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/fa/ - Fashion

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8917520 No.8917520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Wake up around 8:30
>Drink water from a Gatorade bottle
>Make bed
>Take phone to bathroom
>Sit on toilet. Check texts, emails, SnapChat, and scroll through the following boards once (/b/, /k/, /fa/, /o/, /fit/)
>If I'm gonna shave, turn on a podcast on my phone (Joe Rogan lately, also Hardcore History, TED Talks, and Nerdist)
>Shower (wash hair with shampoo, mouthwash)
>Dry off, put on thick sweatpants (no shirts 'til 11am) and Birkenstocks.
>Let out dog so he can chase some birds and shit
>Spend 45 minutes making breakfast while watching CNBC, Travel Channel, or Comedy Central
>Eat breakfast in the kitchen
>Take the party to the bedroom to get dressed and leave the house

>> No.8917529

amazing life

>> No.8917530

good thread OP

>> No.8917541
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>wash hair with shampoo

>> No.8917558
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>(no shirts 'til 11 am)

Did you read that on The Art of Manliness?

>> No.8917804

>drinking water from a Gatorade bottle
Joe rogan here, you're a silly cunt, use glass because 99% of plastics leach xenoestrogens

>> No.8917955

do you have a job???

>> No.8917968

>not wanting xenoestrogens to keep you from maturing

>> No.8917979

Very mundane. How does it feel to be a modern day peasant who will never be remembered by history?

>> No.8917980

gotta get that andro look somehow

>> No.8918013


Wake up
Immediately walk to the shower
Wash hair and brush teeth in shower
Walk back to my room
Get dressed
Put books and a change of clothes in my backpack if I'm going to the gym
Walk to class

>> No.8918072

almost got me 7/10

>> No.8918130

Wake up
Hit snooze several times
Maybe check phone if I think I have time
Shower if I think I have time
Grab a cliff bar
Be late for work

>> No.8918140

pleb life

>> No.8918151

>wake up around 5am
>shit if i got to
>check twitter
>scroll thru /lit/, /fa/, /mu/, /sp/
>wash face (scrub, water)
>check twitter again
>brush my teeth
>drink water
>go to uni
>arrive from uni
>masturbate/browse above boards/tweet/sleep
>do all of my homework after 11pm

>> No.8918187

>wake up around 9am
>lay in bed until 9:30 cuddlin my pup and browsing any updates on muh phone
>get dressed/brush my teeth/shit if i need to
>let the dogs out when my room mate wakes up
>smoke a cigarette while watching tv or something to wake up
>take a bong rip
>walk to work at 10am

tha güd life

>> No.8918206

I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.8918216



>> No.8918243

>wake up between 7:30 and 8:30
>maybe check my phone
>decide if I want to go to the office or not
>maybe electric shave
>iron my clothes
>eat instant breakfast and a bagel
>put on moisturizer
>take nootropics and supplements
>style my hair
>brush my teeth
>pack my bag
>leave for work if I'm going to the office or a client site
>skip half of this shit if I'm not

>> No.8918262
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>wake up
>wake up for real
>walk to bathroom and turn shower on
>check social media quick while shower does its thing
>take shower using plebian soaps
>get out, towel dry, throw gatsby multiform in hair
>blow dry hair up
>pull hair back down and throw some more multiform and make that shit messy
>walk to room and put of fit of the day
>produce some music for a lil bit
>roomates prob made coffee already so go grab some dat shit
>gtfo of house and go to skoo

>> No.8918294

on days when i am actually needed to do something
>wake up 630
>take amphetamines
>shit/shower/shave - no poo and w disposable razor (de razors are autism)
>fuck gf if we are speaking to each other, if not get distracted by something else
>get dressed and leave by 730
>intense productivity until at least 2-3 pm
>amphetamine crash

days without obligation
>wake up before 10 because i can't sleep late
>vape lotsa weed
>3-4 mile run if not sore or injured

i have improved my life 10 fold since one year ago but
i still cannot stop myself from feeling suicidal every day

>> No.8918309

>wake up at 7 am, get dressed
>eat granola and yogurt breakfast
>check tumblr
>out the door by 7:20, smoke on the walk to work
>cook (meth)
>get a ride with the other cook, go to store and get beer
>get home, shower with a beer, drinks and Netflix until bed
>tfw no friends
>tfw living with dad

>> No.8918644

Wake up 5AM
30 min. snooze to 5:30 then 6
Take shower and shave in shower
Rush to get dressed before 6:30
Yell "rollcall" literally to wake up everyone in hallway
Take attendance
Make bed, brush teeth, tidy room
Go to cafeteria at 6:45AM
Eat one bowl of cereal and drink one cup of coffee while checking 4chan and tumblr
7:30 take antibiotic or go wait for class to start on days that no antibiotic continue on phone
8AM start class / work

>> No.8920036

underrated post

>> No.8920364

>wake up 6:30
>checks social networks
>piss/brush teeth/apply make up
>smoke half a dutch
>eat breakfast preferably cereal
>pack lunch
>fix hair/get dressed
>gather things
>leave out to do human things