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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 40 KB, 630x418, 1404329907467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8923756 No.8923756 [Reply] [Original]

last thread was fun. lets do another. i occasionally listen to EDM.

>> No.8923758

I watch anime

>> No.8923770

i play games on my phone.
my room is a shit show.
i've been stoned almost every day the past week, for most of the day.

>> No.8923771

I occasionally with shout "FOR YOU" with my worst Bane voice when I'm driving alone.
Sometimes, I'll do it ten or twenty times right in a row and then crack up laughing.

I really wish I was making this up

>> No.8923773

I go to university.

>> No.8923774
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>> No.8923775

holy fuck bro.

>> No.8923777

crippling anxiety
bouts of depression
drink too much at social drinking occasions
jerk off 2-3 times a week

>> No.8923790
File: 889 KB, 1407x897, Screen Shot 2014-10-03 at 12.57.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...is that supposed to be a lot of masturbation? I would brag to say I only jerked off that much.

>> No.8923800

Dude I fap like everyday. 2-3 times a week is nothing to be ashamed of

>> No.8923804

i get hand-me-downs from my grandma
im wearing one right now

>> No.8923805

i wouldn't exactly say this is un/fa/

>> No.8923809

Mah nigga but no changes ;_;

>> No.8923811

Jerking off is just about the pinnacle of it for me, I think it might be an actual addiction at this point, as otherwise I could very easily make it with girls often, I just lack the candor to really push for it must of the time.

>> No.8923813

Niiiiice. Epitome of fa tbh

>> No.8923816

how is this un/fa/?

>> No.8923817

i own at least half of these records in actual physical form, not sure if /fa/ or not. don't really give a shit tho

>> No.8923822

all those things are /fa/ as fuck expect for going to social drinking occasions

>> No.8923827

ahahahaha. really though being able to make yourself laugh is great.

jerking off daily to every other day, shopping at UO and Uniqlo, drinking energy drinks (they're organic, not that monster shit), skating.

>> No.8923829

I've gotten to the point that porn is boring and I obviously know I want to have actual sex instead, but I'm not good enough with girls to actually get any.

>tfw people think I'm swimming in pussy because I'm /fit/ and /fa/ and charismatic and friendly
>only a handful of people know I'm cripplingly insecure on the inside and have never even made out with a girl

>> No.8923830

Porn addiction is worse, assuming you watch porn to get off

>> No.8923835


>> No.8923837

I have a dry patch of skin behind my ear that I scratch constantly and I pick out pieces of dried skin of.

Also I'm pretty lazy

>> No.8923841

i study electrical engineering.

>> No.8923843

ew dang thats just gross

>> No.8923847

Don't feel bad about that, sometimes I'll spout retarded memes while in the shower and laugh my ass of

>> No.8923852

I like ordering a shit load of pizza and sides and eating it alone in my room while watching movies.

I assume this is un/fa/ because it will make me fat.

>> No.8923853


>> No.8923866
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I pick my nose and eat it

I keep trying to stop but never can

>> No.8923867

eating fastfood 3x a week.

>> No.8923879

Biting my nails.

>> No.8923888

I don't watch what I eat at all. I still stay healthy though so it doesn't really matter to much. I really should eat better though. Besides that I'm no longer depressed which is pretty un/fa/. Besides that I'm pretty messy idk if that's effay or not.

>> No.8923893

Do you expect people to have sex with you? Kinda selfish to be that gross and expect that.

Just stop.

>> No.8923896
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Anime is eff/a/y as fuck but only if you watch pedocore and hentai shit or 80s ultra violence

>> No.8923899

Browsing 4chan

>> No.8923901

>I used to spend at least 2 hours a day reading creepypasta.
>I can't seem to get a girlfriend no matter what

I don't try too hard granted I just take it as it comes but Christ everything seems to go badly, I'm 18 (just) whats the best way to meet qt girls? The internet sucks fucking balls for that.

Also, one more:

>I ask for relationship advice on an anonymous anime board.

>> No.8923903

lol go out and meet people; it's that simple

>> No.8923906

I know that feel :/

>> No.8923907

It isn't like I do it on a regular basis or when I go out

Just when I'm alone and have nothing to do and my hands aren't occupied it just kinda happens

I don't know anon ;_; Maybe this really is why I have no gf

>> No.8923914


the techno is decent
the dubstep isn't bad but it's still bad


i eat fast food in small portions

i'm ultra cheap even though i'm not overwhelmingly poor

i masturbate every couple weeks

i don't watch movies or play games

i only run gnu/linux and freesoftware and i also call it gnu/linux

i ride bmx/trials

conspiracy theorist


no anime is not effay


have you tried just online dating? never used it but i mean kinda the point of it is meeting girls online

unless you're short or ugly or something

>> No.8923917


holy shit I'm not alone. There's still hope anon if you keep it under wraps

>> No.8923919

>lol go out and meet people; it's that simple

that feelerino when I'm in "I only want that one girl and would reject 10/10 supermodels for her"

>> No.8923924


I used to wait outside the apple store to buy the newest meme phone.

Most pleb shit ever did

>> No.8923928

I scratch my and find myself moaning

>> No.8923944

I really like dumb 4chan memes

shrekt is pretty funny
but my favorites are ayy lmao, spooky skeletans and baneposting.

Is this un/fa/?

>> No.8923970

6'1, white slim, had chinkys go on about my cheekbones and shit, I'm just a sarcastic mardy cunt and I think people can tell

>> No.8923975


Feel u bru
Used to sport the latest iMeme too just to browse facebook and internet boards watching the latest memes all day, later whatsappin those memes at night

>> No.8923997
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nothing wrong except for the room
keep on smokin mane

>> No.8924002

I scratch n sniff :3

>> No.8924010

i find ayy lmao way more amusing than i should

>> No.8924012

I'm sure you're a good person, but it is very gross my friend.

You're better than that.

>> No.8924015

who eats their booger

>> No.8924016
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you mean like this?
also ayy lmao

>> No.8924020
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I am easily amused by Pepe, he's probably my favorite meme

>> No.8924026

Grandmacore is the wave of the future

>> No.8924028

Yeah you are right. I'm stopping now. Is p. gross

this is a bully free zone anon

>> No.8924029

>4chan memes
>ayy lmao, spooky skeletans

kek >>>/tumblr/

>> No.8924031

I have a gf whose fashion sense is absolute shit ;_;

>> No.8924035

getting trips is strongly /fa/

>> No.8924037

ayy lmao

>> No.8924041


>> No.8924045

I deeply enjoy the phrase "part 2: electric boogaloo."

>> No.8924053

i dont think burial would wear rick owens

>> No.8924055

It's called seborrheic dermatitis. Try some virgin coconut oil or see a derm if that doesn't work

>> No.8924061


ayy lmao

>> No.8924066
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she had some nice tops
i use them as pjs

>> No.8924069

Only ever seen that on 420chan

>> No.8924073

I have multiple pairs of shoes but wear the same pair almost every day

>> No.8924077

Is having a unrequited crush /fa/?

>> No.8924080

me too. and I browsed /sp/ during the world cup, but it still makes me smile.

>> No.8924086

see on tg all the time

>> No.8924093

EDM is pretty /fa/ depends on who you are listening to though.
Anime can be cool

>> No.8924094

Fap occasionally
Talk to myself in public.

>> No.8924095

Bite my fingers
eat my boogers

GOAT lifestyle

>> No.8924116

I talk to myself in public all the time bro
Sometimes I notice people giving me weird looks but I don't really care

>> No.8924143

Developed crippling anxiety at age 20 have been in black hole depression for 1 year

Was popular and normal through highschool. Scared to even see people I grew up with now. Don't want them to see me like this

Didn't know people would just leave me to drown like this

This is what hell feels like

>> No.8924150

I drink atleast 1 bottle of red wine everyday.

I have an addiction to amps

I piss in bottles and dump them out of my window when i have to piss at night.

I piss in my sink

I fart in my fist and smell it.

I fap 3 times a day.

I have memeglasses

>> No.8924156
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"Zhu - faded" is effay as fuck.

>> No.8924160

But that's very /fa/

>> No.8924174

Me too.

I'll never stop though.

>> No.8924177

wow man u really kno dubstep like it was back in 04 :^)

so cool
vinyl only
so cool
£150 on discogs bruv
so rare

>> No.8924192

I feel ashamed when Im buying 2 bottles of red wine and realise that ive done that every day for a month at least.
>tfw the qt at the register said i dont have to show my id because she has seen it over 100 times.

>tfw im only twenty years old

>> No.8924194

i love techno is for fuccboi's

>> No.8924201

I got the glasses at pukkelpop 2012.
I would never go to Itechno, way to much drug searches and without mdma no edm party.

>> No.8924220

ayyyyy lmoa

>> No.8924233
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I volunteer at an animal shelter

>> No.8924235

Only when it's not happening to you

>> No.8924239

whenever someone posts smug pepe i crack the fuck up

>> No.8924240

Being effay isn't painles.

>tfw no depression, happycore sucks.

>> No.8924251

I carry a backpack almost everyday

>> No.8924266
File: 253 KB, 680x591, two same numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get dubs several times a day

>> No.8924288

nice one buddy

>> No.8924298

Very nice.

>> No.8924301

Oh shit almost forgot yours, these are nice as well.

>> No.8924306


Damn, I'm still one of those fuccbois :(
How to be nxtlvl?

>> No.8924308

play video games
play video games in public
browse /fa/ in public
watch anime
dont want a gf

>> No.8924310

Very good

>> No.8924314


I occasionally listen to really shitty/deathcore/metalcore and I love it.

>> No.8924317

>didn't know people would just leave me to drown like this
You're not really their responsibility

>> No.8924323

buy me a hat

>> No.8924324

Dear God, someone please make this a thing. My cloest is ready.

>> No.8924325

as long as you work with cats its okay

>> No.8924330

enjoying these doubles

>> No.8924333

play DND
listen to technical death metal
drink craft beer and wine

>> No.8924339

I do volunteer work on my spare time.

>> No.8924354

"I deeply enjoy the phrase 'part 2: electric boogaloo.'": part 2: electric boogaloo

>> No.8924365

I watch the Food Network all the time

>> No.8924371
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Have a wardrobe space exclusively for black band t-shirts and frequently go to metal gigs, get drunk and fuck 5/10 goths.

>> No.8924377

its ok I volunteer at a food bank

>> No.8924384


I use expensive meme phone (smartphone) only to tinder and whatsapp, twitter and facebook all day

>> No.8924412

I use the public bus
I get drunk at social events
I can't dance well
I'm part of a choral ensemble
I occasionally drive my mom's crossover SUV

>> No.8924413

I smoke heaps of cones and roll my own duzzies and I wear Asics runners

>> No.8924423

>drink craft beer and wine

Not un/fa/

>> No.8924434

all about dem crunchies

>> No.8924437


I do this too :S
dayum im such a fuccboi

>> No.8924513

That is fucking awful bro.

>> No.8924524

foul shit b

although I eat dead skin so :^)

dat protein structure

>> No.8924570

ayy lmao

>> No.8924578

alright lad?

fellow /bleep/ington ere

>> No.8924591

same here. i eat my dandruff m8. there i said it. noone knows. or do they?

>> No.8924593

>the Bug

Mah negro

>> No.8924616


>> No.8924627

the most /fa/ men i've met were all of these
and i wanted to fuck them all

>> No.8924630

I'm a sex addict that has never had sex.

>> No.8924642

Had same feels, same age too
Just don't be too hard on yourself, nobody cares what your life is at currently, and I don't mean that to disrespect.
Don't dwell on the past, don't be anxious of the future.
Be present and /fa/

>> No.8924644

You're going to be so disappointed when you start

>> No.8924650
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>gotta go smug

>> No.8924656

was gonna fuck with my gf but I had a meltdown and we broke up

working on getting back together. She's giving out mixed signals, but I think the general theme is "if you work your ass off, I'll forgive you"

Good luck anon.

>> No.8924658
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>> No.8924662

I think "Baneposting" is a wondrous set of behaviors that I believe to be very relevant to social psychology. How an illogical and hated entity is deconstructed and turned into symbols/phrases that communicate something to those that understands its reconstructed nature. There is just so much going on when the phrase "For You" can illicit such a wide range of reactions from different listeners.

>> No.8924666


>working on getting back together.
>going back to an ex

Now that is the MOST fuccboi thing ever.

>> No.8924675

are you like 16?

>> No.8924684

Baneposting aged like wine compared to all other memes.

>> No.8924689

The pleasure I achieve with well-planned masturbation session could not be reached with sex--I know this and accept this. The only reason I would even have sex is to cure "tfw no gf", but then, I don't want a gf either because I hate dealing with people on a continual basis.

>> No.8924701

I don't know why but any of the
>posting on anime image boards
variations crack me the fuck up

>> No.8924706

Its still getting better. I think it might be another 3 years before it starts degrading.

One of my life goals is to write a biography on Baneposting.

>> No.8924716

I love fapping but there is nothing absolutely nothing like pounding a chick from behind and making her ass jiggle. Butt cheeks are amazing

>> No.8924720

memes are beautiful that way.

I wonder how many people from 4chan went on to study memetics

>> No.8924734

I can only hope. Seriously, isn't it just so damn fascinating? I can't help but laugh every time I see it. I go on /tv/ many times just to see baneposting. Its just surreal and enlightening.

>> No.8924745


>> No.8924751

I also enjoy /s4s/ because it feels like shitposting distilled

if it were even a tad cleverer it'd be awful, and if it were an iota worse it'd be absolute cancer

>> No.8924753
File: 89 KB, 385x367, 1410560759410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you homie

>> No.8924755

grill or fagget?

>> No.8924833

>frequently go to metal gigs
>get drunk
>fuck 5/10 goths
i don't know why but that sounds awesome, v jelly. any tips on getting with 5/10 goth chicks at concerts??

>> No.8924880

I feel you there. Anyone got any tips on how to stop, save from just pure mental determination?

>> No.8924886


>> No.8924888

hayyyyyy lamar

>> No.8924893

try getting them done every now and then or spending tons of hours buffing them and taking care of your cuticles. If you're a girl try getting gel polish (not gel nails, they ruin your nails). it makes it harder to want to bite them when they're so shiny and thick

>> No.8924907

>implying theres a replacement for mental fortitude

Try picking up another nervous habit, like smoking.

>> No.8924908

Not grill. How much of a faggot would I be classified as to get them done?

>> No.8924915

Probably will just have to balls up, I guess.

>> No.8924948
File: 81 KB, 343x268, see.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at Goodwill mayne
get on this level

>> No.8924965

Yaya, whaddup.

>> No.8924979

I can't get off to porn unless its some kinky taboo shit.

>> No.8924982

That's when you book to see a psych.

>> No.8924984


ayy lmao

>> No.8924995
File: 113 KB, 1156x890, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around ~2tb (rest on laptops) of JAV and porn
Another 2tb of anime

>> No.8925001

I mean its not cp or anything.

Sometimes really girly lookin traps, incest, etc

>> No.8925012

not that having fetishes/kinks is a bad thing. but you may want to cut back as it could impact your performance in the bedroom

>> No.8925019

I only fap 3/4 times a week nowadays.

Also kissless virgin. I can't really talk to people, let alone girls.

>> No.8925021

I probably spend more money on comic books than clothes. Definitely buy comics more often.

Also I'm 25 and can't grow facial hair. That combined with my gyno leads me to believe I've probably got a testosterone problem.

>> No.8925033

ayyy lmao

>> No.8925049

browse the internet
I really can't stop, but it doesn't make any sense to stop

>> No.8925051

It'll happen, just be patient. But as >>8925012
said, you're setting yourself up for a fall in the long run.

>> No.8925052

what should I do

>> No.8925053

engineering. that's all.

>> No.8925094

I'm wearing a steel watch

I squat and can't fit into skinnies

>> No.8925100

ayy lmao

>> No.8925121
File: 26 KB, 503x546, shaq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem butt cheeks

>> No.8925136

I would recommend finding someone in your local area to discuss it with. You don't have to mention anything specific, just that it boils down to a pornography addiction.

If you aren't really comfortable with this, try an online forum. A quick google search on 'porn addiction forum' turned up plenty. Try reading through and see what people have done and what worked for them.

If these turn out to be unsuccessful then I suggest you ask a trusted friend or family member. Again, you don't have to be specific.

As for the grill-less part, every time you talk to a girl or just people in general, just practise holding a conversation. Maintain eye contact but don't be too overbearing. Be straight to the point but not rude about it. Give off a cheerful vibe but don't be weird about it, that way more people will want to be around you. Read widely on current events, that people will actually want to hold a conversation with you and eventually seek out your opinion, that's when friendships and your reputation will grow.

Just try little things every encounter that will increase your confidence for the next encounter. Confidence is key and will get you what you want.

All in all, Good Luck Anon!

>> No.8925154

By the way I'm not >>8923811

I'm in no way addicted to porn.

But thanks for the grill advice!

>> No.8925168

Oops, yes it was meant for >>8925001
But you're welcome anon.

>> No.8925174

thanks for the bid of confidence

>> No.8925177

No I'm him. This is the only post that is not mine>>8923811

lol doesn't even matter at this point

>> No.8925194

Christ, having no IDs is a pest. Anyway, I guess it's for anyone that needs it.

>> No.8925207

>having no IDs is a pest
fucking leave

>> No.8925219

Me too. I had a partner ask what I was thinking while he fucked me and I told him that I was thinking of being like put on a leash and made to serve strangers like one of the girls in the public disgrace videos and he was like "so uh this isn't doing it for you?"

and he's rough with me too but like i need to imagine more? i've started mindfulness meditation but i don't know if that's enough

>> No.8925229

So you enjoy conversations that are hard to follow and people samefagging?

>> No.8925230

Not at all. There are loads of places that have services specially for men (it's faster and you get a discount usually because they don't use polish) or they spend the same amount of time rubbing your hands with lotion (this is THE best part). A place I go to used to call their men's manicure a "hand job" as a joke but they've since removed it from the menu.

Once you feel like you've put a lot of care/time/money (depends which matters more to you) on your hands you might start to treat them better. No one will judge you for it.

I was going to suggest that if you live in a city, it's not a big deal. But my stepdad and my mum go together every few weeks and they live in small town America and no one really cares.

>> No.8925233

whered you get all that creepypasta?

>> No.8925236

I'll look into it, there's a place down the road, cheers man

>> No.8925251
File: 104 KB, 503x781, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoke tons of pot but not cigarettes
Mostly drink cheap lagers
Shitpost constantly
Only play dashboard and bright eyes on the guitar
Drive a shitty econobox
Watch more pleb shit than art house
Ooze desperation on dates

>> No.8925259

whered u get all that creepypasta?

>> No.8925288

absolutely. its a less than ideal byproduct, but the anonymity is completely worth it. again, leave. go to reddit where IDs are a thing.

>> No.8925298


i tape my nips when using certain shirts

i don't have have manboobs or even slight gyno or anything, I just feel uncomfortable when they show through clothing even if its just slightly

>> No.8925318

ayy lmao

>> No.8925323

ayyy lmao

>> No.8925335

shit b8 you fukkn twat

>> No.8925342


it's true :(

>> No.8925374


>I'm healthy but want a crippling mental illness

this is on the same tier as special snowflake tumblrinas who glorify cutting because they think it's "beautiful."

>> No.8925399
File: 82 KB, 530x260, BeerSnob_BeerSnob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever seen craft beer fans and wine snobs?

>> No.8925422

you really really want a crippling mental illness?
take all sorts of hallucinogens - psychedelics, dissociatives, deliriants - frequently and in large doses. also, visit /x/ and learn how to create a tulpa

>> No.8925434

Best Dubs Ive seen in ages

>> No.8925443

too much anxiety to pretty much do anything
25 and havent worked in 5 years
cry when filling out applications, thus have to live at home.

other than that I'm okay :D

>> No.8925469


>> No.8925470

I tend to not dress well

>> No.8925473


>> No.8925485

you're just not /fa/ at all
you're a fucking loser baby faggot

I hope that was b8 pleaseeee be b8

>> No.8925526


>> No.8925550

i play magic that gathering, and i get excited when i win $20 non-transferrable store credit for first place despite paying $10 cash out of pocket...

i tell everyone i built my PC to run solidworks cosmosfloworks, but i have workstations for that at work.
i really built it so i could play call of duty on PC
(i'll lie to your face about never hearing of the franchise though)

i shared a large pretzel bread little ceasers pizza with my dogs for dinner tonight

i race honda's and mazda's in stadium parking lots once a month with the SCCA out here in socal

my shooting buddies are all married young dudes who i met through a mormon church, i myself am not religious

>> No.8925556

Same thing happened to me my brotha.

>Starting sophomore year of college
>First day of class be a bit hungover
>Talked to a few people but struggle to make friends with anyone in class
>Slowly start isolating myself from everyone except one friend
>Whenever class was over I would go to the park or art galleries alone and listen to Crystal Castles I while putting on a happy face
If any of you have ever been truly depressed then you know how hard it is to pretend to be happy
>Continue being alone and not talking to anyone in school
>Rarely if ever smile
Quarter ends and I finally have some time alone to gather myself.

>Day the quarter ends I'm walking back to my car
>See a girl walking towards me
>Think nothing of it and keep looking straight ahead
>As she passes me she gives me a big warm smile
>That one act of kindness really helped me overcome the lull I was in

I've sense overcome that. I now have a solid group of friends, can easily talk to people, and am a MUCH happier person. It's not easy to overcome whatsoever man, all it takes is dedication and the right attitude.

The saying "Fake It Till' You Make it It" is probably the most sound advice I can lend you.

Hope you feel better anon. Nothing about your life is set in stone

>> No.8925565

she was just being nice or was scared.

woman holding a forever 21 bag smiling at bikers was a common occurrence at one of my schools

>> No.8925567

lel, enjoy being a fuccboi with your friends instead of sitting alone in the park smoking cig while listening music.

everybody hates you/10

>> No.8925571

Probably. Don't really care why. I'm just glad I'm a much better person now than I was then

>> No.8925572

will sit and just pull out nose hairs until they're all gone

sometimes just go to bed without brushing teeth

eat (lol)

don't know mane got my shit on lock

>> No.8925579


>> No.8925889

>Drive an econobox that I turned into a race car when I was 16

>> No.8925905

80s ultra violence maybe but no anime is not effay

>> No.8925916

ayyy lmao

>> No.8926007

>be me 5 years ago
>first day at a new school after not being at school for 5 years (Starting year 9) since we were travelling a lot
>social skills never really matured only talked to mum, dad and my little sister who was my best friends
>other kids im socially retarded
>first day recess, go straight to the popular group
> Kid comes out and says straight to my face im not cool, and says I should fuck off.
>Dont say anything, and walk off by lunch everyone knows
>complete outcast
>withdrew completly watched anime and played pokemon for one whole year
>parents concerned put me in some social sports, doesnt work well so then a doctor and a psychiatrist
>prescribed drugs never take them
> made one friend by chance through One piece
>gives me haircut ( disconnected top)
>lent me heaps of clothes
>slowly get more confident
>one more year
>became slowly more popular then the kid who told me to fuck off

feels good This would of been like 4 years ago.

>> No.8926036

ayy lmao

>> No.8926048

Make a girl squirt. Pull out and tell her to get on her knees. Blast your load all over her face. Tell her to wipe up and then cuddle.

Jerking off can't really do that.

>> No.8926053

athletic shorts, UA shoes, backwards hat and no shave. look out.

>> No.8926155
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I have to write a paper on narcissus/narcosis. Can I use this?

>> No.8926248

you degenerate, deviant, wonderful whore. holy shit that is so hot

>> No.8926250


>> No.8926282

I take pictures of myself in front of my mirror, in clothing i never wear outside my house, and post them to a anime imageboard website.

>> No.8926352

are massive crotch blowouts fa and cigarette burns on your jeans fa?

>> No.8926362

If you're punk/grunge enough to compensate for it, they can be.

>> No.8926366

can someone explain this??

>> No.8926399

>I piss in my sink
very /fa/
we had a thread about pee-in-sink masterrace once

I thought it was lies but its not its god tier
>no splash back
>less noise
>less water
>cool clean porcelain on your balls
>wash your hands at the same time
the list genuinely goes on

>> No.8926412

partner = some guy/stranger you met on tinder?

>> No.8926415

yeah bruh

>> No.8926444

I am addicted to pissing in my sink. I can't stop.

>> No.8926455

I barely clean my room. My toilet smells like legit piss now.

>> No.8926469


it never stops

>> No.8926478

ayy lmao

>> No.8926489

/edm not /fa

what the fuck am i reading

>> No.8926492

same here, word for word

I'm 23 and about to join the military to see what happens, it's not like it can get any worse.

>> No.8926493

>tfw 18 and the guy at my store knows my name, where i live, and what i'm studying

it's a special kind of feel

>> No.8926494

"The big book of baneposting - for you"

>> No.8926495

>australian detected

>> No.8926497

>I piss in my sink

>> No.8926498
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>> No.8926500

Can't let this go unchecked.

>> No.8926505
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>> No.8926513

hope so ;-;

>> No.8926535

Feel for you bro, same shit.

>> No.8926545

post fit

>> No.8926547

I listen to trap rap almost exclusively ( It's a trap, I'm trying to recover
I bite my fingernails
My room is a shithole
I'm 5'11. (It's a bad habit I know, I'm trying to break it.)

>> No.8926558

>stroboscopic artefacts

>> No.8926569

gotta do it when no one is looking

>> No.8926577


ayy lmao

>> No.8926586

I do this but only with caked up speed in my nose.

>> No.8926599

This is literally requirement for being fa youre just bragging

>> No.8926604
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Mushi shi is /fa/ af.

w2c ginko's shirt? And please don't say the Edo period

>> No.8926643

i say "ay caramba" every time i cum

>> No.8926678

>jerk off 2-3 times a week


2 times a day or bust, faggot

>> No.8926694

>2 times a day

>> No.8926711

ive missed you seig

>> No.8926753

guy you responded to here. I don't think you should validate these things as /fa/, it's promoting an image to the users of this board, especially newer ones, that they're desirable. this idea is so toxic and cancerous, I don't condone it

>> No.8926754

sandwell distric MOFO!
R.Rose is what's up

>> No.8926758


>> No.8926770
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look what I found today, /fa, I can't fucking stop cringing

>> No.8926773

we aren't children don't be a loser

>> No.8926779

those eyes unsettle me

>> No.8926785


>> No.8926789

quatre life crisis bros. praying for us ;(

>> No.8926793

this is me.

>> No.8926803

I'm a well-adjusted 20 year old who studies law, is liked by most people, has an active social life, and doesn't struggle to pick up women.

From what I'm reading in this thread, i'm the least /fa/ person here.

>> No.8926819

ayy lmao

>> No.8926855

it depends. none of those things mean you're fa in the least.

>> No.8926877

Its an abstract kind of feel.
>tfw my tounge is always purple from the wine.

I make sure im atleast a little tipsy before i go in because of the judgement.

>> No.8926929


>> No.8927365

I occasionally fuck women. I know it's gross but I just can't stay away.

>> No.8927449

>watch anime
>play mahjong on tenhou and janryumon
>listen to anime OSTs
>watch j drama

i didn't want to become a weeb but it fills some kind of void

>workaholic even though i'm just a shitkicker in retail
>drink alone at home
>wear the same/similar shit every single day
>addicted to internet

>> No.8928081
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>Dress like this
>Wear Chucks and Timbs
>Sometimes wear a Ukrainian captain's hat around that my grandpa gave me
>Wear a big ass Soviet mink coat or a green parka from Target during winter time
>Wear a solid gold digital Timex with the elastic metal band
>Use pink Skullcandy earbuds
>Listen almost exclusively to rap. Bump early 2000s Lil Wayne mixtapes in my Kia
>Straight, but recently downloaded Grindr for amusement
>Alternate eating shit and very healthy a few weeks at a time
>Alternate binge drinking and doing drugs with sobriety a few weeks at a time
>Terrible at technology
>In worse financial shape than I was at 19
>Never fucked an Indian girl OR a Canadian girl
>General distaste for hippies and pretentious artsy shit
>Wrote a blog about Tinder at one point
>No real friends. Haven't been in a relationship in like 7 years maybe
>Love VitaminWater. Hate Arizona. I associate it with bad drugs and it makes me want to puke
>Go to 4chan

>> No.8928199

pretty much me

>> No.8928623

Mah nigguuuur

>> No.8928684

>devour pizza
>crippling depression and anxiety
>asocial (which is kinda effay tho)
>play PC games all day
>geek out over hardware and tech
>take the bus everywhere because im too scared and poor to drive
>love dubstep and other genres
>don't drink or smoke
>no best friends

>> No.8928700

>never fucked an indian

That's very /fa/

>> No.8928718

did this till I was like 12

>> No.8928744

-going to concerts by myself at least once a month
-puke easily from alcohol
-compulsory habit to piss in the shower as soon as I start showering

>> No.8928752

I skip showers. The longest is about 1-2 days. without one. Still wearing deodorant

>> No.8928775

I'm actually a person who has to shower, eat and shit. It sucks being human.

>> No.8929044

wow im impressed
how long have you been collecting for

>> No.8929088

Tripsk, princess of the Aspergers kingdom.

>> No.8929156

>think of all the people around me, what they're saying, where they're going or what they're doing, if they think of me like I think of them, why they're laughing, why they aren't laughing, smiling, frowning. Oh shit that's where I get off.

>> No.8929236

agreed. here, have some gold!

>> No.8929282

>I work at Wal Mart
Need I say more? I mean I'm a full time student too, but I work nights and I work with the most uneffay people I've ever met.

>> No.8929330

/fa/ meetup in seattle? Lets hit up Totokaelo and grab sushi

>> No.8929389

Hits too close to home.

>> No.8929405

I have a friend like you except he is a bro and drives an sti and isn't /fa/. He's 20. He has made out like twice tho.

>> No.8929464

>wear same shit everyday
>never style my hair
>vidya all day long
>live with parents

>> No.8929500

ayy lmao

>> No.8929534

Ayyy my dude. I work day shift at walmart and school full time too. I swear half the people I see leaving night shift are zombies. Most of them have some limp or something and the blankest expressions. The rest are younger college students like the ones I associate with on day shift.

>> No.8929568

Yea, I did nights because it pays more and I was expecting a bunch of college kids to be working with me.

They're all a bunch of highschool/college drop outs who are barely making it by with no future plans. Oh, and plenty of mentally ill people because wal mart gets tax benefits or whatever for hiring them.

>> No.8929600
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nope just alone

>> No.8929622

mein niggas

I worked walmart from July to December/January. Was my first job.

Worked grocery as well as being a full-time student. I live at home, so I used it for sick cops. It was fine until holiday seasons started popping up. Then I was working 32 hours a week, usually 4-10 right after class. (1-10 on Saturday)
I liked my job. I don't know, that was more money I had ever had in my life and the work was p. chill in the grocery department and I made a p. cool friend.

But they were working me to death and i couldn't focus on school. I managed to barely pull straight As that semester.

They laid me off in December tho (T-thanks Walmart) Now I work as my dad's assistant which is way better.

Your description of night crew is perfect. Them some scary fuckers I noticed. Or they were just dirty college kids.

There was this one old guy who had sik stax on his jeans tho

>> No.8929623

I know it sucks to go through a break up, and you feel very attached to her. But you are better ALONE than back with her.

I know it's the hardest thing to go through and it can downright feel painful. But it will get better, and you will be a stronger, smarter person for going through it.

I can explain why it will NEVER work out the way you want it to with her, if you need, but I think you already know, deep down.

>> No.8929636

I thought so too, I had the world's lowest expectations of sex and how good it was ended up blowing my fucking mind.

The only thing I was wrong about was I thought losing my virginity would be like... a thing. Like I wouldn't feel like I still had my virginity but nope, it doesn't really change anything. So I don't get how people on this site, mostly other boards, are so hung up about it

>> No.8929645

>I don't get how people on this site, mostly other boards, are so hung up about it
There are a lot of reasons, but I agree that it's a problem.

Losing your virginity will change nothing. Most importantly, it won't FIX anything either.
If you're a lonely loser right now, you'll still be that same person after sex. The same goes for guys who really want a GF because they think it will fix their life.

I know some people will say they found a GF and now there life is better... but they are in for some pain when their relationship ends.

>> No.8929679


me too brah

Got /fit/ and /fa/ way late, like 20, so by that point my social life was crippled. I wasn't even ugly or lame in high school, just a late bloomer in a ton of AP classes. Took AP Calc in 10th grade, looked like I was still 10 in a room full of grown adults. Weird as fucckkkk

Still gonna make it though

>> No.8929684


lmao at people thinking this is nasty

normal human behavior, and it's really good for your immune system

proud booger eater who never gets sick crew

>> No.8929693

I'll try anon. I really will.
Wish me luck.

But if she comes back sometime and says hey, let's try again I probably wont' say no.

But, you are right. I'm gonna stop trying to force it, and I'll try moving on.

w2c social life

>> No.8929694


its on leddit a ton too

which brings us to the most un-effay thing in this thread: I read leddit daily

>> No.8929699


being a young alcoholic is effay as fuck

>> No.8929811

I've been going to leddit a bit more and more when /fa/ can't help. I don't post there and don't consider myself a part of their community, but they have some good recs and advice. Just be smart enough to distinguish shit from the good stuff.

>> No.8929818

I break wind. And enjoy it almost every time.

>> No.8929829

Fuck it, what does w2c mean?

I started browsing /fa/ two weeks ago and the term isn't used on other boards.

I'm too scared to ask

>> No.8929841

check the sticky there is a gloassry friend
it means where 2 cop

>> No.8929860

>let's try again I probably wont' say no.
Wrong attitude.
She WILL come back to you, in some capacity, when you drop contact with her. But you are better WITHOUT her in your life, and that includes being "just friends" as well.

Maybe a year down the road you can handle a friendship with her, but not right now. You need to get to a place where you don't NEED a relationship to feel fulfilled.

I already said that I know it's much easier said than done, and i've walked the same route you're on right now. It will get worse before it gets better, but you need to understand that it's in your best interest to move on from her. Once you understand it's in your best interest then you need to fully commit to the idea.

If you want some inspo, and aren't a lame piece of shit who cries about "generalizations, give "book of pook" a chance. it's free pdf and it changed my life for the better, years ago. Really. It explains things that you may already feel, but can't really explain.

it means "where to cop" which is a meme about joining law school. actually, "cop" means acquire so w2c essentially means "where can I get that from"

>> No.8929869

All the sticky goes on about is not hitting on women who post here

Explain this one without using another made up brit term please

>> No.8929880

Never mind he explained it >>8929860

>> No.8929991

ayy lmao

>> No.8930059
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>> No.8930067
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I scratch my ass and then smell my fingers.

>> No.8930637

>6 hours a day
>working you to death
lol fuck off

>> No.8931390
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Pepe is the main man

>> No.8932091

Just go to a bar m8. Do you have friends?

>> No.8932096

This feel

>> No.8932235

ayy lmao

>> No.8932438

>early 20s
>minimal experience with qt3.14s
>very small social life

Most of you guys are just normal dudes like me which is nice to know.
We're all gonna make it guys