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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.04 MB, 1217x1333, Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 11.14.15 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8765663 No.8765663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.8765667

W2c those shoes?

>> No.8765672

Nike Carnivores. Ebay and such.

>> No.8765673

that fit was okay tho

Air Carnivores

>> No.8765677
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>> No.8765676

ur cut u get negs or like 3 pos and ver gets 50+ u jelli little bald cunt?
stay pov m8

>> No.8765678

:/ dont b like this

>> No.8765684


fuck off trunks u bald ass, u gon get diabetes too shoveling all that sugar and milk down ur gullet

>north americans
>knowing whats good for ur body

>> No.8765689



>> No.8765703

like that fit quite a lot tbh. Still, the goal of sufu users is shitty trendhopping fits and most of them are bitch ass pinoys

>> No.8765718

whoa. simmer down cunt
we got a little tough cunt here boys
let's take him out back the tuck shop and turn this little cunt inside out aye?

aussie "culture" is so fucked. smh at how pleb u all are tbh

>> No.8765739
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i wonder if b sales ever goes on sufu

>> No.8765744

next IG alphet, head 2 toe ACR, u'll kno

>> No.8765758

Sometimes I see shit on sufu and think 'that would be negged' then it has +60 or some shit

>> No.8765764

let me educate u mate
>has a pussy?
+20 minimum
>is azn or better yet bleck?
+30 on top
>wearing some jap crap shit off yahoo.jp?
game over collect ur star m9

>> No.8765769
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>> No.8765774
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>> No.8765793


good stuff

>> No.8765800

Must suck to get blown the fuck out this badly huh?

>> No.8765805 [DELETED] 
File: 509 KB, 810x1080, IMG_75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup birthday,
mind if i can get a quick rate?

>> No.8765833

Mmm? Going with strong 9/10 cropped jacket sleeves are an interesting look with the normcore shoes and jeans. The juxtaposition of the two makes for a very interesting combo, which is flawlessly put together. That coupled with a powerful Stance truly makes for a wonderful and modern look. The only thing bringing the fit down is the awful background of the picture no one wants to see your laundry.

>> No.8765835

at least u aint fat

>> No.8765837

thanks dude

>> No.8765840

Any time buddy I try to help you guys out as much as I can you always seem to have no idea what you're doing so I feel obligated to help :)))

>> No.8765843

real stance? or lamy has his trip now
real stance is a autist who can barely talk he is so timid. i met him at the bris meet, very different to his internet personality aye

>> No.8765848


breath of fresh air tbh, daring new take on luxe normcore

>> No.8765849
File: 330 KB, 2048x1365, c82054a2-0862-416e-a803-f7500c409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no need to shame the poor boy, his father often hits him and has him dress up in outfits to fulfill his strange gay fetishes(see picture) . I think instead of shunning the miserable Australians we should take them in and love them like the lowly third wordlers they are.

>> No.8765856

Same here, had a look around a few times, and I could never figure out what they liked and not liked.
Almost like they rate on who it is rather than what they wear some times.

>> No.8765859

his mum is a masseuse lel
he told us at the bris meet
explains that weird buddhist shit in his mum's house
they are into that hippy crap
no wonder he's such a nigel

>> No.8765861

/fa/ male names:

/fa/ female names:

>> No.8765877
File: 828 KB, 3110x2073, 7aac0ac6-912b-46d1-aeab-38d729afc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no your done with Internet time today. Time to go back to your room and play with your toys, the Internet is only for people who know what they're doing therefore no random shit posting. If you want you can come back tomorrow and try again :)

>> No.8765879

what happened to nightly aus threads? i thought it was winter over there so there would be decent fits. but no, almost nothing

used to be asokone, lamy, stance, pigfuck, tesselate, bio, etc...
now most seem gone.
i think it all started when asokone got doxxed then BTFO and he posted his trip
aus/fam seems dead since then

>> No.8765889 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 810x1080, IMG_75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so sorry to have to bother u again birthdude,
but do u reckon i could get a quick rate?

>> No.8765890


>> No.8765893

Hope I could help

>> No.8765896

pretty sure the only one left is pigfuck and he just pretends to be other austrips because he's mentally ill
tesselate posts sometimes still in waywt (i think)
i guess the americans won

>> No.8765901

/fa/ got worse
rip aus plug dj

>> No.8765937

Call him supot next time

>> No.8765954

why do people even own jackets in australia?

>> No.8765965


>> No.8765991

is stance's neck shopped? wtf...
he's got the neck of a mma fighter and the head of a malnourished Ethiopian baby. the fatty next to him has a head about double the size
that has to be shopped right?

>> No.8766008

I think it's just the angle

>> No.8766014

when i first saw this pic and read about bris-meet, i thought it was nice that like-minded individuals were getting together and having fun.
now the more I look at this pic, I realise how fucking gay it is. no wonder the last one had only 2 people show up.

>> No.8766020
File: 221 KB, 526x541, Screen Shot 2014-09-07 at 11.34.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shit fit tho

>> No.8766027

who is it?

>> No.8766028

Some nobody.

>> No.8766040

horrible shirt commit sudoku

>> No.8766042

Why does sufu generally like Birthdays fits?

>> No.8766043

birthday's getting some good +
noticed that guy "inksurgent" has +6 there but he got BTFO in waywt here yesterday or the day before

>> No.8766055
File: 566 KB, 1936x2592, VZnxUeM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birthday has safe stuff, I'm not really keen on the way his Qasa's look though, kinda goofy. I always noticed he has some of his fit pics taken from the ground up, to make him appear taller.

tbh I don't care about inksurgent, he does his thing and solid too, but it doesn't matter to me.

Sometimes Deadkitty's stuff is wack, but I think this is my fav fit of his. I mean, production value is poor but it all work nicely

>> No.8766064

w2c sweater

>> No.8766069

The Donck, couple seasons old

>> No.8766078

i think birthday is improving a lot and in a few years hes gonna have a decent wardrobe and a coherent style

>> No.8766088

If you say so, Birthday.

>> No.8766104

Damn why ya gotta be so salty? Why don't you post more fits? You cop stuff all the time and the fits I have seen you post are really nice.

>> No.8766107

birthday knows how cool he is and doesn't have to resort to trunks/lamy-esque drop-trip tactics to validate himself

>> No.8766123

>tight jeans
>dress shoes
>common projects hype

I hope this fucker gets negged to kingdom come

>> No.8766129

>drop-trip tactics
sounds really covert

tbh tho birthday is really based

>> No.8766131


Birthday samefagging so fugging hard. It would have been less obvious if you didn't immediately turn up and defend yourself.

>> No.8766148

The only replies I have in this thread are ones with my trip on. People love to make it look like I'm samefagging but I don't care really. I don't think I'm cool or have perfect style I have a long ways to go, I do agree I have improved since I first started posting.

>> No.8766153

>bla bla bla I'm so humble it's just "other people" praising me

>> No.8766158

Are there any /fa/ trips or former trips who have posted good interesting fits before? No skinny jeans + parka bullshit though.

Pls post pics

>> No.8766159

Fooling nobody.

>> No.8766167

I don't think it's people praising me it's people pretending to praise me so then this happens. I've reached the point where I could care less what people here think about me. It's pointless I'm never going to meet 95% of you.

>> No.8766173

im not being sarcastic. i think you've come a long way since you started posting and are getting some cool pieces along the way

>> No.8766178


For fucks sake. Birthday, you need to stop this shit. It's getting embarrassing.

>> No.8766186

dude come on. you're going to make him think everyone hates him here. i think its only 50% are trolling him because he reacts. the other 50% like his stuff
dont drive bday away

>> No.8766191

>implying you're not birthday

>> No.8767222

Sufu always has better fits than /fa/ but it's got a pretty crazy amount of circlejerks. Especially over brands and designers if you put the designers your wearing down you will get atleast 10 more rep but only if they are Sufu approved.

>> No.8767255

p much how everyone should treat 4chan. plus I got bigger things to worry about than some nerd virgin mouthbreather stifling in his moms basement.

>> No.8767278

i love how salty people get when you neg their stuff. once negged a guy in waywt and went through and negged every single one of my posts

>> No.8767292

this is sick tbh, prefer stuff like this to the shit on here

>> No.8767356

There's only a few people like that. It's why I rarely neg people unless I absolutely detest their fit or its already negged to hell. People just take it so personally, it's like fuck you already have 5000 rep I don't think 1 rep is going to kill you.

>> No.8767895
File: 19 KB, 815x266, sufu being retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

future classic

>> No.8767903

Fucking Hell.

>> No.8767938

Hated is your username hated on sufu?

>> No.8769045

yea but kuya is about 9000 times cooler than you, so..... eat it?

>> No.8769082

fucking hell, that nigger thinks he can talk like that because he does some anime cosplays and gets green repped on a forum lmmmmmmmmmmmmoooooooo

>> No.8769086

Why when u register on that shitboard called sufu, u get instantly banned?

>> No.8769109

bday does this all the time are you kidding me

hes done it at least 3 times in this thread

>> No.8769178


fuck off grub lips

>> No.8769194
File: 45 KB, 392x640, yr4f9Yql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does smiles have a tumblr hes easily the most powerful person on ct

>> No.8769224

who is this guy?

I know I've seen before, he always leaves the last couple buttons unbuttoned on his button down shirts and he always cuffs his pants like that.

I like the aesthetics.

>> No.8769228

jesus this is bad
you guys wank on about birthday, but shit like this is 10000 times worse
and birthday's young and doesn't work, he has an excuse. whats this 26 year old autist's excuse for looking like a faggot clown?

>> No.8769317

Another perfect case of ugly out of shape fatty body and face ruining an otherwise interesting fit. Just imagine a good looking model with this stuff it would look so much better.

>> No.8769703

you are delusional

>> No.8769724

what the fuck is birthday

>> No.8769744

>trunks post on fa and sufu
>gets shit on constantly
>sometime later
>feels like trunks post exclusively on sufu
>+ rep

what happen?

>> No.8769746


>> No.8771056

i like

>> No.8771074

this dude is cool af, except for those shoes

>> No.8771139
File: 21 KB, 320x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Stance and Lamy snuck onto the computer again. You guys should know better it's past your bedtime, you don't want your father to beat you again do you?

>> No.8771386

Trunks can actually say some really funny stuff sometimes, other times he's just a twat.

>> No.8771410

god damn that guy is a scrawny skeleton

>> No.8771608

How do people like Theo & gaspard get 200+ rep yet I get negged by everyone? whats the secret to it?

>> No.8771633

Link to fit? You probably dress like shit, they has consistent fits which will get repped even if one isn't the best, usually they are very good though. They only gaspar fit I've seen is the parka DIY sweater fit, which is fucking incredible like that sweater is beautiful and deserves every rep.

>> No.8771669
File: 529 KB, 1280x828, 1397754039754[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean this?

>> No.8771698

Yeah that shit is fucking dope, I think the pic on sufu gives it more justice though.

>> No.8771699
File: 8 KB, 455x186, michael chiklis btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post a fit oh hallowed buddha

>> No.8771719


>> No.8771752

Looks like something an autistic kid could make. Paint a few stripes on a sweater, then sew a mesh pouch on it

Lighter in pocket is try hard af

>> No.8771769

Would love to see you do that. It make look easy but there are definitely some advanced things happening that someone with no experience could do.

>> No.8771772

mad as fuck lol

>> No.8771782

im not the guy who was praising it but he cut&sewed it, wasnt painted if you actually look and think before posting
>this has been a friendly reminder

>> No.8771799

I'm sure you can see how someone might overlook that with such a shitty quality photo. That said, I'm sure I could manager to sew some shit on a black sweater :)

I'm not sure I'd want to look like a retard though, Gaspard

>> No.8771813 [DELETED] 

Not gaspar and if you can see it's cut and sewn not just patches sewn on. I don't think the photo quality is the problem I think it's your shit (✿◠‿◠)ノ

>> No.8771815

eh i like it but i'd never wear smth i made outdoors, its cool but just makes you look kinda unapproachable or 'passionate' about clothes read autism

>> No.8771818

Not gaspar and if you can see it's cut and sewn not just patches sewn on. I don't think the photo quality is the problem, I think it's your shit eyes (✿◠‿◠)ノ

>> No.8771837

Or maybe the fact that I'm on mobile and didn't stare at it for more than a second because I could tell it was ugly as sin. Way to ignore everything I said and make some sunglass response with no rebuttal. Guess you realize its disgusting now too

>> No.8771851

The lighter in pocket was just whatever was lying around, In retrospect it is pretty cringey

There's a mesh backing on the transparent strips and the strip on the sleeve is satin. Of course what I did was just simple cut & sew jobs, I don't own any fancy sewing machines.

You can get angry if you want, but keep in mind, I made it for fun and as something I wanna wear, I'm not some bigcartel kid who thinks his garments are gonna be picked up and sold on Opening Ceremony.

>> No.8771899

You an stop projecting whenever, I don't know why people here are unable to admit when they're wrong?

>> No.8771934

I said I missed it like 2 posts ago dude. Im on mobile and looked for maybe half a second before closing the tab. You're still dick riding the rere sweater for no apparent reason though

>> No.8771972

I actually like the pants and shoos.
The way he wears the shirt is not my thing though

>> No.8771983

Not dick riding just saying I like it you're the one who is just hating on it while being incredibly uninformed.