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/fa/ - Fashion

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8822959 No.8822959 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ body thread

>Your height and weight
>Your food and drink habits
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits

Lets see it.

>> No.8822962
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>> No.8822972

bump because i'm too scared to post my own shit but i want to compare myself to others

>> No.8822975
File: 1.84 MB, 3000x4000, 1410303794313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
5'6 200lb
>Your food and drink habits
cereal, milk, dr pepper
>Your occupation
professional dota2 player
>Exercise habits

>> No.8822987

>Your height and weight
5'11 160lbs
>Your food and drink habits
meat and water
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
gym 3x a week

>those hips

>> No.8822989
File: 78 KB, 600x750, whitewillsmith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Age: 21
>Height/Weight: 5'10 / 131lbs
>Diet: I "eat clean," and drink mostly water >except for milk in protein shakes and an >electrolyte mix while exercising.
>Occupation: Quality Lab Technician
>Exercise: Competitive cyclist (12 hours a >week on the bike) / flexibility/core exercises >on rest days

>> No.8822990


>Your height and weight
5'10" 130lbs
>Your food and drink habits
Water/mineral water all day
One meal a day. Snack on fruit and saltines all day doe
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
Walk literally everywhere cuz rebuilding car.

>> No.8822991

>that body
>professional dota2 player

lol thanks I had a laugh

>> No.8823000

>5'9 and 130 lbs
>eat healthy except for weekends
>run/jog ~ 15 miles per week

>> No.8823011


>5'9, 55Kg
>Alot of instant noodles and caffeine, no fast food, quite alot of the better tasting veggies (peas, sweetcorn, green beans), apples and bananas for snacks, fucking love cheese sandwiches aswell.
>Freelance worker for a marketing company (work whenever I want, still a legal employee)
>Parkour, Ninjutsu, occaisional treadmill session if I haven't been outside training or if I'm unable to for some reason

>> No.8823017

OP here, thread kicked off fast, here's me.

>Your height and weight
5'7 120lbs
>Your food and drink habits
food: oatmeal, fruit, beans, whole grain bread
drinks: water and coffee only
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
skateboarding occasionally

>> No.8823021

>5'10"-11" ~180 lbs (haven't been on a scale in years)
>eat too much, only drink water and lots
>student/part time wage slave
>light-moderate exercise daily, lots of walking

>> No.8823022

>5'10 145
>Not incredibly healthy, but I don't eat fast food. Soda and water
>I work in a fucking subway. Goddamn it.
>Push-ups, sit-ups, light cardio

>> No.8823026

5'8" 110
no exercise
cigarettes coffee and grilled cheese
i sort of freelance write but i only make like $100 a week so i actually don't have a profession yet

>> No.8823027

oh also I walk a lot because classes.

>> No.8823028

>6'2", 154 poudns
>eat small amounts of junk food sometimes and eat clean other days
>bagger at a supermarket, camp counselor with poor kids during the summer
>gym 3 times a week

>> No.8823029

>Your height and weight
5'7, 121 lb
>Your food and drink habits
one meal a day, always drinking water or perrier
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
random cycling, skateboarding, random hiking

>> No.8823042
File: 159 KB, 1280x960, WP_002532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
190 cm, 84 kg
>Your food and drink habits
maximum 2 meals a day, one snack and one real meal which i homecook, whatever I feel like. A lot of beer on the weekends.
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
swimming when I feel like it

>> No.8823043

>whatever I want until full
>yoga and light runs, the occasional weight session

>> No.8823044

6'1/200 lbs
>Eating habits
Clean when cutting. Whatever is around when not.
Student/Part time bjj instructor inb4 blowjobjob
Bjj eryday/ Weightlifting when I'm not injured

>> No.8823047

>Your height and weight
6'2, 135
>Your food and drink habits
Hamburgers and chips, light drinker
>Your occupation
Working on PhD in neuroscience
>Exercise habits

>too bad I look like a jew

>> No.8823051

100 a week?

fuck i wish i made that much, what type of freelance writing do you do?

>> No.8823055

174 lbs
Am I fat, dudes?

>> No.8823056
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>Your height and weight
6'0" and 159lbs (I gained weight :/...)
>Your food and drink habits
very random but
a lot of rice/African homemade foods.
a lot of chicken, which varies from meal.
and french fries
I really only drink water and dr.pepper (try not to)
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
only exercise during track season. My cousin gave me his 2yr gym membership but I'm so damn lazy... plus anxious b/c I'm a noob when it comes to lifting.

>> No.8823058

>235lbs heap of lard
>full time student/pizza guy
>I eat and masturbate a lot

>> No.8823065

just do you anon :)

>> No.8823066

>lots of water, fast food and eggs
>call center
>play pick up at least every other day

>> No.8823067

142 lbs

>> No.8823071

>Meat, Eggs, Vegetables, Potatoes, Water, Milk
>Graduate School (Business)
>Gym x4 a week

>> No.8823076

>6'1" 150
>stir fry, energy drinks, adderall
>walks to the beach, skating, pushups

>> No.8823079

200 lbs

>> No.8823080

ghostwriting in many forms, mostly screenplays, sometimes fiction, rarely someone will ask me to do a nonfiction ebook

odesk, peopleperhour, gigbucks and fiverr are your friends

>> No.8823082
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5' 10" , 105lbs
I eat organic and raw
I work in accounting
I run a lot and lift 3 times a week

why am i so small

>> No.8823085
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>Your height and weight
>Your food and drink habits
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits

5'10" 185lbs
6 - 7 meals a day, mainly meat & dairy
Gym 4 - 5x a week, Muay Thai 2x a week

>> No.8823090


6'0 120 lb

Whatever I want, from fast food to meat and veggies. Mostly water with an occasional soda


Started running a couple days ago but prior to that none

>> No.8823092

Don't kid yourself, you probably eat 1 meal a day.

>> No.8823097

>Your height and weight
5'8" 124 lbs
>Your food and drink habits
Chicken, Salmon, Rice, Vegetables, Protein Shakes, Fruits, Nuts
Water, Tea, Milk
>Your occupation
Going to school, working part time as a lab assistant
>Exercise habits
weightlifting 3x a week and distance running once per week

>> No.8823099

5'8" 120lbs
I eat a meal a day cuz poorboy and drink lots of water
IT/Sysadmin assistant and student
i dont do anything

>> No.8823110
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>Your height and weight
72in (6ft) 180lb
>Your food and drink habits
Healthy/organic rarely eatout(fastfood, resteraunt ect)
>Your occupation
Working at the family vineyard, we are oppening a resteraunt that will be serving breakfast/lunch soon.
>Exercise habits
Workout A
3x5 Squat
3x5 Bench Press
1x5 Deadlift
2x8 dips

Workout B
3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing military press
3x5 Pendlay Rows
2x8 Weighted Pull-Ups

===Daily accessory work:
-45 degree Decline bench weighted situps, 3x5
-Hyperextensions - 3x8

Lifting three times a week rotating as illustrated above. I do extra arm work on the last day, skullcrushers/BB curls.

I used to be p chubby but now I am almost out of dyel mode.

>> No.8823115

Wtf are those areolas

>> No.8823116
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> 6'3'' 160pounds
>no soft drinks, eat meat 3 times a week, lots of fruit and whole grains. tfw health conscious
>lots of distance running

>> No.8823119

>Age: 20
>Height: 5'9
>Weight: 130 pounds (Haven't been on a scale in months)
>Food/drink: Soda and coffee, bacon and burgers. Super high metabolism or something. The day I have to stop eating like shit will suck ass.
>Head Chef at a non chain bakery/coffee shop thing.
>try to fit in 400 jumping jacks a day, 100 when I wake up, 100 some other time in the day, and 200 sometime before bed.
>also 100 situps a day total
>punching bag
>the like

r8 me, we're all anonymous here.

I'm gonna regret posting this on 0 hours of sleep...

>> No.8823129
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OP again, just as I thought lots of students and sit-down occupations. No wonder you can get away with eating nothing all day (Not criticizing, just observing).

>> No.8823136

Hairy ass nipples my dude.

>> No.8823139

Meh why not

>height and weight
1.80m and 73.5kg
Metric system master race
>food and drink habits
This machine runs on caffeine, nicotine and some carbohydrates
Management student and looking for a job
>exercise habits
Muh calorie deficit

R8 me m8s, critique will be appreciated

>> No.8823154

>Your height and weight
6'2 140
>Your food and drink habits
I usually eat whatevers in whole food's for lunch, and i make dinner out of whatever happens to be in the fridge/whatever craving. usually not the worst food in the world. usually not the best
>Your occupation
Painter, i haven't decided if its /fa/ or not yet
>Exercise habits
Skinnyfit/Ottermode, I'm not sure if i should be bulking up or not.

>> No.8823157

>6'1", 149-158 lbs (I float around a lot)
>Homestyle southern cooking nearly every night that I'm not working
>Student/Clothing Retail
>Not enough ambition to ever get past two weeks of routine exercise

>> No.8823158

Yeah, try being in a 1kcal intake while doing 12hrs of nonstop standing work as a bartender

Never again

>> No.8823169

i dont consider myself /fa/ but my wardrobe isnt laughable by everyone standards but here's me


>6'2" 140lbs

>Recently, been stuff like yoghurt, oats, eggs, berries, tea, im getting fit


>Been hitting the gym 3 times a week, starting a 12 week 5day regiment on monday

>> No.8823173

Good stats my man! Looking good too would component at the pool

>> No.8823194
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180 6'
eat w/e, drink w/e
run/bike 3-5 times a week

>> No.8823224

>6' 142-145lbs (ate alot today, but I'll be back down in three days so fuggit)
>water, tea, coffee, diet drinks occasionally, food wise, I only ever have an apple and/or granola bar until I get home around 4, then I pig out on various stuff, usually healthier things, like dried fruit and granola, etc.
>college student, part time mall shoes salesman
>walking around campus, used to run, but I can't motivate myself to anymore

>> No.8823231


I do that. It's not fun. I usually end up eat some cookies when I can't stand it anymore and I feel like im light headed.

>> No.8823247

>5'8, 155lbs
>drink a lot of water, eat mostly veggies and rice, meat three times a week
>my job is actually really active, so it costs a lot of calories, and afrer work I cruise on my skateboard, crazy hills in my area, lots of walking up them, then do lawncare for myself, and then go over to my Father's place and do lawncare for him, he's in his 60s, so I feel it's reasonable that I do it

>> No.8823256

>5'8" 145 lbs
>Mostly homecooked shit from scratch, pretty balanced, no dieting
>neet lol
>hour of pussy bodyweight and dumbbell exercises six times a week

>> No.8823274

>6'1 155lbs
>Good food mostly.
>full time student
>lift 4 times a week, play hockey 4 times a week

>> No.8823292

5'5" / 200lbs - 205lbs
Food: Chicken, Pita Pit, Subway, McChicken
Drinks: Milk, Water, Gatoraid/Powerade, 7UP Ten, Dr. Pepper Ten, A&W Ten, Apple Juice
Occupation: ._. Right leg, Right forearm
Exercise: gym 4x, bulking

>> No.8823318

>Your height and weight
6' 1" 169lb
>Your food and drink habits
Any food and Coke
>Your occupation
Machinist at a theater/runway model
>Exercise habits

I think i'm fine.

>> No.8823319

whats wrong with you?

>> No.8823332

>runway model

Not when you're that fat, you aren't

>> No.8823339

There are lower expectations where i work.

>> No.8823356
File: 288 KB, 618x788, heightderailment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avg height ITT is like 6"1"

Do people on /fit/ and /fa/ measure themselves in shoes or ballpark their height based on what the people around them say or something?

>> No.8823363

in my case, without shoes. 6'1". 185cm if you like.

>> No.8823377
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lol no one needs individual posters to defend their height, it's just obvious that someone out there is lying when 3/4 of /fit/ and /fa/ claim to be least 6'

>> No.8823378




>Your height and weight

5'10, 165lbs

>Your food and drink habits

Vegetables, grains, lean meats and fish, although I do drink a lot of liquor

>Your occupation


>Exercise habits

Running 5-6 days a week, workout 4-5 days a week

>> No.8823379
File: 275 KB, 897x891, reve_d__or_by_mainloop-d48wygx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
6''2 143 lbs
>Your food and drink habits
only eating a big dinner per day and some sweets during the night. drinks: cola, fanta, water
>Your occupation
fine arts student
>Exercise habits
fine arts student

>> No.8823385

he isn't even that short the other two are just mutants

>> No.8823387

ayy lmao

>> No.8823397

>6'5", somewhere between 170 and 180 lbs.
>Whatever I feel like, cook a lot of stir fry stuff
>None, i need to work on that

>> No.8823398
File: 67 KB, 500x500, derailintoargumentaboutheight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gwen is mutant height, but Sophie is only about 5'9" which is pretty low in the "noticeably tall girl" range.

Plus I'd bet money that Kit is wearing insoles inside those already-heeled dress shoes.

>> No.8823408



>Height weight

6'0'' ottermode.

GRAINS. pretzels, rice crackers, rice in general. Also water, milk, veggies, sometimes fruit.

College student, part time retail, part time graphic artist

Work involves a shitton of walking. Lifting this fall at the free gym in my college when the quarter starts.

>> No.8823419 [DELETED] 
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>very sporadic, mildly healthy
>being a NEET faggot
>hiking and skating every once in a while

>> No.8823432
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>Your height and weight

5'9", 120 lbs

>Your food and drink habits

Sushi, energy drinks, vending machine snacks

>Your occupation

Professional ninja/courier/assassin

>Exercise habits

Parkour/free running/hiding from the truancy officer

>> No.8823436
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>> No.8823472


>mid 30s

>5'8", pretty big guy


>Mercenary, person in charge

>rock climbing, crashing planes

>> No.8823478

>height weight
5'9" (borderline manlet ;_;), 140 lbs, kinda muscular
>food and drink
I try not to eat like shit. Fruits, veggies, smoothies, hummus, subway a lot because my uni has fuck all for food options.
Student full time, also a tutor and an assistant researcher
The time and energy never coincide for me. :(

What is the official cutoff for manlet again? 5'8"?

>> No.8823509


>mid 40s

>5'9, losing weight, all my belts are too small :)

>various international cuisine (I file a lot of flight plans)

>Intelligence agency for a major national government

>Mostly upper body stuff, my flys have gotten pretty good but I'm still not a very large man.

>> No.8823517


>Your height and weight
180cm, 70kg
5'11, ~155lb

>Your food and drink habits
eat whatever, very conscious of amounts and rough calorie intake. keep it sub 2000kcal a day. drink lots of milk, eat 200-400g meat daily.

>Your occupation

>Exercise habits
lift heavy 3x a week

>> No.8823550
File: 169 KB, 477x700, 1408476075054-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
6.03 152 lbs

>Your food and drink habits
3 meals a day and avoid snacks, also coffe and cigarettes.
>Your occupation
Search engine evaluator from home, 100 a week.
>Exercise habits
Go literally anywhere on bike, play drums and have sex as much as i can.

>> No.8823560


Lol fug off :DDDD

>> No.8823563


No protein to build muscle...

Yeah you're thin but you're not helping your body grow.

>> No.8823575
File: 39 KB, 442x589, summer fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
6' 165
>Your food and drink habits
Pretty good, eat out 3-5 times a month, little junk food no soda
>Your occupation
Hospital reception
>Exercise habits
Lift weights once every 2 weeks or so planning to make it a regular thing but never do

>> No.8823583

>5'6, 260 but probably 270 now
>eat whatever, eat once or twice a day, eat a lot, A LOT
>Selling job 15$
>ran last week

>> No.8823584
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You probably pick bullshit heroes like dp and mirana.

>> No.8823604

>Your height and weight
5'3", 100lbs resting weight
>Your food and drink habits
Lots of fast food and dining hall stuff. Light drinker.
>Your occupation
In uni studying Art Education, barista during breaks
>Exercise habits

What's your major?
Good thing to do with your summer!

>> No.8823609

>Your height and weight
5'11" 155lbs
>Your food and drink habits
Smallish meals, typically three a day. I eat until I'm satisfied, never full. My staples are rice, beans, chicken, fish, and veggies.
>Your occupation
Registered nurse
>Exercise habits
I go rock climbing three or four times a week. I'm probably going to start lifting soon.

>> No.8823616

>I eat pretty much everhthing. Often goig out in town, home cooking. Depends on how busy the day is.
>Freelance cameraman
>Going to the gym 3 times a week.

>> No.8823622

>Your height and weight
6'7, 224lbs
>Your food and drink habits
3 meals a day, only clean food with a lot of protein. drink a lot of water
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
used to train erryday, got multiple injuries, paused 3 months, lost 22lbs of muscle mass. now work out 2-3 times a week, starting to recover slowly. hope I'll soon be fit.

>> No.8823623
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6'3" 145 lbs
Don't eat a whole lot but do eat absolute garbage.. (going to change this;
eat more and healthier)
I skateboard and snowboard when I can. Play basketball, soccer, whatever my friends are playing.

>> No.8823639

age: 19
ht/wt: 184 cm (6ft) / 82kg (182 lb)
food: home cooked typically but it's shitty >slavic dishes
occup: university student/swimming instructor
exercise habits: poor... gym 2 times a week and work related swimming 10hrs a week

>> No.8823640

>female only replies to tall alpha males

my top lel to u ma'am ;^)

>> No.8823641

Whatever I want
Banana Republic Sales Associate
40 minutes of weightlifting and 30-50 minutes of practicing basketball or dancing

>> No.8823716

>Your height and weight
6'1" 78kg
>Your food and drink habits
Coffee, Gin
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
>Jogging occasionally

>> No.8823738

>5'8'' 115-120
>eat when I'm hungry. eat until I'm full. walk away when full. skip breakfast when lazy
>not working until next week, but Starbucks

>> No.8823754
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i chuckled
why you suckin in dude

>Your height and weight
5'11 177lbs 10%BF
>Your food and drink habits
2 x 76g oats + 46g whey
395g frozen vegis + 104g chicken
392g frozen vegis + 11 egg whites 1 whole egg
cut diet

>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
strong lifts with accessories 3x week, cycling, started taekwondo, dodgeball.

>> No.8823756

>6'2" 140 lbs
how are you still alive?

>> No.8823763

5'7 145lbs
eat whatever 1500-2000 calories per day, eat vegtables and fruits everyday, drink lots of water
Soccer, Basketball, Running, Pull Ups, Using body weight to do shit

>> No.8823764

1v1 me mid Trunks

Im 4k scrub doe

>> No.8823767
File: 70 KB, 480x640, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feelioma when 19yo virgin dropping out of uni in a week

eat shit all day
NEET shortly
almost never gym

>> No.8823782

>Your height and weight
5'10 or 11, 125-30 lbs
>Your food and drink habits
no soda or fast food except lots of chipotle and pizza and froyo. eggs and veggies and nuts and shit
>Your occupation
froyo store manager currently looking for new job
>Exercise habits
smoking cigs while doing handstands

>> No.8823784

5'11 145-55 lbs
3000+ cal a day
construction and stand up comedy

>> No.8823785
File: 29 KB, 236x236, spook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
5'7 110 pounds (pic related)
>Your food and drink habits
water, tea, vegan whatever
>Your occupation
student, hopeful musician
>Exercise habits
walking and wanking

>> No.8823789


why u droppin? You can't even take just one class a week?

>> No.8823797


Failing everything, having panic attacks in class and leaving early

>> No.8823799

go away /fit/

>> No.8823801
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>5'5, 110 lbs
>drink mostly water and tea, vegetarian
>wage slave/full time student
>on my feet 7 hours each day due to work

>> No.8823805

i hear about so many people dropping out of unis

should i just go to community college and save myself the time/effort

>> No.8823806

dude Im like the same

>tfw failing calc and data algorithms
>tfw hate history
>only like astronomy because its a night class and its chill as fuck
>tfw no friends
>tfw no gf
what do I do, I feel like I have nothing to live for

>> No.8823811

>Your height and weight
6'2 or maybe 6'3, 70kg
>Your food and drink habits
Very shit, fast food, alcohol etc, normally skip breakfast and small lunch then mean feed in the arvo
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
Touch Rugby/footy on wednesday nights

>> No.8823842

>Your height and weight
5'10" and 72kg (ish)
>Your food and drink habits
Mainly drink coffee and water, occasionally drink with friends but only if we plan on getting drunk.
As for food, i'm generally pretty healthy, rarely eat junk food, try to eat at least a minimum amount of vegetables and fruits among other important food groups. Probably eat too many carbs though, but i'm in Japan so that's kinda hard not to do
>Your occupation
Exchange student, but work at an English speaking kindergarten and do private english lessons as well
>Exercise habits
Lift 3-4 times a week and run at least twice a week

>> No.8823847
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>touch rugby

>> No.8823859


you seem funny, so you have that going for you


>5'9" (that's about 5'11" in internet inches), ~135lb

>whatever I need to make my calorie quota, I think they call that a "dirty bulk"

>night shift stocking shelves 5 days a week

>I lift 3 days a week but only been doing it for a few months

bonus feature: pectus excavatum

>> No.8823861

literally save tons of money for same classes

the thing you have to look out for is the motivation and social life

community college is like highschool 2.0 because people there are unmotivated as fuck, if you let yourself be taken by the tide, you will fail (or atleast get slowed down like me ;_;), you have to rise above the unters and be an ubermensch

also no networking contacts and no social life

>> No.8823864

>Your height and weight
6'0, 164lbs (12%)
>Your food and drink habits
Pretty excellent.
>Your occupation
Sous chef
>Exercise habits
I lift 4 times a week, play tennis, former marathon runner.

>> No.8823872
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>I eat once a day normally maybe twice, rarely above 2k normally around 1200 to 1800
>Art School Muddle
>I walk nearly the entire stretch oh Manhattan 4 days a week

Help me, I can't seem to lose more weight and my brothers keep saying "you need to lift man" I don't wanna :-(

I spoke with a fitness person who did so things and said I could basically lose twenty more pounds and be in a normal range for my height; how do I do it without dying or passing out during sessions?

>> No.8823880

Appreciate it bud!

>> No.8823891

>mid 30s
Dad pls go
>mid 40s
Grandpa pls go

>> No.8823896

Why the hell would you want that ? Youre gonna feel like shit and have even less strenght to keeep you through classes

>> No.8823904

>6'2", 174lbs/79kg
>Eat 300kcal deficit on weekdays, but drink on the weekends
>Calisthenics erry day

>> No.8823914

that's what i think about it too, but my senior guidance tech keeps telling me that if i go and take a algebra 2 class at CC, i can get into a uni with finacial aid easily. the only thing holding me back is that class i guess, so he's pushing it pretty hard. i mean having a social life would be really difficult but at the same time CC seems much more stable

>> No.8823916
File: 577 KB, 640x960, Reps for jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
5'11 155 lbs
>Your food and drink habits
7 meals a day, no candy or other things like that
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
lift 5 times a week

>> No.8823917

I have a chance to do real modeling but it seems I have to be more svelte androgynous looking cause my face and height

But you are right I do need strength for like the shit that pays the bills I just want to really do muh foolish dreams

I guess 140lb is realistic? But still how to do it when my body seems to want to stop going lower?

>> No.8823925
File: 376 KB, 300x168, 1367477765123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8823930

>Your height and weight
195cm/6'4 78kg 172lbs
>Your food and drink habits
meat water vegetables rarely chocolate when i feel like being a fat shit
>Your occupation
it helpdesk
>Exercise habits
30mins lifting 5mins HIIT 5-6 days a week

>> No.8823933

>Your height and weight
164cm, 48-9kg
>Your food and drink habits
I eat everything within reason. I don't smoke or drink alcohol or fizzy drinks. Fast food couple times a month and then I might have a 7up or coke with it, but otherwise nah. I love sweets, but I'm trying to lower the intake.
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
I go swimming several times a week.

>> No.8823938

do you actually understand that having legs bigger than every other part of your body makes you look like a retard

>> No.8823940

Nothing makes you look like a bigger retard than wearing a 'Reps for jesus' tank top.

>> No.8823943

well in this picture your whole body is disproportionate with your twig legs/oversized arms

>> No.8823946
File: 75 KB, 620x406, t-rex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already doing leg day 2 times a week and can't fit in most of my pants anymore because of my ass
>Implying I want to look like a T-rex
Pic related, big legs are disgusting

>> No.8823947

>oversized arms
t-thanks i guess?

>> No.8823949

Are you being serious right now?
You're 5'11 & 155 pounds first off, youre a fucking twig, literally most of your mass is in your 14 inch arms.
>the fit on those jeans
yeah no, youd be lucky to have 20 inch legs, you probably squat 180lbs
>those jeans full stop
what the fuck is wrong with you?
>that tank top
You'd take the Gold medal for the biggest faggot thats ever stepped foot into a gym.

>> No.8823950

np just work on those proportions

>> No.8823954

>Your height and weight
5'9 165lb
>Your food and drink habits
food: minimal carbs, mostly meat and veggies, lotsa tuna
drinks: water mostly, drink beer and rum&coke when out
>Your occupation
3rd year engineering student
>Exercise habits
run 3 times a week, soccer/futsal in winter/summer

>> No.8823958
File: 29 KB, 302x646, zyzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you care about legs so much? Do you think having mutant legs is sexy or something?
>Pic related, perfect legs

>> No.8823962

why dont you address the issues of your tank top and jeans?
>some pasty white kid looking up to zyzz
what else is new?

>> No.8823965

i'm studying in germany and in my fine arts degree course you have to choose a class after your first year. i'm still in my first year so i haven't choose a class yet but i think i'm going for a painting class. anyways classes don't restrict you only to one art discipline, it's more about choosing the professor who is giving the lessons so i could video art or sculpture aswell although i'm in a painting class.

how is art education and what is it about ?

>> No.8823969

>why dont you address the issues of your tank top and jeans?
Why would I care about some random jeans I wear during free time? Aren't the /fa/ enough for you? And how does me wearing a reps for jesus tank top as a joke when working out with bros affect your life?
>some pasty white kid looking up to zyzz
Found the SS victim

>> No.8823972

you wear jeans DURING training? you're an even bigger faggot than I thought. If you think a reps for jesus tank top is funny, then i doubt you're 18 years old.
>SS victim
found the /fit/ wannabe meme adopter.
I train legs once a week and Im on a 5 day split you fag, I literally quadruple your experience & 30lbs heavier than you at a lower bf%.
Please stay on your faggy board, thanks.

>> No.8823977

> I literally quadruple your experience & 30lbs heavier than you at a lower bf%.s.
Post pics then
>you wear jeans DURING training?
When did I say I wear them DURING training?

>> No.8823985
File: 2.05 MB, 1536x2048, PicsArt_1410164784065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
185cm and 77kg
>Your food and drink habits
I dont really watch what i eat, i only try to get as much protein and as little calores as possible
>Your occupation
>Exscercise habits
Mountainbiking and acrobatics, training 4 days a week

>> No.8823997

14inch baby arms
no legs
tragic youtube tanktop
jeans+tanktop combo and browses /fa/

Stick to bronycon kid. The gym is not where you belong.

>> No.8824001

>6'2, 130 lbs
>cofee on breakfast, then dinner at like 5 o'clock, propably around 5 cups of cofee per day maybe 6, lots of watter
>living of what i inherited atm
>dont excersise at all. imma french dog

>> No.8824005

>Talking shit on 4chan
>Not posting a picture
>name: heaven
top kek m8

>> No.8824014

Dem jaw aesthetics, good luck

>> No.8824016

>>Your height and weight
>>Your food and drink habits
Shit ton of water, not enough food
>>Your occupation
Currently in military

>>Exercise habits
See above
(long distance marches with around 40kg loads, running, pushups)

>> No.8824028

>Your height and weight
6' 180lb
>Your food and drink habits
meat, oatmeals, meat, sandwiches, fruit, meat

water only, beer and vodka for weekends.
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
Lacrosse, gym 3 days a week, running ~10mi 2 days a week

>> No.8824032

ugh Imperial system everywhere.
fuck outta here with that quotation mark bullshit, its impossible to work with.
the guys who do height in feet and weight in kg's are the worst fucking system sluts.

>> No.8824047

>Your height and weight
185 CM
82 KG
>Your food and drink habits
Have been losing weight so don't eat much and only drink water
>Your occupation
Parking lot attendant at Adelaide Oval
>Exercise habits
Running 3 times a week

>> No.8824065

Well I started out as a studio art major but quickly realized I wanted to teach. So I switched to Art Education, where you do about 2 years like a studio major, but the last 2 years you do a lot of interning and working in schools so you can get a teacher's certification. Here our first two years are foundations classes, so you have to take a variety of painting/drawing, digital/video, and 3d classes before you decide on which one you'll specialize in. Right now I'm in silkscreen printing and video art, and next semester is when I begin my classes on how to teach.

>> No.8824068


>6'5" 200lbs
>lots of meat and dairy, lots of liquor
>weight lifting, 3 times a week

>> No.8824081

sounds p chill, where are you located?

>> No.8824087

Neglect eating completely then. But as an anonymous person on a taiwanese cartoon picture galery I highly recommend you maintaining your weight cause going even lower might have an impact on your general health. Im worried about you anon.

>> No.8824095

>Your height and weight
5'8'' , 140lb
>Your food and drink habits
Vegan, except for eggs
>Your occupation
On a sabbatical year
>Exercise habits
Workout 3 times a week

>> No.8824112

>>Your height and weight
>>Your food and drink habits
whatever, I eat like once a day and drink heavily.
lots of burgers and pizza.
>>Your occupation
none, in university
>>Exercise habits

>> No.8824115



>> No.8824136

>175cm 55kg or 5'9 121lbs
>one meal a day, lots of fruits and veggies for snacking, litres of diet coke and tea to suppress hunger, only eat during 17:00-22:00
>design student
>none but I walk everywhere cuz no car or bike

>> No.8824137
File: 3.37 MB, 540x900, 1380088586266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
190 cm/90 kgs (thats 6'2"/200 lbs for you barbarians)
>Your food and drink habits
mostly whatever. i try to cook when i can and eat a lot of vegetable soup because its cheap.
>Your occupation
wannabe comic book writer
>Exercise habits
i run like once a week

>> No.8824139

>Your food and drink habits
beer and wine regularly, a lot of tea + honey throughout the day

>> No.8824142


Who's this, again?

I feel like I know the answer but it's just at the tip of my tongue...

>> No.8824143

Kate Upton.

>> No.8824145

>Your height and weight
6' 4" 220lb
>Your food and drink habits
mainly fast food and diet coke
>Your occupation
network administrator
>Exercise habits
getting up to get another soda/beer

Shit is real unhealthy and I really want to improve myself but I have a huge project coming up and I'm going to need the caffene. Any tips for someone with very little time that relies on fast food currently?

>> No.8824150

its kate upton, only famos for the large mammaries

>> No.8824261

>Post pics
Refer to >>8823085
Well its even more embarassing that you wear those jeans and that top out in public.

>> No.8824429

>Your height and weight
1,93 / 80 KG / Ripped
>Your food and drink habits
Mainly like Bodybuilding Food mixed up with unhealthy stuff, no sweets, only water and green tea
>Your occupation
studied law 3 years, now health management student
>Exercise habits
gym 3 times, sometimes running/cycling/yoga

>> No.8824436

ITT: everyone posts nobody reads

>178cm, 68kg
>vegetarian, only drink water and coffee
>lift 3 times a week, SL 5x5. run 3 times a week, attempting couch to 5k

>> No.8824467

>170cm, 65kg
>I eat unhealthy shit, drink a lot of coffee
>Masturbating at school
>Mainly bodyweight fitness, stopped going to the gym a few months ago because lazy.

>> No.8824486


>> No.8824489

> watch calories, eat junk
>pizza boy/grocery store clerk
>little to no exercise

>> No.8824503

>Your height and weight
1.84cm, 70kg
>Your food and drink habits
Eat healthier than most people, but not healthfreak-tier. Don't drink much water but I'm fixing that.
>Your occupation
Student/Work in a dept. store twice a week
>Exercise habits
Play basketball and judo socially, play tennis socially but also train, run. Don't like the gym very much so I just do stuff from home.

No one asked whether you were ripped, cunt

>> No.8824506


>> No.8824688
File: 24 KB, 597x391, 1411008805968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go fuck yourself judo faggot

>> No.8824721

>Your height and weight
6.4 175lbs
>Your food and drink habits
Water only, food is random
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
5 times a week

>> No.8824750

>5'7 121 lbs aiming for 99 lbs
>eat once a week
>uni student

>> No.8824836


>> No.8824844

r u a grill?

>> No.8824851

>Your height and weight
5'10 135lb
>Your food and drink habits
3 meals a day, couple of whiskeys or beers a night
>Your occupation
Aircraft Mainteannce
>Exercise habits
Swimming/Running couple of times a week

>> No.8824855

>Your height and weight
5'9, 145, 34F-25-40
>Your food and drink habits
i eat a lot of carbs, cheese, and vegetables, and drink a lot of juice and water. i don't eat pork and rarely have red meat, and rarely have meat in general. i basically eat whatever the fuck i want, and if i feel like i've eaten too much, i pretend i'm 15 and bulimic again, and i throw it up. that only happens every few months, though. i don't binge unless i'm hormonal and i don't eat when i'm bored.
>Your occupation
luxury shit
>Exercise habits
i walk anywhere from 1.5 to 4 miles 4 times a week.
i also have a lot of sex.

>> No.8824887

>Your height and weight
6'1 135lbs hungry skele
>Your food and drink habits
Drink water, eat healthy shit, three meals a day (but I eat yoghurt as a snack between meals often)
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
I just started swimming so that's cool

>> No.8824891

i'm not an escort or prostitute but holy shit it sure sounds like it. i just like to go hiking in the woods behind my house and i have a v active sex life with my fiance.

>> No.8824936
File: 305 KB, 1080x1776, Snapchat-20140903085248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
6'1 (186cm), 185lbs
>Your food and drink habits
Only drink water or organic juices. Diet is mostly lean meat. No more than 1600cal a day
>Your occupation
Full time student also work 30hrs a week.
>Exercise Habits
Lift 5 days a week. Run a few miles on the other two.

>> No.8824949

>Your height and weight
5'10" 140-145
>Your food and drink habits
3 meals a day, snacks in between.
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
Gym 3 days a week.

>> No.8825004

hot as hell post pics

>> No.8825019

>i'm a grill btw
>pls give attention

>> No.8825025

>Your height and weight
5' 3" 108lbs
>Your food and drink habits
3 meals a day with a snack/something sweet
I usually try to avoid unhealthy food but sometimes junk out on ice cream
>Your occupation
Retail and estate auctions
>Exercise habits
Gym, my jobs have a lot of walking/lifting required

Sometimes I feel really depressed and can't bring myself to get up and go to the gym in the morning, I want to kick this habit.

>> No.8825042
File: 72 KB, 183x200, 1410099540912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those hips formed by estrogen in tap water
yes goyim you don't need to look masculine

>> No.8825581

This is most likely the worst I've ever seen.

>> No.8825587

did sruli recht make ur body?

>> No.8825626

I never thought of doing something like that, thanks anon, I will try this too.
While I find ghostwriting disgusting, this could be an easy way to make money while I'm a student.

>> No.8825642

>Your height and weight
6' even, 184 lbs
>Your food and drink habits
No alcohol or drugs. I eat mostly fruit and veggies from my garden as well as chicken and tuna, some cottage cheese, and when I'm feeling crazy I'll go and get a pizza. To be honest now that I think about it I have a pretty boring diet. I enjoy a coke every now and again but I drink mostly water. Can't stand milk.
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
I'm at the gym 5 times a week on a split regimen, and I do cardio about 3 times a week, mostly just running the canyon

>> No.8825654


Trunks what the fuck dude

>> No.8825658



> 6'0 130

>One meal a day, usually Chipotle

>Run a mile a day, 25 pushups and 100 situps daily

>> No.8825663


>also not really working right now, looking at barista or bartending though

>> No.8825666
File: 100 KB, 194x372, pic2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
6'3 165lbs
>Your food and drink habits
I eat whenever I'm hungry, mostly unhealthy stuff though. same for drinking
>Your occupation
still at school
>Exercise habits
go for a run about 3 times a week. do up to 15 pull ups every now and then

>> No.8825679
File: 106 KB, 640x640, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw beautiful siblings
>tfw fucked by genetics

>> No.8825682

170 lbs

Lift 2-3 times a week, mild incidental exercise

Software Dev

>> No.8825689

no way you can even do one pull-up

>> No.8825693

Yeah the hips are weird but what the fuck is up with that head shape?

>> No.8825694

yeah its fucked up. I actually managed 20 one time but never gained any real muscle. probably because I'm not eating enough proteins or something

>> No.8825740

>perfect legs

Have the same legs. Still won't fit into Diesel jeans.

>> No.8825757


>Your height and weight
5'10" and 174lbs

>Your food and drink habits
Currently bulking so three meals with a protein focus. Only one meal when cutting, and I find that much easier. I only drink water or coffee unless I'm going to a pub or something

>Your occupation

>Exercise habits
Lifting, cardio, lifting, rest day, repeat

>> No.8825793

>everyone in this bread


>> No.8825829

which of these sites is the best if i'm starting out? (since people will go for users with high ratings first i guess)
i want to do english <> german translations

>> No.8825831

even the fatties?

>> No.8825871

>Your height and weight
6 ft - 155lbs
>Your food and drink habits
Horrendous. I don't eat breakfast, and when I do it's either peanut butter crunch or a pop tart (this is like 1-4 times a month). I eat one meal a day and do a bit of snacking in between. My one meal is either a bowl of shin ramen or some other Japanese import ramen with a bit of pork and garlic. I'm cleaning up a bit and doing grilled pork, brown rice, carrots, and broccoli, but I've not actually been hungry enough to make it yet. I eat under 2,000 calories a day (unless it's a day when I splurge and then I can eat up to 4 or 5k) and lose absolutely no weight. Weight stays level between 155-160
>Your occupation
Full time student
>Exercise habits
None to speak of. I bike or walk to class in the morning, come home and sit on my ass all day. I've gone to the gym three times in the past year and had absolutely no idea what I'm doing when I do.

>> No.8826009
File: 451 KB, 609x599, slint - the snailtrail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Height and weight
5'8 and 137 lbs (fuck my height)
>Food and Drink habits
Drink mostly water and fruit juice, careful with foot because used to be 12 1/2 stone
Not important cos I hate it
>Exercise habits
250 leg raises, 100 push ups, 50 left crunches 50 right crunches 50 sit ups, 600 weighted leans and if I can be arsed i'll do curls. This is a new routine and it is working amazingly imo.

Pic related its me

>> No.8826036

>22 years old
>5'8"; 120lbs
>On days I work, I eat restaurant food, including tacos and nachos. On days I go to school, I eat chips or something equally unhealthy. Drink water sometimes when I can, otherwise coffee and energy drinks
>Work at restaurant
>No exercise

It's going to catch up to me.

>> No.8827182

> 20 years old
> 6'2 205lbs
> meat, nuts, oats, grains and olives
> water, coffee, homemade smoothies
> cigarettes
> archaeology phd and writer
> gym 3 days a week when at uni
> bodyweight training and barrowing when in the field

>> No.8827233

>Food/Drink Habits
No fast food and low-sugar because I don't like super sweet stuff, but beyond that literally whatever. Lots of black tea I guess.
Day trader
>Exercise Habits
CrossFit 3x/week, Krav Maga 1-2x/week, gym or running on days I'm not doing either of those. My gf does ballet so sometimes I partner her, if that counts.

>> No.8827248
File: 97 KB, 553x792, Body Pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
5'9 135lbs
>Your food and drink habits
Cereal, fruit and protein shakes for breakfasts
Vegetables and trail mix for snacks
Eat whatever the fuck else i can when its there
>Your occupation
Property Manager, Dancer
>Exercise habits
Train 16 hours a week with a dance company, hiking and mountain biking

I look a bit better than in pic.

>> No.8827264
File: 332 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Height and Weight
5'11 and 150 lbs
Mostly meat and fruit, drink a dr. Pepper biweekly on a Friday
Run 3miles twice a week and gym 3 times a week

>inb4 eyebrows
Fuck eczema

>> No.8827280

>Your height and weight
5'7" ~110 lbs
>Your occupation
I program shit
>Exercise habits
pullup bar, pushups, go for runs a few times a week

>> No.8827301

LOL your brothers look just like Ryan Tedder

>> No.8827305

5'10 280 lbs.
Used to eat 4000-5000 calories a day now down to 2000-2500

>> No.8827476

5'10 130lbs
I'm trying to cut so ~800-1000cal/day. Coffee and tea and a fuck load of apples and broccoli
I play tennis like 3hr/day and I also swim sometimes

>> No.8827525
File: 22 KB, 81x158, 1380357369423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some interesting stuff. The majority in here are students of some kind, between 5'8 - 6'1 and aged between 19 - 25.

So maybe someone can help answer this, what are some /fa/ jobs?

>Your height and weight
5'10, 142lbs
>Your food and drink habits
KFC and Burger King
>Your occupation
Student in IT
>Exercise habits
Some lifting and pushups.

>> No.8827538

>Your height and weight
5'10 190 lbs
>Your food and drink habits
Chicken, whole grains, potatoes, spinach, water, milk, tea, coffee
>Your occupation
High school substitute teacher
>Exercise habits
Jogging 20 miles a week, daily body weight exercises

>> No.8827544

>>Your height and weight
5'4", 126
>>Your food and drink habits
lots of fruit and veggies, nuts, granola bars, yogurt, chicken. try to avoid carbs at all costs
>>Your occupation
>>Exercise habits
gym every other day and I walk most places

>> No.8827569

>Your height and weight
6'5" 185 lbs
>Your food and drink habits
I eat fast food a lot, I also drink 2 gallons of milk a week and a lot of water.
>Your occupation
no job, college freshman
>Exercise habits
basketball and walking 5 miles a day for school

recommend me a fall sweater/sweatshirt I just got some left over financial aid.

>> No.8827579

No, asian boi

>> No.8827592
File: 2.05 MB, 3264x1836, 20140919_235834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age: 19
5'8", 158 (too much belly, not enough muscle.)
Food and drink: Whatever really. I've been on a calorie centric diet so I've been making better choices. 1900 calories per day.
Occupation: Student. Also about to start a job as a Hollister floor model. Basically a sales associate.
Exercise: Basically sedentary. About to either re-up my Y membership or start training to run 5k's weekly.

Ignore my bed clothes and annoyingly asymmetrical eyes. They piss me off.

>> No.8827597
File: 52 KB, 408x543, 1410196529148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'9, 130 lb.
>Vegetarian, no milk, water, black coffee
>Aspiring writer, cook at Greek/Lebanese cafe
>Squats, pushups, crunches everyday

>> No.8827600

>Your height and weight
6'2" 170lbs
>Your food and drink habits
quark+oats in the morning, chicken/eggs/fish with veggies over the day
>Your occupation
physics student
>Exercise habits
lifting 4x a week

>> No.8827608
File: 186 KB, 633x800, 1394235954632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have non-existant outer brows as well

>> No.8827641
File: 33 KB, 455x300, 1410910186454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age 25
>6'0" 165lbs
>fuckloads of eggs, chicken, fish, rice, alcohol, and cocaine
>lawyer (trust me)
>4-5x/week strength training and cardio

>> No.8827657

it's not bullimic if it produces results. keep it up! i purge too!

>> No.8827672
File: 50 KB, 455x300, 1411186315876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8827675
File: 79 KB, 633x800, 1411185832194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8827679

21 in a month
5'9" 140lbs
eggs, chicken, pasta, veggies, milk, tea, water, peanut butter, etc.
3-4 lifting a week, doing SL 5x5

>> No.8827686

bald and lawyer is superfluous

>> No.8827689

>Your height and weight
6'3" 75 kg
>Your food and drink habits
Fruit salad on the morning, chicken/tuna/rice/potatoes for the evening. Coffee/tea/cereal at night.
>Your occupation
Physics Student.
>Exercise habits
I walk everywhere I go. So, 1-2 hours of walking daily.

>> No.8827698

OP fucked it up

Should of added

>sexual orientation

>5'8 115
>Mostly pretty healthy, just not eating enough, I eat fast food, cook fresh nice ingredients tho
>Retail, Target
>Used to be pretty alright, got a GF and got lazy, two years ago I was 5'6 and 140lbs

>> No.8827706

173 cm, 58kg

>> No.8827730
File: 9 KB, 549x204, 1379387920109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should of

>> No.8828601

>Your height and weight
5"2, 50kg
>Your food and drink habits
Meat, bread, junk food. no softdrinks
>Your occupation
Marketing Asisstant
>Exercise habits

>> No.8828754

175cm, 75kg
cook @ home, vegetables, fruit, nuts, oats, fish, tea, coffee, spirits
im really bad at calorie deficiting :(

>> No.8828822
File: 117 KB, 640x1136, IMG_1193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Age: 18
>Your height and weight: 188cm/94kg
>Your food and drink habits: Drink on weekends, eat healthy most of the time.
>Your occupation: Student & retail clothes
>Exercise habits: Lifting 4 times a week. Running 2-3.

>> No.8828941


182 cm, 77 kg, about 13% bodyfat

>Food and drink
food - kiwi, figs, spinach, cottage cheese, chicken breast, protein powder, pasta, diet cola, whole milk, avocado sparkling water and 3-5 liters of still water daily.

Occasionally ice cream for dessert & a pop tart post-workout. Occasionally drink wine and sometimes whisky. Smoke cigars quite daily.


>Exercise habits
Stretching & meditation every day, gym probably about 4 times a week

>> No.8829026
File: 381 KB, 615x1000, 2014-09-19 06.03.07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
5'9 130 lbs
>Your food and drink habits
2000 cals a day on average, fast metabolism so I eat whatever
>Your occupation
Gourmet pizza maker
>Exercise habits
Work out a few days per week

>> No.8829041

p nice there, m8

>> No.8829392

>Your height and weight
183cm, 79kg
>Your food and drink habits
Drink loadsa water, eat 4 times a day, somewhat addict to soda
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
5 time a week gym, 1-2 times jog

>> No.8829497


This is 5'6 200lb?

>> No.8829513
File: 377 KB, 800x1498, awkwardness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your height and weight
185cm, 62 kg
>Your food and drink habits
Beer - Water - lots of raw food, hot meal in the evening. I like deserts too much.
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
Swim once a week for 2 hours and walking with dog for an hour a day.

>> No.8829515

forgot to mention, I don't do soda or fast-food. Which is probably quite important.

>> No.8829529

6'3" 235lbs
police officer
3 times a week different body parts

>> No.8830716

>155 lbs
>GOMAD + chicken, pasta, peanut butter, nuts
>SL 3-4 days a week

>> No.8830891

6ft, 151 pounds ( want to lower it to 145 once this semester is over).
I drink a TON of water, drink alcohol with friends on the weekend.

>> No.8830943


get new shoes

>> No.8830950

>height and weight
5'7 and 60kg
>your food and drink habits
I eat the normal meals of the day, nothing in between, I eat just until I'm full and then stop, unless it's sushi.
>your occupation
>exercise habits
I try to hit the gym three or four times every week

>> No.8831000

>>Your height and weight
6'2 143lbs
>>Your food and drink habits
Water and coffee
>>Your occupation
>>Exercise habits

>> No.8831043

180cm ~155 lbs ~10%bf
for a while now, since i was about 185lbs and approaching 20%bf I have been eating about ~1300 calories a day(typically a bagel for breakfast, a chicken sandwich for lunch and a small portion of a well balanced meal for dinner+lots of coffee+a few small bites of various things), with the odd binge thrown in on occasional days (could be anywhere between 3000-5000 calories) ill do this until i am about 150lbs and then ill probably just maintain(eat a bit more but not think about it all too much)
i lift fairly heavy weights three times a week and go for the odd run. I look good naked.

>> No.8831334

There are reasons short people might not respond to a thread such as this.
Maybe you shouldn't either.

>> No.8831361

because manlets dont post in these threads dumbass

>> No.8831368

R-rre you a lady? How can you be 105 and 5 10'

>> No.8831795 [DELETED] 

>Your height and weight
5'8 220 spoiler grill /spoiler
>Your food and drink habits
everything i can find
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits

r8 me effay

>> No.8831817

>Your height and weight
5'8 220 grill
>Your food and drink habits
everything i can find
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits

r8 me effay

>> No.8831821
File: 1.41 MB, 1786x2454, Nina_Dobrev_and_Jessica_Szohr_Two_Night_Stand_Screening_in_Hollywood_September_16_2014_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'0 /// 155lbs_68kg
>whatever, just eat roughly 1800 calories a day
>student going on NEET
>DDPyoga, baby

>> No.8831826

>Your height and weight
6'4 135lbs
>Your food and drink habits
Everything and mtn dew
>Your occupation
Banquet server at a hotel
>Exercise habits

>> No.8831829

oh man. i am so sorry.

>> No.8832651
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, Snapshot_20140921_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How tall how fat
185, 79kg
>Waddaya eat
Whatever I feel like, drink too many beers ATM
I study IT and health
>Exercise habits
Kinda everything. Play soccer at uni, climb with study group, that kind of stuff

>> No.8832659

I eat enough protein to look athletic
I don't go to the gym. just do a lot of moving on my hands, flips and have a moving lifestyle.

you're small cause you eat raw. there is no protein in raw foods less you eat bloody meat.

>> No.8832767

>5'11, 171 lbs
>I like to eat and drink. I'm about to go on an 8 month bulk, so that means eating and drinking until I want to puke
>Psychology Student (is this an effay field?)
>3 day brosplit with cardio

>> No.8832812

>Your height and weight
5'6 ft 100 lbs
>Your food and drink habits
Crohn's disease, so pretty limited and healthy
>Your occupation
Student, pursuing my MD.
>Exercise habits
My heart isn't the greatest and I also have a tendency for fainting so I take exercise in moderation. I'll do crunches, push-ups and the like indoor and alone.

>> No.8833875

sexy boi

>> No.8833938

6'4'' and about 192 lbs
>food n stuff
basicly everything tbh, but not so much of the sugary stuff
Currently having a sabbatical (quite the norm in my country) and working as a substitute teacher.
running 2-3x a week and core workouts. having a dream of becoming a calisthenic god one day

>> No.8834005

5'5 200kg
Hot pockets, Monster energy
4chan Janitor
>Exercise habits

>> No.8834112

>Your height and weight
5'1'' 100lbs
>Your food and drink habits
Water, coffee, textured vegetable protein, sometimes rice, fruits.
>Your occupation
College student
>Exercise habits
Running 7/7

>> No.8834349

>Your height and weight
5'5" 111lbs (grill)
>Your food and drink habits
something with rice/pasta for dinner, oats, sometimes eggs for breakfast, chocolate, drinking water and 2-3 times per week alcohol
>Your occupation
>Exercise habits
bike everywhere, some yoga

>> No.8834402

>>8834349 my nigga
we have the same exercise habits. I basically just do yoga and calisthenics to keep my upper body from falling behind my tree trunk cyclist legs.