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/fa/ - Fashion

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8979814 No.8979814[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw dont know whether look I do in bad pictures im in or good ones
>tfw see disgusting picture of self in a club

>> No.8979851
File: 7 KB, 184x184, 6831f915721fa718c315faabdc8b4a6443b7252b_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she seems really into you and says to text her to do something
>text her
>seems as if she doesnt care

>> No.8980235

No feels?

>> No.8980275

>go to nightclubs

>> No.8980307

Im sorry boys

Ill bring you along for rick owens cops

>> No.8980317

>not into taking pics of myself
>same profile pic since february
>group photo on the beach with family and friends
>want to change it now that i've been talking to more girls
>try to take a nice pic of myself
>overthink it and delete it

how can i be more photogenic bros

>> No.8980329

>Start talking to cut girl
>Im into her
>I think shes into me
>never even talked in person yet
>going on date in two days
>she doesnt know im autistic in irl

Im so nervous..

>> No.8980333

Cute that is

>> No.8980334
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>mild acne at 24

It should be enough feels-wise for about a year or two.

>> No.8980341

tfw following a feels thread and it 404s after like an hour.

Why does that keep happening?

>> No.8980350

>Be me.
>Care a lot about how I look.
>College starts to get heavy.
>Stop caring about how I look because of stress.
>Stop caring about women's perceptions of me because of stress.
>Feel free.

>> No.8980352
File: 59 KB, 437x437, 1390776533376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for gods sake, dont spaghetti all over the place. if you fuck up stick with it like " you heard what i said". chicks dig confidence, bruv

>> No.8980353

If she is letting dudes spit game to her online shes autistic too don't worry

>> No.8980364
File: 61 KB, 500x390, lupin2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I'm a photographer and know exactly why I look a certain way in a picture

>> No.8980365

>tfw cute girl that you been mirin from afar is with a guy now
>he's only kinda good looking and has average fashion sense but he's more outgoing and sociable and that's what really matters

>> No.8980379

Can I fake being outgoing and social?

>> No.8980406

yes by all means, fake it till you make it

>> No.8980411

>get speaking to qt girl
>fashion mom and art dealer father
>spoke for a while
>met once
>she's blunt so idk if she's into me
>loves my fashion sense
>sexted and regularly sends nudes

Idk.. Am I being insecure, I don't think I've ever had feels like I do for this girl ever. Idk if she's into me

>> No.8980417

Maybe they connect - girls aren't NPCs you autist

>> No.8980432

you know girls don't send nudes to anyone right?

>> No.8980458

It's obvious they do because they're walking out in public, holding hands and actually talking instead of just staying in and fucking. So let me rephrase what I meant. The feel is that no matter how good my ascribed or acquired aesthetics are I'm not going to find anybody simply by being aesthetically pleasing, but by being more outgoing or by not being completely autistic when someone actually approaches me, which is very hard for me to do. Not that I didn't already understand that before this scenario

>> No.8980459
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What have I done wrong? She was so into me, couldnt stop kissing me, this is what she text me the day after she left my house

>thanks anyway =) how are you?

>yeah not too bad, how are you? Was the party good?

She didnt reply for a couple of days and I asked

>are you free sometime this week?

>i dont know, I have a lot of parties those days

Bear in mind she is French, what I do wrong?

>> No.8980463

>Be me.
>On the bus in a strange city.
>Looking at a guy with a beard and tattoos who probably makes his gf call him Ricki Hall when they fuck.
>Get distracted by qt at the back of the bus.
>Dark hair and pale skin with those bags underneath her eyes that are hot af.
>Interesting style.
>She moves closer to the door as the bus approaches her stop.
>I notice she has some form of ID hanging around her neck.
>She probably works somewhere important, which I'm in to.
>Bus stops at the stop before hers.
>Puts her hand on a bar to steady herself as the bus begins to move again.
>Accidentally puts her hand on my hand.
>We look at each other for what feels like a longer amount of time than it actually is.
>She's about six foot tall.
>She smiles as we make eye contact.
>Bus stops.
>She gets off.
>I will never see her again.

>> No.8980471

Thank you.

I guess I'm just hella insecure now because im used to people just thinking I'm their gay friend or something

>> No.8980474


>> No.8980477

>not dancing until the morning every weekend*

*only valid in major West-European cities.

>> No.8980481

French people don't like to be asked if parties are good. That's where you fucked up.

When she says 'I have a lot of parties those days' she is being sarcastic. Sorry man.

>> No.8980492

You and me both, bro, you and me both.
I would give anything to trade my good looks for some "game" (dunno how else to call it, balls, being confident?). To all my female friends at uni I seem like a guy that has no problem with girls and is always seeing at least one, but the truth is I haven't had sex in more than a year, in fact I haven't been on a date in more than a year, let alone kissed a girl. And now that classes are starting, I have less time for activities and I'm already dedicating more and more time to studying and doing stuff for uni.
My life sucks right now :(

>> No.8980496

>French people don't like to be asked if parties are good

Why is this so funny?

>> No.8980511
File: 16 KB, 385x440, 27127457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw coworker girl is all flirty with you, talking about sex, fetishes, touches you on your ass and runs away
>tfw she has a bf and she says that she loves him
What the actual fuck?

>> No.8980536

She thinks ur jealous / autistic so she is being sarcastic just be a cunt back m8

>> No.8980553

yeah, since classwork is getting heavier and I remember how much I fucked up in highschool when I would be in a bad situation with a girl, pursuing anybody seems less and less appealing to me. But I'm /v/irgin, which makes me even more nervous because even if I did pursue someone and it got serious I feel like I'd be awful at sex

>> No.8980567

How can she read that from a text, all I did was ask how the party was

>> No.8980575

how much of looking good would you say is down to the camera/equipment/light/cameraman?

>taking a photo on my phone
>look like starved pasty creep who's face has been worked over with a hammer
>look in mirror

the fuck

>> No.8980593
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 1411265479813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw im u but im s a d so i dont wanna talk to anyone

>> No.8980600
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>be friday night
>be out with friends
>in a pub
>some random guy asks me for a lighter
>casual chat developes
>he says he saw me earlier that day
>compliments on my fit

Feels good man

>> No.8980605

This. Any tips?

>> No.8980611
File: 161 KB, 680x453, tumblr_mxw7oiO9zW1smw73oo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pay more attention to how I look
>Pay less attention to people around me
>Always looking at my reflection
>All dese white girls paying attention After all that "I'm just not that into black guys bullshit"
>Not really a good feel because I can't give a fuck bout dese whites
>Not even a feel
>I am now /fa/

>> No.8980620

this is me but imagine that with no job no money and living with parents

>> No.8980627

that's fucking bullshit

really hate when girls do that to always have some dick on hold

>> No.8980635

louis carter, hurting my feels one too many times...

>> No.8980636

slutty thot, avoid at all costs

>> No.8980644
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>what could have been

>> No.8980647

>tfw dont know whether look I do in bad pictures im in or good ones

I easily and quickly understood what you were trying to communicate, but fuck, my brain did hurt during it.

>> No.8980648
File: 7 KB, 184x184, d42562e33099e035d1bfb0036601639fc15f415e_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont know whether look I do in bad pictures im in or good ones

>> No.8980651

is the pic related your sort of style

>> No.8980668

of course you fucking autist

>> No.8980676

Don't even get me started on HS. I once had a date with a legit 9/10 junior, back when I was a senior. Cutest girl in the whole school. Long story short, we went to see a movie and I was too big of a pussy to even try anything in the dark of the cinema. Pathetic, but nowadays I can't get a date.

>> No.8980681

Nah, too pale for my liking, apart from the guy on the far left. I still wouldn't wear it, but they just look so good

>> No.8980686

holy fuck /fa/ is this autistic???????

>> No.8980693

I've came to the realisation that I need to stop trying to force something with everyone, stop trying to organise dates so fast, and just talk to them, Id have much more money and Id stop feeling so rejected. The only thing is, I want somebody, and that's sad.

>> No.8980697


>> No.8980707

Smoking is /fa/. I would smoke if it didn't kill you.

>> No.8980708

i'll be your friend anon

>> No.8980711

>tfw dont know whether look I do in bad pictures im in or good ones
>tfw see disgusting picture of self in a club

The lesson to take here is it's all about perception. Your body exists. It can be made to look countless ways, depends on the environment (light, angle, mood, etc.), the form of perception (cell phone camera vs Phase One vs Diana, 20/20 eyes, nearsighted eyes, farsighted eyes, corrected eyes, bifocals, etc.), and the internal state of the person doing the perception (self-loathing, desirous, nostalgic, happy, sad, rejecting or embracing a beauty norm, consciously or unconsciously, etc.)

You don't look like anything. You exist and people look at you in various ways.

>> No.8980712
File: 60 KB, 445x545, 1af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just went nuclear and asked if I had done something wrong

>> No.8980716

Here's a good feel for a change
>tfw every day so far has been like summer, always around 25 Celsius & sunny
>tfw the forecast finally shows 10 degrees & announces the end of the hot weather
Layering, boots, parkas, etc. here I come

>> No.8980726
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>waiting for girl I like to break up with guy
>she does
>she starts dating a girl the same day

>> No.8980734

shit son

>> No.8980740

Eh I'm not worried, she's not even a dyke

>> No.8980747
File: 842 KB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread was deleted but I took the picture, so I'm posting it anyways
>un/fa/ small penis

>> No.8980751


Being small is the last of your worries

>> No.8980754

you forgot to add disgusting