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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 30 KB, 355x451, 1402869346355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8902249 No.8902249 [Reply] [Original]

>"hey anon, why are you so dressed up lol?"

>> No.8902252

Because today could be the day I find the woman of my dreams.

>> No.8902257
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and you still wouldn't talk to her

>> No.8902259

beta fag response

the only correct way to answer this is by saying:

>t-thanks you too

>> No.8902269

I'm not.

>> No.8902272
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>dressing for women

>> No.8902557

Am I?

>> No.8902587

What the fuck would know about dressing up? You're wearing Converse and Hollister ffs.

Basic bitch.

That covers about everyone in my school, and my gf doesn't care bcus shes awesome

>> No.8902738

I wanna look pretty when I fuck you up the ass

>> No.8902751

>Wear an oxford shirt
>Why are you wearing a shirt?
>Lol what are you dressing up for

This shit makes me not want to dress well

>> No.8902762
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Are you me?
They are just casual normal shirts it isn't like they are some strange new thing

>> No.8902772

Every. Fucking. Time.
Just because I don't dress as shitty as everyone else doesn't mean I'm "dressing up".

>> No.8902784
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>"you're dressed so nice anon, is it a special occasion?"
>yeah, it's Tuesday

>> No.8902786

Ikr, infuriates me. Just because I look nice doesn't mean I'm doing anything in particular.

>> No.8902789
File: 72 KB, 800x632, Stephan-Winkelmann1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who doesn't just spit in the face of the person asking such a retarded question is a true pleb of the highest order.

>> No.8902820

>walking home from work one day
>frat douches in giant lifted truck drive by
>"Nice tie faggot, it's looking a little loose"
>"Thanks bud, I say sarcastically
>"You wanna come over and say that, faggot?"the driver says
>Just keep walking without saying anything
>"Yeah, that's what I thought" and driver peels away
I wish I had a gun so I could plug a few rounds into his tail lights

>> No.8902822

What upsets me more is when people complement my fashion choices but then constantly come up to me with websites they found for clothes like asos or topman and saying its 'exactly my fashion' and have I heard of them or asking me if i've been to some random shop found in every shopping centre ever.

>> No.8902828
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>"Hey Anon, you look like a vigilante"

>> No.8902833

Shit, where did you make that? That is dope as fuck

>> No.8902835

You'd also need a pair of nuts to actually use the gun.

>> No.8902836

Lmao you beta

>> No.8902840

last year, an anon said he wanted to make a goofninja platform flash game
so I made this sprite.
And he used it

>> No.8902843

Lel, you pale aneamic fags in chelsea boots think you can take on 4 builtbros in a fight.

>> No.8902851

Actually, I'm rocking a pair of balmoral boots.

>> No.8902856


Just because you're too afraid to say anything back, and because you're an 80lb jellyfish of a 5'2 manlet doesn't mean I can't fuck up a couple faggots in polo shirts

>> No.8902867

I dig this one.

>> No.8902878


I guess i'm a beta for not inciting an ass-kicking from 4 roid-bros at 12AM.

>doesn't mean I can't fuck up a couple faggots in polo shirts
>implying you can take on 4 dudes at once regardless.

>> No.8902879

But what program did you use? Illustrator? Man I've always wanted to do sprites but they never come out correct, I need to practice

>> No.8902880

>manbun with curly hair
>auschwitzcore with a tan
>bright yellow draping

>> No.8902881

photoshop nigga

>> No.8902882

Okay, Bruce Lee.

>> No.8902888

Hey dude I won't charge you for responding the way you did. Was in a similar situation except I responded. They pulled over and beat the shit out of me.

Got the plates though and they were charged.

>> No.8902896

>Why are you so dressed up anon?
>Because I like to look good
confidence is half of being /fa/

>> No.8902901

Where you live bro? They have mma clubs where I'm at that hold open exhibition fights once a month, anyone can sign up to fight another person. It's great because it's a legal sanctioned event and no one calls the cops after getting their shit kicked in.
I would like to fight you, I'm only just one polo wearing fag but I hear you got mad skills. So let's do this.

>> No.8902902

where are you from? I mean, it's clear it's usa or australia, but what parts of it?

>> No.8902905

>Come home for the holidays from uni.
>Bored, decide to go out in my hometown.
>Haven't been out since I left, discovered /fa/ in that time.
>Nothing fancy, plain white tee, black skinny jeans and some black monochrome hi tops.
>Walking to an ATM at night.
>Well lit area, Irish pub across the street and some cops are standing on the corner.
>After looking around to make sure I'm not going to get jumped, I use the ATM.
>Some drunk from the pub yells out "Nice pants, faggot!"
>Turn around to see that he is sitting in smokers area out front.
>The front of the pub has iron bar fence that's about 2.5m tall.
>I'm a little tipsy, decide to shut down this goon.
>I get my money, turn around and shout back. "Only two things belong behind bars, mate! Animals and convicts, which one are you?!"
>Everyone sitting with him goes "ohhhhhhhh"
>Drunk's looking pretty irate, walks out the front to cross the road.
>I bail, I ain't getting thumped by some potato head.
>The cops walk past me and approach the drunk.
>"Where do you think you're going?"
>"Did you hear that little shit?!"
>"Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny. Now fuck off back to the pub before we decide your drunk and disorderly."
>Not keen on spending a $600 a night stay in the drunk tank, he turns around and leaves muttering something about me and the cops.
>Cops come up to me and tell me to keep my mouth shut.

>> No.8902907
File: 81 KB, 819x460, laffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys need to stop dressing like your dads and maybe you wont get these dumb comments anymore

>> No.8902912

You're just jealous because you don't have a dad.

>> No.8902914

Assuming this all isn't a troll, I feel you man. Sure, in our minds we like to think we can take on someone whos talking shit. but in reality is it ever going to be worth it? That person could literally kill you, all over some exchanged words. Best thing I can think off is giving them eye contact, but not the satisfaction of a response. People like that are OBVIOUSLY just looking for a fight. If they push the subject pull out a knife you should always carry and get a little greasy. Fuck faggots like that, no worse than niggers.

>> No.8902918

Post fit

>> No.8902919

Sydney, happened when I was walking home in Lilyfield from the tram station if you know the area.

>> No.8902921

I'm >>8902820 and i'm actually in Canada. Not a bad area, I was just walking by a beer vendor and bar so there's many a drunk assholes around it on a Friday evening.

>> No.8902945

>pull out a knife you should always carry
>no worse than niggers
oh hi /b/

>> No.8902949
File: 58 KB, 462x820, fitpic4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go

>> No.8902972
File: 160 KB, 1739x1446, girls-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're like the sad, basement dwelling, socially crippled virgincore stereotype personified

If you don't have taste & move out of your parents house by the time you turn 18 consider suicide

>> No.8902977

you look like a 16 year old who just dicovered zara

>> No.8903013

that's the joke, you idiots.
this >>8902949 isn't actually one of his fits, he's a dadcore nigger trying to make people hate goofninjas.

>> No.8903068

Why can't goofninjas and dads just get along?

>> No.8903078

fuck had to double check i wasn't on reddit. shit thread you're all faggots

>> No.8903087


man, what do you actually do in situations like this?

I've had douchebags say shit to me from the comfort of their jeep/lifted truck so many times i can't even keep track.

all i do is ignore them

>> No.8903112

>why are you so dressed up

I wanna look good for hen I fuck your mom tonight

>> No.8903116

>>The front of the pub has iron bar fence that's about 2.5m tall.
wut? Why?

>> No.8903154

he lives in ireland

>> No.8903158

If that was the case why did he specify that the pub is irish?

>> No.8903165

so people know the setting

>> No.8903173

>Hey, whats up with the shoes?

Thats pretty much the only "bad" response I've gotten to my fits. The other day this qt said she wanted to take pictures of me pretty much every time she sees me because Im always rocking some style. And I dress like shit compared to most on this board, some of you guys seriously need more confidence.

>> No.8903199

they can, but only on an individual basis

>> No.8903213

Is goofdad a thing? does balmain make trillbys?

>> No.8903246
File: 36 KB, 486x750, TDC4HIn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8903252

So edgy so monochrome so virgincore of u

>> No.8903262

yohji makes fedoras

>> No.8903278
File: 33 KB, 721x909, heatenings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in central London
>walking around
>see guy who modelled the shirt im wearing
>start to sweat and run home
>throw shirt away and vow never to go outside again

he probably went home to his 10/10 girlfriend and went "hey i saw this ugly faggot wearing a shirt i modelled, its like he thought he could look like me or something, what a faggot"

>> No.8903286


are you for real or i'm getting epicly trolled

>> No.8903339

>trololo s0 EPIKCCC LOLL

>> No.8903530

yeah but you can only wear them on your feet

>> No.8903617

I told somebody I was dressed up to go fuck their dad.

It was a friend tho, I haven't been yelled at by a stranger yet. Excited for it to happen

>> No.8903731

hi bernd

>> No.8903733

/r/ing full pic

>> No.8903750

>implying buddha isnt /fa/ as fuck
>implying being so popular you have a whole religion about you isn't /fa/ as fuck

>> No.8903780

And who implied that?

>> No.8903805

I generally do the Thom Browne style no-socks high-cut-trousers look, and at my college that's got a range of responses, 'what happened to your socks?', 'aren't your ankles cold?' 'has a bee ever stung you there?' etc

>> No.8903817

I don't get it. is he wearing a black scarf or does he have a long black beard?

>> No.8903903

I think its clearly a beard

>> No.8903947

lol faggot

>> No.8903953

Whatever you say dad.

>> No.8903987

>be me
>qt walks by
>you look so nice today, anon!
>say thanks and smile
>my friend speaks up

>> No.8904071

why do you hang out with a pleb with no tact

>> No.8904088
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>> No.8904303

i never know what to do when ppl still yell "nice pants faggot" or just scream otu their car window when im walking/biking.

I started carrying around a rock in my pocket to throw at a car if they make a noise, but this made it stop happening somehow.

one time some ppl told me my pants were like that of their little sister. later the same frat guys were harassing my bro, and i happened to be in a car, pulled a uturn, gunned it at them and made them all jump out of the street as my friend jumped into the car. i drove off and looked back to watch them chase the car, slow down, speed up, over and over down the street with them sprinting and then giving up again and again

>> No.8904316

has a bee ever stung you there anon? ^.^

>> No.8904317

>wearing a fucking plaid button down
>"why are you so dressed up"

Damn, Ive come to expect it with oxfords, but plaid shirts?

>> No.8904456

>I started carrying around a rock in my pocket to throw at a car if they make a noise

Don't. Stop doing that, you're gonna get in trouble and its not worth it. Just laugh at them and at yourself and let it go

>> No.8904474

>move to the south for school from cali
>go out with new friends
>polo, chinos, loafers
>takes me less than 30 seconds to put it together and on
>"wow anon who are you trying to impress"

>> No.8904495


what the fuck, where do you guys live to have guys in trucks shout "nice pants, faggot" at you
is that some real life meme in dirty anglo-states?
ever thought they might actually mean it, because you all really have nice pants?

>> No.8904515

Because I like how it looks and it makes me feel good.

>> No.8904530
File: 33 KB, 500x333, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not, you're just dressed so bad that everything else looks good.

>> No.8904583


>poor people drive past
>"barbers is that way mate"
>"job centre is that way mate"

thats the best i ever did most of the time i just call them a faggot or insult their mother

>> No.8904759
File: 10 KB, 330x338, fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wearing oxford under sweater like pic related

"oooh fancy! Got a presentation?'

I've got jeans and sneakers on

>> No.8904777

That's how 37 year olds dress.

>> No.8904810
File: 165 KB, 902x601, gotj-friday-320 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you dress like this then?

>> No.8904811

*tips virgincore drapey tee*

>> No.8904816
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>bud light

Truly the worst people to ever exist

>> No.8904855
File: 55 KB, 500x666, u mad cuz im stylin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at wal mart at nights (college fag)
>new dress code says we have to wear collared navy blue or white shirts
>working in unbranded chinos, my boots, a white oxford and a navy blue v neck sweater since it's a bit chilly out
>fucking managers staring at me in the meeting - "woah, why is this fuccboi not just wearing a polo?"
>stop by tobacco shop afterwards and grill smiles "anon you look nice today, are you going to church?"

>"Are you going to church?"
>"Are you going to church?"
>"Are you going to church?"

>> No.8904897


>> No.8904898

Sucks bro. It's all good I bet church was good though right?

>> No.8904900


The midwest, I assume?

>> No.8904906

Texas actually

>> No.8904915

Richmond bro here.

>> No.8904921

I heard it's ok there.

>> No.8904953

People still dress up to go to church? Does the Lord care about that?
Was Jesus effay?

>> No.8904958

I don't know, I don't go to church.


haha, who are you?

>> No.8904967


If Jesus dressed in Black, he'd be on a whole new level of Gothninja.

>> No.8905018

So I guess that makes you a liar and a pleb. Yep.

>> No.8905063

are you going to church? ;)

>> No.8905271

He was so /fa/ the Roman guards at his execution fought over his coat.

>> No.8905397

That was a pretty damn good retort, I gotta admit

>> No.8905405

Shoulda said, "Not as loose as your mom's pussy after I fucked her"

>> No.8905485

It's a cultural thing.
Back in the old days, after Cromwell's death, nobles would go on horseback into the streets of London and provoke anyone they suspected of being a puritan (which could easily be deduced from their stern outfit) to duel each of them in a row.
Even though the political climate changed numerous times, the custom remained, transitioning from nobility to upper-middle class and middle class in the following centuries; it even crossed the atlantic and rooted itself in several American universities.

And now it's a part of the anglosphere; young men drive around in cars, looking for people whose clothes they don't like, so that they can insult them and hopefully beat them up if they respond.

>> No.8905585

your fault for hanging out with a poorfag

>> No.8905600

underrated post

>> No.8905609

>wear literally dad-core suit, as in a suit that my dad used to wear and sort of fits me but isn't stylish at all-core, and get compliments

Nothing makes me want to give up on fashion more. I don't go around in Rick or anything but I like to think my fits are nice looking, yet they get no response. Kill me.

>> No.8905630

In all honesty its a great fit with a horrible person wearing it.

>> No.8905640

seems legit

>> No.8905641

If you are in college, you probably shouldn't be spending $400 on shoes unless you have rich parents, in which case your peers should also have rich parents or you are just going to have a bad time. A real bad time.

>> No.8905648


>> No.8905655

>tfw rich parents but they still made me get a part time job :(

>> No.8905675

ur virgin monorchrome core mom

>> No.8905691


>> No.8905694

>supposed legit MMA club
>hold open exhibition fights once a month

Pick one.

>> No.8905695

That's when you lie about how much your clothing costs. It's stupid how judgmental people are about how much clothing costs when they spend just as much, if not more, on their own hobbies.

>> No.8905714

Best New Meme 2014

>> No.8905738

I agree, let's do it.

>> No.8905767

U forgot virgincore

>> No.8905881

> same reason you are so dressed down :)

>> No.8905902

>identifying yourself as a pleb

>> No.8906145

>are you me.
no stfu its someone else who went through a common occurrence.

>> No.8906163

your friend sounds cool
good way to continue conversation.
when girls compliment me on something like that it usually just ends at that

>> No.8906167

>i don't just dress up, my wiener is also up
>have incredible intercourse with girl
everything will be ok

>> No.8906209



>> No.8906397


>> No.8906467

>saving animated pictures
>of meta memes


>> No.8906468

oh god this feeling

>> No.8906492

>"Omg you look like Harry Styles but not as ugly."
>"Y-you too.."

>> No.8906521

>go to dentist for braces check up
>qt13 dental assistant is doing me today
>"you look really well dressed up ((:"
>"i-i just found this in a pile of clothes since i was in a hurry"
>start immediately staring away while she does my braces
>i intensify as she starts smiling
>"bye anon"
>"y-you too"
>go home
>look at my fit
>it was just a striped sweater over button up shirt

oh god why
she complimented over my ugly fit and she probably thought i looked like a try hard

>> No.8906561

What is a good comeback for fuccgrills when they get made fun of because of dressing up?

>LOL GURRRL, I was wondering why you are so overdressed. R U that desperate lol?

>> No.8906578

my roommate's gf complained about this. apparently people have like been saying things to her because she dresses well. are people intimidated by well-dressed people or something?
i just think if someone wants to comment negatively on you being dressed up, then they are probably really insecure or have other problems of their own. it would be cool to shut them down though

>> No.8906592

>dental assistant
You still have your baby teeth huh?

>> No.8906600

Just try to see the comicalness, laugh and go "yeah sure" or something

>> No.8906603
File: 180 KB, 960x630, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pulling an RJ King and saying, "And you look terrible.. What happened?"

>> No.8906621

>braces on baby teeth

Literally retarded.

>> No.8906640

Anybody who makes insults on others is generally just projecting they're insecurities.

>> No.8906754

>guy calls me fag
>go fag mode and come onto him
>he gets scared and uncomfortable
its not hard, and if youre not some pussy you should be able to defend yourself should push come to shove.
fuck being submissive
unless youre into that big boy ;)

>> No.8906760

ew fuck off
that looks bad no matter who its on

>> No.8906767

compliment them back. that'll open some doors, the stereotype of women liking to be complimented exists for a reason

>> No.8906769

>"everyone, you?"

>> No.8906774

pic of hair

>> No.8906782

>are people intimidated by well-dressed people or something?
Yes. Heavily.

>> No.8906790

Happens all the time, people's reactions are pretty funny.

>> No.8906792
File: 67 KB, 789x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck y'all niggas live if you really have people shouting shit like "nice pants faggot" at you? Like seriously? Some backwater bumfucked white trash town or what? I've literally travelled all over the world and have never encountered behavior like that, ever.

>> No.8906830

>Some backwater bumfucked white trash town or what
people in those towns are nice to others
its cities where you find the assholes
also, confirmed for never having been to a city ie not all over the world
this board is shitty enough without lying faggots

>> No.8906847


Poors/plebs/normals are everywhere, man. It doesn't matter where you live. I live in a huge city (Sydney), I don't get called a faggot or anything but my eccentric designer friend does all the time for wearing interesting/different shit. People that stand out get called faggots. People that don't stand out call people faggots.

>> No.8906860

This nigga knows what's up.

If you look different,they're either jealous or you just really look like a faggot.

>> No.8906895

Very true, mate. Guess I've just been lucky then.
Sydney a big enough of a city for you? Or Hong Kong, where I lived for past three years?

>> No.8906926

>two notoriously nice places
>two cities
>all over the world

>> No.8907099

Also couple of years stateside, some placed around northern and central yurop & russia too. Any-fucking-hoo, I dont think I have to convince another poster on an anonymous image board so whatever, man.

>> No.8908073

>spit in the face
uncultured swine

>> No.8908079

good parents

>> No.8908287

Topkuku i bet you didnt even fuck her you clueless faggot

>> No.8908300

> polo, chinos, loafers

If you actually wore that you deserved it

>> No.8908438
File: 110 KB, 300x309, perfectlycalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you always wear basketball shoes, you suck at sports :)

>> No.8908509

They have a point bud.

>> No.8908515

>not being /fa/ enough to wear high tops
>thinking all high tops are basketball shoes

>> No.8908525

I work summers at my friend's ranch. The cult that Joaquin Phoenix's family use to be in is based there.
>driving into town to pick up food for the week
>wearing basic skinny CottonOn chino, Eva print on white tee, and some leather boots cause I lost my Keens
>waitress hits on me, which I extremely liked cause I had the cabin to myself for the next 5 days
>husky plaid shirt with no shelves fuck squeezes into my booth telling m looke to back off cause he be aiming for that girl for a while now
>tell him him to fuck off and go to an ESL class cause I can't understand him
>punches may in the gut, which made me tear up and almost puke
>go home and hit on the waitress tomorrow when he isn't there
>banged her and she is now married to the fucking redneck

>> No.8908531

fucking pleb

>> No.8908536

No one ever questions my athleticism.

>> No.8908542


I got a nice graphic tee there once. The collar stitching came off but I fixed it just fine. Cheap shit but it looks nice and I can fix it

>> No.8908544

>tfw weak white boi

>> No.8908551

I like their sweaters actually, I think they're very comfy, but then again, so are the plain ones that Old Navy sells for another 10 bucks less.

>> No.8908556

I know that I dressed up like a plebian

>> No.8908575

Yeah I have a pair of chinos . Cheap as fuck and shacky quality but the fit is actually nice, great taper.

>> No.8908583

They definitely LOOK a lot nicer than they are, as long as you don't wear their clothes out they're great.

>> No.8908591
File: 145 KB, 590x885, 1380802815961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ all you need is to get a little bit more /fit/ and manly looking, afterwards no one fucks with you

be it clothing or something else, no one will have the balls to mock you for it

>> No.8908592


but you're a fedora wearing autist

>> No.8908608

I'm tall and bigger than average and can confirm. I wear dumb ass shit all the time because I know I can get away with it.

>> No.8908682

>owning a sweater like pic related

>> No.8908853
File: 480 KB, 1240x1772, dAGiFPy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8908862

It's a good idea dude. Experience, plus if you get the right job you can meet cool people/do something you enjoy.

>> No.8908889

My neighbour had braces as a fairly young child, and she's going to need them again in high school. It happens.

>> No.8908892

That actually sounds not to bad :)

>> No.8908912

I don't find it hard to believe this.

>> No.8908918

>"you dropped 200 euro on that pants anon, wow that's really expensive"
>they dropped 500 euro on the newest playstation
>pants are more useful than video games

>> No.8908931

my fav meme this year was "too bold" ;))

>> No.8908947

it's not even that clothes are a hobby
everyone should be spending more money on clothing instead of buying cheap shit thats just common sense but faggots would rather cheap out with stuff made by kids that feels like shit , has a bad cut, and breaks apart fast

>> No.8908976

This is why I love studying economics at one of the top schools in my country, top 20 in Europe and top 100 in the world. I quite often feel dressed down in clothes and accessories worth about $2000.

>> No.8908987


But nobody can see a ottermode body under winter layering.

>> No.8908995

It's fall tho

>> No.8909072

>First day at Urban Outfitters (two of my roommates work there, so they put in a good word)
>Nervous as fuck, get through it
>one of my roommates told me that the trainer (who I met before several times) expected me to be funnier and more outgoing.
>and that i overdressed
I'm just wearing t-shirts to work now. that's what I get for trying.

>> No.8909078
File: 52 KB, 396x594, 1371933742646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe later but yeah, currently it's still pretty warm and layering doesn't get in the way

as far as winter goes, having a chiseled face and some sort of stubble will go a long way
but confidence and posture also matter a lot

>> No.8909080
File: 117 KB, 660x433, 3-StPancratius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>look at my fit
>>it was just a striped sweater over button up shirt
Shieeeet, she was smiling and complimenting you because she could see your ding dong.

>> No.8909088

qt grills still dress up for church

>> No.8909103

It was because you were the only guy not wearing vineyard vines or duck commander in this shithole state.

>> No.8909111

You forgot pants and she wanted your dick bruh

>> No.8909202
File: 226 KB, 867x960, IMG_20140907_004600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a-level history of art trip to local gallery
>non-uniform, couldn't be bothered dressing
>black jeans, faded "the cure" T-shirt, grinders, John Rocha jacket
>get on bus to town
>"wow, are you going to an interview?"

>> No.8909219

funnier than it should have been

>> No.8909243
File: 46 KB, 680x684, 1358720553522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking cousin
what's even worse is when I get a really good deal on something and he's interested so I tell him it retails for quite a bit and then he points out that item and talks about it in front of people whenever we meet

>> No.8909252

epi bate

>> No.8909299

Proud of u

>> No.8909301

>be in a frat
>most fashionable brother
>bros I pledged with went from looking sloppy/average/pretty tryhard to /fa/
>our frat went from meh guys with fun parties to "hot guys and great parties"
>sometimes get I some flack, but it's all just jokes and fun

maybe if you looked less awkward, or maybe they were just the hard core douche frat and they would have said something to you no matter what you were wearing (most likely the latter)

vid kind of related:

just don't let it get to you anon. remember that those guys who did that will forever be fuccbois

>> No.8909303


w2c sikk oversized juggalos up in this bitch tee

>> No.8909330

That's just America.

Try living in Florence for a day. Everyone will think you're a slob and immaculately dressed Spezzy old men with pristine white beards will cycle past you whilst muttering statements of disgust at your plebby bumbag and NYC baseball cap.

>> No.8909337


who the fuck would wear grinders to an interview

>> No.8909342

none of those items were interview suitable

>> No.8909349

>not replying
>"if by you church you mean my bedroom, then yea. How bout you come along? I can the priest and you can be my altar girl"
g-guaranteed sex m8

>> No.8909351



>> No.8909378


jeans and jacket perhaps

>> No.8909386

*jacket...more like a black denim coat. back when collar buckles where a thing

>> No.8909428
File: 66 KB, 388x395, y u hatin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.8909580

Dude....I live in Tennessee, she was a fat black chick.

>all of my nope

>> No.8910613

that picture gave me cancer

>> No.8910615

dentally retarded

>> No.8910739

Where can I find the original pic?

>> No.8911739

my uni's ranked 45th in the world for economics & 10th for acct/fin and nobody dresses like that

>> No.8911775

17th in the world at Cornell, nobody does that.

>> No.8911861

>he didnt notice he was getting hit on
>he thought they were teasing him
>he was going to shoot at him

/Fa/ confirmed r9k level autsim

>> No.8912093

Do people not know proper etiquette? Asking any question that could possiby make someone feel embarrassed is abosuletely inappropriate.

What is the use in putting effort into your appearance if you're going to socialize with scum anyway?

>> No.8912096

Some people just don't realize, others just project their insecurities and jealousy by making you feel like you're doing something wrong

>> No.8912126

I get called Harry Styles at least twice a week,even the older people are starting to tell me I dress like One Direction. I hate it so much but I guess it's a compliment because they're handsome r-right guys?

>> No.8912293

You have aspergers

>> No.8912297
File: 161 KB, 1080x1920, 44032fe2-9588-48c3-83ba-c54094fbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harry definitely isn't handsome, bruh.
Captcha gives brilliant ideas, make a cum university.

>> No.8912301

I am an aspiring rapper. I'd sell drugs if I had to to make it big. Sure as fuck beats working one of the godfucking square piss-poor minimum-wage jobs, eking out a piss-poor middle class nameless, faceless existence, having to pay fucking rent...

Living to work just so you can fucking live such a miserable fucking pointless mundane godfucking existence ESPECIALLY in this godfucking Obama fucked-up economy when the fucking bottom is just about to drop out and only the rich will be able to motherfucking survivve in this 17 trillion dollar in debt fucking Sodom and Gomorrah fucking country we used to call America.

>> No.8912311 [DELETED] 

Simply FARTING IT UP in the McDonald's fucking dining room! NASTY, lol!
[9:30:06 PM] Lee: When pain takes control SO DO I!!!


Simply farting it up. LITERALLY, inside the fucking McDonald's, talking shit that smells like my motherfucking farting!

>> No.8912315

Simply FARTING IT UP in the McDonald's fucking dining room! NASTY, lol!
When pain takes control SO DO I!!!

Simply farting it up. LITERALLY, inside the fucking McDonald's, talking shit that smells like my motherfucking farting!

>> No.8912336

wtf bro

>> No.8912345

just googled it


what an obscure post

>> No.8912381

Looking forward to getting a job in recruiting/hr so I can wear suits erryday

>> No.8912396

kid in a wheelchair that sits next to me in class farted like 3 times today. can people in wheelchairs control their farts

i felt like i needed to say this somewhere.

>> No.8912420

Lol that poo poo lame shit i aint with it i snort the guys farts in the wheelchair heck yeah bitch grata ta swag bitch

>> No.8913270

whenever i wore flannel shirts at uni:

>"u goin on a night out anon?"

>> No.8913890

>shy, anxious person, have trouble showing emotions, still okay at conversation
>lose some weight, gain a somewhat adequate feeling of self worth
>wear mostly black, grey, white, some navy, low key sneakers, simple cotton bombers, sweaters etc
>people call me blase and cool now instead of bored, distant or shy
>Im still a nervous wreck underneath but at lest I can pretend

Thank you based /fa/

>> No.8915475
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>> No.8915496

I feel you, introvert brah. I've had a similar transformation recently.

>> No.8915514

>tfw no one has said that to u

>> No.8915563

>Am a no-life, friendless loser who doesn't talk a lot because I don't do anything worthwhile.
>Everyone thinks I'm really chill and cool when I keep to myself

Probably helps that I'm kind of good looking.