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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 73 KB, 1224x1632, 1411418772789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8895122 No.8895122 [Reply] [Original]


MFA top WAYWT for september

what do we think of this

>> No.8895128


better than /fa/ you little insecure faggot

ask yourself why you waste your time every month making these threads

stop being such an insecure jealous little faggot


>> No.8895130

Decent. Better than most of /fa/

>> No.8895132

which one is yours

>> No.8895133
File: 363 KB, 3328x1872, gaben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is literally the first time i've posted MFA shit

>> No.8895136

top dude is terrible but i understand why peopled upvoted him

mostly pretty good though

>> No.8895138
File: 346 KB, 1000x1500, ml15qWj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the red beard guys fits.

the rest are overall ok. most are pretty basic/boring. not that that's necessarily a bad thing

i like this one too but i think it's just because it's a well-composed photo, his fit isn't that special and i don't like supreme. could it be that most of looking well dressed is photo composition???

>> No.8895146

because he looks like a hobbit

>> No.8895150

theo used to post on /fa/ haven;t seen him in a while

>> No.8895155

Daily reminder that most fits can go from terrible to decent or better solely from camera quality and lighting

>> No.8895164

Some good stuff and some bad stuff, that's life.

>> No.8895168

nice samefag chilljin

>> No.8895170


>> No.8895192


Why do u write sage then not sage

>> No.8895393

When did mfa start copping black shit and dressing virgincore

>> No.8895414

Most of those fits are basic.
Some are terrible.
Very few are really nice (theo,..)

>> No.8895438
File: 599 KB, 1034x1500, eyessss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy with the beard legit scares me

he has such piercing eyes

>> No.8895469

Ike a nice photo lets you actually see the fit where as shitty mirror selfies fuck up proportions and make things hard to see. I'm tired of people saying they only get attention because the photo looks nice well yeah it's nice to look at the clothes are displayed well and proportions are accurate.

>> No.8895470

Let me guess you like the minimalist mallochrome memewear ones :^)

>> No.8895471

he's cute. the bike is dumb though

>> No.8895472

>that nonexistent facial hair and challenged complexion

Ayy, theo confirmed for shitskin or chinky.

>> No.8895473

I'm convinced he has
Ike 20 different reddit accounts so he can just op oat himself most of his fits are average at best.

>> No.8895475

95% chance he has awful nonexistent cheek bones and a baby chin.

>> No.8895479

>le beards are for insicure faggits with no miring jobrah maymay

Simply ebin :D

>> No.8895480

It's more like*

>> No.8895482


>> No.8895486
File: 254 KB, 801x1200, theo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe this only got 78 upboats tho.

the transition from top to bottom is kind of awkward standing still but dat sock/shoe and wrist cuff game 2 strong

>> No.8895491

simply absolutely true

>> No.8895495

The sock and shoe synergy is literally the most perfect thing I've ever seen. If you reading this theo you did a good job man.

>> No.8895504

Look at the rest of his face and tell me you don't think he hiding some bitchy little jaw under that hair. I wouldn't even be saying this if the beard didn't look so ridiculous on him. It looks like he stole some early 20th century Canadian lumberjacks beard and put it on his baby face.

>> No.8895505

Looks like he's wearing ninja foot wraps and that's not a good time

>> No.8895506
File: 126 KB, 1102x598, theo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of hiding your face in fit pics when there's literally a shitload of your face's pictures on the internet?

>> No.8895509

I like the socks shoes and pants. Shirt looks like shit but I generally hate long shirts.

They're different audiences and different fits, so its understandable why it only got that many up boats

>> No.8895510

this is how i imagine all bearded hipster faggots to look

>> No.8895514

no shit. half the photos on here are taken from chest level with a cell phone in the mirror and the torso is 75% of the pic, leaving the legs looking like stumps.

>> No.8895515

He probably doesn't want people constantly commenting on his face and shit. Look at trunks he always gets comments like "lolBALDDDD XDD" it's just annoying and keeps the thread on track.

>> No.8895518

let's assume he has 'inferior' facial features like you claim

how the fuck does it matter in any way in the context of this thread

>> No.8895523

For me it's really only the pants the are throwing it off. If he was wearing shorts the shirt And hoody would fit in fine or maybe some jeans would probably look better. But he obviously wanted to showcase the sock shoe combo that you wouldn't be able to see with traditional length pants.

>> No.8895530

Wow is that theos face

Theo is ruined to me he's got a ugly fat baby face

Confirmed terrible aesthetic poor dresser now that I've seen that hideous mug

>> No.8895531

Because he's obviously using the beard to compensate for his dripchin facial genetics. This is exceedingly obvious by how he feels the need to incorporate his beard as if it's a part of his fit.

>> No.8895532

How are his eyes relevant to this thread you hypocritical twat? No one missed you posting you can go right back to Sufu with your walk ass comments.

>> No.8895539

>can't grow a beard due to weak genetics and extremely low testosterone, gets mad and projects his hideous face onto this bearded handsome devil

>> No.8895541

I was just making a comment about how his eyes looked unusually large and unnerving to me you gotta chill


>> No.8895545

As you're probably using your clothes to hide your worthless, skinnyfat body. And your hair to hide your bald, pathetic scalp. Or your words on the internet to make up for your frail ego and your insecurities.

Shit happens.

>> No.8895562

I was just making a comment on his annoying beard and how it's unnerving to me.

>> No.8895564
File: 46 KB, 598x576, theo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but he qt

>> No.8895573

>hair to hide bald
lmao yes use your words anon

>> No.8895576
File: 119 KB, 611x613, theo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He must be like a native or something.

>> No.8895607

>cherry picking one thing because the truth hurts

>> No.8895615


sage has been invisible for over a year now retard

>> No.8895630

>getting this defensive when something you said was pointed out to be utterly retarded

>> No.8895643
File: 1.41 MB, 2448x3264, DvNfbES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top lel

>> No.8895646
File: 1.02 MB, 640x1124, KTHaOcC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8895659
File: 1.83 MB, 810x1250, AS3CIMD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8895668

There really is a thin line btwn fashionable and looking like a weird cunt.

>> No.8895671
File: 169 KB, 800x1200, VrJj2tb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet they gave him props so many times for knowing obscure movies like Lost in Translation

>> No.8895675

Seriously, this is dadcore

>> No.8895678

he got that desperately searching for pussy gaze goin on

>> No.8895679
File: 532 KB, 1450x1429, Scze1ys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I think it's because of his dumbfuck expression and the cardigan that makes him look like he's a fat guy wearing a girdle

>> No.8895681

The only reason goofninja pics look even somewhat acceptable is because of how the picture is taken. You never see pics of them around normal dressed people.

>> No.8895683
File: 33 KB, 500x500, om.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wedding anniversary pic from david lee
holy christ

>> No.8895684

guys why does chilljin live in a fucking shipping container?

>> No.8895687
File: 615 KB, 1461x2072, a8UNyKM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. I can see why people would think he looks good, but on a fucking fashion forum?

it's where he blazes the dank kush that's on his tee

>> No.8895689

He looks like he is 40 or sth so I guess its good

>> No.8895694
File: 876 KB, 1832x2596, StqmJO6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8895698
File: 283 KB, 1155x2048, dEZAiCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're real nxtlvl when you have tablecloth skirts, guages, and a fucking sombrero

>> No.8895702

u cant see how thats the same thing as comment on his beard/chin? dumb chink fuck off back to your circle jerk

>> No.8895704
File: 843 KB, 2592x3872, hX4qTiU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryan Gosling got hit in the face by a truck

>> No.8895707

this is sick

>> No.8895728


that stone cold glare of an autist

>> No.8895757


>> No.8895772

a few are basic, like 3-4

rest is super fucking cringe. I recognized a few of the cringeposters from /fa/ actually, like the guy with the long hair and the autist guy with the shoe rack in his room.

MFA is probably the shittiest hole on the internet, even worse than /fa/.

top lel

>> No.8895779

Lost in Translation isn't obscure lol

>> No.8895805
File: 262 KB, 550x411, 89[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of it is shit, but even all that average shit in 1 month is better than I see over half a year on here nowadays.
The bearded fuck has some godly articles, and I get his (cliche)aesthetic, but would call him any given pic related.

>> No.8895820

>doesn't deny being socially crippled insecure fat manlet

>> No.8895833

Why aren't you posting the really bad ones. The autistic shit terrible virgin ones with the black skinny jeans, white shoes, white shirt, black jacket. Theres like 9 and they all look like retarded peices of human shit

>> No.8895837

>needing to validate myself to a pleb

>> No.8895842

>>8895438it looks like the top of his hair and the bottom are two different people

like that game where you draw, fold the paper, and pass it to the next person to do the next part

>> No.8895844

well he looks about 15 so...

>> No.8895849

wtc jacket?

>> No.8895857
File: 540 KB, 1200x1860, kNj0Xwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


as usual its decent fits from the more popular posters like chilljin and this guy and a lot of mediocre fits from random users. I only ended up saving one pic for inspo.

>> No.8895861


> tfw when I'll never own those por homme boots

>> No.8895862

It's actually shitty. Sweater/shirt/boots are okay, but the jacket and the cargo pants look atrocious.

>> No.8895867

Underrated post

>> No.8895869


The shoes and socks are cool, but the rest is mediocre. I've never really gotten all the love for theo, most of his clothes look sort of limp and clingy to me, like theyve been washed too many times.


damn, I always expected Theo to look super asian, what race is he?

>> No.8895880


Is that a bad thing? He's used his facial hair to conceal his weakest features. Would it be better if he had no beard and looked ugly?

>> No.8895885


I saw a guy at Banana Republic the other day asking a clerk to help him pick out clothes and he ended up looking pretty much like this.

>> No.8895887

that was the joke

>> No.8895899

it's as much of a lie as plastic surgery and silicon tits are

>> No.8895908


Well for starters that's not really true since facial hair is natural and grows constantly unless you cut it off every day, and furthermore criticizing plastic surgery for being a "lie" makes you sound like a bitter ugly person.

>> No.8895913

seems like it gets worse and worse the further you go down

>> No.8895915

>bitter ugly person
>your fucking face when neither you nor your baby momma have big jew noses but your kids do because she got her nose carved up before you met

>> No.8895957


I don't know why people always bring this up like it means anything. There are worse things than having a kid with a big nose.

>> No.8895969

He's an American goy.

>> No.8895984

I dunno, but I'm guessing you can find one at the niggerfaggot store.

>> No.8895996


That would make sense, considering they're in order of most to least upvotes.

>> No.8896004

>dat fake PCL
top loto

>> No.8896027

Compared to most of the fits posted here they're fucking stellar.

>> No.8896033

its sad that they dress better than the /fa/ WAYWT

>> No.8896070

i dont think this word means what you think it means

>> No.8896109

I like it except for those goddamn shoes.

>> No.8896222

you're a faggot. this dude is tall, thin and handsome. the clothes are interesting and he would look cool in public. you have no taste at all

>> No.8896339

we do it every fucking month for the last three years. WTF?

Get the fuck out you plebeian newfag,.

>> No.8896359

Someone should compile a monthly waywt of /fa/ and compare. There definitely are some nice fits here, it's just there is a lot more variance and freedom on mfa. at least we don't have that weird manlet ginger tho

>> No.8896413

umm we have stance but..

>> No.8896447

I'm number 8 on this list... pretty surprised tbh. posted the fit on here and it got positive comments but not a lot. was like the 3rd fit I've posted there

>> No.8896458

sick fit bro, i like it quite a bit

>> No.8896473

cool. I'm the dude who went through posting the awful ones and I remember stopping and thinking that your fit was pretty sick. What's the sweater?

>> No.8896482

thx man, it's norse projects

>> No.8896496
File: 80 KB, 650x650, 12115_3f0e0c0959-n45-01807000-41-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool thanks man, found it.

NP Sigfred if anyone else wanted to know

>> No.8896504

He looks like he would look attractive if he got out of skinnyfat mode.

>> No.8896505

wait so what's this guy's story? MFA? I thought he was a /fa/ person?

either way what's his tumblr?

>> No.8896510

Shoes are gross and he's gone and cuffed his pants for some strange reason

Scarf is an okay color but the shirt underneath puts me off. I feel like it should be an earthy tone

>> No.8896584


This one is v. good unlike the others

>> No.8896597

this dude is wearing all dior and kva

he looks baller as fuck

>> No.8896681

hes an attention whore with a rich daddy that posts his fits on like 5 forums
hits fits are decent and occassionnaly good though

>> No.8896691

whats the tumblr

>> No.8896717

I think he's old enough to pull it off.
fight me

>> No.8896760

LOL no


>> No.8896819

i've seen a couple pics of this dude now and he looks like shit lel

>> No.8896827

i've got to give MFA credit though, at least they usually take pics in accurate lighting.

>> No.8897056

w2c shirt

>> No.8897081
File: 15 KB, 200x200, 1386467562101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what is he a fucking 15 year old girl with gay shit on his wall. im so fucking mad at how fucking lame that faggot is for having that shit on his wall. nothing to do with his fit. i bet this fucking faggot is some fucking retarded 20 year old that is some modern day philosopher that just posts stupid shit on twitter like "sometimes we gotta stop searching. When you search for bliss the more complicated the search is." or "“@KidCudi: We're all crazy!! No one has the answers!! And thats ok!!” I knew I couldn't have been the only one on this level #respect" that one i got straight off twitter. fuck all you fucking mongoloids that ruin my twitter feed with this shit.

>> No.8897098
File: 1.81 MB, 298x301, 1412214820629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8897100

>Simply ebin
what does ebin mean?

>> No.8897105

They look like fucking total hohos.

>> No.8897113

damn gandalf's food game is weak, lame ass shit

>> No.8897119

im not the guy you trolled epicly but your post is god tier pwnage add me on steam so we can play gmod and troll some kids xD for real! :)

>> No.8897126

Better than usual. Some of them don't deserve to be in there but some are pretty good.

>> No.8897129
File: 123 KB, 480x353, haters-gonna-hate-cool-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Theo bro this is dope af.

>> No.8897139
File: 714 KB, 1005x1500, lKMpQtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy with the red beard has always had amazing fits, mfa seems to ignore him for the most part.

>> No.8897150

>well composed

its a photo cropped so the dude is the only thing in the frame, literally all that should be in fit pictures

i'd at least say its more cohesive overall than most fits i see posted in waywt threads on /fa/

>> No.8897164

So fucking boring.
90% of this is boring business casual shit I wear to work. The rest is just teenagers with creepy beards and slicked hair wearing T-shirts. Tumblr meets bottom level entry menswear.

I know MFA gets a lot of shit but after seeing this it is completely justified. So much circlejerking they just all agree that everything that has always looked okay is the best. It's like being the smartest kid among the C-students. If you are going to try at fashion at least be a little unique. This is why /fa/ is better.

>> No.8897187

The dude looks way too tryhard. Borderline 1970s pedophile-core

>> No.8897206

He's handsome as fuck. I don't personally dig his style but the last thing you could say about him is that he looks bad or like a "creepy" person.

>> No.8897238

he realised how shit everyone here is and went to reddit.
This thread pops up every fucking month, do you think they do this? You cunt's seem like the jealous kid in the corner pretending to himself that he's cooler than everyone else at the party, even though he has no friends and just talks shit.

>> No.8897245

This isn't bad, I hope he keeps his beard this length and not that weird lumberjack shit he had going in some of the other ones

>> No.8897248

Sloppy manlet fit not worthy of being called even tumblrcore - needs to clean his room too

>> No.8897255

Settle down faggot - getting mad on the Internet over such trivial things

>> No.8897289

he looks retarded and his fit sucks go back to /mfa/ you autist

>> No.8897290


mu hdick

>> No.8897291

>being mad on an image board

>> No.8897294


its the glasses

>> No.8897478

Funny how much hate MFA usually gets around here from all those rifraf goof faggots. MFA at least knows how to dress in the real world.

>> No.8897510

dude looks like he's in freaks and geeks

>> No.8897545

w2c jacket?

>> No.8897660


Is that a pahblet in your pants or are you happy to seem me?

>> No.8897671

Clown shoes...

>> No.8897680

w2c jacket

>> No.8897719

who fucking said he was taking the piss
we rate mfa's top fits every fucking month and people like you always turn up acting like we're shitting on them
your post was the fucking first and op said nothing bad about them

>> No.8897731

Never been a secret but I'm surprised at the amount of /fa/ users who post on mfa and vice-vesa

>> No.8897785

J Crew Tour Jacket

i don't like the epauletes personally

>> No.8897981

w2c pants?

>> No.8898482

The proportions are whack (torso too long, legs too short and it's a little uninspired. Plus the boots don't look very good.

>> No.8898502
File: 530 KB, 1000x1500, zOD0RKn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every post by "Sulucniv" is just him showing off his beard in boring fits

It's like they're actually on reddit where everyone wants to have a huge beard and be a supreme gentleman