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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 10 KB, 236x354, 0db2cff72923e8e0cc03bab357098d73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8941516 No.8941516 [Reply] [Original]

Can buzzcut on girls be /fa/?

>> No.8941529

pls dont

>> No.8941531

Of course, it's sexy as fuck.

>> No.8941538


god damn

of course it's effay

w2c buzzcut gf

>> No.8941542

Absolutely disgusting.
Hated when my ex cut her hair.
And I'm glad I'm not with her anymore.
Women are supposed to contrast men, not imitate them.

>> No.8941543

This 7/10 would be a 9 or 10/10 if she had hair.
What do you think?

>> No.8941559

>Women are supposed to contrast men, not imitate them.

Do you happen to be American?

Anyway, a girl with a buzzcut gives off a certain vibe. She probably doesn't give a fuck about what other people think and society's pressure in general - so, in a way, it is very sexy.

>> No.8941573


I think you're wrong.


Women already contrast men by their attitude and their clothes. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8941574

I get the vibe of an insufferable cunt wreaking of feminism and pointless rebellion.

>> No.8941575

>being this assmad

Cunt detected

>> No.8941589

>muh sjw/tumblr/feminism

This shit is getting hysterical. A girl with a buzzcut can still dress in a conventionally feminine way and not necessarily be a lesbian, a feminist or a tumblrcore sjw.

But you're more than likely just a /v/, /r9k/ or /b/ dropout, so I can see your point.

>> No.8941590
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Personally, I think a buzz on a girl is the worst haircut possible. Like straight up I would take any "real" hairstyle over the buzz. I just find it unattractive in a "my dick is not at all into this" way. Before everyone starts yelling that I'm closeminded and have a narrow view of what a beautiful woman can be/am homophobic for hating when women look like men, I'm bi, so that argument doesn't work.

I suppose that a buzzcut can aesthetically fit well with certain looks, but as far as just plain looking good, buzzcut is bottom-tier

Sorry if that insults anyone with a buzz, no offense intended

>> No.8941597

Unless she has cancer, she's probably doing it to fit in with the boys or to spite the patriarchy. Don't even deny it.

>> No.8941599

Only if she's really pretty and has a nice, delicate neck.

>> No.8941601

And African.

>> No.8941603


>hair is a secondary sex characteristic

Why are you such a slave to your cultural upbringing?

>> No.8941605


African helps.

>> No.8941607

Why are you such a cultural marxist?

>> No.8941614


I'm the most apolitical person you could imagine. I just think it's sad lacking the self awareness to not realise that most of what you like or dislike is determined by your culture and then not, upon realising that, striking out on your own path.

>> No.8941617

They're just spouting memes, mate. /fa/, just like /fit/, is a "resolution" board - which basically means it is a spot where neckbeards (who used to post in boards like /v/, /b/, /a/, /pl/ and so on) try to find resolution to their lives by dressing better and getting fit.

The "cultural marxist", "anti-patriarchy", "sjw/tumblr" shit is just an epic meme to them. Namely, the latest trend among these autistic boys. It stems from their original boards.

>> No.8941625

You must be most superior and intelligent here, dear anon.

Do you have anymore relevant knowledge to share, good sir?

>> No.8941630

Cultural or not, women are uglier with short hair. Bad enough we got dudes trying to be chicks. Gender confusion is not /fa/.

>> No.8941634


And we're back to

>hair is a secondary sex characteristic

which it isn't. Left alone human hair will grow long, male or female. You've been conditioned to think long hair is feminine by your culture.

>> No.8941636

>le reddit fedora meme

There's no escape.

>> No.8941656

So disregard culture just because? What's the point of culture then?

>> No.8941659

>literally no mention of reddit, fedoras or atheism in my post

You just exposed yourself, m8

>> No.8941661

your culture values hollister and call of duty over designer clothing and turnbased isometric crpgs

why not conform?

>> No.8941669

Your view of culture is amazingly narrow if you honestly believe that.

Culture /= Popular

>> No.8941671
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>> No.8941672


I'm not saying culture is bad or should be discarded. It's one of the most natural human things we do and it's an awesome way to have a feeling of group identity and belonging. I'm just saying you shouldn't sacrifice your individuality for your culture. I'm saying like long hair on girls because *you* like it, not just because of your culture

>> No.8941678

oh so if youre not using culture as a shorthand for mass appeal, then what definition of culture are you using?

>> No.8941680

A male shouldn't be interested in fashion.
Fashion is meant for women, it is a feminine thing.

Are you trying to be a chick?
Why are you posting in a fashion board?

>> No.8941682

That's exactly why I like it. My views just happen to align with the typical view of femininity.

>> No.8941684

Looks way better with a buzz

>> No.8941686

Nice try. Didn't work though. And it never will.

>> No.8941687

If the shop was decent she'd look a lot better.

Still better than G.I. Jane though.

>> No.8941694

Yes, it works. I'm just using your thinking pattern.
You're interested in something which has been culturally overdetermined as "feminine" throughout centuries.

You're trying to be a chick just as much as a girl with a buzzcut is trying to be a guy. You're interested in pretty clothes, they're interested in a manly haircut - that's basically what you've been saying so far.

>> No.8941695
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Only if you're a 10/10 girl
Unusual features only work if everything else is perfectly spot on

pic related is the male version

>> No.8941696

Not necessarily a GLOBAL appeal. But more of a natural acceptance of things due to circumstance, convenience and accessibility. Of course it takes a sizable amount of people and time to be instilled. That's culture. And there countless kinds of culture.

>> No.8941697


Well then good for you. Keep it up. I'm not being sarcastic btw. If even after divorcing yourself from your culture you still like it then that's cool, man. I don't dislike long hair myself ftr. I just take issue with short hair on girls being disregarded as "not feminine" when that is clearly a statement based on cultural bias. If someone doesn't like it just because they personally don't like it, then cool.

>> No.8941702

You're mocking my pattern, but it's not working like you think it's working.

Men run the world. Period. That includes fashion. That includes hair. A man's opinion is foremost in the influence of these things. Simple.

Use my pattern all you want, but you will never evade the truth.

>> No.8941705

I'm ok with this conclusion.

>> No.8941708

Just out of curiosity: are you American?

>> No.8941710

>Men run the world. Period.

Men, yes, but not men like you.

>> No.8941720

I am.


>> No.8941756
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Can it NOT?

>> No.8941761

only if youre good looking, but thats sort of obvious.
anyway, stupid question

>will i look good if i draw a dick on my forehead
>only if youre beautifull without the dick on your forehead

>> No.8941763

Gross. Musty pussy is NOT /fa/.

At least in first-world countries

>> No.8941909
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>> No.8941913
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>> No.8941928
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>> No.8941934

>tgw you've banged her and jizzed on her head

>> No.8941943
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>> No.8941946

lol they both look like shit

>> No.8941950
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my waifu

>> No.8941955
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>> No.8941957

The post is asking if this is /fa/ and it can be /fa/. Most designers go for interesting looking models to wear their clothing, and this aesthetic is interesting to look at. It might not make your dick hard, but it can be /fa/.

>> No.8941960
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>> No.8941962

Great answer

>> No.8941964
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>> No.8941967
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still hot

>> No.8941971
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>> No.8941980

Holy fucking shit MY DICK.

>> No.8941987

I wonder if she drew those eyebrows in herself. She'd look better without the drawn on eyebrows, or at least if they were filled in a bit better. It looks drawn on with eyeliner or something.

>> No.8941990
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>> No.8941998
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they won't for much longer lmao! enjoy your priviledge while you still have it

>> No.8942000
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>> No.8942002

can mtf trans be in public topless?

>> No.8942004
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>> No.8942011 [DELETED] 
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im pretty sure they dont have laws for that specifically. If it is illegal in the place you are at there would probably be a bigger chance of prosecution if the mtf looks like a girl and had a boobjob as opposed to some topless man in a skirt

>> No.8942014


>> No.8942016
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meant as a reply to


>> No.8942020 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8942021
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>> No.8942022
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>> No.8942024
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>> No.8942028
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>> No.8942029
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>> No.8942031

what if girl with jugs identifies as a male

>> No.8942033 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8942034


I think it's only considered indecent if you have a lot of breast fat and look like a woman, so idk

If you're in America and you look like a woman, people might complain. If you look masculine, you could probably get away with it.

>> No.8942039 [DELETED] 
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if they did get a ticket/citation/arrested and they decided to challenge it then its probably up to the judge whether thats valid or not

>> No.8942042
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>> No.8942048 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8942053
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>> No.8942060
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>> No.8942069 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8942073
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>> No.8942090

Holy shit who is that goddess?

>> No.8942093

Buzz cut, pixie, shaved on one side. Short hair on women is sexy and clean. It's screams confidence and gives off a bit of an eclectic vibe.

>> No.8942098 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8942101

Our geography teacher actually has a buzzcut. She's seriously smokin' hot.

>> No.8942115 [DELETED] 
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no idea, got it off /hr, google reverse image search might help


>> No.8942123
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>> No.8942130


>> No.8942133


>> No.8942142

If a woman can pull off buzzcut then she is truly beautiful.

>> No.8942145
File: 5 KB, 186x237, tankgirl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fug did I sell my comics

>> No.8942178

Ugly chink

Asian is worse fetish

>> No.8942185


>> No.8942190

this is the gayest thing i have read here in ages

>> No.8942193

thanks i fapped to her and probably will again

>> No.8942282

Because you're a fucking socially crippled weeabo nerd? Fedora tier

>> No.8942292

Wow nice spasticness right there, you are still a gigantic homo though.

>> No.8942353

chick i met at show...angle makes her look thicker than what she is, hair looks great in all her shots no matter what doe

>> No.8942359
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>> No.8942378

>doesn't like genetically inferior race
>must be gay

Literally autistic

>> No.8942392

the chick isn't black man...

>> No.8942405


>> No.8942431

>Women are supposed to contrast men, not imitate them.
great gender-roles, buddy
you'll be a good patriarch

>> No.8942436


>> No.8942439

>homophobic for hating when women look like men
that has literally nothing to do with homophobia

>> No.8942456


>> No.8942471



>> No.8942472

Lol, his post wasn't even inflammatory in the first place, you dry cunt.

>> No.8942488

I don't agree with the "men should look like this and women should look like that" mindset either, but what you typed up was cringeworthy and tumblr-tier.

>> No.8942544
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Some look amazing buzzcutted

>> No.8942553


>> No.8942598

more pl0x

>> No.8942608

Are you being real???

>> No.8942613


>you have no culture because you judge other cultures because you're american and american culture is shit and I hate it


>> No.8942627
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Well yes

>> No.8942639

Her face looks like it has tumors

>> No.8942653


>> No.8942659
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I just don't see it

>> No.8942673

Why are men incapable of judging the fa-ness of something without involving your dicks?

Yes, it is fa; no, that does not mean it's "attractive"

>> No.8942676

she looks str8 up like shes from the sims

>> No.8942679

why you mad tho


>> No.8942682

Grrr >>r9k

>> No.8942690

Women haven't had anything interesting to say since Frankenstein.

>> No.8942696

>I read a lot of fantasy novels

>> No.8942699

I'm not attracted to women though

>> No.8942904
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>> No.8942916

Eghsa bloo! No nee nassa tuu!

>> No.8943054

Hushing any culture by one's own is ethnocentrism and therefore faulty logic

>> No.8943081

>She probably doesn't give a fuck about what other people think
'Let me ask /fa/'s opinion on this hair'

>> No.8943091
File: 197 KB, 556x747, REGINALGRAYBUFFET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's cold cheeckbones m8, but u & ur family prolly dont have them because of bad incest gene

>> No.8943164

girls need to fuck off with the short hair. My last ex decided to be all "alternative" and shave all her hair off except have a pompadour on top and I was instantly not attracted to her. Not to mention the amount of girls who ruined themselves with the goddamn pixie cuts

>> No.8943168

at least he's not black

>> No.8943180
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>> No.8943188

I have major cheekbones. But my face doesn't look like I have tumors in my cheeks, chin, and jaw. Least of all not as a woman. She looks like sloth from goonies dipped in chocolate

>> No.8943212

girls with short hair you'd see on men come off as major sluts.

i'm not even trying to diss.

>> No.8943223


>> No.8943259

thank you !baldchan

>> No.8943265

This. Femanons beware.

>> No.8943274

>this one does not

>> No.8943280


>> No.8943327

Absolutely. To me, at least. There are a lot of guys who find it unattractive but I find it (and short hair in general) sexy as fuck

>> No.8943336
File: 191 KB, 736x981, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any girls
>caring what you bearderinos think


>> No.8943519

>implying i'm anything like a neckbeard
lol. And that girl is james from twin peaks-core

>> No.8943625
File: 192 KB, 467x700, 1330625232599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short hair is one thing, a buzzcut really does nothing for women.

As long as there's enough hair to style it you can style it in a feminine way.

>> No.8943628


I don't know if they're effay but this lightskin girl in my english class has a buzzcut and i would fuck the shit out of her. She randomly started to talk to me last week but i'm too pussy to ask for her number.

>> No.8943648


muh waifu.

>> No.8943677

sure thing nerd xDDd
do it mang. use the "study" explanation if you need to, she might be smart.

>> No.8943691

Buzzcut on women just seems like something they do for attention. Yea it's cool they wanna do their own thing and be independent, but you know whats even more sexier? People who do their own thing but don't shout it out ever 10 seconds.

>> No.8943726
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>> No.8943742


>> No.8943809

And if a woman actually wants a buzz cut and is her way of doing her own thing?

The problem with the statement you're making is that you're making a massive generalization. Not trying to sound all tumblerista feminist about it, but there's nothing wrong with a buzz if that's what she wants. Might not be sexy to most people, but with a hairstyle like that, I doubt they'd really care

>> No.8944059

Cecilia Méndez

>> No.8944103
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>> No.8944104

she was p qt

>> No.8944221

I saw a girl at family weekend of my university who had a buzzcut who is the twin sister of a girl who has a pretty nxtlvl haircut. They're both qt af. I think girls can only pull off a buzzcut if they have relatively dark eyebrows and are just qt to begin with. Also preferably somewhat gaunt.

>> No.8944256


>shy girl gets a buzzcut and doesn't say a word about it
>"attention whore gtfo stop shouting about it"

you make no sense

>> No.8944263


what does this post mean? what does this post have to do with the one you replied to?

>> No.8944265

meant for

>> No.8944272



>> No.8944304

this makes me want to get a buzz as a guy. should i go for it, or masturbate first and re-evaluate my life?

>> No.8944312


post a picture of your face. it works for some people, but wont for others

>> No.8944401

American culture is objectively shit.

>> No.8944724 [DELETED] 
File: 362 KB, 1080x1920, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want andro

>> No.8944732
File: 58 KB, 270x480, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want andro

>> No.8945037

If you're going dike-core

>> No.8945043


Go for a mullet instead

>> No.8945065


fuckin soooooo hot.

I need a short hair gf. I wish more girls would cut their hair short when they are young, instead they wait until they are old, and truly look like men.

>> No.8945070


Fuck so hot. I need a buzzcut babe. It's rare, I always notice it.

>> No.8945073


SO hot.

If a gril has nice features it really looks great.

>> No.8945079


lol was going to post. I srs fantasize with this pic, like she got those flowers for our apt. she is thinking of getting some ice cream for later so we can share. But then I snap back to my disgusting NEET reality.

>> No.8945090


American culture is akin to saying European culture. The British would never find it fair to judge all of Europe by Hungary and the Swiss would find it unfair to base judgement off of the Belgians. Every state, city and region in the United States is widely different and it is wholly ignorant to assuming anything about the collective "America." As cultured as you may assume yourself to be, you just come off as an ignorant and uncultured dumbass. Try to explore the world a little more and don't judge everything you see unless you have some authority, fuckhead. I have family in Brazil, South Africa, Spain, India, Texas, Canada, Florida, Washington, D.C. and I have seen more of the world than most of the people on this board ever will and I would never dare to make a judgement of any country I haven't spent more than a month in. Even then, I have to be careful. People wouldn't get full on graduate degrees in different cultures if they weren't so complicated. A month is hardly anything to base any judgement on. Don't try so hard to look like an idiot and the people that matter might respect you.

>> No.8945093

>Her edgy upside down cross

This photo was take sometime between 2011-2012

>> No.8945094
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>> No.8945104


>> No.8945114

Whenever Americans say that generalising the USA is just like generalising a continent that's been inhabited for tens of thousands of years with thousands of states, nations and cultures having arisen and fallen in that time it's hilarious.

>> No.8945180

you have a terrible sense of humor

>> No.8945200

>tfw I know a girl who has a 5head and thin as fuck black hair and a really awful skull and I know she'd never could pull off a buzzcut at all
I kind of love her and hate her at the same time, how do I let her know she'll never be /fa/ bros?

>> No.8945314

maybe in the 90's

>> No.8945382



>> No.8946156

i want a buzzcut gf, but i have a buzzcut too so it would be awks

>> No.8946163

>Do you happen to be American?
Goddamn it. This type of regressive shit is as common in Western Europe as it is in the US. Come here during peak European hours and you see a noticeable increase in reactionary assholes. You have distorted, simplistic view of Americans.

>> No.8946171

>dark hair, pale skin, bright blue eyes combo
muh dick, muh heart, muh soul. she's perfect

>> No.8946674
File: 72 KB, 960x720, 1146705_10201847374370406_399107320_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ex gf had it for a while and I liked it

>> No.8946946

also, you talk like a woman. totes awks.

>> No.8947616

>ex gf
you fucked up

>> No.8947662


is your ex gf in london?

>> No.8950195


>> No.8950445

holy shit this thread

>> No.8950557

its nasty
/fa/ wants to get as close 2 fukin a boy as they can

>> No.8950795

shut your whore god damn fucking disgusting

>> No.8950811

Buzzcut is simply god-tier, a sort of benchmark.

If a girl is able to pull it off, not only it means she's gorgeous/cute, it means she's fucking badass too.

>> No.8951450

>and therefore

>> No.8951453

That looks like a little boy.
Not just resembles, but easily mistakable for a little boy.

>> No.8952365

pretty much yes

>> No.8952387

I think a full buzzcut is preferable to this really short hair. A buzz is like some full-on punky commitment which makes a girl who'd choose to get it interesting to me. Pixie cuts just make me feel like I'm dating a twink.

>> No.8952397

They don't work for everyone though. Even Natalie Portman couldn't really pull it off.

>> No.8953218

maximum /fa/

>> No.8953271

I buzzed my hair off once. It looked just fine. I just made up for it by wearing more feminine clothes.