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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 374 KB, 900x1600, 1412123901552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8966240 No.8966240 [Reply] [Original]

How will you dress when you're literally a dad? Street wear looks hideous on anybody older than 25.

Will you aim to perfect Heritage/Americana/Men's Wear?

>> No.8966261


>> No.8966274

why would you plan out what youd wear when youre older

>> No.8966276


Your priorities will swiftly change away from the clothes you're wearing.

>> No.8966282

to this day i never worn street wear shit
and no cause that shit is boring /safe as fuck

>> No.8966345

>actually wanting to have kids

>> No.8966422

Wear slightly looser jeans.

Otherwise I've already achieved the dad look.

>> No.8966446

dadgoth obviously
>"p-pls dad u r emberassing me, put on sum coloures"

>> No.8966456

w2c pants

>> No.8966459

>"dad why are you always taking pics of yourself with your shoes on inside"

>> No.8966501


>> No.8966727

I'll dress however the fuck I want probably. Probably like now, just swap out shoes for boots and shit

Gonna teach my kids things my parents couldn't. Gonna help them with their homework, teach them about life, and the most important thing: be there for them.

Honestly /fa/, life is too damn real sometimes. Did you ever think that one day, you'll be married, there will be a new /fa/ into some next level things, and everything as you know it will be gone? No more sieg, no more casemods.

Keeps me up at night mane.

>> No.8966738

>tfw I used to be scared of dying until I realised how nice it's going to be to be free
Fuck all of these lunch breaks people call "sleep" , i'm hyped for my retirement.

>> No.8966772

Tailored suits and expensive shoes all the way mang. Unless I get ripped then it's lumberjack mode.
Fuck I really hope 4chan is not still around when I get married.

>> No.8966850
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You just overwhelmed be with feels. First of all, I have never had a gf so the thought of a real woman falling in love with me, choosing me as the sole companion in her life, and having babies with me is fucking incomprehensible right now, let alone just getting a girl to put her mouth on mine when I've never been on a date.

Second, its gonna feel weird to watch the youngsters take our former places. If 4chan is still around, I'll show up once a year just to nostalgia. I already do that with forums I spent a lot of time in when I was a kid that are now dead.

Fuck man. I'm really not that far from death. Gonna finish grad school, then I'll get married, then I'll have kids, then I'll be old. Then I'll go on one last hoorah with my wife and go camping all over the world while we wait to die. FUCK.

>> No.8966881
File: 32 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mg4kz7IkDl1r44xzco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First things first, I'll have to get fit.

>> No.8966887
File: 279 KB, 1400x1000, template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already dress as an adult so I'll just continue wearing what I'm currently wearing.

Pic related.

>> No.8966895

>go camping as we wait to die
Bruh that feel

>> No.8966905

beard, flannels and skinny jeans err day nigga

>> No.8966911
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1. finish college
2. meet chick. marry her. ( several years)
3. have kids, raise them. (round the clock job for 20 years)
4. retire and start traveling. This is the grand finale.
Shit, every adult I know says "young people don't appreciate how fleeting life is," but I'm fucking OVERWHELMED by it.

>> No.8966919

Whatever I want to. I'll probably start wearing boots more often, that's about it.

>> No.8966924
File: 9 KB, 400x245, 12 KB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have more feels

>> No.8966931

I fucking hate the "young people don't appreciate how fleeting life is".

Yes I fucking do, and lo and behold, I have to spend my 20's in fucking college to support myself through my grind of life until I can retire.

I fucking swear somedays I just want to fucking quit med school and move to Alaska so I can snowboard all day and wear flannels in my lodge.

>> No.8966933

you gonna wear larger pants due to your bigger balls man

>> No.8966943

>The man in OP's pic will never teach me how to throw a ball and ruffle my 4 year old bowl cut and call me "Buddy."
W-well, I guess i could try that out for any kids i might have...

>> No.8967010

I.D. on the boots and pants?

>> No.8967070

ITT children in their teens and early 20s being naive

Once you've hit a certain point in your life where you have responsibilities that are more important than fashion, your obsession will quickly fade away, unless those responsibilities include being successful in the fashion industry. With a normal job, you're going to dress your role, fashionable or not. You're going to dress for respect. Sure, you can do your best in finding fits that suit your body, but it's just not as important anymore. I can get away with informing myself about current trends, adding little things to my wardrobe... but for the most part /fa/ is a small hobby.

>> No.8967100 [DELETED] 

Pants are from J Lindeberg (http://jlindeberg.se/jlindeberg/PANTS/chaze-flannel-twill/50026395,sv_SE,pd.html?dwvar_50026395_colorPattern=50026395_DkGreyMelange_009395&forceScope=) and the boots are Loake 1880 Hyde (http://www.loake.co.uk/hyde.html))

>> No.8967102

Pants are from J Lindeberg (http://jlindeberg.se/jlindeberg/PANTS/chaze-flannel-twill/50026395,sv_SE,pd.html?dwvar_50026395_colorPattern=50026395_DkGreyMelange_009395&forceScope=) and the boots are Loake 1880 Hyde (http://www.loake.co.uk/hyde.html))

>> No.8967120

If youre gonna work a boring drone job that requires you to look like a square youre not fashionable by default.

fucking engineers and finance majors lel

>> No.8967132


>> No.8967145

protip: if you use the word "drone" under any circumstance, you're a faggot by default

>> No.8967153
File: 1.31 MB, 2048x1152, 20140907_163014(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 22 and have a kid and I dress like this. My kid's very effay too. Cause his mom went to art school maybe idk

>> No.8967155

Reverse searched, he said they're slim fit trousers from Dockers.

>> No.8967169
File: 460 KB, 755x548, 1408149424189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way you present yourself is a big factor in the professional world no matter the field, if you dress better (appear to be better looking) than someone else you will be considered superior to that person, its a subliminal thing, everyone is affected by it, you can still be into fashion even if youre working in finance, theres no room for streetwear and stuff like that but conservative menswear can also be fun, but i wouldnt know anything about that since in in the business of fashion ;)

>> No.8967236

Of course there's room for improving yourself in every aspect of your life, including fashion. I'm just saying, for the most part, as you get older, continuity of obsessive interests in fashion will fade away. You will still want to look good, but your mind will be elsewhere and eventually lose track of what's "in". Of course there will be people that stick with it, but realistically it's just a phase for most.

>> No.8967262

Guys. This board will always be around. The amount of austist is only increasing. There will be no short supply.

>> No.8968410

I dunno where else to say this but since this thread's gotten pretty instrospective n shit here I go. I've seen my grandparents get to the point where they can hardly walk and I've recently lost my grandmother who worked and wouldn't quit being active all the way to her death bed, and now my parents are getting in worse shape and I can't imagine it. The only future I can imagine now is while I'm healthy and young, enjoying life, taking as many risks as I like, and when I hit the first sign of getting too old, like pain that prevents me from going hard, or something along those lines, putting a bullet in my head. I guess I'm afraid of growing old and not being bullet proof. I don't want to form close relationships just because I don't want to hurt anyone when I go but I don't know if I could handle being older. I'm too arrogant to need help and this kinda scares me.

>> No.8968430

I'm going into software engineering. In most STEM fields like this (I only loosely place it in the STEM field because it's not a natural science or math-y but where else would you put it) you can wear whatever you want. You don't even need to have good social skills, though it certainly helps, and having bad social skills means you need to compensate some other way.

Fashion is a phase for a lot of people, but those people are never truly into fashion. Those people are usually just insecure teens that want to get laid, and they try to improve their appearance in all kinds of ways.

There are very few people, even fewer men that actually get into "true" fashion, true artistic expression or anything with clothing. Those that do usually aren't just having a phase, it means something different to them.

>> No.8968431

/fa/, where everyone thinks they're going to be a famous model/musician/designer/artist, actually just live in parents basement jerking off and arguing about clothing trends all day

>> No.8968436

Lmfao teenagers

>> No.8968498

Full Yohji. All day every day.

Kidding aside, probably the same as I do now in Jap Mori/Americana/Comfy stuff, learning more towards the Americana Comfy side though as I find Mori to be a very youthful style, although I guess I could easily adapt it into something more mature. Also I don't think I'll ever exactly grow out of fashion, at least I hope I don't as that means I've grown out of the ability to appreciate quality.

>> No.8968554
File: 164 KB, 533x800, bbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really say, since it's been changing over time. I used to desire really expensive artisinal crap, but I'm poor. I decided at one point that I didn't want to dress for fashion per se if I couldn't afford designer stuff.

For a while after that I thought I might learn to make my own stuff because I still found that no one sold exactly what I wanted to wear. I abandoned that idea some time after the ball never got rolling, still might come back to it at some point, though.

Now, I'm more into functional clothing. Techwear you could say, but the lower-end brands, because still pretty poor.

Your thread inspired thought OP. Good job

>> No.8969062


>Not considering Soft E. a STEM major

Software Engineering is technology and engineering. It's absolutely a STEM major.

>> No.8969077

I didn't know trunks had a brother.

>> No.8969089

I just feel guilt calling it that because idk. Its not really engineering, though, even though it has engineering in the title.
Software engineering is to engineering as undergraduate statistics is to mathematics.

>> No.8969220
File: 72 KB, 460x600, 1390596353966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go full NOBD-core and bang all the milfs at my children's school.

>> No.8969224


>Street wear looks hideous on anybody older than 25.

tell that to the Japanese OP

>> No.8969232

>implying ill be around the kid enough for people to know im a father

>implying the kid will know i his father

>> No.8969246
File: 93 KB, 448x600, Pirlo-wine (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Pirlo mode

>> No.8969378

I'm 25. I dress #menswear/prep/a bit of workwear but pretty basic bitch overall. I think heritage and workwear is my ideal but I'm too clueless and poor to perfect that yet. Still developing my style, only got into fashion a year ago when I realized I was getting too old to dress the way I'd been dressing for the past 10 years.

>> No.8969489

underrated post, probably the most realistic post here

>> No.8970533


>> No.8970681

>implying I won't look like I'm 14 when I'm 25

>> No.8970686

They won't. I will neglect my children while copping sick fits and spending all of my free time on an online imageboard.

>> No.8970715

You don't need to prioritize clothing to look good. You're going to buy clothes anyway, skip the cargo shorts and buy some nice linen trousers instead. It has nothing to do with priorities and everything to do with a sense of style,

>> No.8970718

>implying japs age
Until they reach 50's all Japanese can pass as 25

>> No.8970726

>implying i want to be a father

how dare you

>> No.8970731


Your shitty attempt at looking smart failed
Looking good doesn't require any significant amount of time

>> No.8971998


Are fucking serious. Maybe 30-35 you should dress more mature but 25-29 is barely different than a college kid in looks

>> No.8972070
File: 2.23 MB, 1233x714, lus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but 25-29 is barely different than a college kid in looks
What exactly do you think college kids look like?

Pic related, average students at my school. Not a lot of streetwear, is there?

>> No.8972121


You can do Computer Science and have it be officially engineering, all it requires (here at least) is that you man up and take proper calculus as well as some faggy "diversity" course. Half the schools have that as mandatory to begin with and at the rest you can take the courses voluntarily. Bam! Civil Engineer in Computer Technology.

>> No.8972131

Exactly I'm naive I have the right to do it so. I can wear whatever the fuck I want, I can cop sick raffdidas for $300. I can thrift the most obnoxious tee and wear it as loose or tight as I want, I can tailor my 510 to be the most skinny thing a human have fitted in, I can do it, because I'm lean, fit, good looking and young.

I can smoke as much weed as I want, and take as much acid as my body can hold. I can fuck as many fat girls as I wish, I can jerk off on cam for money as much as I fucking wish to.

When I'm older I can worry, Higschool was easy as fuck, and college is not as hard as most people say it is. My parents can pay for my stupid mistakes, but where's the fun on that?

When I become I parent I will lie to them big time, telling them I was a fucking angel, that I didn't got high in my life, that school was my only priority and that sex is a mundane priority.

My parents never taught me how to be a fucking douchebag, I had the initiative, so will my children.

>> No.8972146
File: 23 KB, 309x443, 1404641342589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having children in the descending hell-scape that Earth will become in the next few decades

>> No.8972152

I think it depends on the person, I will be 30 in two months but most people I talk to still think I'm 20, it's actually kind of annoying.

>> No.8972153


I just started at a prop trading firm in NYC and people wear whatever they want. A lot of the traders in their mid-20s to mid-30s seem like they wear weird designer shit and no one really minds.

>> No.8972165

>Civil Engineer in Computer Technology
I'm gonna go ahead and guess you're from Scandinavia or Germany. There's no such thing as Civil Engineer in Computer Technology, the title Civilingenjör doesn't exist outside of Northern/central Europe. Civil Engineering is a field of engineering in English (like väg och vatten if you're from Sweden) and "Civilingenjör" is simply called a masters.

>> No.8972281


I am indeed. We do differentiate between "Master of Technology" and "Civil Engineer" though, basically with the amount of math.

>> No.8972427

Wow they look more like yuppies than college kids

>> No.8972446


Have you been to an actual college lately? Bizcaz/prep is the name of the game.

Unless you study something worthless.

>> No.8972455

>mfw i can wear whatever i want where i want when i want because collehe never tricked me into working in some dumb office

>> No.8972488

>older than 25

im 26 and it depends on where I'm going or what I'm doing.

DERP HERP im 25+ and I'm older.

seriously get over yourself.

>> No.8972495

Thank you!

>> No.8972498

OMG it's broken neck delicious breakfast guy!
You actually did make me go out and start frying vegetables for breakfast.

>> No.8972520

L-like a-a-art?

>> No.8972525


I hate this shit. who cares man.

people get old and they get boring.

HERP DERP my life is just DIFFERENT now.

nope. you haven't change you just goto work now.

I don't understand why people RACE to get older. then think being older is some huge accomplishment.

PROTIP: most people don't change as they get older. nor does wisdom come with age

>> No.8972637


>> No.8972665


I really can't picture myself having kids at this point.

>> No.8972680


tfw when my dad did not teach me how to shave, I had to use my moms leg razor in grade 9 when I started getting a scum stash, and then eventually asker to buy me one.

>> No.8972690


You don't dress like an adult.

>> No.8972697

I sure wouldn't have negative traps like a fucking scoliosis crippled nerd like you, OP.

>> No.8972698


Me too anon I'm not even thirty. On one hand I see the sand pouring through the hourglass at light speed on the other I keep saying "you have time"

>> No.8972715


You should, but there is a big but, unless you are pro who is going to pay for that? Snowboarding is expensive, also most riding in AK is heli so even more expensive than usual.

I have the same feeling about surfing, anyway I'm more practically looking now into how I can work in a place that has access to surf everyday.

>> No.8972730



seriously though, you have to put passion into even the littlest rituals in life, whether clothes or cooking a meal, you don't just say "it's not so important" because life is not so important. So it's worth it to put in 100% for whatever you are doing from taking a walk experiencing the sounds, the air, sights, to buying new clothes. It's easy to say it's not important, but you have to buy clothes whether you feel it is important or not.

>> No.8972735

>dont want kids till im mid 30s
>she wants to have them while shes young

so looks like imma fuck young things until i wanna settle down

>> No.8972740

>mind will be elsewhere and eventually lose track of what's "in".

kek if you were really /fa/ this would have happened in your teens m8.

>> No.8972744


you really cut to the core of me. it hurts.

>> No.8972749


more like dilfs lookin like that.

>> No.8972757


no style either!

>> No.8972775


I'm laughing at this post, but seriously THIS.

The world's already a fucked up place, and it's really only gonna get worse as the population continues to increase and you have shit like the Middle East and ISIS and geo-political shitstorms occurring. Plus on a more personal level, I would much rather save myself the financial issues and have a far more relaxed lifestyle, being able to do what I want when I want without the responsibilities of children always being the first priority.

People say shit like "oh but you'll be so lonely when you're old" or "children are the best, raising a child is such a proud achievement", but really there is more to life than having kids. I love my dad more than anything in the world, but I could see that, especially during my teenage years, the responsibilities of three kids changed him for the worse. He was grumpy more often because he didn't have any time for himself to actually enjoy a life outside of work because he was always running us around to sports and shit.

Maybe I will change how I think, but for now I don't want kids.

Oh, and because of this, it's gonna be much easier to dress better. More money, more time. I'll end up something between menswear and workwear I think

>> No.8972788

You must be young. There's always a new disaster or illness or terrorist group or shaky relationship with another country. It's been like this since ww2.

Every generation thinks they're going to be the last great one. Until they grow up.

>> No.8972794


I'm 23, and maybe the first part was a bit off the mark, but I stand by the rest

>> No.8972803

Time's a flat circle anon

>> No.8972806


"hey anon, do you hear that drone from the fridge?"

>> No.8972808

if people had children when you had to worry about being eaten by animals when you left your cave every day, people can have kids now. And this is coming from a guy who has no kids

>> No.8972821

Lumber jack mode

>> No.8972881

Woolrich coats
Gap tops
Levi's 501 stf
Stan Smiths/New Balance

Nothing will be different from now.

>> No.8973061

Yeah, but it requires money that you'll instead spend raising your kids, fixing up your house, and attending to all the other trappings of adult life. That's the reason "dadcore" is a thing.

>> No.8973069
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>the thought of a real woman falling in love with me, choosing me as the sole companion in her life, and having babies with me is fucking incomprehensible right now
>that feel

>> No.8974928

Probably not true. I guarantee you any father that dresses badly now dressed just as badly when he didn't have children.

>> No.8974937

100 % agree with this.

>> No.8974943


>> No.8974984
File: 49 KB, 315x480, 1298749485002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw my dad died before I had any facial hair. I never had someone to teach me to shave, how to tie a tie, or talk about girls.

On the less depressing topic, I'm probably going to dress similarly to how I dress now My gf and I are talking about kids in about 3-4 years, and I'm starting to feel like I'm finding my "style" and what I generally wear day-to-day won't look stupid on my middle aged self.

>> No.8975030

>having kids

>> No.8975072

Most of them dress a hell of a lot better than /fa/

>> No.8975076


protip: if you have that opinion, you are a drone

>> No.8975088

im 27 and i mostly wear basics. i do have some 2nd hand retro stuff thrown in there.

>> No.8975094

Really now? Then please enlighten me, what does an adult dress like? And no, your dad doesn't set the standard for what adults dress like.

>> No.8975146

I can't remember the last time I saw someone with a child that looked happy. I spent the day in a coffee shop today and everyone who came in with a child, from ones in prams to young teenagers, just looked tired and miserable. I don't know why anyone would willingly give up their time and money to have a kid, particular when the ones who describe their children as being their proudest achievement, or something similar, have never done anything in their lives anyway.

I know most of the people who post on 4chan these days are conservatives so believe in muh family values but it always sounds like a defence mechanism for computer engineers to justify being dull.

>> No.8975160

I will wear rick owens dresses destroying disgusting misogynist gender boundaries

>> No.8975201

How's junior year of high school

>> No.8975206


What's it like drawing a pension?

>> No.8975209

All lunarcore,all the time.

>> No.8975434



>> No.8975452


You'll still have to maintain your home whether you have kids or not. Listen "having kids" is an excuse for a lot of parents for not doing things, even my own. My mom recently started getting in shape, I asked her "don't you wish you had started getting fit when you were in your 30's?" She said "well I was taking care of you kids." Which I know is only partly true, because she came home from work and watched TV and my Dad did cooking and found time to run at 6 am. The point is kids are just a part of life not all consuming, plenty of people have kids that try and achieve great things.

>> No.8975455

100% spot on

I want to achieve my art goals before having kids. Even if I don't make it I can die knowing I at least tried. and the pleasure from making art out ways the fulfillment of having kids.

I do want to have kids so they're are little assholes that look like me running around. But that's it. Just for vain reasons.

>> No.8975459

>"dad why are you holding that cigarette you don't smoke"

>> No.8975468

>"dad who's that you have a picture of in your wallet? w-w-who's t-tricky r-ricky-y?"

>> No.8975492
File: 515 KB, 1000x672, Thom-Yorke-Stanley-Donwood-Walking-BW-Michael-Muller-x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How will you dress when you're literally a dad?
Like this.
>Street wear looks hideous on anybody older than 25.

>> No.8975516
File: 363 KB, 1286x1014, DSC_0112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


xactly how i do now

dress w/ the future in mind

>> No.8975575

I'm 25 with a wife and kid. The key is that she has a wealthy family that doesn't work, so her parents essentially look after the kid while I go to work and she goes to med school. We have plenty of money saved, enough to buy a house as we have been saving since undergrad and we have been living either in her parents downtown condo or at their large house in the suburbs.

We both wear designer clothing. She just got me some margiela and I got her something form slp. With good discounts because we don't really need much stuff, so it just accumulates as we get deals. (I get lots of hookups because the company I work for).

Of course having a kid changes your life, but it is more about the life you establish for yourself to begin with. Fashion is just a side hobby like anything else. It is easy to have fashion as a hobby because going out to stores is something you can do with the whole family. The positive side is that you end up looking good which may have some positive impacts in your life.

>> No.8975579
File: 42 KB, 453x604, emo-dad-22891-1257438303-107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably just solid color shirts with pockets, flannel button up, jeans, and work boots.

>> No.8975587
File: 128 KB, 773x427, denim_01_10_2011_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Something like this. Just workwear shit. I won't look too young because it's all very subtle but it wont look too old either.

>> No.8975596

That's when we all head to mfa

>> No.8975597

DO. IT. Im giving myself one more year at my job, saving as much as I can and then im going to go on an" extended vacation" to England or Spain. I just want to work small jobs every now and then, marry a native and naturize, then simply live off welfare when im to old to work.

>> No.8975601

> I already do that with forums I spent a lot of time in when I was a kid that are now dead

Nigga I rode my bike around and played with other kids when I was young. This is why you're autistic and can't find a gf.

>> No.8975723

you beat me to it

>> No.8975733

youre a little shit

>> No.8975750

I normally don't like those boots but that looks rad

>> No.8975754

the same only even better and cooler

>> No.8975926


whatever you have to tell yourself...yikes.

>> No.8975932


fucking awful fit.