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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 397 KB, 500x595, effay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8899768 No.8899768 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to NYC this coming Friday through Sunday and am looking for some people to hang out with.
Up for anything.

Also meetup general

>> No.8899798

I live in NYC and don't want to meetup with a random anon

>> No.8899825

I-it's not like I want to make new friends or anything.

>> No.8899846

I would go but I'm shit at making friends out of the blue.Sorry Anon

>> No.8899862

>2/2 replies are social autists
Never change, please done ever change

>> No.8899905
File: 87 KB, 640x640, claire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is my friend in NYC. She is getting her masters at NYC in journalism.

Would you like to meet her? I am sure she'd appreciate me setting her up with such a supreme gentleman such as yourself.

post fit pic that I can send to her

>> No.8899937

>implying I'm a guy
I don't have any fit pics on me but I usually dress in black. Am a girl too btw.

>> No.8899970

so u looking for some eligable D

>> No.8899983

Just looking for some people to chill with since wandering around alone gets boring after awhile. But if you're qt I wouldn't mind.

>> No.8900000


oops my bad, /fa/ is too male oriented

>> No.8900007

I'll hang out with you tonight. You got a Kik ?

>> No.8900020

My Kik: Carteblanched

Won't be in town till Friday. Visiting for fall break.

>> No.8900028
File: 849 KB, 245x138, 1397258376872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You got a Kik ?

>> No.8900048

Im doing a masters in journalism in


>> No.8900051

what uni

>> No.8900058

nyc sucks, go to prague instead

>> No.8900067

Ignore the horrible selfie. I can hang out Friday before 8:30 and Saturday is open.

>> No.8900274

No /fa/ggots where I live. ;_;

>> No.8900306

Im in NY and would meet up with you but im living that authentic brokeboi life so i cant afford it.
Plus i havent done laundry so all my good clothes are dirty.

Im a godard character basically.
I'll be with you in spirit, OP.

>> No.8900307



i live in northern Houston and im a shy autist so i dont go downtown where everyone interesting lives.

plus the homeless are much more aggressive down there

>> No.8900317

>mfw poorlife after uniqlo shopping spree

id go later, I'm in northern NJ but I need to get money first

>> No.8900321
File: 214 KB, 1080x1620, Rick_Owens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in France in a big city but it's not Paris so not many /fa/ people, no Rick, no Yohji. They're so close though.
Wait Rick, I'm coming!

>> No.8900333

I don't suppose there's any indiana bros around bloomington...

>> No.8900336
File: 65 KB, 534x629, Ph1SCJf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any /fa/ggoats in San Diego?

>> No.8900360

I'm from NYC but I'm not /fa/ enough to participate in these meetups

>> No.8900369

You live in New York so you're rich as fuck nigga.
Why aren't you /fa/?

>> No.8900370

We should do a NY meetup later this month when everybody gets their money up

>> No.8900373

Nah brah I used to think that too but it's more chill irl.

>> No.8900386

tfw I dont wanna meet up with SD autists cuz its hot as fucc

>> No.8900387

I feel the same way but your gonna meet up with strangers so it doesn't matter. They'll never see you again.

>> No.8900399

>twf german exchange student living with a baptist family in san diego

>no social contacts

>defeating boredom by buying expensive clothes

>> No.8900403

Y'all /fa/gets better come. I'll buy a round of shots to loosen you up.

>> No.8900404


>posting pictures of your face on the internet

>> No.8900414

w-w-we can play basketball or soccer if you want

I-i-i also r-run a boardgame night every once in a while

>tfw just want more friends ;_; , last 2 years have been hard

>> No.8900424

>implying anyone cares enough to make fun of you

its fucking narcisistic to think that a stranger on the internet will even save a pic of you and care to make fun of you

unless youre obnoxious or really ugly/pretty or your fit is /fa/ /not /fa/, no one gives a fuck

>> No.8900439
File: 151 KB, 500x375, WhereDoYouThinkWeAre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8900457

I'm from Brooklyn...

>> No.8900466

Dam bro, sorry to hear you from dirty ass Brooklyn.

>> No.8900479

It's not that bad tbh

>> No.8900481

Nah Brooklyn is more /fa/ than Manhattan.

>> No.8900530

15% at most is /fa/.

>> No.8900540 [DELETED] 

>tfw you'll never be able to sell drugs to /fa/

Or would I?

>> No.8900550


>> No.8900568 [DELETED] 


>> No.8900589

san diego sucks cock
it's almost as bad as middle calfornia

>> No.8900687
File: 60 KB, 600x600, 1383833885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come to CT
there arent many effay people here, in fact there are none :( i want some effay friends

>> No.8900693

do people on fa think this get isn't cool

>> No.8900712 [DELETED] 

where you at bruh

>> No.8900713


Isn't Paris the most shit tier of all french cities anyway? With the possible exception of Marseilles

>> No.8900741

Yeah Paris sucks ass (Marseille too) but everything is in Paris, it sucks so much.
All the interesting stores are in Paris, even Rick Owens is in Paris. I don't get it, that city is living in the past, millions of tourists want to see the Paris of Victor Hugo, Baudelaire and stuff like that but it's dead. Paris isn't romantic, it's ugly and it reeks of piss and shit. Homeless people and uneducated scum are crawling in the streets while Parisians are too busy to see that they live in the worst shithole in the country.

>> No.8900828
File: 365 KB, 1600x1200, NYSkyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im from NNJ pretty close to manhattan

but i have crippling social anxiety. coupled with the fact that someone would prob take pictures and then everyones fits would get scrutinized ridiculed by the rest of /fa/ for the next 6 months it doesn't seem like a good idea to me

>> No.8900844

I won't be taking pics. Just up for chilling and walking around town.

>> No.8900941

If every one is that paranoid then lets just agree no cell phones.

>> No.8900977

Anyone from Halifax?

>> No.8900983

You live in north Houston? :)
I think I found a potential friend

>> No.8901017 [DELETED] 

Where you from? Fort Lee here.

>> No.8901026

i'm NYU kid, I always kinda figured a good bit of /fa/ was too. is this correct?

>> No.8901040
File: 222 KB, 655x646, 1402360390716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I follow this thread and show up at the meeting to gun everybody down

>> No.8901048

like that's gonna make ur fits look any better

>> No.8901053

any one else in stupid reno?

>> No.8901054


not even gonna lie, im socially inept and extremely shy. just knowing that someone on this board who's in the same area is making me mildly uncomfortable.

>> No.8901251

upper west side ww@

>> No.8901268

Next Saturday?

>> No.8901286

>went to new york with gf last week for the day
>go to acne store
>busy as fuck
>asian kids everywhere
>wealthy looking young people acting 2cool4u
>employees are helpful but act pretentious and annoyed

overall not an enjoyable experiance, meanwhile

>go to rick owens store
>complete empty, thought it was closed for the day
>just a dude in pod shorts + geos and a quiet asian girl in all black standing around
>super friendly and down to earth
>chat for a little while and try on some ramones
>guy even recognized me because i emailed him about the ramones stock a few weeks ago

weird. guess cause acne is more fast fashion type stuff? didn't see one person wearing rick footwear the whole day either. rick is either not as popular in the mainstream as you guys think or it's just recently declined. either way it makes me glad im not into rick and not the whole whole stan smiths/acne jeans/pale minimilasm shit i saw everyone wearing in new york

>> No.8901296

meant more into rick*

>> No.8901298

price point. for the price of the rick shoes, you can have a whole shopping spree at acne

acne price point is right about on par with maybe zara or express

its like a slightly upscale H&M, but the quality is about the same

its the american version of cos

so yeah, you're describing apples and oranges
you went to a designer's pop up store, if you walked into gucci same type of deal, if you walked into a margiela store same deal

but acne is super lower tier, both in price and uality, has nothing to do with fashion

>> No.8901300

I'm scared we might actually no each other. I understand anon. You're not alone.

>> No.8901304

ah, i see what you're saying. just thought it was interesting. thanks for explaining.

>> No.8901306

lol Acne is hardly the same as H&M. It's not the best in the world, but that's a hell of an exaggeration

>> No.8901313


tfw no layering in october


if you mean cencal the stretch of coast from morro bay pretty much all the way to carmel through big sur is super /fa/

but if you mean inland like fresno, bako hell no

>> No.8901339


>> No.8901345


why the fuck are retail workers so autistic/godawful when actual retail interviews ask so much of you (e.g. extroverted, bubbly, talkative, friendly).

>> No.8901362

Hey OP, I might be interested in meeting up. Just for some straight cold hanging out, going shopping, getting something to eat, whatever.

What's your age OP? (I'm not going to really feel like meeting with an anonymous stranger this week if the age gap is too significant. Some of my other internet meetups have gone kind of awkwardly because of this. But, I guess you're a college student too so it should be a okay?)

>> No.8901383

19 turning 20 in a month or so.

>> No.8901393

u dtf?

>> No.8901403

Oh alright, I'm the same age.

Also, I'm not some NYC culture/history buff. Just putting that out there cause other people have acted like I know everything about NYC when really, I don't know shit.

>> No.8901420
File: 28 KB, 274x401, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh anon pls
I won't judge since it's not like you've lived there. Do you have a Kik/other form of contact?

>> No.8901429

acne is p much the same tier of shit

>> No.8901431

i can do something next saturday m8

>> No.8901434 [DELETED] 

What you got brah?

>> No.8901435

w2c sizzurp

>> No.8901441

anyone from melbourne (australia)

>> No.8901442

bolos? didn't expect to see SD here filled with hypebeasts and it's too hot to be truly effay

>> No.8901448 [DELETED] 

post contact info

>> No.8901456

yes, did you go to listen out yesterday m8?

>> No.8901463

We need to do an NYC meetup sometime. I'm out of town when the OP is here, but we've been talking about a meetup for over a year now and it's never happened.

Yeah, I agree. Normally I'm not a pictures-are-a-thing-that-requires-affirmative-consent type, but this is 4chan we're dealing with.

>Im in NY and would meet up with you but im living that authentic brokeboi life so i cant afford it.
>Plus i havent done laundry so all my good clothes are dirty.

Are you me?

Though meeting up with someone doesn't take money. It's not like boutiques ask for a bank statement when you walk in.

>> No.8901464

>+F Toronto
end of an era, I guess

>> No.8901473

>/Fa/ is full of druggies
Also interested by the way.

>> No.8901484 [DELETED] 

The world is full of druggies; don't be so surprised.

Also lol doing illegal shit on the Internet.

>> No.8901500 [DELETED] 

Yeah you're right. Also I was unaware the feds monitor an obscure fashion forum on a japanese cartoon imageboard

>> No.8901502

My Kik is dentynenice. You?

>> No.8901511

This is mine

>> No.8901544 [DELETED] 

The Feds monitor everything; haven't you heard?

I've also heard that 4chan in particular is actively watched by the FBI because of its, um, history. How closely I don't know, but never underestimate the sheer dumbass paranoia and insatiability of the security state.

The chances of you getting busted for drugs because of a 4chan post are pretty slim, but there's no reason to take the risk unless you have literally no dealer, and either way, good digital security culture is an important habit to cultivate.

Doing illegal shit on the Internet should feel like pouring bleach on your grail and then pissing on it.

>> No.8901719
File: 1.96 MB, 2488x3732, 9-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Los Angeles

>> No.8901727

Ayy post that shit here

>> No.8901791

That's not how you camera, anon

>> No.8901817

wayyyyyyyy to hot to be wearing a fucking jacket

>> No.8901840

Seriously though. not worth it

>> No.8901867

is that from jacket from a sample sale
my mainline ma-1 has the same shit but it's unlined

>> No.8902393

1 hearty kek for you

>> No.8902446


Acne employee in Antwerp is actually super friendly and down to earth. I've had great conversations with her when the store wasn't busy :-)

>> No.8902470

>its the american version of cos

>> No.8902508

where u from bae

>> No.8902551


no one in Ohio ever 4chans

>> No.8902941


I didn't even think about that..

d-do you live near the willowbrook mall?

>> No.8902992

Sweden anyone?


>> No.8903007

I'm in college in NY but everyone from NEOH was a channer

>> No.8903090
File: 111 KB, 1237x887, 4§1234214214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

know this feel

>> No.8903093

can't find anyone.

>> No.8903099


>tfw you'll never be able to buy drugs from /fa/

it's so hard and boring being sober all of the time

>> No.8903145

we should all just meet up somewhere, listen to some music and get strung out, that way we don't have to deal with our social anxiety and awkwardness.

>> No.8903179

who /philly/ here

>> No.8903237 [DELETED] 

This is indeed an obscure fashion board, but due to the fact that we're on 4chan there is a high chance that every single post here is being actively watched and recorded by the gov.

>> No.8903245


/phily/ here.

>> No.8903270

Paris here, in le marais to be more accurate

>inb4 jews and homos

>> No.8903276

i loved that neighborhood (and i'm no homo or jew lol)

>> No.8903284

yeah it's really neat to live here, you have lots of parcs, cafes and restaurants, nice shops however it's crazy expensive

>> No.8903289

live in nyc and why would i want to meet autists

pls more persuasion needed

>> No.8903302


you're on a website that is exclusively filled with autists.

we're all losers and you aren't fooling anyone

>> No.8903310

Hey me and the other anon from Koprivnica
lets meet upyo

>> No.8903314

Because you might get to meet up with a qt grill :3

>> No.8903327

Another example of why Acne fans are pure shit eating idiots with to much money and no taste.

>> No.8903406
File: 78 KB, 412x351, tumblr_nclbyxOvFB1rtgnkmo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you know only one /fa/ggot in your city
>tfw there are probably few others at best
>tfw there will never be a fuccboi meet up

>> No.8903427

so sorry

>> No.8903445

Who /london/ here?

>> No.8903473


>> No.8903478


>acne price point is right about on par with maybe zara or express

Are you for fucking real.

>> No.8903692

seattle? anyone?

>> No.8903711

L O N D O N here

>> No.8903735

where you at, m80

>> No.8903761

Going up to NYC for the Porter Robinson concert this next weekend with my gf. Shits gonna be dope

>> No.8903765

>having a gf

lol wot a fag

>> No.8903827

so wait, is this a legit meetup or not?

>> No.8903898

gonna be in nyc on saturday for comic con, who wants to grab drinks that night. i promise i'm not an autist.

>> No.8903937

literal 5/10

>> No.8903974

OP this is legit.

>> No.8904000

brother, im in CT too. where are you? are you that anon from new haven that always posts in meetup threads but never comes thru?

>> No.8904106
File: 1.31 MB, 707x1000, Streets_of_Shinobu__Sized_Down_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope its not too late to reply. I'm a senior in college in NYC, lived here my whole life essentially. As long as you're down theres plenty of cool shit I can show you/take you to, with more fun events and stuff generally being at night. Not your average /fa/ggot though but I'm always down for a meetup. Hit me up on kik: white_camo

>> No.8904114
File: 78 KB, 251x245, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in a redneck infested town with nothing to do
>no one to impress with my fits
>validate myself by posting fits on /fa/

anyone in southern virginia tho?

>> No.8904152

Not everyone has a thick natural layer of insulation...

>> No.8904161

Save up and move out man, it is holding you back

>> No.8904211

The Rick store is the same atmosphere as dover street market. Except its like 7 floors of that.

>> No.8904241


>> No.8904254

no, but i live in sw michigan and it is similar. wearing your pajamas around town is considered socially acceptable here

>> No.8904260

Let's decide on a time and place to meet up guys. I saw dover street market. Or some where public like SOHO around 5pm?
I'm down, post contact info, or Kik.

>> No.8904289


fuck you, it's not that bad.

>> No.8904299
File: 70 KB, 206x358, nya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-Nebraska shithole reporting in
I'm in uni. We can chill and talk fashun or something.

Also into animu

>> No.8904459

>Not your average /fa/ggot though
what does that mean

>> No.8904542

prolly that he's dressed good

>> No.8904578

ayy I live in downtown and the fact that there is a /fa/ggot in the city limits makes me freaked out cause I don't like dressing well except in winter.
>pls don't judge me I usually look better

>> No.8904799


its all right, i only dress well in the winter too.

side note: I was shocked when we first moved here because the lowest it gets is 40 degrees. its like there is no winter here

>> No.8904818

Let's do it a little while from now so people can play.

I think probably meeting up somewhere smaller and then heading to DSM makes sense. The thought of so many "hey, are you here from /fa/?" clusterfucks is staggering.

>> No.8904822
File: 19 KB, 240x320, 50485-play-cdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can play


But I mean if we're going to DSM.

>> No.8904839

h-hey anon i live near downtown too

but I go to school in austin

>> No.8904907

Look we can have this little meet up to flush out the process and have a bigger one later on.

>> No.8905404

fuccniggas gone multiply

>> No.8905421

I mean, we need to figure out how many people ITT are even talking about meeting. I'm


ITT. Everyone else interested in a NYC meetup, chime the fuck in.

>> No.8905479

who in NYC is going to the Mac Demarco/Connan Mockasin show @ terminal 5 on Nov. 4

we outchea

>> No.8905577

>phoenix, AZ

>> No.8905595

who even wants to pay to see that goofball

>> No.8905602
File: 6 KB, 266x190, 1406620932746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw in fresno

>> No.8905604

H-Town fags wanna meet up at Fitz for Polica this thursday?

>> No.8905607
File: 64 KB, 160x120, dancing_baby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best NYC /fa/ poster here.

How is everyone?

(Shout out to the guy who wears a black Bart Mandela shirt and goes to NYU and is taking Chinese with my friend)

>> No.8905621


sorry did you mean to say FlyLo @ Terminal 5 Oct 14


who else is going?

>> No.8905658

Any of you nigs meet up in Glendale yesterday?

>> No.8905774

>Ctrl+F "Boston"
I'll never have /fa/ friends here, damn

>> No.8905810

Ayyy you got a Kik? Already have 3 other anons on board.

>> No.8905857

kik: belgianbeerkobe
go to school in long island, but def down for a meetup on a friday/saturday night?
What would we do? I doubt all you fuccbois are above 21

Also has anyone realized fuccboi.com redirects to /fa/

>> No.8905864

i'm not the guys you was looking for btw

>> No.8905893

nice star wars meme

>> No.8905901


>> No.8905938

can't wait to steal you all
see you anons

>> No.8906793

>steal you

Wtf you saying anon?

>> No.8906840

She's coming to get us