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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 267 KB, 1024x1040, skate fashion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9006550 No.9006550 [Reply] [Original]

Any skaters on /fa/? Skate/Streetwear /fa/ now.
Personal favorite companies, share new ones aswell

>> No.9006555

you forgot about DIME bruh

>> No.9006560

ALSO, what are you riding?

>> No.9006964

ur mom m8

>> No.9007049


>> No.9007064

Not really a skateboarder but I longboard a bit. Got a Landyachtz Switchblade a few weeks ago and I'm having a lot of fun with it. I'm tearing up my vans and jeans quick though.

>> No.9007127

lol whhy is asphalt there
from their team roster they're not fa but never really checked out their clothes, r they fa?

>> No.9007138

damn this is hella fa
I've seen it a few times but didn't know it was associated with skating thx for sharing

>> No.9007145

samefag promoting his own brand. gtfo

>> No.9007152

>mfw you bundle pleb tier shit like asphalt and enjoi with some skatewear legends and then have fucking BBC and Icecream
>what are you doing

>> No.9007162


>> No.9007237

>skate brands
pick one m80.
Not bashing streetwear at all. Unfortunately for you skaters, mall rats have completely fucked all your favorite brands ie supreme, Diamond supply co, etc.
Other skating clothes generally aren't /fa/ either

>> No.9007248

They iii

>> No.9007282

I skate on rags because sweat and dirt all the time etc

>> No.9007377

Mall rats can't afford supreme.

I've seen them wearing fake supreme 5 panels and that's about it.

>> No.9007392
File: 731 KB, 1024x768, vlcsnap-2014-08-18-17h27m10s244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i skate. I just wear shitty clothes to skate though. I ride my sponsors boards, but usually a black/white graphic. I see skating as pretty pleb though

everyone praises old skools and skate his, but thy are dogshit for skating. Also have no arch. Pic is only one i have on my laptop featuring my old skools

>> No.9007658

If u say this stuff u obviously don't know the good fa brands!!!! Like search up palace really fa skate brand

>> No.9007680


Mallrats usually wear OBEY, not supreme

>> No.9007698

pyramid country

also i don't think i've ever seen that windows logo thing, what is it?

>> No.9007704

im riding an 8.5 3D deck with indys right now. anyone copping bianca chandon? imo the hottest thing in skating right now

>> No.9007710

I wear supreme and a bit of ice cream. Picked up the thunderbird jersey in black last week and the AF1's, but I just resold them because they weren't my size

>> No.9007713

lmao sk8his and old skools are great for skating your babby feet need to get stronger imo

>> No.9007757

i hate you, please die

>> No.9007770


They got some dope ass board shapes and their stuff is pretty on point

>> No.9007786


>> No.9007829

bronze 56k, pretty fa
their skate vids have a bunch of 90's shit too

>> No.9007833


>> No.9007834

>Not really a skateboarder but I longboard a bit. Got a La....

>> No.9007843

ay at least he admitted hes not a skateboarder. i dont see the problem if he doesnt pretend to be what hes not

>> No.9007853

I seriously hope you don't actually use this logic.

>> No.9007865

I hate going down downtown sf and seeing bunch of mid aged hipster faggots who just discovered the long board and wanting to learn how to do it but never actually "skate" anyware except market street and never actually bomb any hill or something.... the shit wacks

>> No.9007883

Pass Port is a great local Aussie brand

>> No.9007916

lol i feel especially when they use longboards downtown san jose like its not that much of a difference if they used a cruiser shape

matter of fact a cruiser shape (something like a welcome) is probably better and more convenient than a long board - when i mean welcome i mean the shape itself I'm not saying they're cruiser boards!!!

>> No.9007989


> i hate posers im not a poser im cool i know about skating and bombing cuz im fuking sik i dont do wacks shit sk8urdie4life

Get over yourself.

>> No.9008018

cruisers are not skaters which should be clear. no hate on cruising around town on penny board. being mad bout it is like if some triathlon faggot in skin tight shit pulls up beside a random kid on a bike and calling him a poser. shits stupid as fuck.

>> No.9008042

Skater fashion is terrible
Imagine 30 dudes all wearing the same rolled up trousers, stance socks, palace spray jacket, huf bucket riding some weird shape board and 54s doing either a no comply or some bow leg tre flip with some idgaf attitude and its like you're at any skatepark everywhere right now

>> No.9008053

>Asphalt Yacht Club, Ice Cream and Billionaire Boys Club

It's almost like you're trying to tell us you can't skate.

>> No.9008061

>Pleb tier shit

Bitch, Enjoi started from the bottom, and is consintently putting out feel good parts. Have you seen Oververt!?

>> No.9008069

Anyone copped Pass~port stuff?


>> No.9008073

Palace online restock when

>> No.9008113

I want to fuck a young, twinkish skater. Fifteen years old 'til nineteen.

Smooth, pale, with great abs. Dayum.

>> No.9008131

>Billionaire Boys Club
>Ice Cream
Also Supreme is a skatebrand for faggots who don't actually skate but want to look like they do. It's funny as shit see people going nuts over their pieces when it's the same basic shit every other skatebrand pushes and even the quality isn't that much better especially considering you have to pay twice the prices of any other brand.

>> No.9008256
File: 175 KB, 1665x2130, 1407188014726.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bianca, preme, palace and fa are goodtier when it comes to style. dont know that much about their quality doe, mostly skate cheap local brands

>> No.9008259

have you seen cherry?

>> No.9008280

Cherry is great, don't get me wrong, it's just that Supreme as a brand is kinda hilarious when you think about it.
They probably make ton of money so good for them really.

>> No.9008355

i get where you comin from, but its not like they have a choice when it comes to whos buying

>> No.9008365

Wow, I forgot that the toxic "i hate posers" attitude still exists. I skateboard a bit too, brother, but it's not really my thing; I prefer sliding. Maybe you should grow up a little bit and try to realize that it's okay for people to like things that you may not like :)

>> No.9008490

>but its not like they have a choice when it comes to whos buying
That's called branding and marketing, they are very aware who buys their stuff and who tey market to and it works for them. Nothing wrong with that, it's just hardly a skatebrand at all in my opinion.

>> No.9008676

The latter two are pretty popular with young people in general.

>> No.9008805

Not that guy, but when people say they skateboard too but it's not their thing they probably can't even pop their board.

Just saying. Everybody can longboard, but not everybody can skateboard lol.

>> No.9008856

I only wear preme cuz i get it for free

>> No.9008925

I can ollie and maybe shuvit on a good day, I'm pretty shit at skateboarding to be honest. But saying that everybody can longboard is complete bullshit. That's like saying that everybody can skateboard because most people can push themselves down a block without busting their heads. There's a difference between being able to cruise, and rocketing down a hill at max speed ( http://vimeo.com/65615587 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag_OBloCsA0 ) without killing yourself. Arguing that longboarding is easier than skateboarding just shows how little you know about it and displays your willingness to speak about something you're completely ignorant of. Maybe get educated before giving your opinion :)

>> No.9009090
File: 113 KB, 640x640, 10593286_1537884539768454_152997302_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are stupid

>> No.9009719

>Hardly a skate brand
Man, they put out a whole skate video! Even got the bowl at the la shop. IMO they stick to their skating culture

>> No.9009725

Who are u getting it from?

>> No.9009733


Idk bout him but I have a tv show and get mad wardrobe for free all the time
Fame is dope, idk

>> No.9009775

fuck off vincent

>> No.9009783

What TV show?

>> No.9009802

dude, long boarding is easier than skateboarding. long boarding is a glorified travel device. its like comparing a bmx bike to the road bike your dad rides.

>> No.9009810

it's also for fucking faggots
bmxes too
road bikes are the only good thing from your post

>> No.9009829

>really fa

Not if you're in the UK

>> No.9009914

You have no idea, son.

>> No.9009930
File: 58 KB, 960x450, timthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did no one post Globe until now?

>> No.9010430

Austin will always be the most effay skater.


Weekendtage crew are cool as fuck too

>> No.9010521

you are the cancer of the skating world :)

>> No.9010615

How to get better at skateboarding? Going to an empty parking lot everyday to practice ollies and kick flips sucks

>> No.9010617
File: 255 KB, 1365x1024, san-jose-sharks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>San Jose

Ayy Lmao

Last week, I saw a SJSU campus cop hit a kid off his longboard for riding in the dismount zone.

>> No.9010819

Rip ripndip meme brand now have u seen the alien lmao shirt lol rip

Also, watch the WKND skateboards skate show thing grant yansura and he other weekend rage people talk about how Ryan o Connor (creator of ripndip) pretty much left them after ripndip was a big brand pretty sad!!! #rip
Tfw I have ripndip stuff in my closet

Also do u kno what happened to Austin Gillette? He's injured and in a wheelchair now

>> No.9010825

Lol rekt r u in San Jose let's skate pls every1 at my school that skates r either injured rn or cringe

>> No.9010829

I just kinda skate in my basic shit. Black Levis, black Emericas and white tshirts.

>> No.9011702
File: 698 KB, 541x960, ZInPJK9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i skateboard? I just turned 18 is it too late?

>> No.9012246

skate different shit
try to learn new tricks and tackle new obstacles

>> No.9013803

It's definitely not too late to learn but don't expect to get sponsored or anything. The kids at the skatepark might not understand that (I probably would've made fun of you as a kid) but don't let those shitheads keep you down.

>> No.9013827
File: 352 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2014-07-24-18h53m53s249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed gear represent

>> No.9013839
File: 164 KB, 638x691, 360 fingerflip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats got to be the gayest shit I've ever seen

might as well post a pic of me skating.
360 fingerflip

>> No.9013849
File: 91 KB, 633x686, 360 fingerflipp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit lmao wrong pic

>> No.9014005

Nice picture fag

>> No.9014171
File: 289 KB, 510x674, skateboarders 2k14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9014211

ayy lmao

too accurate tho

>> No.9016353

You sound like a fag

>> No.9016395


weirdly relevant

>> No.9016398
File: 97 KB, 574x1000, PP-8.1-decks[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skater here. got back into it after a few years of being a nerd.
add Krooked to this and Vans and Converse for shoes and that's me.
pic related but different colour.
man decks have gone down in price a shit ton since 2011 when I stopped skating.

>> No.9016405

effay as fk

>> No.9016427

If you've ever rode fixed you know it'd take real balls to go down brakeless like this

>> No.9016431

the most /fa/ part of skating is skating in local brands clothing and skating local brand boards. get involved in ur skate scene, meet cool people, and support them!

>> No.9016451

hey nz fag

>> No.9016456

yo :~)

>> No.9016458

>local brands clothing
all that gets made in my area is generic fucking five panels.

>> No.9016970
File: 154 KB, 642x830, 360 fingerflipp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dwindle produces shit tier skateboards. Though I am excited for oververt, Bag of Suck was GOAT video

itd take real balls to do it on heelies, a scooter, or a big wheel but it wouldnt make you less of a faggot

360 bert slide

>> No.9017004

exactly, palace is the sideman brand of choice in the UK