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/fa/ - Fashion

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8862231 No.8862231 [Reply] [Original]

How does /fa/ get through ugly days?

>> No.8862358

Not eat anything, smoke cigarellos and drink kool-aid

>> No.8862361

you don't cause you already know you're ugly

>> No.8862368


If you feel fat don't eat that day and only drink water when you absolutely have to.

>> No.8862372
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>ugly days

>> No.8862383

Eggs and bacon you are mistaken
Water keeps ur skin nice and ur metabolism going. Crash dieting won't help. Learn to count calories and calculate below your daily limit.

>> No.8862424

No I do I was just being dramatic but I spdoes walk 5 hours a day when I eat more that 1,500 calories

>> No.8862433


I have no clue how I autocorrected to spdoes

>> No.8862448

I have come to terms with baby a baby faced asian.

My only salvation to getting my dream qr3.14 gf is being a paid doctor

>> No.8862483

the advice you're getting is shit. despite what teens on online fashion forums say, it's not cool, fashionable, or good to be anorexic.

i don't care if people comment and say "white knight," "fat," try and make a joke out of it, or whatever. just cause /fa/ thinks it's cool doesn't mean anything.

if you think you might have an eating disorder, you'd really be doing yourself a favor if you tried to get help. It and the body image issues that go along with it can really fuck up your body, your mental health, and, if you really care so much about how you look, your appearance.

not trying to be preachy or after school special or anything. i just don't think it's funny when people on this board give that kind of advice or reinforce dangerous attitudes and choices like this. hope things are all right and work out, anon

>> No.8862493

No I have eating disorder problems but like OP just asked what we did and I answered, he wasn't asking for help it seems

Appearance is important though, don't lie to the kid but not everyone needs to be skeleton to be considered attractive

>> No.8862519

>OP just asked what we did and I answered, he wasn't asking for help it seems
fair enough, but i still think that shit shouldn't be reinforced or encouraged. some of the people in the thread were giving advice, not saying what they did.

>Appearance is important though, don't lie to the kid
Yeah, it is, but not more important than being physically and mentally healthy. i'm not some "health at all sizes" shitlord, being fat's bad too, but having a distorted and unhealthy self-image is just as bad. starving yourself is just as shitty for you, and despite what runway models look like and /fa/ggots think, being a skeleton is seen as bad/unhealthy to most people.

not trying to shit on people with eating disorders or anything either, i get it's not pleasant or something you want, and that it's not easy to deal with. i just don't think it should be encouraged or reinforced

>> No.8862535

>tfw diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder

>> No.8862575

how the hell do they go about diagnosing this?

i'm 95% sure that i suffer from this.

>> No.8862582

go to a psychologist.

>> No.8862598

don't most people have somewhat skewed self-perceptions though?

obviously some people have body issues that are more severe than others, but how does a psychologist differentiate genuine bdd from just a low self-esteem?

>> No.8862603

i guess the reason you'd go to a psychologist is cause they're knowledgeable about this stuff so they can tell the difference. not trying to be dismissive, personally i have no idea, but i'm sure professionals have ways to distinguish b/w those types of things.

if you choose to go (i'm not the guy who you replied to, but i recommend it), i bet you could get a pretty good answer if you asked your psychologist that same question

>> No.8862606

based on how much you obsess over it/it impacts your life.

It was explained to me that it's basically a subset of OCD, coupled with body issues. I.E. excessive diet control, exercise, muh fits, etc.

>> No.8862626


a psychologist/therapist will diagnose you with literally anything in order to push medications

>> No.8862629

im ugly 24/7 peace

>> No.8862653

>needing to go to a psychologist to figure out your mental flaws and deficiencies
>not even attempting to be even the slightly bit introspective and self-aware

nigga i know exactly why i feel the way i do; i dress the way i do to compensate for my lack of companionship and female attention, due to being socially inept because of my upbringing, not to mention that videogames have given me a sense of self-entitlement to instant gratification, which is easy as fuck to emulate via clothing

>> No.8862654

go to my native place, and try to forget and calm down

>> No.8862660

not true or based in reality. there's definitely some shitty docs out there, but that kinda statement's just paranoid and false.

inb4 anecdotal evidence or vague claims with no evidence.

>> No.8862673

>not being so meta, you're meta to your meta and make attempts to remove all self awareness

this fucking pleb

>> No.8862677


it isnt false, they literally make part of their money by drug sponsorships


>anecdotal evidence isnt evidence because it doesnt support my claims

if you need actual aid, you talk to a councilor at a youth center or something

>> No.8862687


>being introspective of your own personal problems and experiences is such a foreign idea to you that you feel the need to post this

literally retarded

>> No.8862708

see >>8862653

Have you never taken psych or read up on any eastern religions (primarily Taoism and Zen)? I highly recommend it

>> No.8862720


those are both me tho

>> No.8862726

I work out twice in the same day and go tanning.

>> No.8862729


>working out twice in the same day

Hope it's oppositional muscles at the very least, anon.

>> No.8862731

>those are both me tho
>literally retarded
the exact point I was trying to make

>> No.8862735


am i getting memed on?

>> No.8863082

I'm not fat so I have no ugly days.

>> No.8863098

No, just add more cardio

>> No.8863301

I'd like to be able to do this more.
I already do to some extent but due to me being petrified by fear for my ex/gf leaving me again I can't see anything clearly

>> No.8863325

You bunch of shitlords.

How old are you to be stuck in this shit.

1. Try to identify what is wrong with you, and what makes you look ugly ( according to you )
2. Talk to other people about it, see what they think
3. If they agree on some points you observed by yourself then start fixing these issues

Ir's not rocket science jesus christ.

>> No.8863447

hey guys is there something wrong with my nose
okay i'll get a nose job thanks team good hustle

>> No.8863458 [DELETED] 

Lol mental disorders don't work that way m8

But nice try explaining something u don't understand u mong

>> No.8863473


They don't work that way because you want to think they don't work that way.

Stop overthinking and start acting you dumb retard.

>> No.8863707

You described the way anorexia works, with the exception that anorectics are too insecure to believe someone else telling them they look fine. So they "fix" their problem.
You have no idea of how these things work

>> No.8863714

but i dont have any friends

>> No.8863928
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/fa/ is full of a bunch of socially crippled, insecure yet narcissistic, aspergers infested, inferiority complex laden friendless anorexic millennials, raised by playstation and myspace.


>> No.8864019


>> No.8864022 [DELETED] 

dont forget stupid, they're all so fucking stupid

>> No.8864024

Psychologists can't prescribe you stuff. You're thinking of a psychiatrist.

>> No.8864025
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Wow! It's almost like you're on 4chan!

>> No.8864034
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>tfw agreeing with pigfuck

>> No.8864500

What's this guy's appeal?

>> No.8866281

>implying I have ugly days

>> No.8866315

I'm some what effeminate so I have to tolerate looking like a lesbian 24/7.
Also rainy days fucks my hair up, Basically it.

>> No.8866439

you mean how do i get through life?