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File: 789 KB, 478x665, cuteacne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8845294 No.8845294 [Reply] [Original]

To those who have got rid of their acne, how? Im getting pretty desperate.

(random pic of acne)

>> No.8845305

girl or boy?

>> No.8845311

Roaccutane/Accutane. Cleared up my cystic acne and my shitty red skin around my nose.

>> No.8845313


you could try swapping your pillow sheet each night, along with cleaning your face twice a day if you don't want to go the drug route

>> No.8845314


>> No.8845320

I've been changing my pillow sheets every night for over a year now without any bigger results.

And I also wash my face twice a day.

>> No.8845321

How old are you? It will probably go away with age, but if it didn't, as with mine, here's some things you can do that doesn't involve meds
>don't shower in hot water
>change pillow sheets often
>start consuming fish oil
>stop touching your fucking face, you probably do this
>drink a ton of water
>stop eating oily foods

>> No.8845330 [DELETED] 

What about the side effects? I've read some horror stories about them.

I am 17, had acne since I was like 13 or something.

I drink a lot of water, dont touch my face, don't eat a lot of oily food, change pillow sheets every night but I still haven't seen any bigger results.

>> No.8845334

>all this bro science
the only thing that's actually gonna help in that list is the pillow case. I drink a fuck ton of water just out of habit and it's never helped my skin. sever acne is a hormonal disorder that will only go away with time, you can mitigate some of the symptoms with drugs.

>> No.8845386

well then your options are slightly more limited. Is it as severe as the female in your pic? Because then you might need to visit a doctor and do accutane.

Note that accutane is the equivalent of having braces for acne skin and it fucking sucks. You cant drink, you have to be inside all day, and you're skin sucks.

A doctor would likely start you on a Minocycle/Doxy routine, coupled with Retin-A. This takes 3 months to work and during that time your acne will only be worse. But it will get better, expect a 60-80% reduction.

You are going to want to start moisturizing. I know you probably think your face is oily enough. Its not. Your skin is actually drier than it needs to be so its pumping out all these tasty fatty oils for bacteria to snack on.

You can use the Oil cleansing method to aleve this. I personally just use 1 drop of passion fruit oil and 1 drop of Jojoba oil on my face with a moisturizing sunscreen. That's all I need. At night I replace the sunscreen with SnailBee cream and a regular nighttime moisturizer.

Always keep the PH of your skin high. You do this with acid toners. These will dry the fuck out of your skin but you moisturize and you will be fine. It doesn't matter how flaky or shitty your skin is, if you moisturize it will look fine and will heal up over time. The reason for this is that the bacteria will have rampant growth at low PH. That's the reason you shouldn't wash your face with soap, the oil will come back in 20 minutes, but the PH will remain low for as long as 24 Hours.

All i can advise from here is experimentation. Acne is caused by so many different things and your acne could reside in a completely different layer of skin with different rules.



Vitamin-C serums




Good luck

>> No.8845388

leddit has a community called skin care addiction you should check out

>> No.8845395

Ok, sounds you might wanna visit a doctor.

>> No.8845396

Btw I fucked up and said Low PH is where bacteria grow. I meant High PH. SOrry

>> No.8845413

Where do you live?

>> No.8845421

Sweden, so I think Accutane isn't a option for me.

>> No.8845437

My number one recommendation, and it is very simple. Stop touching your face, and drink alot of water. This sounds so simple and ridiculous, but its something you should try.

>> No.8845444

You won't get prescribed that first-off anyway.

Go to your general practitioner. He'll probably give you benzoyl peroxide with clindamycin topically.

After that, it's oral antibiotics. A long way after that, and with specialist referral, it's Accutane.

>> No.8845450

Roaccutane worked for me. Had severe case of acne, nothing else worked. Treatment is pretty uncomfortable, but it's worth it.

>> No.8845457

Please elaborate on the "uncomfortable" part

>> No.8845481
File: 223 KB, 328x475, akne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic, so it's not as bad as the pic I posted.

>> No.8845490

I'd just like to reiterate that the best way of fixing this problem is to go to your doctor.

1) When I was 16, I went to my GP for acne. Lymecycline PO.
2) I'm a doctor

There's not way you're getting Accutane for that. You'll get something topical. You might get oral antibiotics if you push.

>> No.8845516

Thanks man.

>> No.8845532
File: 136 KB, 339x434, seacret-mud-soap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you fa/gs will know this soap sooner or later

>> No.8845538

I'll tell you what 3 things worked for me:

- eat 100% clean
- stay as long as you can in strong sunlight
- use good soaps to clean your face 3-5 times a day (la roche posay)

Everything else is bullshit. You can take a thousand lotions and medications, and it will only give you temporary results and irritate your skin even more. I had acne when I was 17 too. Now I'm 23, and since I'm 20 my face is clean.

>> No.8845540

It's only a matter of time

>> No.8845551

what la roche posay product do you specifically use?

>> No.8845570
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If you're not too worried about drying your skin out a bit, Cetaphil wash and Tazorac gel helped me a lot. You'll need to see a dermatologist for the Tazorac I think, but they're great if you're avid about using them.

>> No.8845583

Acne has nothing to do with cleanliness and everything to do with your body producing excess oil.

>> No.8845593

Stopped using all the shit i was putting on my face (everything)

Sit in the bath with the showerhead directed straight at my face with medium temperature water in the morning and at night

>> No.8845609

>yfw this soap clears your shit up

>> No.8845628

Put toothpaste over your spots, they will dry out. Trust me it works!

>> No.8845668

If you drink water as often, you would have worse skin. Hydration isn't bro science.

>> No.8845684
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This. If you don't drink enough water to flush the nasty shit in your body out through your kidneys, it'll show as it bubbles to the surface

>> No.8845785

It's probably already been said, but Roaccutane/Accutane.

>> No.8845790

it is an extreme, last resort medicine.

I was on minocycline for a while. Ziana if your insurance covers it. Skinmedica is a good face wash. If it's too expensive, use no. 7.

Clean&clear dual action for oily skin is great, but for individual open wombs on your face you need a heavier moisturizer so they don't scar.

But you're 17, so you might just need to wait a year or two.

>> No.8845791

don't ever try and pop them and use a good heavy duty cream or something. talk to your doctor.

>> No.8845802


Cute girls with acne are like one of my TOP fetishes

Muh dikkkk

>> No.8845805

without the acne she would be really hot

>> No.8845810

Grandpa's pinetar soap, dr bronnors soap. idk

>> No.8845814

If you don't know why are you posting ?

>> No.8845846


go to Beginner's Skincare Routine section

>> No.8845867

sauce on the girl? shes pretty cute

>> No.8845868

is there a term where you face is very red in a spotty way, and you only get a few zits?

because that's what i have. i'm so fucking tired of having bad skin.

>> No.8845878

I've had acne like the girl in the pic OP posted but on my back and cleavage. After going vegan and eating clean it went all away 100%. New studys show that it's not fat that's causing it but the wrong carbs and dairy. Also indigenous people never have acne

>> No.8845881

I literally turn on the hot tap till the water is steaming, wet a bit of toilet paper with it then just wipe down my face every night, cleared all my acne within a week.

>> No.8845895

Eczema maybe

>> No.8845912


>> No.8845929
File: 38 KB, 590x594, a8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my pasta:

I use Proactiv. Didn't work too well at first, but I figured out a way for it to work wonders for me specifically. Maybe you can take inspiration, knowing that each person has unique skin so you'll have to tamper for a while before you get it right.

>wake up and shave, brush teeth
>wash face with renewing cleanser one to three times (more during summer when skin is greasier)
>shower and wash face with cleanser once more after using shampoo
>finish shower, dry face, and apply revitalizing toner
>wait until dry, and apply repairing treatment to face
>use clearasil vanishing acne cream on sides of face and forehead instead of repairing treatment

I do this same process at night, except I don't shower. I can't stress enough how important it is to do this twice every day, and wash your face BEFORE you go to sleep. I don't care if you're taking a nap in the afternoon. If it's longer than a couple hours, wash your face. Sleeping drastically changes how your body treats your skin, so you must wash your face ahead of time. Think of your face washing as bookends for your sleeping.

Other advice: clean pillow cases and sheets every week or two, eat healthy, and don't be hard on your skin. If you disturb it, you will cause more acne. Do everything gently, even if it’s counterintuitive. That’s why I use the cleanser multiple times instead of scrubbing it fiercely just one time.

Depression, stress, and sleep all affect your skin as well, but those will all likely improve once you’ve started finding the proper cleansing regimen for your skin. When it rains, it pours, but in a good way.

Anyway, I don't know how much this specific advice will help, but I went from shutting myself off from society and thoughts of suicide to clear skin and revealing my beautiful face in a matter of 4 years on my own. With good outside knowledge, you can get there a lot sooner. Good luck.

>> No.8845933


>> No.8845936

she still is
i love when the acne is on their cheeks qt as fuck

>> No.8845964

Actually that makes a ton of sense. When I was on benzos was the only time my skin cleared up out of no where, and I always get eczema break outs when I'm really stressed.

I feel like an idiot never putting that together.

>> No.8845983

>in a matter of 4 years

So, you grew up? I don't mean to be cynical but given 4chan's typical age demographic you may just have outgrown acne right?

>> No.8845990


>> No.8846006

went to the dermatologist and he receted me some pills, after a couple monthe it was completely gone, although during the first 2 months it actually got worse, but after that I was fine, I also had to take blood samples every so often to see how my kidney or liver cant remmeber now was doing

>> No.8846007


Especially with Asians, I didn't realize other people found this cute.

>> No.8846010

So I'm 20 and I've had acne since I was 13

Recently I started washing my face twice a day
Taking vitamins
And drinking more water

It's cleared up a little bit however my cheeks still have redness and acne

Should I stick with the routine and change my pillow cases regularly or try something else?

My acne isn't that bad or quite cystic but it does have redness and covers a decent portion of my cheeks

Also wondering if acne goes away progressively with age

>> No.8846045

retin-a micro .1% gel. it peels your skin off and fucking sucks for liek a month but now my skin is literally so clear. prescription needed.

i tried
minocycline, benzaclin, tactuo, acutane and all that shit. none worked. this shit did

>> No.8846046

For some people it goes away with age. Some don't like my neighbor in his mid 20s still has terrible acne

>> No.8846055

As a white guy, I would never date an Asian girl. I just find them unattractive and overrated and I can do much better than that.

>> No.8846058

swallow 3 spoonful of coldpressed organic olive oil or coconut oil

megadose vit A ,no more than a few 1K iu

NoFap or LessFap

lots of sleep
lots of water
lots of sun (no sun lotion)
lots of sweat inducing exercise

loads less junk food, esp greasy foods like pizza and shitty burgers

no or less sugars and refined carbs

>> No.8846062

>lots of sun (no lotion)
bad idea :)

>> No.8846063


Mad white girl detected

>> No.8846065

Lfmao im dyin

>> No.8846066
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>NoFap or LessFap
broscience pls

>> No.8846072

No, I just have standards and self respect. I am not thirsty unlike 99.9% of people here.

>> No.8846075

I use those products and they say they help with skin..

>> No.8846095

They say ?
Haha are they not working for you yet or something

>> No.8846101

been to heck and back and goes like this

but before tying that try this

do cardio 3 times a week
drink alot of water / eat healthy
get good sleep
and 10 percent benzoil peroxide (clean and clear persa gel) and then regular cyclic acid pads

go see a derm m8 and good luck to you!

>> No.8846104

Nah my whole family has it into their 20s. I'm in my 20s and still get it if I'm not consistent.

>> No.8846133
File: 925 KB, 4961x4961, 1396730554069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take fucking accutane, it's not that bad. Atleast for me anyways, my lips just dried up and that was easy to manage with skin healing products, face got a little drier but no noticeable peeling or shit. God, had acne since 7th grade and this shit was a cure, also cleared up my bacne. Skin is soft and smooth now

>> No.8846178

Did you used to have acne? If so youve got what ive got, PIH. Post Inflamation Hyperpigmentation, just time and exfoliation will get you through it but dont start exfoloating if you have even the slighest bit of acne left. Fucked me up big time and im back where I started

>> No.8846186

Get on the regiment

>> No.8846191


>when I work out a lot, I get bad acne
>when I stop, my acne clears

I have to choose between having no acne and having a good body. In men, I believe that this is proof that it's mainly test levels that cause acne

>> No.8846216

Just go skele mode, and cop nice clothes to walk around it.

>> No.8846218

PROTIP: The most efficient way to get rid of individual zits (to use on the worst ones) I found was to apply a wet hot (and CLEAN!) towel on the area for a while. Just hold it on your face while you watch tv or browse the chans. My doctor told me to do that first before coming to him the third time I had to get a prescription because a zit was threatening to infect my whole face. Works like a charm if they tend to infect.

>> No.8846223

Might be the milk. I stopped getting acne when I stopped drinking milk. Now I have trouble having gains because I don't have dat protein anymore, and if I give in and drink a good ol' shake, I wake up the next morning with a huge zit on my lip.

>> No.8846268

that girl is qt

>> No.8846276

Get a bar of this soap it'll take a couple weeks for it to take full effect but as long as you keep using it you'll be fine>>8845532

>> No.8846313

that doesn't do anything. didn't for me anyway.

don't sleep on your side where your cheek is pressing against the pillow though. always sleep on your back.

actually now i put an object like a folded bed cloth under my pillow that is hard enough to push my face slightly up without intruding my sleep. don't get as many zits on my cheeks anymore. and i've found some recently on the back of my neck, so there's definitely something about pressing skin versus something that clogs the pores. i'd rather have them at the back of my neck under my hair than on my face.

>> No.8846323

Get this soap>>8845532

>> No.8846486

What do with really oily skin?

>> No.8846493

this happy merchant needs to chill out

>> No.8846546

Try oral antibacterials, ask your doctor/dermatologist. They only target your poors and get rid of cystic acne, I'm using it for my backne. Don't touch accutane that shit is poison.

Have you even spoken to a doctor yet?

>> No.8846561
File: 57 KB, 428x656, IMG_156452430275027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My biggest saviour was changing my diet all together and using a mixture of lemon and brown sugar to exfoliate my face.
I've been doing it for about 3 years now.

>> No.8846563

You need some soap too

>> No.8846581

oy gevalt se this soap to prevent another shoah!!!! remeber the 8 trillionnss!!!

>> No.8846582

Effeclar - for fatty, sensitive skin

Just go to your pharmacy and ask for a la roche posay face wash that fits your skin type the best.

>> No.8846592

id fuck her right in her acne

>> No.8846607

Related question:
Can acne scars heal? I've gone from pizza face to crater face : (

>> No.8846619

apply witch hazel and drink lots and lots of water

>> No.8846661


tfw u will never jizz all over her acne

hold me brahs

>> No.8846677

Smooth them out maybe

>> No.8846679
File: 30 KB, 320x254, ejo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, anon. So say we all.

Nah it'll get a little better, especially if you buy some shit to help it heal while you're young.

P.S. I know the location of Earth.

>> No.8846689

You know you like the soap

>> No.8846705

Have you always washed your face twice a day, or is it something that you started just now?
I actually stopped washing my face with soap, which I used to do everyday since I was a kid, and my break outs stopped. Generally just hot water in the shower for 2 minutes with vigorous rubbing loosens up and washes off the dirt for me. my skin is oily always but is never shiny.
I may however just have a weird skin type.

>> No.8846823

Wow you're cute

>> No.8846902

Has anyone done the acne.org regiment? Thinking about copping

>> No.8846924

If it is severe Acne, accutane/Roaccutane

Make sure you are clean, have a clean pillowcase every night etc. this will stop some Acne but it is mostly caused by hormones so it wont do much if you have it bad.

Wash your face once or twice a day with a water based benzoyl peroxide cleanser. This will stop most acne however it may cause peeling; if this happens, discontinue use for a day or two and then start again.

>> No.8846928

Nothing worked for me. Ever.

Then I used baby wipes. And dude, I mean, it makes sense. Have you ever seen a pimple on a baby's ass? Seriously. Shit works.

>> No.8846944

i hardly ever washed my face as a teen and as a result had horrible acne but i went to the dermatologist and i have been pimple free for years except for a few black heads every now and then

>> No.8846952

not op, bud

>> No.8847040

omg sauce pls. was this posted on here before?

>> No.8847046

I took accutane and my only side effects were super fucking dry skin, I had to bring moisturizer to school with me to re-apply multiple times a day.

All that suicide shit you hear about was the result of one kid killing himself but there is no solid evidence linking that to his accutane.

Go for it, it helps immensely

>> No.8847062

baby wipes and shit. Got it, Thanks!

>> No.8847077

>Have you ever seen a pimple on a baby's ass?
mama mia

>> No.8847090

op listen to me, i have moderate cystic/ nodular acne and I got prescribed accutane today, i got the blood tests done and I'll start soon. just see a derm, he'll prescribe you anything you need to fix it. I started on doxycyclin but cant say i recommend it, it gave me heart burn and gerd. my parents were scared of accutane, they still don't like it, but I talked to a doctor who has been prescribing it since 2008, the most severe side efffect he's seen is hair thinning or moderate depression. talked to another lady who worked derm for 10 years, saw only miracles and the worst side effect was nosebleeds and chapped lips
tl'dr just see a doctor and end your suffering, and don't be afraid to be aggressive if it isn't working, i shoudlve started accutane months ago but didn't want to get ahead of ourselves

>> No.8847112 [DELETED] 

Baby wipes are okay to use on your face but I wouldn't say they work for everyone and for some people they can actually cause acne, they are also extremely harsh

The reason babies don't have pimples on their ass isn't because baby wipes it's because they don't have the hormones and imbalances yet you dumb fuck

Also you wipe the asshole of a baby, not the entirely of its ass, Jesus h Christ

>> No.8847413

same for girls

when i was lifting everyday i was getting way worse acne
i used tetracycline 2 yrs ago worked amazeballs. now it seems hormones are out of wack again :( not even makeup covers them
retinoid creams have been helping & applying tea tree oil to individual zits (have only done it for like 2 day tho)
also lack of sleep makes me break out more for sure. when i sleep 9hrs+ my skin looks great

>> No.8847421

actually a lot of times babies get shit on their ass cheeks and parents wipe the shit off with a baby wipe, to prevent irritation and rashes and whatnot so

>> No.8847429 [DELETED] 

Well duh, that's a given, but that doesn't mean it's just wiped regularly to prevent acne

>> No.8847466

>(random pic of acne)
nice try, but i see through your ploy and know pic related! you're really pretty opie.

Join me in the mountain west, we'll backpack the ranges, fish in mountain lakes, drink the pure water of glacial melt creeks, keep each other warm under the translucent arm of the milky way, belt out folk songs and drink whiskey as the sun sets early behind the snow-capped peaks. Young and in love, we'll be oblivious to the rest of the world - our own elysium!

>> No.8847480

bad joke

>> No.8847496

>implying its a joke

>> No.8847522

well, our acne-ridden comrades from 2ch.hk, upon conducting adequate research, state that only accutane works in 95% of the time, no matter how light/severe acne is.

everything else MIGHT work for someone, but most likely wont work for you.
I'm talking about
cutting dairy products
basic hygiene
not so basic hygiene
apothecary skincare
having regular sex/not having regular sex
masturbating 7 times a day/not masturbating at all
drinking beer

>> No.8847575

I had that almost exactly ~3 months ago. Recurring shit around my chin/mouth.

been on doxy prescribed by a doctor for 3.5 months and it's down ~60-80%. Only really started going in the last 2 weeks. Only costs me ~15 dollars/3months for antibiotics/topicalcream/moisturiser.

highly recommend it if you don't mind absolutely ruining the bacteria living in your intestines

>> No.8847700
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ive had pretty bad acne since i was 13 aswell, somewhere between 18-19 all my acne disappeared. If youre really concussions about it go see a doctor, help one of my freinds alot

>> No.8847728

I talked about this before but I agree with you, people should stop wasting money on gimmicks and just go straight to the doctors.

My acme just cleared up this year and I'm in my 20's. Even though it's cleared up I plan on going to the doctors soon just to keep my face looking good.

Also that image kek.

>> No.8847754

>wash your face with medium-temperature water in the morning and evening, don't use any soap or other stuff on face, its just clogs your pores and irritates your skin
>don't touch your face ever
>put a fresh towel on your pillow at night

>> No.8847767

Nigga I had really fucking bad acne since I was 13 and then it started to disappear around 18, now I'm 19 and I've only got scars (which can be removed surgically).
You just have to wait, I know it's hard, or just try accutane

>> No.8847775

Should I get laser surgery to get rid of scars? or try something else. It's $300 a session and my derm said that It could take up to three sessions total.

>> No.8847782

yes you should

if it's a laser peeling

>> No.8847783

Just wait till you're around 25 years old when you're out of the acne thing completely

>> No.8847789

Anyone have experience with clindamycin phosphate topical

>> No.8847794

Anyone know what causes acne on your jaw/neck? I have a tiny bit on my forehead, and everything else on my face is clear, but I've had patches of acne on my neck and jaw for over a year straight now. I eat a decent diet, drink good amounts of water, sleep on towels, and use salicylic acid cleaner in the shower but none of it has helped.

>> No.8847795

yes, it doesnt work
accutane oes

>> No.8847797

do you have bad teeth? especially the deeper ones? I do, and my acne distribution is similar
I also am on accutane.

>> No.8847808

Aesthetically they're shit but I've only ever had 1 cavity, so I wouldn't think that's it.

>> No.8847811

I'm doing accutane+clindamycin phosphate (with BP)

>> No.8847821

just do accutane
no need to overkill your skin
and I hope you moisturize with all that SHIT

>> No.8847830

Yes I moisturise.
I did a accutane round last year and all was good until 2 weeks ago when my face exploded again so i started accutane again, and am getting the clindamycin tomorrow.

>> No.8847838

Elaborate on that please.

For how long did you take accutane and in what dosages?

So you basically rolled back to initial state?

Did you complete the cumulative dose and then slowly declined? E.g. 20-40-100-40-20 in mgs.

>> No.8847839

I use a tonic and moisterize afterwards

>> No.8847893
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There is a thread on reddit talking about this I think it's from long ago but it's about taking MSM and Zinc I think and everyone says it does work. I started taking that and a bunch of other shit 3 weeks ago and I don't get big zits anymore and my acne used to be pretty bad not "oh look a zit my face is disfigured now!! ;-;" bad but like really bad I still have tons of scars but a decent face thank fucking god I wasn't born ugly.

>> No.8847948

i did 6 months, got up to i think 80mg? and then a couple weeks on 20 or 40 because i was sick of it all and thought i was free. silly.
Its not as bad as it was but i feel like if i dont do something now, in a month or so it would be a complete rollback. This happened in just a couple of weeks too. So fucking frustrated.

>> No.8847969

The chances of rolling back are slimmer with bigger cumulative dosages and keeping taking accutane even after your acne clears up, usually after cumulative dose. Better go up to 100mg this time, then slowly decline, friend.

>> No.8848108


I'm using airol now (0.05% tretinoin) and it seems like its working. The only thing that has worked for my type of acne which are red-like that leave a red mark for years to come.

>> No.8848447

can you eat junkfood AND have nice skin? i dont want to go on a veggiefruit only diet

>> No.8848451

there is no link between food and acne eat what you want

>> No.8848454

Can you just pick up MSM anywhere they sell vitamins?

>> No.8848467

are you usre?

>> No.8848469

Yes there is nerd

>> No.8848470

i've mainly got a ton of PIH what should I use to maximise getting rid of it? was thinking of getting a vitamin C serum but i'm not sure which brand to get

>> No.8848498
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Peeling gel bitches

>> No.8848541

where's your scientific research? stop listening to momscience retard

i'm sure that there is no proof

>> No.8848550

there isn't exactly a link between bad food and acne but insulin levels affect acne which ofc most junk food will fuck with. and dairy for some people.

>> No.8848568

Im really obsessed with this girl

>> No.8848671

>insulin levels affect acne
there is 0 proof of food induced insulin affecting acne, even dairy has very little evidence of causing minimal inflammation

>> No.8848725

Never wash your face with anything else than a real soap with at least 70 oil (olive, laurel). Alep or Marseilles are famous good ones.

Moisturise with aloe vera gel, or jojoba oil as someone said. It's not going to leave your skin greasy, but nourrished.

Never put anything else on it. No concealer, no "miracle new cream" you see at the supermarket. Nothing. Let your skin breathe, feed it, clean it.

>> No.8848928

If you're a male save your ejaculate and use it for moisturizer.
Works fantastic 2 years with nothing but water and love cream and my skin has never been this perfect.

>> No.8849702


>> No.8849725

>strict routine and supplementation
>still break out
>see fuckers with perfect skin touching their face all the time

>> No.8849816

Im doing it. It works great, but you have to stick with it no matter how slow it may seem to progress.

>> No.8849874

suck my dick, down's syndrome whoreson.

pull your head out of your ass and head to any database which collects latest medical research, search for 'dairy' and 'acne', and you will see some surprising results, fresh from 2014.

>> No.8849894


>> No.8849897
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>> No.8849902

but half azn half white > juswhite

mixed or ur basic dude

>> No.8849911


>> No.8850060

I'd like to know where I could find some of you fags with acne to sell this soap to where do acne prone people hang out in L.A.

>> No.8850071


>> No.8850147


>> No.8850164

Fuck, I used to think that washing my skin with soap would help; not regular soap but vegetal soap but still.
How should one wash his face then?

>> No.8850174

They look like downies man

I don't date girls with brown eyes either

>> No.8850191

Everyone's acne and skin is different, what worked for you might no work for others.
>stay as long as you can in strong sunlight
You can't fucking be serious, nigger.

>> No.8850214

Are those some shits that work as long as you take them are do they get rid of your problem for good after a while?

>> No.8850319

Unless it changes your DNA I doubt it'll be permanent

>> No.8850374
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As expected.
So doing accutane is not idiotic then.

>> No.8850389


>> No.8850435

I've got about 5 days left of accutane after taking it for about 5 months.

My face is completely clear. This was legitimately one of the best decisions of my life. If you really think you need it then go ahead.

I am ready for this shit to be over though. I have to moisturize my face several times a day, my lips are in a perpetual state of chappedness, and my hair is awful. I had dry/coarse hair to begin with, but with the lack of oils from accutane, it's pretty much just dead. But all of those are minor, and will go away in about a month. Totally worth it.

>> No.8850437

>To those who have got rid of their acne, how? Im getting pretty desperate.
try a noose

>> No.8850475

those things won't go away lol

>> No.8850501

Yes they do.

No one would fucking take the drug if you were subjected to having chapped lips for the rest of your life. The dryness will go away pretty quickly. For some, the hair returning to its original state seems to take longer but it will get back to normal for most.

>> No.8850510
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I just took this mask off my face feels incredibly fresh and clean.
>never struggled with acne

>> No.8850516

Accutane changes your DNA ?

>> No.8850543

I don't think so but it sure as hell cures you acne for years, if not for good, in exchange for a few months of being on the thing, doesn't matter if you have the shittiest diet and sleep on 6 months old sheets and pillowcases you skin will be clear of any acne.

>> No.8850551

it changes how skin cells grow/multiply among other things

>> No.8850558


Yes if u take it u might as well change the last name of ur future childs to that of the illuminaughty inventor of accutane because those kids sur have none of ur familly dna in them

>> No.8850590

>tfw I've never struggled with acne

>> No.8850598

Okey, just listen to me, do this before accutane.

1. Buy an antibacterian soap bar (Ex. Cetaphil)
2. Salizing exfoliant gel (Ex. Dermostata)
3. Hydratant no comedogenican cream
4. Peroxide Benzoile (2.5% or 5%)
5. Non comedogenican face sun cream

Morning order: soap<salizinc<hydratant<sun cream
Night order: soap<peroxide benzoile

Just be calm and wait, sleep over a clean pillow everynight and avoid cow milk, cheese, grassy food, chips, etc.. Good luck. If this dont work go with antibiotics or roaccutane.

>> No.8850649
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Its me again. If u have acne like you're pic don't listen to things like "Do some sport", "Don't smoke", "Don't drink alcohol", "Don't masturbate" Etc, etc. Its an hormonal thing, you just can clean youre face but u will have breakouts and comebacks, because its an intern thing. There dont are miracles and you just have to make a serious routine and diet. Any more things can help u a little but not help you. Again, good luck.

>> No.8850675

is this shit effective or is this some ebin new meme? i don't really visit /fa/ much anymore

>> No.8850686

>You can't fucking be serious, nigger.

sunlight definitely helps with my skin as well.

>> No.8850696

English, do you speak it.

>> No.8850709

Company been around since 08 in mall kiosk now it's relationship marketing. It works great man I use it all the time that's why I've been posting it.

>> No.8851106

Go see a doctor. All the stuff you can get that does not need a prescription is trash

>> No.8851412

do you guys wash your face and bodies with this stuff?

>> No.8851439

Just face. I have a different soap for body plus I use a salt scrub

>> No.8851443

accutane, growing a beard, drinking more water(~2 liters a day)

>> No.8851447


>> No.8851474

whats the salt scrub for?

>> No.8851503

Exfoliation. Leaves my skin really soft and feeling fresh af

>> No.8851521

If you have psoriasis it'll pretty much cure it too. Just go to seacretdirect com

>> No.8851823

>Always keep the PH of your skin high. You do this with acid toners.

acid lowers PH

>> No.8852412

What's ph ?

>> No.8852438

Bukkake is natures way of curing acne

>> No.8852456

Was your treatment documented for before and after comparison ?

>> No.8852470

I usually practice in the treatment of acne once or twice a week.

>> No.8852483

How many practitioners per client ?

>> No.8852490

Just me

>> No.8852505

Underage b&

>> No.8852526

I did accutane for 5 months about 2 years ago and my acne still hasn't returned, it probably never will.

I get a small pimple like once every couple of weeks maybe, and they go away in like a day. I don't take care of my skin at all either, like I don't even wash my face except in the shower a bit with water. I'm so thankful.

I used to have horrible cystic acne. I'd constantly have at least 2 to 3 massive underground zits plus scattered pimples, extremely painful and humiliating.

Accutane was miserable because my skin cracked and I got really bad depression while I was on it, but after 2 years without acne I can definitely say it was worth it.

>> No.8852539

yeah sorry I fucked up. I typed that shit up drunk, but i made another post saying my mistake.

Just switch low and high in my post. People should be able to figure it out anyways.

Yeah people hear the results from accutane and are like woohoo ez pill fix. But unless you're a child 6 months of depression and sickness is hard to stomach.

>> No.8852560

I was 19 when I did it. If you asked me a month after I got off of it if it was worth the depression I probably would have said no, but after 2 years of no acne, I'd have to say it was worth it. Really, acne made me miserable, 5 months of being really miserable to get rid of my acne forever was worth it.
I was in a really intense school when I was on it too so that probably added to the depression. I'd recommend starting it at the beginning of summer if you're going to do it.

>> No.8852599

Some people are just born with everything.

>> No.8852611

I find some guys with the remnants of acne scarred cheeks to be sexy sometimes. Sometimes being if they're hot.

>> No.8852995

lmao this shit is just another pyramid scheme or "multi-level marketing" if you want to be correct about it. don't fall for this anyone, please. my friend is getting sucked into selling their products and its so obviously a scam i cant help but think less of him as a person because of it.

>> No.8853008

no, you've been posting it because you got brainwashed by the MLM bullshit and actually think the product is anything more than pseudo-science mumbo jumbo

>muh dead-sea scrub

lmao you're pathetic

>> No.8853038

madina sulfur soap, grisl sulfur soap, and whatever stupid soap you usually use. use all three multiple times a day and your shit will be tolerable

>> No.8853043

why are you quoting me seacret fag

>> No.8853047

because i like you

>> No.8853068

seacret people are weird af though

>> No.8853078

you're weird

>> No.8853275


Hows your liver?

>> No.8853332

I've still got acne. I'm about a month and a bit into my roaccutane. Every derm i've been to has told me to go on a low G.I. diet and cut out as much dairy as possible. Even if there's no link between the two the diet wouldn't hurt. But if you've tried diet, topicals, and something like doxcy and the acne is still there, roaccutane is pretty much your last option

>> No.8854009

Right cause the biggest cosmetic company offered to buy it for a billion dollars before it was ever mlm

>> No.8854689

No, sun is bad for acne.

>> No.8854797


>> No.8854887

Mine tend to disappear when out in the sun.

>> No.8854928


>> No.8856536

>Israeli/Mossad scam

>> No.8856737

Mohammed pls go

>> No.8857270
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>wash your face often
>don't touch your face often
>drink water all day
>poop and pee all day
>eat red meats and leafy greens (spinach, mustard, kale, collard)

>> No.8857322

Believing this in

It's not bad advice but it's genetic

>> No.8857669

i started using bragg's apple cider vinegar. it's kind of baffling, but it has worked incredibly well and better than salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide ever has for me. now i just have to deal with scars

>> No.8857922


Pantothenic acid supplements

>> No.8857950

that girl is fuckin cute. i have a fetish for hot girls with acne

>> No.8858041
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Apple cider vinegar... My wife struggled with acne like posted for years and after years of trying shit, apple cider vinegar is the only thing that consistently works hand down for the worst fucking small and painful type acne... Put on cotton swab or paper towel and religiously dab on your face morning and night, and drink a tiny amount (bottle cap full) mixed with a glass of water each morning, works like a charm... You can thank me later, and as far as why this works, has something to do with neutralizing acidity/base in and on skin... You can find the apple cider vinegar or ACV as my wife calls it in like a trader joes or whole foods maybe amazon prime but whatever you do, get the BRAGGS unfiltered and unrefined organic shit, the other strains do not work as well or may not work at all... Give it as few as 7 days with the aforementioned technique but again be relentless, don't miss a day cuz ur drunk one night and too lazy to do it, just do it

>> No.8858050

>all these people recommending accutane

enjoy your inflammatory bowel disease

>taking a leukemia drug to cure a cosmetic blemish

top kek

>> No.8858050,1 [INTERNAL] 

