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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 27 KB, 240x200, thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8802774 No.8802774 [Reply] [Original]

Can tattoos be effay?

I'm thinking about getting one soon

>> No.8802779


its just marking yourself as lowclass

>> No.8802785

no there not; theyll go out of style (remember those chest pieces/dimonds/hello kitty related stuff, that every scenester had in 2007)

>> No.8802805

They can be, but it has to be something timeless as fuck, and extremely high quality (no $20 tattoos)

>> No.8802811

if you have a tattoo

you are a trashy sub-human

>> No.8802824

Tattoos are degenerate. I take pride in not having any tattoos

>> No.8802838

they can't be some little simplistic shit just assigned randomly to some part of your body, they have to either have a meaning, or be artistic in some way. and you have to carry them with confidence, not some gay ass fucking paper airplane on the right shoulder

>> No.8802841

I want one just to alienate cunts like this.

>> No.8802843
File: 355 KB, 498x720, clip (2014-01-24 at 07.18.00).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this February.

>> No.8802848

lmfao how the hell am I going to be alienated for being normal? I'm proud to have clear skin.

>> No.8802851

What does it mean? Or am I just stupid.

>> No.8802855
File: 93 KB, 800x449, heima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heima means "at home" in Icelandic.

>> No.8802856

Not suggesting YOU would be socially alienated, just that some tats will hopefully keep your smug attitude and perfect skin far away from me.

>> No.8802863

>proud of being "normal"
way to set the bar

>> No.8802872

Nice font is nice.

>> No.8802874

my point still stands

why the fuck would normal people be alienated?

>be trashy like us!!

Millenials, everyone.

>> No.8802906

cute font, but tumblrcore as fuck

>> No.8802909

>my point still stands
That's not a point. It's a grammatical nitpick.

You sound like someone who has achieved so little all they have to be proud of is what they're 'not' doing that would be worse.

>> No.8802911
File: 44 KB, 500x370, 1407013956546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millenials, everyone.


wut, I agree 90% of tattos are shit, trashy, and retarded, but you're obviously way too dense on the subject

>> No.8802936

was thinking about doing a stick-n-poke somewhere on my abdomen, like just 3 dots in a triangle. so that when chicks ask me if i have i can be like yea and then they see my ottermode body

>> No.8802938 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 557x864, 996860_564869066884743_1602274104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of getting this as a tattoo, what does /fa/ think?

>> No.8802944

is your name edgy darklord memer :^)
if not then its fucking shit and you should contemplate suicide

>> No.8802961
File: 50 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might get this one... What do you guys think?

>> No.8802963


>> No.8802966


>> No.8803097
File: 10 KB, 123x132, compass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna get this on my wrist, opposite hand of the one I wear my watch on, but in the spot where a watch would be. Eventually, I'll have small text wrapped around it that says "Not all who wander are lost"

>> No.8803108

why not just get it at the same time?

>> No.8803157


>"Not all who wander are lost"

Jesus anon, can't you find a more overused line than that?

>> No.8803168

pls don't do the text

>> No.8803180

Tattoos are for attention-seekers

>> No.8803195
File: 35 KB, 236x305, 6826b91ddef19efe4ec6062c463bdb9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8803196

You realise where you are right

>> No.8803294


>> No.8803327


i really like these woodblock-esqe tattoo designs.

>> No.8803335


>> No.8803345


>> No.8803347

Shit, hate stuff like that.
Sure, its not a terrible font, but why would you write that on your neck. Stupid as fuck.
99% of tattoos with writing is stupid shit I would say.

>> No.8803350
File: 24 KB, 500x750, tumblr_lzrmo0IlX11qfmoj4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about getting a small simple triangle on a knuckle or two. Like this but smaller.

can there be the non-scumbag knuckle tattoo?

>> No.8803367

Do not tattoo your hands/neck/face. You WILL regret it unless you are an artist and don't need a regular job.
Also, triangle tattoos are everywhere, overdone imho.

>> No.8803376

there are plenty of semi-permaneant tattoo shit that will last weeks at a time. dont make a retarded decision without trying it first.

>> No.8803387
File: 350 KB, 1280x1858, rafeldelalande1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, not sure how well they would age though.

>> No.8803402


>> No.8803413

Can we cuddle and listen to Sigur Ros pls?

>> No.8803437

theres a porn star named kiera winters that has "STAY TRUE" on her knuckles, and then "LUST" written right above her vagina. i thought it was pretty cool.

>> No.8803471

Fucking rekt.

>> No.8803552

Thinking about getting the word "magis" tattooed on my forearm facing me. Don't know if it would look faggy or not.

>> No.8803553

I have a finger tattoo and my job does not care.

>> No.8803621

im sure mcdonalds dont

>> No.8803733

>thinks only options is normal or shittier
You've never really achieved anything worthwhile have you anon? I'd feel bad for you if you weren't such a NEET.

>> No.8803736

Well, shit, this thread got me curious.

My sister wants me to get one with her soon. We've always been characterized as Calvin and Hobbes in our family. So, I'd get Hobbes on my shoulder, and she'd get Calvin.

It doesn't seem too degenerate because it has meaning, right?

>> No.8803740

Lol I don't work at McDonald's

>> No.8803771

I say it can look very cute if done well.

>> No.8803798

That sounds adorable, I fucking love calvin and hobbes

>> No.8803810

tattoos that have meaning are outdated.

just my opinion tho.. that's cool that you are so close to your sibling

>> No.8803925

Can? Yes
Are they usually? Nope

>> No.8804112

>Do not tattoo your hands/neck/face. You WILL regret it unless you are an artist and don't need a regular job.
This. I have a strict rule to only get tattoos that can be completely covered with pants and a dress shirt, as long as there is even a slight chance I'll have to work a regular job again. Once I'm confident I can live off my art, though, I might get the most cliché knuckle tattoos in existence, GOOD and EVIL. Not because I'm edgy, because I really like Nick Cave.

I might also get a Bismillah on my neck. Just to make sure I'll never not be stopped and searched on airports.

>> No.8804902

they can but they usually look and age like shit

>> No.8804922

That's fucking gay

>> No.8805644

i'm a programmer and i dont really care for working in a big company. considering how about 80% of the people of my occupational field look like fucking cavemen, i dont really see a small tattoo on my arm as a problem.

>> No.8805652


wow u must be cool

>> No.8805653

shitty tatts can be effay as fuck when juxtaposed against a good style/fit

see ryan gosling in TPBTP

>> No.8805654

Yeah well so do humans.

>> No.8805753
File: 5 KB, 200x175, 29powerups-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting this.

Not sure if I should do color or b&w.

>> No.8805780
File: 847 KB, 2448x3264, 2014-07-07_19-58-29_728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my tattoo /fa/. I got it when I graduated therapy as kind of a promise to always be happy with myself.

>> No.8805787

I like the quote and the meaning behind it but now how it looks.

>> No.8805795

I can understand that and thank you for the input, I hope to start adding more colorful tattoos around it and on my other arm to try and balance it out. Anything you would have done differently?

>> No.8805805

I would laugh in your face if I saw that tattoo with that text fucking hell

>> No.8805809

Working out for you?

>> No.8805810

I generally dislike most coloured tattoos, that's just me. Also when people use this font for tattoos there's a very high risk of it looking... "wonky". Like in the "l'intérieur" part.

But hey, it's your skin, your meaning, so rock it.

>> No.8805816

It's a lot more even now, that photo was taken the night I got it and my arm was all swollen and the skin was kinda stretched. Thanks for the feedback again, I hope to add some black work to my chest or legs sometime soon since classic style tattoos are actually my favorite kind. This was my first one so I went with the artist. He said if I ever want to add some black to it and try to subdue it a little or minor changes he'd do it free so I've got options.
It's been working out so far thanks for asking!

>> No.8805838

I hope it's a joke because this sentence means nothing. Does the tatoo artist put french words at random ?

>> No.8805843

Welp, fuck the translator I used, I mean I'm happy with it honestly.

>> No.8805851

you're an idiot dude, albert camus wrote that... he's french... there's original french...

>> No.8805857

I know who wrote it, he was actually Algerian.

>> No.8805877
File: 123 KB, 1920x1200, 1401999313770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanna get the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.

>> No.8805884
File: 31 KB, 521x314, ss (2014-09-15 at 10.20.34).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say black unless you are REALLY pale, then go for colour.

>> No.8805887

>I really like Nick Cave.
Why don't you get "Nick Cave" on your knuckles?

>> No.8805888
File: 2.76 MB, 1883x772, ss (2014-09-15 at 10.22.16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can work or it can look like absolute shit.

>> No.8805894
File: 948 KB, 2448x3264, 1410766620469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Dans la profondeur de l'hiver, j'ai finalement appris qu'il y avait en moi un soleil invincible."

would be correct. You re missing words and letters.

>> No.8805896 [DELETED] 
File: 982 KB, 600x597, octopus_tattoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8805903

For the love of god please don't get that tattoo.

>> No.8805906

I own this book

>> No.8805907

Nooooooooooooooo anon don't do it man

>> No.8805915

>all those people with the modern cat
Oh man not a good idea

>> No.8805926

Probably gonna get it in black only and small.
Looking for an tattoo artist that you can really talk to and create something unique with.

>> No.8805930

Never get some pseudo-intellectual philosophical texts m8
Even if it's some bullshit "but it has meaning to me" explanation, they are cringeworthy anyway.

>> No.8805931

>white girl detected

>> No.8806017


Thanks, dude

>> No.8806288
File: 19 KB, 208x249, 1401871671362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not getting a swastika tattoo done ironically

>> No.8806354

i want one of a sword going from the top of my spine down to between my shoulder blades, with a knight's helmet sitting in the middle with angel wings coming out the sides

also one of my chest, not sure yet but probably one with a ton of sharp straight lines protruding

>> No.8806369

>being human on /fa/
lol look at this fuckin mammal trying to act big

>> No.8806375

I'm afraid not mate

>> No.8806379
File: 19 KB, 400x267, I will end the suffering for both of us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


someone get this dirty pig disgusting australian out of here!!!

>> No.8806389


You fucked up badly. Not only it doesn't mean shit, missing words and letters everywhere ( il y a me jeter ? really ? ) but it also looks like shit.

>> No.8806445

Which country are you from and how did you come up with that spelling and wording of that quote?

>> No.8806473

If you think it's cool, just get it on a shirt. That way you can just stop wearing it when you realize how juvenille and shitty it is.

>> No.8806596

>tfw want to get a small fleur-de-lis on the right of my chest
>it won't look good unless I get fit
>Also have puffy nipples


>> No.8806655
File: 19 KB, 403x403, I+just+wana+give+him+a+hug+and+tell+him+_81f2c03913b21b86cb9a16610cd78d6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8806666


>> No.8806698

Lol, that doesn't say anything, it's gibberish

>> No.8806768
File: 64 KB, 530x640, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of my friends tattoo?

>> No.8806794


hope he likes dick

>> No.8806798
File: 705 KB, 800x1200, woof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like mine. It's the Germanic symbol for winter solstice (when the sun finally starts re-appearing) but in a Celtic style

reminds me that the good times will always return, no matter how dark it is - but also that, no matter how bright it might be, dark times will follow

I will witness the death of my parents - but I will also witness the birth of my child. Frightening, yet soothing. And good to keep in mind to keep things in perspective.

>> No.8806817
File: 54 KB, 500x280, brian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8806826


>> No.8806839

Are you a white supremacist?

>> No.8806849

my first thoughts are he's either a bear or a furry

>> No.8806852

ok nazi boy.

>> No.8806866

Lol one of my ex gfs has a paw, but it was her actual cats and she's going to be a vet so it wasn't that retarded.

>> No.8806869

>tfw white supremacists ruined all northern european pagan symbols

I don't give a fuck, call me a Nazi, they were cool too.

>> No.8806871

lmao this fucking tattoo are you kidding me

>> No.8806884

That's still pretty bad

>> No.8806891

Yeah, every gf I've had has stupid tattoos though. Actually almost every girl I know has one. The only girls I've met who don't have tattoos are dweebs or mormons.

>> No.8806893

>reminds me that the good times will always return, no matter how dark it is - but also that, no matter how bright it might be, dark times will follow

That pseudo deep justification.

>> No.8806896

I want a valknut just because it looks cool and I'm super germanic looking.

>> No.8806910


>It's a she

>> No.8806963

gr8 b8 m8

this guy gets it

>> No.8807009

I can assure you, you fucking whimp, that any of those proto-europeans would have been more racist that any nazi of today (i.e. forget about mating with a grill outside your tribe or clan, or face total war).

It's jut funny how new age neopagans tend to think that tribes were somehow peaceful.

That's why nazis and white supremacists have the right to use those symbols, because they represent a long-gone society based on values such as strength, honor and caring of your people while basically having no mercy for others outside your race.

>> No.8807014

double heil hitler dubs of truth.

Swastikas confirmed for trendy again.

>> No.8807068

You're a fucking moron. Tribes were all ruled under a single king of the land and would go for large multi-tribe gatherings during soltice and equinox.

>> No.8807093

Do you understand what the 3 dots in a triangle means?

>> No.8807294

I have a portrait of Nick Cave on the side of my leg, do something good with it not just a shitty edgy finger tatt.

>> No.8807301

lol no, what

>> No.8807309

i just looked it up
thats retarded as hell

triangle is by far the most /fa/ shape. what are my alternatives

>> No.8807317
File: 55 KB, 720x540, 1353927821332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8807512
File: 796 KB, 1000x1500, Lighthouse-Tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going to get a lighthouse tattoo on my forearm in pseudo Sailor Jerry style. I know, super gay, but it's got meaning and I like the art style. What do you guys think?

>> No.8807519

Fucking bitchass torchtowers got no meanin

>> No.8807535

It's got meaning to me is what I meant. Actually, the fact it doesn't have any real meaning feels like a selling point. I'm not in the Navy so if I got an actual Sailor Jerry tattoo, I'd look like an even bigger tool.

>> No.8807544

Unless you worked in a lighthouse or were saved by a lighthouse, that's gay as fuck. "Hurr check out this light up candy cane dick on my arm"

>> No.8807554
File: 35 KB, 600x608, seele.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8807560

It's like you want to show your autism level

>> No.8807570

I thought it was hip to like dick

>> No.8807574
File: 308 KB, 960x1280, IMG20140915213830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat a dick

>> No.8807584
File: 480 KB, 320x180, 1410726785020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muscles prove i'm not autistic!

>> No.8807586

>he doesn't want humanity to evolve into one

>> No.8807592

Dog dick at that

>> No.8807596

Mirin', though I never liked Seele.

>> No.8807602


i'm not that guy >>8807554

still an awesome tattoo. never regretted it.

/fit/ out.

>> No.8807606

rough translation seems to be something like "in the depths of winter, i finally understood that there is an invincible summer in me" but it is very gramatically incorrect, something i would write in grade 6 french

>> No.8807664

I wanted to get a barcode on my right wrist with my birthdate above it in a expiration date type font. On my left arm I want to get a line of binary that wraps around my arm and reads 'commodity'.
What do you guys think?

>> No.8807680

That is bad on so many levels.
I thought that the few people who want tattoos on /fa/ at least had some good tattoo ideas.

>> No.8807718

>murrikan traditional with jap finger waves

That shit just doesn't jive bro

>> No.8807769
File: 444 KB, 1280x1556, 1407804308551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god.

>> No.8807777
File: 433 KB, 1180x1000, shin-megami-tensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I love it when they do that half-arsed philosophy/religion/psychology thing in chinese cartoons
fucking angsty protagonists tho

>> No.8807791

This is actually fine IMO, looks cool and if you don't know what it is, you just think it's some abstract hipster shit. Stealth nerd.

>> No.8807793

romanes eunt domus.

>> No.8807809

>actually saying it correctly

What are you? a fukken nerd lol

>> No.8807831

nah just googled it. but also that other part too.

>> No.8807845

Are you serious ? 'm French and I can confirm you that it's mean nothing. It's just retarded.

>> No.8807868

thinking about getting an eagle (my spirit animal) sitting on top of a gammadion cross (symbol for good luck/fortune). I think it could look really nice. It represents the relationship between nature and the earth's care for us.

>> No.8807897

a-are you native american?

>> No.8807923

no, I'm German but I really like Native American culture, especially the Sioux! :)

>> No.8807927
File: 1.18 MB, 300x188, 1355452890396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8807928
File: 5 KB, 758x435, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting somethign similar as this covering one shoulder

>> No.8807930

she's a babe

>> No.8807944

if you like it go for it
cultural appropriation theory is basically racist in itself anyway
>if you aren't born as x, you're not allowed to do/wear/like y

>> No.8807965

>not haveing the SS ss's one your palms

>> No.8807971

>not being an ironic antisemite

>> No.8807979

Do more reading bruh
Huge difference between appropriation and appreciation of culture

>> No.8807982

Saw at girl at college the other day with the comme des garcons heart with the lillith eyes.

was p cringey m8

>> No.8808011

m8 no, i said cultural appropriation isn't a thing

>> No.8808031
File: 147 KB, 1148x825, nazi eagle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you like it go for it

>> No.8808053


>> No.8808070


>> No.8808093

explain how people taking things that may be very significant/sensitive to a culture, and use them out of context/in a way that can be viewed as harmful, isn't cultural appropriation?

its just a continual fall out of colonialism, you should do some reading on it because i dont really want to have a social-political discussion on a chinese image sharing forum

>> No.8808102

>i dont really want to have a social-political discussion on a chinese image sharing forum
perhaps you should stop using the internet and living in modern civilization, you're appropriating white culture :^)

>> No.8808110

Keep on being you! See you next year!

--Jessica <3

>> No.8808112

good thing im white then lel

>> No.8808129

>white yet whining about cultural appropriation
you should check out this site called tumblr dot com, you'd fit in well

>> No.8808140

As do I.

>> No.8808148

>not having any form of empathy at all
sick life bruh u probably hate vegans too huh

>> No.8808161

good guess, I do. being vegan is for the weak willed and pathetic :^)

>> No.8808167

yikes remind me to never socialise with you in a real life setting

>> No.8808175

I usually hate tattoos, the only one I dig is my friends, and the only reason is because he got it in jail, because he thought it would make a good story.

>> No.8808179

I don't frequent Karl Marx reading circles or transgender support groups, so I doubt we'll ever meet :^)

>> No.8808261

We have a thread about this like once every 4 days.

>> No.8808332

edgy teen/10

>> No.8808775


>> No.8808793

isn't effay's biggest group the minimalist, basic, 'normcore', plaewave shit that is basically just fitting clothes without graphics or any strong colors on them? you think they're dressing for attention?

>> No.8808823



The word "edgy" has officially lost all meaning and has been downgraded to a "meme word". This has happened in part of a member of the /fa/ board community from 4chan used it when his feelings got hurt and someone insulted him with meaningless banter.

More information will be covered at 11.

Back to you, John

>> No.8808852

are you going to do this in every thread?
are icelanders the new australians?

>> No.8808955

Funny. I'm the exact opposite of you. (Except I have German in me as well)

>> No.8809006

That looks alright. Don't do the quote though, it's super cliche and kind of white-girl-esque.

>> No.8809014

The only tattoo I want is a noose

>> No.8809016

>weak willed
are you retarded or what

>> No.8809058

yes, they are weak-willed since they jump on the vegan train to be cool with their progressive friends. Any sane person can tell that eating meat isn't something you stop doing, but they're disillusioned by Democrat-voting body-positive transfluid otherkin bloggers

>> No.8809072
File: 42 KB, 640x237, albagalocha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of getting "luz" (my sisters second name, and also means "light") in pretty much the exact same font as in pic

>> No.8809077

lmao that is awful, but the text... Can you think of something a little less used?

>> No.8809092

theres two fonts in the pic though

>> No.8809103

Oh, right. Meant the first one

>> No.8809291


>> No.8809311
File: 42 KB, 455x455, album-gold-lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going to get this (the lion) on my chest next year. It's been about 2 months since I've decided on it, so 10 more months before I'll be ready to get it.

>> No.8809316

Check these out bruh.


>> No.8809346

You're going to get an album art tattoo? From a band for 14 year old girls? Are you going to get a Paramore tattoo next? Please reconsider and remember that tattoos are permanent.

>> No.8809488

yo dont knock it. maps my jam

>> No.8809535

Confirmado como PT ou BR fag : 3

>> No.8809563

I want to get a tattoo that says "ASDR" on my thigh and eventually one of the circuit of the moog filter. Synthesis tats

>> No.8809570

whtas PT and BR?

>> No.8809626

Only tattoo I would get would be birthdate - ??? on my chest or something.

>> No.8809651


>> No.8809665

If I meditate for 2 hours a day minimum, can I get a tattoo of an intricate mandala, or should I kill myself for being a white Buddhist?

Likewise, if I am addicted to coke, could I get away with a post-ironic tattoo of Leary's classic "turn on, tune in, drop out," or should I kill myself for doing drugs just for shits and giggles?

>> No.8809670

that's so fucking dumb

>> No.8809671

What is the most /fa/ tattoo, and why is it the muted post-horn from The Crying of Lot 49?

Answer: Because /lit/ tattoos are effay as fuck, when they are /lit/ The Board, not /lit/ In General

>> No.8809692

jesus fucking /fa/'s tattoo ideas are all gay as fuck. i want to get a tattoo but i want it to have meaning so im taking a long time to build a sleeve of things that are important to me. so far its about halfway done and its pretty baller but its gonna cost more money than i can afford so ill probably have to do it piecemeal.

>> No.8809693

You should just wear a compass on your wrist.

>> No.8809722

Yeah defiantly might steal this idea

>> No.8809850
File: 19 KB, 320x214, 1393183230719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you already know what's going to be in this thread
>tfw you already know that there's going to be people saying tattoos are shit
>tfw you already know they're going to get replies
>tfw you already know what the replies are going to say
>tfw you already know there's going to be meaningfags and aestheticfags
>tfw you already know what every thread is going to consist of
>tfw 4chan is becoming predictable
Where do I go from here

>> No.8809863
File: 127 KB, 640x627, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who gets a tattoo that "means something special" is an idiot. Everybody knows stick and poke tattoos with vague symbols, single words or pizza slices are in.

Have fun being embarrassed when you realize your "special meaning" doesn't apply to you anymore.

>> No.8809889

im still waiting for pictures melty triangle on forearm and treeline on forearm to pop up

>> No.8809900


>> No.8809925

although I am pretty anti-cop, getting it tattooed on your body is a terrible idea

>> No.8809932

>not getting "fuck cops" tattooed on your knuckles
It's like you want to be a pleb

>> No.8809940

wait, you're right
brb breaking open a pen and using a thumbtack to scrape it into my knuckles for maximum hardness

>> No.8809942

That's the /fa/ I know and love.
I'm proud of you son

>> No.8809944

tips fedora

>> No.8809950

>what is sarcasm

>> No.8809952

>those bicep inserts

give up on being fit nerd

>> No.8809961

My friend has that for his dog that died ;_;. not that big and on his forearm.

>> No.8809971

Way too fucking big, lol.

You'd have to see a beheaded man every time you look at your centre-of-mass

>> No.8809977


Enjoy getting mauled by meat cleavers, you 2edgy4me ding-dong

>> No.8809984

I think Brazil and Portugal

>> No.8809989

Sometimes I think about getting the litany against fear, or at least "Fear is the Mind Killer," tattooed on my inner arm.

But I know I'd regret it.

>> No.8810009


That's pretty nice. It'd be great to do the whole litany in a really interesting typographical design, I think. Then again, I love the mood of the books, so I'm biased.

>> No.8810021
File: 3 KB, 301x301, bluecircle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /fa/ think that getting a plain blue circle for each shoulder is a bad idea? It would be like a very minimalist tribal. I'm relatively /fit/, so i think i could pull it off.

Think Mugen from Samurai Champloo or Aang from ATLAB

>> No.8810025


[vomits externally]

>> No.8810038

I realize how bad it sounds. But completely biased from tribal tattoos, i think it would be kinda cool.

>> No.8810047
File: 569 KB, 1280x1789, shuitatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8810048

If you're worried about if a tattoo is "effay" or not don't fucking get one.

>> No.8810062

What's up, Charmane Star? I just enjoyed one of your videos

>> No.8810065

>you will never have the Demi-Fiend's glowing tattoos
I guess on the bright side, my friends aren't the ultimate assholes

>> No.8810095

Holy crap i haven't seen this. Exactly like that, except blue, and on a tougher body.

>> No.8810242
File: 218 KB, 1280x1197, tumblr_m19kffIrHs1qg22hlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8810285

being a big guy is not /fa/

>> No.8810540

I actually really like these tattoos, although I'm not sure if they'd look as good on your shoulder. I think the wrist/forearm, ankle/calf ones are rad.

>> No.8810549 [DELETED] 
File: 579 KB, 569x802, 1401112531109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big guy u say?

>> No.8810550
File: 37 KB, 500x458, 1396302105875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have that tattoo of that guy tattoo his baby on his fucking face?

>> No.8810551

4 u

>> No.8810838

>a surveillance camera?

>> No.8811019

was thinking of getting 'BASED' on my ribs

>> No.8811131
File: 112 KB, 500x454, ballin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants a tattoo to affect other people
kill yourself already

>> No.8811183


>> No.8811307
File: 2 KB, 100x100, dragonchain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get the black symbol in this picture on my chest.

My best friend got killed trying to get one of these, and lost all of his stuff.

>> No.8811377

>most uneffay armour in runescape

>> No.8811397
File: 261 KB, 627x472, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8812136
File: 218 KB, 892x1260, 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about the bloody triangle on my shoulder? without logo

>> No.8812197


jfc go back to /pol/.

It's cool to not want tattoos but why do people have to reach for social darwinist rhetoric to justify saying "I like this aesthetic"