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/fa/ - Fashion

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8771865 No.8771865 [Reply] [Original]

Is jogging a good way to lose weight or will it make my legs too big? I want to be skinny like you guy.

>> No.8771926

jogging is an inefficient way to lose weight. Just cut calories, or do HIIT.

>> No.8771933

go on a calorie deficient diet of ~200 less than your basal metabolic rate. Start running, cardio, lift a lil bit

>> No.8771942


>> No.8771951
File: 24 KB, 300x400, david_beckham shaved head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mental health therapist suggested jogging as it's show to benefit mood. Is she full of shit?

>> No.8771973

>make your legs big

Are you fucking retarded?


The calories spent during jogging could have been consumed by just not eating. It's a waste of time for burning calories.


No she isn't. Cardio does improve your mood. So does lifting and yoga.

>> No.8771986


>> No.8772044

One of our evolutionary advantages is to adapt to endurance activity and burn as little calories as possible while engaged in steady state cardio. We're one of the few mammals which can literally run our prey to death, thanks to the ability to sweat which allows us to regulate body temperature.

>> No.8772100

Exercise release dopamine into your system.

dats dat good sheet

>> No.8772113

Do couch to 5k

>> No.8772180

Thanks. This is perfect

>> No.8772189

Then again so does eating starches.
Choose wisely, anon.

>> No.8772207

so does when u make a sex

>> No.8772225

>huge bong rip after long cardio workout

>> No.8772261

If you're not willing to jog to loose weight, you're no better than a double standard fat fuck feminist from Tumblr.

>> No.8772263

yeah but if you don't eat you just turn into a malnutritioned cunt. you may not intake calories, but you won't intake anything else integral to not dying.

jogging will give a psychological sense of achievement as well, plus a hobby to follow. plus it trains your cardiovascular which means you won't die at like 60 from heart problems due to eating processed foods and smoking cigs all your life.

it's really not that hard to run just an hour or two a week...

>> No.8772337

Pretty sure HIIT (high intensity interval training) is one of the most efficient ways to burn fat

running is fairly inefficient, some people enjoy doing it but many "do it wrong" and end up injuring themselves due to using bad shoes, poor running form, etc

HIIT you can do at home, look up tabata training. Doesn't take a lot of time either.

>> No.8772354

they actually recommend jogging to former fatties who still have huge legs to get rid of their mega thighs

>> No.8772915
File: 137 KB, 500x730, 1380146322821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jogging an inefficient way to lose weight
HIITfags race me, race me right now!

>> No.8772920

What exercises should I do to become hungry skeleton mode?
Right now I'm 5'9 140 lb., but I look skinny fat (despite my ribs poking out more than anything else).

Wut do? Don't want any muscle.

>> No.8772933

eat mostly protein, dont meet your bmr and do cardio. sauce i'm 6 feet 117 right now.

>> No.8772937

>eat mostly protein
This sounds a bit suspect.

>> No.8772939

>thinking HIITfags give a flying fuck about anything other than losing bodyfat

>> No.8772945

post pic of body

>> No.8772950

And the effects taper off once you reach a certain points (usually skinny-fat).
It's only very useful to fat fucks.

>> No.8772958

Protein and insoluable fibers. Protein works your heart hard, isnt usually that calorie rich and will help you keep a little muscle thats necessary for low bf look. Insoluable fibers for when you get hungry, because you have to stay in the threshold between when you're really hungry and when you're in starvation mode and your metabolism slows and you stop feeling hungry

>> No.8772975

>mfw /fa/ is more useful than /fit/
All those chads care about is muh gains.

>> No.8772992
File: 166 KB, 808x2390, sdfdsfd445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of have a six pack but muh shitty camera and lighting. waist is between 24 and 26 depending on whether I have more muscle or fat. I keep thinking i'll finally gain some weight if I bulk enough but my bmr is 2300 cal and I dont eat high calorie food that much

also i'm usually sedentary but run like twice a week and run long distance like 4 to 6 mile.

>> No.8772997

Please go back to /r9k/

>> No.8773001

You will never accidentally get too big doing any kind of exercising. Gains take time.

>> No.8773003

r u da hunchbuck of neuter dumb?

>> No.8773005

>not listening to /fit/
>not also caring about building muscle

Stay fat

>> No.8773007

no lol, I dont even know what happened in that picture im crossfaded

>> No.8773028

Read the /fit/ sticky. Your BMR is most likely not that high and you are likely overestimating how much you eat. Track your calories with myfitnesspal. If you want to gain weight, eat 3000 calories a day. That's like 500 calories over TDEE. Supplement your diet with whey protein

>> No.8773029

Less water, more milk, eat more nuts.

>> No.8773034

Did the weight of your phone drag down your shoulder?

>> No.8773042

Whole milk with fat you mean? I get adequate protein all vitamins / minerals every single day. Just not enough fat and I guess carbs maybe?

>> No.8773058

I just made an awkward position cuz my mirror is tiny and I was trying to get my whole body.

>> No.8773081

Water cigarettes protein lifting cal deficit

Golden formula

>> No.8773129

serious scoliosis, see a doctor

>> No.8773177

doctors say I have no scoliosis

>> No.8773210

>being so self-conscious of your freakish physique that you delete your picture

Somebody has to have saved it.
Please post.

>> No.8773221
File: 154 KB, 808x2390, 1410206454692[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8773228

Do people save every pic in every thread? Wtf

>> No.8773229

lol you really think im proud of being severely skinny?

>> No.8773234

no lol
/fa/ archives

>> No.8773273

Let's show this fuccboi what's what.

>> No.8773456


Milk makes it easier to reach your calorie goals.

>> No.8774136

>making legs big
being this uneducated is actually funny.