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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 679 KB, 1906x2400, John2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8938018 No.8938018 [Reply] [Original]

What was your biggest fashion realization?

Mine was that people never "oooh" and "ahhh" over people's clothes. People are attractive because their clothes are clean, warm, and good fitting.

I ditched edgy as fuck for clean denim, and good fitting sweaters.

>> No.8938033

I noticed that too, funny enough I was speaking about this today.
Girls compliment each other on flower print leggings (she was also fat) whilst I'm wearing a nice fit, that's just the way it is.

If a man was to compliment my fashion taste (or I did) they'd think I'm gay instantly.

I realized that you should just cop the expensive and/or high quality version of something, otherwise you just keep buying cheap-ass jeans that fall apart when you could have got something like Acne's in the first place.

>> No.8938040

That ultimately almost nobody gives a shit

>> No.8938046

Op here. This is my point exactly. Just make your silhouette as trim as possible, and wear unoffensive clothes.

You can't get more attractive than that.

>> No.8938056

That dressing for girls is pointless because most of them don't have any style

>> No.8938062

john krasinski is a qt

looking more like him is the way to pull bitches tbh

>> No.8938068
File: 609 KB, 2203x2937, EhGYeiE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that you can't be /fa/ without an /fa/ body

as harsh as it sounds there's nothing uglier than a fat person trying to look nice

>> No.8938076

Wear something that you yourself can compliment.

The compliments paid by other people should simply be a cherry on top.

>> No.8938088

Sorry they can't all be azn and wearing full Rick, faggot

>> No.8938100

that's not true tho, there's nothing less appealing than a fat person who clearly doesn't care about there appearance.

>> No.8938108


That you can't be truely /fa/ without a good body. Especially your posture and stance.

That you can be /fa/ even with an average or ugly face. Even if /fa/ is too insecure and biased to admit that as a fact.

That the only way to be less insecure is to stop craving for attention.

>> No.8938110

So, a fat person? If they cared about their appearance they would work hard enough not to be fat

>> No.8938112

that jeans don't really matter unless they fit awful or terrible color/texture. Most people will look at your top half, then skip your pants and go straight to your shoes when looking at an outfit.

>> No.8938117
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some fatty's going to look better in jeans and a t shirt than he is trying to squeeze into slim fit chinos and an ocbd

pic somewhat related

>> No.8938121

going along with this, you know when you pass someone in the street and their outfit/appearance stays in your mind for about 3 seconds? the same goes for you. Nobody gives a hoot about what you're wearing, they have enough going on in their own life.

>> No.8938122

That's not necessarily true, most people will, at least subconsciously, notice the difference between good and bad pants

>> No.8938127

>high quality

>> No.8938130

Sad but true. Never felt comfy when I was 20kg heavier.
Now I got super sensitive regarding materials. It has to be soft, modal-like.

Can't believe people spend money on primark and cheap shit, it itches and stinks..

>> No.8938132


>> No.8938139

I knew there'd be one fucking contrarian who just had to say it.
Well done Anon, pat yourself on the back, you yes YOU have the hottest opinion and cool fact! :)

>> No.8938143

That most of the population thinks I'm gay, even when I'm out with my girlfriend.
I was at Jcrew with my girlfriend and had her pick out whatever coat she wanted and I'd get it for her. The woman working there said "oh you two can have the big room so you can go in together", which never happens at department stores with a male and female customer. Then when we came out, she said "oh i'm so happy you have such a great friend to help you decide". Fuck.

>> No.8938146

Yeah you always have to dress according to your shape or lose weight when your shape happens to be like a round blob.
Took me a while to realise I won't ever fit into that drapey look due to too wide shoulders and wide hips..

>> No.8938149
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>> No.8938159
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yeah, I realized that a long time ago. It was also when I started dropping the pretentious attitude I had around me as well.

The reality is this for me - I'd rather spend my money on a bunch of cool and interesting pieces than something like drugs, vidya, or some other waste of money. Other than the fact that the only place I could probably shop since I'm so skinny is like UO or H&M, although parts of this do it for others, I don't drop 200+ On a pair of jeans for another person. I do it because I like it, and it feels good to get a quality product.

I mean, why do any of you buy name-brand food when usually the generic is just as good? It might taste slightly better, but is anyone gonna really notice if you serve them Wal-Mart mac n cheese instead of Kraft? Probably not.

But I notice, and at the end of the day YOU are the most important person in the world, and when you are happy and pleasant, than others will be happy and pleasant around you.

>> No.8938160

If you aren't arrogant enough to ignore the plebs then you'll never be effay

>> No.8938163

i like it

>> No.8938166

>Buying boxed mac n cheese

>> No.8938169

have you realized the anti-meme attitude has become a meme in itself?

>> No.8938171

Nigga I be loving me some boxed mac n cheese

>> No.8938189
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>> No.8938203

>not eating kraft dinner

No anon, you are the pleb.

>> No.8938220

is this what poor people tell themselves to feel better?

>> No.8938233

have you realized the anti-anti-meme attitude has become a meme in itself?

>> No.8938239

>You need a great body
>You need a perfume that compliments your style and character
>You need to take care of your hair
>You need to drop "what's /fa/?" and wear what actually suits you and your social stance
>You need good manners, posture, stance, movements
>You need to read a lot
>You need to be educated at least on a basic level on most topics and fields
>You need to improve your voice and vocabulary
>Play at least one instrument, for your own pleasure
>Learn to not judge hopeless people, rather ignore them or let them be
>Learn to not judge people with hope, rather give them advice or push them to the right direction.

Pretty much it. Probably missed a few things, but they'd come out from all of that as it is.

>> No.8938248

how do you improve your voice
people say I sound like a robot and it pisses me off

>> No.8938262

I've had a couple realizations recently.. One was that I need to stop buying so much crap for the sole reason that it's on sale, or clearance, or whatever so I feel like I'm getting a good deal. Often times I end up regretting the purchase (whether it be only $20, $40, whatever) and never wearing the garment because it was an impulse buy and not something I actually needed / fit in to my wardrobe. Those small price tags add up over time.

Second recent realization goes along with OP's. Sometimes, less is more / simplicity is best. A fit that I've been doing recently that has really been working for me is plain, well-fitting white crew neck t-shirt, dark slim jeans, and some type of simple shoes (usually my Clark's desert boots). Looks classic and clean.

Third realization (not a recent one, I discovered this years ago) was that fitness is just as important as -- if not more important than -- what you're wearing.

>> No.8938264

that could be a lot of things. that could be a lack of inflection and emotion, like you're monotonous, which is fixable.

it could also just be that you have a shit voice which is was it is

>> No.8938270

>Play at least one instrument, for your own pleasure
They all have some truth to them except for this one. This is just trying to imitate upper class and has no relation to fashion or your appearance what so ever.

>> No.8938271

Very well put anon. I agree with all points mentioned.

>> No.8938283
File: 57 KB, 341x257, AverageArmenians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This true except
>You need a perfume that compliments your style and character

I think that having no scent is ideal. Wash yourself, don't apply stinky perfumes or hair products.

Of course I was raised in a Middle eastern neighborhood where every dude applied a liter of perfume to themselves every day and dressed like they were in a Jersey Shore / Godfather crossover. They made me repulsed at the scent of cologne.

>> No.8938286

Don't do it if you don't feel like it, but it's a good way to both relax, ease your mind and soul and also makes you appreciate music outside of what you normally listen to, as well as other branches of art.

>> No.8938290

>it's a good way to both relax, ease your mind and soul and also makes you appreciate music outside of what you normally listen to, as well as other branches of art.
I don't necessarily disagree with this, it's just not related to fashion.

>> No.8938296

Having wide shoulders and an muscular body isn't a sin. Fuck /fa/.

>> No.8938305

>They made me repulsed at the scent of cologne.
>Implying that all colognes smell the same

I promise you that there are more fragrances out there than you can fathom, and you just need to investigate which ones suit you best and are pleasant to your senses.

And when I say "you need to," I mean.. It's fine if you don't want to wear one, but don't be convinced that you hate how they all smell. Finding and wearing a fragrance that you enjoy is a very fun, subtle way to enhance every-day life.

>> No.8938308
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But that's the point. Having a skill at something artistic, especially art or music, is the most effective way to sharpen your mind and make it more intelligent, if that's what you want. Like knowing constellations and be able to say something about the stars in the sky, or be able to pick a leaf and say what tree it is from. Y'know?

>> No.8938317


What a boring way to go through life. Clothing is an opportunity to say something. If you have nothing to say, go ahead and dress like John Krasinski.

>> No.8938328

>Having a skill at something artistic, especially art or music, is the most effective way to sharpen your mind and make it more intelligent, if that's what you want.
Source? That just sounds like pretentious bullshit. The reading part already covers the sharpen your mind and make it more intelligent. Playing an instrument will make you smart in some ways sure, but hardly in ways that will contribute very much to your general appearance, unlike being well-spoken and having general knowledge.

>> No.8938332

"I'm intelligent in the age of the internet
Where you're as smart as how quickly you can use your smart phone
I'm complex"

>> No.8938335

A hat can completely change the look of an outfit.

>> No.8938343
File: 199 KB, 746x574, Burgergun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if your chosen method of communication is what pieces of fabric you stick your torso through then maybe what you have to say isnt very important

>> No.8938381

*tips le sneaky spy fedora*

>> No.8938389

I dunno I feel that in myself, after I picked up sketching and doing pieces of art in my own free time, I have become better at things like judging distance, hand eye coordination etc. What the poster realised in his list was that it doesn't all stop at your appearance, it goes deeper than that, it isn't only about making yourself look and smell good, it is also being fashionable in character. I'm not trying to be an asshole here I'm honestly invested in that list that he made, like, it was really spot on.

>> No.8938404

I know these feels to an extent, but only when I'm out solo or with friends. When I'm with my gf people don't think I'm gay (why would they?). If they do, they are thinking it completely to themselves. You and your gf must be very anti-PDA or something.

But yea I can't tell you how many times I've been approached (whether by gay guy, or a fag-hag type) giggly "Um I have a question.. Are you gay?"

I get asked way less now that I live in the city. Before, living in a rural area, it was a lot worse.

>> No.8938428

>it is also being fashionable in character
Oh don't misunderstand me, I agree. I just don't agree that playing an instrument is necessarily a vital part in building character.

>> No.8938435
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Yohji would disagree.

>> No.8938540

It gives you something to talk about. If I had no hobby like playing an instrument, I would seem bland, I might as well have watched every episode of House Wives of Orange County
It is as much of a vital part of character as an occupation. It is also effective when battling depression or low self-esteem. It is in my case

>> No.8938576

But now we're talking having a hobby, or being an interesting person in general. You can achieve that in thousands of ways without having ever so much as touched an instrument.

>> No.8938596
File: 104 KB, 491x720, tumblr_nakt14eHWW1rvfns3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. But that's the point which I was making.
So you weren't arguing about the hobby thing, you just hate the idea of playing an instrument???
What makes you so scared about playing instruments? If you can't play an Instrument, the you have no chance of being Jimi Hendrix. Sorry but that's the truth

>> No.8938606
File: 275 KB, 463x660, Unbelievable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8938614

>Mine was that people never "oooh" and "ahhh" over people's clothes. People are attractive because their clothes are clean, warm, and good fitting.

You're halfway there young padawan.

>> No.8938667

I'm most definitely not arguing against having a hobby, I just didn't agree with the original list that had "play at least one instrument, for your own pleasure" as a fashion realization, like it's something everyone should do because it helps in their general appearance. My immediate thought was playing the violin or the piano, just because that's what the stereotypical rich and cultivated people do.

>> No.8938690

Well then you're wrong. I dunno what the list maker was thinking, but I'm the only person I know who plays an Instrument and I have an empty wallet most of the time. All the rich people I know don't play instruments, they take vallium

>> No.8938711

>All the rich people I know don't play instruments
Most rich people today aren't cultivated. Think upper middle class/upper class back in the day, playing a classical instrument used to (and still is to some extent) considered 'classy'. I do actually happen to have rich friends who play the violin and the piano.

>> No.8938724
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I agree mostly. I'm not so sure about men because I pay more attention to women's fashion, but I've seen some heavier women pull off clothing extremely well, but I think the confidence of those women helped a lot and I imagine all of this would work just as well with men.

Big women who dress for their shapes and know their palettes will always seem much more fashionable than big women who try to squeeze into smaller clothing, dress in over-sized clothing, or purposely dress in a more provocative way that doesn't flatter their shape to show that bigger girls can be just as sexy as thinner ones. Even the ones that use shapewear or are lucky enough to be heavy and have a relatively flat tummy can be pretty /fa/.

Not quite sure how /fa/ feels about her, but I like the way Trainor dresses most of the time.The way the colors and the A-line shape dress help shape her body. It doesn't hide the fact she's big, but it's still looks good on her. I don't think I'd like this fit nearly as much if it were on a thinner woman with less pronounced curves.

But, yes, its definitely much MUCH easier to be /fa/ with a good body. Most fashionable, interesting pieces are made with thin/average sized people in mind, but not having a good body doesn't mean you can't be fashionable. You just have to work a lot harder to get there.

It's about the clothes, imo.

>> No.8938750

>You just have to work a lot harder to get there.

Maybe they could try working hard on getting a good body then?

>> No.8938770

What is the final step, master-kun?

>> No.8938782
File: 326 KB, 1448x829, 1382947919534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not quite sure how /fa/ feels about her

She's a cunt that's trying to convince people that being unhealthy is a good thing. And she gets applause from the billions of insecure people who would rather "muh feelings" than face logic and reason.

This is how Rome falls.

>> No.8938787


Or they could work hard and dress for the body they already have.

It depends on the person. They can go in whatever direction they chose. I was simply stating that being heavy doesn't necessarily mean its impossible to dress well.

>> No.8938805

Or they could work hard and get a better body so it's easier to look good in clothing, but also you have a better face and get to enjoy benefits not pertinent to aesthetics like lower risk of heart disease and diabetes, and improved stair-climbing ability.

If you choose to work hard to dress for a shit body instead of improving your body, you're not effay.

>> No.8938811



Who cares, really. If she wants to make insecure people feel better, let her go ahead and make tons of money off of them. The post wasn't about health, I just wasn't aware of anyone else here thought of her style. I should have clarified. I'm just saying that you can still dress well if you're a bit heavier as long as it isn't too drastic

>> No.8938828


I disagree. It's their lives and they can live it however they want. If someone is dressing well and putting effort into what they wear, even at a heavier size, they're fashionable. There's really nothing else to it.

>> No.8938839

this is a pretty interesting statement

>> No.8938849


>> No.8938852


well, not wearing general H&M cardigans, black tights, with uggs or horribly disgusting cheap brown boots that arent fitted to your legs would be a start

>> No.8938857

oh look another sjw faggot on /fa/


>> No.8938858

Hmm, my mom lives in a big house, and i was forced to play the piano. Could it be true guys? Do i have a rich family?

>> No.8938859


I like Yohji, but that looks like

>> No.8938860
File: 374 KB, 900x1600, 1412123901552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule 1 of good fashion is a recognition of the fact that the clothes are not the center piece; they are the frame. Your body/face is the art that is being framed. When someone looks at you, the clothes should not be what is grabbing their attention.

Rick's #2 rule of fashion confirms. "Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead."

The attitude that fashion is about clothes, instead of using clothes AS A TOOL, is a bad attitude to begin with.

>> No.8938861


>implying that guy wouldnt look effay as fuck if he aged like 20 years and gained enough girth to look round overall, with that fit

>> No.8938864


This isn't about social justice, I was stating an opinion. You seem a bit salty, anon.

>> No.8938866


Too tired to finish sentences

>> No.8938872


Fashion is an art. To say that there are rules is a bit absurd.

>> No.8938873

Only if you strictly play classical pieces and the big house is in a good neighborhood.

>> No.8938879

And your opinion is objectively wrong. Big girls will always look worse compared to slim girls. It's a simple fact, ergo they are less /fa/.

>> No.8938885


Don't get me wrong, I agree with leading a healthy lifestyle and keeping in shape. I was just saying that heavier people can dress well if they chose to.

>> No.8938887

Well i sucked, but my mom did play classical pieces and we came from a good neighbourhood. Not the best there is though, in my city. Am i now middleclass?

>> No.8938892


It can't be objectively wrong because it was an opinion, just as your statement is. This is entirely subjective.

>> No.8938908

>I was stating an opinion. You seem a bit salty, anon.

>I w-w-was j-j-just stating an opinion.

>B-b-btw, Anon, you s-s-seem a b-b-bit salty.

>> No.8938910

Nope, you might think there are no things as objectively wrong opinions. But that is the problem with how you (and millions of other children) were raised. Some things are simply better than others, better accept it and not hide your head in the sand and talk about "muh privelege".

>> No.8938912
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Behold: the logic of a sjw.

Let me just play with semantics to avoid being called out

When in doubt, just remind everybody that "hurr everything is subjective" and you can take the wind out of their soild logic!

>> No.8938916

You are objectively wrong about opinions not being objectively wrong. Also your opinion is objectively wrong btw.

>> No.8938917

you can compliment a guys fashion while being a guy without being a complete homo. When you compliment a guys clothes dont be like "those shoes match you aqua blue eyes." just be like "dope shoes dawg" and thats that.

>> No.8938919


>You need a great body

true, or at least dress to your body shape at the very least. the general truth is, though, if youre fat you wont look good in 90% of the shit you wear

>You need a perfume that compliments your style and character

not true, you just need to not smell repugnant

>You need to take care of your hair

true, unless the unkempt idgaf look actually works for you

>You need to drop "what's /fa/?" and wear what actually suits you and your social stance

unless youre completely uneducated, true

>You need good manners, posture, stance, movements


>You need to read a lot

not true

>You need to be educated at least on a basic level on most topics and fields

not true, you just need to not be an idiot and be willing to learn new ideas

>You need to improve your voice and vocabulary


>Play at least one instrument, for your own pleasure

not true

>Learn to not judge hopeless people, rather ignore them or let them be
>Learn to not judge people with hope, rather give them advice or push them to the right direction.

completely the opposite thing that you should do, you should give hopeless people the advice or push them in the right direction, and you should just leave people with hope alone as they know what theyre doing

this is of course if they actually want your advice and help. theres nothing more pretentious and overbearing and un/fa/ than imposing your own personal opinions and worldviews on others

please dont post again

>> No.8938924


there is such a thing as a wrong opinion you fucking retard

>> No.8938928


Any more info on that crazy cool lad story tho?

>> No.8938931
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Nah, as long as they go after the right look, being fat and dressing well is a fuck of a lot better than being a fat slob.

Best look for a fat dude is to grow a nice beard and go full lumber jack, and that only works with guys who are built, but chubby. Not just regular fat people.

Fat people who just try to emulate what they see on skinny people however never pull it off. Pic related. It's also an absolute shit fit. I don't know why designers even make XL and XXL sizes.

>> No.8938937


"in my opinion, apples arent fruits"

>> No.8938940


Do you think that this is actually objective? There is no science to this, you know. I'm not going to pass any of my ideas off as facts as you have because I'm aware that they're not.

This is, and this is an actual fact, entirely subjective. Whether you'd like to believe it or not.

Go back and reread my post. Not once have I even compared heavy women to thin women. I said, and I can't make this any more simple, that heavier women can be fashionable if they put the effort into it. Some are lost causes, but it isn't impossible.

>> No.8938962
File: 154 KB, 730x544, Navy (Nike Air Max 1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the opinion of Air Max's in your country/area?

I like the look of some of them but they have been tarnished in Australia by the amount of rats who wear them

>> No.8938963

>don't know why designers even make XL and XXL sizes.
Mmmm those sizes are not for fatties tho.
Confirmed for never handling and trying actual designer clothes
Designer XXL is like regular M or even XS in ameriburger measures

>> No.8938966


Apples are fruits and passing off an opinion that they're not would obviously be wrong.

With fashion, just as with any other form of art, it works a lot differently because it depends entirely on the individual. Once art is shared with the public, it's theirs to evaluate on their own.

>> No.8938972

Shit wrong post soz

>> No.8938977

>What is the opinion of Air Max's in your country/area?


>> No.8938982
File: 37 KB, 670x496, 1381091612871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get called out for spewing shit
>"But its my RIGHT to spew shit!"

>> No.8938983

If you want air maxes, keep it simple. Don't get shit with spickles...

>> No.8938985

You seem a bit salty, Anon.

>> No.8939020

I'm not really, but the argument you're trying to make is hardly relevant to anything I've posted. Fashion is fashion regardless of who it's on. If you really think that fashion is something that has to follow a certain set of rules or guidelines, so be it.

You're right, people should stop posting opinions entirely. Showcasing different perspectives is so un/fa/

>> No.8939023

Record yourself and listen back to it.
Make small changes in pitch, intonation etc.
Repeat until satisfied.

>> No.8939025

That /fa/ mostly isn't about developing personal style or exploring fashion, but people looking for a magic pill to make themselves as sexually attractive as possible on first glance, in order to cope with the lifetime of rejection that helped drive them to 4chan in the first place.

>> No.8939026
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>> No.8939029

>opinions in response to opinions

>Theres nothing more pretentious and overbearing and un/fa/ than imposing your own personal opinions and worldviews on others.
>please don't post again

oh the hypocrisy

>> No.8939035


>> No.8939039

How about some RF's knock offs?

Is it socially acceptable to transfer one brands colourway across?

>> No.8939043

Learning to sing at a basic level is also helpful as it teaches you a lot about correcting breathing and how sounds are actually shaped.

>> No.8939049
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go back to KC

>> No.8939074

I realized that fashion becomes unpractical past a certain point, like OP said. There's a limit to how edgy you can dress and not have it hurt how most people see you. I'd love to move past wherre I am now and experiment more, but if I do i actually risk people seeing me more negativley. Also, being fit and groomed is infinitley more attractive then being /fa/.

>> No.8939076

not the anon you're discussing this with. but do you not realize the significance of shape and form in fashion? and yes, that applies to the channeled medium (i.e. a person a body).

theyolo anticlimatic

>> No.8939080
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That it's all about face.

>> No.8939086
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This whole thread
fucking LEL
It reads like Autism Anonymous
You all dress like shit
Most of you will always dress like shit
Some of you have potential, but are too stupid to learn
This board is kill

>> No.8939106

Does it matter that much how generic "people" see you? Why not go all out for something you love and attract the other people who also love it. You will never satisfy everyone and I'm not sure there's much point in trying. How many friends do you actually need?

>> No.8939109

I think most important thing to realize for all the retarded neckbeards and 'enlightened' 17-23 somethings here is that this board is /fa/ - Fashion. It's not /fa/ - Attraction Rules or whatever shit you retards think fashion is. It's not about looking good, it's not about attracting females/opposite gender/preferred gender/god knows what degenerate tumbleristas came up with etc., it's not about faking a lifestyle of an old money inheritor while you make 60k or less, it's not about appearing dark and sophisticated while you do a liberal arts degree at some shithole of an alma mater etc.

>> No.8939127
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>tfw actually wealthy
>tfw go to top Uni
>tfw 4chan can't fathom there are people like me

>> No.8939129

Thank you for your constructive criticism.
Keep up the good work.

>> No.8939132

>it's not about appearing dark and sophisticated while you do a liberal arts degree at some shithole of an alma mater etc.
so what's the point then?

>> No.8939150

Not sure if you're still around: how do/did you dress to have people approach you like that? It's never happened to me and I like to think I'm in good shape and dress decently.

>> No.8939159

good 4 u, disregard those ppl, some cant comprehend how can you have a gf.

what degree are you doing?

>> No.8939186


Yeah, it's significant, but fashion isn't restricted to any certain body type. If you're not tall and slender, you can still dress well, you just won't be able to pull of the things that tall and/or slender people pull off.

It obviously wouldn't work if they're too fat or disfigured because there aren't going to be any good options for them, but being bigger and not having a good body doesn't necessarily mean you can't be /fa/. It depends largely on the individual. I think people who dress themselves with their body type in mind, focusing in on features they want to accentuate and draw attention away from, experimenting with colors and shapes, and finding their own style, people who seem to put actual effort into the clothes they wear, are pretty /fa/

>> No.8939193

Double majoring in Economics and Political Science.
I think it's funny when people don't know how to get a girlfriend.. It's really not that hard, just fucking talk to girls and it will happen.

>> No.8939201


That's controversial. I can't stand people who claim there's no difference between 'white-label' products and more expensive ones, as if not buying always the cheapest shit was dumb. Man, you're free to make your own choices and buy whatever you want but please don't tell me there is little to no difference between this and that because you're either detail-blind or retarded. Of course the more expensive stuff is not always better (see beats, macs, etc.), but there's no great conspiracy out there to make you pay more for the same quality.

>> No.8939202

what uni?

Yeah, good thing I realized that at 15.

>> No.8939261

Your as much as 4chan as anyone else. If you are here you are apart of the board.

>> No.8939278

>tfw you are cellular respiration autist

>> No.8939297
File: 72 KB, 450x587, 7949_346296832107065_1925961042_n_20121007_032824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you realize pic related, you can come back down to earth, and evaluate your looks objectively instead of dressing for the fantasy world and fantasy-self that have no basis in cold reality.

>> No.8939309
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>presents meme as argument

>> No.8939374

Not so much the way I dress as it is my general appearance that has caused this type of attention.

>Nice physique
>Coiffed hair
>Pretty-boy face

Btw I'm not trying to "talk myself up" by saying those things about myself. In fact I'm sure I'll get plenty of hate on this for the 5'7 part (something I'll never get about this board).

But I dress rather dad-core (for lack of a better term), or just basic, classic fits.

As for why you've never been asked if you're gay,, Some people just have that "look" about them and others simply don't. Apparently, to some people, I just have that look. Hasn't bothered me or been an issue for years; it used to be more annoying before I gained more confidence in being able to pick up girls.

>> No.8939392

>Just make your silhouette as trim as possible

Obvious shitlord. Just keep it to yourself.

>> No.8939393

Maybe it's my face or height, I'm 6'2" if that's somehow unapproachable

Anyway thanks for sharing, have a nice day

>> No.8939395



Also, what is an "OCBD"?

>> No.8939421

Yea your height is prob a huge deterrent from getting random dudes coming up hitting on you.

>> No.8939429
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its new and it walks among us

>> No.8939435

never think about pieces of clothing in a vacuum. /fa/ especially constantly perpetuates this thinking, there's way more talk of individual pieces. it's the fits that matter.

everything matters when putting together an outfit that looks good (=actually makes you look better than you do). color schemes in particular i've become really anal about. you will quickly get a feel for what pieces of clothing look good, but to put it all together is different story.

also this.

>> No.8939445


Occupations are the least interesting part of a person. When people talk about their job, it's because they have no personality.

>> No.8939478

Hey it's a real issue
You'll understand someday

>> No.8939492

are you sarcastic?

I dont know, yesterday I was walking to get some food, and I see a girl and an asian lady coming towards me, and this girl just smiles, it wasnt quite 'haha wtf this shitlord clown doing', more like old friend smile or seomthing, and that lady just kinda pulls her from me and avoids my trajectory of moving, you know? what the fuck

the other day, I'm walking past old asian couple on a bus stop, and the man just kinda turns away and tries to make himself as small as possible, woman looks at me, he says something to her as I approach, and she does the same

>> No.8939522

I think this is pretty much the same thing you said, but people will treat people who dress and look better but they won't know it.

You know when people say shit like "I like him but idk why", it's because of your looks. Even if you aren't obviously good looking, if you dress well people will just subconsciously treat you better.

>> No.8939528

your cup is empty

>> No.8939531

Sounds like you are just insecure about yours.

>> No.8939535
File: 11 KB, 345x419, 10268325_617479881667057_891339322_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True words, brother

>> No.8939538

For men specifically:
>Being witty and intelligent > being /fa/
>Regardless of whether or not a woman is into traditionally masculine looks, nearly all of them prefer a traditionally masculine demeanor. Nothing is a bigger turnoff than a sensitive, emotionally needy guy who only has female friends and tries too hard to please.
>a decently dressed man with a natural disposition > a very well dressed man who looks like he's trying too hard

Also, men generally care more about looks than women. Everyone who thinks that they'll suddenly get any woman they want because they have nice hair is fooling themselves. It's the boost in confidence that having nice hair gives you, not the nice hair.

>> No.8939545

What the fuck just happened here

>> No.8939550

I wasn't being sarcastic. Yea your height or perhaps other aspects of your appearance probably intimidate people. (I don't know what you look like, obv). Then again, judging by your story maybe asian ppl are just afraid of you.

>> No.8939602

head to toe tricky ricky

>> No.8939613

>Rick's #2 rule of fashion confirms. "Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead."

Yet /fa/ is convinced being hungry anorexic skeletons will help them look perfect in their 4th hand ebay Dreambox fits

>> No.8939629

This is true. I buy cheap ass jeans and just tailor them myself.

>> No.8939630

They look at thin models and find them attractive, then stupidly think that women are into that look as well. They need to understand that most women aren't into men that look like them

>> No.8939638

Rick calls them "unfuckable little jellyfish"

>> No.8939646

post fit, I bet you're chub tumblrcore with at least edgy hair colors in the last 12 months.

>> No.8939653

Off topic, but where to get some trousers similar to these? Been looking for a good while but haven't found anything similar of decent quality anywhere. Any suggestions?

>> No.8939672


... and what pants are these? been searching for ones like them.

>> No.8939685

underrated post

>> No.8939687

I would like to know too

>> No.8939689


>> No.8939691


Not really. When I meet people, I want to talk about interesting things instead of hearing about what they did while sitting at a desk for eight hours a day.

>> No.8939703


this response was actually used correctly this time

>> No.8939718

underrated post

>> No.8939732


/fa/ has turned to shit. It's nothing but insecure teens and 20-somethings projecting their insecurities into each other and complaining about >no gf instead of appreciating fashion

cant we all be clothing-loving /fa/ggots again? jeez

>> No.8939744

Fashion is about all of those things. If how other people perceive you isn't a concern, then you wouldn't bother spending $200 on some jeans. We're social beings. Every aspect of our public persona is influenced by the people around us.

>> No.8939812 [DELETED] 

Obviously there's some element, even if it's subconscious. I dress, let's say, 85% for myself and 15% for the admiration of other people.

However, if you care more about other people than yourself, that's not fashion. that's trying to be attractive. There's definitely a difference.

>> No.8939826

there's some element of that yeah, for everyone. but fashion is about caring for yourself first. if you care more about other people's judgement than your own, that's not fashion. that's trying to be attractive.

>> No.8939849

What's with this newfag mfa holdout "ignore trends dress for yourself" meme shit lately

Fa is getting too reddit mfa lately

>> No.8939850

>It's nothing but insecure teens and 20-somethings projecting their insecurities into each other and complaining

thats all of 4chan

>> No.8939851
File: 289 KB, 500x382, i keep it real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>in college
>it's a rural college so nobody is interested in fashion
>i haven't even met people who are into video games besides autists
>barely have any friends
>would probably have more friends if i didn't alienate myself by dressing differently
>tfw no /fa/ crew
>tfw no crew in general
>not even anyone to play smash bros with
>at home, though, i have tons of friends

>> No.8939854

Yet they claim superiority smh

>> No.8939901


that was /fa/ before lonely insecure newfags started showing up

>> No.8939915

its /r9k/ shit spilling out everywhere. it already happened to /fit/.

>> No.8939924

Sounds like me when I was in high school growing up in a shitty small town. I wept with joy when I finally moved to the city for university.

>> No.8939932

>Obviously there's some element, even if it's >subconscious. I dress, let's say, 85% for >myself and 15% for the admiration of other >people.

>However, if you care more about other people >than yourself, that's not fashion. that's trying >
>to be attractive. There's definitely a difference.


>> No.8939954

when I put on unconstructured blazer and suddenly felt more comfortable than wearing bombers, rick hoodies and other shit.

I realized I will dress toned down menswear and feel gord gord.

>> No.8939988

I do agree, however. I feel like shit when wearing just about anything other than nicely fitted casual menswear. I might feel comfy, but I still feel like shit. Menswear just seems right on me, I like how it feels and looks.

>> No.8940139

i don't like either of those

>> No.8940178

>wear a pair of blue ZX fluxs to work for 2 months
>girl comments that I have cool shoes
>she's never noticed them before
>tell her how long I've had them

mfw the realisation that people who don't care about shoes don't even look at your feet

>> No.8940456

>I don't have any standards bc I'm a lonely nigger so no one else should either

>> No.8940556

That first one is something I need to stop. I mostly buy a lot of button-up shirts, and I like to have different colors. Problem is, after a while, I start to forget which colors I have and I'll come home only to discover I had a similar shirt.

So I think I'll stop buying shirts altogether for a while.

>> No.8940599

It's true though, unless you're a real stickler for shoes no one gives a shit. & even if a person does care about the shoes, they still have to stand out enough from the rest of your outfit for them to notice.

>> No.8940623

Agreed. She's a fucking spiteful, jealous bitch who probably made that song after someone commented on her weight or something. That song is shit, I don't deserve to be shamed because I take care of my body and give a damn about my health (I weigh 106 pounds which may sound a little too skinny but I'm short so it's fine). Ironic how all the Tumblr feminists love her, stupid hypocrites, how is putting down a whole group of women "feminism?" Surprise, it's still "body shamimg" if you're making fun of skinny women!

>> No.8940633

>makes thread on a fashion board about the realization that clothes fitting is important
>if your chosen method of communication is what pieces of fabric you stick your torso through then maybe what you have to say isnt very important


>if your chosen method of communication is what pieces of metal you blow air from your mouth through then maybe what you have to say isn't very important
>if your chosen method of communication is what lines you can paint on a sheet of dead wood then maybe what you have to say isnt very important
>if your chosen method of communication is what shapes you can make of metal and plywood then maybe what you have to say isnt very important
>if your chosen method of communication is what gasps of CO2 and saliva escape the hole in your mouth then maybe what you have to say isnt very important

fuck off you dumbass, uncultured idiot

>> No.8941936

w2c chinos?

>> No.8941968


He never said anything about dress being the chosen / only / ultimate method of communicating the self to others, he only said that it does communicate SOMEthing, which is true.

Whether you want to admit it or not, the way a person is dressed says something about the person, and everybody, even subconsciously, makes assumptions or generally analyzes what they see others wearing and creates a mental image of some sort. It's inevitable.

Clothing as communication relates to that analysis, it's how you can change things up and present yourself in a way that you might feel reflects some parts of you that you want to highlight to others.

Of course, it depends on the person and the situation. The most interesting people can be dressed like average joes, and vice versa.

"Fashion is one of the most effective forms of instant communication and self-expression, but it doesn’t compensate for having something interesting to say."

>> No.8942006


I think one of the main in recent experience has been that personal style naturally follows life experiences, it isn't something that you somehow discover or cultivate through the internet alone,

Funny thing is I always knew this and would preach it to others but hadn't realized that I don't actually take my own advice, or involve myself in any of my other interests outside of fashion.

"Personal style" became some kind of warped aspirational formula / step by step evolution for me, resulting in alot of confusion and disappointment. I thought I'd been doing everything right but the end result wasn't what I expected.

Been taking it easy on fashion and clothing, and branching out into other cultures instead. Much more pleasurable and organic.

Been going to a few concerts recently and realized that I had quite a biased judgmental viewpoint when it came to how others dressed. Why did these people choose to dress this way? What are they like as an individual? Lots of cool and interesting people that I probably dismissed as looking, therefore being, "x" or "y". Still constantly have to remind myself not to be such an insecure fuck who judges everyone else within this narrow scope of "my personal high fashion tastes"

>> No.8942018

>trying this hard to justify your own nerd ass clothes
>people are attractive because their clothes are warm

>> No.8942070

the personality you mean
hes incrediblt average

>> No.8942264

>Getting into fashion just to impress people around you
Fuck off

>> No.8942274

If youre dressing for others than yeah wear nice clean warm sweaters and shit. But im not here to impress others. I like dressing certain ways

>> No.8942294

i'm used to a sneakerhead crowd (thanks perth) so yeah the realisation that literally no one cares unless they're super interested. it's almost like why do i even bother

>> No.8942297

We don't all sit at a desk all day. I'm sorry you apparently do, anon.

>> No.8942326

If youre dressing for others then yeah why do you even bother? But if you enjoy looking good why care what others think?

>> No.8942383

he doesnt tho

>> No.8942391

>not here to impress others

Yeah you autists are here to impress eachother, admiit it

>> No.8942433

Anyone who uses fashion to impress others is autistic. But why would I want to impress fa/ggots

>> No.8942441

It does, but even designers realize fats can be none disgusting.
Depends on what you wear, too many wear skin tight shit or ultra baggy.

>> No.8942445

Post fit since you're indifferent to fa's opinion. Unless you're afraid, which makes you a hypocrite

>> No.8942470

I would be a hypocrite if I posted a fit after saying posting dressing for others make you an autistic
If you think dressing for others is ok then why dont you post a fit?

>> No.8942543

>excuse to not post fit


>> No.8942556

Why are you so determined to see my fit? Why are you so afraid to post your own fit? If posting fits is so great why not post your own?

>> No.8942580

People ooh and Awww my clothing though?

Honestly I realize headwraps are my thing but that 1. People sometimes can't tell if I am male or female 2. People assume I African 3. People are shocked when they hear my voice

I get stopped on the street by people who want to compliment me, I never know how to respond :-P

>> No.8942597

are you that plastic negro with a rag on his head 24/7?

>> No.8942603

Plastic? Also I wear silk head wraps in public, durags are when I am in bed/at home

>> No.8942680

>Don't ever spit upon those below you.
>be nice to people, it pays

I can't tell you how many times I've been lost on vacation and a homeless person has given me directions right to a T. Give them a small handful of quarters. Everyone wins.

>> No.8942701

What if I'm a skellington and clothes that fit me make me look like a skellington?

>> No.8942712

All you did was sell out for plebs - all you were doing was overdressing like an autist

>> No.8942714

post a picture.
I'm sure it looks good.

>> No.8942734

I'm a 6'0, 120 lb male with long arms and a head that's too small for my body.

Clothes that truly fit make me look like a disproportionate tranny.

>> No.8942744

>People assume I African
Are you not black and wearing a headwrap? lol

I wear a keffiyeh sometimes, but I'm part arab so it's not too weird.

>> No.8942748

Jelly that you are 120lb and 6'

I can't seem to go below 155lb without feeling like organ failure will happen shortly

>> No.8942753

Good god, just eat more.

>> No.8942754

I am 183cm 145lbs/65 kg and I'm not that skelly.
I wear skinnies and tight tops.

>> No.8942757

Well like most black Americans who wear headwraps still look black American, I just look straight from Africa but more Sahel or Horn/Afro-Arab than west or central

>> No.8942761

Don't listen to >>8942753 if you don't want to lose weight, I weigh the exact same as you.
People don't have the right to tell you what you should do with your body, I know it sounds like stupid landwhale shit but if you're happy being skinny just do it.

Nothing but a bunch of /fit/ crossposters.
>you need to
>you should
>you gotta
>dude eat some

>> No.8942762

Nobody cares you nigra

>> No.8942769

Probably my small head and gracile bones that allowed me to get to this low weight.

I'd look way better at 145.

> if you're happy being skinny just do it.
I'm not happy being skinny though. Gaining weight would be great, but ultimately I can't make my skull bigger.

>> No.8942779

Well apparently that person I responded to did :3

>> No.8942780
File: 30 KB, 300x300, C-A900m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see.

This hat, cop?

>> No.8942782

What a feelgood post

Way to be friendly you bitch ass nerd

Im sure he would have been irreversibly transformed into ronnie coleman without your helpful pep talk

>> No.8942785

Lanklets never learn, do they?

>> No.8942786

Just fuck off dude you're not even funny.
I don't like seeing loads of people ganging up on others making them feel bad about their lifestyle choice.

>> No.8942792
File: 124 KB, 500x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised, that kente is actually of quality

Pic related is the real deal, those hats aren't all that common in Ashantiland/Ghana

>> No.8942805

which just proves that opinions are subjective

>> No.8942813

Yeah, stupid bullies with their advice giving... pisses me off...

>> No.8942822

that the same people who judge you for spending $100 on a piece of clothing will think nothing of spending $100 on a quarter oz of weed that will be gone in 3-4 days.

>> No.8942830

or $150 for an 8ball of white.

>> No.8942848

my job is one of the most interesting parts of my life and no, it is not because my life is boring :) sorry youre a wageslave, anon

>> No.8942852

Where are prices this terrible?

>> No.8942868

its chronic prices, but that's the standard everywhere I've lived (KY)
you can get almost an ounce of mid for that price tho. it'll just be brown and have a stupid amount of stems and seeds

>> No.8942873
File: 42 KB, 500x329, tumblr_mex6er9kkg1rp0fwuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 dollar quarters hows america keklekeleke
you probably have some room to go im 5'11 and 145, waist is still 29 though i think

fashion realization? that minimalist attire does not help my avoidance of conversation/misanthropy at uni, it actually probably makes me look like a potential shooter/unstable white person in general..

>> No.8942891

It's 120 for a half oz of medical chronic here in phoenix.

>> No.8942909

>tfw made it
>tfw really sort of feel like it
>tfw no gf
>tfw loads of girls I could potentially pick to be a gf
>tfw I'm afraid of actually have a gf

Yeah so about that

>> No.8942949

How wrong can you be Jesus man i get complimented on my hair/shoes/pants all the time by guys and girls

>> No.8942963

ya m8 its hard finding a m8

>> No.8942964

Lol wow no wrong again /fa/, I'm 6'2" i get approached literally every time i go to a club or bar. You're just ugly

>> No.8942988
File: 42 KB, 500x499, tumblr_mt6hsmKABi1qekkdbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur probs a slut tho

>> No.8942989

Yo az bro you a Tempe fag or what

>> No.8943031

Yeah sure, a bit. Doesn't change any of what i said tho.

>> No.8943034

oxford cloth button down.

>> No.8943063
File: 772 KB, 2320x3025, LE SAMOURAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am more and more convinced that a man would suit me better as a SO than a girl, everytime I think about women I only see them as inferior to us. Be it on an intellectual level or anything else. Most women crave for attention, are whores, their only hoobies when they are young is talking bad about others, sucking dick, doing "drugs" that their "boyfriend" is handing them, drink and party...thats about it.

I wish I was gay, at least I wouldnt find the thought of me or someone else putting his /my dick into my/his ass repulsive. But I am afraid I wouldnt find a nice boyfriend either, maybe its my attitude and my sheer fear of being hurt...and the constant pain that is my inability to drive myself to do something that is good for me...I am just feeling so empty.

>> No.8943079


>> No.8943129


>> No.8943147

So the idea is to pretend you're a black american in the 90s?

>> No.8943229

It changes everything.

>> No.8943242


>> No.8943256

How so

>> No.8943268

I say sweet kicks bro. Anytime I can drop a bro or a bud or a man I do.

>> No.8943277

This, don't dress to impress, because you want
Dress to feel good man and fit in an event, like streetwear for the streets, business casual for casual business, etc

>> No.8943282

That I don't like fashion.

>> No.8943289

>made it
>i'm scared of girls


>> No.8943322

the previous person was talking about being generally approachable and you derailed it into being about you and your little bar scene. this is not about collecting STI's brahs, its about feeling uncomfortable in daytime society

>> No.8943338

hey anon
what is projection?
what is cognitive therapy?
this is all i can offer to you

>> No.8943342

Lol @ this entire post

>> No.8943360

Mine was when I stopped spending £300/400 a month going out drinking and smoking and started spending it on nice, simple and good fitting clothes.

I realized how badly worn my old clothes were after buying new ones and after I got a vaporizer to help quite smoking I realized I was smelling better (Aftershave was lasting longer and didn't have that smokey smell on my clothes)

>> No.8943457


What do you do?

>> No.8943480

What do you mean? I am genuinely curious, I will take any real offer for help to get out of my desperate situation, seriously!

Do you mean I project my own unworthy self onto others? You have to be more specific bro, I can't read your mind and I am not too much into psychoanalysis.

>> No.8943527

Wow, very helpful retard! Thank you for your addition to this thread.

>> No.8943533

So what is your story? I would really like to know what kind of guy you are so I can maybe relate to you in a way...I know it sounds dumb but I can't talk to anyone about this.

>> No.8943549

my terms may be alittle off, i just thought i would get the ball rolling on you researching yourself, as you seem to be exploring your discontent on a surface level, but haven't come to a solution yet. im by no means a professional, i just know psychology has helped me feel better.

intro to cognitive therapy:

basically, your perception may seem realistic, but its actually rooted in primitive emotions and defensiveness. think about it does it make logical sense that all women are just giant untrustworthy chavs? hopefully not. also youre either a:not gay but trying to avoid women in self defense b:in denial about being gay...

>> No.8943554

projection: perhaps you are projecting how untrustworthy you are, or how cruelly you've hurt people in the past. If thats the case try to hold yourself to the same standards that you hold the female population. maybe im way off, but thats what projection is

>> No.8943577

I know what Cognitive Therapy is, I just didn't get your point about projection.

I'm thinking about going to a local therapist tomorrow.

I'm glad to hear others have overcome something like this, but it is so deeply embedded into myself that it almost feels as if this is actually me, I can't imagine getting rid of my cynical view on the world and my self defensive act of playing everything down and making it seem like I don't care anyway, I mean, I don't care right now mostly but I know that I could and I should care about things, like my graduation next year and how I get to it, learning to make music, getting to know people. Instead I am just waiting for death as a matter of fact, altough it will not come by very soon likely, I am only 18 years old...I thank you for that advice of yours, truly! I hope I don't sound pathetic :)

>> No.8943605

I don't hate women or something, but it somehow strikes me everytime I get to meet some new one, it doesn't matter if ugly or not, self-conscious or not, that all of them are the same, just stupid bitches who have no value to add to my life.

I don't think I've hurt anyone very cruelly (at least not people that were close to me), I am just not that kind of guy who especially likes spending time with others. I mean I get along with others pretty good, I look good, I consider myself smart but I just don't really want to have any friends, but on the other hand I want, but without any restrictions for me. I know that I am wrong in a lot of ways and maybe I'm wrong thinking that way about women, but I just can't control my damn thoughts.

>> No.8943681

sometimes i get really frustrated in boring small talk and find saying something off the top of my head to change the subject, or even being a little obnoxious to knock people out of mundane politeness can go a long away. also im 22 and with adhd its reallly hard to keep a conversation or even spend any large amount of time with people before wanting to go home to draw/make music/play vidya, but its important to socialize a little bit anyways. remember its perfectly reasonable to feel like an outsider and dont expect 4chan to be able to steer you into grace :)

good luck at the therapist im sure they'll help you more than i

>> No.8943688

>I don't hate women
> just stupid bitches who have no value to add to my life.

oh ok

>> No.8943704
File: 84 KB, 707x700, paulkleekind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that ultimately everything has been done before and it's just a big cycle (saw an ancient vase with an amazon in slim fitting black trousers printed on it, illustrations of romans with skirts over skinny trousers, egyptians with sidecuts) there is only so much a human can do with his fabric and body and the configuration of a society and it's institutions is the only thing that matter when it comes to what's acceptable
the fashion industry, magazines, movies and famous musicians dictate what is en vogue now and people dress like that, it becomes the new uniform for a certain smaller or larger group but again you can deconstruct what these fuckers wear into the same basic shapes and ideas that have existed since thousands of year
i also realised that there is no coherent culture anymore in our world and that therefore it ultimately doesnt fuckin matter what you use protect your naked monkey ass from the enviroment
i wear what i personally think looks good with no regard wether it's in trend, though i stay unoffensive because i believe there is no statement to be made through consumption of textile or rather it would be retarded to seek individuation through consumption
i embraced nihilism and realised the only thign i have to do is have fun and make nice things
clothing is just one form of beautiful thing and i try to look at it without bias of the time and place i was born and the time and place i currently exist in

>> No.8943715

That's not really hate although a little mad in wording. Girls are better described as boring. They are just genuinely uninteresting to talk to. My gf has lots of crazy stories but she sucks at telling them. The content is there but the delivery is boring. If she wasn't cute I wouldn't go out of my way to hang out with her.

>> No.8943725

>that ultimately everything has been done before
I see where you are coming from but nah nigga

>> No.8943734

oh this actually makes sense
apart from thinking my ex was cute and sexual drive to her there was nothing else
well there was at first, but I feel like I progressed towards faster, or maybe we progressed in different directions

there are some girls I can talk to with interest though, very few, but there are some.

>> No.8943751

Yeah, this seems more like my POV, I don't really hate them but I genuinely think most of them are dumb, it's not like most men are other on that part but I don't want to share my life with a man y know?

I mean even the "smart" girls are just boring, and after all they are all the same it seems to me.

And to add to this, I hate most men even more than most women so there's that, I just don't like humans that much in general.

>> No.8943761

See, I have honestly never met a really interesting girl, I seriously don't even know how to fucking tell if she is "interesting" on an average girl kind of level or if she really has thoughts that can add to my perception of things.

>> No.8943771

I know a girl like that too. Coolest girl I know. Sings well, plays, makes her own jewelry, tries her best to keep up conversationally. Great music taste. She's not very hot tho and is kind of socially awkward.

>> No.8943783
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yeah i should rephrase perhaps
theres only so much that can be done in the category of practical (read wearable without impeding yourself) clothing using traditional fabrics
and when viewed as consisting of basic parts, i mean not seeing a fit that may be novel in regards of the configuration of it's part only as something new, but seei it as something that can be taken apart into pieces that resemble what has existed since ages

>> No.8943784

Stop judging cats by dog standards.

>> No.8943787


>> No.8943801

The only girl like that I know, to kinda 'open' her I just opened myself

you know, like pour yourself out, speak what you really mean etc etc, dont think about framing it some way or being polite or shit like that. and some fucking conversations we had were kinda obscure and so interesting, like on drugs but without drugs, just being sincere

Dunno if makes sense

>> No.8943804
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and that which configuration of these pieces seems acceptable in the eyes of the general member of a culture is completely dependent on how various factors play together so it's kinda random-because each of the factor is controlled by people and things that don't neccesary depend on each other or work together- what is acceptable and en vogue which is why we shouldnt care, because caring about random shit that just is because it is feels stupid

>> No.8943816
File: 29 KB, 480x360, 1241679310829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute best way to develop a wardrobe is to look at it the same way you do the food pyramid.

>> No.8943821
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*tips fedorovich*

>> No.8943845


like, bottom part is essential parts, undershirts, underwear and sock
higher is shirts etc

>> No.8943863
File: 62 KB, 600x441, HOBERTPYRAMIDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you get slaves to make you anything you want

>> No.8943872

how do i into society when i dissolve arbitration

>> No.8943876

Fuck you saying relaxing. Obvs you plebs play music lesiurely and if you went outside and played you'd sound horribly.
Black Swan is a good movie that shows the artist's necessity of perfection

>> No.8943909

Pssssssssssssssssst onto your face, 'artist'

aaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy lmaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.8943915

>being this retarded

>> No.8943960
File: 151 KB, 750x619, arabischespringer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you become efficient about what you do, dress functional and inoffensive while staying disconnected from arbitrary trends, but retain a sharp aesthetic to reflect your efficient mind (which is just about the only thing in the world that can make sense, becose it fukin invented sense) just do things you like and as much as you can as long as it doesnt impede you at interacting with others to the level you feel you need to not feel lonely

>> No.8943970
File: 48 KB, 243x400, tfwnoinstrumentgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

music is gay (as in fun, not homosexual you faggot) you dont have to play it infront of others but you can play 2 urself

forgot the

>> No.8943995
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you're joking right? He has ideal facial structure and an obviously superior body.

Of course everyone has to have high cheekbones and look androgynous to fit /fa/'s criteria of attractive.

>> No.8944015
File: 41 KB, 1076x807, checkbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pshhh, fuccboi

>> No.8944031

holy shit this thread is fuckboy central

>> No.8944032

I thought you didn't care? So why not show us your fit? I already know; you do care. Stop pretending otherwise.

>> No.8944184

w2c everything, esp jacket

>> No.8944196


>> No.8944211

I learned that comfycore and dressing like a liberal arts professor is the way to go. corduroy, cardigan sweaters, boots, plaid button downs -- all about it.

>> No.8944235

Because its all some of us can afford.

>> No.8944240








>> No.8944285

>but fashion is about caring for yourself first. if you care more about other people's judgement than your own, that's not fashion.
None of that is in the definition of fashion. Fashion is Social. Full stop. If fashion was wearing clothes for myself I would wear oversized sweatpants/sweatshirt with slippers wrapped in a snuggie when I go to parties. Unless you think that wearing jeans instead of seatpants is "trying to be attractive"?

>> No.8944310

You know what my realization was? If you put too much stock in anything you read on fashion web sites, you will look like a fucking loser and act like one too. Look at the fits, learn a thing or two, and cop as you please, but try not to rot your brain too much.

>> No.8944319


obviously from reddit cause that's how you format it there

>> No.8944322



>> No.8944498

>Fashion is made in the gym, not the closet

>> No.8944755
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its more like a message to you =)

>> No.8944977
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>> No.8945324

where are you

>> No.8946365

nonono I'm not scared of girls at all. I'm scared of the idea of having a GF, and needing to let her down, or let her go.

>> No.8946949
File: 87 KB, 637x571, 1350502450686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one less poser
glad you tools are finally dropping off

>> No.8947020

I realize that everything looks good to somebody and bad to somebody. No matter what you do or how you look, You will run into people that think you look good or like shit. I just wear what I like and feel comfortable/confident in. This often disregards whats popular on /fa/ and other forums.

>> No.8947261

In my opinion this is the best realisation to come to. I often just wear plain, basic shit like Acne, Cos and SLP, amongst others. Still high quality, but nothing too 'out there'.