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File: 87 KB, 662x442, Christian-Bale-as-Patrick-Bateman-in-American-Psycho-Rolex-Datejust[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8928922 No.8928922 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /fa/ggots (or however you call yourselves in this board). This year for halloween I've decided to base my costume on American Psycho.

Since I don't have the hair, I've decided to make myself look like Bateman would through clothing, instead of trying to copy Bale's appearance on the movie. Since I only have one suit (a shitty one at that), trying to copy that look is out.

Any suggestions on which outfit would work best as something a yuppie serial-killer from the 80's would wear? I'm debating on wearing chinos with a shirt and suspenders, but I don't know if that combination can work (and if it'd fit the profile). The rest of the costume is merely some red paint and an axe. Anyway, thanks in advance for any tips provided

>> No.8928926



>> No.8928932

Here's the mentioned outfit, sans suspenders (the shoes will be changed and the shirt tucked in, of course). I forgot to add that I don't intend to wear a tie; can suspenders work without one?
Lulz, I swear I didn't even try to get doubles

>> No.8928937

shirt needs to be big and let out a bit after tucking, make sure the tie isn't skinny and that the shirt collar works with the tie width, pants should break on the shoes, slimy hair would help

>> No.8928940
File: 253 KB, 712x1068, IMG_1283-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaand I forgot the picture, of course.

>> No.8928948

no bateman vibe at all dude

>> No.8928956

do the complete opposite of this and you're set.

>> No.8928964

Crap. Is anything salvageable, i.e. can I change for a more social shirt and keep the pants?

>> No.8928967

Try a Rick Owens tee instead of the boring dad shirt. As for footwear, Geobaskets are always recommended for here on /fa/ for their versatility and fashionability.

>> No.8928976

No that shirt wont work. Cop a light blue ir white dress shirt from goodwill or something.

>> No.8928981

no, change everything. you look like a hipster douchebag, when you should be looking like an 80's wallstreet douchebag.

>> No.8928990

loose, thin pinstriped shirt w/ a big collar, maybe contrast
red suspenders
normal fit pants, hemmed to full break

>> No.8928993

I found a dress shirt similar to the pic I posted in the OP, hold on

>> No.8928995

just get a stupid fucking trasnparent raincoat for your shitty played out costume

>> No.8929004

You can buy a secondhand designer suit from that era very cheaply now. Why not go for the real thing?

>> No.8929008

nigga every costume is played out unless its some reference to somethingsuper recent

>> No.8929013

You're terrible and you should feel terrible. Go buy some suspenders and a contract collar dress shirt. Jesus fuck you're dumb.

>> No.8929035

This is kill yourself tier right now. Why not go with the rain coat and suit? At least that's recognizable

>> No.8929046

I'm taking you mean contrast collar? Good idea.
As I said, only got a awful-tier suit I got back when I was 15. Makes me look like a shitty-bouncer or a convict on a borrowed suit, any alternative to wearing it is preferred

>> No.8929076
File: 185 KB, 712x1068, bangladesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this shitty made in Bangladesh (yes, seriously) shirt buried inside a closet. I know it fits awfully, but as far as color/style goes, does it work? If so I can buy a proper one. I'm thinking the pants don't match it at all though....

>> No.8929083

pull it out a bit more to have it fall nicely on itself, pants just don't work dude

>> No.8929087

nice bends

>> No.8929109

if you actually read the book you'd have a large list of outfits to wear considering he lists everything he fucking wears

>> No.8929128
File: 168 KB, 712x1068, better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did read the book. I do not have his fortune to follow the tips, however. Better or too blue?

>> No.8929133

Literally this, he lists every single outfit he sees in close proximity to him down to the most retarded details and if they match or not.

>> No.8929141

Not OP but American Psycho is one of my favorite books. It's just plain fun.

>> No.8929142

I would just recommend going as something else. Because pulling off the Wall Street dickhead look won't work for you.

>> No.8929148

>tfw not writing ex gf racist poetry.
just kill me already.

>> No.8929153

OP here. I thought I'd like it more, to be honest. Some parts were pretty fun, but other bored me to death. I had to skip two pages when he was describing Huey Lewis and the News, and I never skip ahead on books.
That poem was pure gold
This makes some sense. Why doesn't it work?

>> No.8929158

Jesus fuck what is going on here?

>> No.8929166

well, you don't have the clothes to do it. if you are on a shoe string budget and aren't able to buy them, you ought to just go as something else. It's hard to pull off the look without spending the money or having the clothes readily available.

>> No.8929171
File: 50 KB, 500x637, would-ever-date-patrick-bateman--large-msg-125487642329[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd need at least a similar body to get that vibe.

Just look at those shoulders in OP pic. How the suspenders get pressed outwards by his pecs and how they wrap his shirt around the delts.

Lift weights 3 times a week for two years. Seroids if you're in a hurry and don't care about your health.

>> No.8929180

That bad, huh?
Makes sense. I'm not on a tight budget, but know for a fact I wouldn't dress even remotely close to that outside of halloween. So it just feels like money thrown away

>> No.8929189

Then I recommend spending your money on something that would look good, and is easily recognizable.

>> No.8929198
File: 27 KB, 480x360, 4325bf204a482b6f7958881770aee6e730e8856f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again, look at those delts.
And v-taper. How his back is wider than his hips.


Spend some bucks in a good gym.

>> No.8929214
File: 64 KB, 680x680, 1328517906003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao go as something else

>> No.8929220

I'll give it one last try, but I think you're right. More formal clothing fits fit bodies way better

>> No.8929235

Get a transparent raincoat and an axe.

That's seriously the most important part but if you don't have the hair it'll probably look shitty no matter how much work you put in.

>> No.8929238
File: 185 KB, 712x1068, last try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, last try. Pants are from shitty suit I mentioned earlier. This is the closest I can get to the right style; might by a contrast collar shirt/try other colors for the tie, but if it's still too far then there is nothing I can do

>> No.8929246

you know what, this is miles better than where you started
get your hair shiny and people will prob be able to tell who you're trying to be w/ the ax

>> No.8929249

oh god

>> No.8929252

I'm gonna try and emulate your thought process:
>I'm gonna dress as Bateman
>what does Bateman wear?
>a shirt and trousers.

>> No.8929255

if you dont have the hair then dont go, no one will get it.

>> No.8929260

>Not running around with nothing but a pair of sneakers and a chainsaw

>> No.8929270

shave dude

>> No.8929269

Still just a shirt and trousers you fucking idiot.

>> No.8929271

HAHAHAHA. Well done, I actually laughed out loud (although "NAILED IT!" at the end would've been funnier
Thanks. I'll get some brown or red suspenders and give it try; if it doesn't work, at least it wasn't too much money wasted
Building administration fined me last time I did this, so it's kinda out as an option

>> No.8929277

I do not have the suspenders yet, the fuck are you trying to tell me here.
This I agree with 100%

>> No.8929287

The only way to salvage this is to wear a clear poncho and carry an axe

>> No.8929290

Jesus christ you're retarded. Maybe try next year when you believe in taking care of yourself.

>> No.8929295

I will carry an axe. I'll try the clear poncho as well, although it wasn't included in my original idea

>> No.8929298

GJ op ur done m8

>> No.8929305

this looks like some "after" pic when a hamplanet has lost 100 pounds
please get some clothes that fit

>> No.8929311

The shirt is way too big for your body, as is the tie. Go for a slim fitting shirt with a narrow tie. Big ties like that make short and slim guys looks silly and stupid, and the shirt looks two sizes too big or something.

You have the right idea, but the details are lacking.

>> No.8929316

The shirt is just something I found left in a closet; you guys are right, it doesn't fit. I'll shop for something like it that actually does, hoping that will make it (barely) "wall street" enough. Noted on slim ties as well, appreciate the tip

>> No.8929353

Postpone dressing as bateman for 2 years until you got the body for it.
Do it faggot.

>> No.8929890

Not gonna happen, I have no intention of pursuing his body. Usually I just dress as Edward Norton in Fight Club (to which I'm way closer, both in body type and in face), but this year I thought I'd change things a bit

>> No.8930006

Just buy yourself a semi transparent raincoat and a fake fire axe and your set bonus points for blasting huey lewis and the news

>> No.8930308

Goddamnit. I've been wondering what my hair looks like and now I know. If I slick it back instead of put it up, I'd basically be Bateman. All I fucking shop at for work is Brooks Brothers so I've got the pinstripes too.

I may steal your idea now, faggot.

>> No.8930319

carry an axe, get suspenders, this should be fine.

>> No.8930327

This is what you need
>pin striped shirt
>rain coat
>bone-white business card in gold lettering in a gold business card carrying case.

>> No.8930331


The body and the hair are what make Bateman... What you're planning on doing is just wearing business formal to Halloween parties, which is fucking lame.

>> No.8930689

You have to wear the rain coat, no top tier Patrick Bateman costume exists without the see through raincoat.

>> No.8930703

That's pale nimbus..

>> No.8931241


>> No.8931427

I cant believe Bryce prefers van patterns to mine,

>> No.8931444

When it comes to business wear, there is nothing more that screams 80's than a contrast collar. For example, a light blue shirt with a white collar.

>> No.8931451

Get some gainz

>> No.8931502

your original idea was a fucking piece of shit

without the poncho and axe you will have literally nothing

>no dat hair
>no physique
>no braces
>no brooks brothers
>no nice watch
>no clean shave
>no french cuffs


>> No.8931513

Autistic thread after autistic thread.

>> No.8931516

/fa/ is fucking finished.

>> No.8931541
File: 164 KB, 600x450, mg9MMRS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8931886

1/10 You costume fucking sucks. Just go to Goodwill and spend 10 dollars on everything you need you fucking idiot. Dress shirt with contrast collar thats too big, pleated pants with break, suspenders. Is there a chance you have mild autism that went undetected by all authority figures in your life?

>> No.8931909

You need a bi-colour or widely striped shirt with a broad collar and suspenders.
Slick back your hair.
Wear formal trousers and shoes, details less important than with the shirt.

You will most likely need a tie. A thick, loud one.

>> No.8931916

Better, but still nowhere close. You will need clothes that fit, for starters.

>> No.8931919

How can you expect to dress as an 80s Wall Street dickbag if you own no clothes that fit the stereotype?

Triple-post, and proud.

>> No.8931923

Trousers might work.

You will need a broad-striped shirt that actually fits you, as well as suspenders. That tie is too dark.

>> No.8932767

>no nice watch
>no clean shave
>no french cuffs
Where did I say anything about not having these?
Just got red suspenders like the OP pic today. Might just swing by at brooks brothers after all, I need better dress shirts for interviews and everyone is obsessed about it for this costume, so...

>> No.8932808

Good idea.
>everyone is obsessed about it for this costume, so...
There's a good reason for that: none of your shirts look in the least bit like they belong to an 80s stockbroker.

Make sure to upload a photo before you buy, or at least ask the salesman. You might be amazed to find he says exactly what we've said, right down to "bicolour or wide stripe, preferably white and blue".

>> No.8932847


>> No.8932890
File: 522 KB, 1024x1243, 109Q_LIGHT-BLUE_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense. Going by their online catalog, I think something like this would fit perfectly

>> No.8932923

I think you're getting it.

>> No.8932935

Actually, I want to say that again: that is exactly what I had in mind, right down to the cuffs. The collar is spread enough, too.

Make sure it fits, and you've got at least one part of the costume down. Well done.

>> No.8932938
File: 125 KB, 960x540, original555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8933047

Everybody in this thread is retarded.

Get a see through(ish) raincoat, cover it with fake blood and wear a suit underneat. You don't need to do SHIT with your face and everybody will be able to tell who you are.


>> No.8933067
File: 202 KB, 612x816, me halloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me a few years back on halloween. went for the "is that a raincoat" look

>> No.8933079

>>8933047 here.

Is what I'm talking about. You could do that, but wear a suit that looked like Patrick wore in that scene. Instantly recognizable and probably a lot more fun for a Halloween party.

>> No.8933768

Looks more like Dexter Morgan I'd say.

>> No.8933782

dude read the fucking book

theres a scene where hes in the Hamptons and he wears casual clothes, he always describes his outfits in precise detail but i forget, i think it was just jeans and a t shirt or something