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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 608 KB, 2048x1152, 20141027_170235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9006045 No.9006045 [Reply] [Original]

> buy red wings boots because hear good things
> work in them a few months
> they look like this

What happened to durability? What happened to "they'll last you 10 years"?

>> No.9006053


theres the problem

>> No.9006055


They're work boots

>> No.9006059

sheeple, dont buy blindly

>> No.9006065

Did you buy their work boots or their heritage boots?

>> No.9006072

durability =/= invulnerable to little scuffs

get over it, they're a bit scuffed. it's not like they're ripping apart

>> No.9006084

They're litterally crumbling to bits you fanboy

>> No.9006089

i dont even own a pair you cum-crusted dingleberry im just saying that months of work wear is gunna chip it a little bit but they aren't gonna fukin break beyond being usable anytime soon because of it

>> No.9006091


Dude the leather is ripping right off

>> No.9006097

if that pic reads as crumbling to you, you need to get your eyes checked

>> No.9006099


If my room mate was home, I would show you what real worn Red Wings look like. But he's at the job site right now.

If your work is that intense it may be the material, not the brand that's the issue. IE leather isn't tough enough. Something nylon synthetic whatever.

>> No.9006103
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>Fashion boots
>Actually durable

>> No.9006115


Most of it is from dropping skeletons of sheet metal on them

They've done a good job saving my feet at least


Red Wings prides itself in making quality work wear

>> No.9006200

>working in RW heritage line boots.
honestly op I hope this is a troll post

>> No.9006201

and all of their popular stuff is just heritage fashion garbage
did you honestly buy a pair of beckmans and expect to be able to do hard labor in them

>> No.9006205

if you dont need steeltoe... just with salomon.

>> No.9006216

Buy an actual work boot next time

>> No.9006221


They aren't heritage boots


i do need steeltoe


like what?

>> No.9006224


stfu you ignorant autists, these are clearly work boots

>telling people to get a work boot
>doesn't know what they look like

>> No.9006226

your boots are fine, snoseal them and stop giving a shit

>> No.9006227

are you serious? because that looks exactly like a lug sole beckman

>> No.9006229

well like if you've been dropping sheet metal on them... That's gonna happen.

>> No.9006232

Lol my $60 Dickies hold up better than this

>> No.9006247


That's because Dickies make ACTUAL workwear. Cheap and durable.

>> No.9006260

Get the better looking and more durable Timberland work boots in brown.

>> No.9006263


This just in, An anonymous poster on 4chan (a japanese picture blog) has discovered that if you drop sheetmetal on leather boots it will in fact scratch the leather! Our leather expert from Oxford elaborates.

"Yes, as a matter of fact sheet metal is harder than leather so it's pretty simple science, Walf"

That's incredible. How do you think the effect of doing actual work will effect the future of anonymous posters.

"Well I think that they will be surprised to find out that putting your clothes under any large amount of stress will have an adverse effect on the material and will eventually destroy it. Lots of anons think that just because you spent two-hundred something on a pair of work boots that they won't fall apart after some period of work, and sadly that's just not the case"

And that was Walf from Harverd on how clothes do, in fact, deteriorate. Thank you, Walf.

"My pleasure, walf"

>> No.9006268



>> No.9006273

you do realize most of red wings boot are actually for work

>> No.9006278

*Harvard. Excuse my sub-par reporting spelling.

>> No.9006285


>> No.9006287

>I tried to cut down a tree with a butter knife and the knife broke!

>I guess they just don't make 'em like they used to.

>> No.9006291

The pattern of the uppers may be similar, but notice the rubber (rather than leather, which is less durable) welt. I don't think any of the Heritage styles are made with a rubber welt.

>> No.9006292


>> No.9006295

Uhh. BTFO?

>> No.9006297


That's embarrassing I hope you didn't pay over $100 for that

>> No.9006303

>What happened to durability? What happened to "they'll last you 10 years"?
I know, right?

I got a brand new Alpha M-65 for the Toronto winter. It's a jacket, right? So I thought it would keep me warm. Instead, the wind just chilled through the jacket and now I'm stuck with being cold for the rest of the winter.

Whatever happened to quality? I am not pleased with the purchase. I gave it a 1 star rating on Amazon.

>> No.9006501

>Owned a pair of Herman workboots since the early 90s
>Put them through hell
>Traveled the world in them, worked hard labour in them
>Only noticeable wear is slight discolouration, look brand new otherwise

Yeah, no. There's no excuse for those RWs to look like that when they're marketed as workboots. Even if he was dropping sheet metal on them, that's pretty fucking abysmal.

>> No.9006509

Are you talking about Herman Survivors? I know you can pick them up at Walmart for $40 to $50.

>> No.9006513

That's new-era Herman Survivors. They got bought out and are now mass produced in china. Those boots will fall apart in 20 minutes. My ones are back-in-the-day hermans, when they were made in the US

>> No.9006525

dropping sheet metal on any boot will damage the leather

>> No.9006532

I do metal work and I have a pair of steel toed Red Wings that I've worked in for a year in a half now and they're nearly mint asides from some scuffs on the toe. I've had jeans, shirts, and welding jackets burn away while the boots are still fine. My boss had a 2000 lb pallet dropped on his foot while wearing steel toed RWs and they still look great.

If I had to guess, OP has probably been literally dropping sheetmetal from a height of a few feet on his boots and wonders why they're messed up. If you don't go out of your way to fuck up your boots they last for a long time. But "travelling the world" and digging ditches isn't the same as dropping thin sheets of metal on your boots. I invite you to take your Hermans and drop a nice sheet of metal on them and see how they hold up. I'm not saying your boots aren't adequately strong boots, but if you mistreat your clothes they WILL fall apart.

>> No.9006537


>> No.9006538

they're fashion boots you dolt

>> No.9006544

fucking gold

>> No.9006574


red wings makes work boots idiot

>> No.9006579

but the ones he bought are obviously heritage fashion boots

>> No.9006582


are you blind?


>> No.9006591


OP, even my marine corps issue boots get beat to hell every few months or so and I have to turn them in for new ones. Although it would probably help if you actually tried to maintain your boots. I know a guy same line of work I do who has had the same pair forever but he is always cleaning and polishing them too.

>> No.9006592

they have a line of fashion boots and one of work boots

>> No.9006597

They were workboots back in the day before we had artificial material to make real durable shit.

These are now fashion boots. Real workboots are boxy, plasticy, ugly muthafuggers that will protect your feet 1000000x more than a piece of fucking leather

>> No.9006603

I wasn't just digging ditches, I've done all sorts of shit in them. I have probably at some point dropped sheet metal on them, and I've definitely hit them with shovels and shit before. Also "travel the world" doesn't mean walk around city centres, it's a bit more adventury, so they had to withstand some rough stuff.

I'm just saying, OP got boned. They should have held up better than that.

>> No.9006609

>disputing something everyone was already in agreement over
Go break your jeans in

>> No.9006670

are you? these are obviously red wing iron rangers.

>> No.9006676

I own a pair of red wings work boots, they were as much as the heritage ones if not more but company covered it.

Aside from initial scrapes and bruising, they look exactly the same as they did 5 years ago

>> No.9006736

Look into the various toe armor products. Or you could do what the guy who roofed my apartment did and just pour some molten metal on the toe.

>> No.9006754




>> No.9006777

how many times must you be told?
stick to jeans
every time you post about shoes and boots it's wrong

you do nothing but spread misconceptions and bad info

stick to jeans

>> No.9006786


>> No.9006792

Yes they were work boots indeed when the miners in the 1900s wore them. You can still work in them but they won't hold to the same standards as modern work boots. They're just for fashion now.

>> No.9006844

>working in imitation workwear boots

>> No.9006847
File: 233 KB, 750x500, GetRaped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should cane you for that.

I wanted a pair of Red Wings.

>> No.9007165

There's too much bullshit ITT, too much disinfo about Red Wing work boots in general


RW has 4 tiers of footwear. From lowest to highest

1) Made in China WORK BOOTS

these are made for and bought by lowly proles that "want to buy and american brand" but are too poor to get the real american ones or too dumb to realize they're made in China now or just don't care because they're poor, have a shit back breaking job and have bills to pay.

2) Assembled in USA with foreign made components WORK BOOTS:
Why bother? Seriously

3) Made (totally) in USA WORK BOOTS
prole boots that will last longer than tier 1 and 2 with proper care, but are still just work boots designed to be thrashed and trashed when their job is done

4) Made in USA Heritage Work Boot inspired FASHION BOOTS

These are the ones that are 99% of the time being mentioned when people online, /fa/ or other fashiony discussion forums, talk about RW boots and "lasting a decade"

They're not work boots - work boots are made to be disposable
Workmen are like soldiers: they wear they shit hard and have to get new boots when the old ones start to weaken
These fashion boots are meant to be worn in normal usage situations, not on a construction site lifting shit and dropping shit, they CAN be used for such, but you'd be an idiot to do so as there are better things expressly designed for such.

OP's shit looks like one of RW's workboot line, not their heritage line (no recognizable model, no visible rapid stitch) so ignore the tripfag bullshit ITT.

Either OP bought cheapo chinese made work boots and is sad, or he bought the USA assembled or made ones.

Either way, these are not "last a decade" shit
No boots will under heavy work.

OP should find a more dignified job, or just never fucking wear his boots since he's obviously such a fucking pansy that a few scratches on a DISPOSABLE ITEM makes him so butthurt.

Lower your expectations, or pay more.
Or just study in school in your next life.

>> No.9007180

>Actually working in his Red Wings
>Complains when the nature of his work fucks them up
>Being this much of a faggot

You realize most of the critique here revolves around the aesthetic, and not your poorboi construction job, right?

>> No.9007211


Black label = assembled in USA
Red label = Made in USA (nicest work boots)

But srsly stfu to the autists saying OP's are Heritage.

>> No.9007212

>>Actually working in his Red Wings
he's got the workboot kind
not the fuccboi kind

>> No.9007219
File: 854 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9007262

they're both glued construction though, right?
is the heritage line the only one that's goodyear welted? (or any kind of welt)

>> No.9007338


Yup. The leather tends to wear out before the "Long Wearing Urethane".

>> No.9007616


dude. i don't know what you two are talking about. those are obviously red wing iron rangers in amber harness. they're like, the most common upper tier fashion boot around.

>> No.9007643

>not wearing CSA approved boots to site
>trying to be fashionable
I bet you work in carhartt wip too

>> No.9007661
File: 243 KB, 640x424, 6103216585_a26fdd2c86_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irs have a cap toe and stitched welt tripfaggot retard

>> No.9007705

Sheet metal is like a fucking razor blade nigger, if you dropped a the edge of a sheet on you fingers it would cut them off. Are you saying you expect to be able to take a razor blade to leather and not be able to cut it? Are you that stupid?

>> No.9007723


not sure if autist or troll

>> No.9007725

those are obviously the same as the ones in OP's pic. you're getting pretty upset about this, you might want to rethink your life choices if you're getting this mad about a post on a micronesian claymation website.

>> No.9007728


i see. he's trolling to cover his autism. interesting approach

>> No.9007762

real question is, who the fuck are you trying to impress while you cut sheet metal?

>> No.9007780

I've been to rural Kansas and Nebraska and all the work boots farmers wore were beat to fuck and back. Imagine your little square of light brown all over the toebox and back. They last 10 years, they don't look pretty 10 years.

>> No.9007796
File: 30 KB, 531x403, deployed_airbags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck you guys? I drive this car for a few months, bump some other cars in it, and see how it looks now? Reliability my ass.

>> No.9007808

fucking buzzword faggot fuck, stop saying autistic when it doesn't mean shit. autism isn't like a retardation, you can't use it as an insult cos it's NOT INSULTING

>> No.9007820

maybe you should take better care of them

in the army we applied shoe polish to our boots at least once a week to keep them in good condition and the boots were able to withstand several years of abuse, being dragged in the ground, scratched against concrete and so on

>> No.9007824

That's basically what happens to leather WORK boots. Hell, that's what happens to leather anything. Leather isn't designed to be able to hold up to continuous use/abuse and stay pristine. I've got jackets, watch bands, boots and gun holsters with more wear than that.

Fucks sake /fa/

>> No.9007841


literal autism

>> No.9007849

do you work in a toaster?

>> No.9007980

>pretending to be me

>> No.9007993

Get Justin's boots you slag

>> No.9008011

P bad for a boot that expensive

>> No.9008054

OP is a fucking retard caring about the aesthetic of work boots. "hurr I got cuts in leather, such bad durability" what kind of leather do you want that can't get cuts? use your fucking brain.

>> No.9008112

what a sad loser

>> No.9008124

>Pretending to be me.

>> No.9008184
File: 1.41 MB, 350x272, 1412355545009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made in america

>> No.9008202

tryin too hard
4/10 for effort