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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 749 KB, 1356x1815, 1411014088032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8821426 No.8821426 [Reply] [Original]

so. /fa/. lets think here. i get laid. im social, i attend one of the top universities in the world. ive recieved many compliments from many people on this exact fit (your argument will be that theyre all tasteless idiots). the difference between me and /fa/ is that ive transcended caring about the opinions of others. i dont go around looking like a total tryhard faggot attempting to pull off couture when im just going to a fucking lecture. im a student, i dress for the occasion, and trying much harder than this for class is basicfaggotry.

if you genuinely think this looks bad, im sorry. there is no hope for you. youll forever be trying to express yourselves, but that expression wont be of your self, it will be expressing the /fa/ hivemind. the collective opinion of an anon imageboard. enjoy that.

>tfw youre a pchem+molecular biology+physics triple major. tfw youre a musician. tfw you have sex with gorgeous intelligent women on a regular basis

obviously boots would look better than the birks, but its not about looking the best you possibly can every time you can. there are occasions for that. i prefer the contrast, i prefer the sandals. it speaks more about who i am than wearing the obvious would.

stay small 4chan, the board will never change, but its constituent members eventually will. i certainly did.

also, every single thing about nutrition itt is so wrong its actually hurting my brain.

>what is cellular respiration
>what is specific heat

its pointless, the only thing this board is good for are the inspo threads.

>> No.8821432


>> No.8822341

Brush you just. Threw a jean jacket and retard shoes on. Underneath is exactly what everyone else wears......black on black

>> No.8822348

You do not know the wrath you have summoned you irrelevant little teenager faggot. Your pathetic life centered around a cesspool of aspergers laden virgins has just gotten you ruined. As you read this, there are literally a private army coming to your house to remove your limbs and fuck the bleeding stumps.

In the meanwhile, how about you show us how much you have in the bank? Show us your girlfriend, and your designer clothing with reciepts to prove you aren't a worthless cretin working at a mall and being a grailedfag.

Oh wait, you can't and you won't. You'll reply with a meme picture, or a "so mad", or some other idiotic beta male drivel. Why? Because your life is worthless shit. You have no value, socially or monetarily. You probably starve yourself to be thin in your parents basement, jacking off to streaming porn because no woman would ever touch you if you paid them to. Face it, man. You may try to claim you're going to do this after college or do that or you're an intern at whatever. You'll never be anything. Nobody will ever love you. Your disgusting clothing will never good enough, your personality will never be good enough, YOU will never be good enough. It gets said occasionally here, but it's true for you. Some people are better off killing themselves. Go ahead and put an internet argument aside and take a long, serious thought about it, and you know I'm right. Go ahead and take pills so it's painless if you have to. Nobody will miss you, in fact, that girl you have a crush on will be happier. You want her to be happy, right? You know what you have to do. Take all those pills. End your life, because we both know it's valueless.

>> No.8822369

is this pasta? there's no way a human could act like this

>> No.8822372


>> No.8822391

Obnoxious brute. I hate you.

>> No.8822395

You can pull it off if you are tall and thin with great hair and really good facial aesthetics

>> No.8822440

>supposedly doesn't care about the opinions of others
>Wrote Insecurity: The Post
Yeah, nice. Assuming this is pasta, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt because I'm sure people who are rreally like this exist on /fa/.

Your fit is bad. I too dress for the occasion, get laid, am a musician and a triple major, but I don't look like a retard (most of the time). Also, that fit is impractical as fuck for uni days so your whole argument falls apart right there. Stop trying to justify your clothes to anons on the internet you moron.

>> No.8822452

>I'm not a tryhard
>that fit

>> No.8822469

It's an original image so I don't think it's pasta, maybe he just put it here as a joke

>> No.8822496

Hi John, is that you? What happened to your bitch, I thought her blowjobs were cash?

>> No.8822516

>doesnt like being a tryhard
>triple major
yeah ok buddy.

>> No.8822526


>> No.8822537

this is pasta from last night u faggots

i don't actually think the original guy was trolling tho. he was rly buttmad

>> No.8822540
File: 381 KB, 1407x819, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw you regard women as intelligent

stopped reading

>> No.8822549


>> No.8822582

i don't understand. explain pls

>> No.8822598

it's been posted before

>> No.8822610


>> No.8822611

okay fedoralord

>> No.8822644

how can you tell by the img title? archives?

>> No.8822677

try saving an image

>> No.8822698

not quite sure i get it still? what gives away that it was already posted if i try and save the image?

>> No.8822709

when you save an image from 4chan it puts the numbers as the file name

>> No.8822747

jesus i feel like an imbecile...and if the numbers are the same, its been posted before???

>> No.8822754

well you'd need the first image posted to confirm that, but since the number ID on images is pretty much 4chan specific, you can deduce that this has been posted before.

>> No.8822757

okay thanks, i appreciate it!

>> No.8822761

This is pasta for anyone who wasn't in the thread this was posted in a WAYWT.

>> No.8822763

Refer to this before replying

>> No.8824200

gothninja exists as a subculture only because it impresses losers that grew up watching video games and jerking off to children's anime. it looks cool and edgy to them. when gothninjas post a photo on the internet, they are in control over the lighting, composition, and content of this photo. they can emulate an aesthetic seen so many times growing up in comic books/video games/movies etc. for this reason, gothninja pictures look cool and edgy to the weak, pale geeks of the world when they come to sufu, or 4chan, or stylezeitgeist, or pinterest, or thefedoralounge. when you take them outside this frame of reference, and capture someone trying to posture as "gothninja" while walking down santa monica boulevard with a slice of pizza in their hand, it becomes very obvious how pathetic their charade is. they lose control of their aesthetic in the real world and it's sad to behold. so instead they avoid being seen eating pizza, and try to slink around in the shadows smoking cigarettes, sending their mom to buy groceries so as not to be seen with luncheon meats in their hand. they avoid going to the beach because they know it's impossible to perpetuate their carefully crafted image there. it's like a symphony of spaghetti, and it makes me cringe.