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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 98 KB, 400x566, autismcoatboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8956378 No.8956378 [Reply] [Original]

so why do you still let this sperglord post on your board /fa/

>> No.8956386
File: 126 KB, 400x394, weediscoolright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8956393

post a fit, im sure he looks better than u
damn sure

>> No.8956404
File: 1.64 MB, 2048x2648, tenseharder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the faggot tensing his jaw

>> No.8956426
File: 126 KB, 640x910, bells palsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like my boys to have that beady eyed marsupial look, and chilljin just kills it here

moles add character too, and the bells palsy of the mouth is a unique quality i cant do without

>> No.8956433

its like a tall british birthday...
which would u rather top for pigfuck?

>> No.8956435

Woah what the fuck happened to that nose

>> No.8956440

birthday has nice wide hips, i bet he's got a voluptuous boyish ass to go with

>> No.8956446

w2c autism coat?

>> No.8956447

pigfuck trash talking on point

that said, chilljin's really cool. his fits are good and he seems like a cool bloke. he's into acting irrc, has some height. doing pretty well in most departments.

no homo.

>> No.8956456

implying he isn't one of the better dressed people on this shitty board

>> No.8956457

like I'd even let you get close to me and my perfect body with your degenerate habits
>daily reminder this sick fuck hires STD pumped prositutes to dry hump and take pictures of, for the sole purpose of keeping the facade he isn't a useless faggot.

>> No.8956459

hi chilljn don't grind your teeth to hard you balding wank

>> No.8956467

>Has some bad fits
are you actually cancer or something? Most of his shit is good nobody is effay all the time unless you are full on autistic mode. But at that point you probably wank over geobastards and have already disowned your parents for not dressing in virgincore so who gives a shit

fuck off

>> No.8956478

his last fit he posted in the current waywt is really nice i think guys
stop bullying

>> No.8956491
File: 907 KB, 150x113, 1358244950912.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8956497
File: 61 KB, 708x588, 1411258434226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8956501


I like this guys fits, but he keeps sucking in his mouth and clenching his jaw so he looks like he was hit by a truck.

>> No.8956506



>> No.8956512

fun thread but yeah no i have bells palsy im not sucking my mouth

>> No.8956518

what music do you listen to pigfuck?

>> No.8956522

tell me what boots those r in ur latest fit

>> No.8956523

It must be awful knowing that no one will ever want you in life. Keep on posting your maymay images though it seems to give you a little happiness which is good.
Fuck off cunt all you do here is post shitty fits and reddit tier images. I'm done with you leave now.

>> No.8956527

mono docs

>> No.8956538
File: 791 KB, 765x564, f6a70c9f37ba9f938d094523561952f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah huh? this me and my girl u bastardo, yeh shes hot, yeh thats us at the club getting our party on, and yeahs thats a H&M blazer, so what kid.

>> No.8956564

damn ok I'm impressed your girl looks straight out of the Mexican brothels and your killing it in that blazer dude(H&M is so expensive lol XD) big thumbs up I was wrong about you. Keep up the shilling dude :-)

>> No.8956580

i'm congratulating the man on a post i appreciate. you just shit up the place with your try-hard hard-ass posts. do you have a napoleon complex or something?

cheer up. you act like you're an edgy emo kid that gets picked on by the cool kids at school. i happen to think your fits are good on occasion, i just wish you weren't generally such a cunt.

>> No.8956583

its not birthday man. real birthday posts anon and is a nice, helpful dude

>> No.8956588

did i miss him giving away his trip..?

>> No.8956590

happened few months ago
u'll notice how cunty "he" suddenly got since then

>> No.8956594

good on him then

>> No.8956595

no, this is the real birthday
it's embarrassing when he try's to play with the big boys

>> No.8956605
File: 167 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know me you shitheads. I don't care if some stupid fucking Australian thinks I'm an ass you live in a hellhole, dress like shit, and aren't even close to funny. Whatever dude I'll be me you be you just know I'm better and you can't change that.

>> No.8956609
File: 1.44 MB, 2448x3264, 1403906584068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got the sass to match the booty,hips and the lips

you'd be a good trap, no homo

>> No.8956625

you have negro lips

>> No.8956627

Another meme that everyone and they're granny knows. You slipping dude, as for me pretending to be a girl, that ain't for me I'm not a degenerate like piggy or you and I don't have the body for that anyway.

>> No.8956634

look, don't get me wrong man. i enjoy your presence, i think the sassy persona is great. i just think you'd be popular in prison.

>> No.8956644

>everyone and they're granny knows
anyways, you're confirming that you're a laughing stock

>> No.8956646

Your a laughing stock

>> No.8956659

>his a laughing stock

i get it... nice.

>> No.8956688

taking the b8

>> No.8956699

>being this stupid

>> No.8956769

You are a patrician of memes

>> No.8956952

Chilljin used to be pretty cool but then he started getting hate and freaked out. His fits are almost all the same and really he's kind of an asshole. I don't get why people go so crazy for him.

>> No.8958058
File: 1.79 MB, 1280x720, laugh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfag drama

Is there anything more laughable?

>> No.8958109

When Silvio gets angry about cheese

>> No.8958199
File: 46 KB, 500x650, Dnutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying models don't clench their jaw

>> No.8958275

Chilljin pls go

>> No.8958388


/fa/'s desperate attempts to look like they're not trying in their thousand dollars sneakers are really tiring. I think it's just comes out of fear of failure - if you didn't bring your A game, you can feel ok when you lose.

If you're going to take fit pics, why not look your best?

>> No.8958493

Because it looks stupid as fuck yeah I could suck in my cheeks, clench my jaw, flex my arms, and take hundreds of pics to get the most perfect fit pic. But that's counterintuitive imo fit pics aren't to look perfect they are to display what you are wearing that day and what you looked like overall. Unless you constantly clench your jaw and suck in your cheeks your comment is completely invlaid.