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/fa/ - Fashion

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8953320 No.8953320 [Reply] [Original]

help me /fa/, I got fat.

used to be succesful powerlifter and flatwater rower for my university, fucked my knees up. 2 operations 2 years later I'm hella overweight, lost a lot this year but still another 12 months away from totally shrugging that "chubby guy"/"big guy" aesthetic.

For reference, I guess I'm about the size of pic related except still looking fairly strong from all those years weightlifting.

having to struggle with what I should and shouldn't wear as a beefcake sack of shit has made it really hard to work out what kind of aesthetic I do and don't want to pull off, fashionably speaking, or what I'm even capable of pulling off anymore.

Any tips /fa/?
I tend to stick to pretty conservative male fashion and I'm not sure if it's a good idea or if it's working against me. Usually wear samurai or burgus black or indigo jeans, chambray shirts, Sugar Cane print shirts, levis cardigans or various black uniqlo jackets/outerwears.

Shame me if you gotta, I'm making progress though and training during rehabilitation is a long haul. But I'd seriously kill for some tips or help with this.

>> No.8953353

Well here, post more of what you want to look like.

>what I'm even capable of pulling off anymore

That's sort of the last, like final, question you need to ask yourself/thinking in terms of "pulling off" isn't usually helpful.

The first question in getting dressed is always "what do I need my clothes to do," which in terms of looks comes down to "what do I want to look like?"

You're in a fat body now, okay. For the moment that's one small given in the whole scheme of your outfits. There probably is stuff you wouldn't want to wear now that you would if you were lean, but the only way to know for sure is to look in the mirror and feel something.

On here, we can make suggestions, but we have to know what you want to look like first.

>> No.8953360

wear black, build layer cocoon. hide for 12 more months.

>> No.8953397
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I feel u. I just kinda got my head in this zone where I'm thinking there's only really one or two safe approaches to outfits chunky dudes can really take or something, idk.

My general shit is:
I cycle commute nearly every day, whatever I wear has to not make me look like a dickhead when I ride. Vanilla buttons/denim/boots mens fashion tends to work in this regard, pretty easy to ride in but I'm always worried I'm bordering on dadcore.

pic related, ignore the fuck ugly sweater though. it was cold. i guess that's pretty much what I normally dress like.

>> No.8953421

Okay. Post some inspo images, what you want to look like. What you want to look like, whatever makes the most sense to you of after rehabilitation and fat loss, or if your knees never got fucked up, or whatever.

>> No.8953427
File: 384 KB, 480x720, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I'm really into the black on black on black modern type fits that seem to be popular around here, I guess I just feel like cos I'm not an itty bitty twink I can't pull off anything 'modern' and am stuck with basic GQ-lite shit?

Pic is my standard winter fit, but it's summer now and literally all my fits are based around outwerwear in some way, no fucking clue what to do for summer.

>> No.8953433

What were your maxes?

>> No.8953448
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Okay, i get you. Sorry for going off on a tangent there I guess.

I guess this is really the kinda thing I'm into/dreaming of as far as conservative fashion goes. Really dig the whole nautical kinda jacket thing but I think being big would just kill it for me

>> No.8953464
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Wow OP the solution is fucking simple

Skip legs

Wow fucking amazing

>> No.8953502

And then the other thing I'm always obsessed with but convinced I can never pull off is, as I mentioned, this whole black on black street fashion thing. I just dig that effortless aesthetic so much, like that perfect kind of effortless seriousness, I'd love to be able to pull this off on my days off or when i didn't have interviews or meetings or anything to go to, but everytime I try to layer on the blacks I just can't nail a decent silhouette, the fatness just makes me look like a cockhead

Thanks scoob.

>> No.8953510
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forgot pic...

>> No.8953527
File: 45 KB, 500x750, tumblr_ndgrz65k651spob4vo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or like this.

Like I said too, dressing winter can be kinda easy, I can hide behind jackets but are there any summer equivalents to something like this? Even just going jeans and plain tee is risky for me, it just makes the fat silhouette really obvious. And if I do black denim + black tee, I look like I'm supposed to be backstage for a theatre performance or something.

>> No.8953541

don't chase style trends because you like them
find what looks good on you

>> No.8953556

Yeah, I think this is the real talk I was looking for. Kinda of the conclusion I'd been gradually arriving at lately too.

Guess I went around in circles a bit in this thread tho.

Back on topic though, do you ever thing overweight (slightly to massively, anywhere inbetween whatever) can ever look /fa/? Any good exampls? or terrible ones?

>> No.8953633

Don't apologize for the tangent; I'm trying to get a sense of you, after all.

Weight isn't an obstacle to any particular broad style of garment, pic related. This and the cigar dude gets trotted out all the time to show this, but only because it does it so well.

If anything, I think the black on black street fashion thing would be easier to pull off fat than the more conservative stuff.

The root reason behind the social prejudice against fat is that it almost always represents a failure of self-determination, someone's inability to author their own life instead of having it be handed to them by forces outside them.

That's something you're familiar with, right? I don't mean that pejoratively, because you're fixing it. You're taking back control. What can anyone say to you about it that's negative? I'm guessing you fucked up your knees lifting? You're Icarus, but unlike him you're pulling back up.

I say all of that because growing that kind of attitude is essential to you pulling off anything - and because the #1 reason conservative fits fail is when they make it look like someone is dressing that way to live up to the standards of stale authority. (They succeed when they manage to embody that kind of authority, or earned independence - like it sounds like you're Australian? Think RM Williams, the man.)

And the thing every more avant-garde fit has going for it out of the gate? It says you made a choice to dress that way, that your life is such that you have a choice. So, you got fat, but fuck it, you got that way striving for excellence, you're fixing it, and you're not going to let that or anything stop you from dressing into yourself.


Bot these are good fits, by the way. Let me think about the summer stuff a little and post back for you alter.

>> No.8953641

Also, double-checking - you've got a genuine attraction to both the more conservative stuff and street fashion, right?

>> No.8954790

any more pics of/similar to cigar man?

>> No.8954820


Wow, I'm not even fat and this post was super motivating.

Off-topic: what pants are cigar guy wearing? Are they Julius?

>> No.8954825

pls be gay

>> No.8954924

Aren't power lifters supposed to be fat?

>> No.8955198

OP here, sorry for not replying to this earlier, I had to disappear for a bit. But man, what an incredibly good post, seriously i can't remember the last time I got such a genuine response about absolutely anything online before. Really appreciate it dude.

>> No.8956840

Bumping to respond later.

>> No.8956844

Bumping to respond later.

Yeah, Julius.

Probably; he's some SZ guy.

>> No.8956845

post pic op we gotta see

>> No.8957016

Bumping to respond later.

Yeah, Julius.

Probably; he's some SZ guy.

>> No.8957034

Flannels like in your pic and button-ups hide flabs, while t-shirts expose them. Doesn't mean you have to wear oversized shit

>> No.8957049

No matter what, do NOT wear oversized shit. It will make you look much fatter than you are. Always make sure your clothes are form-fitting. You should also get some good boots, MIE DMs, Red Wings, or something cooler. If you're not already super into denim, now's a good time to start.

>> No.8959072
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>> No.8959298

shieet i feel like this nigga could do a zangief spinning piledriver