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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 105 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nd0zezJj741qfvouao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8992287 No.8992287 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ Can you help me decide what I should name my effay design project?
I already have three names to work with, but I don't know which one would work better.

The three names I have are:
VÁRI (my surname)
CASTLER (my surname in English)
THÉVOL (just a nick I stuck with)

>pic kinda related

>> No.8992295

If this helps:

Keywords I'd use to describe the style of the project would be:
>techwear, future, brutalism [cited below], geometric, black, gold, functional, comfortable
Names I'd use to describe the style of the project would be:
>HR Giger (organic details, ), Yohji Yamamoto (strong silhouettes, subtle details), Rick Owens (the brutalist element of his style)


Why not use your full name?
My first name is too common; not at all effay.
The only way I'd use my full name is if I translated it to either German or French:
** von Castle
** de Chateau

>> No.8992320 [DELETED] 
File: 1.52 MB, 2400x1805, brutalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A visual example to best describe brutalism
>main characteristics are: usage of raw materials (as is) and strict (aka "minimalistic") geometric shapes.

>> No.8992324

No name starts off effay. What you do with the project and the status of the brand makes it effay. If your project is good, then the stigma attached to it will make it seem so.

>> No.8992329

I agree with you to a certain extent.
Which of them do you think has a better ring to it though?
>or which one do you hate the least

>> No.8992351

WHy not just CASTLE?

Also do you want accents in the name?

>> No.8992362

Where to cop this jacket

>> No.8992376
File: 1.45 MB, 2560x948, wallpaper2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I think CASTLER looks better when written.
>pic related

Yes, I think they're chic.

>> No.8992379

I like #3, OP :3

>> No.8992381

This looks neat. I like it

>> No.8992427

>HR Giger
lewd wear about subtle designs of dicks, vaginas, and meaty lips

>> No.8992449

looks cool to me.
also i agree with >>8992324

>> No.8993239

Alright, cheers!

>> No.8993285


The katakana is wrong. The way you have it would be pronounced "Kasetsurura," as the "tsu" you have in there is not "small tsu".

It should probably just be カセラ (Ka Se Ra). Other possible spellings you could go with would be: カセルラ (Kaserura), カッセルラ (Kasserura), or カセッルラ (Kaserrura- which I think is what you probably were going for originally).

Sorry to nitpick, but it triggered my autism, and I'd hate to see you print stuff with the wrong kana on it. Good luck with your designs though dude!

>> No.8993288

Nah, I appreciate it, mate. I actually just google'd "phonetic japanese syllables" and that's how I puzzled that together.

>> No.8993294


Actually, on second thought, I would maybe go with カセッラ (kaserra). I think that really sounds the closest to how a Japanese person would pronounce Castler.

>> No.8993304

How do you decide which katakana to use when youre converting english words to japanese

>> No.8993305


Cool. You actually did really well for someone who is totally unfamiliar with the language. Just remember to make the ツ into a small one, (ッ) if you mean to use it to double the consonant on the next kana/add in a sort of stop/pause to the pronunciation.

>> No.8993308

Wouldn't a Japanese person pronounce "Castler" as "Kasetureru"?

>> No.8993317


It's sort of something that comes with practice, and understanding Japanese pronunciation and phonetics. It's kind of funny but I always just say the word out loud to myself with a comically thick, over-emphasised Japanese accent. I took Japanese for 4 years at university, and I can't even count the number of times I would be translating something and come across a loanword written in katakana and have no fucking idea what word it was trying to be. I'd have to say it out loud a bunch of times and imagine a Japanese saying it in broken Engrish until I got that sudden "Oooooohhhh, I see" moment.

>> No.8993326

Haha so there's no specific process other than channelling your inner japanese dude pronouncing it in engrish. Wonder how they collectively agree on stuff like that

>> No.8993327


Nope. No "tu" in Japanese, it's "tsu", and though it's spelled with a "t" there in English, the Japanese spelling and pronunciation are based only on the English pronunciation rather than the spelling. Usually the American English pronunciation, which is close to "Kasseler" which would be カッセラ. Like I said though, it's sort of weird and hard and sometimes varies, except with commonly used wasei-eigo loanwords that have become part of the Japanese lexicon. When you are translating something into kana it is really sort of subjective as ther is no official correct Japanese spelling.

>> No.8993348


Pretty much. See >>8993327

The words that come from English that they use all the time have official agreed upon spellings, but stuff like translating someone's name into kana is sort of subjective and based on pronunciation, so it could be different depending on where the person comes from, how they pronounce their name, and what region of Japan you are in/how a Japanese would try to copy your pronunciation in their dialect of Japanese.

Shit's confusing and weird, like so much of Japan in general. It also doesn't help that English is such a fucked up language where there are so many exceptions to every rule of spelling and pronunciation.

>> No.8993396

Any pre-designs you could share with us, OP? I'm really interested in what a /fa/shionista would be designing for his brand.

>> No.8993430


For official loan words the government decides on it. Anything else it's pretty much just the easiest/closest to pronounce.

As the other guy said, no "tu" in Japanese, plus they'd avoid using レル as it's hard to say.

カセッラー kaserraa
カスッラー kasurraa
Those two would be your best bet. Make sure you use the ー on the end for the double a as that's basically what every word that ends in er uses. Might be another one in the middle too possibly.

The word Japanese actually use for castle though is シャトー which is the French château.

>> No.8993436

has the best sound to me. just rolls off the tongue.

>> No.8993448

Translating your name is dumb.
Translating your name into Japanese is not only dumb but also outplayed.

Your surname sounds great. It's short and concise, not too common. Use it.

>> No.8993549

I will definitely share my work in the future, but I wish to show more than just sketches,
so I wouldn't upload anything here that isn't _final_. Thanks for the interest though!

Thanks, Anon!

Japanese is relevant to the brand because I borrow Asian elements.
I might have tapped in on a new *ninja genre. Although I _was_ heavily inspired by techwear / techninja, I wouldn't go as far as calling my style strictly _that_ so I'll just go with whatever I get labelled with by the scene.

>> No.8993552
File: 1.39 MB, 2560x948, vari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your surname sounds great.
Also, thanks, I've been told this surprisingly often recently, I might consider it.

>> No.8994215

man don't use japanese characters in the name or in your seigns that shit is unbelievably played out, the only way it wouldn't look fuccboi tier would be if you were japanese and based in japan. I'm not shitting on you tho I think it's cool what you're doing but I'm trying to help

>> No.8994221

designs** not seigns lol

>> No.8994227


>> No.8994228


>> No.8995110

Noto Sans Japanese
Suisse BP Int'l

>> No.8995139

>subtle ghosting on characters
>that monochrome film grain
>ultra wide aspect ratio

I am digging this

>> No.8995173
File: 1.44 MB, 2560x1072, wallpaper2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>based in japan
I'm actually torn between moving to Japan or NZ.

>> No.8995175

>polite sage

>> No.8995328


>> No.8995358


>the tag

Alpha industries brother.

>> No.8995376

I can't find it on the website ;-;

>> No.8995385

alpha industries ma-1 TT (the slim version of their classic flight jacket)

You could get em on Ebay or something.

>> No.8995390

So it's this?


I dunno. I thought the OP picture was closer to one of these


Are you certain?

>> No.8995391

>Suisse BP Int'l

could you share the Suisse BP font please?

>> No.8995428


I like this one most. Vari just lacks recognition value. But depends on the market you are aiming for, for cheapish I'd go with Vari, for expensivish I'd go with Thevol or your full name.

>> No.8995442

CASTLER is the best

>> No.8995464


Please. No. Pleeease. All those fuccbois supporting you, they are just retards. Please. NooOOOoo!

>> No.8995470

I really think the first link is the one. Looking at the fit and the slightly brownish cuffs. 99% certain.

>> No.8995472

Yeah I think you're right actually.

The OP pic only looks puffier because he's layering it over a hoodie I think.

>> No.8995528

Thanks for the input so far!
I'm a little disappointed though that out of 46 responses, only 4 were answers to my original question.

>VÁRI _______| x
>CASTLER ___| x
>THÉVOL ____| xx

>> No.8995536

You just can't beat this (>>8995173) tbh. It's perfection.

The clothes are more important than the name though.

>> No.8995542

Bumping this thread since it actually has some potential

>> No.8995545

Thevol sounds like a pharmaceutical name.

>> No.8995599

i vote for CASTLER if polls are still open

>> No.8995669

i think it should be ka-su-tsu-ra---

>> No.8995718


>>8993448 here, I feel like elaborating some more on the names. The main context here, I think, is the (native) language environment in which I put the names when I read them. In my case that is German and English.

CASTLER is pretty good but I wonder if it wouldn't sound weird to a native English speaker.
I agree that THÉVOL sounds like cough syrup.
I associate (western) projects with Japanese names with three things:
- 15 year old anime fans
- black and white wearing fuccbois
- vaporwave riders on Soundcloud.

I would not use use VÁRI without the accent, it looks more interesting with it.

>> No.8995739

I like castler. Also the logo with the jap writing
good luck to you

>> No.8995751

Thevol sounds like a LOTR character
Caslter makes me think of chess
Thus both are for NERDS
Vari is kinda Russian sounding like Volga Volga or sonething, all icy and cool
You counted my vote already though, don't want to skew the polls

>> No.8995754

Plus Vari is your actual name. If it takes off people will know you, not just the brand. This translates to sex.

>> No.8995886

My vote goes for VÁRI

>> No.8995924
File: 2.79 MB, 1888x1016, castler.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fully understand what you mean, I know that there is
a strong agenda attached to anything Japanese, and
that I'd have to be very careful and mindful of how I
intend to use the logo without it backfiring, but t here
are a few reasons why I chose to use Katakana
characters in the logo, and yes, while one of the reasons
is aesthetics, I do genuinely adore and admire Japanese
culture. They have their own unique universe,
and I love that. I'd like to live there some day.

Another reason is that my style is very futuristic and
well inspired by cyberpunk (cyberninja? lol) and
cyberpunk - to me and many others - is 100% Japanese.

Equally importantly, my target audience is international
and most of those who are aware of these fashion
scenes (lunarcore, techninja, fuccboi, gothninja, etc)
appreciate Japanese culture.

Fortunately, Japanese culture will probably stay exotic
to the rest of the world forever, and I don't mind using
people's bias as a tool to improve sales; I'd be stupid
not to aim to appeal to people.

>> No.8996000


listen to this guy OP.

>> No.8996011

sad boys buy here

>> No.8996041

Sadness is beautiful.

>> No.8996097

You know the game you're entering, so I think you'll ultimately be able to make it work if your design is on point.

I'm very interested in seeing the eventual outcome and I hope I'll be seeing it outside of /fa/, too.

>> No.8996606

You still here OP?
Castler is the best name

>> No.8996615

yep, still here.
>CASTLER | xxxxx
>VÁRI | xxx
>THÉVOL | xx

>> No.8996623

Do you have anymore of the logo things like >>8992376 >>8993552 >>8995173 and >>8995924
they're neat

>> No.8996772
File: 1.46 MB, 2560x948, wallpaper3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, and yes, I do, but they have the wrong Katanaka.
I plan to make more though. I already have ideas.

>> No.8996869

Do you mind if I ask what you're doing to get that little bit of red and blue in the text?
I'm really new to using photoshop

>> No.8997255
File: 247 KB, 1600x900, Thevol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this design but some of the text is lost to the darker parts of the pictures inside the text. I think if you could make a very subtle, dark repeating pattern or continous image against a black background then the white text would stand out more clearly (pic related)

Also, in my opinion, THÉVOL could be mispronounced but it's more distinct and memorable than CASTLER.

It looks like you've got a pretty clear idea of the aesthetic that you're trying to express but good luck with it anyway.

>> No.8997408

I disagree with everything said in this post

>> No.8997435

Hey OP. I made a poll to vote.


>> No.8997973

I'd go with Castler tbh.

>> No.8997976

shit, only good thing is the fon

>> No.8997978

not effay
not cool
played out
literally instantly marks you as a kissless faggot autist neet

>> No.8997990

solution: vari the vol castler

>> No.8997992

tbh this makes me want to buy products and I don't even have any idea what you're selling yet.

>> No.8998014
File: 352 KB, 410x305, tumblr_mpsjwmoa1j1sa4gmdo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like CASTLER. sounds dominating and powerful. and thanks for linking Brutalism, didn't know what that was until your thread.

>> No.8998024

Everybody is wrong on the katakana.

>> No.8998042
File: 152 KB, 800x449, IMG_4740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, English speakers would associate castles with medieval gothic. For a logo, you could combine this with feudal Japanese architecture, like Onigawara; that's if you're going for the Gothninja thing.

The Hungarian names are fairly easy to pronounce, which is half the battle for selling to Americans, so they'd be OK; they have more of a blank slate quality. After all, gothninja doesn't have much to do with actual medieval gothic.

I think it'd be more like
カ ス ラー

>> No.8998136

This entire thread is autistic
and I bet OP's designs are 100% shitty

>> No.8998157

I think Vári OP. I don't know why, but it stood out amongst those three.

>> No.8998169
File: 1.35 MB, 240x240, tumblr_mz92gchifL1qjpi61o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're too mad to troll effectively

>> No.8998228

> brutalism

Cant seperate it from the architecture. Brutalism was shit and always will be shit.

Whatre you doing to be innovative in your market? Who is your target? Have you established cost structures? Growth plans?

>> No.8998733

I'm not OP but it's reffered to as chromatic ahhberration as an optical flaw, and you can emulate it using "optics compensation" I think , in photoshop

>> No.8999271
File: 86 KB, 640x481, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CHROMATIC ABERRATION HOW TO: ______________________________
1. Make [MASTER] layer.
2. Duplicate it (Ctrl / Cmd + J).
3. Duplicate that too (Ctrl / Cmd + J).
4. Double click "Copy 1", deactivate Green and Blue, opposite for "Copy 2"
>*Shift the duplicate layers into opposite directions horizontally.
>Group the two together and use a radial gradient alpha mask if you want
>only the edges to have the effect (like I did in the images ITT).

Using a subtle texture would beat the purpose of having guro in the background.
I get your point though, but I think I'd just rather clone-stamp lighter portions of
the same background onto darker areas than use a repeated pattern.

He has a point, it just more of an "idea" on its own than an "improvement" over mine.




I know anime is not effay, but le irony certainly is. XD
>inb4 srs


That's great, haha! Yeah, fashion design is just a hobby of mine,
IRL I'm a Brand Manager; I invent brands.

Noted, and cheers!

This did actually make me lol. >>8998042 samefag?

Yes, my designs do actually borrow from Japanese architecture.
Is there really a right or wrong way to phonetically spell an English word in Japanese?

There is no need to be this upset.

Noted. Thanks

I'll get back to you with the next post.


>> No.8999346
File: 3.87 MB, 3508x4961, brutalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brutalism was shit and always will be shit.
The thing is, Brutalism is extremely hard to pull off well,
but if you have taste, it shouldn't be any trouble.
>Pic related

>> No.8999358


>> No.8999363

The name matters fuck all you pleb piece of shit
No "cool name" will save shitty clothes nor will anyone care about the name if the clothes are actually good.

>> No.8999396
File: 20 KB, 220x330, cocoa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is no need to be this upset.
Here, have a mug of warm cocoa.

Seriously though, are you sure you consume enough Magnesium and B6?

>> No.8999399

Seriously though you are giving way too fucking much thought for something as superficial as brand name when you should think about making the brand in the first place.

>> No.8999407

>projecting this hard
But the brand identity and the products are already way ahead.
I already have my own studio, sewing machine, custom built silkscreen press (by me), etc.
This is why I felt it was time to make up my mind.

>> No.8999445

Still, it's the branding and the products themselves that matter, you are overthinking this whole name business, just flip a coin or something.

>> No.8999497

>just flip a coin
I actually thought about literally flipping a coin.
But I found that it is more strategic if I asked the audience instead.
Did it hurt? No. Then don't get your knickers up in a bunch.

>> No.9000137

For the katakana, カッセら.
Because you say Kaslur, its turns to Kassera. Not Kaserra or Kaseraa.

>> No.9000164

Yeah, but English words ending in "-er" do end with elongated "a"s.
For instance:
hamburger >> ハンバーガー

>> No.9001374

>branding matters
>name doesn't
Do you even hear yourself?

>> No.9001404

Branding is who you market the clothes to, what kind of picture you give of them, what kind of lifestyle you advocate with the clothing.
Name is just a name, it's the front of the branding, it doesn't matter for the branding itself.

>> No.9001437

haha no.

would you fuck with acronym/yohji/your fav brand here if they were called harold?

>> No.9001459


>> No.9001578

fuck man. please get rid of the japanese characters.

please don't be another streetwear brand like this

>> No.9001592

Well, acne sounds like, you know, acne.

>> No.9001607

tbh i like it with all 3


sounds like a designer or s/t

>> No.9001643
File: 6 KB, 380x254, 11442654-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9001930

Voting for Vári

>> No.9003141
File: 165 KB, 500x632, castler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who you market the clothes to
While consumer research IS part of Branding, it is not Branding.

>A Brand is the perceived image and subsequent
>emotional response to a company, its products
>and services. It also represents the conversation
>that customers are having with each other about
>the company, and how that spreads.

>An Identity describes the visual devices used
>to represent the company. Identity systems are
>a visual components package that is paired with
>style guides and used as a framework to ensure
>the corporate image is cohesive and consistent.

Harold isn't even terrible, lol.

Could you name a brand or two you think I should refrain from being associated with?

Haha, that's not half bad, actually.

>pic related

Noted, thanks!

>> No.9003239
File: 137 KB, 1200x1312, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an page from the financial estimate I send to clients after the first meeting.
>polite sage

>> No.9003734


these i like but theyre still 3edgy5u

>> No.9003834
File: 3 KB, 190x200, lold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brutalism was shit and always will be shit.


>> No.9003857

Oh, well, I'm in no way comparable to those.
I'd say I'm much closer to ACRNM than any of the three there.

>> No.9006389


Castler. Easy to say, easy to write (social media, etc) easy to remember. Rolls off the tongue a lot better than Vari and Thevol (most people won't use the accents at all, belive me, and it'll water out the brand name).

Also, don't use castle without the R as some guy mentioned. It's not easy enough to remember, and in worst cases can remind people of other things, like Crooks and castles, etc. Castler is close enough to home to easily remember, but unique enough to stand out. Also, it has a strong quality to it, and looks good.

Also, stay the fuck away from japanese text unless you have strong ties to japan. It will take away from your credibility, and that's a big no no for anything even closely related to culture or fashion. Fashion is like music; as soon as it feels insincere, you've lost.

If you can find a way to channel the japanese vibe and aesthetic that you obviously are inspired by, but WITHOUT using the cliche of using japanese letters, you'll do a lot better, and you'll be easier to remember.

This is going to sound stupid as fuck, but I happen to work in one of the best/most awarded design and branding firms in Europe, if not the world. Believe it or not, but this is what I do for a living and I'm good at it so it might just be that my advice isn't half bad. Anyways, good luck with the brand.

>> No.9006404

I like Castler.

>> No.9006416

this is so fuckin wanna be. that makes me throw up

>> No.9006543

I agree with this guy on the asian text part so much

>> No.9006571

>I'm much closer to ACRNM
you should probably clarify what that means cause you sound dumb as heck

>> No.9006605

>Also, stay the fuck away from japanese text unless you have strong ties to japan. It will take away from your credibility, and that's a big no no for anything even closely related to culture or fashion. Fashion is like music; as soon as it feels insincere, you've lost.
same with those fuccboi wannabe luxury brands from last year with french names

>> No.9006673

ACRNM is a brand dumbass

>> No.9006677

no fucking shit
but comparing a shitty startup label to acronym is retarded

>> No.9006680

why are you so mad lol
if his ideas are similar to ACRNM there's nothing retarded about it, popularity means absolutely nothing because it's just a comparison

>> No.9006780

this. Rick Owens is a pretty fucking normal name

>> No.9006815

no style

>> No.9006910


I think I would lean towards pronouncing it キャッスラ but the kana for ka is more effay than kya so for fashion purposes that might be the way to go.

>> No.9006953


give up, your project isn't gonna ever go anywhere, there's 1,000,000 other guys who print t-shirts so stop because nobody wants yours

actually, just kill yourself for having such a retarded idea

>> No.9006956

Is this from an existing anime?
Looks like utena mixed with ghost in the shell or something.

>> No.9007020

you're a cunt

>> No.9007033

don't reply to shitposters

>> No.9007111

you sound like most of tumblr. All of that shit has been done. Just stop you're unoriginal

>> No.9008174


"Brand Manager" sounds interesting, care to elaborate on what exactly you do. Also, why do you want to move to NZ?

>> No.9008561

>I do genuinely adore and admire Japanese
>culture. They have their own unique universe,
>and I love that. I'd like to live there some day.
Fucking weaboos. Yeah. Japanese culture is the only unique thing in this fucking world.

>> No.9008565

What anime is that from?

>> No.9008577

I don't really like Castler. I mean... most people will wonder how thats pronounced.
THEVOL is a no go IMO. It sounds like the abreviation to some machine or a model of something dunno. Boring.

VARI is interesting but maybe too short.

>> No.9008618

I borrow design choices from certain sports and armies, seams and patterns that enable the wearer instead of restrict them.
One of the most important aspects for me is to make very aesthetic garments that protect the wearer from the weather,
and also have - I hate Apple for raping this word - innovative features. I like the challenge of designing futuristic, almost
cyberpunk-like clothes without making them look tacky or something that belonged to /cgl/.

I make sure that everything the company does is consistent with the brand the audience has gotten used to.
This includes designs, campaigns, PR, etc. Obviously, I don't go over every single Tweet before they're posted,
but I do check up on what's going on to make sure the staff is doing a good job.
Brand Managers make typically from $90k/year to $130k/year, so it pays well.

I don't think "Japanese culture" means the same thing to you as it does to me.
Weeaboos are disgusting people who simplify thousands of years of history to fucking JPOP and anime.
It's disgraceful.

AKIRA of course.

I don't think the pronunciation of Castler is problematic.
It can be pronounced as "Kessla" (UK) or "Kestlurr" (US).

>> No.9008623
File: 167 KB, 536x536, avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided that this won't be the logo of the line,
but rather of a collection of products that will
have a theme it will suit well, so that the whole
Japanese thing wouldn't restrict me / tie my
hands and/or send the wrong message.

>> No.9008632


I like VARI because it is the easiest to say (which sounds silly but we are talking about something with the phonetic complexity of POLO or TARGET, which is good).

Also VARI has a neat kind of double meaning in English as a homophone of VARY and VERY. You could kind of play around with that in your marketing -- winter items can be marketed as VARI WARM, resortwear as VARI SEXY, etc. The other names don't have this sort of potential.

Source: I do this for a living.

>> No.9008808

Noted, thanks.
The race is pretty close with Castler vs Vári.

How about CASTLER by Vári? Then people could choose which one to call it.
>am I being lazy

>> No.9008813

is that slight analog feel to the font intentional or just windows' shitty font rendering?

>> No.9008822
File: 179 KB, 640x640, cstlr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's intentional. It's supposed to be subtly glitchy.
>close up

>> No.9008832

Looks intentional to me. I like it

>> No.9008840

alright cool it looks good and suits well :^)

>> No.9009525

i dig it

>> No.9009548
File: 149 KB, 870x1110, alphaindustries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its an A(lpha)Industries bomber, probably limited edition from the look, not too pricey in general.

>> No.9009587

i love the look of these things but the fucking lining i find so ugly

cant pull the trigger on it, but i have been close a couple times

>> No.9009670


>> No.9010139

w2c shoes

>> No.9010339

Castler Vari

>> No.9010387

Yeah, haha, I asked almost the same >>9008808 "Castler by Vári".
Except I couldn't possibly force people to use the accented a, "á".

>> No.9010434
File: 414 KB, 1719x720, castler_glitch.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polite sage

>> No.9010444
File: 381 KB, 1719x720, castler_glitch-invert.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9010445

post previews of the clothes bb

>> No.9010651

drawings are too easy to attack. I'd rather post photos of prototypes once I have them ready.

>> No.9010729

What are these gloves called? the style/brand?

>> No.9010754

Dude, just go to a glove maker, no glove will fit you better than a custom sewed one.
I had mine made (out of fucking squirrel leather!) for $40 and they "fit like a glove".

>> No.9010776

from uk, dont know of any glove makers... to be honest didnt even know that was a profession! but still, i like the particular look of it, the style is cool.

>> No.9011337

These are neat. How did you animate them?

>> No.9011436

How would you express brutalism in clothes? Especially in balance with Gigeresqe organics?

>> No.9011476

This kinda reminiscences the intro sequence of Enter the Void.

>> No.9012517
File: 149 KB, 800x600, Kozhanov_006[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My line, as most other designers do, will have three main categories: lower-range, mid-range, and high-end.
The high-end stuff's designs will tend to look wilder and cost more, but this whole organic thing won't be a constant, returning element throughout the entire line.

Actually, some of Giger's designs are purely brutalistic - what describes brutalism is: raw, unaltered materials and repeated shapes (or repeated lines at the same angle) - and there's plenty of that in Giger's designs. Just look at the Alien (its arms, its tail...).
The organic style would mostly apply to silhouettes (in the high- and mid-range), by exaggerating certain bones (especially shoulder and hip bones for women), this can sometimes be taken further by using seams to emphasize for e.g. the ribcage or pelvis.
>pic is a counterexample of what I said above

>> No.9012821

the library at my uni is brutalist

>> No.9012898


>> No.9012934

I made it frame-by-frame, used Photoshop to export the frames as a video, used Premier Pro to export the WebM.

Sweet. Got a photo?

Noted, thanks!

>> No.9013335


>> No.9013640

hieroglyphs are played out maynee

>> No.9015161


I truly hope you understand that there is absolutely nothing about this that feels unique. You succeeding in any sense with this will not be tied to the success of the branding, but rather despite it.

I'm not saying it to be mean, this is purely from a professional pov; the look is so incredibly generic and just feels like another tumblrpost with no weight, emotion or purpose.

Really; what you should do is, 1. find out what YOU can do, that noone else does. Then identify your strengths and weaknesses (professionaly of course, not personal) and try to come up with a set of values for your brand. Tree words, at most. But be honest with yourself. Don't bring your sense of aesthethics into it. Kill your darlings, and find out what you can provide, that noone else provides.

I mean, the japanese thing looks ok, but that's not the point. It doesn't feel honest at all. It's only things I've seen before, and not only that, but WAY before. This shit was all over svpply a long while ago, from established brands, and quickly died out because, well, it didn't feel sincere at all.

I truly understand the vision you have in your head, but it isn't there because it is you, it's there because you are attracted to a certain established genre. If your aiming for innovative fashion, technical details, etc, then this sure isn't communicating it. It's played out.

For your own good, kill your darling and actually build your brand from the ground up based on GOOD research.

Also, the most important lesson I ever learned while studying branding and design, was to always keep asking yourself "why?"

Start with "why do i want to do this", "why am I making clothes", etc, and for every answer you come up with, rephrase them to become a question of why" again and again. This basically makes you dig for the core of what you want to do, and often it isn't what you think it is.

>> No.9015457

>>Suisse BP Int'l
Heres the font man.


>> No.9015514

this is good advice

please take it

>> No.9016443


thanks man

>> No.9016519
File: 102 KB, 1000x590, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a sheet of leather from the Church's factory.

What should I do with it?

>> No.9016562

I agree with pretty much everything you've said, except for the second sentence.
Branding / Marketing has everything to do with success.

The rest of what you said I agree with, and I appreciate you saying it.

which one?

If "got", then sell.
If "bought", then make something out of it.. I don't know. A bag?
How big is the sheet? Also, I think your question does deserve a new thread.

>> No.9016694


Got gratis, it's a bout 1m2

>> No.9017831

This thread has been of great help to me, and I have gotten an idea from it that draws my original question irrelevant.

Thank you /fa/ for your time and effort!