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8831761 No.8831761 [Reply] [Original]

Unscented as well, please

I keep seeing people recommend shit that has aluminum and zinc or whatever in it, which is bound to stain white shirts and other clothes. What are some unscented sticks that won't stain and actually work?

>> No.8831769

Talcum powder is the answer to everything and you guys never fucking listen.

>> No.8831798

You mean like...gold bond? I have the one with menthol and it feels good on my balls :^) I feel like it'd leave white streaks when I sweat though dude

>> No.8833110

come on assholes post what you use

i know you aren't settling for stains on your thousands of dollars of clothes, cunts

>> No.8833115

Remember who we are talking about here.

>> No.8833119

enjoy you're cancer, talcum is carcinogenic.

>> No.8833125

that's a myth m8

>> No.8833128

before you even bother responding


educate yrself fagit

>> No.8833133

>you're cancer
yeah i'd listen to this guy>>8833128

>> No.8833134


>> No.8833280

Just go to an organic products store and buy any deodorant without aluminium
Some people just sweat a lot and nothing will stop it

>> No.8833310

Use Driclor or whatever the equivalent is called in your country. Something that uses 20% aluminium chloride hexahydrate.

Ignore this hippy.

>> No.8833316

mofuken everdri

shit closes your pores. never sweat again.

>> No.8833321


>> No.8833325

are you fucking retarded? why woulld i use driclor with 20% of the shit that STAINS CLOTHES

>> No.8833333

aluminium compounds aren't transition metal compounds so should be colourless

>> No.8833374

nice quints god damn

but also nice joke, funny because im studying for the mcat right now, otherwise it might have gone over my head :^)

>> No.8833410

I frequently switch brands. I first used the Nivea Invisible for a while then it just stopped working. Then replaced it with Mitchum non-scented which worked for 2 weeks. Now I'm using a adidas branded one which is working for now.

>> No.8833435

Potassium alum is magic.

>> No.8833561

Always check the archive before you ask stupid questions.
>Shave armpits, use Clinique deodorant, and add baby powder.

>> No.8833567

if you're asking me, I use none.

>> No.8833572

Talc or pierre d'alun.

Otherwise just check your shop for products WITHOUT, and massive emphasizing on this WITHOUT fucking aluminium.

>> No.8833578

There's no such thing as an antiperspirant that won't stain clothing. Stop being a faggot and just sweat. No one cares.

>> No.8833850

He said OR DEODORANT you fucking mongoloid

>> No.8833962

Alun and talc are composed of aluminium dude.

>> No.8833977

nah m8

>> No.8834024

I'm not a hippy wtf is wrong with you anon !? I just recommended an organic products store because OP seems to be worried about the products in his deodorant

>> No.8834122

Look it up m8

>> No.8834157


Tom's of Maine has a decent one

>> No.8834176

>close your armpit pores
>back turns into a fucking swamp to compensate

t-thanks, /fa/

>> No.8834296

Hey effay, since I suppose this is somewhat related- my birth control pills have a low estrogen and a high testosterone within them to help combat my endometriosis. Had absolutely no side effects up until about two or three months ago.
>began sweating like a maniac
>would be sitting completely naked at my desk and have sweat drops dripping from my armpits less than ten minutes after I've gotten out of the shower
>go on a half-hour walk today, it's a little chilly in Sweden, but due to sweating issues I only wear a top and jeans
>come home
>tfw you don't even have to raise your arms to see the sweat marks

My doctor told me that this is a side effect from the testosterone. I didn't know that men sweat more than women, and it is fucking irritating. How do you guys deal with this? By the looks of things this cold weather isn't doing shit to help me.

>> No.8834347
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So are there any antiperspirant that won't give me cancer from the aluminum or something?

I get really sweaty, and I hate that feeling.

>> No.8834395

bumping for interest

>> No.8834411

Why are 4chan users so much sweatier than the general populace

>> No.8834450

Part of the reason 4chan appeals to them is because they're social outcasts.

>> No.8834464

social anxiety

theres a thread on the first page about the perils of walking into a store and dealing with shop clerks

>> No.8834465

Ask your doctor to change pills or just stop taking them

>> No.8834590
File: 10 KB, 168x168, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find anything that gives me the results I'm looking for, but this is decent. Doesn't stop the sweating completely, but it completely masks my BO and it just has a soft, clean smelling scent so it doesn't overpower my cologne. I tried Arrid spray and the stick, and the cream seems to do it's job the best. Haven't had any staining problems as of yet. If anyone knows anything to help stop the sweating entirely short of the Botox and surgery I can't afford, please let me know ;_;

>> No.8834605

all antiperspirants are aluminum based.

>> No.8834672

Old spice swagger, the blue shit not the white stuff i hate that shit cause i wear a lot of black; I work out a lot too and never smell bad and if i recycle a shirt (that i havent worked out in of course) it smells nice

>> No.8834673

Good luck on that test heard its hard as fuck
Ur gonna make it anon
Polite sage for off topic

>> No.8834685

Lol go to a doctor
I knew a girl in hs who admitted she had to use prescription deodorant we made fun of her for it constantly but she said the next step was Botox and she didn't wanna mess with that or whatever

>> No.8836028

OP here

I hope other people get something from this thread, but all I wanted was a good unscented deodorant that won't stain. I don't sweat excessively so it doesn't have to be an antiperspirant, and the only unscented deodorants I've tried usually didn't last long...

>> No.8836547

Rock salt deodorant. Get it from the health store.
Drys sweat, and kills bacteria while leaving your natural smell.

>> No.8836555

Ps. Salt doesn't stain

>> No.8836578

Use drisol or certain dri cause it closes your sweat pores for weeks. i personally use lady speedstick because the smell never wears off and it always smells so pleasant

>> No.8836615

Not even joking, mix equal parts baking soda, corn starch, and melted coconut oil. As an antiperspirant it's okay, but as a deodorant it is 100% effective and lasts several days. it has only a very slight coconut smell. Avoid adding scented oils, that stuff can be very irritating to the pits.

>> No.8836626

certain dri and crystal mineral salt deodorant

Certain dry blocks pores for like 5 days for me, haven't noticed it staining clothes.

>> No.8836634
File: 121 KB, 1200x1125, 48896_fpx.tif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this one.
it doesn't list aluminium in the ingredients

>> No.8836643

Another vote for Certain Dri.

I used to sweat profusely even just sitting there. Now nothing. It's been amazing.

>> No.8836991
File: 133 KB, 336x430, naturally-fresh-deodorant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been using Naturally Fresh or a few months now

no complaints

>> No.8837273
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dis mah shit for now

used to use YSL pour homme before this

>> No.8837296

"L'il P'ussy"

>> No.8837454
File: 10 KB, 500x165, tumblr_mc946rl9l11r4jsjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8837480

i use secret clear gel. i haven't noticed any stains and it works well as a deodorant. i'm a man btw

>> No.8837489

How is it? Actually worth the mark up?

>> No.8837510

old spice. it's not antipersperant, but it's good as deo. smells noice for what it is, not some axe shit, and no aluminum

>> No.8837913

old spice, the one with the wolf on it smells better then most parfumes imo

>> No.8838017
File: 63 KB, 611x720, certain-dri-rollon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

certain dri master race

Apply at night, works for days. It is amazing

>> No.8838030

>use new deodorant
>after a while it still stops the sweating but deo on my pits smells like it mixed with my pit sweat even after i apply it directly after showering
>bottle is empty
>rinse and repeat
What is going on

>> No.8838035

It's a spray bottle btw

>> No.8838038

I use this along with the Certain Dri (certain dri stops the sweating, its a different type of aluminum compound compared to most deodorants so it wont stain). The Certain dri cuts down on smell about 50% but I use the rock salt for the other 50%.

That said it isn't 'unscented'. It has its own natural smell that skews slightly sweet smelling. I recommend OP buy the 'roll-on' version (the rock salt is carved into an orb shape and fit into a roll-on container which is partially filled with liquid which wets the salt); the roll on versions have a light lavender fragrance that smells more neutral ad unisex than the rock smells naturally.

>> No.8838180


spray is awful. never use.

>> No.8838453


I use the blue bottle too my nigga. I'm looking for something more powerful tho