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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 818 KB, 1365x2048, O29pdxN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8969739 No.8969739 [Reply] [Original]

2014-2015, beard or not to beard? Is it played out af?

Lets settle this.

>> No.8969758

Played out. Every pleb has one.

>> No.8969763

It's coming back

>> No.8969779

I don't usually read trash like esquire, but this was particularly well put imho:

>Kate Winick: Beards are an evolutionary LIE. They lend masculinity to the weak-chinned, gravitas to the inconsequential, and ruggedness to the totally useless. Ladies, protect yourselves! Do not fall prey to the mysterious-looking gentleman who looks as though he could lift your entire body under his arm and carry you off to a bed he built with his own two hands. His furniture is from Ikea, he knows nothing of vintage truck engines, and he most certainly does not have a country house where you'll make pancakes and walk around in his flannel shirts. Men who look good without beards should be proud of their bone structure, and men who look significantly better with beards should have to carry around a small card to warn you that your male children will be unattractive until they hit puberty.

Basically, if you are fat or have shit facial aesthetics, then go ahead and grow a beard since it'll make you look better by hiding your flaws.

>> No.8969792
File: 258 KB, 245x184, yellowfuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this vintage sailor tattoo beard homebrew core called?

>> No.8969800

What a rude generalization.

>> No.8969808

redditcore aka compensating for m'anliness mode.

>> No.8969815

>Taking advice about men from women

>> No.8969820

tbh beards almost always look shit

they were fashionable in a different time, trying to bring them back in the urban jungle is complete poser

>> No.8969830

I don't like full beards.

>> No.8969833


>> No.8969836

Looks good with streetwearish fits, think of topknots and yohji (inb4 played out).

Looks shit tryhard with dadcore, think of red wings and chore coats.

>> No.8969839

is this bait? beards only look good with dadcore, because they match the aesthetic

it looks completely contrasted (in a bad way) with streetwear

>> No.8969846


>red wings and chore coats

dude what

>> No.8969850

If you look like that who cares.

>> No.8969852

Beards are out right now. Scientifically proven.


>Women and men judged heavy stubble and full beards more attractive when presented in treatments where beards were rare than when they were common, with intermediate preferences when intermediate frequencies of beardedness were presented.

also, every pleb has one. at least the moustache hype a couple years back was only a thing in some indie crowds.

But no wonder. If I even could grow a bear, I would grow one immediately to hide my shitty genetics. No I have to embrace the heroine chique or skeleton mode to actually be a bit /fa/.

>> No.8969853

sexy scruff ;]

im straight male btw

>> No.8969912
File: 109 KB, 466x700, greentrou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caring what other people think.

I grow a beard because i want to grow a beard.

>> No.8969927
File: 52 KB, 396x594, 1371933742646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


timeless, always a face enhancer, won't be called out being on a fake lumberjack

>> No.8969936

Ultra pleb

>> No.8969939

you probably can't even grow that much, can you?

>> No.8969944
File: 145 KB, 600x758, wanker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to be cool but nowadays faggots have ruined them.

>> No.8969945

i have really good facial bone structure but i'm growing a beard anyway. fite me bitch

>> No.8969949

these cunts are everywhere in london

>> No.8969954
File: 43 KB, 544x809, 250436_10151223590239049_498723007_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the same guy haha

>> No.8969956

>ad hominem
I can, and so does every teenager

Decently groomed beard or clean shaven pls

>> No.8969967
File: 246 KB, 1532x1600, Iraq2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beards only really look good if you do manly ass shit on the reg.

> pic related

>> No.8969970


>> No.8970004

>I can, and so does every teenager
by 'that much' I meant as much as in the picture, not the shitty 10 public hairs on your cheek

I'm a college kid and most of my peers still can't grow anything even close to that
and neither can you

>> No.8970010

>I can, and so does every teenager

I'm 25 yo white dude and I can't. Just doesn't happen. If I stop shaving only thing that grows is my stache.

>> No.8970023

Also, it's just genetics, not low test or anything (I know this because I'm pretty athletic and muscular with zero effort, and have no other symptoms or low test). Some guys just don't grow beard.

>> No.8970026
File: 177 KB, 400x599, 1382143531788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just turned 20
>can already grow a thick, full beard

Can't imagine what it must be like for the low-test folk

>> No.8970053

Redditcore is actually the monochrome/skinny jeans/cps or geos look, get with the times

>> No.8970055

Not as poser as copping 2nd or 3rd hand shit off grailed/eBay/bst :^)

>> No.8970057

Define $streetwear$

>> No.8970061

By that study, black skinny jeans, monochrome, buzzcuts, bomber jackets, sneakers, HYs, and parkas are disgusting to women. . Manbuns are not lmao

>> No.8970064

>clean shaven
>being a teenager

Yah nah

>> No.8970068

No, it's low test high estro beta male neetfedora nneckbeard socially crippled virgin shit if you can't grow one

>> No.8970124

As a girl, I hope they never go out of style.

I can't think of anything more disgusting and pathetic than a clean shaven babby face. Looks just autistic to me.

You might as well emasculate yourself.

>> No.8970127

you didn't think this through

>> No.8970129

>I can't think of anything more disgusting and pathetic than a clean shaven babby face
pretending to be a girl on the internet is far more pathetic

>> No.8970133

Whatever makes you feel better!

>> No.8970145

as loong as the beardless faggots ask this question every day they will never go away

>> No.8970146

>>cartoon beards

Face it. If your beard is in any way worn because you feel you look 'rugged' or 'manly' you are wearing the equivalent of a fedora.
Especially ostentatious ones.
If you feel it somehow enhances your features then proceed. But in general people always use them out of machismo and should therefore not bother.

>> No.8970153

>>8969808 see >>8970053

>> No.8970156

>you are wearing the equivalent of a fedora.

ahahahaha holy shit, beardless autists go THIS FAR to feel better with themselves

this is fucking desperate

>> No.8970173

Maybe 1 in 50 or less on here have one. Honestly being a twink with an undercut is beyond played out because that's what every single one of you fags look like.

>> No.8970183

>tips bucket hat

>> No.8970238

I get what you mean mane, neckbeards from reddit wear fedoras to pursue "classiness" which is not at all linked to the aesthetic of the look/outfit. They're using a fedora as a compliment to their personality (they wear it to seem intellectual). Same goes for tumblr kids dying their hair blue or something to seem "edgy", forgetting about how they look.

Beards are the same among young internet people, they're growing and wearing beards not because they like the look of it on them, but because they're seeking that manliness image and "rough" personality linked to "rough" guys who happen to have a beard. If you post a faggot wearing/doing faggot stuff who happens to have a beard I doubt they would be rated so bad by the teenagers in this thread.

>> No.8971255

Portland, OR

>> No.8971271

ayy lmao

>> No.8971740

are beards acceptable in the case of sensitive skin and extreme laziness? mine sometimes looks good, sometimes looks shit - but i get compliments from grillz at least

>> No.8971761

90% probability you one of the none white hairy races and under 6'0 so it really does not even matter

>> No.8972012

White as a sheet of paper, green eyes, brown hair and exactly 6'0

Even if I wasn't, where exactly does your logic (and the statistic you just made up) come from?

>> No.8972023


Dope face I reckon
shit fit tho

>> No.8972034

How exactly? Looking like you just got out of bed has only been fashionable for 20-30 years.

>> No.8972050

post a pic m8

>> No.8972057


>> No.8972063

cuz u talkin shit nerd

>> No.8972073

i have nothing to prove to you

>> No.8972075

then don't act like you trying to prove something

>> No.8972107
File: 440 KB, 2832x2832, wohivVsj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kate Winick
Bitch has jim carrey jaw line.

>> No.8972127


also, could you imagine a man writing this about a woman and all of the shit they do on a daily basis to hide their flaws?

>> No.8972138
File: 32 KB, 640x426, gordo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mustaches ftw

>> No.8972141

ever been to /r9k/?

>> No.8972143


LOL if she ever mates her children will have bigger jaws than the daughters of bruce willis

>> No.8972151


>> No.8972285


Mustaches are like suicide attempts.

They're calls for help.

>> No.8972314
File: 23 KB, 306x306, moustache inspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can definitely see the moustache becoming a thing in the next few years. Maybe not ones like that pic, but more subtle ones

>> No.8972329

Most people don't have that full beard.
Hipsters don't have the patience to grow their mustache that big, to cover their lips, because it's a pain in the ass when it comes to kiss, eat, drink etc...
most people with a full beard have pic related, mustache cut right above the lip line, but with a beard that big, something feels wrong and just funny to look at.
Beards like your pic are only worn by old people and models.
I'm going for this look, my mustache is covering both my lips now.
I'm doing it for >>8969779 reasons.

>> No.8972337

we're a generation of low test males.
look it up, testosterone levels are lower and lower, jaws are weaker and weaker, mustaches will never be a thing since it look worse when you have a weak jaw and overbite.

Or we'd have to pump test and HgH into our waters.

>> No.8972350

>implying beard are not mostly worn by hipsters who are utter beta fags, tumblr-SJW-feminist-white-guilt-leftists

doesn't seems macho or manly to me

>> No.8972358
File: 722 KB, 753x759, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic related

>> No.8972390


>Those skinny jeans
>That poorly fitted blazer
>That casual pocket square for no reason

God how do people not learn how to into suits /fa/

I mean i know most /fa/ggots dont even wear suits but still its like a day one social skill

>> No.8972412

Sick of these fucking hipsters with beards wait until you are 40 and if you are white collar until 60.

>> No.8972424


or dont be a dick about it and let people wear facial hair how they want

If you wanna bitch about douchey hairstyles, bitch about chin straps

>> No.8972440


>Implying I live in the urban jungle
>Implying 99% of what /fa/ggots recommend is any good to wear outside of impressing the other people living in the circle jerk we call /fa/

Seriously, half the shit people have suggested wearing on this forum will get you ridiculed in real life at best, and fired from a professional job at worst

>> No.8972499
File: 123 KB, 652x784, 1413331625932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit is true

>> No.8972513


sometimes I wonder in what utopian faggot city most /fa/ggots live.

>> No.8972515


y u on /fa/

>> No.8972522


Weak jawed man are as bad as strong jawed woman, an evolutionary mistake.
She has a very manly jaw.

>> No.8972529

>killing a bunch of hopelessly out-gunned goat farmers

>> No.8973845

For what it's worth, since growing a beard I've had a massive increase in attention from grills.

As for the whole "hiding unattractiveness" thing, yeah? So? Women wear makeup every fucking day to hide theirs, I don't see how it's really any different. If it makes you look better, do it.

Random note though: I do actually work on ships, so the sailor look is vaguely justified.

>> No.8973862

Suprised there's no mention of "saving up for a vintage motorcycle"

>> No.8973907

holy shit that is way too accurate

>> No.8974112

>great conversation piece
how vapid

>> No.8974196
File: 301 KB, 327x369, 1234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I treat beards like I threat sub-cultures.

There was a thread about mod culture and you could tell the faggots in there were just interesting in the clothing of mod culture and not the actually dimensions of the culture itself. How can you be A when you only cover yourself in A? You have to change both the external and the internal.

Beards are similar. Neckbeard autist MLP people are even better then the person in OP. Because they actually COMMIT to the fucking lifestyle of being a neckbeard loser. These pseudo vintage lumberjack tattoo hipster looking mothefuckers grow beards to fit in a culture that's whole premise lies around looking like pseudo vintage lumberjack tattoo hipster looking mothefuckers.

The essence of their culture is so shallow, and that's why these fucks are even worst then neckbeard autists.

>mfw these guys look hip but deep down they're total faggots.

>> No.8974199

>Neckbeard autist MLP people are even better then the person in OP

talk about an inflated sense of self worth

>> No.8974205
File: 26 KB, 500x287, tonyjonesfucksthepussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women complaining about dishonest aesthetics adjustments

>> No.8974210
File: 65 KB, 476x594, b90Ji[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they are more 'cultured' then these apparent lumberjacks

>> No.8974214


>> No.8974248
File: 154 KB, 1051x1222, seann-william-scott-goon-trailer-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>googles fallacies
>thinks he's expert


>tu quoque

>> No.8975348


I get pseudo-folliculitis when I shave down to the skin. My beard is super curly so the hairs just get ingrown when I've shaved super close. I just take a trimmer without the guard and knock it down once a week.

Forever stubbly.

>> No.8975424

underrated post.

>> No.8975457

Oh god that's me, except I'm not into husky girls.

>> No.8975555

would abstaining from jzzing for a month boost my test lvl enough to see an improvement in beard development?

>> No.8975576

>Everyone has one

No. You just notice it more since clean-shaven is the norm.

>> No.8975931
File: 483 KB, 800x952, 50671orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats a good comeback from when people call you a terrorist?

>> No.8975936

yell "TAKBIIIIIIR" and hope theres fellow muslim brothers around to respond "ALLAHU AKBAR!" then you behead the infidel.

>> No.8975946


Your beard looks too scraggly at the bottom. All for the beard, -- which no one'll ever associate with that godly body underneath -- but it needs a trim. You don't look like a viking. Viking's were neat.

>> No.8975947

They're played out on the way out.

>> No.8975948

But women wear make up, get surgery, wear padded bras, spanx, etc.

>> No.8975962
File: 266 KB, 1053x1256, coolest kid in town.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8975998
File: 1.99 MB, 328x215, Roman Reigns.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this new

>> No.8976032
File: 64 KB, 500x718, 2true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suprised there's no mention of "saving up for a vintage motorcycle"
Holy shit that's me

>> No.8976100

y not?

>> No.8976157

Thats not me m8

>> No.8976246

aka fat

>> No.8976277
File: 244 KB, 725x252, tmp_beard-1703464676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do i do with this? Does evenly trimmed beard with clippers look bad?

>> No.8976340

10/10 photoshop

>> No.8976353


Good beard m8.

>> No.8976360


>> No.8976391

Thx, I'm a freelance graphic designer
Thx but i think it needs a trim. You don't think so?

>> No.8976971


>> No.8976978

Could be okay in dadgoth fits with a buzzcut

>> No.8977003

kil them

>> No.8978063

>was fat
>tried growing beard past half an inch in length

Nope. It just made me look even fatter. It does not hide your jaw fat as well as you think.

But as I lost weight, and my jawline got more noticeable, I trimmed it quite short, so you can see my jawline, but there is plenty of beard to go around.

>> No.8978335

I thought you couldn't have facial hair in the military?

>> No.8978393

too bad facial hair growth is more dependent on genetics than test levels.

>> No.8978886

anyone know what kind of hairstyle is called?

>> No.8978946

>MFW I cannot grow a beard regardless

>> No.8978959

I live in a pretty beardy part of the city, but I'd say almost every male that can grow a beard has done it here. Beards everywhere.
Sad part is I look 16 years old without one, and now I look like a tool with it.

>> No.8979046


>> No.8979115

I have a beard because that's how a man's face is meant to look. If you can't grow one OP, then keep following your dreams of becoming a trap, I won't stop you.

>> No.8979116


>> No.8979146

Kul caps, hvor kan man få den

>> No.8979182

>growing out your natural body hair
>"played out "

Do you ever listen to yourself before speaking or typing?

>> No.8980148

Esso Orsta. For dei la ned

>> No.8980162

His mustache and connectors are so fucking weak, it looks awful.

>> No.8980233

Hope you don't look like a scrawny DYEL fuck with that beard.

>> No.8980525
File: 82 KB, 472x664, 1410183371678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a youthful stubble beard like this is fine on a college kid
mine is pretty much 1:1 with this guy

...wish I had that god-tier hair though

>> No.8980689
File: 56 KB, 590x720, Maureen_Ponderosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This bitch has a dead tooth!

Ayy Lmao!

>> No.8980700


>/r9k/ is published and put in stores

>> No.8980788

DUDE. I bought a Yamaha triple '78...fucking pic related man. STupid clutch was like squeezing 20lbs, ALWAYS had to kick start. Took 30min of fucking around to get it started. Misery.
I'm in the navy so can't wear beard.

>> No.8980825
File: 65 KB, 941x515, 1385134_584621701575674_1577108115_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can if youre in the special forces, guy in the picture is CAG (known also as 1 SFOD-Delta)

>> No.8980855
File: 68 KB, 800x546, sas-oman-431_1113901903_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8981015
File: 100 KB, 500x349, 1386572596743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my personal opinion I don't see a single reason why an attractive man should wear a beard, unless he can't shave it.

In my not so personal opinion, I haven't seen a single fashion show featuring someone with a beard for AW14 (and I've watched quite a lot already).

>> No.8981141

If you're attractive a beard is an enhancer

>> No.8982868
File: 212 KB, 1200x1600, 20130907_212120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people ask me if im russian all the fuckign time
i should change my name to BIG DICK RASPUTIN

i was bulking here, disregard the fatness

>> No.8982967

Lmao, imagine the shitstorm if Kate Winick was a man and you replaced beards with makeup

>> No.8982976


>look exactly like this guy
>but i have an underbite


>> No.8983097
File: 140 KB, 640x752, 1413265522768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Works as a lumberjack
>Gets asked why I don't have a beard every time I tell someone this
>mfw shit facial hair growth

>> No.8983105



>> No.8983366

that's how I know you don't even lift

>> No.8983367

>every fucking goddamn 20-30 year old white people

>> No.8983564

white and mexicans

>> No.8983570

It's completely played out as fuck to be sure, but if I wasn't good looking I'd do it. If you're not that good looking or you don't have a good jaw line, I'd say for sure go for covering up a bunch of your face with something rugged and manly.

>> No.8983576

i like it that is played out, so its easier to get jobs and its more accepted in society

before that trend piked, everyone with a beard was viewed as a damn hobo

>> No.8983591

Matthew Barney, 2014.

>> No.8983595
File: 43 KB, 700x348, Matthew_Barney_Ari_Marcopoulis_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic.

>> No.8983603
File: 70 KB, 600x450, balance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geoff Rushton, ca. 2002-2003

>> No.8983624
File: 72 KB, 428x312, beforeafter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



before : faggot
now : bitches be mirin'

>> No.8983643

Beards are now a pleb meme in the same way that bacon is.

>wow epic beard haha manly haha chuck norrisss

>> No.8984420

Don't worry I'm a big guy for you anon.

>> No.8984429

Please clean up the parts that stick up where you can see through it easily. And stop trimming your mustache if you are. If not...

>> No.8984481


>> No.8984670
File: 28 KB, 710x400, thisniggasstache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are staches /fa/ ? Because my nigga Joaquin rocked it in Her

>> No.8984785

lol i know so many of these people

>> No.8984894

Sometimes I wonder how a stache would look on me.
I think it would be THE push into hipsterdom
the proverbial straw

>> No.8985543

Maybe if you incorporate non-hipster elements into your style it will balance out?

>> No.8985571

yup. this board is shit.

>> No.8985591

grow it during "movember" so no one can really say shit, and it gives you an excuse to grow it out. you'll see how shit it looks on you.

>> No.8985715
File: 50 KB, 431x250, vikernes_031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

growing to something like this, but my face is larger than his. any tips or opinions?

>> No.8985718

sorry, meant to say my face is wider than his

>> No.8985802

dial it back a bit, too Shakesperean / poncey

>> No.8985823

Maybe if you're a homosexual.

>> No.8986937

I don't have a lot of testosterone but my family is pretty hairy so I grow a lot of hair for an 18 year old. My beard isn't full yet which sucks.

>> No.8986993
File: 32 KB, 294x346, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could grow a full beard since about 15. step up punk

>> No.8987015
File: 151 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2014-10-23 at 1.55 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually normally against beards, but I do a break up beard (every time a relationship ends), this time thought I decided I wanted to get long enough to get a braid going. Been doing this all summer and don't plan on stopping.

The braid looks great fresh, but it's not long enough to hold a proper shape yet. Have to tie the tip.

>> No.8987026

Actually it would hurt your test levels. Besides the only way to significantly increase test to a significant degree is to get test shots, which are controlled heavily and must be prescribed by a doctor. Taking test boosters and shit is a short term thing and some of them don't even work. Also beards heavily based on genetics and not test. Increasing your test will most likely cause you to have some severe acne breakouts.

>> No.8987032

Wannabee Dothraki/10

>> No.8987050

first time I heard that was yesterday actually, you're the second

never really thought of it but when I look deep inside, jason momoa is a god and I'd love to be him

>> No.8987085

Are you a teen girl that glued bits of an sos on her face?

>> No.8987096
File: 97 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2014-10-23 at 01.22 #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long beards are dumb. Close cropped is the way to go.

>> No.8987100

Too bad you're a spastic and look like shit and thus are not entitled to say which is "the way to go" :)

>> No.8987105

fucking got me dude. good one. i'm so rekt.

>> No.8987110


with your face shape you'd look better with longer beard

>> No.8987122

really? as soon as beards start to curl they look nasty, and mine doesn't get much longer without curling.

>> No.8987134

>short beard on a baby face
You're doing it wrong normally-proportioned Haley Joel Osment. You gotta go long or clean shaven.

>> No.8987147

I have a BEARD, and it's TOTAL AWESOMENESS just like BACON

>> No.8987285

I don't know what this means but yes I have very effeminate eyes (and probably face, not enough getting punched as a kid)

>> No.8987392

It's not as much my style as my life that's hipster:
I like to read, I like to listen to vinyl, I've got a moped from 1970 (though here mopeds are a lot more popular, so it isn't as bad as America, where I don't have a fucking clue why you would have a moped), lately I've been on a French New Wave filmbinge etc. etc.
Maybe, seems like a bit of a dickmove to use a charity for this reason.

>> No.8987478

Aes Rock?

>> No.8988140

you look good, anon

>> No.8988244

what's a dead tooth? the one that with the darker piece of gum?

>> No.8988303
File: 1.07 MB, 912x607, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ideally a person with a beard shouldn't have the mentality of asking other people if he should grow a beard and if its out of style

pic related - my beard

>> No.8990423

you're dropping your spaghetti, m8

>> No.8990595


I grew a moustache in March, and my CAC broke at the end of the month. So now my ID has a nasty stache because of it. I was hungover, not in uniform, and in a random t shirt for my old pic.

I grow a beard on leave/on the weekends just because my face needs a break. I'm Asian so I definitely don't have beard genes.

>> No.8990622

Full beards are played out imo. Depends where you live I guess but everyone where Im at has some sort of scruff/beard going on. I used to have a full beard, even bought beard oils etc (cringey I know) but I shaved it off one day. These kinds of trends are pretty cyclical eventually they just reach a point of saturation where so many people are doing it that it just becomes more effort than its worth. I still have a little stubble but the full beard look is over IMO. Gone the way of the undercut and tattoos. I think styled facial hair is going to make a resurgence.

>> No.8990669

>capable of growing a great beard
>going to work in China and they're asking me to shave.

Since growing a beard I've received more attention and compliments than ever before. I found a girlfriend who loves my beard and loves to touch it and would be fine with me never shaving. I'm really going to miss it.
The worst thing is that for the longest time I listened to those stupid men's magazines and websites who write about how women want or love clean-shaven men and who claim you can't get a decent job if you've got a beard. They write that at most men should have stubble. But I reckon that since I stopped listening to their bullshit my life improved dramatically.

Anyway I'm going to miss my beard but I'll definitely grow it out again when I find a job back in my home country. I think if you're capable of growing decent facial hair than you should at least give it a shot once in your life. Just stop giving a shit about what Men's Health or Esquire think and embrace the beard (no homo).

>> No.8991839

>on /fa/
>following trends

You must like drop crotch retarded pants and was probably a hipster in 2012.

Just do wtf you want to do and what suits your face and morphology, I dont care if beards are played out or not for some faggots in the fashion industry, i have one because i have a weak jaw and it improves my face.

>> No.8991870

lol good point

>> No.8992060

Shave those pubes off your face. Wait a few years and try again. If it still looks as bad then give up.

>> No.8992102

>ugly woman posting advice about how to avoid unattractive men
ayy lmao

>> No.8992109

Are you me? Tried growing a beard when I was ~85kg and it made me look even fatter. Now 71kg and that same beard doesn't make my face look fat anymore.

>> No.8992165
File: 11 KB, 411x369, 1412164340965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have a short beard
>It's a bit sparse around the cheeks
>Different colours in different places
>Look like a fucking 12 year old without it

Fuck this shit.

>> No.8992193

This, at least it's what I tell myself to feel better about the fact that I don't have facial hair.

>> No.8992204

Are you me? I have been able to grow a fairly nice beard since I was 15 but it never filled up properly. The cheeks are a bit sparse and I have these weird bald spots just beside my connectors. Also different colors in moustache and above chin area.

At this point I've had my beard for 8 years without shaving it off and I'm too afraid to because I'll find a 15 year old boy under it.

>> No.8992589

tfw 18 and i dont have armpit hair yet :'(

>> No.8992592

>emperor of manlets

>> No.8992596

r u a grill?

>> No.8992602

whatever you say buddy : =)

>> No.8992651
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>I have been able to grow a fairly nice beard since I was 15 but it never filled up properly
I know that feel all too well.

>> No.8992656

Hair on.my neck is as long as beard on.my chin and has, should I trim the neck so it looks like Seth Rollins from WWE or just let it grow into one giant beard?
I heard trimming a neckline is bad because the neck is where the bwsrd gets its body and weight.

>> No.8992660

nope :(

>> No.8992855

>full breard
> 15 yo
Pick one faggot

>> No.8992896

underrated post

>> No.8993027



Growing a beard is genuinely one of the best things I've done in years. It's increased my confidence, it's made me able to talk to girls and have them come near me, it's made me go from a weird aspie to actually fitting in with real people.

You're right when you say that it's a myth when people say women prefer clean shaven and light stubble, it's clear that a beard (when done well) is still as popular as ever. That and you make other guys jealous by having it, especially if they struggle to grow one.

>> No.8993623

I'm 22 and I have almost no beard growth, the best I can do is a thin pedo moustache. Do people still have no beard growth when they're like 40?

>> No.8993699

Some people, yeah. It just depends on the person, genetics and all that.

>> No.8993965

looks awful

>> No.8995250

Seconded, thirded and fourthed.

I wasn't ugly or unattractive before growing a beard for sure, but... growing one out has just turned things around.
I used to hate them before but I had to reckon a beard gives off a certain vibe - my confidence has increased dramatically ever since.

>> No.8995396

Hipsters aside, to me the reason is that it implies that person has the balls to do something that isn't necessarily the cultural norm. It's the whole thing about how if you want to get noticed by people you have to be unique in some way. A beard is that. In a sense.

Ok, so it's in vogue at the moment, but even then, how many people do you see who actually go for it? Not that many really. Most people just have the unshaven look rather than a real beard.

>> No.8996432

beardfags BTFO

the ugly bitch is right though, as soon as one of those beardfags speaks it completely ruins the illusion, not only because of the way their bitchboy voice sounds, but also because of their personality.

>> No.8996456

>beards are the equivalent of a fedora


people who wear beards feel superior to those who don't have them, they feel more manly when in reality they have a desk/retail job and play videogames all day.

>> No.8996467

>what's a good comeback for when

holy shit you brought me back to middle school days right there man

>> No.8996527

>This mad you can't grow a beard.
I'm sick of hivemind faggots who think there is a single way to look. Being stressed over how you or other people look won't stop you being an average basic beta bitch who can't get laid.

>> No.8996548

What about the people who actually benefit from having one? Having a warm face is great if you work outside a lot.

Anyway, some people look better with one, some don't. Some people look better with long hair, some don't. It's just a thing. Do what suits you.

>> No.8996554

I'm not even a beardfag and you sound really insecure.

>> No.8996569

>mad can't grow a beard

Why is this the only pro-beard argument beardfags can come up with when discussing the topic? Other than le awesome manly bacon viking ron swanson reddit-shit I mean.

>> No.8996613

Why is that shavefags always resort to ironic meme juxtoposition to strengthen their meaningless nitpicking?

>> No.8996636

i want to murder this faggot

>> No.8996640

poser shit

>> No.8996655

>shooting farmers from helicopter

>> No.8996665

>Growing a beard is genuinely one of the best things I've done in years

HAHAHAHA your life blows.

>> No.8996673


>clean shaved I have to show ID to buy cigarettes
>with beard I look like funny caveman manlet

I usually trim my beard to around 6mm and it looks fine, especially since I started lifting, and my skellyfat body is changing into less-fat-more-muscle-yet-still-kinda-skeleton body with better defined jawline. In few months I'll go for full razor shave and enjoy my manly jawline.

>> No.8996702

I'm sure you spend yours fucking your 10/10 girlfriend in your expensive sports car while drinking champagne.

>> No.8996713

No but the high points of my life don't involve facial hair, you sad little man.

>> No.8996734

Making a good decision is not the same as a high point. Applying to a job may be a good decision, but the high point is when you get paid. Entering a competition is a decision, the high point is if you win.

Growing a beard was, for me, a good decision. The high points were the increase in confidence, being more sociable as a result of the confidence, and having more female attention as a result of being more sociable.

Still, you're definitely right, I'm a sad little man and I'll never reach the euphoric heights that you've attained.

>> No.8996753

what a gayass post. enjoy your beard and baby hands.

>> No.8996761
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Ok, I will.

>> No.8996776

you have to have an already good facial structure to actually look good with a beard

you also have to be able to actually, you know, grow a full and proper beard

>> No.8996780

hipster grow beards just for the sake of having a beard and be hipster.

some people can't grow a beard, and some people can and it looks ridicilous. So do what looks best on YOU and not what some bitch or /fa/ tells you does, you faggots

>> No.8996788
File: 21 KB, 491x655, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my beard without any work on it (I didn't oil it/straighten it today, just conditioned it). This is 6 1/2 months, but I trimmed my stache the first 3 months like a retard.

I wanna get my hair cut like >>8969944 or>>8983603

Think it would look good?

>> No.8996793

since when do neckbeards browse /fa/
shave it, you obviously aren't able to grow a proper beard

>> No.8996805

lol I said I didn't treat it today. And it's a shitty pick from my phone. Do you know that it takes work to manage a beard?

>> No.8996814

it still isn't dense enough for a good looking beard. sure you grow hair, but that's not a factor of a beard looking good.

>> No.8996818

M8, I have a beard myself, and that doesn't look good on you. It doesn't go with your face properly, the height isn't high enough on the cheeks, and it just looks kind of wispy and thin all over.

I don't want to say you look awful or anything like that, but seriously, I think you'd be a lot better without it.

>> No.8996824

make-up for men, then, a valid point!

>> No.8996852
File: 57 KB, 491x428, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely thinnest on my cheeks, but it's dense everywhere else. I'm really thinking about using a relaxer on it, because straightening it is such a hassle. I think the first one was a really bad pic, so here's another one that's not as bad, but still bad.

>> No.8996864

Sorry but it is too long for your genes. It looks too fuzzly overall, too low on the cheeks. I'm sure you grow a proper beard, but just 1-2cm, and not longer.

>> No.8996871

Nah it's just a curly beard and not a traditional wavy one.

You're at that awkward stage where it's not long enough to be impressive and not short enough to look good. Either keep at it until you hit a year, or dial it back like >>8996864 says.

>> No.8996910

>mfw still doesn't address how shallow their hipster lumberjack culture is

>> No.8996914

meant for

>> No.8996915

It's one of those things I believe you should do once in your life. Grow at least 6 months worth of facial hair and then lop it all off if you want.

>> No.8996937

I grew beard because I look better with it (confirmed by both genders)

>> No.8997065

let it grow for entire year for fun, only cut your moustache if it gets longer than your lip, ignore all comments

>> No.8997414

>work as an arborist
>when I tell people what I do they think I'm a lumberjack
>also can't grow a beard


>> No.8997419

Groomed beards are good. Everything is shit.

>> No.8997850
File: 79 KB, 960x640, 1349015387337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not allowed to grow a beard in my shitty minimum wage kitchen job

>> No.8997943

If you were actually a girl, you would pretend it was "normal" or "natural" to do the thing you advocate. Women don't like asserting themselves forthrightly. It's too penis-y.

"i just think it looks so much more natural to have a beard and be relaxed like that :)
its kinda creepy when guys are very neat and very polite :(
also please don't talk to me or even dream about flirting with me if you're a disgusting subhuman beta
oh wait did i say that out loud"

>> No.8997966

"Do you feel terrorised?"
Srsly doh consider a trim

>> No.8997982

Either that or bangs

>> No.8999304

Get a pair of trimmers from your pharmacist dude. You clean that guy up, you got yourself a good beard. Looks like a pube forest atm

>> No.8999317

Here's the deal. 95% of girls are plebs, and are SUPER behind on any trends. They think beards are hot and cool. Unless you are going for that 5% pretentious douche girls from /fa/ or alike places, you're in the gold.

But for gods sake keep your beard around a 5-8 blade size, unless you REALLY look good in a big beard.

>> No.8999318
File: 130 KB, 823x731, beard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shaved mine and regrew it since these pics.

Don't shave.

>> No.8999320

>thinking beards are a trend

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.8999334
File: 35 KB, 540x400, 1620391_10204322643764302_2012294213474123109_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8999336

are you agreeing with me or are you just stupid?

>> No.8999347

It varies, SAS, Sapeurs and green berets quite famously wear beards as do many other special forces and engineering corps, in some countries members of the navy are also allowed to wear beards.

>> No.8999349

you're stupid.

Of course people are going to have beards at any given point - but at the moment its obviously a trend to have a beard

>> No.8999384

How come I don't have word "beard" filtered!

>> No.8999421

because retarded faggots like you think beards are a trend

do you think growing hair on the top of your head is a trend too?

you morons don't know shit about fashion. trends only exist to imbeciles

>> No.8999525

>SAS, Sapeurs and green berets quite famously wear beards
Isn't that just a product of long deployments and less than ideal conditions?

>> No.9000247

fashion exists out of trends, silly.

>> No.9000857

Because as long as men can't be asked to shave every day stubble will exist.