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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 89 KB, 475x587, ci8SEob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8913366 No.8913366 [Reply] [Original]

>major in Philosophy
>Everyone looks straight out of mfa, even the girls
>dadcore errywhere
>grandmacore errywhere
>decide to major in Art History this year, maybe I'll meet effay people
>tumblrcore errywhere
the following values are given for an average sample of one hundred grills
>30% dyed hair and/or sidecuts
>70% le nerd glasses
>65% floral patterns
>75% special snowflake doc martens.
>boys are all complete hipsters with quirky accessories, whimsical facial hair and badly-coordinated fits
The guy with the most elegant fit I met there was a /mu/tant.

But no sign of anyone from /fa/.

what do all of you fuccbois study? do you even study anything?

>> No.8913380

most people dress like shit these days and unis became places every pleb can go to , just deal with it

>> No.8913384

Stop judging people by the way they dress

>> No.8913388

CompSci here, theres one other guy who's passably /fa/ and about two that are above mfa tier, everyone else is shit.

>> No.8913394

I ain't judging them, just their fits

>> No.8913418


>calls people special snowflakes
>not realizing he think he's a special snowflake compared his his classmates

You must be a real joy to be around.

>> No.8913422

I'm sure you're fit to judge appearance with those fine half-qualifications in philosophy and art history

Are you going to open a philosophy shop? Maybe work at Westinghouse art historying a nuclear reactor?

>> No.8913437

So much this. Anything that isn't STEM is total shit.

>> No.8913441

not him but I'd rather be poor than take STEM, that shit's so uninteresting to me

>> No.8913446

Not him, but on the other hand other people would consider the Arts boring. In any case, the spergs will rush this thread to display STEM superiority.

>> No.8913459

>implying most STEM majors mean easy job
>not majoring in whatever you love just for the sake of it
Uneducated pleb detected.

Go to uni because you are interested in the subject not because you want a good job.

Going to uni and not loving to learn is pleb as fuck. Maybe you should just grab a degree dealing with finances instead.

>> No.8913461

faggots, have fun living life for the sake of making money

>> No.8913464

>major in Philosophy

what kind of job are you going to get with a degree like that. you realize that you are selling your self into debt unless you have some plan right...

>> No.8913471

>people who learn about aesthetics aren't qualified to judge something aesthetic
>I am qualified because I learn how apply math and build machines

>> No.8913472

>Everyone is immediately reading things into my post and getting butthurt over literally nothing
I was just asking where you guys studied.

>> No.8913473


>> No.8913475

simple: philosophy teacher.

>> No.8913480

I got a useless degree in English, but my saving grace was learning sales skills from my internship experience. Learn some skills, guys, because everybody has a degree nowadays. I learned how to sell myself and I found an interesting job at an advertising agency.

>> No.8913489

>thinking /fa/ dresses /fa/

>> No.8913492

>got a degree
>didn't learn anything while getting it
Advertising sounds right up your alley.

>> No.8913497
File: 8 KB, 200x263, Tom-Cruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall 2013, spend time & money for perfect nxtlvl fit even though wardrobe is full
>plebs hate on the bold avant-garde details, feels good but doubts arise
>fast forward fall 2014, nxtlvl fit confirmed, plebs attempt to replicate, confidence all time high
>qt 3.14s don't even remember who was the first of the herd
>confidence all time low, need to stand out
>cycle begins again

What's the point /fa/

>> No.8913498

guys please don't fight
just tell me where you study at

>> No.8913530


go to the library and borrow The Republic. Don't spend tens of thousands of your parents money so you can be a host and Dennys.

>> No.8913537

I'm probably going to major in Fashion Design or Interior Design, maybe both

>> No.8913541

>and borrow The Republic
and thereby completely misinterpret Plato's philosophy because the interesting bits are drowned in a sea of platitudes and irrelevant speculations because you don't have the education or the guidance needed to understand it, let alone to use it for your personal advancement.

>> No.8913543


> spending the next 50 years doing math all day with autistic asian immigrant children.

I'd literally rather be homeless lol

>> No.8913547


>> No.8913552

I started majoring in Japan Studies.

Strangely, people majoring in China Studies and Muslim Science, are a lot more /fa/.

>> No.8913562

*Muslim Studies

>> No.8913571

i am currently getting a fine art bachelor, the dudes are pretty norm core like imagine regular 20-25 year olds just studying art and not partying/wheeling pussy ever would dress. Girls are equally utilitarian with the odd garish shit like docs or floral print (no one is safe)

thank ala i didnt go to an inner city art school

>> No.8913584


FIT, I hope. Currently at a community college in SoCal.

>> No.8913586

Better this shit than going to a large state school where 70% of the schools population are greek fags who literally define themselves by their sorority/fraternity.

Fuck at least look good, but i swear to god if i see another dumb suburbanite cunt wearing an AEP long hemmed sweater or vest, leggings and knee high leather boots, i'm going to vent on an anonymous website and judge their shitty taste in clothes without them ever knowing. Don't even get me started on these shitbag dudebros who wearing fucking track pants, hoodies, and autism tier tennis shoes everywhere

>> No.8913592

of course they are, I imagine Japan Studies is full of weebs

>> No.8913599

>i'm going to vent on an anonymous website and judge their shitty taste in clothes without them ever knowing
That's taking it too far--too far! I'm calling to mods.

>> No.8913620

im in computer science
if you see a tall slim dude with cdg chucks hunched over a macbook thats me ;^)

>> No.8913625

>majoring in liberal arts
Have fun with your expensive piece of toilet paper and piles of debt.

>> No.8913627

So much this.

Anything that isn't within STEM is bullshit that accomplishes nothing.

>> No.8913631

college used to be a place for higher learning and philosphy for great minds to come together and discover things, you get the idea.

now because everyone is entilted to college its highschool 2.0 debt foundry where you sell your life to the college debt bubble. but you wont have to worry because when it collapses you wont have to repay any of it.

thx obama

nigger what, im studying accounting, that aint stem and its useful.

>> No.8913633

STEM isn't the ONLY thing worth going for. Health Sciences are a pretty sure bet -- for example, Radiologic Technicians are in huge demand right now. You only need a 2-year degree to be one, and the median salary is $30-50k for entry-level positions.

>> No.8913635

>get mechanical engineering degree
>155k starting
>pay off debt within 1 year
>use rest of money to cop sick fits
>laugh at poor libartstards

>> No.8913638

As it is, in the US, you only need to made student loan payments for 10 years before it's all forgiven. Our economic and education systems are fucking ridiculous.

>> No.8913639
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>> No.8913662

Do not fall prey to the STEM shills, they are disinfo agents trying to ruin western civilization by dissuading young people from acquiring the healthy, stimulating culture they need to become free and fulfill their dreams.

shoo shoo STEM shill!

>> No.8913669

If you had self awareness you would take a look at your life and realize how much of it is affected by non-STEM "bullshit"

>> No.8913672

under what criteria

>> No.8913682

The only reason why you are posting stupid comments on the Internet is because of the advancements made by the men in STEM.

>> No.8913684

implying socialist arts is what they need to gain better culture.

what possible culture could someone get from college that isn't fucking awful white hating equality propaganda

>> No.8913688

thank you for 4chan STEM

>> No.8913693

Now that they've done these advancements, they can fuck right off. The only other thing I could ask from them is a qt robot gf.
And they wouldn't have created these things if there weren't people eager to share all dat delicious non-STEM culture to the entire world by insulting each other's tastes. Thank us for giving you this job.

>> No.8913694

I was told that by my degree planning teacher, but I'm not sure exactly what the criteria are.

>> No.8913699

quite a lot of culture actually. At least in Yurope. I don't know how rotten with leftism Murrkan arts schools are, but here in Frankreich apart from the aforementioned tumblrcore worms, there's no actual liberal cancer gnawing at the heart of our culture.

>> No.8913711

>Radiologic Technicians
My father did that. Then he emigrated from his country because a war started and couldn't find a job in that field anyway.
Nothing is is sure in life, so I would rather do something that I genuinely enjoy than study for money.

If you think reading Politeia will give you a philosophical education and teach you how to consume, interpret, and formulate your own thoughts on a highly refined level you shouldn't be talking about things you don't understand.
You can pay for university with what you earn from your part time job here.
On a side note: You can pay for university with what you earn from a part time job easily here.

>> No.8913716

People in Korean studies are the worst though. Kpop everywhere. Some people in east Asian art history are cool.

Source: enrolled in China studies.

>> No.8913717

>this STEM circlejerk
I read 'Mission to Mars' by Buzz Aldrin where he describes STEAM and its relevance--within the 20th century and the Space Race. The 'A' stands for the Arts. STEM put a man on the moon. The Arts captured the imagination of the world, garnering more support for space exploration. Think of Star Trek and Star Wars and the generations of stargazers borne from these works. I mean, you will constantly hear how engineers will always aspire to the "Star Trek standard".

TLDR: discipline superiority is stupid undergrad bullshit, Buzz Aldrin said so.

>> No.8913720

you are lucky my friend.
school here is just ugh. you can't go anywhere in any field without mandatorily being exposed to the bullshit.

>> No.8913731

>I would rather do something that I genuinely enjoy than study for money
I agree. I was just giving an example of a non-STEM job that isn't "bullshit that accomplishes nothing".

>> No.8913732

at which frequency? I'm not gonna pretend that I haven't come across one or two libtard teachers in four years of studies, but how often do you get exposed to that shit?

>> No.8913745

sure 95% of students in greek life take themselves and their chapter/the greek system waaaaaay waaaaaaay waaaay too seriously, and can be elitist jackasses. But damn, the mixers, date parties, formals, IM games, pledging events, hazing as a brother, banter, frat parties, drugs, friendships, philanthropy events, alcohol, vacations/trips, general debauchery, are well worth it. So much fun, definitely would regret not going greek in college (particularly at my school).

>> No.8913750

Philosophy actually ranks highly in law school acceptance and LSAT scores, so it's actually not that bad if you're continuing your education. Art History can take a hike though.

>> No.8913754

Our culture is full of extremes, amigo. Be part of the 90% and install a bullshit filter.

If you listen to the extremes, you are liable to believe that WWIII is imminent, that all men are rapists, that all women are whores, that whites are victims of reverse racism, and that Jews are taking over the world.

The bullshit filter helps us remember that life is simple, people are good, and that the chasms that separates us are actually just cracks.

>> No.8913755
File: 231 KB, 800x1128, effayyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social situations are so much fun
do you know where you're posting, little nigger?

>> No.8913757

>machines that destroyed craftmanship
>machines that pump poisonous gases into our atmosphere
>virtual space where people can insult each other without fear of consequence
>ways of extracting drugs from medical plants to sell them at much higher price
>weapons that can kill more people in one go than there was casualties in entire historical battles

thanks, i'd rather stay with nice paintings and sculptures

>> No.8913758

That's called common sense, in technical philosophical terms.

And I can safely assert, that it isn't as common as the name implies.

>> No.8913760

Ah sorry for that. I'm not concentrated enough right now, so I misread you. There's quite a few liberal arts that can grant you money. Although I don't like them, I like to use them to fuck with bitchbois who think lib arts are useless.

>> No.8913761

While I agree with you, you have to recognize that the atom bomb is by far one of the greatest works of art of all time. it inspired an entire current of American poetry and left a massive impact in popular imagery. And of course, by itself, it's absolutely sublime.

>> No.8913762

except it's made by a german

>> No.8913766

So what? You talking shit about German Kultur? You ain't Nietzsche, you got no business badmouthing it.

>> No.8913768

Congrats, you're a man of common sense.

If you want to be happy, find likeminded people.

>And I can safely assert, that it isn't as common as the name implies.
It actually is.

>> No.8913772

I'd argue that it inspiring art, doesn't make it art. War in general is one of the biggest inspirations for everything men do, but that doesn't make war an act of art. And how does it being sublime make it fine art?

>> No.8913781
File: 31 KB, 442x461, 1528706_589804857803981_6852504334281380017_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think pol has done this to me, alot of what I see is true though.


how can you watch this and say everything is good and perfect fine? Thats just being in denial.

I really am proud of my race and want to see it prosper.

I don't hate people of other races or cultures, I find them interesting its just, multiculturalism is just terrible and creates weird tensions and social problems.

What do I know im just some kid reading shit on the internet fuck im so confused about everything, I dont like niggers man. fuck

>> No.8913785

I go to University of Toronto and I see HBA, Visvim, Thom Browne for days. I already made a friend who likes fashion by complimenting his margielas. There are fashion killa asian girls as well with huge Goyard bags and Kenzo shades. The population is mostly wealthy asian international students so that helps but coming from a small city I'm amazed. There's a guy in my astronomy class who wears Prada creeps and Givenchy shirts like every day. Swag.

>> No.8913793

>And how does it being sublime make it fine art?
are you honestly completely ignorant about art history and aesthetics? The theorization of sublimity (beyond the realm of rhetorics) coincided with the birth of fine art as a cultural category, and many plastic artists (the guys who create what we call fine art) have been trying to make sublime creations since around that time (and retrospectively even before that) The culmination of fine art as an elitist, secluded type of art was declared to be the time where genuine artists would achieve true sublimity. A few years after the end of WW2 actually.

and if you don't understand why sublime=doubleplusgood for an artist, I can't help you.

>> No.8913799

Ah, here is your first mistake: you assume that people who disagree with your appreciation of things always disagree completely with you.

Nobody claims that everything is fine and perfect. They just don't think it's bad enough that you or they should ruin their own lives over it.

>> No.8913809

you sound like an insecure cunt
get some friends and get your dick wet (dw not every girl is taken by niggers lel) and youll feel better

>> No.8913812

point taken

>> No.8913829
File: 19 KB, 406x215, average_liberal_arts_student.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people who don't think making FTL a reality or designing cars that go 300 mph is the tightest shit ever.
I always knew /fa/ was just a bunch of hipster plebs.

>> No.8913833

i thought there will be some real horrible shit then i watched the link and saw it's just some white people with self irony
you got some issues m8

>> No.8913836

*tips oil filter*

>> No.8913841

>I pay money to learn about the history of art instead of just reading at the public library.

>> No.8913843

>computer science

sigh, atleast i get to walk to the liberal arts buildings for some lectures to see some normal human beings

>> No.8913844
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its very difficult to change people who have a certain beliefs ingrained into them from birth. public school white guilt, gay promotion, diversity enrichment celebration, evil white history, nigger celebration ect..

you can't change a hood nigger. born into hood nigger environment, deu always going to be a hood nigger.
bus a nut u feel bitter. okay thanks jdif.
ill just live a life of consumerism and sit back and enjoy the ride.

>> No.8913846

It's useless, pointless shit.


>> No.8913855

Next Tuesday I'l start to study medicine and I live in Italy

I already know it will be full of fuccbois and burberry, gucci, armani, LV, fred perry and so on...

>> No.8913864

Stop blowing things massively out of proportion.

Yes it's fairly easy to make people change beliefs ingrained into them from birth, all you have to do is wait they're in their teens and offer them an alternative. Most people just don't come across this alternative. Then, when they're older, just use their contrarian instincts, play the role of the honest, reasonable, middle-of-the-road citizen who's kinda pissed (but not angry or paranoid like you seem to be) about political correctness and guilt-tripping, and they will almost always side with you.

>> No.8913869

culture is useless, pointless shit. It's all about preference bro. but while culture can turn in a dime and degenerate, technological progress only goes forward.

>> No.8913874



>> No.8913885

>technological progress only goes forward
only if there's a civilization that prevents it from receding back into primitivity. And there can't be a civilization without at least an ounce of culture.

>> No.8913891

nice dichotomy there faggot, just be a healthy person who does great shit instead of a sad cunt worrying about non issues
you dont have to be a degenerate consumerist

>white guilt
you are generally treated nicer anywhere in europe and the us if you are white, nobody worries if they are white

>gay promotion
whats wrong with fucking a man, barbarian scum

>diversity enrichment
why not, every race has qts

>evil white history
people did some pretty fucked up shit back then, but go farther back and we outright worship cunts like gaius iulius as role models to white civilization

>nigger celebration
who celebrates niggers, except niggers?

>> No.8913897
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sheeeit man. did you study psych in college?

I kno i seem a little edgy

>> No.8913901


I was planning to become a plastic surgeon, but I think that this could be a better aspiration, thank you anon
fucking hemorrhoids...

>> No.8913907
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I like your attitude.
I know i seem like a downer but I live really close to a liberal city and like. fuck the shit I see just rips muh heart out.

>> No.8913910

>technology is linear

Imagine if we didn't have electronic computers, we would have more geniuses spend time on creating mechanical computers, technology would go in a different direction. In fact the way it is now, we probably have less geniuses that can build shit than before.
Also everything we know now will probably become obsolete and be replaced by a completely different alternative that doesn't even build up on what we have now.

>> No.8913912

>look mum I posted it again
>gotta finish high school first then join the master race xD

>> No.8913925

>all these STEM elitsts
>be welder
>16 month course
>4 years out already have red seal + high pressure A + B
>making 95 thousand a year (post taxes) and I only work 8 months a year in Alberta

Top fucking kek

>> No.8913947

w2c this welder job

>> No.8913956

don't try reasoning with positivists. The ones that weren't eradicated in the early XXth century were so resilient that they perpetuated their breed up to this time, spreading their noxious ideology along with their spawn.

>> No.8913973

most people are shit, that's a fact sadly
you can only feel better by being friends with people who aren't shit, and you can only do that if you are a good person yourself
theres people who are neither scared politcally correct fags nor believe in retarded shit that wouldnt be out of place in the third reich, people who just think for themselves and do what is nice

and it might help to realise that humanity is just a bunch of individuals who want to shit on each other, alone or in groups with like minded people
everyone wants power and dominance over others, and having others accept your opinions is an aspect of dominance over them, while them disagreeing makes you more powerless

everyone can say everything nowadays and it evens out, for every afrocentrist nut job, there is a hitler worshipping neckbeard. for every self hating sheltered white student there is a black guy who can't get along with other blacks and feels shit.

the way to go is focus on yourself and be authentic, you don't need to worry about what others do as long as it doesnt interfere with your work. but you need a goal for that first. build house, write books, play music. anything that has you using your mind and body to create things will make you happy

>> No.8913980

Yeah but you live in Alberta. So uhh enjoy your cow dung, oil, and country folk.

>> No.8913985
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thanks man

>> No.8913990

what kind of shit do you see?

>> No.8913993

Is it too late to go to college at the age of 23?

>> No.8913998

Not in Yurop.

>> No.8913999

Make sure to take something like engineering to make he degree worthwhile

>> No.8914001


what a stupid fucking question no it's not too late

>> No.8914002

Post fit

>> No.8914006

Make sure to take something like engineering to make the degree worthwhile

>> No.8914010


ive seen some shit

>> No.8914018

You get paid well cause no one else wants to be a welder in the middle of bumfuck nowhere

>> No.8914024

You've just seen footage, nigga. These guys are just the black equivalent of you: bitter individuals who bark but don't bite.

>> No.8914028
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>>major in Philosophy

>> No.8914035

I'm not doing it for the sloots
god know I'm not.

>> No.8914044

damn. that is some shit.

>> No.8914057


>95thou a year.
>for gluing metal to metal with liquid metal

>> No.8914058

yeah these niggas are fucked up, but once you realise what their issue is you will see it's the same thing that drives them AND /pol/
it's not leftist to let them shout this, infact this is the most racist thing i've seen in a while.

but this kind of thing seems to be an american issue. if anyone pulled this shit here in europe they would be arrested, no matter what ethnicity they are and who they are racist against.
i know /pol/ thinks europe has a free pass for people from minorities, but that's bullshit.

>> No.8914068

nobody here actually goes out and yells at people like that retard,

your argument is so paper thin its laughable. are you trying to imply that people posting things on an image board is the same as actually going out onto the street and yelling at women that you are going to rape them for something they didn't do?

based retard

>> No.8914073

the only difference is that here it's anonymous

>> No.8914085

they did just start swear at people in hebrew? top kek

>> No.8914086

Just another case of black brothers jealous of Caucasian dick.

Learn to eat her out and you'll be ok, my nigga.
Just ask your brother Danny Brown in his hit song I Will.

>> No.8914095

Post fit faggot

>in b4 black skinny jeans, meme shoes, and bomber jacket

>> No.8914096

do you realise that them categorising people into races is exactly what makes their behaviour possible
YOU the whites, US the blacks
the same thing you are doing

>> No.8914098

>big black men are in UFOs
toppest kek

>> No.8914100

The average penis size of black Americans is four and 3/4 inches. The average penis size of white Americans is six and 1/4 inches. Do the math.

>> No.8914103

nope. Autistic as hell but not in a fuccboi way.

>> No.8914105

instead of repeating the same STEM vs lib arts argument, would be interesting to hear about people who majored in humanities and the careers they ended up in

studied english/philosophy, have a consulting job after grad

>> No.8914107

it's blacks and hispanics who went to /x/ and /pol/ too much

>> No.8914117
File: 65 KB, 680x534, 362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone actually told me this when I was on exchange in Canada, of all places
>mfw I'm from the Balkans and my people have been buggered by the Ottomans for about as long
>I tell them to open a fucking history book
>that's racist anon, don't be an asshole

>> No.8914123

I studied international business, the greatest non-degree of all, and am now a legal translator.
you never really know where it'll take you, my mother graduated sociology and now works in a bank.

>> No.8914129

It's the same as someone who beats you at a video game because he used cheat codes.
He beat you, and you can't say he didn't. But he isn't better than you.

>> No.8914135

Are you saying you're autistic

>> No.8914143
File: 58 KB, 640x848, Filip_Višnjić_Знаменити_Срби_XIX._века.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american double standards, eh

>> No.8914149

yes, aren't we all?

>> No.8914152


cate gori sing

No negro alive in the US today has been enslaved. ever.
I might even say that no negros grandfather was enslaved.
And yes that includes the old ass negros alive today.

Stop playing the victim. you have as much opportunity as me.

>> No.8914183


this shit is too fucking entertaining

>> No.8914191

>Stop playing the victim. you have as much opportunity as me.

sheltered white boy detected

>> No.8914194

you didnt quite get my post bud
i said it's wrong that these people identify with a race so that they can say "YOU ENSLAVED US"

>> No.8914201


>> No.8914212
File: 242 KB, 1500x1323, 81OxHrzBAvL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please nigger. tell me where I have an unfair advantage to anything. if anything minorities get more benefits than I do.

im strictly talking the US btw...

>> No.8914221

>studying economics
>cant dress like a goth teen ninja
>dress business casual lel elf pants
I kinda like it

>> No.8914222

dutch/fa/ggit? I also study le weab japan studies

>> No.8914231

lol depends on where you live. If it's Fort Mac or some shit you should escape at all costs, but Edmonton and Calgary are both pretty great cities.

>> No.8914270

they work inhuman hours. like two weeks without breaks and 16 hour days. i'm serious. the benefits are amazing because it's trying to get away with modern slavery. I guess if you don't mind being tired and useless by the time you're 40, then this fucking idiotic career for stupid losers is okay

>> No.8914281

>shitty edit
>some guy runs off

>> No.8914313

I study physics.
Most students dress Idontcare-core and some just want to be recognized (chucks, skinny pants, white shirt tucked in pants)

>> No.8914314

Well... I guess I'll answer the question unlike everyone else.

STEM, more specifically if you care Civil Eng. which you don't care.

>> No.8914455

I'm a molecular bio major. Everyone in my major is pre-med and extremely preppy or looks like an autistic basement dweller. There is no middle ground.

>> No.8914549

art history can be useful in getting into architecture school but again... total waste of money, may aswell just enter as default

>> No.8914596

lel is that uniqlo

>> No.8914615

i'm studying design, but i doubt you'd pick that i go on /fa/ from the way i dress

>> No.8914634

have fun working at starbucks

I'm in health sciences, there's a lot of meh outfits but everyone looks slightly better than the average person's fit.

>> No.8914643

isn't that because they have more money?

>> No.8914649

>Majoring in philosophy and art
>Judging others based on their clothing
Good thing that you will be able to wear that sick hobocore fit for the rest of your life

>> No.8914652

>needing to be spoonfed knowledge by professors instead of reading something and analyzing it
any degree from a college would be lost on you

>> No.8914664

I already am.

>> No.8914669

analyzing things isn't an innate skill, fuccboi

>> No.8914688

No most of them wear pleb shit but at least they know how to look okay in it. Students in philosphy are generally richer because they have cash to burn on courses with no application and no useful skills

Analyzing things is what you should have learned in high school anon.

>> No.8914698

>civil engineering
is that american for "I make buildings and infrastructure"? If yes, that's only /fa/ STEM field my nigga

>> No.8914715

>implying you can analyze philosophical works properly without the right education

try reading something written in the last 100 years bud. anyone can into into greek ramblings

>> No.8914733

I think people like you don't realize, a degree is an investment.

You don't get in tens of thousands of dollars of debt to pursue a casual interest.

If you're not getting a degree to make back the money you're spending earning it then you're an idiot.

>> No.8914739

>not an useful skill


>> No.8914751

Law nigga. Effay as fuck only cos like 85% of students are 8/10 or higher

>> No.8914770
File: 71 KB, 854x567, laughingobama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really tired of this americanocentric behaviour of you faggots. Did you ever stop to think that not everyone is from the USA and that not everyone has to spend thousands on university? Here in V I E N N A for example, you can pay your student fees from what you earn working part time. The city can even give a stipend if for a more expensive education if you work for a while.
Not every nation on this planet is a 2 party "democracy" in which people protest against health care and that still has inofficial segregation.

>> No.8914779

Also if you can't take liberal arts serious I'm serious for you.

>> No.8914789

We can't all live in countries smaller than my state filled primarily with productive intelligent Germanic white people.

Some of us have problems with the swarthy and being 1/5 of the worlds economy.

>> No.8914796
File: 9 KB, 350x217, cryingeagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8914823

>tfw going to graduate uni with no student debt
feels good to work hard

>> No.8914835

How many languages do you speak? And what's your salary? Just curious.

>> No.8914858

>WAAAAHH, why can't the greedy 1% let me finger paint in peace?

>> No.8914891

>"We can't fix our educational system because of NIGGERS"

Explain? We have our fair share of proletarians too (a group which is in no way limited to certain ethnicities; just like in the US, despite what you want to belive) and I don't see what part this plays in education.

Artists can be pretty rich too, you know.

>> No.8914911

Finance. The /fa/est major.

>> No.8914937

if you needed to go to college to know how to philosophize then you just weren't meant for it.

>> No.8914954

thas rite

>> No.8914988

More like the most over saturated major, so many undergrads coming out of uni thinking theyre going to make the big bucks only to find they have to suck baby boomer dick for measly starting salary until 20yrs later when a senior position title gives them a lil extra boost

>> No.8915010

You have enough intelligent white people to make up for the swarth. Plus Austria is the size of a sandbox.

>> No.8915054

>SWIM bought a forged master's degree in art history
>moved across the country to get a job
>get hired as an art historian
>I basically just pick and choose what art goes into the museum
>make $112,000 a year

Y'all niggas are putting way too much work into this.

>> No.8915063

>drop out of high school because fuck that shit
>do a lot of drugs and fuck around for half a year
>punch my abusive mom in the face
>get emancipated by the state
>get my G.E.D
>go to bates tech
>finished in two years, become an engineer
>making $35k/year starting with chance to max out at $95k/yearly in raises later on.
>not even 19 yet


>> No.8915091


>95k/year max in several decades

lmao poorfag

>> No.8915104

>work ass off in high school
>get into top 10 university
>double major in economics and music *fucking gasp*
>getting a "useful" degree and one i enjoy

fucking hate econ/finance people though

>> No.8915112

35k yearly is plenty for one person

That's a nice flat, a nice car, and lots of clothes.

>> No.8915128
File: 253 KB, 480x480, 20121115_193011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sure some people think I look mfa but I just have a hard time actualizing my japcore influences on a medium budget ;(

>> No.8915139

u dont kno the struggle

>> No.8915141

These people aren't liberals you retard.

>> No.8915156

>based retard
based can't be a pejorative, retard.

>> No.8915173

If it takes you more than 10 years to pay off your student loans you SERIOUSLY fucked up your career and Uni choices.

Don't go to fucking harvard without scholorships for an art major if you aren't rich.

>> No.8915381

Freshman in phyics
Nobody is /fa/ but there are several /fit/itzens.

>> No.8915541

holy shit I could totally do this. What were your grades in HS?

>> No.8915545



>> No.8915566

OP why would you spend money on either of those majors?

Are you fucking retarded and just not desiring a future job at all??

>> No.8915580

How much does a forged degree cost?

>> No.8915597

yo daiki. chill with the aprons.

>> No.8915658

40k. A guy in Toronto makes U of T and York U

>> No.8915681

A good costs as much as real college costs.

You can get some for like $500 but they're awful.

It's not a cheaper route, it's just a lazier one.

>> No.8915708

as much as your tuition

>> No.8915787

Blahahaa. How do you afford clothes?

>> No.8915788

*tips fedora while stroking neckbeard and tilting up glasses*

>> No.8915804

there's people 3 times that age at college who aren't even teachers

>> No.8915864

Cascadia bros unite

>> No.8915869

Pragmatism is boring.

>> No.8915895

You seem like a pretentious homosexual
I imagine you looking just like the idiot in the picture you posted

>> No.8915905

maybe that's because literally no normal fucking people that actually leave the house ever dress like you faggots.

>> No.8916188

>be a sheetmetal jman
>at 22
>working for suncor maintenance
>working 26weeks out of the year
>make 135k plus 15k bonus
I'm copping gear and traveling weekly, b.

>> No.8916193

Philosophy major psych minor.

>Go Blue

>> No.8916268

double majors in media studies and germanistik. I have a minor in English too

>> No.8916459

only at pleb unis do most people dress decent
if you go to any uni worth going to ppl are either gonna dres like trash or be some of the most fa ppl uve seen

>> No.8916470

heheheheuhhhh, no theater majors huh?
bfa in acting, you cocks.
/fa/ as fuck, in a certain sense- our aesthetic is our product.

>> No.8916498

other peoples aesthetics are your product

youre just a doll, no better than a model

>> No.8916502
File: 165 KB, 640x861, murrican campus fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should check out some unis in the midwest bro. This is what you'll be seeing in the fall-winter.

>> No.8916528

Doing graphic design course, everyone in my whole uni dressed like utter shit, Kmart joggers, game t's and poor fitting jeans errywhere.

>> No.8916531
File: 53 KB, 500x502, Talking+Heads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's just settle for 'a talking model'.

>> No.8916595


This guy will definitely do a school shooting at some points. I'm fucking glad I don't live in murrica

>> No.8916639

oh man i live in oregon and that is what probably 90% of grills are wearing everyday all day

>> No.8916649

>155k starting

>> No.8916661
File: 34 KB, 640x427, moneycount[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PhD in Math
>Any job I want
>300k starting

>> No.8916729

That's what you get for doing a vocational degree. Even here in Britbongia, land of the poor, engineering will get you £40k starting.

>> No.8916750

Washington state here and it's the same fucking story

>> No.8916752

>ways of extracting drugs from medical plants to sell them at much higher price

that's cool though
medicinal chemistry, (psycho)pharmacology, and taxonomy are /fa/ as fuck. you get to wear lab coats and shit and carbon chains are aesthetic as hell

medical girls are usually cute as fuck too

>> No.8916757

good post 10/10 heartwarming

>> No.8916758

Dream on, cutie

>> No.8916759
File: 463 KB, 625x480, 1410528104605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw degree in japanese
>tfw don't even speak or read moonrunes well
>well i guess i shoudl go back to uni
>masters degree in fucking film
>tfw still no work experience at age 31
>tfw no references

>> No.8916774

>Study English Literature
>All the dudes are cool af
>All the chicks are literal nerds who want to be Hermione

>> No.8916907

>crippling debt
in the anglosphere, maybe

>> No.8916911


If this is real I feel for u

>> No.8916921

whats wrong with being a model

>> No.8916936


it also goes without saying im also a wizard. get off this satanic website while u can

>> No.8916937

Can't you find something translating films or w/e?

>> No.8916944

Salary is around 2k€ but I'm just a noob so it's going to go up. I speak four languages including my mother tongue but I was born in a bi/trilingual country so for me it was much easier and more accessible than for, I presume, someone from an anglo country.

>> No.8916952

mirin dubs
also which languages?

>> No.8916970

You're either Swiss or Belgian

>> No.8917112


holy fuckm 2k eurobucks?

do translators really make that much?

>> No.8917228

No, but I said I'm a legal translator. I mastered in business law, you usually need some kind of a law degree to become one, likewise for medical.
Also depending on where you go 2k isn't much, a lot of older translators and bank tellers make 4k and up. If you live in eastern Europe then yeah you'd be a rich fuck but here nah.
Depending on what they do and where they work translators can make anywhere from two peanuts/month to a sizeable salary. A lot of people who finish a language degree become translators.
But yes, I'm Belgian.

>> No.8917240


wait, you talking 2k a week or month?

>> No.8917253


everyone's pretty meh, probably cos it's straya

>> No.8917368

Accounting course

Different levels. You have the grandma/grandpa ones - those who wear huge running shoes, large sweatpants and tuck in their shirts + glasses + huge unfoldable umbrellas + Jansport bags

Kpop and entry level chinese cartoon fans. They look like rainbow puke and shit

Faglords who think they're hot shit with their matching colored shirts and vans/converse shoes + mushroom haircut. They love to act rich and go to shops for mature people such as themselves such as Zara and Starbucks :)
Can't forget about reading novels in Starbucks too! You HAVE to read novels while sipping coffee in Starbucks!

The rest are normcore.

>> No.8917481

Neuroscience but I have training after so I'm usually in joggies/hoody at class.

>> No.8917497

a month m8

>> No.8917533

I'm in software engineering and only the shared courses (ones with industrial, civil, etc) are ver remotely /fa/, softeng is usually a bunch of hoodies and shit jeans

>> No.8917538

Urban planning

>> No.8917718

doing bachelors in poli sci and really interested in this, hows the job prospects? is the field pretty laced up and corporate? the planners ive known were kinda plebby old white people

>> No.8917720


>> No.8917740

have fun trying to get a job in a competitive, oversaturated field. STEM is a fad, only the competent few actually get high paying work

>> No.8917922

>hows the job prospects?
Gr8 public sector is most likely the first option for recent grads to gain experience that the private companies want
>is the field pretty laced up and corporate?
By laced up you mean money to be made. My one class was essential an introduction to what your career is going to be like. We had professionals come in and talk to us. 45k is like your first jobs average pay. Urban planners max out in the public sector around 300k which is realistic if your a senior planner(a bunch of experience) for a large city.
>the planners ive known were kinda plebby old white people
most of the planners I've ever met are super cool a real people.

My only complaint about the major/field is that a lot of projects you work on are without a cap of money you can spend so a lot of people in the major have the great but very unrealistic plans.

I love the major. It's easy and interesting.

>> No.8917948

Forgot to add that business casual is the norm.

And girls hot girls fucking everywhere. Both in the major and in the real world. You tell them you help develop poor areas and they take their clothes of for you.

>> No.8917972

sorry, not everyone has to spend a million dollars to get a degree. i personally pay my tuition with a min wage part time job

>> No.8918102

studied english
interning at a law firm

>> No.8918760

Studying animation and comics. Comfy.

>> No.8918769

>not being german
>paying for university
capitalism at its finest, right boys?!

>> No.8918782
File: 86 KB, 679x657, In+addition+to+only+female+bees+being+able+to+sting+_8002ed4720ee1c31d6f49def27b78c22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Studying Animation and Comics
>Everyone is a weeb

Kill me

>> No.8918786

alberta is where the money is at. everyone in canada knows this. but its fucking alberta. it blows.

not gonna lie though i'd be completely willing to do that kind of work for that pay. just move back to toronto when im off.

>> No.8918791

im 20, completed 1 year. taking the year off will probably begin a whole new program at new school next year.

never too late anon.
met a good friend of mine first year who was 22. my came down with scizo though so he dropped out to take care of her.

>> No.8918807

i would love to know this. for reasons

>> No.8918809

depending on where you live.
also taxes. but again thats where you lvie

>> No.8918817

lel everytim

>> No.8918826

>people not just wearing what they're comfy in at Uni

>Chunky Cardy
>Plain Oatmeal T-Shirt
>Skinny/Slim Jeans
>Solovair Shoes
>Antique Ring (which I like cos it has an inscription from 1891 and I like to imagine its story like a big homo)

Full on comfort-mode homie

>> No.8918833
File: 68 KB, 900x300, PBF071-Weeaboo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear baby jesus do I know that feel. I mean, I won't lie, I was into anime as a kid and was probably pretty cringe-worthy at some point, but I grew out of it. It's like these people's mental development stopped sometime around their early teens and they never got over that phase. It's terrifying.

>> No.8918863

I got you.
>Running shorts that go a little past knee
>Gray, blue, or white T-shirt
>Wear a Tight-ish hoodie over it
>Take hoodie off if going to exercise

dat comfort

>> No.8918869

i work at a kebab shop right now

im also a chef

>> No.8918892


And the best thing is that you wear it confidently because you're all cozy and happy

It's a win-win

>> No.8919209

English major and German minor
are you German oder is the term Germanistik also used outside of Germany? Im currently in the us for a semester abroad and at least here they call it "German Studies".

>> No.8919222

>going to college

lel enjoy your 40k debt starting, any propaganda class you want

>> No.8919463

Who said you couldn't make kebabs and wear Rick Owens ?

I'm sure you're the most /fa/ muslim out there, I mean, goof-ninja could be mistaken for a nxtlvl burqa.

>> No.8920177

Dude, use the wipes with witch hazel in them, and don't use anything with hydrocortisone in it, if you use it too long it will make the skin atrophy, and you'll have a bad time.

>> No.8920223

Life would be so fucking boring without everything outside of STEM, what is the point of that self driving car or bullet trains between cities of there's nothing to fucking do or entertain yourself once you get there?

>> No.8920242

What the fuck is FTL? Who gives a fuck about a fast car if you don't have shit to do once you get where you're going

>> No.8920259

CompSci over here. I'm mostly /fa/ aside from not being able to get good shoes. Taking basics at the moment so not many fuccbois in my classes. A gew here and there but it's overwhelmingly average

>> No.8920269

underrated post

>> No.8920278

Enjoy your tax rates

>> No.8920439

Faster than light travel m80

>> No.8920451

Aerospace Engineering, there is literally one other /fa/ person in my degree, and he only wears basics.

>tfw everyone around here wears crew tees and flip flops

>> No.8920456

i'd rather pay higher taxes than dildo myself for thousands in loans

>> No.8920577

fuck off, you can tell a lot about a person by the way they dress stop being a goody goody idealist

>> No.8920586


>> No.8921234


>The Republic is just as easy to understand as Wittgenstein, Hegel, Heidegger, Focault, Kant, Hume, Hobbes, etc. etc. etc.
>Active usage and discussion of your knowledge with people more intelligent than you will not offer anything


>> No.8921716

The very reason amerifats are so degenerated is the price it costs to get educated.
Here in Germany studying is completely free if you live at your parents.

>> No.8921723

>price it costs to get educated.
most people are college educated though....like maybe 1 in 5 students today do not attend college
if that...

it doesn't cost THAT much, to go to school for 4 years in the united states, is about the cost of an entry level maerati...

>> No.8921724

It's always the same really...you start wearing something new, nobody likes it, 1 year later every pleb is wearing a cheap casual version of your fit...

>> No.8922203

Literally autistic. Incapable of viewing anything that isn't logical or of direct use as being of worth.