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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 23 KB, 640x480, P1409241843462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8849518 No.8849518 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me what to do about my hair. I've got a fucking weird face so I challenge you guys to find something that works.

>> No.8849520
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>> No.8849526

different glasses would surely help :)

try smiling b

>> No.8849529

Let it grow. Also lose the glasses and shave

>> No.8849538

burn glasses, shave, and grow your hair out a lil bit

>> No.8849549

You sure about that? I've always liked the glasses. Or at least the idea of them. I was a cheapskate and bought some that *sort of* looked like the ones I wanted... But it'll be time to get new ones soon.

I very much need them to see, and I'm not comfortable with contacts so I'd prefer to have some sort of glasses, but maybe not these.

>> No.8849557
File: 23 KB, 640x480, P1409241852010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my picture.

>> No.8849560

lol keep glasses

>> No.8849566

yeah keep glasses, buy new ones though

>> No.8849569


thank you OP, you've made me appreciate not being fruit of the ugly tree

>> No.8849583

you have a funny face

>> No.8849597

Start working out
Lose fat
Lose the glasses
Buzz hair
Grow more stubble

>> No.8849602

this guy is right, more specifically and on a positive note, you look like you would be good at stand up comedy. Are you funny?

>> No.8849619
File: 21 KB, 640x480, P1409241906044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I could help!

I definitely should get in shape. But that's a different battle.

Maybe. I'm a little nervous with crowds though.

Anyway I couldn't find my actual razor so I just trimmed the facial hair really short. Also here is the only other pair of glasses in the apartment for laughs.

>> No.8849629


I agree. Letting your hair grow out on top and keep the sides short. Don't be afraid to use product to experiment with style.

Also, shaving and new glasses alone could do a lot for you.

>> No.8849630

are you british? you look british

>> No.8849659
File: 7 KB, 318x159, doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions? If I'm left to my own devices I'm sure I'll end up looking like Mrs. Doubtfire.

>> No.8849668

cant be unseen

>> No.8849681


I think you're adorable.

>> No.8849686

no it's not a different battle. it is the same battle. cant look good while out of shape, although you arent obese you probably wouldnt look good in slim clothes yet.

>> No.8849687
File: 243 KB, 933x549, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, you would look pretty good with hipster-tier ray ban thing fucking something oh my god hhhrrruuuuf.

I don't like that smile, totes faked. Work on faking a smile

You aren't jaw dropping key handsome like you might already know, but passing you on the street there is no chance I would think you look ugly, just real normal. Cardio helps everyone's aesthetic too so,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


>> No.8849692
File: 443 KB, 1200x1600, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I am glad the general style of my hair is alright because I just got it cut this way. They did take it a bit shorter than I'd like on top though.

My webcam was making me look fatter than I am. Here's proof I have an actual neck.

>> No.8849704

I mean just that getting fit and getting a haircut are pretty different. It's a lot easier to do the latter IMO.

Like the 3D glasses you get at IMAX shows???

Not British as far as I'm aware.

>> No.8849712
File: 103 KB, 400x584, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, grab a pair of those glasses and stab your eyes out with them. Or get some nice glasses from some sticky somewhere here and look bretty gud

>> No.8849750
File: 90 KB, 760x430, 2034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. I mean just, you're talking about the wide-frame sort of square, thick black glasses, yeah? They're such an extreme on the glasses spectrum that I wouldn't feel comfortable buying them without somebody agreeing they weren't stupid on me.

>> No.8850113


shirtless one next so I can understand your body type

>> No.8850161


Your body tells me you need to start lifting

I don't know why you're posting on this board because with a body like that you will never ever look good in clothes no matter how fah they are

You have sticks for arms, no shoulders and chest, and a belly; you are the very definition of skinny fat

Time to visit >>/fit/

>> No.8851846
File: 403 KB, 1026x637, Otoplasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thick frame glasses, grow out the sides of your hair a bit more, grow some beard, get otoplasty

Youre more handsome than me and could definitely get 10/10 chicks with some improvements