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/fa/ - Fashion

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8791610 No.8791610 [Reply] [Original]

if you could go back in time to when you first got involved with clothing, what would you tell yourself? il start

>get your measurements taken
>basics first, focus on the areas of your life you are wearing clothing the most, and then move outward from there. fashion is not about playing dress up on the weekends
>never buy anything on sale just because it's on sale
>focus on building a wardrobe you love, not following trends
>always think about the context of where you are going before putting on clothing, "living the /fa/ lifestyle" is not about being as "avant-garde" or "dressed up" as possible wherever you go. what you wear to a concert is different than what you wear to church with your family, and different than what you wear walking around the city, etc.
>remember that you don't "need" any article of clothing. yes it's nice to purchase things you love but all it does is benefit the extent to which you feel comfortable and "yourself" in your day to day life
>do NOT spend more money than you have. if your spending habits make you feel anxious, you're doing it wrong

hope this benefits someone on this board

>> No.8791627

the best advice for someone who wants to dress better is honestly the least understandable piece of advice when you are starting:

don't be afraid to spend a decent amount of money to get basic items. yeah you can get basic shit for the low, but once you have a plain tee that you really love and start to prefer over your cheaper tees, you'll understand

>> No.8791628

good list.

i think everyone is just destined to make the same mistakes when they start splurging in clothing though. you learn as you go along.

everyone buys a few outlandish pieces that look good in a vacuum but are hard to make a fit around so they just sit in your closet.

no matter how meticulously you get all your measurements you're going to buy stuff that doesn't fit; different brands just fit so differently.

>> No.8791678

>don't disregard solid basics - I bought 2 pairs of shitty asos/river island trainers before AF1s and wasted the cost of a pair of decent basic trainers
>don't buy shoes that won't fit - try shoes on and buy them online - bought size 11 boots when I should have got size 9.5 ;_;
>buy sportswear :) its only 2013 when you're starting and you'll be ahead of the curve and that shit lasts pretty well

>> No.8791700

i was 20 when i first came here:

1: less jeans, i spent so much money on this raw denim bullshit most of which i just sold unworn at a loss because some tripfags told me it's a great idea to buy denim sight unseen online, ubranded, apc, RRL, Dior, etc.

2: Don't buy all that crap off yoox, shit was a great deal ($300 Raf Simons shirts for $120 shipped) isn't a deal when you don't wear it and it sits in the closet the entire time you were in college.

3: Don't take any advice from /fa/, serious these niggers don't know what they're talking about.

4: more footwear, less dadcore clop clop shoes. more sneakers

5: you're 20, now 26. Don't dress like the average 18-21 year old. If they yell dadcore, most people are actually dads at your age....so it's not a insult.

kids in high school today dress far better than they did when you were there age. also they have some kick ass opportunities in the form of education that was never offered when bush was president, they don't realize it.

>> No.8791707

forgot this:

6: the GRAIL piece, yeah that offered THIS SEASON ONLY is part of the sales gimmick designers present. It's not as "limited edition" as you may think. Most designers tend not to stray far from the image their clientele find appealing.

so they tend to offer basics every season, or extremely popular items each season/year or slightly updated versions.

grails look ratty in a few years anyways

>> No.8791731

How can you say "don't take advice from anyone on /fa/" when you're giving advice? Should I not take your advice? Yeah there's a lot of underage teens and shitposting here but a lot of people, myself included actually care about this stuff

>> No.8791734

Dear 16 year old me,

don't try to dress overly formal for your age because you think that's the only way to have nice clothes

find a basic, neutral base to work from instead of trying to change every single thing around every day

read http://www.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/xyihx/how_did_you_discover_your_style/c5qum5d (context, basically)

browse more, buy less. it's better to have a few really nice expensive pieces than waste your money on tons of "okay" ones on ebay just because they're cheap.

clothing is not a substitute for social skills. even if it does attract somebody to you, they wont stick around if you don't know how to talk to them.

check your shoulder measurements, not just chest

no item is ever going to be perfect or work in every situation. don't keep grasping so hard at an unattainable ideal. enjoy what you have and spend more on travel instead.

buy more shoes though. you're trying to wear the same pair with every outfit. it looks silly. stop.

pay more attention to your hair and body instead of trying to make up for it with clothes. don't wait another five years to get contact lenses.

working out is modern couture.

save inspo pics but don't try to emulate any one person completely. you'll never have their exact clothes, body, face or lifestyle.

you'll never please everybody. just go with what feels right and find the folks similar to you.

less ebay, more yahoo japan

wear comfortable socks

>> No.8791740

>Don't just buy it because you think it looks good, buy it because it fits to you and your wardrobe

>> No.8791755

>dress down instead of up

>color coordinate by tone instead of just matching colors one by one

>find a good seamstress and literally make sure she speaks your language

>> No.8791765

>>dress down instead of up
this x 1000

>> No.8791777

Get a heterosexual hobby instead.

>> No.8791786

spend money on a handful of really good things rather than buying heaps of 'good deals'

>> No.8791793

I'm intrigued by this but I don't quite understand it, can you elaborate?

>> No.8791843

Tbh I'm quite happy with my journey. I made just the right amount of mistakes to figure it out for myself without looking like a complete retard at any significant point in my life.

The only thing that I would really say is don't be afraid to try new things, and don't think about what other people might think of you in those things. I probably would have dressed way better at like 16 or 17 if I wasn't worried about what my dad and a couple key friends might think about my new outfit.

>> No.8791856

> can you elaborate?
not sure how much sense i'm going to make, but i'll try!

i'm thinking of dressing down in terms of the kind of garment you choose for where you're going.

simple example, wearing a crisp button-up to an event where everybody else is chilling in t-shirts... it's alienating to other people and will probably make you feel uncomfortable too.

it's much better to wear something that's going to be more casual than expected and let the difference come out in the cut, fit and fabric than try to beat people over the head with how fancy you can be.

it's still important to look for quality and good design, i just wish i'd focused more on basics and less on overdone outerwear when i was younger.

>> No.8791857

since i cant ever throw anything out anyway
buy only a couple very expensive pairs of everything, like 1 pair of meme cps instead of the pairs of other random white shoes I own

>> No.8791859

Less is more basically.

>> No.8791860

Don't dress up all the time, dress down most of the time so that when you do dress up, you'll look flawless. Unless you're totally into dressing up all the time, it can become tiresome and also ruin some of your favourite fits if you wear them too many times.

I'm not actually him, but I just hope this is what he meant, otherwise its my take on it.

>> No.8791864

Get a job. Read more.

>> No.8791867

>lose weight first
(thank you /fit/, no homo)

>> No.8791868

this is also a good point. if you're dressed up all the time there isn't anywhere to go when you actually want to dress up.

>> No.8791874

I'm just starting my wardrobe, and this is all fucking great advice. One of the dudes posted something this guy said, I looked at his /r/MFA stuff and its all very very good to look at, he's a smart guy. http://www.reddit.com/user/TheHeartOfTuxes#page=2

>> No.8791880

thanks you guys, you da best

this makes me reevaluate the choices I made, really changed my perspective on things, thanks a bunch

>> No.8791910

Remember, your style is you, just because we said "Oh yeah dress down its totally cool all the celebs do it" doesn't mean you actually have to. If you're dressing up and having fun, then fucking do it, but you don't have to do it all the time. Dress to your emotions, if you're feeling like shit, dress down.

People dress to their emotions all the time. Maybe you'll start noticing it now that I said it.
God i'm full of shitty advice

>> No.8791985

mhm, how it makes you feel is the most important thing. there's people that can really own gothninja or #menswear shit on their own terms and i wouldn't necessarily tell them to tone it down because it seems to encapsulte their personality so well.

dressing down all the time is also probably not going to apply if you're going to a funeral or working in a bank. for my own lifestyle it was a good thing to learn though.

>> No.8792024

He means think twice, take it all with a grain of salt, don't mindlessly follow the /fa/ trends just because fa hypes it etc.

Dear 18 yo me:
Don't waste all your money on button downs and frat gear. You don't actually like it, but you felt it was necessary to pull college skanks. It worked, but you didn't need to spend that much to look frat core.

Dear 22 yo me: don't get caught up in the hype beast trends. Yes, fly knits are cool bullets be honest APC x Kaye's are not worth it. At least you never pulled the trigger on an any Kanye shit, but buying those gold chains and pendants was retarded. You're not black and it is not gonna look good.
Dear later 22 yo me: You've found your style, you like the laid back, designer monochrome (avant garde I guess but not good) look, and it suits you. Implement your "wait a week" rule on cops you want. And wait that week, at the end you'll know if you really want it. Of course it can be shorter if it's something you have to bid on / the auction is ending soon. Just think hard if it will fit your wardrobe, if you really want it or you just want it bc it's Rick and on sale. Please don't waste $700 on that undercover shit that didn't even fit you...the measurements they posted were bullshit. You shoulda used that money to cop those scab jeans or the tornado zip boots that popped up on eBay.

Manage your money better and don't move out to Cali, was a terrible mistake. DON'T MOVE OUT TO CALI!!

>> No.8792040

Sometimes moving is a great way to see that the grass isn't as green as you thought it was

>> No.8792164

i bet at parties you;re always telling ppl how you should have never moved to 'cali' that one time.

>> No.8792175

I bet you're the guy at the receiving end of his advice to never move, but you're too beta to change the conversation topic.

>> No.8792186

cali sucks bro

we're all over here mad max'ing each other for sips of water

>> No.8792216


>> No.8792286
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>don't try so fucking hard, faggot

>> No.8792632

I got fucking ruined in California, lost a lot of money and have really serious legal issues right now stemming from my move and time in California. So yeah, it was a mistake.

I actually don't tell anyone about what happened cus it's sucks and it's a downer. I don't like being a downer.

>> No.8792702

"This is important, but not THAT important. Chill out and focus on more important things."


>> No.8792706 [DELETED] 

if i could go bck in time id tell ur mom 2 abort u

>> No.8792712

shut up nerd

>> No.8792741

>if you could go back in time to when you first got involved with clothing, what would you tell yourself?
save up ur monies and only buy high quality merchandise. i always regret every cheap thing i buy from h&m, zara, other fast fashion places

>> No.8792747

lol yoiu sure showed him

i know this meme

>> No.8792960

hmm probably fit and stuff. i was full on cheap baggy dadcore when i was 17-19. it was fun and a learning experience so i dont regret it

>> No.8792972

Do not wear anything that's style falls under a 'core' or 'ninja'.

In this case I fell for lunarcore and wasted money on costume pieces and then wasted more time and money trying to sell it all.
Fucking joke.

>> No.8792982


Lol I hope this post is a joke for your sake anon

If joke 9/10, if not joking then reread what you wrote and think about why it's fucking retarded

You still haven't learned a single thing from that experience

>> No.8792990
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>tfw basicbitch/dadcore 4lyfe and never did any if that shit

>> No.8792993

It's not a joke, I guess I should elaborate.

I copped 'costume' pieces without even having the basics, I was making a single outfit when I didn't have anything to pair it or be versatile with, so in that sense I was 100% cosplaying.

I learned that I need basics first which is now what my wardrobe mostly consists of, I'm copping better and more unique pieces as time goes on though.

>> No.8793003
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>wearing avant garde ever

>> No.8793011


Same about the seamstress/tailor

Had a bitch ruin my chinos cuz she didn't understand English.

>> No.8793068


Try again

See, the problem is not the "styles" that you and other idiots perceive to fall under "cores", the problem is the actual perception / mental categorization of things by idiots like you as "cores"

Of course you made a fool of yourself, you jumped into something with a specific mental limitation you put on yourself by only looking at it in the most superficial way possible, and now you are blaming what you perceived to be a certain style instead of your dumb way of thinking

I've made fucking stupid mistakes too and dressed up in costumes completely out of context but never have I categorized something into a "core" when approaching dress, that shit is as dumb as it gets.


? I don't understand what you are saying, btw "wearing" *buzzword* doesn't make sense grammatically, do you "wear" conventional? Do you tell people "yeah I like to wear conventional"?

>> No.8793093

I just fucking said that I realize I needed basics, I agree with you.
But most people do just jump straight into a 'core' or '___ninja' without thinking about it and just cop a costume, you can't expect them to think differently because they're fuccbois, I did the same thing and learned from it.

>> No.8793115

> You don't have enough money to pull of the GQ look, and you're too young anyways. Stop buying ties
> Don't buy anything at Aldo or H&M
> Stop pinrolling everything

could've saved myself a lot of money.

>> No.8793310

surely you can tell some anons

>> No.8793314

>you have big thighs, understand that when buying pants, and recognize that you won't look like the skinny fuccbois on /fa/
>try shoes on in stores then cop online for accurate sizing
>more shoes, more variety in shoes

>> No.8793326

stop buying asos/h&m

thats all i did for most of highschool and despite having not worn any of it for years, 75% of my wardrobe is filled with that shit

hundreds of dollars just down the fucking drain

>> No.8793335

>most people are actually dads at your age....so it's not a insult.
>at 26

>> No.8793344

i'm fine with h&m jeans vut everything else is fucc

>> No.8793450
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I want to start filling my wardrobe with more comfortable clothes. Can anyone recommend me some good places to look? Pic very related

>> No.8793465


sage for being a fucking retard

>> No.8794120

were u trying to start another thread or something lol wtf

>> No.8794282

must be from south london

>> No.8794359

Who the fuck would want to be a dad that early. I get that shit happens and it's not always a bad thing to have kids early but wouldn't you rather be young for a while and do all the things you want to do first?

>> No.8794379

sage doesn't exist anymore dumbass

>> No.8794389


You're a bit confused on this point. It's just anonymous now.

>> No.8794396

I wasn't serious bb
it's always posted as a joke on /mu/, guess not really on here

>> No.8794419

fascist would you mind answering ops question, curious as to would you'd have to say

>> No.8794466


I think probably the cardinal lesson learned is this:

"Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Perfection is boring and never feels natural. It's when the hem wrinkles, the pant stacks, the lapel flies away that you find real style."

>> No.8794618


>> No.8795237


>> No.8795247
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"Jesus Christ, lose some weight and cut your hair!"
"Also, get some fucking pants that fit, and don't wear high top Nikes"
"it's like I'm a faggot or something"

>> No.8795686

>Don't buy anything at a mall

Seriously, fuck malls.

>> No.8795827

You are a skinny-fat fuccboi with ugly glasses and no cohesive taste. Please stop jumping on every Internet fashion trend then re-selling you're pieces when you get bored. How much time and money have you wasted? You are too far behind in your college degree because you spent all day browsing stupid fashion forums you fucking retard. There's more to life than pining away for expensive clothing that you'd buy second hand and have them not fit you or make a mediocre outfit with. Come back to this shit once you have an actual career,zero mental problems, a girlfriend and a body that doesn't look like it belongs to an 80 year old malnourished man.

>> No.8796123

>Don't by a comme des fuck down beanie

That's pretty much it really.

>> No.8796131


>> No.8796154

I only have 1 advice for my past self:
-dress to look nice to the average person, not to /fa/.

>> No.8796378
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>basketball shoes are for people who play basket ball, get some runners
>start running career earlier
>you dont have to wear a sports team shirts everyday.

>> No.8796384

Congr9,you don't have autism

>> No.8796888

>yahoo japan
Holy fuck this place is awesome, but do any of them ship to anywhere but nipland/?

>> No.8796899


No. Use a proxy.

>> No.8796998

What does that mean exactly?

>> No.8797081

Say that a seller is not willing to ship outside of Japan, you use a proxy where a Japanese guy buy the item for you then ship it to you.

>> No.8797354

But how do you know they aren't gonna fuck you over?

>> No.8797711

Find somebody with good recommendations from other people. Superfuture has threads with feedback and stuff. I used sutocorp.com and they were great.

>> No.8797719

But your clothes as outfits not as single articles.

>> No.8797833

26 is old to be a dad in my country, My parents had me at 24 like the 60% of the other kids I knew.

If you are too insecure, poor or depressed for kids, that's your problem- Real life is not a NY based sitcom.

>> No.8797870

when did i say i was any of those things? i'm just saying i wouldn't want to have kids that young. please argue with me more about my personal preference on child bearing.

>> No.8797908


Buyee.jp is good

>> No.8799580


>> No.8799880

My favorite /fa/ fit, where to cop pants and cardigan or something similar?

>> No.8800512

pls go theodore

>> No.8800713
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I've been finishing Majikoi S, since I'm starting to need disk space, and it has been sitting there from before I even started learning Japanese.
Yamato is a good MC, and the character interactions are pretty great, too bad there's not much of it since most of the game are H-scenes.

>> No.8802077

most of the game are H-scenes

>> No.8802103

>why not run home
gets me every time

>> No.8802202

After explaining that dressing up like you're living the "GQ lifestyle" is fucking stupid and that I'm too young to do that shit anyway, then also explaining how I need to just save my money and buy nicer clothes from the get-go cause every purchase I make in the next two years is going to be cheap and end up being donated cause it sucks, I'd give him this golden nugget of advice:

Fucking texture. Look at Engineered Garments, White Mountaineering, etc, for inspo on this. Learn how having outfits composed 100% of the same texture will always look bad. Then learn that flannels aren't the only way to have texture. Wearing a cotton sweater or shirt and a nylon coat is another way to have texture that doesn't involve really heavy fabrics.

Oh, and learn how to fucking shop, retard.

>> No.8802212

>Learn how having outfits composed 100% of the same texture will always look bad.
I think I needed to hear this right now.