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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 141 KB, 500x750, mqjwi5vJx81qhodd8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8911022 No.8911022 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 5 9 and 120 lbs skinnyfat

what kind of workout should i do to look like pic in this post?

tanx fags

>no homo

>> No.8911025


>> No.8911032

eat at a 500 calorie deficit with lots of protein, lift weights

>> No.8911033

wtf thats an anorexic fucking faggot

>> No.8911041

what do you mean? i'm a bit daft

>> No.8911048



it's called ottermode for a reason

>> No.8911049

if you burn 2500 cal per day, eat 2000 cal
just eat less

>> No.8911052


eat 500 calories less than you do right now. Basically don't eat any candy, eat high sugar foods, drink soda and avoid alcohol.

>> No.8911058

oh that makes sense now. thanks!!!

yall me m8s, cheers

>> No.8911064


>> No.8911065

Lol i already look like that and that shit is not sexy. otter mode is though.

>> No.8911072

>high sugar foods, drink soda
that'll put me over the edge in the anxiety dept though

sugar and caffiene reeks on me mental....even though i love both

>> No.8911090

I look like that too. I'm kind of okay with it, it's not the sexiest body one can have but I think it's pretty aesthetic.

>> No.8911091

hes saying dont eat candy or sugary shit. also dont drink soda and alcohol

>> No.8911109
File: 599 KB, 2240x1344, 1412653217552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look around the same and eit nothing but pizza and candy. Thank god for having a high metabolism.

>> No.8911185

semirelated i'm 5'4 130 pounds can i pull of SLP in my current state

>> No.8911193

srry to say this, but you got gyno bro.

>> No.8911399

Post body pic OP, if you're 5'9 120 I can't imagine you being very skinny fat as much as just skinny..

>> No.8911497

get out of here manlet

>> No.8911507

Don't worry about working out OP.
Just cut your calories by half and you should be good.

>> No.8911781

im 5'10 140 10% bf
i think ive been around 5'9 100lbs before
if you want exactly op pic just starve
you dont even have to lift weights
literally just starve yourself and do like 5 situps a week
you'll feel like shit though

>> No.8911782

is plain popcorn good for ottermode?

>> No.8911858

nigguh if u talkin bout dat der skinnypop. holy shizz i love that shizz

>> No.8911991

>tfw 5'9 150 pounds
>ass and legs are fucking huge from playing football for years
>508s are even tight on my thighs

>> No.8912075
File: 73 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just lift and run when you can. I am 6'3 and 150 pounds. I used to be twiggyfat (rail thin but in a soft-shitty way) but learned about lifting and started playing soccer so cardio was fun. Learn how your body works personally and keep at it for a year and the fat will just melt right off ya, if what I imagine you as based on your specs. P.s. I haven't lost or gained a single pound from old body to my new one. Don't worry about working out super hard you will just burn out and give up, be persistent and patient, and don't be a complete faggot either

>> No.8912138
File: 627 KB, 1440x2560, DSC_0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my body

>> No.8912545

If not for the face I could have sworn this was my body

>> No.8912551

I'm 6 foot, 138lbs but I am in between OP pic and skinny fat. I don't eat much and I walk / cycle quite a lot, but sometimes I am a stupid cunt and I'll just go to McDonalds for the sake of it. What type of food groups should I be eating that are low calories but kinda filling? And what exercise should I do to get to like OP pic?

>> No.8912584

nice hips

>> No.8912588


rate what there's nothing to see

hit the gym and stop posting stupid shit like this

>> No.8912609

You need muscle definition so LIFT
but start with simple bodyweight stuff first, at 120 lbs skinnyfat you are probably very weak.

Also you should ask /fit/ for advice

>> No.8912613

try ketogenic lowcarb diet or just lowcarb and Tabata program 3 times a week. that's all you need. I recommend you also to do calisthenics FBW in 5x5 program. for example:

tactic pull ups (pull ups in hollow position)
hand stand push ups (or just hand stand if you can't do a push ups)
full leg raises on bar or (or if you can do that, try hollow rocks (5x30sec)

do this 3 times a week

or if you're a slacker, just do spiderman crawl for 15 minutes 3 times a week

that gives you a good lookin muscles but without hypertrophy effect and also a lot of strenght.

try it too.

for "skinny muscles" calisthenics is ideal. don't lift.

>> No.8912627


This nigga knows his shit.

>> No.8912639


>> No.8912697

No absolutely not. SLP needs you to be skinny. 5'10" 130 can into SLP, not 5'4"

>> No.8912767

>mfw i look like this
>mfw everyone makes fun of me for being a stick

>> No.8912778

i have this body shape and i don't exercise.
the trick is to have psychosomatic anxiety

>> No.8913125

lol that's not ottermode

>> No.8913217
File: 50 KB, 440x609, kate moss1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nothing tastes as good as skinny feels brah

>> No.8913227
File: 60 KB, 500x587, tumblr_nark2rzvkA1r8gp4to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you need to be skinny and 5ft10+

>> No.8913235


I'm 6'1 120 lbs and have bitch hips, also my gay manager at work would say something to his girl co workers every time i bent over, time to get fit

>> No.8913335

And nothing feels better than not having a lazy eye.

>> No.8913439

My body is pretty much like OP's pic related but I stand 6'2.

Should I start gaining weight and lifting or is it effay to have a body like OPs pic

>> No.8913452

OP's pic is effay but a little bit of muscle can't hurt either. Go otter and nobody can stop you.

>> No.8913460

6'1. 135 lbs, 28w, 7% bodyfat here

fully body excercise - running, climbing, cycling, BMX

diet is usually 1 or 2 meals a day, I never eat more than a small snack before 12

meat and veggies in small portions

>> No.8913509

I'm 6'5 and 143lbs.
>wat do

>> No.8913516

What does SLP mean, can't find shit on google.

>> No.8913528
File: 406 KB, 950x1360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this new

>> No.8913542

saint laurent paris

drop name

>> No.8913553
File: 98 KB, 500x650, 05a8924787c1870f9d6707ea1b165898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


now you realize that fashion / fashion photography is totally dissociated from real-life in terms of whats look good

the ideal body for 99.99 % of the population is pic related

>> No.8913636

what does fuccboi mean?
And who is this Rick Owens guy? is it a trip?

>> No.8913640

Thanks man.

>> No.8913654
File: 125 KB, 700x679, 1411775517672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pretty sure I have body dysmorphia

I constantly worry about how skinny my legs are, like I won't stop worrying about it at this point and I constantly compare it to other people sometimes even girls.
I'm 5'10 and like 120 pounds maybe lower, so I'm pretty skinny but fuck, I need my legs to be smaller.

Constantly worrying about my pants too.
Fuck /fa/.

>> No.8913790

5'10" 130 and I have the same problem, it probably just comes with being a manlet.

>> No.8913792

That guy looks juiced bud.

>> No.8913804


yeah probably, photoshop too but who gives a shit, you got my point

>> No.8913821

Maybe if youre trying to impress H&M Girls in brown riding boots. I prefer being skinny over being buff. Even when I was fat(ter) I never wanted to be ripped, was always about being skinny.

>> No.8913837

>Ideal body
>99.99% of the population

Because they're all plebs m8 we are the .01

>> No.8913850


I didn't said the contrary.

But if you are skinny you will be called a stick by pretty much everyone. Even if you are ottermode. Which is funny since technically they're the sticks, with their lack of muscle definition and fat.

>> No.8914031


Lel@those babby-bearing hips.

GOMAD+SS, faglet.

>> No.8914045

Lol, because it's too high a goal for you. You gave up before you ever tried.

>> No.8914062


>> No.8914070

because you like dick and want to be a mans little girl

>> No.8914082

this is really the best advice anyone can give

>> No.8914084

>high metabolism
Is this the 60's? People still think this exists?

>> No.8914088

looks pretty dissociated from real-life in terms of what looks good

>> No.8914218

fuccboi = you

rick owens = not you

>> No.8914238

rick owens is a designer that /fa/ would let cuckhold their girlfriends if they had any because he likes monochrome shit. He's not good enough to use color so he doesn't and people, for some stupid fucking reason, praise him for it

>> No.8915044

Eating 4 meals a day which consists mostly of pizza and candy most of the time. You tell me its ethier that or a tapeworm.

>> No.8915068


my girlfriend has a skeleton fetish

>> No.8916632

>He's not good enough to use color so he doesn't and people, for some stupid fucking reason, praise him for it

contender for the most retarded shit I've ever read on /fa/

>> No.8917004

Jesus christ, put some weight ya fucking stick.

Lift Lift Lift. I'm only an inch taller and have 12 kilos on ya

>> No.8917260

jesus fuckin christ, why would you want to look like the crypt keeper. you can still be skinny and not look like a fucking skeleton

>> No.8917291
File: 1.22 MB, 3496x1638, 1398104474654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8917306

/fit/ here
just don't eat
the only reason you can see any muscle on him because all the fat it'd otherwise be hiding behind is gone as well
if you do any exercise, chances are you'll be bulkier then your pic in like under a month

>> No.8917310


that's auswitzch mode m8

>> No.8917313

to sum things up; he has about enough muscle tissue not to topple over under his own weight
and he doesn't look like he weighs a lot

>> No.8917327

That picture is lel

>> No.8917336

happy meals are fresh as fuck nigga you get a fuckin toy and shit and a good amount of food and it is only like five bucks man that's a good deal nigga

>> No.8917347

how big is the pizza
what type of candy are you eating
what are the nutritional values

as long as you don't post numbers, I'm going to assume you eat 4 mini pizza's a day and spend 2 days on a 100 gram bag of candy

If you don't post any bloody numbers, no one can help you, what you think is a lot of food is probably what I have to eat in order to lose weight

>> No.8917353

>good amount of food
>small ass burger
>small ass fries
if you think a happy meal is a lot of food then I think I've found out why you can't gain weight

you're not eating enough

>> No.8917358

I got a happy meal for you faggot

>> No.8917364
File: 6 KB, 226x166, 1275705463552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 if you ate McDonald's for every meal, you'd gain wait. A happy meal probably has like 750 calories in it knowing Amerifats.

Just good if a poorfag and you don't really feel like engorging yourself like a pig.

>> No.8917382

3 total meals a day, that's 750 * 3 = 2250 calories
That's what I need to eat to stay at my weight without any exercise

That's still besides the point that; if you're eating a lot of food but not gaining weight, you're still not eating enough

Did eating 4 meals at mcdonalds every day not increase your weight? try 5 meals for a week and come back again, didn't that work? then you're still not eating enough

The only way to gain weight quicker then you are is to eat more then you're used to eating. Hardgaining is a myth

>> No.8917390

i know someone who goes to mc d's several times a week and he gets like 1 cheeseburger and a coke zero every time

I go there once a week, i devour a big tasty and a quarterpounder and usually a mcflurry, some fries and a drink

guess who, on a weeks average, gets more calories from mc d's?

that's right, I do, even though I only visit mcd's once a month

gaining weight is not where you eat, not what you eat, not how you eat and not when you eat

It's how much you eat

>> No.8917392

Actually, I'm not even the guy you were responding to with the image

Don't get me wrong, I'm underweight but I know it is that I need to eat more. (5'11 128 lbs) I just can admit it unlike a lot of other skinnyfat nerds.

I'd just rather gain weight by heating healthy meals rather than a bunch of shit and dying of a heart attack or GOMADs or some shit. I hate the feeling of using unhealthy shit to bulk up.

>> No.8917399

that dude is so wide though. not /fa/.

>> No.8917404

Nuts are based, 40% more calories then chocolate when based on weight (100gr of chocolate usually has around 500 cals, 100gr of nuts usually is around 650-750 cals)
peanut butter is fantastic too, 1 serving already a 100 cals and that's without the bread added to it
for the rest, avocado's are mostly healthy fats, beef/red meat also contains a lot of healthy fats

if you want to gain weight healthily, it's not hard, nuts, cheese, peanut butter and red meat are the gods of healthy weightgain, high in caloric density and still healthy

>> No.8917488

>taking diet advice from /fit/

>> No.8917506


underrated post

>> No.8917627

Agreed, /fit/ is mostly perma-bulking fatties (muh Strong Lifts) or DYELs. Just look at the current body threads.

>> No.8917913

>be from /fit/, thinking I look small at 6'3 185 12% bodyfat
>go on /fa/ to see what you guys actually do
>see this shit
lol fuck are u doing

>> No.8918062

What, The-Man-With-No-Traps-mode?

Also, OP, if you really want to look like that just eat less. Running is hard and just burns extra calories.

>> No.8918082


>> No.8918086

Thank you. I literally wondered in today to check /fa/ out, and i laughed so hard.

>> No.8918089
File: 174 KB, 563x898, man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like this.

Yes. You risk anorexia, death and moobs if you don't do something about that.