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File: 77 KB, 600x675, gothsschoolhall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8966758 No.8966758 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8966783

slipknot tee is a fucking dope fit

>> No.8966794

>the second person from the right
that's a cute looking grill and nice normcore fit
what the fuck is she doing in there

>> No.8966808

samesies for chick in red tee on left

>> No.8966844
File: 178 KB, 1062x1600, 1406661812735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count?

>> No.8966853
File: 94 KB, 563x374, bhSUVsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8966858
File: 175 KB, 797x1200, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honk honk

>> No.8966866

not tacky enough, mate...

>> No.8966872
File: 119 KB, 500x333, 1396315344804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nxtlvl goth?

>> No.8966873
File: 310 KB, 547x416, 1412810048564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I desperately hope with everything in my being that he is just shooped in there.

This is one of those photos that end up being SUPER creepy 30 years from now.

>> No.8966879
File: 635 KB, 500x750, 1395028310864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8966882
File: 56 KB, 768x512, haunting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8966884
File: 100 KB, 720x540, 1397400117587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8966901

what band is that on the front tee?

>> No.8966906
File: 94 KB, 1000x684, communions_feat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8966907
File: 59 KB, 500x454, 6a0c47f9bd3a033a259a09f6c42bfec9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8966916

Alice in Chains?

>> No.8967033

I totally know that kid!

>> No.8968930

i think that's kreayshawn

>> No.8968959

the just REALLY like hardcore metal, you know

A.F.I, my chemical romance, green day

>> No.8968961

>The uncomfortable stance on the guy on the right
>The half hearted unsure pose on the guy with the sailor hat
>The 2 very self concious and uncomfortable girls on the left

This pic is high school condensed into one pic

>> No.8968963

damn it, tfw rooster was playing on MTV when you were in middle school (early 90's)

>> No.8969047
File: 46 KB, 426x639, 835c0e9f-a930-4347-ac2a-c284157b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you start a thread mocking retarded high school fashion, aren't you an adu-oooooooh

>> No.8969072

People call me goth but i dont know think i am. I wear black work pants, grinders regent oxford, plus band tees(front 242, front line assembly, depeche mode, psychic tv, nick cave and the bad seeds, radio werewolf. joy division, bauhaus)

bands i like are front line assembly, peter murphy, nick cave, black tape for a blue girl, revco, ministry, nine inch nails, coil, bauhuas, love and rockets,radio werewolf, boyd rice/NON, Youth Code, vnv nation, christian death(sex drugs and jesus christ w/ valor kind and the first two albums.), depeche mode, ect

some of my friends dj at club nights and run club nights.

I'm totally not goth and not trolling, like really i wouldn't consider myself goth but people call me goth.they always make fun of me for eating couscous and reading poppy z brite books. I think my dad said he hopes i dont end up killing cats and drinking their blood.

weird shit man, weird shit.

>> No.8969111



My name is Steve, but my friends call me bloodraven random dinosaur! I'm the leader of Goths and LGBT Brony united!! And you seem really cool xD and quirky and random! come, we listen to all those bands and blood on the dance floor!

we meet after school by the pharmacist where we drink cough syrup. Ok, thanks bye!

>> No.8969115

Meh, I give you a 1/10 and that's being generous

>> No.8969133

Why would you buy band merchandise? Stop it.

>> No.8969146

Every single one of them is hilarious in their own way, I love it anon, I love it so much

>> No.8969166

The anime club, I presume?

>> No.8969188

fucking vampires and shit

>> No.8969215
File: 3 KB, 57x79, 1413666715926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8970120

Nxtlvl in 2011

Dadgoth and officegoth are nxtlvl when done correctly

>> No.8970125

Sieg are you like 34? Awesome

>> No.8970155


>paying to sponsor a band

>> No.8970158


>> No.8971487

is this the guy who does a manual labour job? how does he look so weak and girlish?

>> No.8971528

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you white ppl?

>> No.8972464


>> No.8973143
File: 494 KB, 500x259, u wot m8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw finding out the one in the black is also a grill

>> No.8973310

It's almost as though our native customs have been eroded, leaving our youth in a cultural void which they desperately try to fill by turning towards whatever fad is currently marketed to them.

>> No.8973325

tfw this is how everyone else perceives you when you wear your meme fits

>> No.8973351

thread made me think of this

>> No.8973478

It looks so good on him, fuck. If anyone else even tried to wear shorts with dunkarunies they'd look down syndrome

>> No.8973496

Nigga's head looks like a fucking acorn.

>> No.8973506

Looking at his ankles exposed like that makes me uncomfortable. Also, I feel the urge to push him down those stairs, his stance is just so weak.

>> No.8973516

good thing male models dont give a shit how u feel

>> No.8973523

i always lace my blunts with bunnies too

>> No.8973592


>> No.8974958

Im seeing Slipknot on their tour next year for lols and because I dig their first two albums. Will this be the fanbase?

>> No.8974982



They're models?
They look like shit.

>> No.8974989


Original Slipknot fans will be in there 30s by now.
I'd imagine it'll be generally jeans and black band tees.

>> No.8975009
File: 1.11 MB, 400x600, tumblr_mvetzltTgV1segk5lo1_r2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8975055

I'm expecting (and hoping) for it to be almost entirely the stereotypes of /b/-tier 13 year olds and neckbeards, it's gonna be great

>> No.8975059

Kid front and center has a dope fit

>> No.8975070

I was gonna do this, but someone beat me to it.

>> No.8975143
File: 1.16 MB, 641x994, Joushuu_Higashikata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like the guy from Jojolion

>> No.8975237

Her mom doesn't let her go full goth. Still has to go to church every sunday. She'll start to realize how pretty she is and ditch those fucking mutants that need clothing to look like that so people pay attention to them.

>> No.8975294

the most effay tawanesse comic

>> No.8975324

>implying you tricky dick wearing goof ninjas look different

>> No.8975351

13 year olds don't listen to slipknot

how many high school freshman do you know listen to bad music from 15 -20 years ago? not many

you're going to be getting drunk with doctors and lawyers at that thing, lot of mercedes and $65,000+ lifted diesel trucks

>> No.8975384


I bet that corridor smells like BO, ranch dressing, and axe body spray.

>> No.8975547

I reckon sailor hat guy would be a laugh to party with