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File: 73 KB, 370x555, iphone one anniversary rerelease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8823992 No.8823992 [Reply] [Original]

Is the new iPhone /fa/ or is Apple not effay anymore? The design feels dated already since it looks incredibly similar to the original iPhone.

What's the new /fa/ phone to have?

>> No.8823996

As much as I hate to say it,It's pretty nice looking.

Still though.
iPhone 5s is better and the way to go.
Same goes with the nexus 5.

>> No.8823998

i'm currently trying to decide between the Nexus 5 (or Nexus X when the time comes) or the iPhone 5 (since I hate the fingerprint shit). what should i go for?

>> No.8823999

nope, iPhone 5S was the last effay apple phone.
iPhone 6 just looks like a plastic ass average android shit, theres hardly any design at all.

>> No.8824037

I was never a fan of the N5 back to be honest, the camera lens is a bit unsightly.

>> No.8824041

Get the nexus 5

Since its in the same league with 5s.
I regret having a 5s,because I know the nexus 5 runs way better and is way cheaper.I have to fucking charge my phone every 3 hours or so.
It's annoying.
You don't want a 2012 phone with limited features.
Fingerprint is good add feature tho.
How can you not like it?

>> No.8824046

I have my own reasons I suppose.

I'll keep the N5 in mind then but then I wonder about waiting for the N6. I'm in no real rush I guess, but the whole iPhone thing has made me wonder about upgrading. Any good phone covers for the N5 maybe? I'd like something to hide what I consider a hideous back.

>> No.8824052

>1gb ram
>8mp camera

what is this, 2011?

>> No.8824059

>1GB ram
>only 1.4ghz processor

this thing is pretty shitty. the regular iphone 6 doesn't even have full 1080p.

>> No.8824102

The latest iPhone and the Apple Watch are abominations. Steve is probably turning in his grave.

>> No.8824114

>Apple Watch

that thing is a nightmare. it looks like some shitty chinese watch you can find in chinatown for $10.

>> No.8824208

it's objectively shitty in terms of both looks and features

>> No.8824223

I'm not a big fan of phones getting as big as they are. They hardly fit into my pocket as it is.

Will probably move from a 4s to a 5s- since that's going to be dirt cheap. Really only thing i do with is call, email, take pictures /insta and use it as a schedule book. What's the use in putting down x00 usd just to get x more ram and x more processing mumbo jumbo. Really though. However finally getting 4g would be nice.

>> No.8824249

are you dense ? the iphone 6 camera is one of the best out there and the performance is pretty much unmatched by any android device.
almost every android manufacturer except for nokia was caught overclocking their phones in benchmark tests.
the iphone 6 is the best phone you can buy right now

>> No.8824262

go but an android, NERD

>> No.8824263

I got a Note 3 as a free upgrade. The phone is fuckheug but the stylus is really nice. I'm glad I find plenty of uses for it. The screen is my number one battery drainer so I have to keep the brightness as low as possible. Watching videos on it looks great though.

>> No.8824267

In addition to this it makes no sense to me why you would get the super sized iPhone when it doesn't have a wacom stylus like the Note 3 has.

>> No.8824273


x2, I have an iphone 4 but my 6 is getting delivered today. I don't know if I'll like the huge screen, but didn't want to get a 5S because I tend to keep my phones for a long time, like 4 years.

>> No.8824285

Are you retarded? The iPhone 6 isn't even out yet.

>> No.8824298

there are tons of reviews out already, some of them even focus solely on the camera

>> No.8824306

>phone benchmarks
the flat-out most autistic way to compare phones

>> No.8824353

iPhone camera is /fa/ if you know how to use it well with VSCO cam

>> No.8824375

Looks like a Galaxy S3. Aka like shit.

I bet it's shit plastic too.

>> No.8824381

Wait for the N6/NX to be announced. If it's shit, at least the already inexpensive N5 will get a price drop.

>> No.8824385

>records 1080 video
>cant watch it in 1080 since the screen isn't even 1080


>> No.8824391

>my 6 is getting delivered today.
you got no taste. that phone looks like a piece of shit

>> No.8824394

Alright, what is the new /fa/ phone? I've seen quite a few places calling the new design and size shit, so surely there's a new favorite.

>> No.8824399

motorola razr

>> No.8824401

in 2008 maybe

>> No.8824407

iPhone 5S

>> No.8824509

go back in time a little more


>> No.8824525

galaxy note looks cool as shit cos u can write on the screen with the pen

>> No.8824534

I don't get why you would want such a big phone tbh

>> No.8824557

They had to - since other companies could only compete by making a slightly bigger product - Apple eventually had to do the same just ecause

>> No.8824622

This. There's alrasy been plenty of photographers hag have given the camera good reviews.


I think the 5s is best but all iPhones are better than android which poor fat black wonen and Indians with Google shirts use.

>> No.8824632

i see many poor-ish fat black women with iphones actually.

>> No.8824904

oneplus one

>> No.8824909

the hell are you talking about
poor fat black women are always on iphones

>> No.8824913

htc one m8

stupid fucking name, but still

>> No.8825061
File: 541 KB, 1080x1920, PicsArt_1411065715664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao it's like they tried to make it look like shit

>> No.8825078

yeah why didn't they keep the squared sides. iphone 5 is so beautiful

>> No.8825183

the iphone camera has always been iphone's best feature besides the responsiveness and design.
The 5s was hands down the best point and shoot even before the faggotass nokia because it actually shot more than 2 pictures in a minute

>> No.8825220

I'm not an Apple man, and don't plan on buying an iPhone ever. But why is the 5 better than 6?

>> No.8826602

4 and 4s were god tier design.
5 and 5s were close but a little too light
6 just looks like a generic android

>> No.8826616


>almost 2 decades into the 21century
>candy bar phones
>candy bar

That is some real fuccboi shit.

>> No.8826644

>not having windows phones

>> No.8826657

me neither my boi, apple's vision of how a phone should be; compact and functional, died along with steve jobs
guess we'll have to wait until they hit tablet size and realize how they fucked up

>> No.8826674

It's too big
The small one isn't worth getting because it's gimped
It's rounded as well and easy to drop
Protruding camera will be the first thing to scratch

Shit, shit, shit and I was so ready to get my first iPhone

>> No.8826675

aesthetic design

>> No.8826683

I think it's safe to say Apple is on it's way out as the tech icon of the world.

They were smart to do the iWatch though. Wearables are going to explode in the next 2-3 years.

>> No.8826690


>> No.8826691


All the phone battles are like this:
>lol my candybar phone is superior than ur candybar phone, rofl
>look at my superior candybar it also interacts with my autism smart watch
>i am so le tech xpert, also love cool designz, it s called candy bar
>candybar, candybar, candeeebarrr!


>> No.8826692

Would you give a reason why it is on its way out? or is it because you dislike the outside design

>> No.8826704

iphone 5c is one of the best phones of all time. except the colors but whatever's, man.

>> No.8826784

Every new phone that Apple shits out further reinforces how behind they are from Android devices

>> No.8826808


>> No.8826809

whos hyped for project ara?
i dont actually know much about it

>> No.8826912

I have no idea what to pick now. I was considering trading my Nexus 4 for an iPhone 5 since they're pretty cheap now but then again, the specs aren't very good when compared to the Nexus 4 or Nexus 5. Plus I hate iTunes. Would an N5 be /fa/?

>> No.8826930

>Newfaggot detected

Are you blind or were you not reading the posts on here about N5 being best choice aside the 5s.

N5 is the phone of /fa/ for now.
So yes it is,you fucking idiot.

>> No.8826980

All "M-muh effay phones..." aside, I love my Nexus 5. A LOT more than the N4. It doesn't scratch at easily (or at all), the phone looks great, my battery life is top notch. Dev community is alive, and it is a good size. (Although I have tiny bitch hands) Probably my favorite phone since my Nexus One.

Not too pumped up for the Nexus 6 (or the new Moto X) they are making them bigger, and it just seems pointless. I know I said a long time ago that 3.7 inches was a sweet spot and here I am using a 5 inch screen, but anymore than that is just overkill imo. It stops fitting in your pants, you have a giant glass slab on your face, more prone to breaking, and the screen takes more battery life. With an LED screen, that is suicide.

tl;dr - cop the n5. The only reason to get an iphone is camera, but my n5 takes above average photos so it isn't a big deal.

>> No.8827010

As a photographer, I have to say that the iPhone can pull off shit my 70D can.

It fucking dumbfounds me. I'd stick with iPhone only if it wasn't for muh bokeh.

>> No.8827081

Thanks, I'll go with the N5 then. I agree on the new Nexus too, if the screen is too big, I'll pass and just get an N5. I'll be waiting either way since the N5 will see a massive price drop when the N6 gets released and waiting to see if the N6 is worth it (just not a fan of those massive screens).

>> No.8827089

In 2008 dominos had a promotion that you could get a razr with the order of 2 or more large pizzas
Guess again nerd

>> No.8827415

those nails man..

>> No.8827450

The protruding camera looks pretty aweful. I've heard that it also wobbles like fuck if you lay the phone in a flat surface.

>> No.8827455

it does, the most annoying thing is that there aren't many cases available yet, a case would probably mitigate that issue.

>> No.8827460

which colour is most /fa?

I believe the light grey bands on the space grey looks horrible..

>> No.8827463

it'd be /fa/ not to buy it. pick up an iphone 5, it's still very /fa/ as is the nexus 5.

>> No.8827468

aside from size, theres no real improvement.

And that size improvment is subjective since I prefer the iphone 5 size

>> No.8827472

same. iphone 5 was just the right size and the n5 is still a little big, it's not too big to be uncomfortable. i think i'll go with the n5 personally though.

>> No.8827482

well of course, apple's products are diluted already.

but 5s is still status kinda phone (inb4 internet rich kids call me out), I'm not sure if iphone 6 will become the same.

>> No.8827488

judging by the fucking ridiculous lines I saw in Sydney, yes.

>> No.8827489

There's been a lot of criticism on the design and especially the specs. Seriously, it looks just like the first ever iPhone.

>> No.8827496

the lines for Adelaide were a joke. the news reported there as being an amazing number of people camped out and waiting but there were easily only 15 people or less, which is a lot lower than previous years.

people still camp out, no denying that. but the hype has really died down for the last two generations.

>> No.8827534

The three stores in Sydney had hundreds of people lining up over night....

and who can forgot this guy in perth


>> No.8827643

>because it actually shot more than two pictures in a minute
Have you even handled a Windows phone?

>> No.8827654
File: 1.63 MB, 300x170, 1408916204520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your preorder isn't going to arrive until October

>> No.8827694

I like my sam s5

>> No.8827711
File: 69 KB, 770x433, moto x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this effay?

>> No.8827716

>tfw had iphone 4s for years
>finally gonna get a new one (probably iphone 6)

i don't like the design at all, i prefer the 5s but i'd look like a poorfag with a 5s and i don't really like android so i have no choice..

>> No.8827717

>dat wood back

I like it, but I'm not sure how the rest of /fa/ feels.

>> No.8827733

hah, you're in same position as me, except I'm with iphone 4. I dont like 6, 5s will make me look like a poorfag, and I dont like android, it will never be as responsive as apple shit.

>> No.8827744

>i'll look like a poorfag

I know /fa/ is all about appearances but goddamn some of you are insecure as fuck.

>> No.8827747

only option is blackberry

>> No.8827750

it's not about insecurities, it's all about <<<<~~~~STATUS~~~~>>>>

you mean blackberry WAS an option like 3 years ago?

>> No.8827802

nope, they completely fucked it up

>> No.8827850

Get the N6 my friend. The iPhone 6 specs are the level of Android phones that two years old. I've got an N5 and it's great, you can't go wrong with a Google phone

>> No.8827860

>becoming popular

People aren't going to be happy that they have to plug in 4 different items every 6 hours because the battery on their latest bullshit device is low

>> No.8827870

5c looks better than 5s or 6 or 6 plus

>> No.8827873

>all iPhones are better than android
Oh look, someone else who doesn't know anything about how computers work...

>> No.8827901
File: 22 KB, 630x354, HTC-One-M8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an HTC One M8.

It's godly.

>> No.8827917
File: 168 KB, 800x481, masterrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iPhone 5s masterrace here

>aesthetic as fuck
>hard lines, none of that curvy bullshit
>charge lasts all day (unless you are some autistic fuck that watches HD movies while out on his phone instead of socializing)
>great camera (inb4 muh 3478592 megapixels)
>fingerprint passcode
>best app store
>comes with great-looking OS, no need for endless bullshit customization
>iMessage is vastly superior to all other text communication
>Facetime is chill as fuck, way less lag than google hangouts
>works great with macbooks, the masterrace laptop
>etc. etc. etc.

>> No.8828011

>literally every basic bitch girl and their mother own one


>> No.8828024


>water master race
>literally every non-black person drinks it

>air master race
>literally everyone inhales it


>> No.8828034

the gold iPhone 6 is literally the most disgusting looking phone i have ever seen

even low-end plastic samsung phones look better than that shit

>> No.8828048

fanboyism is really uneffay you know
the 6 a shit, deal with it

>> No.8828060

Missed that train :/. I adore that style of phone, but i need to upgrade (using a 4) and i might as well go for the latest..

And to think all those years back i was considering upgrading to some crappy samsung galaxy note..

>> No.8828061

My bud got an LG G3 and damn that was nice
OnePlus One also looks dope
iPhone 5s before it becomes obsolete

>> No.8828076

people will sadly compensate for worse things solely because it's a trend
people are fuccbois man

>> No.8828078

>a lot of people use this device
>therefore it's shit

piss off hipster fuck

>> No.8828079
File: 21 KB, 457x618, 54fc6825-c7ba-4785-82a4-6f756eca6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> iphones
> the same as things we literally need to survive
this was the mise cringe inducing post

>> No.8828082

*most cringe

>> No.8828093

If they started selling rick at jcpenney you'd disown that shit you hypocrite

>> No.8828218


This guy is right you know.

>> No.8828224

i'd say get the 5s. reliable as fuck and built like a tank. i've dropped more times than i can think of with cheap case and there's only hardly noticeable dings. the os seamless and beautiful to look at. the battery life is great - i can charge overnight and still have power the next day through an afternoon. this is also with internet use. the phone is something you can throw in your pocket without having to get cargo pants and be comfortable. i'd also like to state i'm not one of those bandwagon fags who have inferiority complexes. androids from my experience are also solid devices. i've had a galaxy s2 until it shit out after dropping it and decided to give apple a try afterwards. i've stuck with it since i got the iphone 4. once you find something that works well for you it's hard to move to something else. it's like eating different cuisines. once you find your niche you always tend to go back to it.

>> No.8828246

Okay,now you're fucking overexaggerating.
First of all,it's really fucking easy to fuck up the phone.I dropped my 5s like 7 inches above the the ground and the edges were fucked up easy.
The battery life is the worst part of the phone.Charge it all night and it won't even last a day.That's a bad thing.

As I agree with everybody here,it's better just to get a nexus.

>> No.8828249

You fucking idiot.

He just said he doesn't want a 5s.

>> No.8828318

good to hear

I've dropped my 4 lots of times, once I dropped it from my height into a fucking puddle of water and it went fully under water. It switched off, I came back to friends home and it wouldnt turn on, I threw it into a wall and then smashed it into the floor in anger, and nothing happened to it. Then I came back to dorm and charged it, and it worked. No scratches or anything. Simply devilish.

>> No.8828319

I'm actually still on an iphone 4 (because I got it free). I'll probably upgrade sometime this year so the responses here have been worthwhile. I'm so used to ios it would feel weird switching but I am considering it. Otherwise, the 5s/5c seem nice. I dont care about being super trendy.

My dad is ready to jump aboard the smartphone train tho. No fancy iphones of nexus just yet. We're thinking of steering him towards a Moto E or G. Any other budget suggestions? He's natural dadcore so I'm not worried about an effay phone for him.

>> No.8828322

>is Apple not effay anymore
It hasn't been for a long time m8o they dropped the ball with their designs long time ago.
Macbooks are the only thing they still have that aren't complete shit design wise but even they are getting stagnated and they haven't really come up with anything new in a while with it.

>> No.8828762

I've never had an iPhone myself but having seen and used my friends I must say iPhone Camera + VSCO is god-tier.

>> No.8828767

Uh, yes it is.
Where do you live, Kenya?

>> No.8828787
File: 50 KB, 800x600, z2-angle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these delusional iPhone and Nexus fags

The Sony Xperia Z2 is superior in ever way

>camera is
20.7 MP, 5248 х 3936 pixels

>can record in 2160p@30fps, 1080p@60fps, 720p@120fps,

Continue to have shit taste anons :^)

>> No.8828841

The z3 compact is the new most effay phone, getting it when it comes out.

>> No.8828859

>camera is
>20.7 MP, 5248 х 3936 pixels
>can record in 2160p@30fps, 1080p@60fps, 720p@120fps,

so what you fedora-tipper

what do you use all those megapixels for, photographing shitty food in a ratty vietnamese restaurant or your obese, if even existant, godawful girlfriend?

>> No.8828868

Main reason the Iphone sucks is goddamned Itunes. Why in God's name can I not just plug my phone into my computer and move data back and forward? Does 'syncing' exist for any reason other than to annoy the living shit out of me and make things unnecessarily hard?

Not a /fa/ issue, admittedly, and the phone still looks nice. Although I put it in an ugly-ass case.

>> No.8828875

This. If it weren't for being forced to use iTunes and other Apple shitware, I'd probably get an iPhone.

>> No.8828876

Lol idrones resort to ad hominem in a desperate attempt to damage control their 1998 specced phone.

>> No.8828886

my friend, no need to be so defensive and start assuming things, also this please refrain from using this critical thinking 101 shit, you're ashaming yourself.
go back to watching HD anime porn on your fedora-tipping phone with ugly font all over it, while I pull more pussy in a week than you in a year or even all your life with my iphone 5s :^)

>> No.8828892

Yeah, I've got one and every time I want to transfer anything my brain just screams WHY. When I get another phone, there's no chance I'd get an Iphone unless they've made it able to function like a normal USB drive.

>> No.8828897

The only thing you can pull with an iphone5s is cocks in your mouth which i'm sure you enjoy, you colossal faggot.

>> No.8828902

Unless the 5S or 6 works like a normal USB drive, I'm just going to get a Nexus 5 or the Nexus X. I'm fed up with the pain of transferring shit with my iPhone 5.

>> No.8828907

>tfw emailing files to yourself because itunes doesn't care about most file types

>> No.8828910

You sure are buttblasted, little man :^)

Stay poor, stay ugly, stay un-/fa/, stay virgin.

This is like Sony Xperia Z2 users official motto, innit, little man? Deep inside you know it is, but you will deny it, you silly poor cunt, blaming the opponent of ad hominem and then descending to 5th grade level insults implying opponent's homosexuality, as if it is something bad in 2014. But cant blame Sony Xperia Z2 users, just like you cant blame monkeys throwing bananas at you or downies drooling with blank looks on their faces :)

>> No.8828916
File: 22 KB, 337x233, themoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sync music to iPhone
>album art is either missing or the wrong art is on the wrong album

>> No.8828925

>not enough space to sync
>enjoy guessing which files and how many files you have room for

>> No.8828949

Are you even trying?

>> No.8828994
File: 522 KB, 1280x910, pk0tyw6q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wished the black parts weren't there but I guess they had problems with the antenna using a full aluminum frame.

>> No.8829008

Those are some nice aesthetics, but
>works great with macbooks, the masterrace laptop

>> No.8829013

You're completely tech illiterate, keep to circlejerking over your goth ninja shit

>> No.8829477

It really doesn't look right. The solid grey is nice, but the aluminium and black don't work well together.

>> No.8829738

bad luck brah. if you're dropping something above the ground though, you gotta expect some dings/scratches. i'm not even afraid to flip my phone around in the air sometimes for fun. you probably didn't turn any background apps off to maximize battery life. if you leave bluetooth, location, data, etc. on when you don't need it, it sucks battery life! i'm at 32 percent battery right now and charged my phone the night before. u mad?

>> No.8829780

wait, so the lens of the 6 and 6+ actually protrudes from the back? so you can't even lay the thing flat?????????????????????


apple is finished