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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 43 KB, 446x367, 4336445343474586545347658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8775929 No.8775929[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw grotesque
My teeth are crooked, my face is oily and covered in blackspots with some acne, no matter how closely I shave I still have a bit on the edges, my shoulders are asymmetrical, I'm thin except at the stomach where I have "babyfat", I have large cheeks, I have an overbite, my fingers and toes look like shit, I'm unevenly tanned, I have wide hips, I have soft shoulders, I have a tiny dick, etc.
Kill me pls

>> No.8775931
File: 464 KB, 631x534, Zyzz-Before-After.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can change it bb

>> No.8775936

Won't fix my asymmetrical body

>> No.8775941

how old are you

>> No.8775943


>> No.8775944

he's also dead lol

>> No.8775946

how are your shoulders asymmetrical? can you post pic?

>> No.8775949

Your shoulder asymmetricality can be fixed through exercise stretching and massage. In almost every instance it's not a bone issue but rather one side is stronger than the other and tighter/looser etc

>> No.8775954
File: 7 KB, 275x275, 1312998468411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP zyzz.
We will all make it.

>> No.8775968

No pics but it's as if my collar bone was shifted so it ends at different spots at both sides
I hope so

>> No.8775978

>tfw forward neck
>tfw even when I try and straighten my back, I look in the mirror and I'm hunching over


>> No.8775994

I have a lot of the same appearance problems as OP but at least my dick is fat

>> No.8775997

i think there are exercises specifically for this

something like standing with your back against a wall with your head and both shoulders touching it

i dunno, look up posture exercises or something

they work

>> No.8776015
File: 1.79 MB, 320x240, destroy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw skinny and hairy

>> No.8776017


>> No.8776027

This. All the people who idolise Zyzz are as fucking stupid as the idiots posting business advice quotes from Jordan Belfort on Facebook.

>> No.8776030

>5'8, skinny, pale and hairy with dark hair


>> No.8776031

It's either a protracted shoulder girdle or a winged scapula. If you spend a lot of time just sitting down and browsing 4chan you'll get severe muscle imbalances.

Start stretching your chest, lats and shoulders and try minimise sitting down.

>> No.8776034

>tfw oily face
>tfw no jaw
>tfw chubby cheeks
>tfw babyface
>tfw pale
>tfw skinny

Well, at least I'm tall and hung.

>> No.8776041

>moisturize your skin and get some cleaning products for the acne
>work that fat out
we are our own worst critic

>> No.8776060

>finding it really hard to bulk after a certain point and i'm not even that heavy
>think I have a chin in photos but if i look from a lower angle it's just a lie
>no nose bridge/extremely flat face
>blemishes and scars everywhere because i'm still getting mild acne, not willing to go on accutane a 3rd time
>brother is 28 and still gets pimples
>lost my virginity 4 weeks ago but my dick curves down almost like a rainbow and the girl made me really insecure about it

>> No.8776068

dick curves down?

>> No.8776082
File: 270 KB, 610x502, feelrider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8776259

Nothing wrong with that

>> No.8776312

Over reacting bro.

I used to think I was hidious, had a small dick, disgusting, etc.. etc...

Then I stopped focusing on the flaws and started focusing on the positives, I actually had proper looks to, I even measured my self. I soon realized it was all in my head, and thats what happens when you have low confidence, you distort what you see.

Look at the brightside, and body fat? There is no such thing as spot training, but calories in calories out , yada yada, and you'll definitely loose the skinny fat belly. I lost 10kg in like 7~ months by just not eating junk good, it goes away.
Overbites aren't even bad unless horrible, and like all other anons have said, everything you have said, is fixable, also measure your dick, i gaurentee you'll be surprised.

>> No.8776341

>5'7, went from auschwitz to skinnyfat/sligthly chub with fat face after i stopped smoking and taking drugs

>> No.8776374

Exactly what happened to me after I quit meth ;_;

>> No.8776389

lets poison gass ourselves m8 ;_;

>> No.8776463 [DELETED] 

Is there any way to fix slightly bended knees?

>> No.8776465

Is there any way to fix slightly bent knees?

>> No.8777216

he shined brighter than any star and burned out too fast

truly a god

>> No.8777228

so stop whining, get your teeth fixed, get a gym membership, realise dick size really isn't that important if you're a charming motherfucker and watch as the world marvels at your metamorphosis

>> No.8777239

body dysmorphia hits me right in the feelios

>> No.8777347

The only thing keeping me from an hero is my dick.
7,5 x 5,5 inches

>> No.8777395

I think I might have scoliosis.

>> No.8777485

my back curves inward

is this normal?

>> No.8777493

A small curve is normal because the spine has a natural S shape when resting. If it's very pronounced you might need to work on your posture.

>> No.8777723

you can fix most of the things you listed, and the other ones you can fix by not giving a shit about them
now get off of 4chan and do it.

>> No.8778194
File: 72 KB, 600x441, 1397686930054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're ugly and asymmetrical and all that what you do is start to dress hipster/normcore/artgalleryfag. You change ugliness into interesting. You find girls that look interesting (aka sort of ugly) too and hang out with them.

you could also go extremely high fashion/avantgarde so ppl will just be intimidated, except this will cost 10s of thousands

OP will you try?

>> No.8778332
File: 234 KB, 675x900, 8745hct489g w8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a flat face
>not a ching chong zipperhead

>> No.8779077
File: 72 KB, 379x379, 1410122144669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoo shoo gains goblins

>> No.8780111

> tall with square shoulders and stand up straight
> can see abs
> stomach still sticks out even though it's hard
> ass sticks out even though it's small

Fucking pelvic tilt. Ruins all my fits.

>> No.8780624

>tfw legs that would have chun li mirrin

If all the meat and fat just dropped off of my legs right this second to the point where slim fits no longer look like skinnys I swear to God I'd be 50 pounds less. 5'6" 170 lb reporting.

>> No.8780975

I've always found his hair disgusting.

>> No.8780988

>tfw dick curves up so much it's perpendicular to my stomach

>> No.8781047

p-post pics pls

>> No.8781064

>not having a curve
>dick is not effay
I bet you're cut

>> No.8781072

dont worry brother, we're in this together

>> No.8781194
File: 49 KB, 675x720, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you aren't 5'6. There's no amount of surgery that could fix that, im just fucked for life. And also thick build, and somewhat chubby with a terrible work ethic.

also overbite, shit diet, etc.

kill me as well

>> No.8781198
File: 63 KB, 640x640, 1409908986533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw in my 20's
>mfw I look in the mirror and my skin is actually clearing up

Wtf just happened? I haven't washed my face in a month and I haven't gotten crazy pimples like I used to in the past..

>> No.8781201

Fucking lucky piece of shit
I fucking hate youth, why can't I just age?

>> No.8781204

Idk dude honestly I really thought I was going to have horrible adult acme for the rest of my life, but I'm not lying to you when I say my skin litterly looks better than before and I haven't even washed my face for a month..

If shit doesn't work for you and you're really bothered by it just talk to a doctor, even though my skin looks good I'm gonna end up talking to a doctor about it because you can always do better you know?

>> No.8781209


Acne, some thing don't change.

>> No.8781215
File: 36 KB, 126x188, 1354812787686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this but it's blonde and bf thinks it's cute af

>> No.8781746

this. Also, start sleeping without a pillow.

>top tip from /fit/

>> No.8781759

if you're walking round like booty poppin you have lordosis. Google-fu posture fixing routines.

>> No.8781773
File: 142 KB, 503x581, 1396482223623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am these combined...

>> No.8781776
File: 1.27 MB, 454x255, 1405638932619.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all these things but my confidence is high from loosing weight

idrc, i dress nicely and have nice hair so cool cool

>> No.8781809

i bet you're fun at parties

>> No.8781815

More fun than garbage regurgitating morons who can't think for themselves! :^)

>> No.8781819

you're a dickhead

>> No.8781841

tfw no friends

>> No.8781916

w2c feelguys fit

>> No.8781942

everyone human being on the planet has an overbite, you retard

>> No.8781952

Mine is really pronounced, but at least it saves me from having a long spic face.

>> No.8782817
File: 7 KB, 251x241, profound sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I love milsurp jackets but I'm a manlet and every size of every military jacket is too big

>> No.8783247

how much of a manlet

captcha: size

>> No.8783503

russia, 1902

>> No.8783510

except, you know, those born with an underbite.

>> No.8783524

Some people get rejected even if they're lanky and grotesquely endowed.

>> No.8783567

is this a young stalin?