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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 23 KB, 460x276, A-man-snorting-cocaine-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8863543 No.8863543[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So whats the most /fa/ drug

Its gotta be coke right?

>> No.8863557

i dont know about fashion but mdma is easily the most enjoyable.

>> No.8863586

have you tried acid m8, the two go hand in hand

>> No.8863614
File: 15 KB, 438x438, 4a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opium through a long pipe

>> No.8863664


>> No.8863688

I'd say either tobacco, good alcohol or 2-CB
A drug that makes you sweat profusely and excites you the way coke and mdma do can't be /fa/
And weed is not /fa/, it's fun to do but being stoned isn't /fa/.

>> No.8863715


>> No.8863737

rick would never be seen cunted in mandy as he'd lose his stealth warrior persona. rick would only smoke cigs and think about how irrelevant he is to society.

>> No.8863742 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 320x214, 1_1_th-628827748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the janitor delete pigfuck threads but leaves every single off topic thread alone?

>> No.8863748 [DELETED] 

He's butthurt. Personal vendetta

It's embarrassing

>> No.8863854

"Rick would never be seen cunted on mandy" Hahahaha

>> No.8863858

You freaking cunts its Adderall duh, and Vyvanse.. It's Gen Y, Nootropics are in. Get out from under your rocks

>> No.8863885

that's for kids and teenagers. real amphetamine sulphate is where it's at

>> No.8863990


>> No.8864926

sleeping and being slow aren't particularly fa although I do like etilozam

>> No.8864987

tobacco and coke
of course neither of them are effay if you are some fat loser fuck

>> No.8865019

A controlled heroin addiction

>> No.8865024

there is no such thing as this

>> No.8865041

Then a heroin addiction is most effay, either way

>> No.8865058

its not /fa/ being so addicted to a drug that you would literally suck dick for it

>> No.8865062

but it is effay if you want a shoe that you would literally suck dick for it?

>> No.8865107

i dont want a shoe i would literally suck dick for and dont plan on anything similar either

>> No.8865180

coke was cool in the 90's now that is so cheap it has lost its allure

heroin is pretty /fa/ But opium would be better. After all wars have been fought over the stuff

tobacco is a timeless

Acid is probably the most /fa/. Opium is a close runner up.

>> No.8865187

also benzo pills are pretty cool.

>> No.8865334
File: 157 KB, 640x479, 1410986131616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only /fa/ addiction is adrenaline
>you guys will never know that feel when doing something extreme and stressful in a full tech fit

>pic related, not me though

>> No.8865341

Yeah, the coolest part is when you inevitably fuck it all up and then your face and body is posted in /b/ gore threads.

>> No.8865353

Psychedelics were pretty trendy for awhile, but I see that neo hippie/60s revival trend going out pretty soon.

Opiates are hands down the winner though. They make you feel good and better about yourself, no matter what.

>> No.8865359

>ITT: a bunch of people who've never taken drugs before

>> No.8865376

Pretty much.
Did you not see the surveys? Almost 90% sure the majority of /fa/ is 17 year olds.

The same thing applies for the people who pretend they're rich on here but never post a fit or even prove it.
It's 17 year olds wishing they lived better lives.

>> No.8865377

Since when is acid considered even remotely /fa/? I would go with anything opium related

>> No.8865378

Weed is highschool nigger tier

>> No.8865379

Why do people start smoking cigarettes?

>> No.8865381

kill yourselves.

caffeine is the most /fa/ drug anyway. all other drugs are shit and will fuck you up.

>> No.8865385

its md you mongs

>> No.8865397

I know. Acid usually makes me realize how ridiculous fashion is. Pretty much all depressants are /fa/.

>> No.8865418

Suppress hunger and socialize

>> No.8865424

>forced meme
>endless samefagging

just start tripping already you faggot sperglord. your meme will never catch on.

>> No.8865426
File: 235 KB, 1000x662, xanax_hoodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is slipping oneself some pink xannies, then proceeding to dance about the house in allover-print panties effay?

>> No.8865432

Indeed it is

>*tips fedora*

>> No.8865442
File: 70 KB, 584x698, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this broke

>> No.8865446

confirmed for junkie

Weed is GOAT other than psilocybin and LSD

powderfags GTFO enjoy ur withdrawal

>> No.8865461

nicotine headbuzz feels good af

>> No.8865468

you belong here.

>> No.8865473

the only fa way to do weed is very occasionally eating a high dose edible.

>> No.8865476

absoluely not u golfwang cretin

>> No.8865479

shut the fuck up you know-nothing middle schooler.

>> No.8865481

Tyler's attitude is /fa/ as fuck though

>> No.8865483

Partying with Emma so sweet

>> No.8865488


u belong there

>> No.8865492

i don't know i don't have any fucking social connections to get any kind of drug.

fuckin normalfags

>> No.8865499

>has no way to find drugs
>being this pleb


>> No.8865511

nice edgy urban outfitters sweat shirts

>> No.8865546

Smoke Weed Every Day bro

>> No.8865578

God Tier: Cocaine, Nicotine, Caffeine

High Tier: Heroin/Morphine, Amphetamine

Mid Tier: Xanax, opiates other than the two above, Alcohol

Low Tier: Weed, LSD, Shrooms, other psychs

Shit Tier: research chemicals, DXM, Meth

>> No.8865587

>being this pleb

>> No.8865619


>probably thinks weed is /fa/

>> No.8865627

Cocaine is poor people tier, if you've actually ever spent time around coke fiends you'd realize this is the case. This isn't the 80s any more grandpa.

Amphetamine and morphine is where it's at. Actually most medically prescribed drugs are pretty good. The style comes from how clean it is, not what you're doing.

Also weed and alcohol are pretty effey if you're high functioning about it (I smoke joints like the french smoke cigarettes while still being a successful and respectable member of society), but if you're some frat boy who takes a bong hit and thinks he's tripping balls (or does keg stands/chugs hard liquor) it's about as unfashionable as you can get.

>tfw smoking opium on a semi-regular basis
I don't know if this is effey or not, but it's lots of fun.

>> No.8865645

>probably addicted to some kind of drug

lel go back to bluelight u junkie sperglord autist

>> No.8865751


> implying drug addictions aren't /fa/

>> No.8865790

this is such bullshit

>> No.8865808

'Amphetamine' isn't a 'medically prescribed drug'.

Also you are a colossal try-hard faggot with a very see through internet persona act.

>> No.8865809

cool people in movies smoke

>> No.8865814

Weed is the fedora of the drug world right?

Or drinking whiskey with ice pretending to be don draper.

>> No.8865822

d-amphs are prescribed all the time for ADHD you dingus

>> No.8865824

>implying fedora of the drug world isn't heroine

>> No.8865831

That nicotine buzz is due to the lack of oxygen because you're not used to smoking you dingus.

Tons of reasons. Said often enough, and they are all valid to some degree.. Socialize - sure. Cus it looks cool, probably. etc. etc. etc.

After that it's just to relieve the discomfort of not smoking.

>> No.8865847

Then say that you idiot. All other forms of amphetamines aren't. Unless you get your kicks of ground up ritalin or adderal. In that case you are 12 and an even bigger faggot.

>> No.8865848


Agree with this.

>> No.8865853

>has apparently never felt the effect of nicotine
besides the lack of oxygen nicotine itself gives a noticeable stim effect, how can you say there's no buzz?

>> No.8865866

first of all i'm not the post you responded to

and secondly yes, other forms of amphetamines are indeed legally prescribed, at least in the united states

does it hurt being this much of a dingus?

>> No.8865875

Perhaps i'm projecting. I've never felt anything that i would describe as a buzz. Only on my first cigarettes and those were 7 years ago by now.

>> No.8865882

well obviously you get a tolerance, maybe that's why

>> No.8865900

are cigs really as awful as education and adverts make them out to be? I don't know how badly it actually effects people. My great grandpa smoked and he lived to his late 90's. Also if you live an other wise healthy life style, would smoking still greatly shorten your life? I've been very curious these past few months.

>> No.8865920

>not being willing to suck a dick for some achiles lows

>> No.8865999

>Thinks only expensive and hard drugs are /fa/