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File: 84 KB, 640x640, 10534817_1444277272514111_1358991670_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8868243 No.8868243 [Reply] [Original]

How much makeup is too much makeup?

>> No.8868273
File: 86 KB, 640x640, 914766_652297638178099_1312007869_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8868374

there is such a thing as "too much makeup" but the pictures you are posting are in no way related seeing as how this woman is purposely using excessive makeup to create a specific look

>> No.8868434

If the word "subtle" can't plausibly be used to describe it, it's too much.

>> No.8868447

yeah this is like showing people dressed in cosplay and saying "how much fashion is too much fashion"

>> No.8868923

Any makeup at all

>> No.8869405

when you can tell they drew on their whole face
looking like theyre born in ms paint

>> No.8869524

the actual quantity of makeup doesn't necessarily equal how 'cake faced' she looks - i.e. one with acne may be using a shit ton of products but the result is fairly natural, even skin

imo it's the colours -
look you can't even quantify this shit.
but like blush, lipstick, eyeliner, eyeshadow - all bringing unnatural colour to the face.

i'm fine with seeing girls wear a lot of makeup, it's when it's unnatural or badly applied. ye.

>> No.8869572


when it makes them ugly

>> No.8871409

When men can tell you have makeup, you have too much makeup.

>> No.8871750

*straight men

>> No.8872067

Any makeup is too much.

How will I accurately judge bitches?

>> No.8872106

For women: if your face look unnatural
For men: if you're wearing makeup

>> No.8872377
File: 70 KB, 604x599, e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it gets to the point where it dramatically changes your appearance, its too much.

>> No.8872387

Fuckkk this is why you can't trust women

>> No.8872418
File: 28 KB, 400x300, before-and-after-cassandra-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The differences can be horrifying

>> No.8873190
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>> No.8873218

you're a bunch of idiots if you're actually surprised by this.

>> No.8873238

if youre utilizing it as a crutch, then its too much

if it actually significantly alters your attractiveness when you take it off, then its too much

best thing to do is to use minimal amounts, or none at all, because that way when a grill actually puts on your standard amount of eyeliner/lipstick/blush or w/e, they look fucking 10/10 phenomenal

>> No.8873239

This is a fucked topic.
Makeup is so ingrained into our culture, it is one hundred percent acceptable to wear makeup. Actually, it's probably more unacceptable to not wear any makeup.

>> No.8873250
File: 48 KB, 550x750, smoky-eyes-dewy-skin-atelier-versace-fall-2013-couture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makeup thread?

>> No.8873255

ya fuck women they are all liar bitch cunts i hate my mother and make up

>> No.8873264

so if you're ugly you shouldn't try to cover it up with make up.

>> No.8873267
File: 87 KB, 599x775, kangin3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian have got it right, no cool colors, natural looking eyeshadow and minimal eyeliner, just enough makeup to even out the skin tone and natural "just-bitten" lip look.

>> No.8873280
File: 62 KB, 550x798, metallic-lip-pat-mcgrath-dior-aw-2013-couture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldn't you want to look the best you could possibly look?

>> No.8873283
File: 36 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m96ls2NJay1qajdspo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this apply to men?

>> No.8873287

any non-matte makeup looks so trashy, it looks passable on really dark-skinned women but other than that, no.

>> No.8873297
File: 75 KB, 550x788, bleached-brows-red-lips-gucci-fall-2012-runway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah that's not true at all

>> No.8873299

I wonder how that looks irl, make-up is less noticeable in pictures.

>> No.8873300

>if it actually significantly alters your attractiveness when you take it off, then its too much

>> No.8873302

Because it makes me feel like a fraud, because then I can't rub my eyes/face whenever, and because I have to worry about it getting on my bfs clothes, it irritates my eyes, if I take a nap I have to adjust it and my eyes go all dry, and because I'd have to wake up way earlier to spend the time doing it and then taking it off at night.

I'm already attractive without it so I'll stick to wearing it during shoots. It does make me feel socially unacceptable at times though or not as attractive as other girls, which is an absolute joke since with it id easily be way prettier

I think it's important to build my self esteem around other things

>> No.8873304


pretty much

if youre ugly, you just fucking deal. eventually the guy thats fawning after you is going to see you for the first time without your caked on inch thick layer of make up, and will be physically repulsed by the contrast

>> No.8873308
File: 216 KB, 410x513, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're using her lips as an example you have to realize lips are the exception (when it's a natural shine) since they're supposed to be slightly shiny.
Although matte lip color looks sophisticated.

>> No.8873326

people don't always wear make up to attract mates. sometimes you just want to go out w/o looking ugly as fuck. make up is so normal now it's practically expected and tbh it's laughable that there are dudes out there who see it as a way of "lying". like do you really think my eyelids are naturally darker than the rest of my face? it's like babies not understanding object permanence. get the fuck over it.

>> No.8873335

Someone's mad

>> No.8873338

There's a difference between eye shadow and covering up all the flaws on your face.

>> No.8873342


>ugly cow with 10 layers of makeup caked onto her face detected

>> No.8873344

>eyebrows look like shit before and good after
>wearing a fucking bathrobe before and a nice shirt after
>hair looks like a birds nest weaved with shit-spaghetti in the before and hair is done nicely after
>showing off her disgusting ears in the before, hiding them with earrings in the after
>covered chest and collarbones in first pic, exposed in second
>weird angle in first, better angle in second
>higher resolution after picture
>photoshopped after picture

Yeah, sure, it's JUST the makeup.

>> No.8873348

When you look like a cupcake or people call you a baker or a ghost

>> No.8873352

>spend the time taking it off at night

nigga you take a fucking makeup wipe and wipe your face with it

that's it

>> No.8873355

Lol wut? Makeup is usually only used in formal fits or when a hoe is on service

>> No.8873371

Which always leaves my face feeling grimy and residuey no thanks

Don't call me nigga

>> No.8873383


man you have such an awful personality based on the last 2 things you posted

>> No.8873384

My boyfriend hates me wearing makeup. He gets annoyed if I even start to put any on. Which should make me feel good.

But then he acts in awe of girls who he sees pictures of or irl and says 'wow she's so pretty!!' when she has a ton of makeup, lashes, contouring, etc on

It makes me feel very insecure

Boys are stupid

>> No.8873388

ok sorry

here's my apology letter. I wrote it then recorded myself reading it to you.

soz bb


>being this easily offended

The melanin is strong in this one

>> No.8873389

Lmao ok

>> No.8873390

dump him.

>> No.8873391

>Don't call me nigga

are you new?

>> No.8873403

???? Enlighten me how am I being easily offended ????

All I did was explain why I don't like things I don't like and tell you not to call me a nigga bc I'm not a heathen

>> No.8873405

i think she looks better without

>> No.8873422

Whatever you say, porch monkey

your jam

>> No.8873433


>> No.8873442
File: 62 KB, 550x772, dolce-gabbana-fall-2013-makeup-look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he sounds like a superficial idiot

>> No.8873565

Loosen up the laces on your clown shoes, faggotron

>> No.8875571
File: 14 KB, 303x276, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d-don call me nigga

calm down nigger

>> No.8875744

Wow, in today's news, I'm being blamed for men legitimately thinking I have gold eyelids!

Fuck right off >>8872418

>> No.8875765

r u a grill

>> No.8875776

you wear too much makeup

>> No.8875789

I don't wear make-up.

>> No.8876048


I would argue that too much makeup is when the supposedly "invisible" starts to become "visible". For example, caking on foundation to the point where it no longer blends in with the rest of one's skin, or when eyelashes look to clumpy and overly crusted-on. Clearly, some things are supposed to appear to be artificial, since no reasonably intelligent person thinks that anyone ACTUALLY has blue eyelids.

Ultimately, it comes down to the occasion, the style of look, and the mastery of technique.

>> No.8876239

In real life make up like that would NEVER be passable as the real thing because it would be too obvious that she is wearing 10 kgs of it. It's always obvious when a girl is caked up with dramatic makeup like this. Only an idiot would think this is the real thing smh. You can deceive for real though, but only with the "no makeup makeup" look and that only covers up imperfections, you don't look like an another person with it.

>> No.8876259

I personally think it's more a matter of frequency. If you always wear full face, it's too much. If it's just when you're feeling special and it's not much day to day, I think that's best. Makeup should highlight things you like about your face, not hide everything you hate.

>> No.8876411

he sounds fedorable

>> No.8878151

she's pretty cute w/o the makeup even though her skin is bad

>> No.8878154
File: 169 KB, 1549x1007, naturale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

natural girls are best

>> No.8879077

Natural doesn't necessitate acne.

>> No.8880614

That's really not all you need to do.
Unless you want to fuck up your skin you at least need a good cleanser.