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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 64 KB, 481x321, thrift_shop_D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8828451 No.8828451 [Reply] [Original]

I'm addicted to thrifting.

Post recent thrifts.

>> No.8828475
File: 1.37 MB, 2224x1718, 2014-09-11 14.19.43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend copped these for 5 bucks

>> No.8828500

fuuuuuck 10/10 cop give him a rimmy for me

>> No.8828525


>> No.8828534
File: 1.24 MB, 2441x1420, 2014-09-17 12.05.31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came across these the other day. Thoughts?

>> No.8828550

those little splatters certainly show that you came across them, if you know what I mean

>> No.8828553


>> No.8828558


>> No.8828574


casually look like ass, just as bad as a balling shoe too which I doubt is why you took the photo

look elsewhere

>> No.8828575


ohhhh no he didnd't girl!!!! xD what a ZINGER! you have the gift of the gab m6+2

>> No.8828820

ive copped so many nice sweaters and pants from my local goodwill. the most ive managed to spend on a single piece was like 6 bucks and it was a brand new, manufacturer sales tags still on them pair of jeans. Other than that i always just wait until their 99c tag sales

>> No.8828990
File: 2.77 MB, 3264x2448, Jones NY with E.B. Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two weeks ago.
>Woman's Wool dress jacket- Eddie Bauer
>Nordstrom Men's sportcoat -like new price tag in pocket, $595.00
$1 each

>> No.8828995

where the fuck do you even find thrift stores?
google or something like everybody always magically finds shit

>> No.8829002

Is it even worth trying in the East Midlands?
The best I could probably do is Milton Keynes or something, fucking hate this place.

>> No.8829006
File: 2.94 MB, 2448x3264, 1399385897151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8829007

pretty much anywhere a charity can afford rent.
they might not be called thrift stores where you live, seems everyone's got a different name for them.

>> No.8829009

google but ask people in your area if they know of any smaller places.
smaller mom and pop 2nd hand.
churces and charties

>Living in the wake of affluence

>> No.8829010

what other names do they go by so I can look out

>> No.8829016
File: 499 KB, 500x205, 1411070477734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have a single thrift store in the area
>Nothing good is ever there, basically a dumping ground (which is what I guess they are but even more so)
>Don't even want to touch anything because I know most of this stuff is filthy or has sat at the bottom of a basement for roughly a decade prior to donation

>> No.8829021

please tell me you didnt get fucking holos from thrifting, or i may as well kill myself. They're my grails

>> No.8829040
File: 90 KB, 768x768, tumblr_mpqq49VpTP1s4glejo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holos were readily available in online shops for quite a long time last year. should've gone for them.

you can still get black his on farfetch if you're interested.

>> No.8829043

picked up a burberry softshell trenchcoat for 6 bucks just today, having trouble finding images online though
but fits like a glove

>> No.8829046
File: 38 KB, 375x500, rafvelcros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've got the black/white ones now with the mirror straps, but would've loved to get the holos instead. Oh well.

>> No.8829047
File: 32 KB, 640x480, hoodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a man, have you ever been browsing the male-section of a thrift store and saw something so unique that you had to buy it and then later realized that you had bought something that wasn't for your gender?

I got this really strange cotton zip-up hoodie that was really long and form fitting. It's almost like a tunic as it goes below my crotch. When I took it home and put it on, I realized that it had a laces for tightening it under my pectoral area. These laces lead me to believe that it's meant for women so they can tight below their tits to make them more pronounced.

I only paid $6 for it and couldn't be bothered to return it.

>> No.8829056

haha not effay

>> No.8829059

yeah i did that. i didn't realize it was a women's shirt until i was wearing it and asked my friend why the buttons were on the other side

>> No.8829074

>tfw brokeboy needing to borrow money from my dad for a beginners suit
>tell him to go to H&M
>his Jewish ass is making me go to thrift stores first
>guaranteed to not find one that's gonna fit, probably all belonged to people who are dead now

I told that nigger I'm gonna pay him back after I get a job, why is ~$150 so much to ask for?

>> No.8829080
File: 95 KB, 620x413, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also charity-run thrift stores might just go by the charity e.g. Goodwill, Salvation Army et cetera

>> No.8829093

in my area there are 3 different thrifts and theyre each good for separate things

>goodwill for clothes
>salvation army for jackets/coats
>third for books

>> No.8829102

lmao just go to thrift shops and tell him you cant find something that fits, or that getting something tailored would cost more than just getting a new one

>> No.8829111

That's my plan, but it's some annoying shit

>nigger saying if that's the case I won't get it until a day before I need it

I hope there's some good local tailors who can get it done in a day.

>> No.8829121

mad jelly if true

>> No.8829138

Yea that happens all the time since i'm always browsing both genders departaments. After all, who gives a shit if it fits and looks good?

>> No.8829170

suits are actually detrimental to finding a job, especially here in california

everywhere wants to be the next silicon valley and wants to hire the mark zuckerburg streotype

>> No.8829172


I can't believe poor people actually willingly PAY for clothes that other people have used and worn.


>> No.8829175

gr8 b8 m8
You can find stuff you'd never see on the internet, and it's great for getting bits to use in DIY

>> No.8829189

Well I need it for something else too

>> No.8829372

What are the full name of these shoes? I luv them

>> No.8829421


>> No.8829495
File: 30 KB, 319x240, Omegle screenshot 40731.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King of thrift here.
I find all sorts of shit in thrift shops.
My whole wardrobe is thrift.
I've found shirts from dior, ysl, brooks brothers, nordstrom.
I copped heaps of cool milsurp, from various countries. got a wool lined german parka for $20.
I think my best bargain was this pair of Y-3 High tops for $4..

>> No.8829507
File: 22 KB, 239x239, Omegle screenshot 66366.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're real

>> No.8829509

ohh yes thrift shops!! like that song with macklemore!!! lol super hipster me and my girlfriends always go there and spend a lot of time in the dressing rooms being random :)) wickd

>> No.8829550

They used to be on kurtgeiger.com but idk anyone who sells them now... Color way name is just BLK/WHT

>> No.8829573
File: 63 KB, 840x470, 1407351211064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8829581

Nice projecting you fucking idiot.

>> No.8829600

>tfw east midlands

milk and beans is a shit, its worth taking day trip to london for thrift

>> No.8829606

>tfw surreyfag
it's just recycled chav clothes in here

>> No.8829630

How come no one says anything about threads like these but there's a stigma for buying used shit on ebay?

>> No.8829646
File: 2.10 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 dollars.

>> No.8829655

i like it
can u tell me what brand it is?

>> No.8829669


>> No.8829671
File: 221 KB, 840x470, 1411227624397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8829678

so you saved a total of 10 dollars?

>> No.8829682

that's a free pak o ciggies, laddie

>> No.8829693

not exactly. I wanted the same exact one at hm but it was 50 dollars and out of stock. I found it randomly at my thrift brand new so I was pretty happy with that.

>> No.8829725

where should I trift in london? everywhere local to me sells trash.

>> No.8829748

too bad that free pack of cigs will cost you thousands in healthcare down the road

>> No.8829770

ehh not true sieg, not everyone binge smokes, or smokes regularly each day.

>> No.8830602

>go around today
>express has a sale
>he misreads a tag thinking their jacket is $70-25%
>willing to buy at what would be about $120 with the pants at that cost
>jackets actually like $200
>fuccboi still won't go to H&M

I told that nigga I'd pay him back, idk what he's so uptight about.

>> No.8830651

Not everyone who develops lung cancer even smokes. But smoking compounds your chances of complications exponentially. Enjoy your stroke pleb.

>> No.8830658

i know, and the damage done by smoking is hardly noticeable if you smoke a pack/a year. and sorry i don't smoke bb x

>> No.8830691

how the fuck do I get pants from goodwill

I'm a 30 x 32

>> No.8830696

You don't, unless you get lucky as hell

>> No.8830701
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>> No.8830745
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x2560, CAM05878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lotta split responses on this but I luv it

>> No.8830762


The most important thing on a grill fit is the face
How the face can overkill the theme with qtness or sharpness
No face= meaningless fit

>> No.8830763

post the back pls

>> No.8830766

I'm adorable but I think that applies for boy fits too

>> No.8830770

It's more about the hair. The hair can make almost any face fit with the fit

>> No.8830771

>if you know what I mean
no i have no idea what you mean please explain and dont spare a detail

>> No.8830778


No, in boys is about frame, like big ass shoulders and that v tapper
Are they fit or are they faggy?
Man or andro?
Something about that
Still a lot of boys post them faces around here

>> No.8830780

that applies to guys a well you dingus. It doesnt matter how on point your outfit is if you have an ugly face you look shit

>> No.8830794

Thinking and writing aren't your strong points are they?

>> No.8830796

I love thrift stores. you have to go to the out of place ones to find anything good, or I guess right when they open in the morning if its in a super busy place.

I've gotten nice Dior, D&G shirts, a few really nice YSL sweaters, comfy Supreme hoodie.

>> No.8830803
File: 86 KB, 595x909, IMG_20140920_151721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. I haven't really been doing anything with it other than messy waves lately.

>> No.8830810


I knew it ur a qt
Just tryna trick u into posting a face pic
pls post more :3

>> No.8830814

Maybe that's cos your a boy judging a boy and I'm a girl judging a boy. I always look at face; jawline, hairline, lips....bad skin and it's all ruined

>> No.8830828


what's most important are the tits

and they seem quite nice

>> No.8830833

post more i cant see ur face :3

>> No.8830836

I'm gay and I can almost agree. The skin thing is hard cause either the skin can be to bad or too good.
Like that supernatural super smooth just gives me the creeps

>> No.8830844


A lot of fits ruined by fuccbois who can't into that fantastic v tapper
flabby shaped fuccbois gtfo

>> No.8830868

Mayb we should have a thread someday where people post faces/torsos and get advice on what style would work with their genetics

>> No.8830874


It's about frame and face in both cases man.

The difference is that you can see a good fit on a good frame and think 'great!' without seeing the face, then you see the face and it fucks it all, but on the other hand if you see a good fit on a bad frame it's just impossible you think 'great!' no matter the face.

Ugly people is just ugly. When was the last time you saw an ugly guy and thought 'wow what a great haircut' or 'wow what a good fit'.

>> No.8830879

>mfw to embarrassed to post face cause i totally think my skin is worse then it actually is

>> No.8830895

Ugly people can throw of great fits that uses the "ugliness" instead of trying to hide it.
It's all about picking clothes that fits your look no matter how "ugly" or pretty you are

>> No.8830930


Define ugly people.

Because there's weird-ugly and ugly-ugly. Truly ugly people are these chink goofed manlets and shit. People no matter what they wear or do they'll always look like goofy losers.

Then you have these guys some people dare to call ugly when they aren't ugly at all. They have character but in a different way of what the standards state.

Some of my friends would say most of these girls - http://models.com/rankings/ui/Runway - are ugly.

>> No.8830955

Well ugly is all about personal opinion so there is really no way I can define it
You could say that ugly is the opposite of pretty, but it wouldn't mean anything in the end considering pretty and ugly is something imaginary we humans made up to feel superior.
People that browses /fa/ should now that it's only the fit that can be ugly not the person itself.

>> No.8831003


>> No.8831039

Bought a Charles tywritt suit brand new in a charity shop for £20 last week

>> No.8831047

>What are washing machines?
>mommy takes my clothes and they're magically clean and all the skid marks are gone from my xl big boy briefs

>> No.8831101

hu hu hu hu.....hu hu hu yo macklemore yos got a big cok

>> No.8831139
File: 1.92 MB, 2048x1536, 2e3ee9e3-2264-4f41-806f-3be36602c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I win this fucking thread. found today for $3 in iowa.

>> No.8831534

post more pics

>> No.8831711
File: 29 KB, 441x481, snapshot(23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zara knit for $16
Thrift stores have really good sweaters in stock.

>> No.8832754

why the fuck are the sleeves so long and the trunk so short

>> No.8833293


That's fucking sick. Post more pictures!

My friend got a Schott Perfecto for like $15 a while ago.

>> No.8833299
File: 40 KB, 493x316, 1970585_10153036727113642_1130177118806738883_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thrifted this old Nike swoosh sweater

>> No.8833332 [DELETED] 

You've posted this in every thrift thread for weeks dude

That's enough

>> No.8833336


Have I really? Oh

My memory is so bad

I guess I haven't thrifted anything new in a while

>> No.8833345

It's for girls mongo

>> No.8833508

wife studies in St Andrews. Charity shops was designer/10

>> No.8833526

is alzheimer's effay

>> No.8833532

is alzheimer's effay

>> No.8833599

I just love digging into stacks of items made by small unknown brands (if they're not Chinese, of course).

>> No.8833676

Is alzheimer's effay?

>> No.8833704

i forget

>> No.8833721

forget what?

>> No.8834329
File: 492 KB, 2171x2774, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8834364

For the past 3 years or so my local store has gotten large amounts of older football shirts. Last week I sold a Danish one from the 80s for 200 pounds. I love thrift stores.

>> No.8834894

your feet are cute

>> No.8834946

almost flattered

>> No.8834966

i found an old givenchy disco shirt from the mid 70s or something at a thrift
saw a YSL button up but it was boring and not my size

>> No.8834981

here it is
its terribly ugly and has a big collar and a straight hem at the bottom
would never wear in public
i just thought it was a cool thing to have as its very interesting

>> No.8834988
File: 241 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 9-21-14 at 1.37 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i forgot the file :(

>> No.8835017

that is cool. would wear to shit parties and get drunk in/10

>> No.8835179

Any advice on Amsterdam?

>> No.8835225

>buying used anything in a post-air-travel economy

enjoy your bedbugs

>> No.8835306

i kekd

>> No.8835498

usually go thrifting once a month and always find myself picking up something i didn't even think id find.

ive gotten lucky and found Dior,DG and YSL dress shirts for cheap.

>> No.8836908

thanks (Y)

>> No.8837507
File: 2.37 MB, 2368x3200, IMG_20140921_170619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A recent find from Friday at VV for a tad over six bucks. I have coveralls that I worked on last week, so today's alteration only took two hours

>> No.8837580


>> No.8837819
File: 217 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2014-09-21 at 3.35 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this scarf lmao

>> No.8837842
File: 1.46 MB, 1520x2688, e1e6e8e5-14c3-49bf-bebe-23ae7ce9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5 for the sweater $1 for the hat

>> No.8837848


>> No.8837922

why on earth would you buy that hat

>> No.8837931

lmao its epic

>> No.8837983
File: 737 KB, 1345x1899, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vintage suede, buttonless. It needs a little care, but not bad for $3.

>> No.8837992
File: 24 KB, 212x218, disgusted costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao its epic

>> No.8838399

That fucking is dope, w2cop Wii hat?

>> No.8838419

*tips fedora*

>> No.8838426

and another dumbass that is a fucking smoker of cigarettes, great
with your logic you are saying if you sucked dick moderately you aren't gay, fucking tard

>> No.8838450


God, what a fag. If you don't like cigarettes, don't smoke them. Quit whining and get a fucking grip.

>> No.8838513

Dont see how others smoking affects your life in the slightest.
poor bait 2/10

>> No.8838538
File: 1.05 MB, 1840x3264, IMAG0151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copped these westwoods for $10
saw them on sale last year for $180aud

>> No.8838548

Dont listen to typical uneffay >>8838419
Could look cool, need to see fit

>> No.8838554

there's a reason they were $10 haha. yum PVC loafers.

>> No.8838570
File: 96 KB, 870x1257, OG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao its epic
You're people I wanted to punch in the face in 2010

>> No.8838581


autistic fuckass found

>> No.8838657
File: 108 KB, 480x640, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prada, $45

>> No.8838747

>grampa&gramma nofun

>> No.8838791

pls be in london

>> No.8838819
File: 88 KB, 1019x573, shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cpped Puma x McQueen for my wife, $5 or so. That stain, though. Any ideas how to get rid of it? Pumice?

>> No.8838845

i haven't had any good thrifts but i really like the thrift shop near me, it is all color coded and shit and is separated by size and category

>> No.8838856

what are the best stores in brisbane?

>> No.8839183

what are good thrift store in Germany, berlin in that matter.

>> No.8839228

>tfw your thrift stores only sell crap

>> No.8839259

>tfw the thrift store near you constantly reeks of urine and poverty

>> No.8839282

>bare feet
>nipple showing


>> No.8839286

they're fuckin ugly too

>> No.8839514
File: 2.36 MB, 2560x1920, 20140922_171308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 bongland bucks. Howd I do?

>> No.8839530

They look like shit
but what do you want for the price of a burger?

>> No.8840289

Prada for 45 bucks score of a life time I got a 500 stetson cowboy hat for 10 bucks its Luke LBJ's I don't wear it but its cool I got a sweet Hugo boss suite for 15 too

>> No.8840294

Get some leather oil and treat those babies, they look mad fucking dry

>> No.8840301

£5 well spent - if I had them I would clean em up and oil them and change the laces but keep them looking like hobo boots w/ thinner laces and without lacing them fully

>> No.8840728

>Sitting at the bus stop with baby
>some greasy haired mother fucker dressed up like a ninja comes and sits next to us
>pulls out a cigarette
>lights it
>starts smoking
>smoke blows in my direction
>makes me and baby cough
>makes clothes smell like cigarettes
>baby develops lung cancer on the spot
>tell steven amell my baby has cancer and no way to pay for it
>he gets his millions of followers to donate
>make megabucks
>get on tv
>become advocates for Lung Cancer everywhere
>dump wife for 10/10 gf
>baby dies but already loaded so who gives a fuck

Thanks smokers

>> No.8840754
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>tfw last time I went to a thrift store some random old guy in size way too big jeans asked me to look for a tag while he was wearing them

It was scary man

>> No.8841076

tons of polo and a dior sweater... how much would the dior sweater be worth off top? i got it for $4 bucks

>> No.8841517
File: 186 KB, 1080x720, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some shitty Merona chukkas for 10 bucks

worth it atleast for me cause im poor as fuck

poor quality photo too sorry

>> No.8841741

go get a job poor kid

>> No.8841768

ugly dress

>> No.8841776


>> No.8841813
File: 160 KB, 863x664, vest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got me a fishing vest that doubles as a lifejacket.
Can't wait for next summer now.

>> No.8841816

Do you need to live in a fashion oriented place to find good stuff at thrift stores? I went to fucking 3 places today and couldnt find anything. Everything stinks, is ugly as fuck, looks like it was bought from walmart, and is made for a morbidly obese person. I looked for 3 hours and couldnt even find something that would fit me how the hell am I supposed to find a designer piece?

>> No.8841825


Damn, Im tryna cop something similar. Just the most generic basic brown boots all beat-up and shit. What should I search for on ebay?

>> No.8841858

You have to be lucky, if you live nearby go take a look every week. It's not like a store where they restock, people drop shit everyday and if you're lucky you'll find something you like and your size, sometimes designer stuff.

>> No.8842024
File: 427 KB, 640x426, idonthaveanydecentcameras.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally found one of these damn things in a Goodwill.

>> No.8842028

Any good thrift stores in DC?

>> No.8842053

thanks m8, they're alright

im skinny af so they look a bit big on me, but nothing too bad.

good fall shoes if anything

>> No.8842457

they look good but coveralls are kind backwood serial killer core. though the shoes do change that kinda

>> No.8842595

>mfw size 14 US feet so thrifting for shoes is damn near impossible

meh, i found a couple alright pairs of sperrys that i paid a buck each for

>> No.8843062

The best goodwills are in south Florida where rich newyorkers go to die I lived there for 1 year amazing shit super high end

>> No.8843646
File: 355 KB, 1024x768, 20140923_123442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nike shorts - £4
Adidas beanie - £1
Clerks shoes - £4

Wearing them all at the same time: priceless.

>> No.8843662
File: 197 KB, 603x800, fourbars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four Bars coat, £12. Colour is a little more green than it looks in my shitty photo.

Wasn't familiar with the brand but all the care labels are in Japanese and I can only find them on Rakuten. Seems like a good find since I live in a really small English town.

Problem is the sleeves are also cut for tiny Japanese arms and taking it to a tailor will cost more than I paid for the coat.

>> No.8843713

Pls someone

>> No.8843736

Stop being such a bitch, your NEET ass can't even afford 150$

>> No.8843742

ugly as fuck, all of you

>> No.8843747

post fit

>> No.8843796
File: 1.31 MB, 2448x2860, IMG_0976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought this was an interesting design. Picked it up for $2.

>> No.8845312
File: 66 KB, 673x897, QeZcMZX[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got these for $15 instore credit will clean them up later

>> No.8846051

post a fit if you're gonna be all high and mighty

if i wanna buy some shitty ass merona chukkas then let me do it bitch

>> No.8846264

thats a rush tee i think

>> No.8846319

I live in hick central, sadly all the thrift stores consist of Mudfest regalia and hunting camo tops, all in size XXL

>> No.8846368
File: 209 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 24-09-2014 at 11.49 am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know much about jordans or if they're real or not but they were $2.50 so i copped them can anyone verify what model they are?

>> No.8846386
File: 730 KB, 916x414, kw3Yt7Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work at a thrift store and my manager gave me these at the end of my shift

>> No.8846389

w2c nip

>> No.8846559
File: 103 KB, 1102x1280, strarman-logo-red-star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yup! Thank you anon, I was looking for the source. No idea why they slapped "Tabula Rasa" on the top though.

>> No.8846590

not even worth it + theyre pigfuck disgusting

>> No.8846596
File: 674 KB, 2560x1920, 1411526489342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Balance fleece
Fuking can't get over some of the gems you find at op shops

>> No.8846604


they're not a numberical jordan, theyre some kind of team jordan garbage that everyone makes fun of

>> No.8846676

How much?

>> No.8846696

got a fallcore oscar de la renta sweater at goodwill today. it's ok but for $3 why not

>tfw too self conscious to go into the women's section

>> No.8846700


>> No.8846747


I like it

>> No.8846875
File: 11 KB, 293x269, every other fit and fa post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8846896
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ralph Lauren black label
Paul smith wool cardigan zip

>> No.8847176

That you Beno?

>> No.8847343

oh fuck is that actually Beno hahahaha

>> No.8847627

literally everything posted in this thread was shit..

>> No.8847706

Get this hot head out of here!

>> No.8847747

I swear the only thing you find in sweden is H&M stuff

>> No.8847866

in finland it's the same, regular shit with overprice on it. everything thats atleast 10+ years old is considered vintage and it shows in price, e.g. 70 euros for something just because its a old ugy piece of shit of a rug.

literally not fucking worth it to go there

>> No.8848730

$20 USD, pretty good I guess.
Didn't realize that these things are expensive to ship, I've just been looking in Goodwills anyway.

>> No.8848780

Looks like paint. Try rubbing alcohol? That or acetone nail polish remover would be my guess.

>> No.8849565

how can you wear someone else's shoes? Its so much sweat and smell soaked in it. nasty as fuck

>> No.8849594
File: 20 KB, 371x495, unnamed (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything in this fit except jeans was thrifted

>> No.8849610

There's none in DC. The Value Villages in Maryland are pretty decent. The Unique Thrift/Value Village in Silver Springs is huge and has some good shit.

>> No.8849679

saved for inspo, looks comfy af

>> No.8851584
File: 60 KB, 865x517, xkUxVht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just copped for $3

>> No.8851595


Piss usually works.

>> No.8851604


You look like a hobo.

>> No.8851642

all trash smfh y'all suck at thrifting

>> No.8851743

Do you know of any in the Baltimore/Towson area?

>> No.8851750
File: 232 KB, 290x481, guyb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white nike blazers and the cole haans behind it are thrifted. $10 for blazers and $40 for haans.

>> No.8852234
File: 1.61 MB, 1408x960, worthless_shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sell this for $$$

>> No.8852257

those are dope as fuck

>> No.8852469

That's how you know it's working

>> No.8852487

Lol anything "Monsieur" is cheap cheap diffusion

>> No.8852645
File: 513 KB, 3368x1632, stufftosell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8852706

>tfw no shoes at thrift shops ever fit you
The best I ever got was a pair of blue adidas sambas for indoor soccer, but even those were half a size too small

>> No.8852852

hey sink

>> No.8852880


You got a grailed or ebay page?

>> No.8852881


>> No.8852885


more like Beno!


>> No.8852901

nice cop

>> No.8852913


>> No.8853142

>tfw when you trhift you literally only find ragged child clothes and old toys with the ocasional fucgly grandma dress

fucking Mexico, it ruins the fun everytime

>> No.8853512

I saw you on the bus today, nice aviators ;)

>> No.8853524


>> No.8853526

for you

>> No.8854077

Big Nike Low Katakana