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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 47 KB, 760x405, iphone-6-plus-bentgate-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8854995 No.8854995 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw afraid to get an iPhone 6 because it will probably bend in my raws
what do

>> No.8854996

wait and cop google ara

>> No.8854998

get the 6, but not the 6+
or just get a case

>> No.8854999

it won't break or anything, don't see why you'd need one though.

>> No.8855000

Get a 5C. Best design of any of the currents ones, actually built for human hands and use.

>> No.8855006


well that won't be the first thing about you that isn't straight

>> No.8855148

...dunno, how about not getting an iphone? buy a lumia 830 if you want effay and thin.

>> No.8855157

What does it mean to be effay? Are the birds in the sky effay? How about the leaves on the trees? Does one choose to be effay or is it something they are born with? Yes I am very deep

>> No.8855201


>> No.8855216

Get an LG g2 or g3

>> No.8855224

How Can Fashion Be Real
If Our Bodies Aren't

>> No.8855275

this happens to a lot of other phones tho

just dont put it in ur back pocket and sit

>> No.8855279

nah, you're just a schoolboi retard

>> No.8855288

this so much, loving my G2

>> No.8855298

>plebeians in charge of purchasing

Get the 6+, and you're covered from bending incidents for 1 year. Drop $99 and you have 2 years coverage. Confirmed by Apple Tech Support (check leddit /r/iphone).

The real fucking question: just got a silver 6+, is it effay? Or am I a spoiled white girl that should have gotten space gray?

>> No.8855316

The 6+ is hilariously ill-conceived. Apple trying to be Samsung, which is just sad. And Jonny Ive phoning the effort in, because who can blame him when he's being ordered "larger! thinner! marketing!" and because he was focused on the Watch.


>> No.8855344

'Trying to be Samsung' as if large screened phones are an exclusive thing only Samsung can do or should do? There's consumer demand and they responded m8. Plus, if you're using a non-GPE Samsung device, you have shit taste. TouchWiz is absolute garbage, even with a launcher. They're so focused on marketing new features, the shit is painfully half-baked and terribly implemented (whereas Apple takes a long time for new features, that shit is well done.)

BUT IS THE WHITE IPHONE EFFAY OR NOT. I'm starting to feel like the white iPhone is a chick phone ;_____________; At least it looks nice, even if it has a womanly association.

>> No.8855371
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>Not wanting to have a phone that is created as a “blank slate” for each wearer to bend his or her own life onto. While it often takes months or years of dedication, the end result is worth it in the form of a piece of electronics that is yours and yours alone. During the lifespan of an iPhone 6, the wearer and the wearee experience a reciprocal unconditional love rivaled only by the likes of a loyal pet.

>> No.8855421

>tfw iphone 6 forces me to stop wearing skinny jeans
>going full 90s rapper mode now

>> No.8855480

You're worried about the white iPhone being associated with being a woman? How insecure are you?

>> No.8855486
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>he doesn't have a Samsung Galaxy S5

>> No.8855487
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Underrated post.

>> No.8855508

r U will0w smith?

>> No.8855510

>There's consumer demand and they responded m8

And you don't see how that's toxic?

>They're so focused on marketing new features, the shit is painfully half-baked and terribly implemented (whereas Apple takes a long time for new features, that shit is well done.)

This is pretty much what I'm talking about.

I personally don't read any gender into iPhone colors absent other stuff present in a fit, except maybe the pink. I don't think I've ever seen one uncased in the wild, but I think the cultural weight around it would make me read it as a feminine gender cue.

This is depressing when you think about the awesome patina the first iPhones got.

>> No.8855513

iphone 6 is the most effay phone.

they are the raw denim of phones, they mold to your body & bend where you bend like raws

if anything you should want bends op, so when hipsters ask you, you can say check my bends & you can say nice bends to other hipster

>> No.8855892

It's a 2 year old phone with only 8GB of storage wrapped in plastic.

>> No.8855934

Samsung was the underdog when they pushed their "a phone for every demographic" marketing plan while Apple stuck to their guns with a single phone release. Now, Samsung is the world leader in smart phones and it is Apple trying to play catch up. Posted from my S4 in the bathtub.

>> No.8855936

I have an S5 and it was the worst purchase I've ever made.

Why, why, WHY didn't I buy a Nexus?

>> No.8855941

iPhones are depressing. Outdated technologically and only desperate normies buy them nowadays.

>> No.8857399

>feels like cheap plastic
>looks awful
>6+ is just too big

Currently on an N4 and I was thinking of copping one, but they're just too awful. I considered the new Nexus but its rumoured to be 6", which is fukcijg ridiculous.

What do?

>> No.8857409


>> No.8857430

whatever you say, nerd.

>> No.8857480

#rekt #ethered #spiritedaway

>> No.8857624

How about sticking to your perfectly fine N4 you consumerist whore?

>> No.8857646


>buying Samshit

>> No.8857803


>iPhone master race

>> No.8857939

Buy some new sneakers instead of buying a cellphone that last only 2 years.

>> No.8857989
File: 99 KB, 800x568, 1399284992478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have an s4 and am not a manlet so it actually fits my hands

Iphones are for tiny girl hands. I used to have one. This is way better. I can watch porn while surfing for more porn. I love the size. I love the camera. I like how a little led flashes when I have a message. Everything about it is better than my iphone was.

>> No.8857994

iphone6 is an euphoric fedora phone.
looks like a fuckin cheap android and bends in your fucking pocket kek

>> No.8857996 [DELETED] 

>there are people that buy a new iPhone every time one is released

>> No.8858007
File: 54 KB, 470x425, NNDS5FfYGMmE6szfV6R5fDm2g4XF_Mu6kSZKb2e5OtOzyywlkn_w7pR25W59gGffDQ6i2xrcfp5jBCY9Slhk4HpPVjtCzBda_gskWwI2Hlzk4OdvzBYuhKPg0RN1J_ajmU8=w470-h425-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I had the samsung alias 1 and 2 and those were the shit. Fucking amazing back in the flipphone days. Dumb ass hos had the slider phones or that one that lg brick that folded open. Or the sidekick brick. I was like nigga check this shit.

Samsung has a firm grip on my dick and never stops pumping.

>> No.8858024


But mah pixels!!!

>> No.8858031
File: 98 KB, 1015x681, 06de5111-f9e4-4909-9df2-05d60facc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8858037



>> No.8858073
File: 490 KB, 400x293, qimXVCc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8858079

get a god damn case you jew fuck

>> No.8858085

I used to have that. I loved that phone.

>> No.8858101
File: 238 KB, 394x300, 1cf9684e-9a7c-4ef3-a084-4f3e29f63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would want to obscure the only thing that makes it THE effay phone?
like seriously, all these stupid fucking arguments about whether the iPhone or the LG or HTC or OnePlus or whatever being the effay phone for what? to be completely covered by a tacky as fuck plastic $25 case?

no, fucking seriously all these fucking phone discussions in /fa/, when they're all fucking moot
this shit takes up half of /g/ as is, stop spreading this autism here, I only browse these 2 boards
shut the fuck up

>> No.8858233

I think we need an official list of effay phones of 2014/2015.

Just to start, iPhone 6 and 6+ are definitely no /fa/. iPhone 5S may still be considered /fa/, but outdated.

>> No.8858279
File: 141 KB, 950x534, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sharp Aquos Crystal confirmed for most /fa phone of 2014.

>> No.8858280


>> No.8858478

That homescreen really brings it down. Too bad there isn't a cap of it with a better homescreen, some kind of white or glass theme would be perfect for it.

>> No.8858486

The current gen of phones is going to be shit. Just when I thought things we're going to be a pretty sweet spot size between 4.2 - 5 inches, 5.5 or more is becoming common.

>iPhone 6 looks like shit, 6+ looks just as shitty but bigger.
>Nexus 6 is rumored to be fucking 6 inches and look even worse.

What the fuck do we do here? Should I cop a Nexus 5 while it's still available?

>> No.8858514


>> No.8858516

I'm an iPhone fag all the way but I think I've just been convinced otherwise. Too bad they're only available on Japanese networks.

>> No.8858523

Dont want to cop a phone nobody saw or knows about. Ugh, it's like an accessory, isnt it, why would I want people to think it's some cheap chinese android shit.

>> No.8858526

Get a good phone?

The iPhone might look /fa/, but everybody has one.

It's not even pleb-core because of it's cost it's "I re-mortgaged for this, why isn't everybody impressed" core.

Admittedly. there aren't many /fa/ phones. I always loved the Treo successor the Palm Pre, but I don't think they make them any more.

>> No.8858527

Where the fuck was this phone back in the dark ages of no QWERTY keyboard!?

I can't text to save my life, so I went with a Treo 680, which is still the best phone I've ever used.

>> No.8858529

There's not gonna be a NEXUS 6 but a line of Android Silver products from different manufacturers which have special requirements of not looking and feeling like tacky plastic Samsung phones. Google Ara phones are also going to be a thing.

>> No.8858533

>being this outdated

The Nexus line was confirmed by Google as still being active and the N6 is indeed coming.

>> No.8858538

Shots fired

>> No.8858563


Go away John Ive.

>> No.8858588

the nexus line is till active anon

>> No.8858929
File: 988 KB, 640x480, 1376281183456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nexus 6 is gonna be shit. It looks like they are pushing the screen past 5 inches...that's pretty silly. The Nexus 5 and Moto X had a nice little sweet spot of being a good size. All a bigger screen at that point does is serve to make your phone a giant slab of glass against your face that drains a bunch of battery life.

Thankfully, I'll stick it out with my Nexus 5 for another year until people realize this big-ass phone trend is getting out of hand.

Saw the iphone 6 and jesus nigga that thing looks fucking huge why do people buy shit this big it doesn't even fit in your trendy hipster jeans

>> No.8858946

>buying iPhones
They are neither very fashionable nor good for their price.

>> No.8858952

Samsung Alpha is pretty gr8, m8

>> No.8858954 [DELETED] 

you're an embarrassment

>> No.8858957

Biggest non-issue of all time. If you even consider this worth mentioning that you are actually worried about it non-ironically then just look hard at yourself - Autism.

>> No.8858969

Can you jailbreak Androids? My biggest reason for staying with my iPhone 5s is all the sweet jailbreak apps that allow maximum customization, plus the integration with my MacBook

>> No.8858974

>Nexus 5
>Dat Design
>People asking what it is
>Girls actually compliment it

I don't use a case, people actually genuinely see it and think it's a really nice phone(which it is) and this leads to questions. Obviously I don't pull out my phone and people flock to me, but no one I've come across has said anything remotely negative other than "Wow this is so big!" because they're used to babbyphone iPhones.

>> No.8858979


What are you, 16? No need to root or jailbreak.

>> No.8858983

>That hideous logo

>> No.8858988

m8 I bet you've never even used the command line. Poser.

>> No.8858989

no, you

>> No.8859001


>> No.8859024

>Wow this is so big!
yeah, no one ever said it to me either

>> No.8859469

The 6 is a 2-year old phone. You don't buy an iphone for the hardware and the software is available to both. And plastic is better material for phones

>> No.8859483

what kind of faggot doesn't have a curved dick?

>> No.8859523

shoulda copped a oneplus one

>> No.8859529

tight phone, but it's thick as hell if you look at it from the bottom

>> No.8859533

Nexus 6 is apparently going to be 5.9 inches

>> No.8859568

iPhonefags in a nutshell everybody

>> No.8859574

you're a fucking mong if you buy the iphone 6

>> No.8859578


aksi dont fucking sit on it. how retarded do you have to be?

>> No.8859579
File: 1011 KB, 500x287, 1391630938884.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else copping the xperia z3 compact?
My phone is like centuries old and i want a new phone that isn't a tablet, my only worry is the 720p ~319 ppi screen.

>> No.8859591

If you think jailbreaking is nice then you'd love Android and its customization

>> No.8859647

Android phones come standard with most of the customization options that apple user's have to "jailbreak" for

if you need more you can root the phone and use custom roms

>> No.8861648

720p screens are fine, my never really have issues with my nokia 925 anyway. Plus you save battery

>> No.8861722

this so much, my HTC one OG has the most amazing screen i've ever seen but god damn the battery runs out in like half a day

>> No.8861751

get a one m8 its the best looking phone

>> No.8861786

my niggas

>> No.8861947

>owning a 5.5 inch phone

>> No.8861949

Holy shit this>>8861722
even turning the brightness down and using some battery save stuff and master cleaner doesnt help

>> No.8861951


>Buying meme phones

>> No.8861975


>> No.8862010

i was wary at first too but it fits in the front pocket of my raws just fine
just about any android today is similar size anyways

>> No.8862062

I mean I'm sure it fits and all, but I just can't help but feel like that would just be so annoying trying to do anything one handed on it. I just want a nice smaller size phone, and now that all this shit about iphones bending and iOS 8 failing idk what I'm gonna buy :(

>> No.8862116

i can use my g2 one handed no problem. i've got kinda big hands though. go to a store and try some out if you're worried

i really wanted a small smartphone too but i'm glad i gave a larger one a chance

>> No.8862232
File: 47 KB, 640x400, Moto-X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best phone coming through

>> No.8862338

technigga said the cam is shit, and the battery is sub par

>> No.8862351

brownlee never lie

>> No.8862363
File: 738 KB, 224x253, 1407726370239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my iPhone 6 is arriving next Tuesday

>> No.8862398

I can confirm that. Cam is absolute shit, good thing I don't take lots of pictures. But if you are on a budget it is god tier

>> No.8862436

It's too bad cause I love everything else from the looks of it. But I've determined to get something with a great camera

>> No.8862439


>> No.8862444


>> No.8862452

check em

>> No.8863919

my lumia 820 broke and I need to buy a new phone with the insurance money.

iphone 4s or moto g?

>> No.8863929


>> No.8863931

Moto g of course.

>> No.8863934

b-b-but m-muh camera!

>> No.8863936

Who takes pictures with a smartphone?
Get a real camera for this.

>> No.8863938

nxtlvl high status phone

>> No.8863948

Patrician smartphones:

Samsung Note 4
HTC One M8
OnePlus One

Let me know if I missed any. iPlebs need not reply.

>> No.8863959

It's absurd that having a case is a necessity now.
Devices housings should just be built a bit chunkier/tougher and have their screens precovered.
Also am I the only one who thinks all phones should be bendy? My ass isn't flat m8 and I'm not wedging it down my buttcrack.

>> No.8863962

You forgot the Nexus phones.