

>> No.9031115

>tfw where i live = cant skate

>> No.9031143

Supporting a shop just because it's local is like buying nike and converse just because they're nike and converse. Buy what's objectively better instead.

>> No.9031575

by taking up a hobby
by partaking in it in public

>> No.9031585

shoes don't really get fucked up if you just ride around, right? i don't imagine popping ollies is very destructive

>> No.9031744
File: 59 KB, 1094x727, 10355422_10204382079655078_4705027598425911764_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sponsored longboarder masterrace here.

Have fun with your sub 20mph shittricks

>> No.9031800


lol u're shoes will get p fucked up. i was an epic skater. just get some sk8 hi's on karmaloop for like $65 and use those 2 skate it. do the job p nicely, n cuz high top wont fuck up ur jeans

>> No.9031836

have fun wearing twice the nerdy gear of a cyclist but going half as fast, looking more retarded and walking every time you hit an uphill

>> No.9031850

>Going half as fast as a cyclist
Not a lot of cyclists hitting 60mph

>Walking uphill
Ever heard of a shuttle car buddy?

>> No.9031859

Fuck you fag.

>> No.9031870

>mom drive me back up the hill pls! i want my friends to film me going fast for my epic new youtube video!


>> No.9031877

>Being this mad about not being able to skate

>> No.9031888

i do skate

actual skate

longboarding is "skating" for 15 year old white scene girls and fedora wearing fat kids

>> No.9033015


You are spotted

>> No.9033120

>longboarding is "skating" for 15 year old white scene girls and fedora wearing fat kids

I hate those guys, but respect to the ones bombing hills with 60mph+

>> No.9033159

be >>9020318, see thread days later


mah niggas

>> No.9033306

you might appreciate this my dog

>> No.9033407
File: 147 KB, 512x512, board setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inward Heelflips ar e /fa/ right

>> No.9033492

tech and tryhard shit is on its way out tbh, right now its more about how you do your tricks than your bag of tricks. thats y no one really likes the nyjahs and that type of skater whereas the dylan rieders are universally respected.

>> No.9033702

Dont listen to this guys
some people call them punk point

>> No.9033708
File: 78 KB, 834x600, 1412750598968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring so much about the graphics

>> No.9035023


>> No.9035050

just do it, or live a life of inhibition and limitation. sounds like a stupid motivational pic but its true.

>> No.9035065
File: 183 KB, 592x1107, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is dressing like a skater effay?

>> No.9035066

you look old

>> No.9035069

I'm only 21.

>> No.9035072

yes. dressing like this image isnt tho

>> No.9035075

thought you were great in the last episode of gravity falls

>> No.9035078
File: 608 KB, 800x1200, nuzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes so cute

>> No.9035081
File: 288 KB, 634x434, dRJdtIhDx3phRWGDtrAw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best sk8r

>> No.9035090
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9035093

Muh favorite

>> No.9035107
File: 634 KB, 1258x700, Bronze-Solo-Jazz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vaporwave on the come up in skate culture

>> No.9035141

Why do skaters always wear baggy chinos?

Is it possible to skate in skinnies?

>> No.9035148

I don't know where you got the baggy chinos from. Most skaters i know/see wear skinnies

>> No.9035157

super baggy clothes were a 90s thing

>> No.9035244

Supreme is mall tier though....
I'm lafffin at you

>> No.9035254 [DELETED] 
File: 841 KB, 480x360, twun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he /fa/?

>> No.9035401
File: 77 KB, 467x450, nike-blazer-vintage-spring-2011-sneakers-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ skate generals when?

>inb4 never, link to /asp/ or some other gay nerd knee jerk reaction.

>> No.9035411


not that guy but seen a lotta skates dress in chinos that fit like >>9035065
like old navy chinos or smth

>> No.9035668

lol this guy is awesome
seems like a true humble friend

>> No.9035671


>> No.9035676

just keep posting fa skate threads everyday and it will soon become a thing
matter of fact I'm gonna (or anyone of you) will start a thread after this one is rip

>> No.9035686

Skatebaording fashion was quite big back in the early 00's. I remember every teenager was pretty much wearing skateboarding and snowboarding brands, often you found these clothes in the same sort of alternative sports shops that's why.
Baggy skate jeans quickly got replaced by black skinny jeans though and the slimmer silhouette has dominated since then. Hell I bet even skateboarders wear skinny jeans as well.

>> No.9035727

effay beyond belief

>> No.9035737

I've been longboarding for like 5 or 6 years so I'm really comfortable on a plank of wood, but I never really tried regular skating apart from for transport when I was a kid. I can't even ollie. I'm 19. Is there hope for me considering I've spent so long on a board overall?

>> No.9035750

>twice the nerdy gear of a cyclist
Uhhh, apart from gloves to slide with (which are generally diy cutting board affairs), what equipment do you need to longboard?

>> No.9035755

i just started long boarding recently and i find it a lot easier/better than skateboarding
it's smooth and controlled, nice for going places.

>> No.9035760

Considering how long this thread has been around the top 2 pages, it'll probably be relatively common

I don't mind tbh, skating is probably the most /fa/ sport there is

>> No.9035764

inward heels are pretty cool looking and hard as shit
cool board

>> No.9035778

>tech and tryhard shit is on its way out tbh
Nigga what
They have been out for like the last 3 years at least now, it's been all about imagination and style

>> No.9035784

simple tricks but done with exceptionally watchable style
>tfw no international sk8 m8s

>> No.9036238
File: 73 KB, 960x720, TRE FLIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me during my younger days popping a mean ass 360 flip with my Levi's and Vans Stage 4's

>> No.9036241

tre flips are /fa/ as fuck and so are no comply's

>> No.9036247

gravis dylans, huf dylans,
hell, everything dylan wears is /fa/

>> No.9036263

Sage Elsesser and Sean Murphy Pablo

>> No.9036292

he's a pedophile

>> No.9036346

That's life man, it's all attrition. You can look for the next wave to ride before it stops being genuine, but you'll be chasing forever.

>> No.9036359

I think chasing for the "genuine" skate culture is kinda lost effort. Just do your thing and get inspired by things you like, it feels like the "realest" skateboarder today is the guy who lives in a bumfuck nowhere and has made some shitty plywood ramps himself and doesn't even know about the culture, but does it because he likes it.

>> No.9036392

>confirmed for someone who just started. Skating was at it's best in the 90's

>> No.9036435

i like antwuan dixon


>> No.9036605

Just get a big board and youll be kinda comfortable, like an 8.5 maybe or 8.25

>> No.9036741

yeah i live in bumfuck michigan so everything i think is cool/hip is behind the times :((

>> No.9036761

maybe slim fit its popular amongst skaters. but true skinny jeans are rarely seen in nature

>> No.9036803
File: 841 KB, 480x360, twun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and he likes you too

>> No.9037100

So is this a pasta now?

>> No.9037107

I'd suggest getting a longboard for transportation, not a skateboard.

>> No.9037133


have you seen those yellow jersey riders those guys are skinny af

>> No.9037188

I haven't skated since I was like 12 (and was really terrible) but I've always loved street skate vids. They're so calming and pleasant.

>> No.9037407
File: 19 KB, 279x414, River-river-phoenix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gave my pro deck to some random kid on the street

good decision

>> No.9037425

>I'd suggest getting a longboard for transportation, not a skateboard.
Cruiser is the best for transportation, longboard is really good only for bombing hills at sanic speed. In urban environments cruisers have all the advantages of longboards plus better maneuvaribility and you can ollie. They also smaller which is goof if you carry it indoors/in a subway/bus/whatever.

>> No.9037809

Skating and fencing both are aesthetic
one you're edgy rebel artist person that a lot of people dislike and the other one you're fighting with fuxin swords!!! God tier lifestyles

>> No.9037890

This is a good point, but as far as getting around its definitely cruiser> longboard>>>>> skateboard in my experience. I have a huge longboard and I can maneuver fine. Depends on your area though

>> No.9038931

i think ollie norths, nollie norths, regular and front/backside kick/heelflips, and the ones u listed are /fa/ tricks imo

>> No.9039120
File: 42 KB, 707x921, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can barely skate anymore because my ankle is so fucked up
I used to skate quite hard with my brother all year round in various places around London, and many of the times have been so fucking memorable

>> No.9039125

>ollie North
>an actual trick
christy uneducated fucks

>> No.9039257

that trick is dope and is hard down big stuff

>> No.9039261

is there something wrong toy machine and enjoi? their boards are like $20 cheaper than all the others and they look fine

>> No.9039276

Is using 8 trucks on a 7.75 board okay? I really don't wanna have to buy and break in new hardware

>> No.9039282

tfw when you still a land tre after 3 years of not skating

>> No.9039296

They used to be hella hyped but they're not anymore

>> No.9039341

you must have skated a lot then to develop your muscle memory. Your muscles had probably matured and grown so that helps too

also, nice job i still fucin land a tre nor 3 shoves and I've been skating for about 2 years
>tfw actually skating for about 4 or 5 years and 2 years ago i actually landed a kickflip

>> No.9039505
File: 48 KB, 618x418, 1386882076102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you really feel much of a difference between a 28 and 30 inch cruiser?

>> No.9039529

You're still fucking old.

Cut that shit out,old man.

>> No.9039534

Unless you ACTUALLY skate or perhaps a teenager then yes.

But you're fucking 21 so fuck no.

>> No.9039540

I think it's pretty /fa/ is you know how to rock it.


>> No.9039545


>> No.9039552

I'm cringing hard right now.

Its like you're sponsoring zumiez or some shit.

>> No.9039553

Someone wearing raf simons in illegal civilization 2

>> No.9039556

if he was handsome or not fat he could get away with it tho

>> No.9039576
File: 604 KB, 2486x959, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't skateboard in like 3 years.
Does /fa/ like my deck?

>> No.9039577

yeah mostly muscle memory, i skated like all of middle and high school. saw my friend today with a board tried to laser probably ate shit like a dozen times before i ripped a hole in my tee, never skating again.

>> No.9039595
File: 40 KB, 256x320, Skate_2_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw playing Skate 2 because I could never learn to skate...
I think I was too skinny and weak or something. Couldn't manage to ollie no matter how hard I tried and dropped trying to learn after 2 months.

>> No.9039599

zip zingers are the funnest cruiser boards imo you can still do ollies and shit on them. hell, you can probably do disco flips and other end game tricks on them too

>> No.9039866

who was it and at what time??

>> No.9040118

Yes, you'd be surprised. You'll get used to it quite quick but it'll be strange at first

>> No.9040749

use this board until you get the feel of skating down again, then cop a new one, also looks very premade

>> No.9041113
File: 295 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n3qakq1ngU1rc785so1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ollies are hardest and the first step towards skating,you have to try try and try,24/7,I had the same problem,then after 3 days of non stop trying I managed to pull off an ollie and nearly break my arm

>> No.9041336

is this normally considered a bad enough injury that one would take a photo of it and post it to tumblr

>> No.9041349

No, you usually have a few of those after a good enough session.